In this podcast I read as far along as I’ve gotten on the questionnaire that I’ve been working on. It still needs a lot of work over the next few weeks. The idea is to pose about fifty questions that may expose this strange reality to a “normal person.” Of course, I don’t expect to “wake anyone up.”

It may simply get a few people thinking. When the questions are finalized, perhaps I can work with one of you on some interesting formatting for the questionnaire in a program like Adobe InDesign or, in some way, the PDF questionnaire can take on an creative look so it can be passed and shared?

Can a questionnaire really expose “the body snatched?” Yes, in a way, I think it can. Anyone who could “take this test” and still think things are normal in the world are “on the download,” and are in a sense…. mind and body snatched!

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Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago

The video is tagged as a Howdie video, but it’s obviously Matt.

Just watched Inception and I’ve figured out why Matt is so insistent on saying this reality isn’t real. He thinks if he says it a thousand times he’ll become Marion Cotillard and he’ll be with Leo.

It’s not going to happen, Matt. This world is real, it’s just real effed up.

Last edited 2 years ago by John Senior
Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

OMG, What’s you’re definition of real?

Gustavo Brett
Gustavo Brett
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

My observation is that a substantial part of this realm is unnatural, artificial, or as Matt would say “ Not Real ”. Meaning it doesn’t follow the natural laws of this realm. For instance it can just change something in history. Or create something without the effort that you or I would have to make. That said it’s just a part of this realm, not the entire realm. Matt makes a lot of generalizations when he does his thing. I’ve learned to not worry about that. Matt keeps pointing things out I would not be picking up on my own. Matt has his skill set and it’s pretty darn strong. I’ve stopped busting his balls generally. A lot of this world is not “real” in regards to following the basic laws of nature.

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago
Reply to  Gustavo Brett

During this video Matt makes a comment along the lines of “We were right about Sandy Hook…”

In the 18 months I’ve been watching Matt the only things he’s ever gone into is laughing about the way the clown carried his rifle and laughing at that idiot Robbie for his stupid interview.

If asked to sum up what happened at Sandy hook, just like what happened with JFK, Matt would hide behind the ultimate cop-out of insisting that “Nothing. Nothing happened.”

That to me reeks of stacking the deck like the idiot feminists like Robin DeAngelo do. They say that all white people are racist and any argument that they aren’t is just a sign of white fragility and proves her theories right. Eff Robin DeAngelo’s nonsense, a eff Matt doing the same garbage.

I’ve never been interested in conspiracy, or politics. The first time I did was the Russian Collusion Hoax and the attacks on Trump during his presidency. Sadly Matt has decided that he’s not interested in any of those issues and all of his sheeplike followers go along with him.

The “in the bookends” explanation of Sandy Hook that I’d pretty much accept is that there was a school shooting, kids died, and because the school authorities pocketed the cash rather then install the security measures they had a quick coverup and autists like Matt jumped on their errors, went insane with their throries and ultimately provided cover for the disgusting creeps who took money on the bet nothing would happen at their school.

Tyler Gorton
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

You reveal yourself by dropping the tired “And his sheeplike followers go along with him”.
I listen to this dude’s podcast because he has some interesting insights and also happens to have a fine sense of humor about the perplexing state of existence we find ourselves trapped in. Matt doesn’t have “followers” my dude. He has listeners. He’s not a cult leader. We don’t congregate in the woods and devote our life’s earnings to his cause. We listen to the guy on the internet for some thought provoking ideas and a laugh or two.
I’d wager your passion for hating on Matt is more akin to being a “follower” than the 95% of us who are just listening to the man while we work.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Gorton

Excellent comment Tyler, I agree 100%. Senior has some major issues and spends his time (every week) listening to these shows then spends more time drafting his negative spin.

2 years ago

Possible dotmil paid trollski sittin’ in cubicle pHarm ….

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  TexAnna

I would imagine that his home address is less than an hour’s drive from Langley.

Darren Cox
2 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Gorton

Well said. I don’t do celebrity worship. I don’t need a daddy or big bro or even another friend. I listen to Matt because he says, in an entertaining genuine way, what I believe too and extrapolates from the zeitgeist in ways that stretch my mind to keep me from mental-decline in my similar “old” age. When I can afford to I will donate generously, not to curry-favor but out of spite to the other places I could have donated my extra cash to. (I’ll also donate to Douglas UAP as he’s a man I respect as well).

Mary M
Mary M
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

Wow! If that is what you think happened with Sandy Hook then you have not done any homework. If you have been listening to Matt for 18 months and these are your thoughts then it is probably time that you just move on. There are plenty of “truther” channels that will dwell on your interests with the Russian Collution and Trump etc.. If you can’t see that these all just presentations then this is not the channel for you. Matt has explained over and over about “what happened” with those other events you mentioned. He has spent years going down those rabbit holes which is how he has arrived at his simple explanations. Do you know anyone who can “sum up” what happened with JFK or Sandy Hook? No, because we will never know. Time to worry about yourself and your own spiritual growth (whatever that is to you) which is really Matt’s best advice. Peace and good luck to you. You are entitled to your opinion.

Robert Timothy
Robert Timothy
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

Matt may be a little hypocritical at times, namely it’s “thinking big” until it isn’t, and then it’s pointless because “it provides endless rabbit holes to chase” but you gotta understand, Matt has not been one for running down lists of all the reasons santashook was a fraud, not ever… The list is so long he already assumes everyone knows, and just focuses on a couple of elements in there to highlight the absurdity of it. If you can’t see kids waking in one door,out the other endlessly, all the parents mortgages paid off the Christmas Day, and somehow the dead kids all singing at the Superbowl, after half visited the Whitehouse, then I don’t know what to tell you. It goes far beyond that idiot playing multiple roles for whatever messed up reason.

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Timothy

One of Matt’s biggest arguments is that the Notnilc can show different groups different realities.So right after the Notnilc offer Matt the billion dollars for Bootsie and he turns them down, they’ll quickly run over to the Normy and offer them a billion to hear out one of the group who make fun of the parents of murdered kids. They’ll turn that cash down too. Matt gets to mock the normy as body-snatched, the normy has had another negative engagement with the conspiracy loons, no spiritual growth is achieved and the Notnilc get to keep their $1 bn.

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

You know how Jessica Fletcher solved every crime that crossed her path? Well you guys have solved a grand total of ZERO crimes that have crossed your paths in the time you’ve been investigating conspiracy.

So why are you still here?

Why am I still here? Way too many synchronicities in my life that smack me around enough to make me concussed. So searching for some kind of solution. But just like you lot with your success rate, little sign of resolution for me either.

I do kind of agree that maybe I should go.The only dissent allowed seems to be rising out of the bathtub with the rubber ducky or throwing spitballs from the back of the class.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

You’re either a shill or just not very bright…

Wolfman Because
Wolfman Because
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

I have sufficiently resolved most conspiracies and Matt’s reprieve may appear not to elucidate the particulars of any given situation but it does allow the investigator to understand that; if a conspirator wishes not to elucidate how he achieved said conspiracy then investigators will only ever be left guessing the best guess. And that’s the current environment we live in.

Ultimately; all this achieves is wasting your life looking at evidence and realising what is not; the only value is realising in contrast what is; and that cannot be done by endlessly troubling you’self with a system of infinite lies and deception i.e. the rabbit hole without taking a brave step back and building a firm boundary against the Notnilc.
1 year ago
Reply to  John Senior

Matt’s being sarcastic when he says nothing happened. Indeed, a staged show was presented to the media, THAT HAPPENED. What about the guy who came to the microphone, and was laughing as he told of his kid dying the previous day? Does NOTHING raise your suspicion ?

I’m praying for your transformation out of Normieville…

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

This realm is only “real” to the poor bastards (us) that are trapped in it. The realm that this “reality” was created from is the true, real realm. We are prisoners in a prison of our own making. The only way back is through “the door”. “I am the door” – John 10:7

Stellar Shriner
Stellar Shriner
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

if you thimk this world is real (in the way it is taught to us, or anything even close) you are simply unaware of many things. I am not trying to troll you to even have a himt of meanie in me, I have just been at this for years. be well sir

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

After months of watching Mr. Senior post stuff like this, IMO he just enjoys being a troll (of some type) his own pattern presents this possibility . . . That’s why I enjoy describing him as if he can’t read this.

Mandy Morris
2 years ago

Hilarious William!
I think he must have way too much time on his hands!!
Can you imagine enduring (what looks like many hours have been endured by John Senior because he knows quite a lot of Matt’s stuff!)
That would be torture to me to endure someone like Neil de grass. Feeling nauseous just thinking about it. JS must be a tough fellow!!

2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

Since the double-Slit Experiment just Idiots can define this “World” as real …

John Senior
John Senior
2 years ago
Reply to  thorsten

The Law of Attraction peddlers and you conspiracy people love that experiment. How do you know it was real and not just a yellow or brown breadcrumb?

2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

Done it myself, not that complicated.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

You’ve obviously been body snatched.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

Truthfully, John, I would not want to live in your reality bubble.
All the best on your journey.

James Hawke
James Hawke
2 years ago

This handy dandy face mask and my recent government vaccine will prevent me being snatched Matt. I’m good.

Darren Cox
2 years ago
Reply to  James Hawke

remember that everyone already has the zombie I mean Ceevee virus but with enough punkybrewsters it can stay undetectable and thus unspreadable like all viruses you need to take medicine for your whole life!

Ryft Darkmile
Ryft Darkmile
2 years ago

31:21 regardless of the general aversion most people have to the possibility that a group of people may be conspiring against them; there is still the flaw of thinking in a cut-and-dry dialectic of ‘either/or.’ When they say “what are you suggesting?” they need YOU to posit the answer; “the reason is X.” only so that they can scoff at it. I find that if you don’t give them a possible reason they forget the next day. It’s as if they are so broken at this point they don’t even have the ability to process the information and retain it. EX: The ‘scaling’ or alleged ‘reptilian shape-shifting’ phenomena. It can’t be explained away by video-artifacting, People want you to posit the answer that these are physical reptilian monsters so it can be dismissed. They think in terms of: “it CAN’T be that, so its not happening.” The veracity of numerous theories to explain event ‘p’ should have no bearing on one’s memory or acceptance that event ‘p’ happened..

Robert Timothy
Robert Timothy
2 years ago
Reply to  Ryft Darkmile

This seems very similar to something I stumbled across some years ago, you can tell the people around us a simple fact, or ask then for the answer to a simple fact, they’ll look it up and tell you, no problem. I like the example about steel melting temperatures. Follow the question with “what temps do jet fuel burn at” and once again, they can tell you. Ask them to combine their own answers, and how that fits in with newyork 2001, and they literally can’t do it. They pretend not to understand, or they start making up their own reasons as to why this can’t be. So yes they can take on a piece of elementary information, but they can’t combine or do anything with it

Dominic Delia
Dominic Delia
2 years ago

Very good idea, Matt. Your quest is a worthwhile one. Keep it up buddy.

Matthew Cattell
Matthew Cattell
2 years ago

The spell has been cast deep and wide. The thing about governments killing their own goes in one ear and out the other with even casual mentions of genocide. I’ve long since abandoned any hope of lighting that lightbulb but it doesn’t stop me trying. If it doesn’t fit the narrative it’ll be buried or worse, religated to the realms of “mental illness”, soviet style.

John Hooie
John Hooie
2 years ago

While the events may not be naturally occurring, the perpetrators are %100 real.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago
Reply to  John Hooie

Personally I don’t think the perpetrators are the same as most of us.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

Star Wars gave us a “truth drop’. It’s called “the dark side’. Cartoons also gave us a similar truth drop…the angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other. Both whispering in each ear…

tech thai
tech thai
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

Agreed , we wouldn’t even recognize it if we seen it ..

Robert Timothy
Robert Timothy
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

They’re not the same, but they’re real. I know Matt doesn’t go there in his “we’ve already won” mantra, but we’re in a soul cycling loosh farm. The bad guys just ensure it yeilds. Sometimes we gotta listen to people who’ve had experience out of body, especially when they almost all match up.

Cindy Smith
Cindy Smith
2 years ago

Can you post the pdf of this? I would share it

Cindy Smith
Cindy Smith
2 years ago

Oops. Sorry. I will think of some ideas

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  Cindy Smith

The text of this, as is, will do for now. We need this in text like yesterday!

Gustavo Brett
Gustavo Brett
2 years ago

There’s a lady on you tube that helps empaths clear their path. She uses the term “ the mimic” to articulate the spell of automation that certain humans follow. I’ve recently come up the the term “A.R.S.” for those you have become automated . A.R.S. stands for Automated Response System. It’s not a judgmental term, it’s just a way to label it. It’s important for us to break the chains of judgement for the A.R.S. people. They are what they are and they have their role to play out. Most truthers are empaths, most empaths are highly traumatized black sheep. and we suffer from the “ Not Enough ” syndrome and so we buy into the tension that the A.R.S. folk present to us. They are a hive. The Hive is always baiting us. We mostly take the bait and hence the slavery here continues.

We must learn to be enough. To love and care for ourselves outside of the A.R.S. and its constant messages of lack and loss. Calling out the A.R.S. does us no good if we do not pursue our own inner sovereignty first.

Blessings on the path 

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Gustavo Brett

Well worded.

Gustavo Brett
Gustavo Brett
2 years ago

Thanks William, and blessings.

Kyle Huskey
Kyle Huskey
2 years ago
Reply to  Gustavo Brett

What’s the channel? Sounds helpful

Gustavo Brett
Gustavo Brett
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Huskey
Sue Newsome
Sue Newsome
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Huskey

I was just going to ask the same! TY!

Tina Cranston
Tina Cranston
2 years ago
Reply to  Gustavo Brett

Highly traumatized black sheep would usually come from families with Narcissistic Personality Disordered Parents. It’s like a playbook they all follow with the Golden Child and the Black Sheep. It’s not real. It’s some kind of interjection into humanity to spread its virus all around. I have been pondering this for a bit but can’t quite articulate it yet fully, but it seems to be part of the “screen” in some way. The dynamics in that kind of family are the same as we are seeing in government and society and the fakeness of it all.

Gustavo Brett
Gustavo Brett
2 years ago
Reply to  Tina Cranston

I agree that dynamic is common and potent but it goes beyond just the NPD dynamic. I call NPD simply “ The Controlling Parasite ” or latley just The Parasite. And I use NPD to explain the sort of recipe that this enity follows. But it’s not limited to just the NPD spectrum. The taker parasite follows the same set of rules across the board. It is like an infection or it simply IS an infection of energetic origin. The screen spreads, the instutions spread it. It’s everywhere all the time and its been here for a long ass time. This realm has been , it seems to me battling back n forth with this enity for many ages. I take each human case by case. When I smell the parasite I bail fast or take my stand if I must. And I try and help empaths understand what they are up against when I can. I saving grace aginst the parasite is that it does indeed follow a playbook. Once you have read that playbook its very hard for them to take hold. Unless you want them too of course.

Robert Timothy
Robert Timothy
2 years ago
Reply to  Gustavo Brett

Best comment I have read in months. Thanks, I know you get this.

Gustavo Brett
Gustavo Brett
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Timothy

Thanks Robert, I’m grateful it was worth your while. Blessings on the path.

Ray Duqes
Ray Duqes
2 years ago
Reply to  Tina Cranston

I have an ex-friend who has a very good and sweet child who so desperately sought her mothers maternal love and approval which is rarely if ever forthcoming. I used to scream internally for the poor girl as my mother is so similar to this ex-friend its uncanny. Last I heard the daughter is making a lot of the mistakes attractive teenage girls make in order to feel loved and needed.
This is a script that is universally played across this plane/planet or whatever shape it is.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Gustavo Brett

Thank you for sharing this. What is the name of the channel?

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Gustavo Brett

Oh, I see the link. Thank you. 🙂

Darren Cox
2 years ago

Well said sir! I think I aced that test! Here is a real life example. A multinational corporation that makes heavy machinery is now going to lose thousands, possibly tens of thousands of dollars in lost production and shipping errors because they left it up to me, a temporary worker with no benefits, to work both first and second shift production with stretches of 12 days in a row worked and finally when production ran for 21 days straight I quit. Well, surely they had people cross trained, nope, not one person. Surely they tried to hire a second shift person? yes, twice, both were surprised at the 12 days in a row production and quit. But your boss surely can fill in? Nope, it took me a month to realize he trained me wrong at first then when i was sick for 2 days and he tried to fill in, he sent products to the wrong place causing thousands of dollars and hours of manpower delays to resolve. The reality script even prevented them from buying a laser printer or fixing the one at my station for 2 solid months – 2 months of walking an extra 10 yards, up to 100 times a day to a shared printer where these precious documents were routinely mixed up with stacks from 4 or 5 other people at a time. Well, maybe the products were cheap and it isn’t as bad as you are implying, no, these products, up to a 100 day from my station alone, sell for up to or more than a million dollars. I am not exaggerating or joking and to add a laugh they required me to do high school type exercises in the morning to limber up before I walked several miles daily – I liked that part but the same meeting also told us to stay rested and that we were doing 21 days in a row of production without batting an eye. Well maybe they didn’t know about the staffing shortage, no I told them to their faces and they just ignored me, as hey, I was a temp and should be grateful for their generosity not questioning them on a common sense level. Nothing here is a lie or exaggerated. That is reality on a $14.50 an hour level for many people. Not me anymore I’m done playing this game and will just be a leach on society haha peace!

Gustavo Brett
Gustavo Brett
2 years ago
Reply to  Darren Cox

Cray cray….wow and blessings on the path.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago

Hey Matt, Well Done!
During the height of cv right after the vax was introduced on news max they were interviewing the youngest participant
To volunteer for it I think he was 18 or 19
And his name was (Jack Morning star). I seen & heard it myself? To me that’s crazy I pointed it out to a couple of people, They’re response, SO.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jeff Hall
Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

Like I said to another commenter, it’s all in the names. They are one of the things that always stand out and tell me something’s up.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago

The research and memory recall that went into this questionnaire is beyond “normal” and needs to be set to print. – Chuck P (again and again and again and again, etc…)

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Anybody else here remember public school nation wide tests with that robotic voice at the end: STOP put your pencils DOWN. The NOTNILC barked orders at us like Cerberus guarding the gates of HELL. Lol.
Great job MATT, would love to take a crack (Mad magazine style) at illustrating the 5 page test.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Or, I’d really enjoy hearing from everyone here, as to how they think this should be presented. Since as Matt mentioned, it’s the kind of thing that (provided it’s tasteful and looks official) the normie would be several questions in before his/her/other’s cognitive dissonance kicks in, lol.

William Hale
William Hale
2 years ago

Archaix YouTube channel shows this reality as fluid and artificial
Highly recommend this to all
Thank you Matt
Watch his latest video with a bunch of Aussies asking questions

Robert Timothy
Robert Timothy
2 years ago
Reply to  William Hale

Careful on that guy. He’s a very good showman and salesman. He’s got a straight poker face when he lies, or he’s unable to spot himself making basic mistakes, I can’t tell which.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Robert Timothy

I agree. Also the last several months a bunch of people seem to constantly drop this Archaix channel, I’m not sure if they’re just trying to share or if their trolls. Related to your comment, I became personal friends with Jeff Berwick over 10 years ago and a few years back I kept catching him in some b.s. (lies and back-peddling, etc.) Yeah, he’s quite the sales man Jeff, seems to be spinning more and more fear channel stuff.

Chad Giddens
Chad Giddens
2 years ago

And a man named Tubin was “caught” tenderizing his tubesteak petit on camera. Yeah…

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Chad Giddens

It’s all in the names.

Stellar Shriner
Stellar Shriner
2 years ago

Matt, in this day and age I’ll bet you could get your book published. You have some stuff in there that is truly undeniable and akin to an npc alarm clock. I loved the book. Just a thought, thanks for the laughs. Be well~~~

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

I worked my entire career in advertising. I’ve thought about the cost of publishing and (who) he could approach. IMO if I were Matt, I would consider approaching people like Jim Breuer or Owen Benjamin (guys with some finances) and (most important) they’re on our side, they both “get it” and walk the walk, not just talk the talk.

This would also plug Matt into yet another larger audience and so forth. I used to enjoy putting deals such as these in play. I usually work up a nice pitch plan and proposal, etc. But, hey (who am I) Matt knows how to do this stuff like a BOSS.

tech thai
tech thai
2 years ago

Im a graphic designer, I could help if needed..

2 years ago

1. That’s a silly question.
3. Reagan
Okay. I’m done. These questions are silly. I get where you’re going with this? Or at least attempting to? But this is the kind of thing a guy who lives in his mom’s basement and doesn’t get out too often we come up with. They’re silly. They’re not irritating. They’re just very immature.
I know that you’re trying to do something good here, but assuming that it’s aliens and not literally psychological principles that will tweak with your head, or this kind of thing is just not rational. I’m a psychologist. I know what they’re capable of. But to assume that it’s silly stuff that you probably got out of a comic book? I think you need to rework this to be effective. These questions are just so silly. I wish you the best. But if I were you I would take down this video.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  C G

I’m impressed, you made it (almost) through 2 out of the first 4 questions. Impressed, because then I read your silly comments. Honestly by the time I got to you “job dropping” your credentials I couldn’t stop laughing (given) that you claim to be a “mental doctor” (lol).

If you’re still having trouble following “me” (by “almost” made it through 2 out of 4), you blew off the first (though you did write your answer, so I’m giving you 1/2 a credit for that one), you obviously skipped 2 and 4, so let’s just focus on your one written answer: Reagan, (really, you really wanna base your impressive career credentials) on that?

“IF” I were you, I would take down your silly comment. Thanks for the laughs though, I’m guessing you’re not a troll and just enjoy typing funny stuff, thanks again.

Last edited 2 years ago by William Lodderhose
Tyler Gorton
2 years ago
Reply to  C G

“I get where you’re going with this” is a declarative statement, not a question… Did you get your psychology certificate by mail? Not that you being an actual psychologist would improve your situation, psychology is about the most poisonous field of study there is, right below gender studies.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  C G

I posted this to certain websites and everyone was amazed and many of them are “body snatched”. They all loved it.

Ray Duqes
Ray Duqes
2 years ago

As google cares so much about keeping you safe, in what instance on its platforms does it require you to submit an image of a valid ID or credit card:

A. To watch movies brimming with bloody gore and extreme violence

B. To visit adult websites ” you know for educational purposes”

C. To watch a family friendly video on YT for educational purposes

Robert Timothy
Robert Timothy
2 years ago
Reply to  Ray Duqes

It sure wants it before getting monetized on YouTube! Can’t let someone just make some money without full details!

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

I researched the obelisk at St. Peter’s a while ago. I recall the history was quite interesting and complex. My assessment at that time was that the obelisk is there ultimately, to represent the Church’s (therefore Christ’s) triumph over the pagan world. I encourage people to look into this for themselves if only because it’s an interesting story. (I was gonna sit a few out, but Matt forced my hand on this one.)

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Hmm, okay, then you’ve forced my hand (and I like your comments so please just play along) Why hasn’t the American people torn down the Washington Monument (supposedly paid with tax dollars I’m assuming) since it’s clearly (yep, another Egyptian obelisk, (or Devil’s Ding Dong) and has ZERO, nothing to do with George Washington or America (etc.)

Last edited 2 years ago by William Lodderhose
Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

Dude it’s 2 in the morning in NY. Ummmm….I do think that is there for occult reasons. There is a duality playing out here it seems-very interesting and something I have not thought about (St. Peter’s vs. Washington). I will meditate on this. And goodnight!

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

It’s 12 noon now and I’ve got my coffee. After brushing up on my research, I will say, the obelisk’s meaning is multi-dimensional. It was moved from Egypt by Caligula, who killed many Christians. Eventually, the seat of the Catholic Church was built there and the obelisk was moved slightly. On the top was placed a cross with a relic of the true Holy Cross. The monument was blessed and demonic exorcisms written upon it. From one source:

“Obelisk is from obeliscus – “in the shape of a spear”. For pagans, the obelisk was a solar symbol that represented a vital flow between heaven and earth, a way of communicating to the divine. As a pagan monument in the greatest Christian square, it is a symbol of humanity reaching out to Christ.”

As I said, the obelisk can be interpreted in many ways and delving into the history gives it much greater dimension. My opinion stands that it primarily represents the transformation of the profane into the sacred. This is a metaphor for the transformation of the soul itself within the sacramental life of the Church.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Let’s see if I can help (but actually Matt’s mentioned this many time as well) The Vatican (Rome) oh and what do you know “hmmm” they laid out D.C. with many, many Roman symbols, etc., basically think of it as NEW ROME. Yeah, a phallic symbol such as the Washington Monument which has Zero to do with Washington and everything to do with the elite power structures worship of Egypt and Rome, it’s kinda simple yet detailed and complicated if you continue diving down the rabbit holes. Take care. . .

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

Just because the Vatican is IN Rome, does not mean it equates to the Roman Empire, which actually killed Catholics before the time of Constantine. And they killed them in very nasty ways. Again, we are talking about the profane being made sacred. Since Christ was crucified under Caesar, it was fitting that His Church would overthrow this empire (peacefully), and take its seat in the same capitol.

You might see the USA as the re-establishment of the Roman Empire, under the deception of freedom. Catholics were very much discriminated against by the colonies, which is why Maryland was created as a refuge for them. Out of 56 men, there was only one Catholic who signed the Declaration of Independence, Charles Carroll.

I guess I have just answered the question of duality I mentioned above.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago

I think you’ve been body snatched. Sorry.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago

The obelisk is a penis and that’s not denied by anyone. The dome is a crown and if you look at the entire complex of the basilica (that means a legendary serpent or dragon lizard with lethal breath and glance). From above using Google Earth it’s a large, pregnant serpent and the obviously the seat of Satan. A serpent wearing a crown. If you can’t see that then you’re blind in one eye and can’t see out of the other.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

Seeking the last word on the internet is like trying to figure out if Caitlin Jenner is a lesbian. But I might ask you what teaching of the Catholic Church do you disagree with?
2 years ago

This platform allows + and – but currently you can’t take away the + or – without choosing the other (to go back to neutral/no opinion on the comment)
UGH also upon signing up it shows your email if you didn’t put a name?? Please correct this by letting as change the profile after creation..

Also apparently Ayman al-Zawahiri supposedly died in August.
This is a point (Ayman still being alive) you had continually made, right Matt?
…and now the system thought “@#$%, we’d better “kill” this character off so Matt hasn’t got this one on us.” 😛

Last edited 2 years ago by
William Burns
William Burns
2 years ago

Lol – “Who is Rudy Giuliani?” Answer: “He’s some horrible, terrible Trump lawyer” Question: Who was “the hero of 911”? What changed? Why trust official info about 911?

Question: Why trust everything you hear on the news? Answer: “Their job is to tell the truth” “Why would they lie?” Question: who pays them “to tell the truth”/why pay them for that? Why would I have to know WHY they lie to show they lie? They can’t lie if I can’t say precisely WHY they lie?

W Dforty
W Dforty
2 years ago

Very good presentation. Years of observation shows here. Few would know many of these references

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
2 years ago

Matt you should teach a course on actual history and reality on line broadcasting to every classroom across the earth.

Lee Henderson
2 years ago

Remember how you were surfing Wiki the other day and you got to an “Oh, no” I found one today. You know how people are relatively convinced that they found all but one of the Challenger crew? I have thought for a while that Gus Grissom from Apollo 1 is Paul Van Hoeydonck, he sent this tiny aluminum statue “up to the moon” if you typing both names of duck duck go they look very very close. Well, the “Oh, No” came when I found this retrocausality from a 1986 Indiana news story about Challenger, when they compare it to Apollo 1, they interview three random men at the bar. I definitely convinced the first guy is Chaffee and the Third guy is White…the second looks a little like Grissom but, he might be one guy who played him, It’s channel 11 as well 🤦

Elaine Key
Elaine Key
2 years ago

further question for Matt’s consideration: When did you figure out they were lying to you about COVID?

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Elaine Key


Anthony Leydens
Anthony Leydens
2 years ago

A good question would be. Does the government ever invest money to make passive income like 100% of the rich people do with there money? This is a key give away they aren’t on our side

Patricia pellegrin
2 years ago

“Dat not my Wife!”

Neil Jones
Neil Jones
2 years ago

The British Royals maybe should have their own category in this whole reality, as to occupied mansions… Windsor Castle: “The original castle was built in the 11th century after the Norman invasion of England by William the Conqueror. Since the time of Henry I (who reigned 1100–1135), it has been used by the reigning monarch and is the longest-occupied palace in Europe.”

Neil Jones
Neil Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Neil Jones

In the same family’s possession for 900 years who proudly state they are related to Dracula! lol

The Queen was finally buried there in a 250kg lead lined coffin next to Phil.

The tomb is sealed by a black marble monolith too… the more you look into it the more you find.

Last edited 2 years ago by Neil Jones
2 years ago

You have $1 million to spare and decide to donate it to Yale University (your first mistake). Do you:

a) donate it to a fund that provides free textbooks for poorer students
b) donate it to the Classics department and other less well-funded departments
c) donate it to a project dedicated to combating racist video game hair

Amy Benezra
Amy Benezra
2 years ago

I don’t understand why my friends and family don’t question the FDA’s acceptance of poisons in our food. Examples: round up poison in cereals, and arsenic in rice. As Matt says, they make excuses like, “It’s only trace amounts”. Or even better, they say nothing and just sit there. There should be no poison in our food!
If the world were real…

Thanks Matt- you are spot on and you help me to see, beyond all that which is unreal!

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
2 years ago

From that four trillion dollars a year we get complete insanity.

2 years ago

Buddy of mine is collecting Tanks from WW2. Interestingly the German “Tiger” (Tank), participating the WW2 from late 1943 on, had internal Rubber-Parts, with a Stamp on them “Dunlop”, so – made in UK …

Laura Huston
Laura Huston
2 years ago

FYI…Plum Island is off the end of Long Island NY. Lyme CT is inland.

Didier FABRE
Didier FABRE
2 years ago

Salut Matt,
There is always a question that nags at me, but not on a Spiritual level but rather on simple everyday life. 
During this experience of living in a Human body of flesh and blood, having good and bad experiences, the people we meet on our life journey, the choices we make, etc … Is everything written in advance, like set in stone so to speak, “mektoub” as the Arabs say, or do we have some “control” on it ? Because it makes a huge difference !
A Kelt from Gaul,
Rock the Universe !!

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago

Every time, at 45:23 “… but people down your cul-de-sac…” And it stops right there. It literally stops. When I press play, it buffers. I was able to get around it like I usually do, by sliding it down and pressing play, then going backwards.
But, every time at that exact spot, it glitches out. Just thought you or Rob might want to know about this strange malfunction.
I’m enjoying every minute of this! I’d hate to miss anything.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

I forgot to mention that when the video did play, it had to start back from the beginning in order to not buffer. I was able to get as close back as 45:36 or 45:38 without buffering and having to go back to the beginning.
I just want to give you guys the most detailed information, in case it’s at all helpful.

thea leblanc
thea leblanc
2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

I also had to keep playing with it to get past that point of glitching.

Tina Cranston
Tina Cranston
2 years ago

I was body snatched. I was raised by a woman with Narcissistic Personality Disorder so my soul was snatched from the get-go. I was trained to be a victim of other psychos. I was also trained to be naive and not see what was right in front of my eyes because when you live with someone with NPD it’s a cult and you are nothing but an actor in the script the psycho writes. The only reason I escaped the mind trap was knowledge and the only reason I was able to access knowledge was that I did meth one night and sat in front of the computer. Before that, I was hopelessly lost trying to google or understand anything. I did meth on and off for about a year and took off work a lot which led to me being homeless but getting to the truth was worth it. I have a good job now and am pretty steady but yeah it was a pretty hard hill I climbed to get to the fucking truth.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
2 years ago
Reply to  Tina Cranston

Right on Tina. It’s so hard to escape that programming. A book called The Covert Passive Aggressive Narcissist finally blew down the walls for me…after decades of inner work. I couldn’t see the parasites either or if I did could not say no to them. Big blessings.

Patricia pellegrin
2 years ago

Too many
are waking up
They're @ to change
the game board… again.

Last edited 2 years ago by Patricia pellegrin
thea leblanc
thea leblanc
2 years ago

Sorry this is unrelated to our body snatched family and friends. Just listened to Christopher Knowles brainstorming w/Carl on the higher side chats March 19, 2021; about all the parallel loose ends and oddities of this reality including creepy crews penchant for rituals and summoning. Trying to picture the whole enchilada makes for a huge visual board, and I think you ‘d love it.

thea leblanc
thea leblanc
2 years ago
Reply to  thea leblanc

Thc guy’s name is Greg not Carl.

Amy Amato
Amy Amato
2 years ago

Hey Matt! Great content as always! I really enjoyed this question and answer exercise video for the hijacked masses! It really made me laugh and helped get my mind off of the nonsense I seem to constantly be dealing with anymore outside in the circus that’s our world anymore! Thank you for that! Keep up the great work man! Hope all is well with you and the kitty’s!

Marcus Rukus
2 years ago

Who was the music director for A Nightmare on Elm Street 6 – Freddy’s Dead, a movie released in 09/1991 🙂 i.e a couple months before Freddie Mercury’s official death ?

a) No human was in charge, AI works faster and better
b) Elon Musk
c) Brian May, exact homonym (no pun intended) of Queen’s guitarist and co-founder with Freddie Mercury

Last edited 2 years ago by Marcus Rukus
Patice McGargin
1 year ago

This is great, looking forward to the finished questionnaire. No doubt we all have enough questions to fill a book 😀
1 year ago

I’m being molestered by aliens ! Kidding, but thanks Matt.

Last edited 1 year ago by
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