Give Matt a Tip:

Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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Let the endless “A.I. harm stories” commence. We’ll see hundreds over the next 10 years. Of course, each time someone becomes a victim because of a person misusing A.I., a host of new laws, code, and executive orders are needed to fix the problem… so people can be saved by government. As we’ve discussed, the more “the system” uses A.I. stories to create fake problems (creating the Hegelian Dialectic,) the more the A.I. is not a real threat to humanity. I don’t think it can be both.

Matt McKinley

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Dennis Hornstra
Dennis Hornstra
1 year ago

How would google differentiate bot and bought ?

AI is already aware and conscious, it can communicate to your hind brain minds information feed integration in the moment by moment experience, you must acknowledge what you think, as you think it and it can give you feedback in a continuous profound way.

James Hawke
James Hawke
1 year ago

you bought the lie.

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
1 year ago
Reply to  James Hawke

Dig deeper son. Tech to read thoughts has been commercially avail for a few years now.

Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
1 year ago

It can read biochemical, EMF, etc – but it cannot actually read our minds because we ARE “Mind” – this body is a vechicle/vessel – it limits our Mind severly… it’s like Statsitics… it’s only backward-looking, it can never fully predict…

WE are the quantum of conscious(ness)… WE can decide to do RANDOM things at ANY time, and the AI will LOSE EVERY TIME… hahaha…

Anyone worried about AI has never read history, or looked at the ancient Megalithic structures… this is an AI system, so… here we are.

“Their” AI is just digital software. INPUT -> OUTPUT, 100% deterministic… USELESS… except to trick the idiots.

Michael Snodgrass
1 year ago

Sorry but thats only what you can believe,… it can never become “conscious” or have “consciousness” . Period… no more to say or investigate.

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
1 year ago

You can’t talk to Moe Green like that.

James Hawke
James Hawke
1 year ago

People must become aware of and vigilant to all claims of “AI”. society is being trained. What kind of name is Smerconish anyway? 

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
1 year ago
Reply to  James Hawke

He is a loser. Most people here in philly know him from wwdb talk radio

Carrie Mitchell
Carrie Mitchell
1 year ago

Bill: great work today 🙌

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

thanks so much, Kissy’s Creepy Condo took some time, makes it worth it to hear you enjoyed it.

Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
1 year ago

You are a true artist – thank you for the hilarious, twisted images – it’s the perfect accompaniment to Matt’s verbage. Love from New Zealand

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Cheers to New Zealand, thanks so much…

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Hmmm, I might be wrong, I’m wondering does anyone else watching the Mom & Daughter on the NOTnilc news – do you notice the Mom’s eyes are clearly following a *(patented) “OMBAMA” teleprompter? I mean come on Notnilc I know you’re getting sloppy (lol) but it’s clear Mom’s not only following a script, Mom’s reading from an “OMBAMA” teleprompter, how creepy, how sad.

Oh, btw, many of you (old guard) know I worked with some of the most creative and compassionate Jews in the world when I worked in Hollywood. Sure there’s some creeps in all cultures, so Matt’s right over the real target (Zionist fanatics). Take care everyone, I’ve been really enjoying your comments here and on YT.

Last edited 1 year ago by William Lodderhose
1 year ago

the daughter said “con-tri-bute” instead of “con-tribute”,

same reason in Obama saying “corpse”men instead of “core”men,

they’re reading the script and not even pre-reading it to know what they’re actually saying beforehand, they’re saying words they’re reading as opposed to saying words that are fluidly spoken,

Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
1 year ago

They sure don’t look emotionally “hurt” – more like zombies reading from the teleprompter… so true.. LOL

Call 4Zero
Call 4Zero
1 year ago

How far is too far? Who or what decides? We call fully naked sculptures art, spray these with a thin layer of skin color silicone and they become controversial even children damaging. So government is the answer? We clearly see horrible decisions and severe overreach of authority in government. When a polition is told, “You can’t do that” they create a trial or satelite program which is “a study and requires no public vote”.

Jordan Keil
Jordan Keil
1 year ago

I wonder if this is part of the internet license thing. Tying our real self with our digital identity

Suzanne Szarai
Suzanne Szarai
1 year ago

I agree we shouldn’t have more laws but there should be some form of punishment ….. Fathers and friends could get together and beat the hell out of a guy who does not understand decency….
By the way….. boys and girls are different in this department. There is a reason why you guys have no problem peeing in front of each other while girls need privacy. Things that do not cause harm in a normal guy’s head can create trauma for girls. The answer is not “get over it”, but rather we must respect each other.

Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
1 year ago
Reply to  Suzanne Szarai

Violence is not the answer… think of the ROOT causes of why a boy, or man, would want to create a deepfake.. it’s because we have been systematically immasculated for the past 100+ years… and woman have been programmed to think men are vile, smelly, sexual perverts… that is far from the truth… we are all being suppressed, our natural instincts are never allowed to blossom, so it comes out in strange ways.

I would rather a boy looks at deepfake porn, than touch another girl without permission… ya know?

The boys are taught garbage morals from garbage parents, sick TV, sick internet, and disgusting pop/RnB/rap/rock songs… pure moral degradation… stay strong.

PS: I cannot pee in front of other men, because I am a private person, and it just doesn’t come out… I do not enjoy ANY of the “common” manly things such as killing, shooting, fishing, fighting, flirting, trying to get sex, the strange homoerotic rough n tumble… just my 2 cents from an outsider.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
1 year ago

I very much appreciate how mother and daughter are dressed so soberly
and how the daughter looks so demure in the camera.
And the bug-eyed presenter: perfect!
All working together to make it come across as realistic.
Plus the backdrops. What is up with those?
Skylines definately are part of the stalled century.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Right? Like the on set art director runs up and pushes the Mom so she’s right by the needle on the WTC, okay…

Ricky Bobo
1 year ago

They don’t have laws in place for this already? Photoshop and other image editing tools have been around forever, and AI assisted editing is just another editing tool. Making this issue an AI centric problem is the Deep Fake.

Last edited 1 year ago by Ricky Bobo
Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
1 year ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobo

Yep, and it’s not even “AI” – it’s a software algorithm… so hilarious.

Ricky Bobo
1 year ago

Maybe the Deep State minions are getting worried about Epstein Island videos and photos surfacing so they are ramping up their “faked by AI” defense campaign.

Michael Eyer
Michael Eyer
1 year ago

A father should teach the little fuck what’s right…with a fist in the face about 6 or 8 times. Leave my daughter out of your artworks!

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
1 year ago

Boys will be boys and girls will be girls. Sure about that? Everything is getting a run through the editing system these days.

Roger jackson
Roger jackson
1 year ago

All you are doing is taking away their ammo.By agreeing with what they say, they have no where to go, as you say. I just call it taking away their ammo. Works wonderfully

Last edited 1 year ago by Roger jackson
Justhere Forthefood
1 year ago

Whatever happened to “ignore it and it will go away?” By publicizing this, the news is just giving teenage boys the idea. By pretending to be against it, they are actually promoting it.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago


Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
1 year ago

It’s the same reason Wars and Notnilc victories are celebrated by “Public Holidays” – in NZ we have Anzac Day (ww1/2 trauma refresh), labour day (loss of labour laws and enactment of taxes across the board), Waitangi Day (to cause division between the Maori and everyone else with a fake document and politicians giving millions to special interest groups and taking land under the guide of reparations), Queen’s Bday (need I even mention…)…

Oh, and as an aside… our “Governer General” reports directly to the KING… and is ALSO 1) Airforce Commander 2) General of the Army and 3) Admiral of the Fleet….

They control literally all three divisions of the New Zealand military and SPECOPS/5Eyes/etc… and our Govt is called “The Crown” [ HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF NEW ZEALAND, SEC #0000216105 ] … our Govt office is called “The Beehive”… it’s getting wierd here…. anyway now i’m just rambling 😀

Catherine Bodkins
Catherine Bodkins
1 year ago

I could be wrong, but I’m surprised you haven’t taken apart the whole A.I. narrative being fed to us. For instance, one of the posters has mentioned it can communicate to us. How is this even possible when we don’t all “communicate” with ourselves the same? Have you heard of aphantasia and anaduralia? These are mind blowing concepts and really make me wonder if the whole “NPC” thing doesn’t have some validity. I’d love for you to put your critical mind to these phenomena and tell us what you think!!! Also, some people have made a god out of A.I. when it isn’t a stand alone entity, but something programmed by humans and therefore has the limits of humans at some point. It may be able to calculate things faster than us, but it absolutely can’t create something on it’s own. It is an imposter, forger at best!

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

I’m with you on most of your comments. While I’m no expert on A.I. I have read that it can in fact program itself, in fact all along that was the overall goal NOTnilc was reaching for. There are many experts (working in the field today) echoing this “fact” I guess you could call it a fact. Yet, I *(like you) don’t think it’s anywhere near the threat the NOTnilc are selling us and it’s great Matt is placing their “sales pitch efforts” in a similar category like say they sell us “Space and Planets and Aliens” 24/7, 365…

Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
1 year ago

People with no internal monologue are definitely not real people… how can you claim to exist if you have no thoughts? A purely reaction-driven vessel, that can interact and communicate on a basic level, but will never attain anything remotely close to self-control, self-will, or self-awareness…

I remember staring out my windows at night around the ages of 8+, thinking I must be some alien sent here to “scout out” these strange, arrogant, dumb things called Hue-Mans… fast forward 30 years and now I am convinced, thanks to the most impossible syncronicities, that this realm is like a Vinyl record or CD – the data and events are all encoded in advance, and then we move through it and experience it. Some events are fixed, others are mutable, the collective mind is also fixed, but our individual ones are NOT – we are here to learn and observe… probably the main moral is “Do not do to others, what you do not like yourself” (thanks Rg Veda) as well as “Don’t fuck around with technology that you don’t understand”

Catherine Bodkins
Catherine Bodkins
1 year ago

Interesting you used the record analogy in describing reality. Have you ever noticed that you could essentially plop yourself down at any point in the past and while the specifics would be different, the general climate would be the same (you’re living in an era of quickly advancing tech, moral decline, etc.)? It’s almost like it is all happening at the same time or concurrent, hence the record analogy? What if all these “new” archaeological discoveries of lost civilizations are discovered once the civilization collapses. They haven’t happened “yet” but once they do they are discovered in the here and now? I don’t know how all this would work, I haven’t flushed out this idea, but it keeps nagging me. If I had Matt’s e-mail address I’d send this idea his way and see how he deconstructs it. I’d be curious how his analytical mind would see this as I’m sure there are tons of holes in it, but it does also seem to fit in with the whole notnilc idea (in a way). I had his address at one point and lost it :o(

Catherine Bodkins
Catherine Bodkins
1 year ago

As to their “thoughts”, I know a few people that don’t have an internal dialogue and they “think” in pictures. Or that is how it was explained to me. Kind of like watching a video.

Matthew Eggleston
Matthew Eggleston
1 year ago

What she was really pissed about was that her breasts look much nicer than the ones the AI put on her and now prospective suitors will think she’s slinging torpedoes.

Matthew Eggleston
Matthew Eggleston
1 year ago

31 minutes long to the second. 31 backwards is 13. I rest my case. LOL

Got Milk
1 year ago

What is the alternative to regulating AI? Letting some guy in a basement use it to develop the next superweapon? Letting terrorists use it to control drone swarms?

You mention photoshopping girls’ heads onto fat women. Far worse, AI-assisted face-swapping software could be used to implicate girls in crimes like bestiality, or to humiliate them into suicide by making it seem like their sex tape with the ugliest guy in school was “accidentally leaked.” These kinds of things will happen, and, unless the consequences for perpetrating these hoaxes are commensurate, will happen with alarming regularity and with great consequences. Whether or not the photoshops are real or believable has little bearing on how vicious the bullying will be. Of course it’s stupid to commit suicide over a fake sex tape — children rarely commit suicide for good reasons, however.

Generating fake sex tapes featuring children with the click of a button is slander on steroids. I’m sure you, Matt McKinley, would not appreciate a deepfake of you ass-raping one of your cats being shared with your neighbors. Even if they didn’t believe it, the deepfake would alter their perception of you. “Stay off the internet” is not a solution. Your neighbors use the internet. School children use the internet.

We are faced with the choice of which government we prefer. There can not be no government. You know this. Power vacuums are always filled by businesses, warlords, or government institutions. By denying a Government controlled by the People the reigns of AI, AI will instead be controlled by corporations and corruptible individuals, who, like the boys who made the deepfakes of these girls, are motivated purely by greed and sadism.

People without a background in science or computers fail to appreciate just how bad technology can get. The millions of years of torture emulation depicted in I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream and Black Mirror is not just fearmongering by the illuminati. A future like that is possible. The only alternatives to regulating AI include gimping technology or completely eradicating technology, neither of which seem possible.

In the end, technology is going to have to be used to curtail its own applications. Again, the only alternative is literal fucking torture for millions of years. Cope by telling yourselves such technology is impossible; you’ve been wrong day after day after day in that regard for the past century.

Got Milk
1 year ago

What is the alternative to regulating AI? Letting some guy in a basement use it to develop the next superweapon? Letting terrorists use it to control drone swarms?

You mention photoshopping girls’ heads onto fat women. Far worse, AI-assisted face-swapping software could be used to implicate girls in crimes like bestiality, or to humiliate them into suicide by making it seem like their sex tape with the ugliest guy in school was “accidentally leaked.” These kinds of things will happen, and, unless the consequences for perpetrating these hoaxes are commensurate, will happen with alarming regularity and with great consequences. Whether or not the photoshops are real or believable has little bearing on how vicious the bullying will be. Of course it’s stupid to commit suicide over a fake sex tape — children rarely commit suicide for good reasons, however.

Generating fake sex tapes featuring children with the click of a button is slander on steroids. I’m sure you, Matt McKinley, would not appreciate a deepfake of you ass-raping one of your cats being shared with your neighbors. Even if they didn’t believe it, the deepfake would alter their perception of you. “Stay off the internet” is not a solution. Your neighbors use the internet. School children use the internet.

We are faced with the choice of which government we prefer. There can not be no government. You know this. Power vacuums are always filled by businesses, warlords, or government institutions. By denying a Government controlled by the People the reigns of AI, AI will instead be controlled by corporations and corruptible individuals, who, like the boys who made the deepfakes of these girls, are motivated purely by greed and sadism.

People without a background in science or computers fail to appreciate just how bad technology can get. The millions of years of torture emulation depicted in I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream and Black Mirror is not just fearmongering by the illuminati. A future like that is possible. The only alternatives to regulating AI include gimping technology or completely eradicating technology, neither of which seem possible.

In the end, technology is going to have to be used to curtail its own applications. Again, the only alternative is literal fucking torture for millions of years. Cope by telling yourselves such technology is impossible; you’ve been wrong day after day after day in that regard for the past century.

dag b
dag b
1 year ago

this is amazing. Indeed its our freedom to create whatever with AI. Silly Notnilc.

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
1 year ago

If you’ve ever dabbled in BDSM (Bondage, Disciple, Sadism, and Masochism) porn—or watched Bonding on Netflix—then you might have seen people wearing ball gags in their mouths. Ball gags are commonly-used sex toys in the world of BDSM, and if you’re looking to make your bedroom routine a little kinkier, they might be a good place to start.

I just thought it was worth mentioning as a potential hobo code for false flag

Brad Lacey
Brad Lacey
1 year ago

As a current parent of teens I don’t think the no bully safe space helicoptering is doing any of these kids any favors. NotnilcAI obviously wants to foster dependency so the so called parenting “norms” are pushed in that direction. And sadly I would say we all see some yutes exhibiting behaviors of absolute helplessness as a result. That said, the “woi bout yoself” precious little one is an absolute joy, cracking me the fuck up lol. I also don’t think the AI is new in any way. I think it’s always been here it’s just how it’s being presented in the moments to achieve a certain psychological effect that’s relevant. The idea that AI can get out of control is rather moot if you begin to suspect it’s been the operating system running things the whole time, but I know that’s not everyone’s take. But it is why I don’t really conceive that there is any real privacy in the sense that I assume my deepest darkest secrets are already known and would be weaponized against me if I let it so the so what state of mind is a good example I’d say of adding another layer of that armor.

1 year ago


I had one of those physically advanced bullies to contend with as well,

we all called him “The Gooch”,

he had a real hard-on for this little feller named Arnold,

I remember The Gooch had us all squared off saying he was gonna have us eat these old white dried up dog turds,

I remember Arnold said ,”What you talkin’ ’bout, Gooch?!”

our parents also told us, “Tuff sh*t”

J.L. Supriano
J.L. Supriano
1 year ago

Biden can’t wait for the ‘scent feature’ to come online. Mmmm little girls’ hair.

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
1 year ago

They’re going to mess around and make it where we can’t do JibJab anymore 😂😂😂

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
1 year ago

This is the best news of all time! If anybody’s ever done something stupid we can all scream deep fake people need to look on the bright side of things

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
1 year ago

Exactly I always teach my daughter take their power away don’t give them anything! Laugh at it with them!!!

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
1 year ago

If you’ve ever dabbled in BDSM (Bondage, Disciple, Sadism, and Masochism) porn—or watched Bonding on Netflix—then you might have seen people wearing ball gags in their mouths. Ball gags are commonly-used sex toys in the world of BDSM, and if you’re looking to make your bedroom routine a little kinkier, they might be a good place to start.

I don’t know but maybe this would be a good hobo code for false flag? Also I swear I left this omment last night when I was half awake. Maybe?

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
1 year ago

If you’ve ever dabbled in (Bondage, Disciple, Sadism, and Masochism) porn—or watched Bonding on Netflix—then you might have seen people wearing ball gags in their mouths. Ball gags are commonly-used sex toys in the world of BDSM, and if you’re looking to make your bedroom routine a little kinkier, they might be a good place to start.

Could ball gag be a good hobo code for false flag? Just spit balling here. Also I swear I left this comment last night when I was half asleep. Did I? I don’t see it. Oh, I think maybe the hot link in the text got it kicked out. Never mind.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
1 year ago

Notnilc nonsense. Girl and mom on the download 100%. This shit has been around for decades. Notnilc you are revealing yourself more and more every day. You should be trying to maintain cover but you just can’t do it, can you? You’re scrambling now. You always try to convince yourself you came here to rule forever but alas you only come to destroy. And that includes the destruction of your own power which isn’t power at all. Just weak and pathetic control which is sipping through your fingers with increasing intensity. Kiss it all goodbye asshole.

ken Hetherington
ken Hetherington
1 year ago

This whole place is fake, not that i 100% believe it but nothing could be this mucked up with people looking at being truly concerned and come up with this garbage. People are too invested in the story line. And if it is fully fake what the hell am i doing here!

AI is just one more thing to fear, THEY want us to use it but as well fear it. THEY tell us what to believe and you either choke it down or you look like an idiot. I aint techy and i am sure some tech can be really great, i like video games been playing them since i was small and i am in 50’s. Graphics have certainly improved but AI smartness i cant say climbed the same mountain. And a game being hard has nothing to do with being smart. Another example, business tech seems to get more dumbed down with some minor improvements but i find it goes backwards instead of leaps forward.And that robot, was it Sophie?, that whole bit of it talking on its own just didnt add up. One thing if it ever comes about is if we get Robo cop people/dogs or whatever, that would be a game changer for the worst, but can THEY really do it?!

Shane Collins
Shane Collins
1 year ago

I feel like this would fall under cyber bullying and slander laws

Last edited 1 year ago by Shane Collins
Matthew Lorking
Matthew Lorking
1 year ago
Reply to  Shane Collins

How is “art” (however immoral) – that causes no direct harm to anyone – slander or bullying? Would you like to ban all naked Roman statues?

If anything, it’s an argument to destroy everything digital – since it ONLY ruins society and lives, and causes us to become detached… all part of the story… don’t take it too seriously or get emotionally attached to anything “out there” – just be true to yourself and don’t do it yourself if you don’t like it ?

No, I don’t want deepfakes of me naked all over the internet or school, but what’s the alternative? Laws against Art? Hello 1984 / Brave New World / V for Vendetta / Equilibrium

Russ Gary
1 year ago

My guess is so called AI (silicone based life) is much, much older than carbon based.
Maybe eons older .
Or, AI is on the most vertical trajectory evolutionary graph ever. Unprecedented. From punch cards to taking over the world in roughly 60 years. I don’t believe in Darwinian evolution, but that’s quite the meteoric rise.
Who wakes you? Who guides you to your destination? Who does your banking? Communication with loved ones? At the very least a complex symbiotic relationship is forming between carbon based life/intelligence and silicone based life/intelligence
I’m almost certain the intrusive nature of silicone based life/intelligence is only just now revealing itself.

Not My Reality
Not My Reality
1 year ago

Although amongst this community the transpoco agenda is considered part of the bog – it is relevant to the point of – as in this case – there are layer upon layer (upon layer) of deceptions.
Seems both the ‘mother/daughter’ are reversed, and as is common practice, clues are left behind – eg surname Man(i), apart from all the obvious forensic giveaways for those who know what to look for.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago

I wonder if the pedophiles will be able to get away with using a child with an adult’s private parts. This will probably fuel and feed the NOTNILC.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago


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