Give Matt a Tip:

Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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What the heck happened between 2020 and 2023? It was the system’s largest presentation of all time. My “take” on it hasn’t changed much from what I said in 2022, but there is a theory I don’t think I have discussed that some will find shocking, related to the purpose behind all of it. Human being 2.0 is needed for “its future.”

Matt McKinley

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Me Here Now
Me Here Now
9 months ago

What you do is so important, Matt. I am glad that I was introduced to your videos.

Karri-ann Flater
9 months ago

I enjoy your presentations because your perspective is refreshing. I hadn’t thought of the vaccine that way, but what you are saying makes sense to me. I consider myself to be not of this world, just a visitor passing through. If my time is almost done here because of something I didn’t participate in, then YEHAW, and thank goodness this ride is almost over. I am glad to be here, to have had these experiences, and now I’m ready to move on.

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
9 months ago

Same. Ready to move on ✨💖✨

Peter Bernier
Peter Bernier
9 months ago

Karri-Ann. I get excited for someone who is about to pass into their next incarnation. At both my fathers and then mothers funeral’s I was so happy and excited for them. They both had a very hard life. My siblings till this day think I have lost my mind. Last night learned another uncle has some “disease” that will eventually take his memory and the pass away, everyone was so upset. I purposely didn’t say anything because I was so happy for him. Didn’t want to come across as insensitive.

Patice McGargin
9 months ago
Reply to  Peter Bernier

Thanks for sharing this. My mother passed away just this morning, I will now be happy for her for her next journey.

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
9 months ago


Solid Rock
Solid Rock
9 months ago

When you dream it’s the real life and this life is a dream .

Mandy Morris
9 months ago
Reply to  Solid Rock

I totally agree with this. I wrote a book which came from a dream. All the stuff in the 18th century was from the dream-The Guilt Within.’ I wake up after a dream and write down what I can remember. I have lots of stories that I’ll hopefully finish one day.

Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
9 months ago

All the world is a stage and there is in fact nothing new under the sun, “whatever that is” as I do not subscribe to “their” explanation. As well done of an assessment of the events of the last four years as I have seen. I must say that I’m not surprised but I am appreciative none the less. Thank you my heavenly/eternal brother. And yes of course as always, armor on!

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
9 months ago

I try not to but when the download happened I was CONFOUNDED with the level of compliance and the level of rebellion. This is the moment that the world split clarifying who’s on the ship of fools and who isn’t.

Since then the program is continually modified to support both sides that deepens the bifurcation. Perhaps this needed to happen for evolution, spiritual evolution. Using this realm as a ‘school’ there are those who are graduating and moving on and those who need more learning time.

I could launch into what I see more deeply but there’s not enough space in a comment section so I’m stopping here. What’s going on is huge and we’ll keep seeing the modifications to the original download until we don’t, we’ll be moved on. Until that time Stay sane my friends ✨💖✨

William Lodderhose
9 months ago
Reply to  Shelly Perrini

I agree with how you put it. I was astounding and I’m so thankful I paid attention at that critical moment in our history (what little of that is real anymore, lol).

Mandy Morris
9 months ago

I cannot imagine that you wouldn’t have paid attention William.

Mandy Morris
9 months ago
Reply to  Shelly Perrini

Totally agree.

Peter Bernier
Peter Bernier
9 months ago

Matt. In general 99% fell for the BS. I work in Healthcare, almost lost my job, refused to get the jab under tremendous amount of pressure and threats at work. Almost got in a fist fight with an off duty cop for not wearing a mask at the grocery store. For years the populations have been programmed and prepared for the CV scam. It was in the general consciousness and when they executed the plan the dominos fell easily.

William Lodderhose
9 months ago
Reply to  Peter Bernier

Oh man, that must have been bizarre (working) Healthcare, right in the belly of the NOTnilc BEAST. I’ve been in these truth circles for over 12years, even though I was personal friends with Jeff Berwick & other pioneers (Doug Casey) etc., when I had dinner with them I still held out thinking NASA and Space was real.

I had a few other select favorites from NOTnilc that I still believed in, till 2020 hit. When I witnessed the programming / download you mentioned first hand, with friends and neighbors I was floored.

I spent a few more months going through endless videos from other channels, friends of Berwick like Max Igan, David Icke and others (one by one) dropping them because I didn’t think they went far enough. Till I found Matt & oh boy, I knew this type of analysis / hardcore was what I was always searching for.

Now QofC and FreeVoice are mainly what I follow. I do listen to some ReallyGraceful and occasionally a Jon Levi (because it was Jon) that actually referred me to Matt McKinley.

Last edited 9 months ago by William Lodderhose
Peter Bernier
Peter Bernier
9 months ago

I can write for pages. The healthcare system is pathetic. I have said some of the dumbest people (or fooled by the Notnilc) are doctors. Common sense and critical thinking seems to be almost completely gone. Not kidding

Recynd 77
Recynd 77
9 months ago
Reply to  Peter Bernier

I’m sure I’m not alone in noticing that over my lifetime, I’ve been hurt far worse than I’ve ever been helped by doctors. Now with the onslaught of “midlevels”, incompetency is sure to maim or kill many more.

Fuck ‘em; if you don’t need their drugs, there’s little they can do to control you.

Mandy Morris
9 months ago
Reply to  Peter Bernier

Totally agree. Unscramble Medication=Demonic. Most of them fell for the BS that said it all for me. I think their cancer detectors are cancer enhancers.

oengus oengus
oengus oengus
9 months ago

a little of matt and/or jon levi goes a long way toward sanity

matt and jon’s work evidences that although the system can profoundly discourage seeking truth, somehow it cannot forbid it

it’s encouraging to know there are tens of thousands of us in the same boat (howsoever strange the boat is)

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
9 months ago
Reply to  Peter Bernier

That took A LOT of courage. I lost one of my jobs from telling my boss not to get the jab and also refusing to get a PCR test…when I only worked part-time and it was no big deal for me to stay home. It took a few weeks, but she made it clear my thoughts were not okay. I live in one of the proverbial liberal hell holes. There are people every day walking around or driving with their masks on.

Daniel Drake
Daniel Drake
9 months ago

More and more I get the feeling an A.I of some kind has been here for a long time

Stephen DeGalvez
Stephen DeGalvez
9 months ago
Reply to  Daniel Drake too. I am absolutely certain of it.
see the “Sympathy for the Devil” by the rolling stones. (With lyrics)

Last edited 9 months ago by Stephen DeGalvez
Matthew Cattell
Matthew Cattell
9 months ago

I’ve always had an inkling that illness can be triggered by frequency and maybe even tuned to DNA. Your insights confirm what I’ve thought for a long time. From a medical perspective it is a waxxxine of sorts, just not against the alleged emergency as publicly stated. Some kind of long term genetic modification that adapts hoomans to the environment they’re planning. Naturally I did not and still do not wish to partake in whatever diabolical chicanery and weird science they’re in to. I never signed up for the crap that’s being pushed on the world and instinctively knew the waxxine was bad news.

Weirdly, and I’m not alone, I didn’t get “it” until the tail end in 2022 after travelling. The hotel where I stayed had numerous cell towers nearby and I remember getting thumping headaches two days in a row. I believe that was what triggered “it” a couple of days later upon my return.

Many years ago I worked in telecoms and near to tetra cell towers. I remember an identical thumping headache whenever we were testing these things.

victoria gale
victoria gale
9 months ago

Oh boy. You just described the thumping headache (and nausea, for me) I experienced the weekend I was visiting my mother and they were switching her community over from 4G to 5G. I logged into my computer and it showed 4G on one line and 5G on the next and sometime over the weekend it went straight into 5G. I had a nasty headache, sore throat and nausea until I was able to spend a couple of days at my own home – not 5G yet, at the time.

Erin Phelps
9 months ago

Your story about your friends, dream, and the breaking of the spring, makes me think of the spring, and a watch, like the breaking of a timeline

9 months ago

Hi Matt!

Thank you for putting together this recap of the shit storm of intentional confusion, incoherence and literally demonic psychological abuse that was the “covid” presentation.

If you do some light reading into basic techniques of psychological abuse (and by that, I mean breaking down someone’s psyche to the point that they can no longer think for themselves or trust their own senses, and will fall, as if by hypnosis, into obedience with whatever you want them to do…) those techniques were in full effect during the “covid” presentation. Bombard the psyche with fear, confusion, constantly shifting and nonsensical, contradictory messages….and make sure this uncomfortable experience drags on for weeks, then months, then years…and chances are you will reduce your unsuspecting mark to putty in your hands.

All of that is not to detract from the supernatural and “the download” component of what went on, but just to say that there was definitely a strong element of psychological abuse that I observed as a result of living through that nightmare. When you live through it you see how, as it’s happening, you don’t notice that you are being subjected to psychological abuse, but then as the fog clears, you can see it more clearly for what it was. It is truly remarkable in the worst possible way.

I had to grit my teeth to listen through this presentation because this topic is still very upsetting to think about to this day…

One thing that I’ve noticed about the notnilc as it’s always trying to leverage the fact that humans have a limited scope of what they are able to perceive with their own first-hand experiences and their own senses, inside their own reality bubbles.

The notnilc is always making claims to the human about what is going on OUTSIDE of that scope of perception, and delivering a message to the human “THIS is what is going on outside your scope of perception, and you have no way of verifying it because it is, by definition, outside your scope of perception, so you have no choice but to trust what I am telling you to think.”

I see this game-playing and how it goes on with every notnilc ruse, and this game was definitely played to its maximum potential during the covid presentation. For example “Oh neither you nor anyone in your reality bubble is seriously sick with covid? Well, let me tell you, people across the country are dying on ventilators in hospitals by the millions, and you’re just going to have to trust me on that because I say so…”

This is already a long comment, so I will see if I can write another post for my other remarks.

9 months ago

Hi Again, Matt!

Two things I wanted to respond to in your presentation:

1) You speculate that Notnilc does certain things to collect data because it wants to “learn” about humans and how humans will respond. This doesn’t sit right with me.

It seems to me, with its sweeping supernatural powers, the Notnilc already predicts, controls and puppeteers the behavior of people (both empty suits, AND real spiritual beings) without so much as a hiccup. Decade after decade all the ‘mistakes’ are on purpose; all the reactions and actions of everyone involved are planned and choreographed and fulfilled with computer precision -including those of the truthers…It seems like the Notnilc already knows everything it needs to exercise total control over people in this “video game” reality – both empty suits and real spiritual beings alike.

It seems unlikely to me that the Notnilc needs or wants to collect any data in the name of “learning.” In fact, I find myself increasingly considering the possibility that neither I nor anyone else has free will and that I am basically a computer program (as is everyone else) running through a pre-written line of code, the way a train runs down a track. A long time ago in my truth seeking journey I was overcome with the strange sensation that everything I was experiencing personally was being tightly controlled and choreographed – right down to the timing of learning this or that. To this day, that sense remains.

In fact, I’ve come to a place where I question if I have free will at all. If I don’t have any free will, why would Notnilc need to collect data to predict how I will react to things?

2) In your last video on youtube you postulated that the notnilc needs real spiritual beings to lay down the train tracks to direct the reality where the notnilc wants it to go. So by suggesting “blurry images,” the notnilc manipulates quantum generator beings to create the reality IT wants. The corollary to that, is that if we quantum generator beings want to stop the unfolding hell, we cannot continue to lay down the train tracks for the notnilc.

That being said, when you speculate at the end of THIS video, that the action jacksonation is going to have a certain future outcomes regarding frequencies and such — are you not laying down the negative train tracks, and suggesting ugly outcomes to quantum generator beings, precisely the way the notnilc would want? That just really stood out to me, given the content of your last presentation.

In addition, I find myself increasingly recognizing the artificial nature of the apparent world around me. We are presented with visual images and videos that are fraudulent, physical structures that are somehow fraudulent, stories upon stories upon stories that are fraudulent…

All of our programming from cradle to grave urges us to seek only *physical* processes and *physical* explanations for what goes on in this world….but then so much of what we perceive about the physical world is fraudulent or a deception or illusion of sorts. So if the action jacksonation is a phenomenon that occurred on the physical plane (i.e. a person either physically had some shit injected into their arm, or they physically didn’t), how can our “all is mind” consciousness really believe that physical event/process is driving whatever does or does not happen in the future, as opposed to our belief in it to do so?*

For that reason, I am going to personally hold off on putting “the energy of my belief” behind any negative prophecies for people who did, or did not, get the jacksonation. I don’t want bad things to happen to either group of people, and I don’t want either group to be physically or spiritually harmed, or negatively impacted within this realm or beyond, so I’m cautious about putting my belief into anything like that.

*And, Matt (any anyone else who reads this) I don’t mean this in a snarky or antagonistic tone. I’m not trying to tear down Matt, but I am trying to articulate some of the questions that arise inside of my consciousness as I consider the ideas that Matt has put forth in this video in relation to ideas he has put forth in other videos.

Last edited 9 months ago by MagicZebra311
Hartmut Wilinski
Hartmut Wilinski
9 months ago
Reply to  MagicZebra311

Great comment.
Every point is spot on.
But these levels are unbearable even for many here, I think Matt knows that.

9 months ago

Hi Hartmut. Thanks for responding to my comment. Can you clarify what you mean by the following:

“But these levels are unbearable even for many here, I think Matt knows that.”

I’d like to know what you mean by that.

Hartmut Wilinski
Hartmut Wilinski
9 months ago
Reply to  MagicZebra311

Well, I see my statement was rather vague and also unfortunate.
Sometimes I get inspired by comments and also by the main presentation and my train of thought takes some strange highways.
You’ll forgive me if I leave it at that…

Landed Zentry
Landed Zentry
2 months ago
Reply to  MagicZebra311

Yeah. Nice . I think your expanding out of your normal identity (if you like) . Seeing yourself from outside sort of thing is the secret here. We are not what we think. There’s the joke : meditation-its not what you think. “Non-duality” might be of interest. Advaita. Or just try some Zen Scriptures. eg If you feel controlled and sometimes scripted without free will then ask the question -if my thoughts are somewhat involuntary – what am I that witnesses this? etc etc….Who (or what) is The Witness? ♥

victoria gale
victoria gale
9 months ago

Hey Matt. I grew up in McLean, VA and was friends with a girl in high school and into adulthood. I knew her brother but didn’t hang out with him. He died in the Pentagon on 911. That’s a definite for sure. I knew these people since high school and they were just normal people. He certainly didn’t end up on Epstein Island.

victoria gale
victoria gale
9 months ago

And if you want to know some real conspiracy shit, shoot me an e-mail. One thing, Danny Casolaro was my next door neighbor for a year while his house was being built and he was staying with his mother. There’s a lot more to that story.

echo charlie
echo charlie
9 months ago

May tricks. Matrix.

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
9 months ago

Well, it isn’t a tangible reality. The spoon is not the spoon, as the sage bald girl said in the matrix. And therefore she can bend it. So we cannot possibly understand it with our minds.

I’m finding “time” goes by faster and faster now. Also I’m finding these wonderful synchronicities all the time now. I have no idea what I’m doing here. But I’m trying not to be miserable…maybe that’s what I’m doing here. I think I started out pure, and this world fucked me up. I’ve got to shed that and be with me. Sounds kind of hokey, but I’m not gonna “re-record 😉”

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
9 months ago

(I wrote this, not exact…and it disappeared right before my eyes, so if it’s a repeat and you see my message later, disregard)

Well, this world is not a tangible reality, like the bald sage said in the matrix, a spoon is not a spoon, therefore she can bend it. This world cannot be comprehended by our minds.

“Time” is going by faster and faster now. And I get these wonderful synchronicities now, and I love it. There’s some sort of mind control that we are experiencing, and we are immune. Don’t know why. I don’t know what I’m doing here.
I have to remember that the mind is just the ego, and that’s not me. My mind is looney, I had no idea my mind could be this way. But I have to remind myself it’s not me.

I listen to spiritual stuff, but they’re in the mind control as well. Ie they buy all this bullshit. Weird I listen to gurus, maybe their not gurus. I just have to listen to my inner self. Pretty scary, can’t run to mommy and she will make it ok.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
9 months ago

Man…what a bunch of excellent comments. And Matt, this video was full of so many heavy things to ponder. Just yesterday, I searched and finally found a video I had seen many years ago. It was the Richmond (California) City Council Meeting, banning space based weapons, with claims from residents and their doctors that they were being harmed by these weapons. A couple of Havana Syndrome videos popped up on my YouTube feed and they are what got me looking for this video again. So, even if they plan to do something with the frequencies that may leave those of us without the MRNA operating system in our bodies vulnerable, they’ve already got our number. And the people saying COVID didn’t really exist are from another planet. I got it at the tail end of 2022. I was sooooo sick. It had a “digital” kinda vibe to it. Two days of the worst headache ever and a pounding heart, beating 120 beats per minute for 48 hours forced me to go to urgent care, where the mofo’s made me get swabbed up the nose before they’d let me see a doctor. I thought I was having some sort of cardiac episode. The doc said I had COVID 19. It was a beast. I just couldn’t get enough air, even after the wretched cough was gone. I had these things about half the size of bb’s coming off the top of my head for three days. I felt like I was in a sci-fi movie. Note-20 thousand IU’s of vitamin D for three days finally popped me out of it after a month. Here’s the video of the Richmond City Council Meeting if anyone is interested. It’s pretty painful to watch. Thanks again Matt for the love and care you put into all that you share with us. You are amazing. Much love to everyone here. I’m so ready for the graduation party. Seriously.

clifford mcguire
clifford mcguire
9 months ago

I am from southern hick town Illinois where they are all crazed Trump supporters, and they were still walking around masked up, it was truly insane, I remember seeing how all my friends and family reacted to me, my life has not been the same since then, but I am happy I was one of the ones who were gifted with the ability to see thru this crap. I think we are a lot more special than we give ourselves credit for…. for us to not react like the majority is fishy in its own right? Why were we immune to it I wonder?

Vishal Patel
Vishal Patel
9 months ago

This immunity is such an important question. I have left a comment above but I truly think it was some divine intervention

Ellie Wilson
Ellie Wilson
9 months ago

Thank you for all the efforts made to express your perspective, aiding in the spark of reawakening!
I gotta share how I found myself dealing with the mask gestapo. Decided that if “they” were going to treat the masses like ass faces, then that’s what I’ll do. Went and bought a bunch of oversized new lace panties, cut them in half, sewed a pipe cleaner wire (nose wire)and ear loops. Got two masks from each pair. I used lace pantie masks and gave them out to my friends and family who were willing to use them. I thought it was the funniest shit to see others reactions if they had actually realized what I had on my face, very easy to breath through lace. Sorry, I’m a total dorkfish, kinda sassy too😬🤓.

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
9 months ago

We lived way up at the top of the east bay when covid hit. We ignored the stay at home order. On day one of the “lock down” we drove into the city and to Pacifica to hike. We saw maybe ten cars the whole entire way. We didn’t care. We ignored the lock down the whole time an continued going out regularly looking for rebel bars and restaurants and hiking. It took forever for the zombies to slowly come back out. We moved to Idaho. Fuck California.

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
9 months ago

I would shop for all of our groceries in the bay area during covid. I am 6′ 7″ tall with blonde hair. Many times I would be the only person shopping in a wal mart or costco without a mask on. Maybe 300 people in the store and I’d be shopping getting endless nasty glares. It was bizarre. It was insane. It went on for many months. I was not going to comply with the insanity. We’re in Idaho now. It’s amazing by comparison.

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
9 months ago

Matt I respect you like family, but I have to say that despite the fact that I’ve never claimed genocide, the recent developments and statistics that are coming out of almost every country and include my own anecdotal data from friends who have lost family members (myself included), when combined with the growing problem showing up in the diving birth rates across the globe – all of these factors likely will qualify the jabs as being, at the very least, the cause of mass casualty and chronic debilitating illness. It unfortunately seems like it will be causing harm for generations to come, especially if the pattern seen in prior mRNA experiments holds true. I think this is an area everyone is too afraid to take an honest look at and even the truthers who were screaming genocide have moved on from it at this point. But make no mistake – the effect this technology is having on people has been horrific and seemingly will continue to be if what’s being reported is as accurate (as I believe it to be).

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
9 months ago

EXACTLY everything!! EXACTLY!! It was driving my brain crazy in March 2020!! I think my first words were ” you can’t stop an airborne virus by closing down businesses!! What about the homeless people!?? When they TOTALLY shut down Vegas I knew this reality isn’t what we thought it was and for awhile I truly thought I would lose my mind over all the ridiculousness! Thanks for putting it into words!

Stephen DeGalvez
Stephen DeGalvez
9 months ago

IMHO..They tested the new strain in 2018. One of the worst flu seasons on record.

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
9 months ago

I was so lucky never wore a mask never had anything said to me but I live in northwest Florida so even though a lot of people had them on in the time frame exactly like you said there was still quite a few of us who never did it. It’s was so mind bending to me I thought I would lose my mind

Vishal Patel
Vishal Patel
9 months ago

This is an incredible presentation

I would say I was always on the ship of fools until CV

My wife had her action Jax booked and I said I will book mine separately incase she got unwell and I needed to look after our kids. Anyways the night before and I have never ever heard of this, but some divine intervention took place and her jab got cancelled via SMS. There was no reason at all, just said there was a problem and it cannot take place please rebook. The next day so many things unfolded to the point where things were exposed to what they were

James Hawke
James Hawke
9 months ago

Three words: toilet paper apocalypse. (I like your take on it all, Matt)

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
9 months ago

Someone hears a loud bang, they go outside and see a body laying in the street with a hole in their head with blood leaking out. The person realizes that this person has been murdered, but doesn’t know how it happened, this doesn’t negate the fact that it didn’t happened. Hakeem and simmys razor, MY ASS!

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
9 months ago

Just like event 201 with the Certification Of Vaxxine ID 2019, of course to go along with the Francis Scott key bridge explosion, supposedly the same scene in an Obama production, yes the Obamas are making movies?!

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
9 months ago

Matt have you seen that the notnilc has changed the definition of the word nigger and says that basically its never been anything other than the most degrading racial slur for black people. I seem to remember specifically that the definition stated it was an ignorant person and meant that they were subhuman. Is this a new mandela effect, notnilc bizzaro world or an I just losing my mind? Anyone? I don’t use the word nigger when it comes to the shade of someone’s skin. I’m not racist, I dislike most people equally because I’m surrounded by ZOMBIFIED IDIOTS. I know it’s taboo, hopefully I didn’t offend anyone else.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
9 months ago

I said the same thing about why get the covid test/vax and my aunt said imagine how much worse it would’ve been if she didn’t get the multi jabs, she could’ve died. It’s funny how people rationalize their STUPIDITY. Early on in 2019 someone got covid at my work and a few of us shared the same equipment, so if you wanted to, you could quarantine for a one time 2 paid weeks off and people said, what if you get it in 6 months and I said I could get hit by a bus tomorrow, so I enjoyed 2 weeks with my family while the ZOMBIES in the NE Philadelphia area were waiting on the end of the world. Eventually 5 out of 6 of my family got sick, including my 2 month old son and my wife and I felt like hell, but we made it through while my amazing woman continued to breastfeed our baby. Now we’re all naturally immune, as per the amazing design of the immune system and we’ll continue to be vaxx free.

Conley Smooge
Conley Smooge
9 months ago

I’m that guy, but with the stranglehold grip that “authority” had on information itself, it was easy to establish a mythos, develop and reinforce the “consequences” of said mythos, and the solution was ready to go the year before. As can be seen on the manufacture date of 2019, on many a spent actionjavksonation container. The only real skill was keeping that mass production in the dark long enough to have convinced all for the artificial need. Long story short, respectfully disagree with reality breakdown. Because deception was the endgame. It got the over eager-to-please hate the independent minded. Divide n conquer is gonna be claimed by secret societies. I see it valid here.

Margriet Brandsma
Margriet Brandsma
9 months ago

I’ ll never forget when it started to kick in here in the Netherlands with fighting over getting and hording toiletpaper. It was a clear sign of an injection of a supernatural event. Huemans being lowered down to their primal root chakra. I respected every scared hueman as much as I could. Never wore a mask, shared friendly comforting smiles where ever I could. Used my intuition to keep a safe distance to ensure their and my own safety zone. I even travelled across the borders of Belgium, France, Germany and Denmark without the requested papers. I was checked but stayed calm and explained myself. It was miraculous ! I learned to become sort of invisible. My aura influenced and determined the outcome of my journey. I felt certain about my choices, aligned with my conscience and free in this superimposed prison. I learned so much of what we hueman beings truly are. And about the way this matrix game reacts to our individual intentions. It was amazing.

Margriet Brandsma
Margriet Brandsma
9 months ago

Everybody seemed to have one real horror story. Gosh that was frustrating. I was able to talk about the over the top reactions of people without any direct proof of a pandemic. … Untill my boosted sister got her story of confirmation that “it was all real”. Her son lives in a house for mentally handicapted hueman beings. All of his housemates became sick. The one that wasn’t injected stayed sick the longest of all. How to explain that from the critical trythseeker’s view of life? I do, but its hard to grasp for even the ‘best informed truthseeker’. I see everything happening in this matrix game as data information. How we experience it, is supernatural, as in super and natural. Seen and unseen, energetic/etheric in origin and manifesting in the physical. NoThing is real, all is real.

Margriet Brandsma
Margriet Brandsma
9 months ago

“Just enough credibility”. Gosh that was frustrating. I was able to talk about the over the top reactions of people without any direct proof of a pandemic. … Untill my boosted sister got her story of confirmation that “it was all real”. Her son lives in a house for mentally handicapted hueman beings. All of his housemates became sick. The one that wasn’t injected became sick the longest of all and several more times. How to explain that from the critical truthseeker’s view of life? I do, but its hard to grasp for even the ‘best informed truthseeker’. I see everything happening in this matrix game as data information. How we experience it, is supernatural, as in super and natural. Seen and unseen, energetic/etheric in origin and manifesting in the physical. NoThing is real, all is real.
My sister got every shot. She has been diagnosed a few weeks ago with fast developing cancer in her brain, lungs, lymph, hip and brain. Shit happens.

Margriet Brandsma
Margriet Brandsma
9 months ago

Notnilc always brings in new data to study hueman beings. Conditioning is its goal and fear is its best trick. Let’s keep studying ourselves.

Dan Ross
Dan Ross
9 months ago

As someone who has worked in healthcare and the biopharma industry my entire career, I knew it was a complete hoax on Day 1. I have huge respect for Matt’s opinions but he doesn’t have the background to see how they pulled this thing off.

Last edited 9 months ago by Dan Ross
Chuck Pal
9 months ago
Reply to  Dan Ross

Doctor knows best. Hire a boatload of actwhores to claim they have covid. Buy out all national leaders. Use mass hypnosis and scare everyone who has the flu sending them to the hospital. Mind control via main stream media. And viruses have never been proven to exist so the decades and decades of pre-programming of “viruses” worked perfectly. That’s the simple version. I still see a lot of people wearing masks.

Lisa Jarv
9 months ago

H.R. 748 C.A.R.E.S Act (Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act
116 Congress..(or 911)2019-2020
Introduced January 2019…

Somehow the government always knows what’s coming…

Tweeking the variables to get the most coronavirus victims is simple 🤗 overload the subject with stress, fear, uncertainty and chaos. And with so many fun ways to create mind games the play will never end, until you say it ends.

Last edited 9 months ago by Lisa Jarv
Chuck Pal
9 months ago

Couldn’t post this comment on Matt’s eclipse video on YT. The googlebot wouldn’t let me even though I hid certain words and coded others. I guess the bot hasn’t liked my recent posts on this subject. Actually the googlebot blocks most of my comments on most videos. Here’s the comment…

The party is just starting. For fun check out that one animated video everyone’s been trying to decode since 2012. The one with the pet. Go to 5.28 (in the original version) and look at the statues in the background. They are showing a certain tiny island in the South Pacific. Notice the dancing demon and how he smiles when the eclipse ends. Gotta wonder why he’s so happy. Then immediately we see the antichrist appear in his little boat. This particular eclipse of which I speak is not the one that’s being hyped off the charts right now. So look up the October eclipse and notice that it goes directly over this tiny island. Then look up the date of a certain tribe’s “new year”.

In other words go to the Heliofant channel and watch ‘I, Pet Goat II’ starting at the 5:28 mark. You will see a demon dancing inside what we have determined to be a Wicker Man head. Look closely and you will see Easter Island statues in the background. When the eclipse is over (I, Pet Goat II is all about eclipses) the sun comes out and the demon smiles and seems very, very happy. The very next scene we see a Christ figure emerging from a portal during an earthquake.
They may be over hyping this 4/8 eclipse so we look like nut jobs when nothing besides the ordinary horseshit happens.
Then on October 2nd we see a “Ring of Fire’ eclipse directly over Easter Island. A pretty rare thing considering the size of the island. We also made note of the references in ‘I, Pet Goat II’ to New Years celebrations. The blond girl, Lily, in the classroom scene is encircled in honey while holding an apple. The circle depicts an eclipse and ‘apples and honey’ are a Jewish New Years tradition. Now we do a google search for Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year) and see that It starts on the very day of the October 2nd eclipse over Easter Island. Probably just a coincidence.
All this from one scene of a cartoon video posted to YT in 2012.
I will add that we know they love to surprise everyone just before a presidential election.
They even named it “October Surprise”.

I’ Pet Goat II timestamped to 5:28…

Ken McC
Ken McC
9 months ago

Yes already forgetting…… started in 2019……. And the whole Phoney Narrative and the Fake Event……..not even in your town and you line up to get tested…..and then the carnage stupid people deserve stupid prizes

Mandy Morris
9 months ago

Totally see this too

Mandy Morris
9 months ago

Another brilliant presentation. Interesting thoughts. I am so happy I stumbled across your channels. I listened back in about 2014 but it wasn’t until about 2018 that I really got you. So grateful.

Mandy Morris
9 months ago

I can’t imagine you ever really piss people off. People that come here (intentionally) love your work and we know that what you say comes from your compassionate, intelligent nature. I’m sure people here are never pissed off. You continually enlighten us to new, interesting, insightful thoughts. We all appreciate you so much Matt. Forever grateful

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