For now at least, the dust has settled on both planned events. What can we learn by making a comparison of the two big ones?

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Eric Woodson
Eric Woodson
1 year ago

I, kind sir did not believe that shit straight from the gate, I was locked up in Northumberland County Correctional Facility and I watched that bullshit… soon after my top secret security clearance special forces brother came to visit me and I questioned him… I said it was clearly a controlled demolition, I said I watched it and you could see the explosions on the lower floors…. the little plumed shooting out left and right… he didn’t answer me, he just smiled and I knew I was right. I have never been asleep… whether it’s from being born dead and bringing an attachment back with me or the large amounts of psychedelics I have eaten… 🤷

1 year ago
Reply to  Eric Woodson

Nice. Just so you know, one did not need to be on or have ever used, psychedelics to see the plumes, floor – by – floor. The sickness is that someone would smile, knowing it was all a lie, and continue to work for a force of evil.

Laura Huston
Laura Huston
1 year ago
Reply to  Eric Woodson

I fell for the whole thing as did my friends, church family, cop husband and friends.
But I never understood how an EXplosion IMploded…

Earthling Carl
Earthling Carl
1 year ago

I really love this intro music, always creates a great atmos 🙂

Eric Woodson
Eric Woodson
1 year ago

Yes ma’am I do believe that the ramped up the five/6 G when you turn it up to certain frequencies are amplitudes they directed it towards certain people government dissenters in China videos leave where people were bleeding out their eyes ears mouth nose and falling face forward and lying in a puddle of their own blood and then after that then other people were going fuck this is fucking crazy bullshit and then they became dissenters and lock them in their homes anybody that spoke out against the government then they burned them and they said oh no it’s just chickens burning we’re burning the chicken yeah right.

paul carlander
paul carlander
1 year ago

You’ve been making an awful lot of content lately. You must smell that myth of a rapture of the church might be actually true. 🙂

paul carlander
paul carlander
1 year ago
Reply to  paul carlander

9/11-1. Covid-10,000. Rapture of the Church- 10,000,000,000,000.

paul carlander
paul carlander
1 year ago
Reply to  paul carlander

You are getting close, Matt. Almost there.

Marcel LeMay
Marcel LeMay
1 year ago

I used to believe in a supernatural evil force orchestrating these things, but I’ve come to believe that this place is a simulation of some kind. I think we’re “jacked” into this place from a place that is far more real than this bubble we’re living in. The “physical” nature of this place is the characteristic of the simulation. From birth they teach us that the only thing that is real is the stuff that you can feel with your senses. I think that the real reality is that we, ourselves are the constructors of this reality. The powers that be, knowing this, try everything in their power to keep us in a state of fear so that we can remain in this low vibration state, which makes us, as a general group, more controllable. We, as individuals, have the power to transcend that vibration, by only entertaining the thoughts and feelings that serve us…positive and loving and abundant thoughts and feelings can transform this place. Many have done it, and are doing it, right now, in their own personal reality The only thing that should concern the individual is making his own little piece of the world his own little paradise. The rest of the world is none of our business. If we paid no attention to the things that they do to perpetuate this low fear vibration to the masses, they would have absolutely no power to do anything. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. .

Jen Kupp
1 year ago
Reply to  Marcel LeMay

bingo & well said!

C Stevens
C Stevens
1 year ago

Luv it mane

Andy Evenson
Andy Evenson
1 year ago

The day after de plane event, MSM showed a clip of a nose of a plane exiting the second wall of one of the towers. It was presented as if the nose never even dented after going through two walls of a skyscraper…Then the next day, they presented pictures of 19 hijackers posted on the screen like it was a page of a high school yearbook…I’m like, I thought these guys were vaporized in the attacks, what, did Bin Laden send them the pics from his cave in Tora Bora…I knew it was bullshit at that point.

Joseph Carioggia
Joseph Carioggia
1 year ago
Reply to  Andy Evenson

I remember being at Bennigans drinking with friends when we started bombing Afghanistan. We were all cheering, but in the back of my mind I knew something was fishy. Looking back now I’m a different person than then. I might have upgraded my headset.

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
1 year ago
Reply to  Andy Evenson

When the next day they posted the pics of the “hijackers” within 24 hours of the event, I knew it was an inside job. Didnt take me years to figure out. And weeks and months after it happened people started questioning it were getting fired, censored and killed that solidified it for me. Wasnt til 10 years later i instarted to openly talk about it

Ole Sok
Ole Sok
1 year ago

Matt, there is no asshole dark because the negative is that which is not! Only that which is, is real. The illusion of that which is not is very convincing and easy to obsess about, but it is just shadows on the wall.

In the case of 911 the whole event is an archetype. An archetype is like a blue print in the deep mind, a concept complex that can manifest in an infinite number of ways, but the structure is the same. A simplistic analoge would be a face: it has two eyes, nose etc. That is the blueprint, but it can vary in manifestation inan indefinite number of ways. In tarot this archetype is “the tower”. Lightning from heaven strikes an earthly tower that crumbles and falls. Sudden illumination from above makes old structures fall, the crown/corona falls off… This seems bad from the point of view of the ignorant old self, but is in reality something great.

In the case of corona, this event has all the signs of an initiation ritual. Initiation rituals usually takes place when a child is about to grow up into adulthood. We are children of God about to grow up and in order to do that we must face our fears. If Satan was real, he would be created by the Father and ruled by him, as is everybody. Therefore all is well. The intent is always benevolent. The dark forces are being manipulated like puppets by the power of Love.

Truly, everyone is Jesus. Jesus himself confirms it when he tells his disciples to pray “our Father”…

We are the children of God. All of us. The body is the cross. Corona is our crown. We have been insulted, put in prison and crowned. Next up is the ressurection, us giving up the association with the body, remembering our real Self. Even if that happens after death, it is still great news. All is well.

Jen Kupp
1 year ago

It’s almost a nocebo effect situation re: the final topic of this presentation, but a simpler & better explanation is simply the truth of this place & how things work here. I made a little poem about it a few months back: “TERRA reflects what each man expects & each man receives whate’r he believes.”

echo charlie
echo charlie
1 year ago

Since you brought up the Vegas event, in light of AI, could that have been a fishing expedition (there’s one that can see) so that when the 2020 one (and now beyond) went down the malignant AI could get even more data points and begin the solution . I’m just thinking out loud. I believe I have spiritual Teflon I.e if one wants to engage it engage it. If one wants to repose, repose. If one wants to create, create. I hope you and your website folks and artists around you know how much you are appreciated.

Cindy Holtzman
Cindy Holtzman
1 year ago

I don’t usually comment but every time Marr, you said Bin ladin I heard Been lying. . Love every video /recording you do. It awakes the very heart of me to rise up… Not just accept the narratives.

Empathetic Mechanic
Empathetic Mechanic
1 year ago

“long c” is lyme

1 year ago

Lyme is cause by bacteria. Covid is a virus. Not even the same thing.

Huckle Buck411
1 year ago

I’m not disagreeing with you Matt, especially about Las Vegas. I just want to point out some other things about the ‘C’ event. While the reported deaths related to ‘C’ were going up, “coincidentally” flu and the deaths always associated with it magically disappeared. The hospitals started to put anyone with a sniffle on respirators, blowing out their lungs killing them or doing the same thing by giving them remdesivir and shutting down their kidneys. Sick people were being intentionally placed in nursing homes with the elderly. And, once the experimental jab started being doled out, deaths continued and continue to climb.

Jack Smith
Jack Smith
1 year ago

The truth community was going pre 07 I was in it. I started to see and hear stuff about around 03 ish but it certainly did not really get going until the Zeitgeist Doc came out.
I did not see the Tower fall and think “that cant happen” I did however On the actual day, think this is not right, the media coverage is relentless and clearly a brain washing exercise, and I knew from the first day that something was up, but I was just not sure what.
It was not until about 03 that I first heard the notion it was a False flag event and that was down to Icke who was talking about it then (as well as talking about the use of Pandemics to control society as far back as the late 90’s)

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
1 year ago

I got what “they’ call Covid 19. I let a nurse shove swabs up my nose a few months ago for my 60th birthday. I went to urgent care because I thought something was wrong with my heart…120 beats per minute for 48 hours straight and a headache that was crushing. I needed to get that checked out. I don’t know if it came from a faucilabrat or 5-G or from the assholedark directly. Don’t know about all of you but the further along this path I go the more spikes that get thrown in the roadway. I lost my taste and smell for a few days. It came back to some degree but just yesterday morning, my shampoo decided to smell like onions. My symptoms lingered for 5 weeks until I doubled my vitamin D to 10,000 iu’s. I did not imagine what I had and it was not anything I have ever experienced, including weird sand like particles coming off the crown of my head (I do not have dandruff) when my taste and smell went. That felt like a sci-fi movie to me. I have had to distance myself from some “truther” fiends who still think Trump is coming back, that Phil Godlewski is a prophet and that the homeless people are the problem. Seems there is a narrow swath of people who can see what’s up.

Anne Parkinson
Anne Parkinson
1 year ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

Are you doing 10,000 a day or a week? Just curious

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
1 year ago
Reply to  Anne Parkinson

At 20,000 a day now. Will reduce in summer. I do live in a place with very little sunlight.

Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

Thank you Eva, for sharing this. I had it last year and it was definitely not like anything else I’ve ever experienced and I’m no spring chicken and I’ve been very sick many times. It wasn’t the sickest I’ve ever been, but it was psychologically torturous because there were so many symptoms and they were so strange, without going into painful detail. I believe it is a bio-weapon but I’m not buying the Chinese lab story.

Just today, my poor sister in law had major surgery and was very nervous. Though she and all her family have been jabbed, they did not let her have anyone with her before or after surgery. They were promised that life would be normal again if they got jabbed. Be careful about deals with the Devil. “I’m the Devil. I lied.”

I hope you are feeling better! I’m still suffering with a few symptoms from concussion and possibly related to Covid as well.

Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago

In case people are wondering where my sis in law lives, she is in New Jersey, USA.

1 year ago

I have not yet watched this and am very excited about hearing your discussion about these topics! I will come back, after listening, and comment further. Thank you, Matt, for being “brave” and continuing to post on topics you (and we) find interesting, or in (edit: are in) need of discussion amongst the living!🤝

Last edited 1 year ago by J D
Joseph Carioggia
Joseph Carioggia
1 year ago

I have one friend that told me it was demolition less than a year after. It was to much for me to take in at the time.

Paul Schoenmann
Paul Schoenmann
1 year ago

Ooof, I guess I have a profile pic lol; Okay Matt you haven’t mentioned #Comorbidity! It was found very early that all those affected with covid ALSO had comorbidities! Often TWO OR MORE!

I firmly believe whatever covid was, was simply a tiny catalyst to push these people over the edge they were already approaching… it sounds harsh, but we all know how sick the world, specifically Americans are 👁
Most of these people were already diabetic or hypertensive or had other factors like heart disease, etc. — of course you can expect a swift decline if you WHACK these sick people with a hard, heavy stick.

Paul Schoenmann
Paul Schoenmann
1 year ago

Also note China is the #1 chief consumer of meat, specifically Pork, in all the world 👀
So we may be able to suggest China was/is just as sick as America, or SICKER. So again it would make sense for the notnilc shit to start there and spread out.

Given the Event 201 thing, many think its all fake–but I tend to accept your opinion. That inner-knowing is good and aligns. Makes one wonder if something truly was sweeping through China–either a tiny catalyst or a massive pandemic, we may never know.

Chuck Pal
1 year ago

Covid was planned and executed by people who listen to and obey the notnilc…or as Matt and most of you can’t bring yourselves to say or believe…Satan. Satan (the notnilc) whispers to and tempts everyone to do its bidding making them think they are doing the right thing and saving the world. It’s all supported by and run by money. Everyone needs money…everyone. Comply or die is the general way it all works.
For over a century evil, greedy retards like the Rothschild and Rocefeller families took control of all things medical. The virus/germ theory was drilled into all doctors and nurses through the universities and colleges long ago. No one has ever seen a virus let alone isolated or purified one…ever.
The books were printed and the indoctrination was repeated throughout all the world. It couldn’t be terrain theory because then people would find out that they were being poisoned by these same elite via the industrialization process. People would find out that Poilo was caused by chemical poisoning…mainly pesticides like DDT. People would find out that vaccinations were poison. People would find out that radio frequencies were poison too.
The truth had to be contained so the average Joe knows about as much about “viruses” as the doctors and nurses…next to nothing.
Initially it was big oil and the war machine. The notnilc (Satan) used their greed and the world fell into lockstep. The world wars were practice. Vietnam was a weapons test.9/11 was a means to an end…which is coming to a neighborhood near you.Newtown was a “15 minute city”.
It’s all run out of the CDC, WHO the UN and its a world wide military/banking operation. All national leaders are playing their roles. They have to if they don’t want to end up like Tanzanian President of Tanzania, John Magufuli, who would not comply. He died for testing a papaya a goat.
All anyone has to do is look at Lagos, Nigeria to see that there was no virus. Lagos is the largest city on the continent of Africa. It was recording a few hundred cases while New York City was recording hundreds of thousands. Lagos has one modern hospital and New York City has over a dozen. The population of Logos is 24 million. The population of New York City is 8 million.

Richard Clark
Richard Clark
1 year ago

Paul of pockets has been sharing a clip from some obscure movie where she says to another that “they” have made you believe in nothing or something to that effect. Every time I hear semblance to that, I remember “flood the zone” and “event 201”. Of course media bear. Appreciate them yet in content creation, seems to be following the likes of Tom Macdonald and ilk. A following that is or will remain stagnant for a time. Think about this lately because perhaps I have succumbed to “info glut” to a degree I did not anticipate. Now I want to hear it again. God help me! 😅 Appreciate you much, Matt!

Curt Snyder
Curt Snyder
1 year ago

That was a great presentation, Matt.

It’s important to keep in mind that those of us who are in the truth community have only a minute number of people that we personally know, who we could even contact to pass along information.

Compared to the world’s population this is like a drop in the bucket and these people (those who pulled off 911) KNOW THIS.

Seriously, who are we going to tell?

“They” know perfectly well that only a certain amount of those we are able to tell will even believe us anyway, and in turn, who are they going to tell, their minute circle of family and friends? You can quickly see that it’s going nowhere fast and THEY KNOW IT.

This is how they were able to pull off their evil genius plans, at least up until covid in 2020 that is.

This when I believe things advanced exponentially. This is also when things begin to happen supernaturally on a grand scale.

You call it retrocausality, but I call it angelic activity, fallen angels, if you will, who are under the control of Satan. The Bible is true, by the way. How else are people able to explain how everything we see came into existence? Deep down people know there has to be a divine creator.

Jesus Christ, my friend, is soon to come.

Thank you for your time.
Eph. 2:8-9, Acts 16:31

Last edited 1 year ago by Curt Snyder
Chuck Pal
1 year ago
Reply to  Curt Snyder

I’ve got one who can see!

A Ross
A Ross
1 year ago

So, being raised in Las Vegas, I used to go out and film the mass amount of old casinos being leveled. When I was a college student in another state, I would gp back to Vegas and record the leveling of casinos. The strongest one in memory was the old ‘The Alladin’, which was replaced by the new ‘Aladdin’ and then revamped as the PH(which I used to doedia for). But I digress.

So when the OK insidia bombing happened I hnew the main stream media was lying.

As a further note my father was an operating engineer, my motger a wild life rehabilitator and we had cable VHF channels delivering Ruby Ridge an Bo Gritz before Mc Fain ever pulled that off.

9er-Jaun-Won had me through both thing 1 and thing 2, for about an hour. Then 7-11 flopped down. And I said (thinking aboutbwhat was and not OK. “Damn, the did it to me again.

I always tried to be trusting of the media, bit it always left holes. Simple imperical holes that cannot be explained.

But as far as the media was concerned, and tv, movies, computer animations, music, and conspiracy theories: All off that was true, but who or why was where the lines were drawn.

The movie ‘The Matrix’ was a quick respite, being a person that did not follow Art ‘resonate’ Bell, BBS boards, AOL chats or obscure websites. (Some of them had a sliver of new information, bit always led to to the ridiculous or the parsing into camps), that movie said what many of us thought.

But even those people fought over nine-fun-won. Most thought it happened, after the banking crash and the ‘EotW’ 2000.

And this time the world xurrency shofted in ways NAFTA and 96 could not do.

So I will say it was very close to Covinimus Maximus.

Covinimus started smaller than 3 buildings in a major worldly trade city and effected (yes with an ‘e’ not an ‘a’).

It affected the banking city less by reports, but became tje guidance for all major media, influencer, corporate narratives.

So yes, it looked like Nine-Juan-Won had a 100%, there were many more skeptics that you could not find on Tru-fer channels. Because they did not exist unless it was local VHF or HAM.

Connive-Id started ‘novel’ but had so much more monetary weight around to try and make it new and then affect banking global.

Most chat rooms and Tru-fer videos were playing it was real, weaponized AIDS, monkey pox, Rothchild manipulation.

So, I would say that 9-won-juan was 85% and ‘Novel Crown’ was more like 96%.

A Ross
A Ross
1 year ago

So if that metric of people cannot be behined is true (which I am slightly partial too), then why does ‘Pelohsee’ come out later about WoMD later and say (paraphrasing)’I was part of the gang of eight, we knew when bush said thwy had nuclear bombs, there were no WoMD, but we let it go. I did not call for impeachment with him, but Trump is a different matter, he has created more of a crisis than 8 years pf war’ (badly paraphrased, but you can look up the interview).

Then she praises the ‘HOPE’ ACT (jan 2018) and Covid provisions in mid 2019. So she might be feeding an egrogore, but you can find where it is not just some spookity gahst that cannot be seen.

You can find 10’s if not 100’s of transparencies in documentations, moving the ‘he(a)rd’.

Now, who tjey are praying to and preying at is a different matter. And, if this has metaphysical leanings is something to look at.

But we cannot pretend that it is just in the air and not thought of over time with thinks tanks and symposiums.

Ask me about 3G discussed in a tech conferwnce about what was known and used already and how they would warm consumers into in 1999. Or the consortium of competeing companoes that rallied together about Bluetooth in 1996, and 1/6th rice grain nano robots on 1996.

There is absolutely a plan. And yes, a faith driven person sees that it is beyond men and more than an all powerful demigd, satan, demigog, mahlal.

A Ross
A Ross
1 year ago

And, just for fun…

Bluetoorh was a viking conquerer and usurper compelling fealty.

A Ross
A Ross
1 year ago

I lived in Vegas during this. There a number of hospitals near the area St. Rose, St. Rose Delima, Mountain View, Mountain VIew West, Sunrise.

And there is so much funky about hospital intake. High School students saying they new some one that was in a hospital, but were pressed and you come to find outbit was a freind of a frwind of a freind.

Weird stuff about cameras in the back of house and front of house in Mandalay Bay, which I was a contractor for strip properties at the time.

And Paddock (A goat pen)’s brother with his weird interview with different phones ringing and as each one rings he changes his mood and narrative. And a thousand other things.

Bit you said, it would be fun to debate people, I am down to bounce ideas off of you and discuss many things.

Tj R
Tj R
1 year ago

Nobody here was using xanga in 2001!? I remember someone shortly after 9/11 created a parody account called emosama and they pretended to be an emo version of bin laden who was just sad and wanted to start an emo band. It was hilarious.

Larry Beck
Larry Beck
1 year ago

And one makes 34.

Larry Beck
Larry Beck
1 year ago

People weren’t showing up en masse to hospitals like you suggest. It was ALL about testing and “cases” thus the Casedemic. For months the news showed case counts every single day. That’s how they controlled the narrative. If it was about actual “cases” people would think, “How come I don’t know a single person who went to a hospital?” Funny how you know several people in your family who “got it.” Then again, you got jabbed. I guess you need to justify your ill thought out actions.

Chuck Pal
1 year ago
Reply to  Larry Beck

Matt didn’t get the jabba dabba doo. He just believes that viruses are real and evidently doesn’t know where to do the research proving that viruses don’t exist. I’ll admit it does take some effort but Dr. Sam Bailey explains it all in her video named ‘The Origins of COVID-19’ which can be found on Odysee.

James Hawke
James Hawke
1 year ago

I’m sorry Matt, but you ramble, take too long to get to your point with all your sidebars and third-person quips, and you are becoming unlistenable.

Nigel Offer
Nigel Offer
1 year ago

Unbelievable that so many can’t see that the “truth” movement is performing a role for the construct.Good people honestly performing a service “exposing” conspiricy and “fighting” evil, maybe devoting their lives to it.When they are just as susceptible to suggestion or downloads from the reality generation machine as humans on the other or evil side.After decades of seeing constantly repetitive themes especially of low frequency addictive fear narrative,huge assumptions and wild claims leading to genuine lightworker seekers being discredited or losing their way down endless dead end rabbit holes.For sure there is much to expose and look for but when you go around the world many times ,read many books hear many stories, in the end it all comes back to you and thats what you were ultimately looking for all along,you were trying to find yourself.

Chuck Pal
1 year ago
Reply to  Nigel Offer

This is backwards thinking. Everyone is susceptible to mind control but a lot of us are resistant to it and can discern truth from a lie.It took going down a lot of rabbit holes to finally figure it out. All rabbit holes lead to the same place. Aleister Crowley believed he could save himself. I doubt that’s working out very well for him.

Nigel Offer
Nigel Offer
1 year ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

Yes a lot are resistant to forms of mind control but then along comes another form and another level of distraction and then another.Its rising above, its not just being saved as I suppose we can never be sure of that until on the other side.But sure as heck there’s something trying to stop us being who we should be.

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
1 year ago

What I will never get over or understand, is how vicious people became and came at me inches within my face screaming how I NEED to get vaccinated, almost to a demonic level. Same as in 2016 when I told people I was voting for Trump. People that I knew for decades swore to become my enemy instantly. Get in my face, again almost at demonic levels. I’m convinced there are downloads taking place. There is an Israeli author that wrote a research book about 8 or so years ago and in it he states the we have successfully figured out how to hijack and control the human mind. Damn I wish I could remember the title of that book. Anyone know who I’m referring to?

Chuck Pal
1 year ago

That gay insect, Yuval Harari, has been sitting by Klaus Schwab’s side spewing this bullshit for the last two years.He and his husband have been pushing Harart’s books for over a decade. You may be thinking of the book ‘Sapiens’ (2011).

Anne Parkinson
Anne Parkinson
1 year ago

First thing I said was, “Is that real?”

Anne Parkinson
Anne Parkinson
1 year ago

Yemen in a war, left out. Same as Spain left out of WWII because “recovering from their Civil War.”

Anne Parkinson
Anne Parkinson
1 year ago

In the “you can’t make this up category,” my friend’s doctor told him they weren’t having any cases in their part of NYC was because “it was a rich part of town and they don’t get illnesses like that there.” Meanwhile, the Verizon map showed new 5G going in everywhere but that part of the city. Which part you ask? Three guesses but you only need one.

1 year ago

30+ mins in. Yes, I agree. A reality breakdown.

What does it mean?? 🤯

1 year ago
Reply to  Jocke

What is this? Who am I? 😁🙏🏽

1 year ago
Reply to  Jocke

37 min in .. I would love to see you live, presenting your arguments. We should make it happen. In the real world, not in this digital representation.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago

In regards to something like the paddock fest, it’s like people’s consciousness is hijacked whether it’s because of a combination of flouridated water and supernatural spells, I think that these people all beLIEve that surgeries and whatever actually took place in their reality, but in actual reality this didn’t happen. It’s an absolute mind FUCK!

W Dforty
W Dforty
1 year ago

2 months after 9/11 I boarded a plane to Toronto. Two Sikhs were in the front Rows while Boarding. I eyed them suspiciously, sat down and caught myself to thinking I’m going to beat the shit out of them if the charge the cockpit….by the end of the 2 hour flight l knew the creeps had Me for 2 months but no more. I would never fall for it again. It been all laughable since… Weird

Laura Huston
Laura Huston
1 year ago

Compare 911 to Pearl Harbor.
Compare C19 to Spanish Flu 2018
Lots of similarities.

Real Math
Real Math
1 year ago

So you know the things that scientists call virus. I’m talking about the stuff any credentialed lab can buy and use to infect lab animals. Those pathogens are actually man made DNA clones of RNA “viruses”. The natural RNA viruses lack replication potential to spread and make one sick. The DNA clones however have near perfect replication competence. So in order for what we witnessed to actually have occurred , namely people from all around the realm being sick and having the exact same viral dna (protein sequences)present in them. DNA clones must have necessarily been sprayed in those places that those people were sequenced (not related to PCR). I’m watching an entire sub set of academia, all those who spoke out and were cancelled, are now on substack waking up, most are onboard with the above described senario. I’m watching in real time the big picture things we talk about here happening to the professional researchers. I swear it seems they are being presented with every single thing they set out to find as if it were being Mandellued into the reality after the hypothesis is proposed.

Jonathan Sanchez
Jonathan Sanchez
1 year ago

Really good video

Matthew Eggleston
Matthew Eggleston
1 year ago

pissen me off Matt

Pepe Briguglio
Pepe Briguglio
1 year ago

I agree, something real happened in 2020 and 2021. It was certainly scripted and manufactured, and certainly not much of anything on the large scale of things. But nevertheless real. I do not believe what they say about viruses. And I do not believe a virus was the ultimate cause of those (extremely exaggerated) stories of millions of people falling ill. Viruses play, if anything, only an immaterial part in the mechanisms leading to what we perceive as illnesses. And at least to a degree, they are nothing more than an innocent part of the symptoms of certain illnesses.

And I see your point. A large group of truthers simply cry ‘hoax’ and anything and everything without actually trying to grabble with the truth. Just like true believers of the system, they simply avoid seriously looking for the truth. But I think that that same group is just as likely to explain away everything in terms of magical conspiracy, as in terms of (impossible) practical orchestration and (impossible) logistics. To some, there is perhaps a down-to-earth version if the vizard of oz with a down-to-earth ‘world machine’. To others, it is just simply ‘the devil’ doing it all in magical way, without needing to look at how it is done. And in common, that group of people is simply looking for ways to avoid the truth.

Pepe Briguglio
Pepe Briguglio
1 year ago

I am one of those ‘rare people’ who watched the news on 9/11 and knew for a fact, that what I was seeing had to be planned and executed by covert powers operating through the American authorities. There was not a shadow of doubt in my mind on that day. And the impossibility of the event being explained in conventional terms only confirmed my immediate perception of what was going on. The real reason for my perception was the perfection with which the event fit like hand in glove with everything the evil powers of the world could wish for, suiting at least three major world-wide agendas all at once.

What is most special for me, on that day, is a loud voice in the depths of my mind booming “at last! at last people will see and know!” … Oh boy, I was wrong! Or at least, for a long time I thought I was wrong. People did not see. Did not open their eyes. But yes, they did. Only, it is a far slower process than I figured. Far far slower. And this is what I have learned. The unmistakable voice of liberation is like no other voice in my life. And until this day, it has surfaced exactly twice. The second time was the moment they declared corona lockdown on a larger scale. For a couple of months I had seen it coming that they would use the new disease to experiment with restrictions, surveillance and public compliance. But when they did it on a scale a hundred times larger than what I had seen coming, I immediately though “oh wow! NOW people will see it!” 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😅😅

Now, I know I am special. But we all are. And I do not believe that your friend Greg and myself are as rare as you think. Perhaps rarer than one in ten thousand. But not one in a million. I can easily see most of those of us, wearing no blindfold on that day, not engaging in the world. Neither in the world of the media, nor in the world of truthers. Therefore I think our numbers are bigger than they seem.

Pepe Briguglio
Pepe Briguglio
1 year ago

Empty covid hospitals and covid wards were reported all over the world. And for months and months covid wards were 0-10% occupied in Denmark, and that was mainly reported on by private people, including largely unknown doctors and nurses from those wards, and rarely by insignificant local media.

This does not say, that there was no disease around. But it does say that even a scared shitless and completely compliant public could not keep up with as little as 10% of the rhetoric of the authorities and the media. Not even in terms of hysteria and hypochondria.

Werds Werdz
Werds Werdz
1 year ago

Covid never fooled me. To this day I wonder why that is . Psychedelics maybe?

Last edited 1 year ago by Werds Werdz
Caesar Best
Caesar Best
1 year ago

I doubt Matt’s gonna read this at this point, but I MUST comment. I don’t know what the exact stats were in the US, but statistically there was nothing weird going on in 2020 here in the Netherlands. The amount of dead and hospitalized were comparable to that of a heavy flu season, we had worse in 2018, but then nobody cared.
The only thing that happened was that they put the fear of death in people by focusing in on (basically) normal death figures and using all sort of messed up ‘testing’ and ‘treatment’ protocols. By now 75% has been injected with crap, so I don’t know what we’re in for in the coming years, but 2020 really was a nothing-burger from a statistical point of view.

Last edited 1 year ago by Caesar Best
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