Give Matt a Tip:

Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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In this “podcast,” I present several parts from the book that I know could not be presented on YouTube. Most of the chapter is about how the dark system fuels both racism and homophobia, but it has convinced people it is working to solve “the problem!” It’s working to “fix it” while creating it in the first place. YUP! –

Matt McKinley

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Carrie Mitchell
Carrie Mitchell
1 year ago

Merry Merry!! 🥳🥳

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Hey guys it’s Bill. Okay, I’m fessing up, when I was a kid I guess I was different. I grew up inner-city St. Louis and by the time I was 14 I had black friends (some) and believe me, back then in that city it was unusual. My parents were not thrilled (at all) and I took guff from others at school, but I’ve always walked my own path.

By the time I was 21 I was one of the founding fathers (only two white, including myself) of the Buffalo Soldiers Society and so forth. I’m attaching a pic which goes back to those days. I assembled this collage for a movie I was pitching, called AnotherRunAroundOurSun, for St. Louis showcasing the Music & Movie stars that called STL home.

I became close friends with Rev. C. T. Vivian who could speed dial Oprah whenever he wished. I’m still close friends with a world-famous sculptor (who happens to be black) Eddie Dixon, we just spoke on the phone last week. Felix Weihs de Weldon who sculpted the famous Iwo Jima Memorial called Eddie Dixon – America’s greatest realistic sculptor alive.

My business partner in Hollywood 20 yrs ago was black – Sampson Webb was one of my all time best friends, we met in the 80s. We used to talk about corporate gigs in my career where I’ve seen co-workers (who in the 1980s had a negative opinion) of other races only embrace them (publicly) because NOTnilc started forcing the issues. Social engineering instead of organic feelings…IMO.

AR RAC page.jpg
Last edited 1 year ago by William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Merry Christmas everyone. I wanted to leave my first post sit here about 24hrs before saying:
Hey at the end of the day, I’ve noticed a lot stuff like many of you have shared. For instance I remember in the late 60s seeing the Notnilc sorta force a sing along of a kind of Kumbaha among Blacks wherein they were supposed to call each other brother and sister, and hug and cry that they’ve been in this ‘fight’ together, it’s complicated. Those who lived through it may remember, but it’s tough to type about.

I watched that in real time, with real black friends and saw some who sorta cringed a little but played along with the overall social engineering aspect. Of course we’ve discussed the Rap music engineering much like the Tavistock Beatles machine.

Then there’s the CIA’s little contribution to Black culture, crack culture, you remember when they began ‘helicoptering’ the crack drops – like Bernake’s Bank gave us financial ‘stimulus’ via ‘helicopter drops’ and then Notnilc showed us they finally loved us after beathing us senseless for thousands of years.

Yes in 2020 for instance, Bill Gates with a family history stretching back 100s of years were well known Eugenics, but in 2020 he told the world ‘he loved them’…here take this VAX and sit by my campfire, we’re singing Kumbaha tonight mother-fuckers and the whole world sang, well almost (There’s us, the Jedi resistance).

Bill's Background.jpg
Mandy Morris
8 months ago

Wow. You’ve had a huge life William. Thanks for all of your wonderful insights and amazing art you always bring.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
1 year ago

That’s really awesome, Bill. Quite beautiful indeed. I had to chuckle at the synchronicity, as my air name in my past life in radio was Eva Adams. Matt’s video had me kinda on edge last nite. I had a lot of gay friends in the SF Bay Area and went to two of the first Gay Pride parades to support my friends. The first was pretty entertaining. The second started to go south and get raunchy. Not my cup of tea. The last boyfriend I had before I got married was as black as skin color can get. My brain never registered color, even though my dad was an equal opportunity racist…he hated everyone besides his own “race”. God I hate that fucking word. My big family secret was to never tell anyone we are African too on my mom’s side. SOMEHOW…through all this bullshit we’ve gone through over the last three years, my retarded family and friends think I’m not only a racist (apparently a self-loathing African) and homophobe, but a big part of my family thinks I’m in a cult too. I’m still trying to work off the grudge I have carried against these people. And it’s big and painful. Thanks for supporting a group of people that have historically needed some extra love…for sure. I know I don’t say it often enough, but your artwork is just mind blowing and I sure appreciate what you bring to us and Matt’s stellar channel. It’s the best channel in existence. Big blessings and i wish you and all here the happiest of new years.

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
1 year ago

Wow, what you shared there was absolutely awesome.

Last edited 1 year ago by Jon McIntyre
William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Jon McIntyre


rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago

What you present is proof that blacks were coming into their own in American society without the intervention of the federal government. I truly believe that the black leaders at the time sold out their people on exchange for money and power. In exchange the feds get the black vote (as well as their minds) for the next 100 years.

Last edited 1 year ago by rudy moreno
Mike Hager
Mike Hager
1 year ago

Black people on the bus bus are like motorcyclist. Everyone wants to wave at you to say “hey bro, I’m on a motorcycle, too”. Well, they might say bus.

Moon Seven
Moon Seven
1 year ago
Reply to  Mike Hager

I’m a motorcyclist living in and riding the mountains of Snowdonia Wales UK – We always wave to each other as we pass wrapped in our leathers – no sign of age, sex, colour or nationality but we all stop at the same bike cafes and bars and when the crash helmets come off it could be a white, brown, black, man, woman, young adult, very old adult, rich or poor – but we don’t really give a shit and we sit and laugh together as we chat about bikes, great mountain roads, the wonderful scenery and the best routes for a great ride – we talk to each other about our passion and love for living as real people with no virtue signaling for the Notnilc indoctrinators of mental abuse upon the weak on which they rely and feed on.
Thanks Matt – You are a wise man an old soul keeping is so very real in this upside down, inside out, back to front clown show theatre for the masses.

Matthew Cattell
Matthew Cattell
1 year ago

Totally agree. As someone of about the same age, we didn’t think about race when I was growing up. It’s become a never ending projection now, exaggerating differences between groups and putting the spotlight on the “minority of the month” in a cynical round-robin circus parade. With political candidates and their camps, it always seems to be a near perfect 50/50 divide, just like the contents of a battery. Optimum loosh output being constantly fine tuned by the use of data analytics and social media to selectively inflame this group or that against the other.

Michael Eyer
Michael Eyer
1 year ago

Matt McKinley…Nobody says it better! Merry Christmas everyone 🙂

Jeffrey Feinstein
Jeffrey Feinstein
1 year ago

Said or unsaid, it has been coming from many directions

Joseph Antoinette
1 year ago

In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act – George Orwell

Rick Godley
1 year ago

Keep the change.

Cassandra Johnson
Cassandra Johnson
1 year ago

I was under the impression that racism ended in the 70s. I think it was why they killed disco. It was uniting the races. Anyway in 1984, in the south, on a hot summer day, I decided to bring my friends to the pool because my black friend had never been on a high dive before. I was shocked when some lady approached me and said how dare you bring that dark man here. I told her to get a life and fuck off and started a whole thing. I really thought racism was over. I still don’t know anyone personally who’s racist. I thought it was just my grandparents generation. The board decided to let me remain a pool member but I still never went back. I still don’t have that many black friends but I’m always open to judging everyone on individual merit not the color of their skin. I do think people just end up being with those of their own race because of proximity in work or social situations. People just don’t have the opportunity to socialize much outside their race is my theory. White people just can’t dance to rap well overall. I sure can’t and it doesn’t inspire me.
On another note my late father would not go to my cousins wedding outside San Francisco because of his homophobia and feigned a back injury to get out of going.
Much love everyone ❤️

Will Youngblood
1 year ago


Steven Wallace
Steven Wallace
1 year ago

I always appreciate your videos. It’s especially nice this time of year. Thanks Matt. Also thanks for the website, Rob I think. It is very much appreciated, thank you too.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Steven Wallace

Wait, what, you don’t appreciate all the art I create? LOL, jus kidding’, have a great holiday.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

I think it’s great you gave Matt and Rob a round of applause, they work very hard to produce this platform and I’ve been so happy since discovering it a few years ago.

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
1 year ago

Errr… YUP!! Well said. ; )

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
1 year ago

I see the same thing Matt does. It’s the 60’s racism stuff all over again except on steroids. Reality totally gives itself away. The game is very boring these days. I literally live in my own bubble.

To think I hope for the way one time 😆

James Hawke
James Hawke
1 year ago

It’s the planned destruction of truth by rainbow. If truth can be whatever people feel like, then you’re paving your way to Hell at a rapid rate. 🙂

D Jones
D Jones
1 year ago

Merrymaking and cheer to everyone here. 🥂
Thank you Matt, Rob, and all.

Justin Freeman
Justin Freeman
1 year ago

Dear Santa,
Please get Matt a puppy for Christmas!
Thank you
P.S. you can get him a kitten too.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
1 year ago

Like many here…the holidaze are a really though time. Even though the subject matter of your video kinda ignited my feelings of anger at my family and friends for choosing me to be their scapegoat over the last few years, it was great to be able to spend Christmas Eve listening to the sound of your comforting voice. I know there are Guardian Angels who have plopped you into our lives, Matt. Thanks for being here for us. May you really feel the love we all have for you.

Stephen DeGalvez
Stephen DeGalvez
1 year ago

Remember when the Notnilc made it practically illegal to pester a fat person? Then 2 decades later, what would have been a circus fat person 100 years ago is now 30% of the population? When the Notnilc puts a protective fence around a particular group, it is with the intention of cultivating this group into a hideous monstrosity to unleash on the civilized people.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

how true

Stephen DeGalvez
Stephen DeGalvez
1 year ago

victimhood is the religion of the notnilc, hypocrisy is its gospel.

1 year ago

Where can I buy this book? And your last book you wrote ?

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
1 year ago

Of course what you’re saying is true. It’s a simple formula. If you control the narrative all you have to do is announce repeatedly that one group is bad and doing harm to another group who is the victim. If you repeat it a vacuum is produced that will be filled. It’s like an audtion call. People show up and start playing the parts of the villains and victims. The casting call always gets filled up by minions on the download. The narrative tells people how to behave. It’s insanity.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Jon McIntyre

Spot on and well worded indeed.

Sebastian BN
Sebastian BN
1 year ago

Merry Christmas, guys!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Sebastian BN
Peter Bernier
Peter Bernier
1 year ago

Matt, I go back to what I learned internally when I studied Quantum physics and what the implications are. At the “information” , frequency, or fundamental level ALL beings are connected, that means ALL! This is why I concluded ALL religions are false. Having said that, we are smothered from birth till death in an environment that screams physical over spiritual, that what you can see and touch is all there is. Thereby creating a natural progression that we are separate and to survive I need to protect and attack. If I hurt you, I hurt myself, if you hurt me, you hurt yourself. If I do all things in Love from source, I can do no harm to self or others.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
1 year ago

Actually Matt. That doesn’t apply to me. I’m Asian but I’m White on the inside and most of my friends are White, and I do NOT get along with my own kind at all. Taiwanese people are the most cold, stuck up, unfriendly, soulless people in the world. I find it IMPOSSIBLE to connect with them! They always give me BAD VIBES and trying to befriend them always feels VERY unnatural, unwelcome and AGAINST the GRAIN! I never feel comfortable around them. They hate my guts too and never want to be friends with me no matter how nice and friendly and social I am to them. I swear to God! There is some energetic disturbance between them and me, like some supernatural force that makes them hate me, sometimes almost instantly, especially the women who have a hateful attitude toward anyone different. The egregore or group soul that they belong to does not like me at all. I’ve seen lots of proof of that.

However, I do get along better with other Asians, but not my own Taiwanese race. In China, I find people to be much more friendly, warm, and affable. So the problem isn’t me. Taiwanese, like Americans, don’t like truth and authenticity. They only care about politeness and political correctness. But in Russia, I have no problem making friends or getting dates with women at all, because my SOUL is much more like theirs. They also love truth, honesty, and authenticity, like I do, not fake positivity like Americans do.

I think you would be in the same camp as me Matt. If you went to Russia or Europe, you’d have a much better social life than in the US because over there, people like authenticity, not fake positivity like in America. Hence we would vibe with them better since they are on the same wavelength as us. They value substance, not flash, and hate BS too like we do. You should consider that Matt, and not assume that it’s impossible to leave the US, like other truthers falsely assume.

Last edited 1 year ago by Winston Wu
rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

Wow. Really interesting story. Thank you for sharing. I feel the exact same about my own race (Hispanic-American, with Mexican roots) – I have always clashed with the people in my own ethnic group. I know exactly how you feel about the “white on the inside” part. I have never felt “Mexican” – or even Hispanic for that matter, despite being around the culture exclusively for the first 22 years of my life (I’m 40 now).

I’ve talked about these subjects at length on my own YouTube channel (PostNostaglos), in a video called “Your toxic familia” where I go over the gaslighting your own race and blood family with do to you and attempt to guilt trip family into being loyal to them. Its all a narcissistic ploy to control family members and the people in your own ethic group will pull this shit.

Your comment really resonated with me and I hope you revisit this so you can see my comment.



Winston Wu
Winston Wu
1 year ago

Matt I agree. I’ve been saying for years: There is a simple solution to racism that the US media NEVER talks about. That is: To simply STOP TALKING about racism altogether. Instead, just tell everyone to respect each other and leave it at that. If someone wants to be racist or prefers their own kind, then let them be that way, you can’t change them. Very simple solution and very effective too. Too bad the US media can never consider it for some reason.

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

Morgan Freeman was famously quoted for saying something along those words. Racism would go away of everyone would stop talking about it.

Of course, Freeman isn’t on that page anyway because I’m sure he got the script from up top. Got to push the fake racism narrative in order to divide and conquer.

Craig Ralton
Craig Ralton
1 year ago
Craig Ralton
Craig Ralton
1 year ago

It would be funny to have this graphic with an arrow “you are here”

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago

20:16 I have an explanation. It was a transfer of power. Blacks were becoming more prominent on their own already, and natural freedoms were already being given by their white constituents. The federal government wanted to create the illusion that the only way they’d “be free” was through government intervention. It was an agreement between the Federal government and the black leaders at the time, guaranteeing that it would be race hustlers like Jesse Jackson and organizations like the NAACP would be the face of all blacks in America, therefore ripping away the potential agency from them. It was just another form of slavery. MLK completely sold out the blacks in the US. In exchange, the black leaders would steer black public opinion to vote Democrat and only Democrat, ensuring a black majority vote for the next 60 years. LBJ was quoted for saying, “I’ll have them [racial epithet] voting Democrat for 30 years”

Last edited 1 year ago by rudy moreno
Karri-ann Flater
10 months ago

As a woman, I despise Women’s History Month. I used to work in a corporate office and during that month they would have a special woman’s only lunch to “celebrate” all the women in the office (especially the ones in roles of authority). Gag. Someone would do a speech and everyone would cheer and many would cry. It was appalling and so uncomfortable for me. There was a handful of us who declined to participate which created some friction and controversy. But it feels as though my role in this realm is to stir things up and go against the grain (which I am sure many here can relate to.)

Mandy Morris
8 months ago

Thanks Matt. This is so important but I don’t know one person who would believe it!!

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