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Quantum of Conscience

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I had completely forgotten about one of my favorite TV shows, Boston Legal. When I recently watched a few episodes, I was shocked at how I had forgotten “the way things used to be.” The particular episode we look at in this video is about a man who plays Santa Claus, who wears woman’s clothing on his days off. What jumped out at me, of course, is how much the world has changed since this show was aired 20 years ago. For some reason, the man in the episode from 2004 was not an over-the-top “Queen,” flip-flopping genders! 

Matt McKinley

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Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
4 months ago

1,2,3 faces… Because the number 3 is important. Thanks for validating.

Gay Robinson
4 months ago

I just saw you on a live stream and you said you don’t subscribe to QofC anymore. I guess you left out the freevoice platform. 😉😊😚

Recynd 77
Recynd 77
4 months ago

Another proof of the inversion: after years of being indoctrinated against cultural appropriation, men are lauded for wearing “woman-face”.

I always prided myself on being an “anti-feminist”. I never bought into the bullshit feminist perspective of an oppressive patriarchy or the subjugation of women by the common man. Now, however, I find myself in alignment with the TERFs (“trans-exclusionary radical feminists”)—I don’t want men in my bathroom, changing room, sport, or prison (god forbid). Sorry not sorry.

I’m so thankful for your continued voice promoting the real reality. I can answer all the Big Questions with confidence, and I’m reassured that I’m not alone.

4 months ago

The Notnilc “bridge” that crosses over from the world that was, to that which exist today was constructed for those who missed the “ship” of fools.
We chose neither.

Stephen James
Stephen James
4 months ago

I never watched this series. Isn’t that Murphy Brown and she’s so white.

4 months ago

A TV show such as this is designed to open the spillways towards getting such subject matter to the fore-front of society. All TV programming (and movies) has at it’s core behaviour placement and modification. Leading people to think a certain way, have certain values, follow rules, etc etc. For instance: any lawyer will tell you to never talk to the cops, it will land you in trouble. Yet have you ever seen a TV show where an innocent person refuses to invite the cops in and answer all of their questions?
Shows such as “COPS” are designed to play on people’s ignorance and allow the divide & conquer strategy to further polarize society by making people fear their neighbours and make it appear as if the only people that have dealings with the cops are low-lifes and losers. This tactic pits race against race and class against class.

 I have on many occasions tried to explain to people how TV and the movies have been used to normalize things which our society used to be disapproving of. I’ll give them an example of a TV show with a gay character or a transgender theme (Three’s Company or Bosom Buddies for instance) and people will reply that “oh no, those shows weren’t gay-positive they were making fun of gays”. What people don’t understand is that prior to about 1980 homosexuality was something that was not mentioned, not celebrated, not part of polite society, and in general not something that most people even had any knowledge of. It was ‘the love that dare not speak it’s name’, and it would have remained that way. But such shows were intended to bring these issues into the forefront of consciousnesses and portray it in a positive light. Pop culture has been used to modify society since the beginning.
Further examples of TV being used to shape society:
Single motherhood (Alice)
Divorce (Kate & Allie)
Rape & murder (Crime shows and hip-hop music)
Emasculation of men (Laverne & Shirley)
Multiculturalism (Little Mosque on the Prairie)
And of course the removal of God and spirituality from everyone’s lives.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
4 months ago
Reply to  PETER

In behaviourist terms called Nudging and/or Edging.
Not balls to the walls loud and extrovert In Your Face,
but gently laying down the framework for what would eventually
be presented on our screens.All very nice and pleasant. Soothing.

(I remember how I suddenly came to resent the TV show Will and Grace.
The gaylord, his fag hag and the backhanded digs at christianity)

William Lodderhose
4 months ago

I was born in 1961, yet still remember them running repeats of the Milton Berle show from the 50s back then and OH NOOOO…Notnilc dressed Mr. Milton in women’s clothes…
Great summary you typed, just wanted to show the connection back to the 50s, of course it goes even further back, oh yeah I remember meeting in-person Tony Curtis at an Art Gallery party in the 90s and OH NOOOO…. I just remembered he and Jack Lemmon made a movie with Marilyn Monroe and Yep, Notnilc dressed Tony and Jack in women’s clothes also….

Last edited 4 months ago by William Lodderhose
Gay Robinson
4 months ago

Flip Wilson😅🤣😂

Matthew Rohde
Matthew Rohde
4 months ago

Surely, you know that both Boston Legal and Arch Bunker were glorifying the homos. It was a part of the normalization campaign that led to the downfall of society. This also happened to the Greeks. We all know Aristotle was a cross-dressing weirdo, and Socrates would put on lipstick all the time. Then there was that Nero guy, I think he was the leader of the Romans or something. But he burned all the Christians in the fires. They’ve got this one fella playing the character, and she shoved a s*x toy up the a** of another man, and a bunch of these right-winger’s support this. So, this kind of stuff has been going on for some time, and it’s the strangest thing I’ve ever seen, and explains the current downfall of society. Nothing has changed.

4 months ago
Reply to  Matthew Rohde

Precisely. See my comment.

Matthew Rohde
Matthew Rohde
4 months ago
Reply to  PETER

I agree with everything you said except the divide and conquer strategy. They’re not doing a divide and conquer strategy. They’re taking polar opposite sides and bringing them towards the center. Making the 2 become 1. For example, the right wingers back in the day would have never accepted seeing another man shove a s*x object up the a** of another man, but now because of the propaganda, the right wing is the party of the gays. So, there is no dividing and conquering, in fact they want nothing more for people to not fight unless something is directly impacting them. For example, when the hordes of Venezuelan’s begin taking over their neighborhoods then it’ll be a problem. White people are now the tourist that don’t have a home etc. But the inversion is happening, and people just eat it up, eat it up, and they wonder why things are the way they are. I’m telling you its the strangest thing I’ve ever witnessed.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
4 months ago
Reply to  Matthew Rohde

“Nothing has changed.”
The trans trend has been interpreted as a resurgence of the worship of Attis
by Christopher Knowles from The Secret Sun blog.
An inversion towards the worship of the old gods announced
through ritualised performances such as the intro to the Olympic games.

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
4 months ago

@16:38 Facts! Yet we can’t leave anything to chance. ALL possibilities need to be considered. Regardless of how “unimaginable” they may be. “Squid-aliens riding cloud-vapor dragons and orca whales out of the Pacific subduction zone…” are causing the chaos and confusion (programming)?!? If there’s objective evidence for it, then it MUST be dutifully examined as a viable possibility. Other than that, or until then?! Yeah! Discard the S#!T outa that idea.
: ) Just sayin’

James Hawke
James Hawke
4 months ago

That is a very good point, Matt. There was always cross-dressers and it was viewed as slightly oddball and that was that. There was never “trans” and “gender” issues.

John McKinley
John McKinley
4 months ago

Is it wrong if we miss the old world from time to time?

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
4 months ago
Reply to  John McKinley

It can be reassuring to know that things were not always like this.
I derive comfort and strength from this simple fact.
Getting older (53) has it’s perks.

Jorge Gonzales
Jorge Gonzales
4 months ago

Now, if the Santa *isn’t* trying to pervert the children he will be fired and replaced by one who will.

Matthew Cattell
Matthew Cattell
4 months ago

2004 was right in the crossover period for subjects that were fair game to subjects that are now considered taboo by notnilc “standards”. Depending on your perspective, it’s a polarity reversal.

Some of us never cared about cheap innuendo and the parody of homosexuality or transvestism but were more offendef by gratuitous violence on TV that became commonplace from the late 70s to the 80s in shows like Miami Vice.

There were countless examples of transvestism being used for comedy going way back. Its present day normalisation and the prohibition of its use for laughs, further reinforces the onward trend towards a joyless, bland, one size fits all “humour” and content that has been systematically purged of its ability to offend anybody or anything.

For this reason alone, it’s obvious that the thing behind it is not human and its dark algorithm has embedded itself ever more into today’s media and content production. This isn’t the usual generation gap kind of difference either, for example where your father liked this or that comedy or genre but you don’t. It’s a rewrite of the rules and by some weird kind of download or osmosis it guides and defines every last bit of anything you now see on TV and movies.

4 months ago

Awsome explanation at the end of video about all the inversions of this realty, so true about all of it.

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