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Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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I think future videos will be more like this one because of the flexibility of using different clips and using some music samples. There is no reason to stick to a single topic. Gavin Newsom, and his ilk, are a strange entity. They are NOT the same as you are. This is great news for us!

Matt McKinley

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Kevin Morley
Kevin Morley
29 days ago

Omg. Never realized how much Ryan oā€™ looks like Ryan Reynolds.

Russ Gary
28 days ago
Reply to  Kevin Morley

On the “Netflix Special” they’re indistinguishable.

29 days ago

All MEN are created equal does not also mean all things that look like men also qualify for equal-ness. There exists also here a KIND of man here, i.e., Mankind. perhaps Man is not the same as Mankind as we were led to believe. Nobody says dogkind or catkind or birdkind etc..jus sayin..

Russ Gary
29 days ago
Reply to  K C

All men are created equal in no way implies they remain equal, or suggests that they should.
That would be a disaster anyway, imagine 60, 000 people all leaving for work at the equal time of day, driving the equivalent speed.

Meg P
Meg P
29 days ago

That was so cringey I almost couldnt watch. I didnt know that interview existed because I dont have tv (ya, i get a truther award, i know). All I can say is wtf

Meg P
Meg P
29 days ago
Reply to  Meg P

also I vote for sloppy sniper for best actor

29 days ago
Reply to  Meg P

Haha, I’ve got that same truther award over here, but I somehow managed to see both interviews on YT. Neither of them seem to give a f***.

Russ Gary
29 days ago
Reply to  Meg P

I have a friend who even though I asked him 100 times not to, always tries to fill me in on everything I purposely avoid on television. Not surprisingly I’m now an asshole because I don’t hang out anymore.
It defeats the purpose of not watching TV if I get the blow by blow verbally while having a tiny black mirror shoved in my face.

Meg P
Meg P
17 days ago
Reply to  Russ Gary

sounds like a good way to lose a friend. I wouldn’t want to hang out with them either

Mellisa Wade
Mellisa Wade
29 days ago

Having to literally isolate myself right now, friends and family irate over the situation in California as if itā€™s happening to them, I canā€™t I just canā€™t. I was told ā€œyou canā€™t just stick your head in the sandā€ Iā€™m like yes, yes I can right here on the bank.

Dutch Crunch
Dutch Crunch
29 days ago
Reply to  Mellisa Wade

That irritates these entities to no end. When you ignore them and their deeds it denies them the fuel they seek. Its your loosh they seek, your undivided attention. We have something very special, I haven’t figured it out just quite yet, but its has something to do with our attention and mental concentration. I think we are the generator beings, very, very few of us so be mindful of who or rather ‘what’ we give our attention to. No fear, no super duper happy celebrations, neutrality is what they hate, sooooo?

oengus oengus
oengus oengus
29 days ago
Reply to  Dutch Crunch

sounds like matt’s view
i am getting closer to this

there may just not be very many of us
it may be just a handful, 1% or something, no telling

greatest news of all time or not,
we should take our responsibility to heart, as we may be the source of reality itself

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
29 days ago
Reply to  oengus oengus

Yes we are realityā€¦ā€ I havenā€™t figured it [reality] out just quite yetā€ as crunch said in a related conceptā€¦

Self-inquiry, the direct path to Self-realizationā€¦painful for the mind but thatā€™s all Iā€™ve got!

29 days ago

Nice eclectic image of the madness, Matt. I love it when you experiment with chaos. Thanks!

Margriet Brandsma
Margriet Brandsma
29 days ago

Thank you Matt and all out here.

Harry Snapper Organs
Harry Snapper Organs
29 days ago

Great one Matt. One of your best. UK subscriber.

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
29 days ago

You ditched the Guerrilla Journalist, in the jetway/bridge as she’s deplaning… where she looks and acts totally catatonic, as he barrages her with the same questions, over and over. Completely soulless. Yet that doesn’t have the same comedic opportunity as the deaf facial puppet dude does. IDK, three MAY have been too much though. šŸ˜€ Thanks for posting. : )

Patice McGargin
29 days ago

Thanks Matt, so many interesting points!

Russ Gary
29 days ago

Awesome. Well done.

Kris Robertson
Kris Robertson
29 days ago

Bittersweet life never fitting in. Absolutely more sweet than bitter.
Anyone else catch the two towers falling at the end of Fight Club? Watched it last night

Matt Jones
Matt Jones
29 days ago

That PC game Hitman… The newer one, the very first mission, your target is a guy named Marcus “Stuyvesant”. He looks a little like you LOL j/k. Crazy Synchronicities

29 days ago

It looks like olā€™ Gavvy got a new job as sign language guy, now with a coifed beard. The whole thingā€™s a joke.

Last edited 29 days ago by E G
Richard Clark
Richard Clark
29 days ago

Come on, Matt. She can fill those hydrants “right now ow ow” if she can form a bucket gang a mile long. šŸ¤Ŗ

Andrew S
Andrew S
29 days ago

Matt- Sign Language Interpreter here- deaf people struggle learning English because itā€™s based on hearing the sounds of the letters. Imagine trying to learn to read without learning the sounds of the letters first.

Russ Gary
28 days ago
Reply to  Andrew S

When I did time in prison I volunteered to teach reading at the prison library (no formal qualifications whatsoever, but the best they had available). Prior to this experience I thought difficulty reading was centered in poor vocabulary, boy was I wrong, a scarcity of vocabulary might be responsible for slow reading or poor comprehension, but before that you have to know how to sound-out letters.
Luck would have it I was pretty good at teaching that part, of course there’s a wrinkle. The student inmates were under horrendous pressure from their peers for attending the “crackers school” (I’m white, many of the students were black). I’m reasonably tough, but that experience was heartbreaking.

It’s hard enough for an intelligent, skilled, and well funded ex convict. The road back for one with none of those advantages is insurmountable.

Suzanne Szarai
Suzanne Szarai
29 days ago


Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
28 days ago

I think it’s pretty much all ” screen entities ” they aren’t like us at all..

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
28 days ago

” griefing grief ” šŸ˜‚šŸ¤”

Mary M
Mary M
28 days ago

Random thoughtsā€¦ I havenā€™t had the energy to comment on the last 50 videos. Woke up 2020. Guess why? I found Matt that year. Not old guard, Iā€™m thinking Iā€™m maybe 9th grade. I was double promoted a few times. Thanks to Matt I didnā€™t have to go completely through the bog. Just enough to get the gist and get tired of pissed on bread crumbs. I rarely watch TV even before 2020. Only when Iā€™m at someoneā€™s home who is watching or maybe a movie. Which brings me to one of the million things that has been destroyed by notnilc and made more difficultā€¦ watching TV. Iā€™m 64 so I remember when cable first came to my area. So many channels and so much crap. Now itā€™s ridiculous that we have to have so many apps etc.. itā€™s not worth my time. Also, the technology that is supposedly so advanced and the search button on the TV still makes us use the antiquated over/up/down typing screen. It boggles the mind. Next subjectā€¦stalled centuryā€¦I was in the grocery store the other day checking out and the tabloids on the racks were showing JonBenet Ramsey again. OMG! Also, Paul McCartney with his Got Back tour. Enough already. Iā€™ve been thinking how right you are about 9/11. My life really changed in an eerie way after that date.
I met a new friend at work this past year and we became good friends. She is not awake but is on the cusp. She never got the jab and sheā€™s on to a few things. I forgot who I was talking to last week,as we were discussing the New Orleans event and the supposed terrorist, it lead me to bring up 9/11. She was in shock like a deer in headlights. She kept saying ā€œMary, didnā€™t you see the planes hit the buildings?ā€ šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø. I stated ā€œNo, I was not in New York that day looking up in the sky, however, I saw the CGI over and over on TV.ā€ She completely shut down. Lesson learned. I must keep my mouth shut. Anyway, thanks for your insights. You keep me sane. Matt, I donā€™t make stoves for fun but I still enjoy watching Jon every Sunday morning for fun. (Donā€™t worry Iā€™m not planning to get to the bottom of it, I just find it fun and interesting.)
As far as manifesting goes check out Neville Goddard. Living in the state of the wish fulfilled.
Have a peaceful day.
Thanks for listening!

Russ Gary
28 days ago

For the intrepid reader. Try “Carrion Comfort” by Dan Simmons.

Is as good an explanation as any for the madness that surrounds us.

Meg P
Meg P
17 days ago
Reply to  Russ Gary

thanks i love to read. ill check it out

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