A video, not of predictions for 2022-instead to present likely trends or the way things appear to be headed. It begins with the very notion of have we really moved to 2021 and 2022 or have we in fact just stalled time and energy and movement in the year 2020?
Carl Vernon video of the bubble women
1985 movie, Overdrawn at the memory bank
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New link to exposing the expositions revised
Nice to that you duplicated out to FreeVoice… I killed my Google/YT account years ago and don’t interact with channels on that platform.
At about 8:45… I’d say you were close on the call that Police and Military involvement will emerge in this coming year – to what extent, it remains to be seen. In the last two years, it’s been a lot of ‘bluffing’ from the Police State… at least in the U.S. I suspect they’ve started to run out of ‘depth’ on the psyops and media manipulation… the bluffing will eventually come to the end.. and ‘normalization’ begins. The engineers of this system expected it. Lethal force behind this agenda is what I also see coming.
The weird part is that I just finished building my LR308 Semi-Auto rifle – I guess for the occasion. As soon as I finished it, setup my sights and accessories, and got the ammo, I actually felt a weight come off my shoulders. The thought that came to mind was, “I now know what I am going to do, when it comes down to it.”
The funny thing is that I’ve also built a Glock and purchased two tactical crossbows since the summer of 2020… but they were just not capable for producing enough damage to make sure that I would be met with lethal force when it comes to things like taking my house, preventing my ability to navigating on foot, preventing my growing of food, or imprisonment. The rifle is also more applicable to hunting… and possibly even penetrating the casing on those Boston Dynamics Robots they try to threaten us with. The weird part is that I’ve never owned firearms or weapons before. It was a sudden shift for me to learn how to get the parts and build them, and then actually train with them. It was like a switch that flipped.
I think I discovered a certain commitment to not being taken alive back in 2020 (that was the switch) … that’s probably why the weight came off my shoulders at the end of 2021 when I finished my build. The probability is pretty high now that I won’t find myself in a ‘prison’. I’ve had two years to think about it – while I was building. I couldn’t change my mind.
Like you said, it’s better if you don’t have to think about it. Since the plan is in place… I’ve kind of eliminated the ‘reaction’ aspect.
A little extra intuition with regards to the future that this system has planned… since the the subject on this video is ‘the future’…
Depopulation, Programmable Currency, Social Credit, Existence/Carbon Debt, and Total Dominance Surveillance are just milestones along the way. My intuition tells me the goal is something along the lines, or that resembles, Neurological Tyranny.
To put it in perspective… gun ownership is nice… unless you cannot pull the trigger; because somebody else has a ‘leash’ on your nervous system.
I suspect that level of control is very much related to those injections… or I would not have felt that weight come off my shoulders as stated above. I have not taken any of the injections… and will not.
So how you got your youtube channel into freevoice? That’s cool. Tech skills impressive.
Please reach out to me when you can support@freevoice.io.
I enjoy this listen.
I think the famous people seem to label themselves as scientologs when “waking up”. And then they are riddiculed, when the ideas of the scientologs are very similar to what we discuss in these forums that we dwell.
“According to Scientology beliefs, Scientology itself is a blend of science and spirituality, with belief in an immortal spirit and in improving that spirit here on Earth using Scientology’s methods. Scientologists do not typically dwell on Heaven or Hell or the afterlife, instead focusing on the spirit.”
20 20 too
Yeah, as “Carlin” would say “The Hippy-Dippy” movement was co-opted and subverted. I asked a person from the “Vietnam era” blatantly; “…what happened to you guys…?” and his response was plain and simple, he replied: “They took our hope away.” I, in turn, asked “How?” And wasn’t really surprised when the “blanket” RE to JFK and the whole subversive tactics and narrative, that they used (hindsight 20/20 kinda thing) rolled off of his tongue. The patented answer, that “we” all have gone over, with a fine-tooth comb. It would almost seem that this is now part of the “programming” as well…?
Yet that response that he gave, told me what “we” already know: That is, even THEN, with the whole “counterculture” on the surface; “Make love, not war”, “Trust no one over 25”, etc. propaganda (that ran DEEP), there was a HUGE 180 that took place and all of a sudden it was now “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em” mentality took hold. Now “TRUST” the authoritarianism mindset (white lab-coats, Walter Cronkite(sp?) etc.) was the “norm”. Instead of picking-up the pieces and moving forward, pushing through… it’s almost as if everyone, on cue, simply “caved”, like a feebly built, house of cards. It’s like, (almost) EVERYONE was a robot and their power cords were ALL yanked, at the exact, same time… of course, there were no proverbial “batteries” to run on “reserve” either (a FEW did but they were literally “A few and extremely far between”).
Like there was all of a sudden, a “PERSON” (“people”/biological/THOUGHT) type of EMP device that was released, over the entire “generation”, maybe even two generations. It’s as if there IS a “real”, Agent K’s “Flashy-Thing” out there that WAS used on “people” between the ages of “0 – 40”, in the early-mid ’70’s. Which was QUICKLY replaced by “Conspicuous Consumption” and a “Race-To-The-Top” (corporate, mid-lower/upper management) took a hold, right on the heels of the proverbial EMP (“Flashy-Thing”) that somehow “wiped” everyone’s hard drive. Anyway, THAT time-frame and events, appears to be a huge anchor-point toward the path that we are currently on.
And “we” can STILL see that this “Trust in Your “Government(s)” program IS still running… really DEEP, too!!! Deeper than the “programming”, which they used to motivate, even, the WWII era “Patriotism Programming”, albeit in a “different” kind of light. It’s like the “programming’s” been ramped to “11” but something is different about the one running now…
It’s not the “physical, “red”, bogey-man” that is hiding in the closet and under the bed. It’s an “invisible” foe and like y’all said, and agree completely with, the “mental degradation” will continue. Unfortunately(???) at an exponential rate. And absolutely!! It won’t only be “that person”, in the store or on the corner of the street, it’s going to be “immediate family” that will start to break mentally… pray not, that it’s one’s self. Eh!?! Heh! But then again, maybe it’s like “plugging back INTO The Matrix” and one would be totally “oblivious” again… yet even knowing THAT, I’d still take a my chances on a “break” and have to take a pass on plugging back in.
Another and final personal observation in RE to these various topics and “predictions”. Where, in the ~’60’s-’70’s subtle “reset”, “They” had generations divided. It was “older ~vs~ younger” back then. The WWII generation “against” the younger “Vietnam” generations. (Strange! No? How we use “war” as a definitive point, in making references to “time”… Just sayin’…) Anyway, back then, “THEY” pitted the “age factor” against each other. Yet Now?? I see division ALL the way across the board. Some? Even overlapping each other. It’s now, “age”, “culture”, “color”, “city/state”, etc. and not just ONE ~vs~ another, it is ALL ~vs~ ALL, with grey areas between. The largest “Divide and Conquer” (D&C) stratagem since recorded “history” (whatever THAT (“history”) truly means… truly!!!) This has been one of “Their” finer, most effective “D&C” approaches, to date.
Just my opinions and two-cents, nothing more, nothing less. Cheers!!
Dear EB…this is an extremely tough thought to articulate in an easy to understand way and you did a fine job of it…I just happened across a vid today that I feel I should share with you…I know it helped me have some clarity of thought along the lines you also are curious about…all the best to you friend..
Hah! Funny Synchronicity!! I had JUST Subbed to “An Inconvenient Reality[‘s]” (AIR) channel not that long ago. I’ve watched a few of her streams but not many. IDK why I Subbed, I must have seen her on another channel… or maybe came across her by simply happenstance. Either or any way, it really matters not. BUT, it does help IMMENSELY, when one can go to a “vetted” stream without going through a Creator’s 1,000 videos… and HOPING that the “Title” matches the content. Heh! I will watch this post-haste.
Funny, too… IDK if it’s a “Freevoice” thing, or what. But I posted on Mat’s Stream, that he did today (01-16-22) and all of a sudden, my email “Inbox” was inundated with “Freevoice.io” RE’s. Posting back (thus far) as far as this one…?!? That’s two weeks. So, IF you get this, WHEN I post it, then you at least received it, in a fashionable time-frame.
I wonder however, if others are experiencing the same “delayed affect” in receiving RE notifications as “I” have? If you wouldn’t mind testing it out… simply RE again and I (we) can see if it’s just a “me” thing or if it’s rooted in Freevoice’s programming. Anyway, I am digressing and asking quite a bit. IF you do decide to RE then you can even just post “Blah-blah-blah!!” Hahahaha! Even if you truly meant it, I’m over what other “think” of what I have to say. : ) In a “negative” fashion, that is.
So, THANK YOU!!! For the link to the AIR Stream and like I said, shall watch as SOON as I am able. And Thank you as well, for you kind words. If you’ve NOT noticed, I tend to “ramble” and fly of on Tangents, quite often. Most like their monosyllabic, simple, quick and easy to read quips. As their attention span IS that (I think…) of a goldfish. Now, that’s “Scientism” talking but I’ve witnessed this in mine own “passing(s)” and experiences. So once again, Thank You for taking the time to read and comprehend what I was trying to say… of course, that’s just the “tip” of the proverbial “iceberg”.
We can get into PTSD starting from WW-I (on a GLOBAL scale, that is… PTSD (and “they”, the soldiers AND even, the people at home) that was not even a “Acronym” (descriptive) back then… THEN right on the heels of that, comes WW-II then Korea, then Vietnam, then The Gulf war (when FINALLY “Post Traumatic Stress Disorder came into “light”) all the way up, until today…
Just THINK about how “controllable” those poor folk were, back at the turn of the LAST Century!!! When this “disorder” was finally classified other than just simply “Shell-Shocked” or the “1,000-yard Stare”. And that was that!
These unfortunate (put lightly) souls had to endear WITHOUT any guidance or aide. THEN they had “families” (the “Anchor Point”… “WAR” again…!?! There’s gotta be something TO this “War” as an “Anchor Point” thing…) anyway, these PEOPLE, INNOCENT PEOPLE had to create FAMILIES… and THIS is where “we” will see, and I think that you will agree with me on this, that the “fracturing” of the family unit starts to dissolve.
PTSD Fathers (and mothers as well…) were creating DYSFUNCTIONAL families start to “evolve”. And like I stated in my initial post, from there, it’s going to start to get “exponential” in it’s effect.
“We” NOW see the WW-I PTSD families, then we have the WW-II PTSD… RIGHT on TOP of the WW-I PTSD families. Yet now “America” is embroiled into this elaborate “scheme” and or outright “PLAN” to destroy the family unit, on a “Global” scale. (BTW, I only use “Global” as an “easy” descriptive for this wonderful Realm, in which we are blessed to experience… at least that’s “my take” on part of our “Reality”).
So yeah, I’m sure that you can take and follow, what I’ve said and just multiply and multiply and multiply itself, with itself… exponentially, as stated.
There are many facets to this “Plan” (and YES!!! I DO believe that there IS a “plan”, in RE to the ones that: “…that they better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it…”, now a proverbial phrase, but I think this rings LOUD and true. WHAT or WHO this said “power” is? Is anyone’s guess. The FEW that do know (and just think: A HANDFUL of “people” actually DO know…!!!) But again, I digress… Is this a “Fluid Reality”? In SOME aspects, I’d say a definite “Yes!”, yet in others, I’d say that “They” either have a REALLY good grasp and a slight “control” over the “fluidity” of it OR this IS a “testing grounds”, so to speak, for our eternal Souls. And HOW we “navigate” (“Natural Law” kinda speak here) this fabulous opportunity that we’ve been given, to enjoy the BOUNTY of this Realm. Yet MOST (myself included) are “chained” to it… voluntarily, yet in a BIG way, NOT by “choice”. If that makes any sense?!?
Okay, I’ve written (again!) a “War and Piece”, lengthed RE here… Kinda got carried away. Apologies for that, too.
Hahahahah! I THINK I said that I’d get to that video post-haste, and could have PROBABLY watched the entire thing, instead of rambling like I did here. I HOPE that there are some “takeaways”, here, for you. If not, I at least hope that you can resonate with some of what I’ve said. And I’m gonna bet that AIR has already said, what I’ve said. Derp! : )
Anyway, again, Thank You, for your words. I appreciate them, and once again, Thank You for the link that I am heading to now…
Cheers and Wholeness, kind Lady!! : ) -EB
EDIT: *AIR = Probably Alexandria.
As stated JUST found her. A LOT of Truth in that Stream though. Thanks again for the “nudge” toward that particular Stream. I can’t argue much AGAINST her Stream (AIR… Heh1 There! Finally got it right). : ) Except for ONE thing… When referencing “The Bible” (now, let’s see if I can keep this shot, gonna be hard. lol).
When referencing “The Bible”… We MUST take into consideration, WHO was in 1) control of writing it, 2) WHO wrote it and 3) WHO was “in charge” of letting “what” in, and keeping “what” OUT!!!
Consider the “Sects” that were (STILL are) controlling that “information”. When one “digs” deep enough, one will find “the opposition” standing over, pretty much EVERYTHING that “we” know, today. Hint: Sanhedrin and “Who killed Whom?”: Pharisees plus other “Sects, as well… These “Controllers” (I lust like to lump them into ONE category, and that’s “The Conquerors”.
Everyone calls them “Elites”, but I personally think that is a “magick/trick” descriptive, that gives “Them” WAY, too much “power”. Face value? They conquer! Period. THAT is Their m.o. Which brings us full circle to the first post.
Whew! Did it! In not so much “blah-blah-blah” fashion. ; ) Gotta start making my own content. I could Riff of of pretty much what EVERYONE is saying. All of the “info” today, is simply the SAME stuff that “we” were learning ~15-20 years ago. It’s turning cyclical… but I digress… “OUR” (Truth) “issue”, is that “We” are NOT “united”, to ANY degree. It’s ALMOST comedy, if the subject matter weren’t SO danged serious!!! Everyone’s something to say, yet it is held together by that freaking “dough paste” that the teacher made, in Kindergarten. Hahahaha! You know!?! The stuff that ALL of the “little dudes” ate (and, Heh!, STILL probably do… IF they still make it, that is…?!?). Anyway… Just sayin’… 7 Hoe (again) that this makes sense. ANY input, suggestions, corrections would and will be appreciated!
Cheers!! : ) -EB
Dear EB,..interesting thoughts my friend…I feel I should share this fascinating discourse with you as I happened across it right before I came to free voice to catch up…I hope it helps clarify or at least helps put these thoughts (as I have also) into an easier way of thinking around them…all the best to you
So, while watching this video, I heard then saw it ‘scrub’ backwards twice- it was at the beginning of the hockey analogy & I watched the time go from 38 minutes back to 37 minutes as well as heard the audio go backwards ( it was the sound that got me to look at the video as I was about to make a call on my work phone) I tried to text about it on Matt’s YT video but my keypad on my Apple device kept blanking out – at first I thought the analogy was missing because I went through minute 38 and it was not there but found out it started at minute 40- something very odd is happening and I am not quite sure what it is…ps I witnessed a glitch in the system a couple if years ago when I saw the same man walk out of a shopping mall a minute apart from himself ( my kids were there & saw it too)- it’s like those movies where you’re in the ‘know’ because you’re the observer but the ‘actor’ can’t see whats happening the same way… Matrix for sure
Thank you for your insight.
I saw this somewhere…
2020 won
2020 too
My feeling is that maybe the rest of the world is still in 2020, but I’m not. For me it IS a new year and will be a wonderful one, perhaps the best yet (and I ain’t no spring chicken). I am on the trajectory I choose. I create my own reality. I manifest the world my frequency is compatible with. I see nothing but glory and wonder ahead. I will help create a new world, the Newer World Order. They lose. The human spirit always prevails in the end. And I place all my trust in God because we are His children and He has some plan to get us out of this. We all need something positive to focus on and work toward. No hand-wringing. No time-wasting. They are busy bees, so must we be. My focus is on buying land and creating a community of peace. No masks. No jabs. No bubbles. Nothin but hugs and love! If we all die, at least we die happy, but I have a feeling we ain’t dyin. The meek will inherit the earth.
Seems to me that the meek already have.
I agree!
I just watched Howdie’s YT vid “Programs and programming,” where he takes my point to another level right at 33 min! He talks about using the situation to face the inevitable and move forward. He mentions martial arts and the way the opponent’s own strength is used against him. That’s very much what I’m saying. Howdie talks about having several options. I’m suggesting one option is to simply walk away, using all momentum and little friction. Reminds me of one of my fave quotes:
“The world is wide, and I will not waste my life in friction when it could be turned into momentum.” ― Frances Willard
Just watched the Paris Expositions video. I just see the prototype for Disneyland. LOL. That means something.
I think it’s 2015 and it never stopped, 2016 is the so-called 2012, end, sort of. For three months ’16. I was writing ’15. in a business diary and I was terribly surprised that I literally found out it was’ 16. By the 5th month I was mixing it up and for days I couldn’t figure out what had happened or was happening. I understood it as “the end of time”.
When a new video is released you need to disable “download” feature. Because many people probably do it at the same time. It’s a bit slow for just watching when a new video is just released. Many at the same time. Also maybe have 2 variants of each video, one with low quality and one with high. If too many are streaming at the same time, everyone get the low quality variant (otherwise high quality).
You’re discussing the psychic stuff in the beginning. But… Do you really believe that they are only guessing, and therefore only are “lucky” when something hits correctly?
Listening to this now… better late then never.
Regarding insanity, 7 billion with the military and army on their side. They will lose, because they are losers. Pennywise the clown will trigger apoptosis inside them, and they will mold from within. It’s either the negligent majority that pushes us off the edge or the opposite. The war was already started against us, 1-2 years ago when the loser population decided to be weak an follow authority, rather then looking their grand children in their eyes with pride.
The concept of sunk costs, the fallacy of it has people married to the pandemic narrative. We live in a Kafkaesque nightmare
“Friendship with the World is Enmity with God”.
Is clear, in a sense, the God of the World is NOT Christ – he returns for his bride.
Lots of work has been put in to prove we’re at more 1k years removed from Christ.
I’m on the fence whether reality is truly a script generation machine that is replaying Israel/Holy Roman Empire script, or if they WERE THE SAME THING. Basha and Constans names mean the same thing. The line of Kings of Israel had the same names of people and events 100% parallel (Fomenko and beyond).
We aren’t in the real world? Idk.
I’m not sure if the 1k year reign already happened/s outside of time, or what. But I see the fractals of Rev, for example. False Prophets seems the key to understanding. Why so many? Great point.
Well done brother. Much Love to You and Yours. Have you noticed the subtle changes in the human body? Mandela effects like I always see this vein in peoples for head it used to be a V but now it looks like a W hmm 2020 is hi end sight!