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Quantum of Conscience

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The video begins with another amazing synchronicity that happened to me this week. Is anyone surprised? Me neither! I’m really beginning to like our fake world.

Matt McKinley

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Russ Gary
18 days ago

Say what you want about the “stay thirsty” guy or Gray haired Santa John Travolta guy, but it’s a great time to be a distinguished looking Gray haired, Gray bearded guy. I think it always has been.

I’ve always heard lots of synchronicity means you are on “your” correct path.

Meg P
Meg P
18 days ago

If magenta is actually a lack of color and our brain fills it in….maybe color is actually bleeding out of our reality and being “filled in” with magenta. Like our reality is literally breaking down physically.

Meg P
Meg P
18 days ago
Reply to  Meg P

another thought. i have no background knowledge of how technology works so hear me out… we haven’t had color tv for very long. maybe light can only be “stored” for so long and then it starts to break down. hence the breakdown of color in movies, shows, etc. The light breaks down and is filled in by our brain as magenta?

Jay Kvam
Jay Kvam
18 days ago
Reply to  Meg P

Relative to your comment, you might find the latest episode (64) of Godgevlamste’s channel on Rumble of interest. Fascinating stuff.

James Hawke
James Hawke
18 days ago
Reply to  Jay Kvam

He’s just another rabbit hole faker.

Meg P
Meg P
3 days ago
Reply to  Jay Kvam

thanks Ill check it out

Hartmut Wilinski
Hartmut Wilinski
17 days ago
Reply to  Meg P

Your theories are interesting, really nice outside the box.
Perhaps in a similar notch is the speed of the really old footage.
Everything moves a bit too fast from today’s perspective, but that was the objective speed back then.
That would fit in with the compression of time that many of us clearly perceive…

Meg P
Meg P
17 days ago

it seems like everything is speeding up nowadays. If you listen to the way people used to speak, at least on recording, it was slower. They seemed to move slower (that’s probably just from the frame rate). But everything is frantic nowadays. It’s all speeding up and rushing headfirst over a cliff

Alon S
Alon S
17 days ago
Reply to  Meg P

I made this comment on youtube. The sun changed from yellow to white. So reality is changing, speeding up.

Meg P
Meg P
3 days ago
Reply to  Alon S

I can’t speak to the sun changing color because I feel like my whole life has been one blur. I can’t remember much from my childhood or even my 20s. Im 38 now. It’s like my memories get wiped or something. Are you sure the sun has changed color? In an unrelated discussion, my mom has told me that the sun changed characteristics- they used to be out at the seaside in europe all day as kids, naked, no sunscreen. She said no one ever burned, or rarely. Now you get a kid out there for an hour and they are burnt.

Russ Gary
17 days ago
Reply to  Meg P

Andrew Huberman had a guest on his show, a neurologist, who said that: brain scans prove that 75% of what we perceive as “visual” is NOT provided by the eye, but is filled in from memory, prejudices (not the leftist kind) expectations and other information, provided not by the eye but other parts of the brain.

So stated sarcastically: we perceive a tiny segment of the electromagnetic spectrum (infrared, ultraviolet – lower or higher being imperceptible) this tiny bit of leavening is further diluted (deluded) and mixed with other non-visual information, stored onboard, it’s not surprising we have a tenuous grip on reality, what is surprising is that we can walk without tripping .

Meg P
Meg P
17 days ago
Reply to  Russ Gary

That’s why eyewitness testimony is kind of useless. People have no idea what they just saw, myself included

Darren Cox
18 days ago

I had to comment on the synchronicity after the firsr couple of minutes in. I love kung fu but never saw Matt’s fav one with the mask and the last thing i expected was to see dishes being smashed as that’s one of the tasks at my dayjob that for me makes me Mr Miagi up and do it and i got 6 pack abs from it however the stigma is hilariously affecting reality as im livin my best life, doing the work on many levels, all paying off and im a couple of years in fan who has no reason to lie anyway, truth just creates more truth, i want to finish my shower now and listen to the rest….

Meg P
Meg P
18 days ago
Reply to  Darren Cox

6 pack abs from breaking dishes at work. lol

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
18 days ago

Is just me or do those Tesla “trucks” look like Transformers that at one push of a button from Lone Scum would be activated by Star Link and open up into standing position, looking like full on monsters and take over the world? Upon looking at the Time Magazine in the pile of papers, I was reminded that people still believe stuff between those pages is real Oh…what a blessing to be able to see through the bullshit, even if it means we must remain living alone with our cats…who at least understand us. And speaking of, can you point out who all of the cats are in your pics in the bathroom on an upcoming video? I don’t know who the orange cat is. Is it Gouda? You pointed out Bell on one of your videos. She’s so pretty. And Fifi Addie is the most precious little cat ever. I’m so happy she has you and that stove! Thanks Matt and Rob. Much love to all here. <3

Meg P
Meg P
18 days ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

The orange cat was Cooper I believe. I passed by a tesla truck the other day and they look just as dumb in real life as they do on videos. i cant help but wonder what kind of people buy them. Where I live, it gets to be minus 40 C sometimes. These vehicles cant handle that kind of weather. what genius decided to buy one in my neck of the woods!?

18 days ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

I have a place in NH and it gets COLD, and the Tesla and truck, they are there now and it makes ZERO sense. LOW to the ground, batteries work bad in the cold. They are VERY heavy so they actually are somewhat ok in the snow IF it is not many inches…you are literally sitting in a magnetic field and if it does catch fire your screwed and so is your house IF it is in a garage. Local fire chief I know was saying how they know IF these things catch on fire they put them in a giant dumpster with water because they are impossible to extinguish. But the MOST silly part is the COST OF ELECTRICITY is if charged by normal Kwh like a heater or your house your cost to charge is way more than gasoline.

This is somehow being held down when you put a charger in your house. But the world worships Elon who runs a fake space comp-any and made a car no one needs from a guy that may or most likely never even existed.

So there is a complete disconnect on the value of one of these vehicles. But it is ALL about the tracking, you really own nothing in this realm but an electric vehicle is a new level of planned obsolescence. It is a mad mad world.

Meg P
Meg P
3 days ago
Reply to  rob

absolutely agree about all the stuff regarding cold weather. car dealers also have been forced to install very expensive, special lifts for these things because they weigh so much. No business would do this on their own, its all being forced. the tesla charging stations in my city (a city of 80,000) are NEVER being used. they just sit there. What business would spend the money to invest in something like that??

Stellar Shriner
Stellar Shriner
18 days ago

That’s insane about the deadly venoms mask You use, wow. I was thinking since magenta isn’t a real color maybe it acts as the perfect “green screen” for the matrix to use. I don’t know how that would work, but there may be something to that. Thanks Matt

Darren Cox
18 days ago

Really? Another huge synchronicy??? I literally, last week, referred to a suspected thief at my job to my coworkers as “the frito bandito” as he or she stole an entire case of Frito brand cornchips from the garage one night we found, I forget the number in the case but it wasn’t a nice round number maybe 112 but im sure it will be a different number if i care to check but the point is the 2 chefs in the 30’s had never heard that term and thought i was just being clever but the 60yr old chef laughed along with me for the same old fashioned reasons. Im trying to get dressed after my shower but this was a gen yuu ine Art Bell ding ding ding for me.

James Hawke
James Hawke
18 days ago

“The degradation of the world and the outer concentric rings” as the dart board comes into view.

Capt.SumTingWong Ho Lee fuk
Capt.SumTingWong Ho Lee fuk
18 days ago

Texas shrugged bad boy. Used bad words like IPA….mmmmm

Anne Mulhare
Anne Mulhare
18 days ago

Such a fun, varied presentation, thanks Matt! Always lovely to see your cats 🙂 No buffering either!

Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
18 days ago

The DSL packing blond from the cover art of this video or as shown at approx 16:50ish could get some attention far before either of the progressive commercial girls. 🙂 admitting that her lack of notnilc paid airtime is probably the deciding factor.

Last edited 18 days ago by Richard Nixon
17 days ago

As a big Kobe fan back in the day, I00% agree with Mat, he is absolutely still alive and if he is playing basketball in Bowie Island I want tickets! Great player and super competitive.

Russ Gary
16 days ago
Reply to  Steve

The mystery doesn’t stop there. There’s a federal law that prohibits district attorneys from dropping charges in a sexual assault case (or if you’re plumber or truck driver “rape,”).
Literally if you are accused and the victim and all the witnesses die in a tragic sightseeing bus accident, the prosecutor must continue to prosecute. The victim cannot “drop charges” or “change her mind”
So either famous people have serious pull in the legal system, it was all fake to begin with, or an interesting combination of .

16 days ago
Reply to  Russ Gary

Very interesting, yes I remember years ago he was accused of that girl at hotel, but I’m also open to it all being fake, and always think of Mats saying even if it’s real…it’s fake. I also definitely apply the rule of opposites if it’s a big media story that continues for days or weeks, then I’m in the camp of it’s mostly fake, but then again I agree with you could be a combination, these celebs and politions probably party hard sometimes with some super illegal activities for sure, and if something slips out or leaks, then damage control counter measures must go into affect probably by their handlers. Who in turn are mostly probably part of the federal court system anyway.

Graham Hayward
Graham Hayward
16 days ago

I don’t know if the wasps are trying to fix anything, it’s more attempting to fan the flames of racism using their almighty sword of damacles (media)

Casey Revoir
Casey Revoir
16 days ago

The video is quite large. 1000 mega bytes in 27 minutes needs a 5 megabit throughput to play in real time. I can never listen on a phone in the daytime.

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