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Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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Gregg and I spoke today, and we don’t think anyone under age 35 can have an adequate memory of the details, or more importantly, know what that day FELT like. (I know…. there’s that age 35 again!) Even kids “back then in the normal world” didn’t take much seriously. I think I have set the mood correctly with these video clips, combined with the right audio to capture what 9/11 felt like if you are not old enough to remember. I didn’t realize at the time (on that day) it would be some sort of “reality demarcation line,” but it DID FEEL LIKE THAT, although I knew nothing then regarding what I know today. I’m just saying it had a creepy feel that was beyond, and something more than “just the destruction of buildings or the loss of life,” if that makes sense

Matt McKinley

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2 years ago


Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  HARLEQUIN .

Back when McDonald’s smelled like cigarettes and coffee. My grandmother used to take me to McDonald’s for breakfast, I’d eat some hash browns an sheet, she had cigarettes and coffee. The good old days before the satanic commies took over.

D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago

Read the description, really excited to listen to this, which I am about to do. I am 31. That day is one of the sharpest memories I had from my youth. I don’t remember every detail but I definitely recall more of that day than probably most if not every other day from middle childhood. We lived near San Francisco, my mom kept us home and we spent the day watching the news in horror, terrified also that something would happen over here and my firefighter dad would have to respond. Maybe that’s why I recall it so well.

I agree with the description about the FEEL of the day. Everything changed dramatically from that point forward. Looking forward to this presentation to see if what you captured matches something similar to what I recall feeling. This morning I was talking to some normie friends about how this day marked a change in reality and even they admitted they agree it weirdly aligned with some sort of a shift, although they think it was a coincidence. I don’t try to argue and take the win of the tiny acknowledgment haha.

Thanks for this Matt, very excited to embark on this presentation!

*Edit: Seeing the footage of the towers being built is so eerie, I have never seen footage of the towers going up, only going down. I’m pouring a glass of wine and sitting back for the rest of this one…

Last edited 2 years ago by D Jones
D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  D Jones

For some reason, I can’t edit my comment, maybe because I logged out and back in, but I had to add upon finishing, this was so well done. I would say you really did capture the feeling quite well. Whatever really happened that day, the fear, grief, sadness, and strangeness was felt en mass, and hasn’t been paralleled before or since in my opinion. The shift that followed was also impossible to deny.

Thanks for putting this together. I’m finishing this presentation and declaring that all energy taken from me that day and in the wake of that event can no longer be kept or used as it was taken by fraudulent means. I do not wish to participate in feeding this reality system anymore. Cheers to everyone here. <3 Sending love.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  D Jones

Most people don’t know 60 people died during the building of the towers.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Here’s to 1983 and the trip to NYC with my college buddies – One of our stops was to visit the Top of WTC and here’s a pic of us that day.

WorldTradeCenter w friends.jpg
Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
2 years ago

Cool pics.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Jon McIntyre

Those are polaroids I still have. I’m kinda surprised the shot I took of the towers still looks cool in such a small format.

Brian Walendy
Brian Walendy
2 years ago

I think people younger than you’d imagine can recall more than you know. I’m within your specified threshold, but right on the edge of that and I remember everything. It felt wrong at the time and that’s why I looked.

However my sister is six years junior of myself and she also was forced to watch it in real-time on TV in school, just as we all did. Those who have eyes to see aren’t always limited by age. I’ve known something is off about our world for my whole life.

James Hawke
James Hawke
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Walendy

Schools promoting and enforcing the current thing. Schools have been instrumental in spreading the Covid fears. Schools are not what we thought they were.

Adam Bolian
2 years ago

Seeing those people fall or hanging from the windows reminds me of the scene from the Matrix where Neo gets the phone and goes out on the ledge

Lots of 9/11 truth drops in that movie

James Hawke
James Hawke
2 years ago

It was one giant spell for mankind.

Melissa Dunn
Melissa Dunn
2 years ago

Incredible work Matt!! I deserve a Pootie Tang Award for such an obvious statement though. Incredible job!!

2 years ago

I was 25 when it happened. One thought cycled through my mind that day; the world as we know it will never be the same.

Mandy Morris
2 years ago
Reply to  X T

I am in Australia and my very asleep sister called me in the middle of the night and told me to turn the TV on (I had one in those days haha) And I watched it and thought nothing much of it! I don’t know why, as at that time I thought the News was real and I used to cry when I would hear things like in Bangladesh buildings had fallen on hundreds of people. Maybe I knew back then that it was BS! But I certainly thought life was going to go back to normal! Little did I know!!

Erin Pucc
Erin Pucc
2 years ago

I just can’t even stomach these videos anymore, knowing what I know. Back when it happened I was student teaching and cried for days. I was so depressed after seeing the videos of people jumping to their deaths. My FIL worked in the towers, but luckily was in Texas that day. He had to buy a used car to drive home.
A lot of people believe 9/11 was Jesus’ birthday, but just like all the distractions of this world, we are kept from thinking about and celebrating the Truth.

Mark Wigler
2 years ago

If you’re driving when pulling this one up, you should park on the side of the road and watch in its entirety!

Bryan Steele
Bryan Steele
2 years ago

Much better job crafting the mood then the “never forget” propaganda we get yearly. I was in high school when it all went down. I remember feeling detached from it all. I knew it was a big deal but didn’t understand why my fellow classmates we’re taking it so hard. It happened on a screen far away and not directly in their reality. Now I know the pain really is the loss of everything we once knew, whether we realized it at the time or not. I love that track that starts around 26:30. What’s the name of it or a place I can find? I’d love to add it to my lo-fi playlist.

Bryan Steele
Bryan Steele
2 years ago
Reply to  Bryan Steele

Never mind just realized you list the tracks at the end. It’s Oh! Lord by Cortex

Stellar Shriner
Stellar Shriner
2 years ago

I think this is a point where more reality bubbles “overlapped” and focused all on one “singularity” enough to pull off a sinister hex of some sort—a reality hi-jack for lack of a better explanation. When else have so many people, (at such a low vibration), all put their collective realities in and on the same single thing? Sinister.

Stellar Shriner
Stellar Shriner
2 years ago

I think this is a planned point where massive amounts of our individual reality bubbles “overlapped” and focused all on one “singularity” enough to pull off a sinister hex of some sort—a reality hi-jack for lack of a better explanation. When else have so many people, (at such a low vibration), all put their collective realities in and on the same single thing? Like a bowtie, which tied together millions of individual timelines.A nexus point for a false egregore to stem and spread out from. Sinister. ( I wish I could articulate what I mean better)

Joe Mama
2 years ago

Well done, Matt. And thanks for the Eric Satie!

Maddie Madding
Maddie Madding
2 years ago

Thank you for this video. The end of the word as we know it.

William sanders
William sanders
2 years ago

I knew it was bull chit wen I saw it . I flew alot as a kid from Vegas to Dallas alone this was in the mid 80s wen u could actually smoke on the dam plane. But they had that little curtain that slid for protection kinda like the mask but I digress. They would let kids look at in cock pit .stfu lol go in talk to the captain touch chit gave u a stupid ass wing pin on then go sit down. I also have been to 2 building implosions. In 95 ish and a few years later. So I knew what I saw. On this horrible day. So horrible build 7 killed it’s self. But I could go on . I smelled bull chit around Rodney king era AINT NO DAM WAY . But I digress. But it’s a few thing I haven’t heard u speak on Matt maybe u did and I ain’t got there. I remember the challenger in 86ish wtf was that ? I scared to even start watching this cuzz if it buffers I going to very upset ☹️

Maddie Madding
Maddie Madding
2 years ago

It’s clearly an explosion

Gina Valente
Gina Valente
2 years ago

Well put together, footage chosen, music, crisis actor & reporter dialogue, the jumpers, true history isn’t always pretty, but very necessary.
I was 17, finished with high school, in NJ, awoken by my mother calling from work, screaming turn on the TV, lock the windows, lock the doors! My birthday the next day friends and I spent at the Hoboken Piers just watching the smoke.
A few years ago I found a home video I made that says 9/11(don’t even remember ever taping anything) so I went to a VHS to DVD conversion dude…he refused to convert it.. due to copyright. Going to get this done finally and see what I have.
Thank You always Matt, appreciate & love your work.

Maddie Madding
Maddie Madding
2 years ago

I realize why I liked the series The Walking Dead. It was a controlled experience that I lived through. The Walking Dead was my 911 and the more I watched the series the more I saw the hoax.

Lauri D
Lauri D
2 years ago

I saw the “moon landing” and JFK was just before my arrival. I have a photo of my Dad with RFK just months before the Sirhan Sirhan deal. So yes, I remember well. It was creepy and everything felt wrong. I remember saying out loud that it looked like controlled demolition.

Excellent presentation Matt. Everyone should see this, whether they can “see” or not.

Last edited 2 years ago by Lauri D
William sanders
William sanders
2 years ago

Man this a dam movie shit looks totally different with new eyes 🤯🤯🤯 fbi jacket look fake people don’t look really scared why is there red tape ? Did they know something wow I’m 20 min into it it’s actually playing

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
2 years ago

GREAT Comp. of some OG footage. Nice!!

Jay Bingham
Jay Bingham
2 years ago

It was a 1000 times worse being there in person. The real Sounds, Sights and Smells were sensory overload. They do haunt me from time to time although processing with true understanding makes it easier to deal with.
Thanks Matt for your Hard and Great work in seeking Truth and Sharing Wisdom my Friend.
“Supply Coordinator for Ground Zero” during 9/11 and afterwards.
Kindest Regards and God Bless You Call who seek Knowledge and Truth!!,

Lisa Louis
Lisa Louis
2 years ago

Tremendous video Matt! I’m older than shiiit and remember this day well. The question I would ask myself back then is why didn’t those amazing pilots aim lower? You’d get a lot more deaths than crashing into the top. I guess they couldn’t store bombs on the lower floors. I think they pulverized the buildings to make the cleanup easier. It’s funny but I noticed that those who were interviewed like the guy with the roommate had people of color lurking behind them. They all looked odd including the dust lady that appeared in two interviews.

Erin Phelps
2 years ago

This was the most amazing compilation I have ever seen! It truly captured the feel, the sights, and the sounds from when I watched this on television after being awakened from working nights and sat in disbelief as I watched this unfold. I remember feeling everything was surreal and that life as we knew it had changed forever. Innocence was lost in a moment… Spell had been cast, ritual initiated and something evil and nefarious took the reins. Thank you Matt.❤️

Katherine Wood
Katherine Wood
2 years ago

Interesting how fast people had masks on. In 2001 no one was just walking around with N95 masks “Just in case”

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
2 years ago

what’s up with the weird white statue like figures at the bottom of the screen at 1:31-1:32 ish – that always been there, possibly an overlay from the news channel? -idk why it stuck out so much to me

Brian B
Brian B
2 years ago

the guy at 25:20 turns back to the cameraman and it sounds like he says: “and the fire door on 76th was locked.”

very interesting…

Last edited 2 years ago by Brian B
Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
2 years ago

I don’t know why it is but cips of 9-11 just seem so entirely uninteresting to me. That whole “event” seems like such nonsense.

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
2 years ago

Saying Nuclear Correctly

Break the word “nuclear” into three syllables. That will help you master the pronunciation. It’s the pronunciation of the second syllable that is in dispute.

  • The most widely accepted correct pronunciation of the word is “NEW-clee-er.” In this case (somewhat unusually), the word is spelled exactly how you are supposed to say it. Put the pronunciation on the first syllable. The “er” is pronounced like the “u” in the word “fur.”
  • The pronunciation “NEW-clee-er” is widely regarded by experts as the “correct” pronunciation, even though another variant has been used so much by prominent people that, to some, it’s become another acceptable usage

Using the Second Pronunciation of the Word

Realize there is another variant of the word. Some people, including some very prominent people, incorrectly say “nuke-you-lerr” or “Nu-cu-lar.”[2]The mispronunciation of nuclear is so common that it’s found its way into popular culture. In the 1989 Woody Allen film “Crimes and Misdemeanors,” Mia Farrow’s character says she would not fall in love with a man who pronounced the word “nucular.” Another version of this is “NOO-kyuh-lur.”[3]

  • President George W. Bush, Dwight D. Eisenhower and Bill Clinton have pronounced the word this way in the past. President Jimmy Carter said “newkeeuh.”[4] Homer Simpson still says “nucular.”
Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
2 years ago

I won’t email or comment on the fear, spell casting or incantations that were started and or created that day 21 years ago that everyones energy and soul was sucked upon while reliving all of these Tell-Lie-Vision representations of real life, for fear of receiving the next Putty Tang Award 🙂 🙂 🙂 I will however implore each and everyone that comes across this post to pray the full and complete armor of The Most High GOD over themselves and their loved ones each day as we are most certainly entering into high spiritual times, for whatever that is worth form a guy that’s not worth a shoestring and a Popsicle stick. And yes thank you Monty for the reference, “I love that one” lol.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  Richard Nixon

“You are worth more than many sparrows.” Don’t self-defecate!

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
2 years ago

as a video editor – today I decided to take a longer look at some archived footage, and footage presented here, for the first time since this event happened (I am currently 35 myself lol and remember watching it all day, I believe on my first day of Highschool from NJ about 30 mints away from the event) – what I saw…were too many anomalies to count. The only real aircraft in the air were the ones perpetuating the agenda. It’s not difficult to see how much doctoring was seemingly projected onto whatever image was shown on television. It seems like the majority of those who jumped were also digital artifacts.I was also a little thrown by some of the lens flares showing up, unlike traditional lens flares and instead as Rainbow looking color glitches, similar to that of a holographic image – Whether it was hit with a combination of directed energy weapons and advanced technology from another a uav/cloaked aircraft or some other point source, I cannot say. The technology available now for the people involved in this, if it was people, has to be enormously advanced. Very few would need to have been aware of what was happening.

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris Minor

I need to list anomalies as I’m watching because we need to laugh at some of this:
10:08-10:10 a drone flies across the screen at high speeds before the collapse (lower Manhattan videotape) – immediately after what appears to be a bird that somehow glitches out in front of the debris and go through a building flies back
10:35 – major glitches in structure near water – white object seems to be out of place in center left road – could be a drone, could be a rooftop with movement on it – but does not seem like it should be there – frames are skipped in the video and perspective similarly to the footage of the towers does not make sense in certain frames(this is a repeated theme throughout this whole event)

11:09 – Im not sure if these are supposed to be two people in center screen with coats or parkas on to cover them from the dust – if they are people then the other people on the right side of the screen and the person in black/dark clothing upper right window are about 1/8th their size – there also seems to be scattered small/personal size plane wings and plane noses in the debris. No one is moving even if standing.

11:19 we might have a giant standing on that back street light post if that is a man he’s way too big compared to everyone else in the shot – there is a drone or missile looking object upper right on top of the debris, also has an obvious tail. There are a lot of glitches in this clip – appear to be completely white people who are too large in the background on the ground as well, and some of the firefighters appear to be wearing quite odd animal masks – monkey mask on the right seems most obvious
11:30 appears to be a woman in all white completely out of place – some odd distortions in people on right side of screen – rubble looks half real sometimes half cgi – glitches everywhere

I think for now that will do – something came down the smoke appears legitimate with people terrified – but some of those slower shots and shots of rubble and the initial tower shots and jumpers are all in my opinion doctored which im sure everyone here already knew but its a hack job for sure

John P
John P
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris Minor

No planes. No jumpers. The buildings were vacant. Any deaths were accidental. First grade truth. Murrah building also empty in the OKC bombing.

William sanders
William sanders
2 years ago
Reply to  John P

This makes alot of sense to me too I remember a few years after this I heard people were told to stay home that day at least 3 times over the years . I saw red tape chit was a FUCKING MOVIE man crisis actors . Kinda like Boston smh

Jen Kupp
2 years ago

Any way to get a copy of this on disk or drive for annual home viewing – w/o need of internet connection? The music is very nice; it’s a really sweet & poignant viewing experience. (I found the weaponry evidence & dustification bits compelling as well!)

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

Right click on vid and download. Burn to disk or copy to thumb drive

Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

ty! 🙂

Ursa Occultare
Ursa Occultare
2 years ago

Hit right in the feels tbh :/

Justin Fisher
Justin Fisher
2 years ago

Sunday, September 11, 2022 NASCAR
Cup Series race results: car number 45 wins at Kansas
with car number 11 in second place. 4 + 5 = 9 (Winner) 11 (Second)
Great example of the Reality Generation
Machine at its finest with no one being in on it.

John P
John P
2 years ago
Reply to  Justin Fisher

US Open semifinal on friday. Players had a 55 ball rally that lasted 1:19.

AllDeception WillBeDefeated
AllDeception WillBeDefeated
2 years ago

Put the vids together well. The hypnotic music is shit. Total shit. Didn’t see chopper 5 zoom in footage which was clearly animation which Mr Baker proved. The engineer Leslie Earl Robertson was blamed severely for the collapses in the first few months. Him squirming and crying then vs his total acceptance of the fake narrative now would of been a perfect addition. There.

John P
John P
2 years ago

Agree about the music. Had to mute it. Awful.

Eric Woodson
Eric Woodson
2 years ago
Chris Mann
2 years ago

I remember sitting at my friends apartment that morning watching everything unfold. I wasn’t as “conspiratorial” back then, but STILL, I knew something wasn’t right about buildings collapsing neatly into their own footprints. Let alone Bldg 7.
Love and best wishes, y’all

2 years ago

Off-topic note to Rob:
My eyesight isn’t that good, and I wonder if you can change the colour of the font/background to something with more contrast?

Gregg Thib
2 years ago
Reply to  purrroudbeauty

Maybe a little magenda to ease those tough to see spots!

2 years ago
Reply to  Gregg Thib

LOL aye, preferrably in combination with some emerald green, perhaps? 😛

Kurt Wagner
Kurt Wagner
2 years ago

I was in 3rd grade so around 8 YO. I just remember going home early on the bus and walking into my house watching my mom stuck to the TV. I dont really remember anyone explaining to me what happened and didnt think much of it. Little did I know id be working part time at a 7/11 years down the road.

Casey Ackendorf
Casey Ackendorf
2 years ago

I was 30 yrs old when it happened and recall the day vividly as I first heard about it at work. The day was beautiful but filled with a creepy aura. Just like then, watching this now brings out deep resentment, sorrow and a bit of helplessness. Yet, my reasons for feeling this way are completely different than they were on that day. I’m pissed that they play these games and manipulate minds. I’m pissed I fell for it. I will never feel patriotic again, and that’s OK.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago

Thank’s Matt!

Brad Ley
Brad Ley
2 years ago

Matt, this is one of the best 9/11 documentaries. I’ve watched dozens over the years and experienced 9/11 in real time on TV, with two long-play VCR tapes recordings of what I watched that day.

I’ve never seen the structural steel “steeple spike” from the North Tower disintegrate into dust. How can we be sure that’s real? That spike particularly fascinated me, but it always looked like it collapsed from below, not disintegrating as it fell.

Thanks for your many hours of planning and creating “911 The Feel of That Day.”

Brad Ley
Brad Ley
2 years ago

I believe “9/11” was planned long before the Twin Towers were even designed. Therefore, many knew about 9/11 beforehand. What do you think those “people” are actually?

John P
John P
2 years ago
Reply to  Brad Ley

Fore sure it was.

John Mcmullan
John Mcmullan
2 years ago

Am I the only one who filled this 9/11 montage has come around so quick yet year itself went so slowly

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

As a New Yorker, I can’t watch this video. That is the last day I wish to re-live. I had a premonition years earlier when I was standing at the foot of the towers looking up and became terrified of those buildings. There was also one very strange night when I was a teenager, riding the subway with a friend. We kept looping back to the Trade Center over and over, even though we were trying to go somewhere else. We kept saying “why are we here again?” Weird.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago

Weird how someone felt it was necessary to film a shoe at sidewalk level. Just like all the shoes that were filmed during the shooting and car ramming hoaxes years later. Maybe ground zero was where they got the idea?

William Boiani
William Boiani
2 years ago

I’m a little confused by the woman interviewed at 21:30. She said she saw the first plane as it was flying over her, it sounded kind of loud, but she turned away and kept walking. If a massive plane was flying that low over me I don’t think my natural reaction would be to dismiss it. I don’t think that’s possible. Cargo planes fly over me all that time at much higher altitudes over open space and they always grab my attention because they are loud and are a little unnerving. To be walking in the middle of a city with a 757 flying just above the buildings would be impossible to ignore

2 years ago

You captured the day well, Matt. My thoughts go out to all those affected by this despicable event.
9/11 was my wakeup call to the Reality we live in, and I’ve been a conspiracy theorist since around 2002.

Here is what I recall:
I had just turned 27, and was attending Arts College at the time.
I live in a time zone 6 hours ahead of NYC, in Denmark, so it was around 3PM here. On that day I was at my part time job at a warehouse, and someone had turned up the volume on a transistor radio, with a reporter saying the World Trade Center had been hit by a plane. At first everyone thought it wasn’t on purpose the first plane had hit. When the second plane hit, and we knew it had to be planned. I went straight to my friend’s home and we watched CCN live reporting it, with a third friend of ours.
Then the first demolition happened. We saw the tower turn to dust in 10 seconds. I remember yelling to my friends, “That is IMPOSSIBLE!” over and over, just in total shock and disbelief; I just couldn’t believe the plane (which blew up on impact, with all the fuel turning into a fireball) could be responsible for a 110 story building to “collapse” like that. When the second tower then also dustified in freefall speed, I was of course scared, but also angry and confused. Again the question, “how is that possible?”, “did all the people get out?”, and the most important one: “What is USA going to do after this, to retaliate?”
Without any investigation, on the day itself, they named Bin Laden (the former CIA asset) as the guilty person. I thought, “wow, that is really impressive they can decide who did it that quickly! Effective boys and girls in the FBI and CIA.” Everyone had trust in both the authorities and the media, so we pretty much believed what they were reporting.

Looking back, as this was meant to be a mass traumatizing event ─and the “New Pearl Harbour” described in the PNAC* document─ I now understand why they didn’t just demolish the buildings right after the planes hit. 1) They had to wait a bit, for the official story of Jet Fuel melting the steel beams to be just a little believable, and 2) They had to have the entire WORLD sitting and staring at their TV screens, and then demolish them, to make sure the trauma was big enough, and affected the masses.

I remember the mass grief, fear and paranoia in the time right after 9/11. Everyone was on edge, airport security was intensified, and there were letters with Anthrax being sent to certain officials, which made them turn on the screw further: A lot of restrictions were installed, all in the name of anti-terrorism.
I didn’t believe the real culprits would be caught back then, and I still don’t – which is quite depressing in itself.
One thing they didn’t expect from their planned event was the sense of community that followed afterwards, mainly with NYC itself as a prime example. It was heartwarming to see how the New Yorkers handled it, cooperating and helping each other out.
Instead of splitting people up, it glued people closer together.


2 years ago
Reply to  Drum

*PNAC = Project for the New American Century.
They had a public website which everyone could visit, with mission statements and agendas right out in the open. One document spoke about “the transition being a slow one, without some sort of cataclysmic event“. It also described how USA should be the dominant world power, and that invasion of the Middle East was necessary.
Members counted Donald Rumsfeld (don’t RIP), Cheney, Bush Jr, Brzezinski (don’t RIP) and other high power people.
Fuck’em all.

2 years ago
Reply to  Drum

Testing if this reply also disappears.

Caesar Best
Caesar Best
2 years ago

Very impressive and very accurate. I was about 18 yo at the time working one of my first jobs when it happened, life has never been the same since.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

Regarding Matt’s last YT vid “Conclusions from Being in the Center of The Madness.”
To tie in with 9/11, Matt talks about the US Open ending this year on 9/11 and Elizabeth’s body being publicly displayed also on this date.

He goes on to show pictures of the park where the US Open takes place and ties it in with Elizabeth and other things. The pictures were taken by me and I also provided some research. He describes an amazing synchronicity that happened to him after I sent him the pics. I would like to shed some further light here and give you the background story. I am going to re-watch the video now and make notes, and will get back to you right here (a reply to this) in a little while….

PS Matt has talked about me on a few other vids as his “only Catholic fan.” We have become good friends over the past several years. I have a deep love for him and he has been there for me in some difficult times.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

I would like to share this for those who are interested. It’s sorta an addendum to Matt’s video. You’ll can take the ball and run with it…but remember to be wary of the screen exercises…woi bout yoself…

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

This will be in several parts, posts that are too long (also links) get delayed.

My Part of the Story

I have passed this thing countless times. After the C, I was passing the sign and the word “Corona” jumped out at me. I immediately knew there was something here and I had to share it with Matt. For some reason, I was hellbent on getting pictures from the road. During my frequent trips, I continued to obsess on getting the pics (as a passenger) but was unsuccessful. Then, one glorious day, we were passing it and WE WERE AT A STANDSTILL IN TRAFFIC! No I did not pull over, which would be impossible. I took the pics very easily while in traffic. Then I did the research, knowing it would be a clown show of breadcrumbs.

This was several months ago. I was very excited and emailed Matt that I would be sending this to him as soon as I had the chance. At that very point, my life careened off the edge. Also, I could not get the pics off my phone onto my computer, which had never been a problem before. My brother died. I had 3 surgeries with complications. I got a head injury. I got the C bad. A traumatic situation with my family. A pointless falling out with a friend and a family member. By the end of all this, (I still have brochitis from the C) I was suffering panic attacks and am now in therapy.

The phone problem got solved and I am still getting my life back. I knew 711 was coming up and felt the pressure to get this stuff out to Matt, because of the relation to the US Open. Somehow, I lost track of the days and it was now the night before 711. I got the pics out to him but was too exhausted to do the links. The morning of 711, I got the research to him.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Glad you shared your shots. I used to love to visit New York, haven’t gone back in the last 20 years, 2004 was my last visit. Thanks for your contributions.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

Thanks dude! I am about to try to complete this project (was having a lot of difficulty last night bc FV decided I was writing too much) and also distribute my research to Howdie and Mike Wann. Emily Moyer might also be interested, but I don’t know her personally.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

Matt tells his story with an incredible synchronicity immediately after getting my pics. Why the months-long delay, just to land on that exact moment? But I see now, that he got it at the EXACT right moment. As a person of faith, I interpret this as the hand of God.

Matt suggests that maybe people have climbed up those towers. They were observation decks at the Fair. My husband, in the 80’s actually DID climb up them with some friends. It was all our crazy friend’s Scott’s idea, may he rest in peace:)

Is something of importance being said, or is this nothing more than yellow breadcrumbs? Following is some final thoughts and links-be patient, the links have to be accepted.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

From Wikipedia: “The main floor of the [spiked crown/ball] was a…map of New York State…An idea…to use the floor for the World Trade Center did not materialize.” What was so special about that floor? My guess is an occult ritual took place there.

For more info: Read comments on Matt’s video-great contributions including people who were AT THE FAIR in the mid 60’s! The bread crumbs do not end. Look at Google Maps for a close-up of all the stuff there!

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

I hope this pic loads-here we’ve got the 3rd smaller tower, the globe and the tennis grandstand.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

After watching the documentary “Modern Ruin: A World’s Fair Pavilion,” (YouTube), I feel emotional and a bit different about the whole thing. The floor WAS special on its own merit. I still would not take occult ritual off the table. I suspect there is something astrological going on too. After numerous efforts to renovate the place, it just doesn’t happen. It seems someone doesn’t want it to happen. I disagree with Matt that it is ugly and should be torn down. I think it is quite beautiful, but also disturbing.

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