Guys, this video is presented in such a way so you can show it to anyone. There is almost NO conspiracy. Where are all the plane videos that should exist by now, but don’t? There should be hundreds of videos and still images of United #175.

These videos and stills don’t exist. Again, if you want to watch with someone, there is NO talk of “planes or no planes” and other stuff that labels you and I “nuts.”

This video is normie tested and approved! It’s a series of facts I don’t see how anyone can ignore.


Matt McKinley

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3 years ago


Dave Scott
Dave Scott
3 years ago

Very deep and thoughtful analysis, you make a good case.
I’ll say, in my opinion, it’s a good case for no planes.
If you haven’t already watch the movie “John dies at the end.”

3 years ago

Totally agree with your assessment sir. Its does not add up. Where are the dozens/hundreds of pics and videos??? The system works in mysterious ways!?!?

Brad Schaefer
Brad Schaefer
3 years ago

Look into the way the outside of the WTC towers were built. They were made to be able reflect images off its surface causing a 3D projected hologram into open space. This is why the “planes” were able to bank turns incredibly fast at low altitudes. As well as why from certain angles the image(s) are clipped causing them to look distorted. I believe this video is on bitchute. It has interviews from one of the ex-government men who actually created this technology not knowing later it would be used to attack WTC!

MANY other anomalies such as the Israeli artists who painted the floors that exploded when “hit” by “planes”. Turns out they were Mossad agents and were caught dancing during the event celebrating while recording from a safe distance. Or like the building a few hundred yards from WTC that a video camera caught a projectile resembling an RPG being shot from into the WTC had an Israeli owned business in connected to MOSSAD!!!

The list just goes on and on if you know where to look these days. They have tried to scrub them but they cannot.
Mossad along with a CIA faction was directly responsible for September 11, 2001.

the51Project .
3 years ago

I found a missing image. Two ‘ze’s”. Two ‘ze’s’ only.

ze plane.jpg
Last edited 3 years ago by the51Project .
aaron paul
aaron paul
3 years ago

I wonder who ran a crawler on local nyc stations saying “if you have any pictures or video, call the _._._.”.

Sean Beecher
Sean Beecher
3 years ago

Thanks for blocking me matt the truth hurts doesn’t it?

3 years ago
Reply to  Sean Beecher


No one is blocking you…you seem to be unable to leave the F’s out so the software throws you in the trash bin….which than wastes my time to go manually approve. I have had thousands of comments and so few go in the trash bin – but YOU – TWICE on one video. And more on others.

You have other insightful and intelligent comments on this site….I cannot see this being the same person who then goes into an F Bomb tirade because you do not like something? I also do not see a person…who states he is 57 and “awake” typing the idiotic messages I must sadly review for approval.

I will ask you once…please stop the nonsense. You know you are wrong to go into a public forum and to just shout expletives because you disagree. That is the behavior of a child. Matt is not censoring people. He does not think like this and neither do I or Howdie.

It is okay to disagree. It is not okay to just write FUCK and have nothing else of value to say. Please see the error of this thinking and simply stop. Thank you for your understanding.


Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

“That is the behavior of a child.”


Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Thanks Rob for

Lee Lewis
Lee Lewis
3 years ago
Reply to  Sean Beecher

Why did he block you?

Lee Lewis
Lee Lewis
3 years ago
Reply to  Lee Lewis

It’s ok I can see why, I don’t know what you wrote but if you do disagree, did you swear on a public forum, if you did, why buddy, if you disagree, which Matt makes a good case on the cameras, it’s such a deal rabbit hole, this is what they want us to do, fight amounts our selves.

S Fad
S Fad
3 years ago

Good stuff Matt. I’ve been following you for years.

Lee Lewis
Lee Lewis
3 years ago
Reply to  S Fad

I’ve only found Matt late last year in lockdown, the video that really got me thinking was the tram footage, I think that was my 4 th vid I seen, and I enjoyed that, always well documented and really did help me stop going into things too deeply. As he says the system is there to really grab you confuse you and trio you up, now I watch from a safe distance and can now really see it’s all interlinked. It’s all inverted, this is if you like “Satan’s world” and some people are so power hungry, power corrupts absolutely.”

Jay Kvam
Jay Kvam
3 years ago

8:56: 1 video, 1 still; 18 videos, 0 stills; {1,1,18,0); 1,1,1+8=9 → 119 ∴ 11th of September. Yet again, it seems that the gematria must flow through everything.

the51Project .
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Kvam

I watched avid on YT called “First Light, An Introduction to Meru Foundation Research” by a Jewish mathematics professor. He studied the first line in Genesis that includes all the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. He rearranged these into order using geometry, and came up with a doughnut shape (like a torus from magnetism that holds this universe together), and from there he re-extracted the letters, into a shape that looked like (fitted into perfectly) the human hand. From that shape he could make all the letters of the Hebrew Alphabet. If you look for “Modern English is Hebrew in Reverse.” on YT (from Len Horowitz) – from a Gematria point of view, English is mathematically the opposite.

Last edited 3 years ago by the51Project .
Jay Kvam
Jay Kvam
3 years ago
Reply to  the51Project .

Thank you for those references! I found those videos and have added them to my Watch List. I have an elementary foundation in gematria and a budding interest in furthering it, so they are timely.
As a small reciprocation, as you mentioned a magnetic field in the shape of a torus, that prompted a memory of various such fields in different shapes somewhere in one of the videos on YouTube in the playlist “Crater Earth” by godgevlamste. Now, I’m not an adherent or advocate; I’m simply a freethinker who enjoys exploring any and all theories that have currency. As such, that made for an interesting dive into that world (no pun intended).

the51Project .
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Kvam

I went to Peru in 2012 and worked with Shamen and Aya’ plant medicines (members of the tribe Terence McKenna originally met). Also have been lucky to talk to a lot of others who have experienced those journeys. Many similar stories. If you look for “Mosque Ceilings Highlight Of Islamic Architecture” on YT – you’ll see the geometry put above the heads of these people is what (in 3D & moving and much more vivid) is what many people experience through the pineal third eye – looking into that very real realm (at what I’m guessing is a low-level).

Last edited 3 years ago by the51Project .
the51Project .
3 years ago
Reply to  the51Project .

I thought I’d add this image. It’s a Shipibo tribe mat from the Peruvian amazon. These are sold as related to the psychedelic Shamanic experience. Before I’d seen one of these Mats, but while in Peru in 2012 in ceremony – this was the first image I saw – coming straight towards me ‘out of the ether’, in near total darkness, in a Shamanic setting in a traditional Shipibo hut in the rainforest, working with traditional plant medicines and tribal Shamen. What is remarkable is that so many people see this same pattern (a barrier between dimensions?) that they are made into Mats. When working with these substances (that appear to simulate pressing the ‘death pedal’), there are two aspects: your own subconscious mind (whatever that is), and a group collective ‘experience’. These patterns are very specifically geometric and widespread experiences (seen by enough people to be sewn into cloth) – that they cannot be related to a single person’s subconscious thought:

shipibo matt.png
Last edited 3 years ago by the51Project .
Bad Wolf
Bad Wolf
3 years ago
Reply to  the51Project .

Thanks!!! I’m gonna watch that.
This is soooo important! The spells they use, actually the spells they make us use on ourselves, is just sickening.
I heard about things like this in the Kymatica documentary where it mentioned ancient languages like ancient Hebrew, Sanskrit, Aramaic I believe, having the right vibrational energy in contrast to a lot of modern day languages like English, who have the wrong vibrational energy. There it was just touched upon. A swami I met in India said a similar thing, that almost no language in the world is pure anymore and specific language creating more awareness or less awareness.
Very interesting to see it more in-depth! This is a very fascinating subject together with similar subjects like music, mantras, nada yoga, language, vocabulary, but also light waves, emfs, and of course silence 🙂

Thanks again!
Only Love!!! <3

the51Project .
3 years ago
Reply to  Bad Wolf

yeah, I researched etymology and language. Middle-English was nothing like modern English (you can hear it on YT). It was not an organic change – it was a sudden change between middle English & modern English. Modern English suddenly appeared around the times of James Dee the Occultist to Queen Elizabeth I, and Francis Bacon (who may be the real Shakespeare) and may have been involved with the translation of the King James Bible into English. The collected works of Shakespeare, and KJB were printed within 12 years of each other (very close in the 1600’s). “Modern English” would appear to have been embedded in the collective consciousness during that period. If that time even existed as we be-lie-ve it did…

Lee Lewis
Lee Lewis
3 years ago
Reply to  the51Project .

That’s why then in school they had us here in the UK back in I hunk the 15 c, we all had to learn English, but we had to connect each letter together, which until lately I didn’t know why, but English write in a specific way is spell casting, I’m from Wales UK we speak a Celtic language here, and they hate us, because 5he English government tried to stop and stamp out the welsh language, which is a very very ancient language, it’s the only one left that is being increasingly spoken, the Irish and Scottish languages are disappearing, plus this BLM, they’ve got a cheek, Welsh means slave or barbarians that the Romans called us, later Anglo Saxons, the English kept that tradition, I know it’s off point, but like you said things are so much deeper, I am a follower of Christ and that’s no supplies, thank you for he info on the book of Genesis, that’s so interesting, I wish I was better at mathematics, but I agree with you, I’ve heard more about this and a mathematician I hears years ago, could prove there was a God, but then again it all went quiet. Plus if as you know they’ve put the written bible into a o outer and prophecies were coming out of it. WW2 hitler and so on.

the51Project .
3 years ago
Reply to  Lee Lewis

yeah, I’m Scottish. Gaelic was also buried, and Cornish and a half-dozen other local ‘British’ languages. If you look on YT for samples of ‘middle English’ – it’s radically different from Modern English, which it is supposed to have ‘organically’ morphed into – no it did not!

Jcherry Muhanji
Jcherry Muhanji
3 years ago

Matt essentially no problem with your 911 analysis.what I missed nite than anything is how you see what made this happen like this. Is it the screen again ? I miss you!

3 years ago

I think Matt would say that it’s another “reality breakdown”, in other words we can only speculate based on our very limited knowledge of how this realm operates, not to mention our limited knowledge of what technology the “elite” (for lack of a better word) actually possess, or our limited knowledge of how they use numbers, symbols, frequencies, spells, witchcraft, etc. to manipulate events…

TG TheRobot
TG TheRobot
3 years ago

Lets include all the cruise ships that were docked along the west side of Manhattan near the event. All the cruisers on board, boarding, on their way to ship, all the workers. Not one camera amongst them?

Mark Florey
Mark Florey
3 years ago

Matt, I lived in NYC for years. I spent a lot of time in mid-town Manhattan. The amount of tourists that flocked there daily was incredible. Every one of them taking photos of everything, every day. You cannot walk a block without getting in between the person taking the photo and whatever they’re taking the photo of…. A place like Central Park… fogetaboutit. The courtesy of stopping until the photo was taken lasted about 2 days, it happens so often you have to just plow through. Single-handedly, I’ve photo-bombed 100’s, if not 1000’s of tourists photos.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Florey

bingo, what you said, though I’ve never lived in NYC, I’ve made many trips there since 1983, everything you said is spot on.

3 years ago
Reply to  Mark Florey

Not to mention all the national, local and cable news outlets based in Manhattan — not one of them sent out their own independent cameramen and photographers?! They all relied on the footage that was fed to them by …whomever. I was watching on TV that morning from Long Island, east of NYC, and all the stations were showing the EXACT SAME FOOTAGE.

3 years ago

Great logical arguments , Very methodical and very well presented.
Over the years I realized more and more that most people only think emotionally.
There’s no amount of evidence that will make them reconsider, It’s a retro causality thing.
I’m sharing this video only with myself, as you already know Matt, its like its our life’s task to carry this burden of knowing alone.

Last edited 3 years ago by El_Rick
William Lodderhose
3 years ago

I’ve made many trips to NYC (beginning in 1983, that year my friends and I took the trip up to the roof of the WTC) and I agree the number of cameras that both tourists, as well as professionals working in the city (have instant access to) should have been incredible.

In addition since 1980 I’ve worked in advertising, with both radio and TV crews, etc., so yeah, no doubt, this number 18 (which of course can be broken down into three 6s, but we won’t go there, lol) is so low, (like the limbo dance) “how low can you go?” it’s truly laughable at this level, at least I.M.O.

Thanks so much Matt, Rob and Howdie for all the wonderful work you do. I’m happy to see the amount of views are increasing on your platform, because who knows how much longer that Y T one will still allow (anything) of value to be broadcast, cheers.

Last edited 3 years ago by William Lodderhose
Lisa Houserman
Lisa Houserman
3 years ago

Thanks Matt, this was thought provoking.

Liz Hoban
Liz Hoban
3 years ago

Yeah, even though cell phone cameras weren’t really a thing at the time, you’re pretty spot on about the amount of cameras and people taking pics of everything …especially in downtown Manhattan …I worked all over that general area for years and not to mention just about anywhere of very touristy interest in that area is about a 10-15 minute speed walk to ground zero(wall st, seaport, tour boats to Ellis island/statue of liberty, tons of open top tour buses, all that) and there’s basically three types of people in that area, at that time of day especially: tourists MOST of which if not all with cameras, people speed walking to work like a maniac like me trying to veer around said tourists, and then your random wackos moving about erratically n talkin nonsense, but I’d say there’s almost as much tourists as people going to work and there’s always inconsiderate people trying to do their own photo shoot, always right in your way, but it does not make sense…and you could see it from other places like you said I went to high school in rockaway beach qns at the time and we could see the smoke across the water …and it was seen from all over other places too like you said…hmmm…

Johnny Seven
Johnny Seven
3 years ago

Such a shame the TV had us glued.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago

Hey Matt, Thank’s for your Time & Effort, I Appreciate ya!!👍

Last edited 3 years ago by Jeff Hall
3 years ago

America’s Funniest Home Videos got its start in 1989, and was never starved for content. It defies the odds that hundreds, even thousands, of videos were not recorded from many different vantage points, even in the age before ubiquitous cameras on phones.

I would not be surprised that some videos were made, but were quietly bought up when discovered with nice payouts.

handy thumbs
handy thumbs
3 years ago

A still camera taking a picture every 2 seconds and capturing the first “plane”.
Where is the image of the second”plane”?

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
3 years ago

I completely agree with Matt’s premise on this argument. One thing I wanted to ask,

“Is it possible that many more of these videos/stills do actually exist, but for whatever reason they were simply withheld and their existence has never been made public?”

I mentioned this on Tube comments, but I just wanted again to point out how important it is for us to remember the human toll of this day. People went to work on this day, and within a few hours made a decision to jump to their death because this was their best option given their life/death circumstances. This alone is more than my mind can handle at times. Picturing these people in these situations and trying to get a sense of their thoughts and feelings. It is likely impossible without being there with them. They were in a literal hell and I am so sorry they were forced to make such horrific decisions.

This is why the truth is so damn critical! And, this is why there should be encouragement for all differing opinions that are presented with evidence. Why should anyone be angry or scared of hearing opposing opinions when presented logically and supported by evidence. If the desire is to get to the truth, then all opinions should be considered.

Finally, it would be interesting to hear Matt’s opinion on why these images/videos do not exist. Obviously he has a varying opinion as to what was the cause of these buildings destruction and his opinion doesn’t include planes. I’ve heard people discuss direct energy weapons, nuclear explosion, holographic images of planes, the entire buildings were prepped with explosives and on and on.

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
3 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

“Is it possible that many more of these videos/stills do actually exist, but for whatever reason they were simply withheld and their existence has never been made public?”

I should have finished Matt’s entire video before posting my comment including this question.

Jeffrey Feinstein
Jeffrey Feinstein
3 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

Yours is an expression that seems rare! At the time, it seemed like, ‘Well, on with work-and life- but in both a conscious and subconscious way.
Although it was eventually not mentioned in social circles much, I could never cross the Throgs Neck Bridge without bewilderment again.
Find it strange that I began to ,’ live in it’ in a much more intimate way when I found Matt.
It took some years but it seems that most everything eventually changed and kept on changing.
I’d had many personal attachments to that time period!
There seems some kind of brainwash factor although I always did deal with some kind of depression since my twenties.
In 2002, ‘something happened to me that led to an eventual dx of MS.
And ‘here they are again’- whomever it is.
The timing seems both impeccable and sinister!
(( .. and to bring or not to bring in more refugees when so many are working though homeless- as they celebrate Ibummer’s birthday .. and the music plays on in the news, “Dum dum, Dum dum…And NOW, Dum dum, Dum dum”.
This one ch calls it all “The Apocolaughs”.
Thanks again, I just can’t verbally express “It”!<3'

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
3 years ago

I do find it a bit disappointing when there is so much focus and conversation on this event without any expressed thought or discussion about the individuals, real people, who suffered untold horrors. It is a missed opportunity for sure.

It doesn’t feel right to me to enjoy the designations of unique people who elevate their thoughts and seek better things for our fellow man, but then focus only on pieces of knowledge that feed our brains and egos. Not sure if that is making much sense. I have taken the time to read and study about a number of the individuals who lost their lives on this day. The collective emotional fear, sorrow, and all other emotions of these events have left an energy that remains and calls out for the truth and ultimately justice.

If I understood you correctly, you were given some pretty intense news concerning your health. I am sorry to hear that. Depression is a big enough battle alone, but stacking any additional negatives that lie completely outside your control just doesn’t seem fair. Again, I hope you have access to people and tools, or really whatever you need to persevere and excel.

Steven Anderson
Steven Anderson
3 years ago

Most are asleep , when you are dreaming you react to what is happening in your dream unless you realise that you are dreaming .

William Lodderhose
3 years ago

Okay…it’s about 4:20 am out here in the midwest and I’ve already seen one or two (maybe more) comments that suggest the toy box / within bookends kind of response, namely “Paid & Threatened” as to where the missing videos / still shots “might be”.

So. . . I’m going to think outside the box (and) after leaving a rather successful career as an Art Director in Advertising I can safely say that sometimes do I not only think outside the box, I haven’t seen that darn box for over a decade.

So…since we know something super-natural happened that “so called cherished day” (as Sade paid worship to it at least) and by super-natural I’m not just talking about how so many can’t see the event for what actually happened, I’m also talking about how 2 buildings (each 110 stories) can not only fall so fast, but also turn into dust basically and blow away. . . leaving only a very, very small pile of rubble. Folks in any normal world there should have been a pile, a huge pile that is that spread over many city blocks, etc.

So. . . since we’ve all heard since we were kids the scary stories of Vampires / Dracula, etc., which can never see their reflections in mirrors (*nor be photographed). . . yeah – you see where I’m going with this. When you’re dealing with the super-natural, perhaps those hundreds (if not) thousands of tourists, photographers and such (did) take pics and videos and (perhaps) nothing showed up on them.

Something to consider since every possibility is still on the table, after all this b.s. is clearly super-natural just like the Wall Street (Casinos / whoops I mean investment firms, lol) or the promises that you’ll be able to retire with some of your Social Security, ha. Anyway, cheers everyone and Happy Sunday to all.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago

So. . . in case anyone latches onto the Vampires/Dracula, the point I’m trying to make about anything (super-natural) is that it (most likely) takes place on a different frequency / a different / time and place and therefore can never be photographed or captured on a video camera which works on a limited range of light, etc. (I’m showing my age now, lol) George Burns said exactly that in his movie “Oh God”, still one of my favorite guilty pleasure pics from a simpler time indeed.

Sorry, I know even trying to discuss this is difficult if not impossible, but I thought I’d toss in those little details about taking pics / vids (no matter) how expensive your gear is, etc.

I’ll leave you with an image from “that” movie about “models” which even featured D. Bowie who’s relaxing somewhere near Antarctica, lol, while we’re still trying to clean up this mess.

Last edited 3 years ago by William Lodderhose
the51Project .
3 years ago

David Bowie talks about David Bowie’s death.

Jack Steven on David Bowie (Sky News)

Last edited 3 years ago by the51Project .
Madeline Shockley
3 years ago
Reply to  the51Project .

Wow, thanks for this gem, another fun rabbit hole.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  the51Project .

You can’t make up sh*t this wacky, nobody would buy it in a movie, but here we are none the less.

handy thumbs
handy thumbs
3 years ago

yes, but there are videos and pics, so the event has been photographed/videographed.
If your hypophesies is true, then the only other possibility is that the pics and videos on hand are not real but CGI

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  handy thumbs

yeah, I’m on board with what Matt’s laid out in previous videos such as those wacky, laughing / starving artists who participated in the Quick Click b.s. on March 31, 2001, namely that perhaps that entire (meaningless, or so it seemed) exercise was designed to provide accurate (to scale) images that could (possibly) be used to render CGI images.

The glaring fact that the final pics look like (sh*t) might have been exactly what they were aiming for – in that (post impact) videos are going to be naturally blurry, out of focus and so forth. (we’ll never know for sure) best to keep focusing on yourself and just peek into these Pissed On RabbitHoles / breadcrumbs, right?

3 years ago

One thing I’ve notice about the fiction world though is that
In the beginning or the end or somewhere along the timeline they always give you closure
I think that’s how they bypass karma. They don’t always do this with words because that’s
not the only way to speak ,

Nigel OSullivan
Nigel OSullivan
3 years ago

80% of 100,000 is 80,000 not 40,000

handy thumbs
handy thumbs
3 years ago

Hi Matt,
I’m listening to you for 10 years now and I’m very grateful.
Here is a story I wanted to share with you for a very long time.
In 2001, I was studying in Boston. In the morning of 911, I was in the deans office in downtown Boston and someone came to me and said that an airplane had hit the World Trade Center.
My first reaction was: “that is impossible, some F1 fighter aircraft would have shot down the plane before reaching the city.” I still remember the faces looking back at me – same faces while talking about topics today.
After that, I went downstairs to the big TV room at the ground floor, set down and watched the second “plane” hit.

First Point: You are right, there was enough time in between the hits. There was enough time to a) have the conversation and b) to head down 2 floors to find a place to sit down and see the 2nd hit. Important point: I was surprised to read that there was only 16 min in between. I remember sitting there for what seemed at least 30min before the 2nd hit
If I would have been in NY, it would have been no problem to go outside, find a place where one can see the WTC. It would have also been possible to go have a look, go back to pic up a camera and then return to take a pic or video. If I would have been a person who handles cameras every day, of course I would have immediately picked up my camera (whether video or still), run outside and take a pic or video. I’d be chasing for the pulitzer.

Second point: hard to believe that it took such a long time after the event, with all the hardcore research and documentaries, to even ask the question: where are the videos and pics (you where the first one, to my knowledge). I guess it’s always easier to look at things which are, rather then noticing what actually should be there yet is missing (like Columbo).
Same with the Naudet Bros, why did it take us so long to realise there was no tape of the 2nd hit?

Personal observation: Some time after the event, I looked up and out the window (it’s a big hall with huge windows reaching up to the ceiling) and I saw a white plane flying by, heading towards Prudential Center. I remember very clearly because I anticipated a hit and the subsequent reporting on TV. So, not all aircraft where grounded and yes I can confirm people reporting seeing white planes flying around is true.

3 years ago
Reply to  handy thumbs

you cant discount “mass hysteria”, most people watched this unfold in a group setting, it happened when a better part of the country was at work so it was watched with people who panicked absent of those who would normally provide comfort and calm in another setting

Mark Cooper
Mark Cooper
3 years ago

This place is a simulation and most of the people are part of the simulation. Not real people.

Matthew Russo
Matthew Russo
3 years ago

Just signed up to freevoice. This is great to hear truth with no hobo code.

Francis Murphy
Francis Murphy
3 years ago

Sorry, but you’re naudet to me. What a world we live in, the worst Twilight Zone episode ever.

Toni Benamar
Toni Benamar
3 years ago

Anyone still believing the official 9/11 story should get their head checked. To be honest, the US did not need an excuse to attack Iraq or Afghanistan, they’ve never needed one for a war. It would be more humane to start a genocide because it’s Thursday once a week! All these “proofs” were beyond ridiculous and not presenting them would have made the case more believable, if there never could have been such a thing.

Last edited 3 years ago by Toni Benamar
Toni Benamar
Toni Benamar
3 years ago
Reply to  Toni Benamar

By the way, the same applies to recent chemical weapons usage in UK to ex-spies. No sane person believes the story, it’s on the same bookshelf with 7/7 attacks. It’s not that they don’t know you in particular is not an idiot, it’s just that 99% of people are complete idiots.

And I’m not Russian, nor have any reason to defend their tyranny and kleptocracy. I’m just fed up with bullshit stories and reasons given.

Nigel Bamford
Nigel Bamford
3 years ago

Imagine being someone with a photo that totally disproves the official narrative. You would have to think long and hard before going public with that ….

I’ve been following you for a long time on YT and have to say this is one of the clearest and most accessible presentations you have done. Keep up the good work and keep on questioning the narrative!

Last edited 3 years ago by Nigel Bamford
Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

1 Matt meetups : First Sunday of every month at noon at your local pub..    September 5th 2021
 CO – Rocky Flats Lounge – Golden 
 PA – Founding Farmers – King of Prussia  
 TX – Eureka! Burger bar – Austin 
 ILL – Lou Mitchell’s – Chicago  
 OR – Screen Door Eastside – Portland 
MS – Oby’s of – starkville
TN — Bain’s BBQ – Memphis
CA – The Kitchen – Sacremento
NV – Bricks – Reno
AZ – Restaurant Progress – Phoenix
NM – Iron Door BBQ – Silver city
ID – Bittercreek Alehouse – Boise
MN – P.S. Steak – Minneapolis
NY- Broadstone Bar – New York
VG – The Virgianian – Charlottesville
GO – Georgia Boy – Atlanta
FL – Bolay – Brandon
HI – Big Island Grill – Kailua-Kona

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

UT – Vito’s – Bountiful

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

I was disappointed when I didn’t see the Beehive State in the initial list and then you fixed that quite nicely. Thank you!

Madeline Shockley
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

I love the postings for meet-ups happening world wide, not just here. It seems to me a sign of the script flipping…or is that part of their script too…Amazing time to be alive !

Brian Stahlman
Brian Stahlman
3 years ago

I’m subbed to a youtube (yes, hard to believe but this one still exists today) channel “Enhanced 9/11 Videos”. I’ve never been sure if this is a real official (Beast rubber stamped) page cause it’s hard to think they would allow this out there but amongst the dozens of your basic, seen a thousand times WTC NYC videos from that morning. But mixed in amongst them are a few great, never been seen before angles and shots. Of course nothing else for the first “plane strike”. But a angle or 2 unique of plane #2 hitting the South Tower. Also very disturbing & quality angles of the building on fire & jumpers. Again hard to believe this is still there on youtube but just got yet another sheeple normie reply from a angry person yesterday saying how I’m crazy for suggesting things that day weren’t what they seemed like.

Also there are moments of other strange and unique persepctive videos & angles. You can see very clearly the oddities of the molten like metal looking fire (thermite) in the buildings & how there was puffs of smoke in other areas of the tower just prior to the buildings collapse or as it began to crumble you see those puffs just underneath where the breaking apart was. The oddest thing was one where I kept pausing and unpausing and going back slowly super slow mo as I almost can’t even describe it there’s a haunting ghost like plume of smoke that is 100% NOT natural or normal that very quickly and it’s gone pops out of the side of the building just as the 1 collapse starts. It almost looked like a dragons body or demonic like entity ever so briefly showing itself. Anywhere but here I know I would get “you’re crazy” responses but I know what I saw and FUCK it’s strange. Unfortunetly I can’t give you the exact video or timestamp as there’s so many on this channel but I commented with the timestamp (RUSTY KUNTZ my Youtube name) on the one in question with the demon smoke image.

Brian Stahlman
Brian Stahlman
3 years ago

Lived all my life on Long Island NY. The visibility of those towers was so great on clear days on Ocean Parkway south shore by Jones Beach, over 35 miles away as you went West and around the Lighthouse you could see those buildings. They were so massive

Dean Aldridge
Dean Aldridge
3 years ago

Does anybody remember the hoax photograph that was going around at that time, of a tourist standing on the observation deck on the WTC? The one with the plane in the background. That’s the only still image I remember, and it’s a fake. Thank you Matt and Rob.

Victoria Pandora
3 years ago

The FBI fully mobilized to get every video.
Most people turned it in and willingly signed the NDA.
Those who didn’t and talked were threatened (but not paid;)
That’s the only explanation.

Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant
3 years ago


Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant
3 years ago

Again…. NOPE!! Comment was apparently deleted? the “paid and threatened” mantra without the “paid.” Thing is, how would they have known where to look for the videos? Think it through.

Last edited 3 years ago by Peter Stuyvesant
3 years ago

I’m on Long Island, east of NYC. I didn’t have cable TV but on that morning I flipped through the standard channels — three national networks (ABC, CBS, NBC) and three local NYC channels (WOR, WNEW and WPIX). One of the local stations, I forget which one, continued to show scheduled programs; the other two switched to WTC coverage.

So FIVE TV channels were covering the first tower being hit… AND ALL WERE SHOWING THE EXACT SAME FOOTAGE!! Yes, I noticed this and other anomalies because I was already a long-time “truther” and “conspiracy nut”. You would think these stations would want to “scoop” each other by sending out their OWN camera crews and photographers and reporters in order to get EXCLUSIVE footage! But no, they all broadcast the aerial and ground footage that was provided to them by… whomever. Right there I knew something was up. Makes you wonder why not one reporter/photographer/cameraman has come forth to say that they were told to STAND DOWN and not go out on the street to get their own individual pics and footage…

Last edited 3 years ago by Eyesee
Ricky A
Ricky A
3 years ago

The Photography Store capitol of the world. ‘No. That’s not True! That’s impossible!!!’ (Luke Skywalker)

Careful you might end up making an appearance before the Synagogue of Satan.(‘merica f yeah)

Last edited 3 years ago by Ricky A
Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant
3 years ago

“If I did it, here’s how it happened.”
—O.J. Simpson

Jay Steele
3 years ago

Matt, Richie from boston (i know i know) has a video appears to be cellphone video of south tower. No plane.

Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Steele

..but i digress

Lillian Liber
Lillian Liber
3 years ago

Could this be why there has never been another similar event in recent history? Just the fact that EVERYONE now has a camera and video capabilities at their fingertips? Digital cameras were used then that could also do short videos. Unbelievable that one of the most photographed cities in the world went dark that day. I also wondered why the morning TV shows shot there had no footage.

Lillian Liber
Lillian Liber
3 years ago

Could the lack of footage be a form of Mandela effect as in how things change over time but in this case they don’t change but disappeared?

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago

Thank’s Rob For the platform, I know it’s probably a Headache, but don’t think your work goes unappreciated I Appreciate ya! Thank’s Matt I really love your take & Breakdown on thing’s in this thing we call Life and or reality. Didn’t come out exactly like I wanted but you know what I mean!👍

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

thank you Jeff

Brady Curtis
Brady Curtis
3 years ago

Hey Matt “RECALL VECTOR” Has a Video of flight 175 from the LOCAL News in a Chopper, As the 2nd Plane Flies in A DISC or BALL comes in at a 45 degree From the Sky and theres no PLANE just the BALL or Disc, He puts it next to the Official Video, It was Hologram. Also I remember More Than 16n Minutes being between the two, like 48 minutes or a half hour. ITS CRAZY MATT YOU GOTTA SEE IT Ask “Recall Vector” for the Vid if He took it down. Peace.

Tim Hogan
Tim Hogan
3 years ago

Very well done Matt. And considering most tourist don’t stay only one day in NYC (100 000 as a baseline should be at least 300k, maybe 500k) for a 3 to 5 day stay, and tourist were incessant about photography even more so prior to smart phones (good photos were a rarity, then), 8mm cam orders were cheap (we had a 1yr old then- so had to buy one a year earlier) and Kodak had disposables, your numbers are way too Conservative. It’s truly a phenom :/

Jay Bingham
Jay Bingham
3 years ago

Hi Matt and All,

I lived on West 40th beside Bryant Park, Which I would walk out and through, less than a block into Times Square. Looking out the main window on the opposite side (second to top floor) was the top portion of the Empire State Building. (A beautiful real “picture view” as the window panes outlined the building lit up at night).
Descriptive to show proof that views in NY were designed around meaningful sights.

That morning I was heading to 1 Liberty Plaza, which is one block away farther from my direction after you passed WTC 1&2.
I was Stuck in unusually heavy traffic and that’s a lot as there’s Always traffic in NY. It became a stand still “parking lot” on West St. before even getting close to Jay St. (My Landmark because my name).

Here’s the strange part……
I was just an “unknown” to the masses that morning and less than 24 hours later I was
“Your Ground Zero Supply Coordinator”.

“Supply coordinator” was hand written on my
Reflector Vest in black Sharpie by Mayor Giuliani.
The “Higher Ups” dubbed me or referred to me as “The Ghost of 9/11”. (A Different Story Why).
Hundreds of media cameras and reporters lined the street side walks on West St. For blocks and I was on an ATV being asked for constant interviews and updates one after the other for blocks from EVERY Country and Nation TV Reporter with interpreters of various languages.
I was extremely busy and only spent a few hours on that 2nd day by urgent request. From then on I gave updates daily sometimes hourly through brief phone calls of our progress and needed supplies.
Millions if not Billions of people around the world heard my name, voice and saw my picture on TV provided by my parents in NC unbeknownst to me at the time.

I was there from day 1 through 2 1/2 weeks on sight, never left, 24/7.

I was asked to speak at various places after in many States.
I was asked to be a featured speaker in Shanksville PA at the memorial site on the 1 year anniversary by the Fire Dept and City.

Why is this “New to All? and Why Can’t anyone Remember Me or have Even Heard of Me?
Are there any videos or stills? I saw myself in many pics at the Ground Zero site after and now since where are they?
I do still have personal pics taken and given to me with celebrities and the many first responders and others. But on the net….?

There is a 5 hour interview of me on YT. It’s only 3 hours because the first 2 hours was the countdown until the show. I never gave my name or sought attention, although I wanted to tell my story.

Answer to Questions: Maybe it is because I began to see things differently as they were, WITH OPEN EYES, Critical Thinking Questions and not as they were supposed to be presented.

I’d Love to hear YOUR Thoughts!
Peace and Much Love to You All.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Bingham

hmm, would be interesting if Rob and Matt could arrange an interview with you Jay Bingham, that’s something I’d watch, no doubt…

Last edited 3 years ago by William Lodderhose
Jay Bingham
Jay Bingham
3 years ago

Thank you William for your interest.
That is something I wouldn’t mind doing.
It would be my pleasure speaking with them.
They are welcome to contact me through my email that I used to sign up with my subscription.
William, I liked your “Outside of the Box” thinking and Comment. We truly need more thinkers like you to come together!
We also need some way to communicate with each other besides open posted comments. I wouldn’t just leave my contact info on an open forum. There were many here I’d be interested in hearing more from a well.
Maybe Rob or someone has some ideas how to link and vet persons wanting to connect.
Kindest Regards,

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Bingham

Ditto, I understand what a giant effort Rob is making constructing this platform from scratch without the fantasy funding that Big Tech enjoys, so it may be awhile before they can add some type of encrypted way for some of us to connect properly (If I’m using the right wording there).

While I’ve worked beside many on the tech side of computers (since I was an Art Director in Advertising for years) I still know very little about the behind the scenes stuff that guys like Rob have to do to make this all work. Broad stroke overview, it’s unbelievable I can safely say that much.

I’m hoping he or Matt may see your willingness and reach out to you directly.

I’m going to reach out to them (myself, privately) and see if they can consider that option, cheers.

Jay Bingham
Jay Bingham
3 years ago

Thank You William, I wrote a whole page response to you and hit the wrong button and it wiped everything away.
I’d be happy to speak with Rob or Matt.
Let them know to contact me anytime and feel free to share my info with you as well.
Take Care and Have A Great Day!

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Bingham

Briefly, I want to make it clear that I in (no way) speak for Matt, Rob, Howdie or anyone creating this platform.

When I saw your comment on (7-11 app) I was casually responding that it’d be an interview I’d enjoy seeing/hearing. While I’m new here, only been a few months, I’ve never seen Matt feature an interview (have no idea) if that’s even in their model of doing business (or not). So…if they did consider it, who knows it might entail some complications, given that they are running this with minimal help.

Yes, there are thousands of other Y T podcasts and such that do those – (and perhaps) you might get a quicker response from them (I have no idea). Many larger platforms are designed with a behind the scenes team of professionals to make things seem smooth and seamless and we shouldn’t compare apples and oranges, etc.

Yes, the anniversary date is fast approaching, yet when I mentioned an interview (possibility) I was guessing it would be some time down the road (I.M.O.)

Patience is all I can offer you to consider. I did catch Matt’s show a week ago mentioning that Rob was near some of the bad weather hitting the East Coast, so there’s yet another factor.

Jay Bingham
Jay Bingham
3 years ago

Hi William,
Thanks for making it clear to those who may think community posters ie. Commenters represent the creators. I on the other hand did not take it that way. I’m responding here to those reading…..
I want to also clarify and say that You Are an important Key to this community and Truth seekers!
I’ve noticed your Efforts in responding to many other commenters and post. (Very important to keep this platform active and “Alive”).
Also to All those OTHERS here just watching Matt’s videos, Rob’s efforts in stepping out to build this platform, Howdie’s contribution and Those who take the EXTRA step to Read these Comments and actually Post a Comment.
All seekers of Truth coming together ( Here, Somewhere, Anywhere) to fulfill that vision of the World we all desire to live in while in this physical realm.
My point is what I learned while being the Supply Coordinator for (Trigger phrase) “Ground Zero”.
We All Play a Part and are All Needed, while participating in our role, for the Whole Objective to come to fruition!
I have ideas, thoughts and plans and so do others here. I want to encourage Anyone and Everyone to not be afraid and just “Do Right”.
No matter how insignificant it may seem, just know others are out here in support of your efforts and good deeds.
All in due Time, Showing Love to others, Doing the little things, stepping out to make a difference and ready when called.
Peace to You and Yours and looking towards any responses we may get here.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Jay Bingham

I hear you and agree, it’s a wonderful opportunity for so many to contribute here, I’m more hesitant to share on the Y T platform, than I am on this one. I did send the email this morning so hope that helps Jay, have a great weekend and stay in touch.

Last edited 3 years ago by William Lodderhose
Jay Bingham
Jay Bingham
3 years ago

Thank You William,
You did your part and whatever will be, will be!
We put it out there and “God, The System ie. Spirit” uses it to It’s Plan.

Have a Great Labor Day Weekend,

Barbara Gonzalez
Barbara Gonzalez
3 years ago


Lewis Everett
Lewis Everett
3 years ago

How about just the number of tourists on the island with Statue of liberty?

Rita Wagner
Rita Wagner
3 years ago

This is where I started down the rabbit hole..this never sat right with me?! What are the chances?? I probably watched at least 100 videos about 4 years ago. Also,,what are the chances?? One of the fathers of the fallen in Afghanistan was on Fox acting pretty tears..not breaking down. If I lost my son I would not be able to be consoled. More BS??

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Rita Wagner

I know right? Sure I’ve lost family and friends for decades and cried my eyes out. But just this January one of my cats died (within hours of the Vet giving him too many shots, when I only took him in for an antibotic for a sore ear), the cat went paralyzed and they convinced me to put him to sleep, (that it was all for the best, in their words, more or less).

I was still crying off and on several days later, in the state of shock I was in from it, really took me by surprise since I’m almost 60, but I guess at least it proves to me I still haven’t hardened into a wooden pinocchio, and that’s something I’m proud of, though I try as much as possible now to not be emotional knowing that’s what this twisted system wants us to do, so it can drink our tears.

Jack Sutherlin
Jack Sutherlin
3 years ago

No amature photos or videos exist because you cant take pictures of imaginary airplanes. Everything thats been presented to us is 100% fake and came from the perpetrators themselves.
9/11 was nothing more than a giant illusion -pulled of in broad daylight under cover of a militaty-style smoke screen with the full cooperation of the corporate media.

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