I finally finished Apple TV’s “Severance,” which I watched at Pam’s house the last 8 Tuesdays. If I wasn’t so fascinated with the “split personality premise” and I didn’t sense some big “truth” in it, I would have turned the show off after the second episode. If you decide to watch, you’ll know if you are fascinated and addicted to it early on. If you’re not, the show is pretty bad. Four or five episodes are extremely strange, and many segments are downright boring. However, “the truth” that may be inside it was too big for me to turn away, and because I stuck with it, the last two episodes were very good, setting up a second season.ReplyReply AllForwardEdit as new

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Esteban Colon
Esteban Colon
2 years ago


free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago

“at Pam’s house…”

Planetary Protector
Planetary Protector
2 years ago

Mmmmm hmmmm…..

Sledge Hammer
Sledge Hammer
2 years ago

Pam’s a dude … but Matty doesn’t know 🙂

the transpocalypse is real … haha

Jeremy Marquart
Jeremy Marquart
2 years ago
Reply to  Sledge Hammer

Do you recall the SNL skit, ‘It’s Pat’?

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago

I remember that. It was pretty funny, but unfortunately would be banned these days.

Planetary Protector
Planetary Protector
2 years ago

I noticed all of that emerald green.

Trippy Walnutz
Trippy Walnutz
2 years ago

You Live in the Emerald Green Reality.
Check my YouTube channel for the Evidence! Plus good laughs.
Thanks always Matt!

Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  Trippy Walnutz

found, binged, subbed – nice werk fren!

Janet Supriano
Janet Supriano
2 years ago

Right now, I’m just at the 14 min. mark. What a fascinating and creepy premise for a series. I won’t watch it, but I’m looking forward to your take on it.

Skep Tikos
Skep Tikos
2 years ago
Reply to  Janet Supriano

I recommend watching it. I enjoyed 70% of the series, good dialogue and it no doubt carries some deeper esoteric message.

William Hale
William Hale
2 years ago
Reply to  Janet Supriano

Yeah don’t bother it really is a slog mentally

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Hearing Matt’s review makes my skin crawl (lol, no really) yet for two decades I worked inside Corporate cubicles in a 42 story sky-scrapper, creating Artwork and living a life that sounds a little too close to this show, wow. So happy Matt’s taken the time to watch something I will never have to, he’s taking another hit for our team, thanks.

I never regret walking away from the limelight, (as many “think” is valuable in this life) that was over 10 years ago and I don’t miss the money (at all) it’s not worth your sanity.

Jen Kupp
2 years ago

hmmm… “limelight” – how close is it to (emerald) green screen?

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

Lol, well…when I created artwork and raised money in Hollywood, it was a shade of green (a glow perhaps) most wouldn’t trust. The behavior of a major corporation I’d worked with for over 2 decades (not located in Hollywood) though, was what really woke me up (just) as I was becoming personal friends (at that time, no longer I guess, haven’t heard from them in 2 years) with people like Jeff Berwick, Doug Casey – back in 2012.

So I walked away from the “show / the big game” so to speak, just as I was waking up to this truth movement (as it’s known today). I had been scratching my head (more than most) already by then for about 10 years since 2001, but 2012 was the year it really went off the rails, lol. Cheers.

Mihaela Schneiders
2 years ago

I am following Matt and Danny Minely, UncannyDeduction and many more, so, you get the idea what my level of consciousness lies 😉 Or, least i am trying to evolve from a first grade truther class LOL) YET, I like this TV show and contrary to what Matt said, it is well made: original idea, well written script, the actors are amazing. It has a slow pace without being boring, a lot of twists. I can come up with many more arguments, but I have no tim to ‘defend’ a TV series, and honest to be, I consider a waste of my precious time from my part. All I want to say, is that it simply a good movie, doesn’t matter with which eyes you are seeing it.
And especially in this shitty times, in this staled century, as Matt said, where no original work is being released, i really enjoy from time to time a good TV show.
So, in this case, the reviews may be honest. Peace!

PS. Another good original TV show I recommend is “FROM”

Last edited 2 years ago by Mihaela Schneiders
Simone Van Dorp
Simone Van Dorp
2 years ago

I really enjoyed it as well, and can’t wait for season 2, and I agree with all the points you made about it. Thanks for the recommendation of From, I will look that one up.

Mihaela Schneiders
2 years ago

you are very welcome, I get it that Hollywood is a cult, which is part of THE cult which is running the world, I get it watching their crap will brain was our brain more or less, yet, I do need some ‘entertaining’ from time to time. Kind regards

Mihaela Schneiders
2 years ago

Try STATION 11 as well, don’t give up, some episodes may not keep you so interested, but the way the story is told (changing all the characters) the music and cinematography are amazing.

Rebecca Keener
Rebecca Keener
2 years ago

I watched it all too and highly recommend it. It resonated with me on a very deep level….there were too many cubicle days for me in my life. The pace of this film is perfect as it mimics the pace of the cubicle world. I felt chained and caged like these people. It’s a “must watch” for those types, imo. Thanks for the other movie recommendation!

Mihaela Schneiders
2 years ago
Reply to  Rebecca Keener

you are welcome, try STATION 11 as well, don’t give up, some episodes may not keep you so interested, but the way the story is told (changing all the characters) the music and cinematography are amazing.

Ghost Diaz
Ghost Diaz
2 years ago

Makes you think where do we go when we sleep?, always a truth in the movies and tv shows, but nonsense on the news

Will Youngblood
2 years ago

Notice how the section of the 4 square partician doesn’t have a partician for computers/sections 3 and 4…?

Last edited 2 years ago by Will Youngblood
2 years ago

The partitions can be moved up and down as the characters sometimes did during the series. Note the girl Helly’s partition is lower than the one behind the bearded guy (watched the whole series and already forgot his name).

Will Youngblood
2 years ago

MK Ultra

Skep Tikos
Skep Tikos
2 years ago

The dark concept of a selfish, cruel Higher Self has been proposed on GooTube before, it’s interesting but very distressing. Overall I think there’s some truth to it, the self in here isn’t completely aligned or friendly with the part that put us in this hellhole, Jacob’s Ladder reality. It doesn’t has to be evil, but the mundane self is the one truly experiencing pain and death so there’s some resentment probably.

Bronwyn Janes
Bronwyn Janes
2 years ago

Same as a butterfly. Being a caterpillar is nothing but struggle.
Read something along the lines that there were only 12 whole star signs eg all Leo have similar characteristics and life paths that everyone who is a Leo is a part of the whole one.

Rebecca Keener
Rebecca Keener
2 years ago
Reply to  Bronwyn Janes

I am a Leo! I don’t quit understand what you said here🤔. Can you please reiterate? Interested…

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
2 years ago

In my opinion the show gate subtle hints especially in the last two episodes that the innies lives which would be the wiped ego as well as the outtie lives, subconscious/higher self seem to have a direct effect on the other. Some examples of this happened with mark and with John tuturros character. As Marks innie personality starts deciding to fight for his freedom and seemingly falling for Helly, his outtie’s mood becomes more positive and he improves all around. Similarly Tutturos outtie has been investigating lumen, it appears he doesn’t sleep and this has a direct effect on his innie, who eventually also comes to to decision to fight for his freedom. Helly is the only one who seems not to have had any direct effect on her outtie or innie and it’s possible her character can not integrate the two due to an addiction that her outtie has with the material realm. Perhaps this is what happen with the creeps their higher self is addicted and eventually their ego becomes addicted once they are put here, or Helly is going to have to transform to make her higher self wake up to the reality of their situation and has more work to do to integrate her higher self and ego self due to the life she’s lead. Great breakdown brother. A lot of big things to think about with this presentation.

clifford mcguire
clifford mcguire
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris Minor

Chris, great thought and it resonates with me, your on to something.

Melissa Dunn
Melissa Dunn
2 years ago

The hard work of transformation to garnering an existence that really matters to you in your heart is the win of a lifetime. Sometimes, I feel like my higher self is a being that lived on Earth before and many other places and is like a life coach, but not much better. Haha ❤ The Guardians however, those are the beings that really get me.

Last edited 2 years ago by Melissa Dunn
Dain Cook
Dain Cook
2 years ago

Severance / Schism

William Hale
William Hale
2 years ago

Gday Matt
Seems to me your mate Tony needs to cultivate patience
He needs to tap into his higher self and grow the fuck up
As for severance
Wow I too watched it from the perspective you did
There is no doubt in my mind that if you tried to just watch it from the normie perspective
You would have switched it off half way thru

William Hale
William Hale
2 years ago

The players are instructed they never can connect with their outie once the procedure is completed

2 years ago

When you were talking about how the H.S. could have many tethers connecting it to different realities I thought about Batman Forever.
Jim CarRey played Edward Nygma the Riddler.
He used his Nygma tech 3D box to suck the thoughts and memories out of the peole watching TV.
At one point you see these these green waves streaming from all the peolpe into Nygma’s hideout.
Also there is lost of the color green in the movie

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
2 years ago

SEVERANCE : A Seer, CERN, Seance, Sever, Scare, Crease, Veer, Race, Craves, Raves, Scar, SAR, Scan, Save, See, Ease……and finally Verace (Synonym for truthfulness, honesty, sincerity).

clifford mcguire
clifford mcguire
2 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

wow….thats crazy!!!! good catch

Mark Florey
Mark Florey
2 years ago

Based on what Severance has alluded to (so far), the goal of this existence is to become “unsevered” from our higher self… the two into one religion. The thought of who pushes this ideology is disconcerting, but my own experiences are proving the contrary.

There is “heaven” here in this severed realm if you have the sense to feel it. When we “metamorphize,” say drop all attachments to this realm, my guess is we’ll cherish the experience with something far more powerful than nostalgia. With all the hardships within, I (choose to) believe this place is an incredible gift.

If we’re here doing the “work,” then “do what you love and you’ll never do another day of work in your LIFE.” How often is that line pushed (and unheeded)?

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
2 years ago

IDK… From what “I” could tell from this freaking HUGE “Revelation of The Method”… is that the “Severanced”, work people are showing parts if not ALL of their “True Nature”. It’s like a base program, without ANY other (than the most basic) scripts running. You SEE their persona (Sub-Conscious) arise, when they are in the work-place. Notice that the “chick” is the “spark” that lights the fuse, to what they would do uninhibited by “Societies” scripts running…

And Hahahaha! Yeah, that this is an “Avatar” type experience DID cross my mind. Yet I’m thinking that “we” are seeing their “Higher-Self” emerge, INSIDE the “Severence Work-Place”. But that’s just “me”…

Interesting topic though… A LOT of ways to “read” this puppy!!!

clifford mcguire
clifford mcguire
2 years ago


Kelly F
Kelly F
2 years ago

The *work they are doing is emotional toil.

Jen Kupp
2 years ago

Speaking of coma movies, the Russian flick Koma (2019) is a good one.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago

Ben Stiller showing the “mASSES” Kabbalah majik. The Kabbalahists know many truths and hide them in plain sight in their majik “shows”. They know it’s a twin system and that we (us) can go home. But they (them) cannot. They don’t want you to know this and this is why they hate Jesus who came to set the prisoners free. There is no “higher self”. This is it. Second and only last chance. Your birthday was your “second chance day”.

Roman Mishin
Roman Mishin
2 years ago

My mom told me I have been given injections in the head while in maternity house (1976). Have you?

Lee Armitage
Lee Armitage
2 years ago

Funny, the premise reminds me of how i feel between my waking and sleeping periods. I never feel like i can sleep enough. But i rarely remember dreams anymore even though i know i have a lot of odd ones.
I just get a big vibe of these characters are being tortured and experimented on, so it just reminds me of same ol same ol norm world i see in every day life.
Dunno why exactly this would be appealing to watch.

karin teves
karin teves
2 years ago


James Kaplin
James Kaplin
2 years ago

The Movie the Green Knight carry’s the darkest images of reality that was carried forward from the past. The best part of it that the Green Knight and King Arthur remind Gawain that it’s just a game and centers around virtue and honor when somebody is out creating their personal legend. The symbolism is presented through out the movie and it’s something that is made to look dark when it is presenting a illuminated message.

Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
2 years ago

24:30 Interesting and kind of unique theory Matt. Worth to think about.

Jeremy Marquart
Jeremy Marquart
2 years ago

Wow! I almost want to watch, but I don’t have Apple TV… and won’t. I get a sense that you bring honest breakdown! Thanks Matt!

Love Supreme
Love Supreme
2 years ago

I got hip to this series through Matt’s first video on it, which dropped coincidentally when T-Mobile offered free Apple TV so what the hell.

I engage in very few tv series these days as my default stance is that all holllyweird /streaming studios are part of an intentional degradation of our society.

That said, I found this series to be worthwhile. The unique premise is coupled with a unique production – the music/lighting/camera, set & costume design etc were well done. The obligatory degeneracy is kept just below the puking point 🤢 (you can play spot the tran-paco-paco as a game within the game)… Matt is spot on about some the middle episodes being boring, there are about three “fillers”.

Valente Zapata
Valente Zapata
2 years ago

We usually assume the higher self is some sort of pure loving entity. But maybe not.
I wonder the same thing about God or creator. Why do we assume our creator to be a loving being that cares about us?

2 years ago

Some celebrity posted this to Twitter. It’s a depiction of the ‘two selves’ I hadn’t seen before.

John Henry
John Henry
2 years ago

I thoroughly enjoy this show as it posits differently from most others. I find it odd that Ben Stiller is at the helm. As much as I enjoy his comedic sensibilities it adds up to what I feel is going to be a letdown.

Didier FABRE
Didier FABRE
2 years ago

“Stupid rewards” or rather the absolutely stupid distractions proposed by big companies are very real !
I could experience that in a couple of big firms I worked for, especially during conventions and big staff meetings, and the worst is that the vast majority of employees are happy with all those stupid games they are told to do, it amuses them a lot ! Stupid jerks !!
A Kelt from Gaul,
Rock the Universe !!

Peter Leyshan
2 years ago

Maybe it’s just another ‘pissed on breadcrumb’ to distract and lead us astray.

BEEHΛ/E: The severed memory block consciousness Works IN a DI•VISION of Macro Data Refinement (MDR). BEHAVE – OBEY SLAVE SYSTEM PROGRAM

DIVISION Macro Data Refinement BEEHIVE.jpg
Regina Roberts
Regina Roberts
2 years ago

Matt, severance is actually touching upon some thing that is really going on. I watched a video yesterday called quiet quitting. Apparently people go to work and do the bare minimum just to get by. They don’t do any extra work, they don’t go above and beyond what’s asked of them and just go home. They need their job and their insurance but they hate their job so they’re quiet quitting in their mind. Very strange. You also mentioned that there are other realms but that it didn’t matter. It does matter. You want off of this realm and onto the better and next round . No one wants to be recycled. Love you Matt.

2 years ago

Severance? Hmmm? Y’all need to read Preston B. Nichols book “The Montauk Project”.

Humpty Dumpty
Humpty Dumpty
2 years ago

Hi. I think the stream/video is broken. After one and something minutes, it stops and loads4ever. :/. Please fix.

Dirk Jeanes
Dirk Jeanes
2 years ago

I’m hearing the title music from the show then complete silence

Gabriel McLoughlin
Gabriel McLoughlin
2 years ago

Like Mister Dylan said, I made a bargain with the D the big commander ,keeping my side of the bargain, 81 years old on May 24th

Roni Met
Roni Met
2 years ago

Was this video taken down?

Joseph Antoinette
2 years ago
Reply to  Roni Met

I was here looking for the same q and a

2 years ago

Hi guys! the video seems to have been taken off… i’m sorry i didn’t get a chance to see it, i hope you will upload it again, i was looking forward to your analysis of severance. Love & Hugs from the far faraway land of Argentina 😉

Steven Wallace
Steven Wallace
2 years ago

Video is broken

Stephen Oates
Stephen Oates
2 years ago

The Link is Dead

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