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Quantum of Conscience

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People have asked me to watch “The Prisoner” for years. The 1967 TV series is famous in our “truth circles.” I had not seen it until a few weeks ago. This series is not for most of us and 15 hours is a long time to watch. (I think the series would have been best at about 10 episodes instead of 17.) If you plan on watching it, I will tell you in the video when to turn my video off. There is a tremendous amount of symbolism and “subtle truth” in The Prisoner that, of course, most people don’t notice.

Matt McKinley

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3 months ago

that, “…..who are you?….”, “……I’m the new number 2…….”, “……you are number 6……”, “………I am NOT a number, I am a FREE man!……”, “……hahahaha!…….”, that exchange,

that’s also the beginning of Iron Maiden’s “666, The Number of the Beast” song,

Joseph Antoinette
Joseph Antoinette
3 months ago

The Number of Beast song has the intro of “Whoa to you oh Earth and Sea for the…”

The Prisoner song on the same Beast album has that Prisoner intro

Zeb Johnson
Zeb Johnson
3 months ago

Perhaps #6 revealing #1 as himself is stating our moto within the QC realm ” worry bout yo-self” . At the risk of winning a pooty tang award Patrick McGoohan played Longshanks in Braveheart

William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
3 months ago
Reply to  Zeb Johnson

Ahh yes, good ole’ Longshanks…

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
3 months ago
Reply to  Zeb Johnson

Yeah I told Matt the same thing long ago about that episode. Remember that No. 1 also turns into some ape too that teases him after he takes off the mask. It also reminds me of the end of Kung Fu Panda, the first one, where he opens the scroll of secrets to see a mirror of his own reflection.

sudo matrix
sudo matrix
3 months ago

Hi Matt

I’m from UK and very familiar with this series. As you just said it was filmed in Portmierion (Wales) and still stands as a visitor experience attraction today. It’s pretty good and I’m sure I’ll go back there again sometime. There’s also a pet cemetery in the grounds which you don’t see in the series. The boat at the beach front is not real but you can step on it. It’s one of the best places I’ve visited in the UK and not too far from Tintagel where Merlins cave is in Devon. You know the legend of King Arthur and all that.

You can actually stay at ‘The Village.’

I’m glad you like the series, I got a bit obsessed with it at one point.

‘I will not be pushed filed stamped indexed briefed debriefed OR NUMBERED!!’

‘My life is my own.’

Be seeing you..

(one eyed 666 hand sign. I don’t think he was really one of them but who knows I could be mistaken)

Last edited 3 months ago by sudo matrix
sudo matrix
sudo matrix
3 months ago

I think our ”reality” is a soup of information and its tentacles reach into everything. I also understand that we’re in a ”replay” and can’t actually change anything but our ‘free will’ does extend to our thoughts -only. Some of us are experiencing a replay of a consciousness who chose a life of one who (when the reality was live and dynamic) was in the process of waking up. This idea (once accepted) enables you to relax and enjoy the show of life without a care in the world.

‘The Gods in this place are the memory banks.’

A bit of a tangent I know but I just wanted to truth drop a little.

sudo matrix
sudo matrix
3 months ago

Have you watched Franz Kafka’s ‘The Trial? About a guy who is accused of something but doesn’t even know what it is because he’s never told.

It reminds me of The Prisoner to some degree.

Daniel Wylie
Daniel Wylie
3 months ago

Thanks for an excellent video.
Concerning this topic of symbolism, for nearly a full decade I was severely sleep deprived due to an injury caused to my brainstem.
Since I was not able to enter deep sleep, my brain was frequently able to stay in a type-of pre-dream state, where I eventually learned to focus on and contemplate.
This pre-dream state is a subconscious realm of pure symbolism, with various symbols of all types which have unique meanings on a subconscious level.
I don’t think we have the slightest idea about what full impact these symbols have on our lives, and some of this might have something to do with this pre-dream state just prior to falling asleep every night.

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
3 months ago

I AM (not a number)
I AM (a free man)
#1 = I AM

oengus oengus
oengus oengus
3 months ago

patrick mcgoohan was not only the actor for ‘the prisoner’
he also wrote the episodes (i think the whole thing was his baby)

by ’67, LSD was a going wave, and patrick has admitted its influence
the whole series is pretty like an acid trip

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
3 months ago

The “Welcome to your home from home” with the creepy doll had an all too real ring of truth to it. Thanks for letting us know about this show. I’m gonna watch the rest of them and then listen to this again. Loved your wrap up. Just perfect. Thanks Matt!

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
3 months ago

Oh so this is where they got the joke in Austin Powers for “who does #2 work for” (aside from the aspect of the joke that was bathroom humor)..

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
3 months ago
Reply to  Chris Minor

So if there was a symbolic parallel between the two presentations – they want the equivalence to Austin Powers “Mojo” from the prisoner

Chuck Pal
Chuck Pal
3 months ago

Good review Matt.
I watched The Prisoner when it first aired with my family. I was 9 or 10 at the time. We had NASA, Batman, Bewitched, The Munsters and all kinds of goofy programming.

My dad and I loved it due to the “spy” type theme. My mom and my sister…not so much. In hindsight it was, like most TV programming, a way to let us know that we are all prisoners (of our own device) and be ok with it. Just as they introduced being gay as normal with the TV show ‘Three’s Company’ just ten years later. Make no mistake. They bring it in gently.
Today you can’t watch a TV show or a movie without seeing two guys swapping spit or in bed humping away. The new normal.

The Prisoner was obviously a Tavistock Group/Freemasonry production and the subliminal crap has herded the masses to the point where we’re at today with the information given us causing confusion, chaos and now the difficulty of being able to tell if something is real or fake. Order out of chaos.

I took note of the license plate of his “kar”. Pretty obvious Gematria being used there…
“KAR 120C”. The zero doesn’t count and is just there to separate their code. The word ‘kar’ amounts to 3 (ordinal) and 6 (reverse ordinal) which gives us both the three sixes and the greeting of the Aleister Crowley Satanists with 36. If you understand the nature of the beast (that they turn everything upside down and/or backwards) then their “number” is 93 and means ‘Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law’.

The number 120C is obviously 33. Easy to see and not a coincidence.

The unicycle is used as their logo and suggests that they must have skill and balance in what they do.

Dee Mytton
Dee Mytton
3 months ago

I’m going to risk a pooty tang award – The number 1 guy is conscience. So whoever got through the tests, the same thing would happen to them. We all would have seen ourselves behind that mask/eye/notnilc button. So that would mean that we put ourselves through the tests, perhaps like a simulation, for the greater good. And the council is our left and right hemisphere of mind and brain. And then that would prove we are capable of creating extreme horrific situations. Why? Tough love maybe….whatever that means lol. Are we a big part of the notnilc? Something to ponder. But anyway, I loved the ending bc I reckon Prisoner/ notnilc shows us how powerful we are. Thanks again Matt. Now, can we go to Bhutan? It’s cheap and we’ll have lots of change from $666.66

Keven Nevil
Keven Nevil
3 months ago

Great job with this one Matt. The information that the village minions are after seems to me to be less about the acquisition of trade secrets and more about his compliance with an ‘NPC’ esque worldview. Information is always pronounced In- formation suggesting what military minions do when they march up and down the square….they fall into formation. Unmasking yourself as the number one is the end of the yellow brick road.

Brad Lacey
Brad Lacey
3 months ago

In one way I can see a parallel to the ol story about satan offering Jesus dominion over this realm trying to appeal to his pride, which is said to be the sneakiest and hardest thing to overcome with ego. In that story though the goal was to overcome the world and rise out of it so obviously the offer was refused. Perhaps this was a way of depicting that notnilcs last play at keeping him there was to trick him into becoming number one, tempt him with the image of himself in that role. I haven’t seen it so I could easily be misinterpreting how it was presented.
There is also the possibility that it’s going a million miles up where, yeah this place and the notnilc itself have to be created from the same source as everything because there is only one substance that spawns all of creation. But I agree with Tony here (maybe I’ll get teased for finding resonance with what Tony says too lol) I don’t think we’re supposed to be trying to worry about a thousand levels up in this experience. Yes it’s okay to maybe have a general awareness that it ultimately is the case but how do we translate that into anything useful within this game? I could go full grimus and say it’s all me, I’ve created this whole thing and everyone is just a character in my dream, but that doesn’t seem to accomplish much other than trying to pat myself on the back in some comment section that I’ve populated with characters I’ve made up who are supposed to be impressed with my banter, in other words it gets rather silly really fast. So if this show is meant to represent this level of reality and our goal is to “get out” or up to the next level, then I’d say it’s possible the last boss to overcome is our own pride, but I get the sense many of us here are already doing pretty well with this and were the nilc to knock on our door and offer us the keys to the kingdom we’d flatly refuse as we see through the ruse.

Nik Kara
Nik Kara
3 months ago

“The number 2s never hint at it at all”? You missed it…

“Who is Number One?”

“You are Number Six”

They tell him every time, and the viewer

“You are, Number Six”


Brad Lacey
Brad Lacey
3 months ago
Reply to  Nik Kara

That’s pretty nifty, I like it. If the premise in the show though is that even the underground minions don’t really know who number one is then this would break continuity. But I haven’t seen it just based on Matt’s breakdown

James Hawke
James Hawke
3 months ago

They are obsessed with numbers, information, and data. Sound familiar? They do not understand that Truth does not lie in “information”. The label is not the jam. Wisdom knows the difference. We take that with us. They exist trapped in the world of matter. Unlike us 😉

3 months ago

It’s an important series, with many layers. Thanks for your review, Matt.

Patrick McGoohan (who both starred it and wrote it) would definitely be on our page.
Check out this YT video I made recently, where Patrick explains the ending himself:

Michael Jones
Michael Jones
3 months ago

Someone already touched on the Austin Powers reference, but this also reminded me of the Jim Henson short called “The Cube” first released February 23, 1969. That one was a trip as well, cheers.

3 months ago

Why wasn’t my comment approved? Because I linked to one of my videos?

3 months ago
Reply to  Drum

Trying once more:
Patrick McGoohan on the Ending of The Prisoner

IQ 66
IQ 66
3 months ago

Chinese citizen is not free. Free like a freeman.

Michael Snodgrass
Michael Snodgrass
3 months ago

Santa Claus looking at Polaris … heheh.

sudo matrix
sudo matrix
3 months ago

I’m just listening to your YT video Matt. You saw two penny farthings!! Fantastic! I have seen one before in my home town and I’ve also seen one in a bike shop hung on the wall. We call them penny-far-thing. This is hard to explain.. Not far ‘thing’ -rather try saying it more like penny-far-zing but .. oh man this is hard because there’s no phonetic for it either. Penny-far-thing…hahha… just keep saying it in different ways and if I hear the right pronunciation I’ll point out the time stamp…. Good Luck!

Hold on… penny far lol

Last edited 3 months ago by sudo matrix
Lele Gross
Lele Gross
3 months ago

So I go to find the series cause, low and behold I got prime, I see it I click it it’s 32$ for season 1. I come out to the movie squares selection and there it is again with a different picture… For free ….wtf. Ok. Hey Matt

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
3 months ago

Matt, I’m glad you finally reviewed this series. I sent you the last episode of the Prisoner long ago remember? Btw, you ought to review the Star Trek episode I sent you called “Day of the Dove” too. It has a ton of truth drops about this reality that deserves a breakdown by you too. Hope you can do that someday. Best, Winston

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
3 months ago

Matt, you forgot to mention that when he unmasks No. 1, it suddenly becomes an ape too that taunts and teases him. What do you think that means?

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
3 months ago

Matt, that was a great review of the Prisoner series that you did. I sent you the last episode once remember? You said in the review that when he unmasked No. 1 that he saw his own face. I don’t remember that. I remember that No. 1 turned out to be some ape in a suit? Didn’t you see that too? Do you mean that he first sees his face and then it turns into an ape afterwards? How come you didn’t mention the ape in your review? I’ll have to rewatch the last episode again. The series definitely contains a lot of truth drops. And the last episode has a ton of symbolism that can be interpreted in many ways.


Winston Wu
Winston Wu
3 months ago

Matt, have you seen the 2008 Prisoner remake series? It’s not as good but in that one, the village is a simulation and No. 2 keeps his wife sedated and asleep because she is dreaming the simulation, like Sophia. It’s kind of weird.

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