Give Matt a Tip:
With tomorrow being what it is, the absurd 1 in a million “coincidences” needed to be revisited and made fun of.
Give Matt a Tip:
With tomorrow being what it is, the absurd 1 in a million “coincidences” needed to be revisited and made fun of.
How dare you speak negatively about Matt, a pox on thee.
You come across like a pervert hanging around the carpark at a school trying to pick off low hanging fruit, there’s plenty of platforms out there, go forth and preach your version of reality.
Don, I agree…It never fails to amaze me when BOZOS like Charles KING…(yeah) I like that KING BOZO. Well your Royal clowness might like to know I spent over 20 years raising money and creating art in Hollywood, yep you read that right, you wanna pick on somebody I’m your man, King Chuck.
As for Matt, clearly Don and I see him doing a heck of a lot of amazing work daily, weekly, yearly and clowns like you come in a take pop shots like you’re at some carnival.
A couple months ago I created this art, seemingly anticipating this very day…so for all you do, this art’s for you TROLL.
Thanks Don, you know these trolls are real chicken shit IMO, but hey what do I know I used to play hockey and swim with sharks, so a lot of people strike me as scared little chicken shits. This clown wouldn’t for instance, have the balls to waltz into a Catholic Church and start shit like this after a Sunday Sermon (would you Chuck?).
Charles, do you have some hard evidence to show that William is straight out of Hollywood, or are you just slinging shit at walls again, hoping it sticks?
Charles King I didn’t just fall off the turnip truck, if I didn’t know anybody I’d say you were a bot obviously Matt is getting too close to the truth
You were the one that started the attack, Ad hominem attacks reveal you got nothing
Let me guess King Bozo – Chuck are you starting your own channel and trolling for subs?
Run William he’s on to you
Matt’s channel only manages to bring in a handful of nuts like myself, I doubt very much Matt’s channel is some sort of government psyop, seems like a lot of wasted time and energy in order to bump steer a handful of tin foil hat wearing pure bloods
Answer me! god dammit Charles King, I demand satisfaction
Yes I have noticed but I assume That’s because Matt’s family disowned him and he has no friends
I’m one of his friends, why are you even here Troll? That’s a serious question, can you answer that?
But Charles, I agreed in my last reply. I was a bit harsh on you. I then gave you the podium and asked for your thoughts. I’m still waiting
Nice job Matt, people who’ve never edited footage have no idea how long a process it is to construct stuff like this.
I couldn’t agree more
What are the odds that ABC, NBC, CBS and local NY TV stations WNEW and WPIX were all showing THE SAME HELICOPTER CAMERA VIEWS as soon as the first tower was hit? This is what I saw while flipping through the TV channels that morning. You’d think that in a competitive TV market, each station would want to get their own camera crews out there to get unique footage to “scoop” the other stations…
In May of 2001, Alex Jones said this was going to happen. The video is out there somewhere. I guess we’re to believe he can predict the future along with the Simpsons.
I think he even mentioned Osama being blamed
The ones responsible even documented it on their own webpage.
The Project for the New American Century, or PNAC. I visited their site in 2002 and they had open access to a document describing how they wanted to ensure US dominance.
I wish I had taken screenshots, because of course that site no longer exists, as the think tank dissolved in 2006. Do a search on “PNAC” on Wiki to see the ‘official narrative’.
The paragraph “Critics” is just scratching the surface. It only suggests that they exploited 9/11 to go to war and try and ensure World domination, not that they had any involvement.
I think you’re referring to William Cooper. He did predict 9/11 a few months in advance on his own show.
Hey Matt. I just recently watched a really interesting presentation where a guy suggests that explosives and small nukes were used to bring down the towers. The presentation is on YouTube under this channel called “9/11 and Beyond.” It is labeled something like what is the power source, and there are three parts to the presentation, in case you want to watch it. I thought it was pretty good. Kinda technical and dry, but persuasive.
On another note, so…. this King Charles guy is the kind of crap you put up with in the comments? Uh… jeez. No wonder you made that video trying to get rid of 5,000 subs. Too bad he didn’t get lost. 😖
I’m guessing you were watching that King Charles Notinlic-ness earlier, huh? Yeah, trolls, there a dime a dozen. Here’s something I cooked up to illustrate their ancient historical background, lol.
Nice! 😂👏🏼
I remember a russian scientist years ago stating the case for a mini nuke.
(Bush JR:”Nook-U-Lar” or mini nookie, heh)
Cuz they were pointless to the presentation.
I’m wondering maybe they just can’t handle the truth, right? Maybe they just weren’t meant for this…
I don’t know when I laughed harder: When Matt mentioned they took the disaster material to the “Fresh Kills Land Fill” (that’s a detail I’d never heard) or when Matt’s friend Tony thought when they said (concerning building 7) to “pull it” Tony thought they were putting wires on the 42 story sky-scraper to “pull it over” (OMG) wait…wtf?
Haha I grew up on Staten Island not a mile from the fresh kills landfill. Yep, that’s the name. And of course I never thought about the name until Matt just said that’s where they took debris from 911.
amazing, wow
Lol – I just watched a interview with “the pilots who were sent out to intercept flight 93” on youtube. Recorded yesterday. They hardly look old enough to have been there. They look like models – must have looked like supermodels 22 years ago. They didn’t have their planes ready when they took off – air force pilots don’t know how to have everything turned on in the plane – or to load weapons on the plane before taking off. Drilling to be able to take off quick – with the planes and pilots ready is ALL THEY DO in peacetime… Lady pilot says she “didn’t know how to scramble”. They were going to do a kamikaze number – if they found the civilian plane – the radar was not turned on in the Air Farce planes… Youtube video of interview is named “F-16 pilots recall their mission to intercept Flight 93 on Sept. 11, 2001” – youtube channel “CBS Evening News”
If links are allowed, this is the interview:
You’re a brave man, wow, I couldn’t handle those weeds anymore, too many rabbit holes I’ve dove down over the years I guess.
I feel the same way about the Burning Man nonsense.
On second thought, that video might be great for some laughs, do you have the link, I’d love to see our tax paid pilots saying they don’t know how to scramble. Thanks for that laugh.
I put the link in a reply to my original post that’s awaiting approval. in the meantime, it’s on YouTube with the title: “F-16 pilots recall their mission to intercept Flight 93 on Sept. 11, 2001” – youtube channel “CBS Evening News”
Oh cool, I’ll look forward to Rob releasing that, thanks so much.
F-16s were said to be the intercepting jets but living in Stamford Connecticut at the time of 9/11 and being in the army 22 years, I can say with 100% accuracy the planes that flew over Stamford that morning were F-15s.
The F16’s: The king’s horses – The fighter pilots: The kings men.
(Made me think of Matt’s exposition on nursery rhymes)
This is excellent, thank you.
9/11 ‘s Miracle on stairwell B… look it up matt. 99.9999% chance of survival for sure
911 problems and a staircase ain’t one. <badum-tss>
That is a lot of coincidences but there was a plane wheel found so…
My question is why do we bother trying to explain to people like Tony any longer. They always go away think we are totally insane.
I do find Tony relatable. Then again is Matt Bugs Bunny and Tony Elmer Fudd
or the other way around?
Lots of passports dwindling in the wind, and a ronely box cutter in the first 10 seconds.
Off topic: the suggestion of the mandela effect being retro active enchantment.
Such great stuff Matt!
You either see it, or you don’t. De-Nile is not just a river in Egypt…it is a State of Mind for those that love the Maya
26:20 – Jamaican hijackers! lol
Wish I could have seen the “5 dancing Israelis”.
Your friend Tony is an absolute moron. Sorry Matt
So I’m only ten minutes in, Matt will probably get to this. But the “man on the street” interview of the “random” guy who says “the jet fuel fire so hot it melted the steel etc etc” This has been impossible to find a clip of for like 3 years now…at least for me. Does anyone know search terms that can get this clip to come up or is it gone for good ?
Great job, Matt! My contribution: A Laurie Anderson Deep Dive
I broke the story into the truth community 2 or 3 years ago about performance artist Laurie Anderson singing “O Superman” on the very night of 9/11 in NYC. She continued to perform it around the city in the ensuing months. I really want people to share this story because still it isn’t discussed. Written around 1980, she seems to channel 9/11, and even the purpose of it. Here are some of the lyrics:
“Well, you don’t know me,
but I know you.
And I’ve got a speech to give to you.
Here come the planes.
So you better get ready. Ready to go. You can come
as you are, but pay as you go. Pay as you go…
Here come the planes.
They’re American planes. Made in America.
Smoking or non-smoking?
And the voice said: Neither snow nor rain nor gloom
of night shall stay these couriers from the swift
completion of their appointed rounds…
So hold me, Mom, in your long arms.
Your petrochemical arms. Your military arms.
In your electronic arms.”
Also check out:
From the Air-A pilot about to take a plane down tells the passengers to play “Simon Says”-seem familiar?
Big Science-American suburbia turns dystopic and the suggestion that we are in a script
Drum Dance & Smoke Rings-From 80’s film “Home of the Brave”-cut in at 6:30 for some real fun-watch till the end (911 on the screen!)
The End of the Moon, Legendado-Post 9/11, where she actually talks about it, is she beginning to channel Covid?-talks about her stint with NASA and her dog
Laurie Anderson is a prophet, much like Leonard Cohen, who’s work is truly stunning and can provoke endless examination and interpretation. Her running theme is the deception and demise of the American Dream. She has proven herself to be a person of integrity in her personal life. For instance, she bowed out of a project with Peter Gabriel, involving an amusement park in Europe, due to her environmental concerns. She was married to Lou Reed and did a film on the topic of death, “Heart of a Dog,” never mentioning Reed, but it is clear his death was a influence. She had several traumas in her childhood, which certainly affected her work. In her 70’s she is still quite visible and has become a kind of elder mentor for the younger artsy intellectuals.
Sorry, I’m not posting links because it takes too much time for them to be moderated and it’s a lot of work:)
Leonard Cohen created some classics no doubt.
Cohen was a true genius. I had the privilege of seeing “The Future” tour back in the early 90’s in NYC. That was his seminal truther album. How did he know all that? Cohen died a while ago after hitting his head in the middle of the night. I had that concussion last year and I’m still suffering from it. Hitting your head ain’t no joke!
Hitting your head is very serious stuff. In 2010 I fell off my motorcycle (downtown St. Louis) and wasn’t wearing a helmet, my head bounced on the pavement like a basketball, good thing I was only going about 25 mph, still I went to a doctor right away, had a concussion. Wow, every time I tried to sleep if I moved my head just an inch the wrong way the room would spin horribly, almost enough to make you sick, this went on for over a month.
Btw, It gets worse. That security co. Responsible for those towers simply changed their name months prior however, it was still technically the same company.
Around 14 minutes in, you mention that no other buildings with steel frames had collapsed before 9/11…But hasn’t happened after 9/11, either.
Building 7 is still the big giveaway, and hardly mentioned in MSM.
All three buildings were turned to dust in 10 seconds; advanced demolitions or D.E.W. imo.
It wasn’t a day or so after 9/11 that I began questioning building 7 (for sure), though none of them made sense dropping so fast. Of course back then I was coming at it from a within the bookends of reality – I thought insider – secret agencies – like Mad Magazine Spy Vs Spy shit. I had no idea back then how super-natural / occult that day really was.
Though, I was asking family and friends (which I’ll never do again) if this was real wouldn’t the “bad guys” keep attacking? I used the “Oh I guess the U.S. just wants to pick a “bad guy” and we’re all supposed to go along. Never even dreamed about ‘download stuff’ back then.
On the day, I watched live feed from CNN with friends (here in Denmark).
When the collapses happened (in the same exact manner) I kept saying to them “That’s impossible”. I also found it impressive that they could show a picture of bin Laden on the same day, and claim he had taken responsibility.
I went down the rabbit hole in 2002.
Excellent walkthrough, Matt!
You had some simple strong points that I will try to remember when ‘normies’ ask about the event.
How Mr. Silverfish is still at large (among others) is (not) a mystery.
Matt when you starts computin dem compound probobilities, den you ain’t far from bein one a dose cornspiracy people. Seek help !
Then on Sept. 12, congress was pressured to immediately sign the 3.5-foot stack of paper so we can stay safe. No trickery here at all.