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Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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I’ve been watching a lot of videos on the coal industry of the late 1800s and early 20th Century. This is yet another reminder of the suffering our ancestors endured and a kick in the ass to me and you, to stop complaining. Too many of us say, “this is hell.” The old timers would laugh at us. We have it easy!

Matt McKinley

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Lorraine Wingate
Lorraine Wingate
8 days ago

I am trying to have fireplace in my house made useable.Cant afford gas and it is cold.Nobody is willing or able to offer any advice.Something very wrong with UK men Matt.I got more balls and I’m 5ft woman.Please supply sackful duckies.Desperate times😘

Eric Woodson
Eric Woodson
8 days ago

Oooh, I love Oakmont, I didn’t know it was in Pittsburgh. I’ve only played WGT on my phone. I actually haven’t had that app on a phone in almost 3 years. They charge the same amount for virtual equipment as irl. Maybe I should start investing in metaverse property. 😳

Meind Jawb
Meind Jawb
8 days ago

Hey Matt, firstly thank you for what you do. We appreciate you. I’d like to make a suggestion. Since we here are trying to be present and aware I’ll suggest that we all try to observe ‘the program’ running within ourselves. Obviously the notnilc gives us ‘linguistic crutches’ that lead to us not being self aware and thus feeding it our unconscious energy. When we say “yeah no” or “you know” or “like” when we don’t really choose those terms, we are feeding the notnilc our power. Could you try not to use the term “literally” so often? Unless we are specifically seeking that particular word, we are feeding the program. 99% of the time, when people say the word “literally”, it doesn’t add meaning to the communication but it rather dilutes the intended meaning and squanders intention & energy from both the user and listener. If we mean an opposite to “figuratively”, then I’ll suggest saying “actually”, simply so as not to feed it what it wants- unconscious energy. 
We are privileged to be a part of Matt’s community and sometimes feel the need to inject our two cents to try to help keep the ship on track;) Thank you to Matt and to all for reading and considering. 🙏

Harry Snapper Organs
Harry Snapper Organs
8 days ago

Jeeeez…. that’s something else. That’s well scary. Nice upload Matt.

8 days ago

LMAO “The Sunday Press” September 11th 1910 …. pmsl…. sure it was an accident matt.
and your 25:57 video clip is of the 116th (911) US Open Tour Championship…

Last edited 8 days ago by BOD BNAIRD
Not My Reality
Not My Reality
7 days ago
Reply to  BOD BNAIRD

Noticed that too. Oh No….

Christopher Guzek
Christopher Guzek
8 days ago

Man…you can literally make humans do anything if you boil the water slow enough. These people could have easily got lost in the wilderness somewhere still and just grow food and get some chickens but the programming causes them to go against everything that makes them a living being and instead chooses slavery…I still wake up everyday wondering how the heck they got anybody to live like this…its crazy. I’ll get out eventually if the lollipops and fancy pants don’t start outweighing freedom of nature. I mean, what’s so great about society besides the devices? Healthcare still sucks, dentistry is a joke, even living good the women are unbearable and tough to keep, i may be more appealing if i can offer an escape at this point. Come to my tree fort baby, I’ll show you my chickens

Not My Reality
Not My Reality
7 days ago

And today a vast percentage sit in a cubicle in front of a screen most of their working lives.

Meg P
Meg P
7 days ago

I recently found out you can start your car from your phone. The person who told me was so excited and proud. I wanted to ask him if he was ok with someone hacking his car? Like wtf are these people thinking? You can’t even change your own oil anymore and people actually think we are advancing.

Russ Gary
8 days ago

Remember, everyone from our era carries the genes from these people.
What are we doing to honor our inheritance?

Not My Reality
Not My Reality
7 days ago
Reply to  Russ Gary

We can remember and honor those that went before us. Unfortunately most people are oblivious to how they got here.

William Lodderhose
8 days ago

I haven’t watched this all the way to the end yet…I wonder if Matt will suddenly cut a clip of ZOOLANDER jumping out in the Coal Mine (like he did in the movie) saying Surprise?

Meg P
Meg P
7 days ago

dont get me started on the zoolander quotes. We will be here all day

Adam Bolian
8 days ago

They can have video of all these people in and around the coal mines but they don’t have any video and few pictures of the construction of any of the old buildings and even the pictures they do have look sketchy

Makes one think

Rick Godley
8 days ago

You said something many years ago, that has stuck with me and I appreciate. Whenever I take a hot shower, that is a luxury that even Kings and Czars never had. I give thanks every time. It has great meaning. Joy in the small stuff. Ps, it’s ok to care and be passively involved. Do the most good, whatever that means for you.

oengus oengus
oengus oengus
8 days ago
Reply to  Rick Godley

showers and washing machines
the life of luxury

Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
8 days ago

Thank you Matt for this post it was needed! Looking at Oakmont open, broken, and devoid of the challenges that those trees “life” once represented was both sad and eye opening. Everything worthy may actually in fact be being destroyed. Even if those destroying the beauty and the challenges necessary to grow in this life don’t recognize or know what they are doing, it is being done unequivocally nonetheless, IMHO of course. Blessings everyone I hope and pray that each of you has an amazing week and are both fulfilled and successful.

Last edited 8 days ago by Richard Nixon
Ghost Diaz
Ghost Diaz
8 days ago

Uncle Matt, Lil Zara, Lil Fifi Addie
As always thank you for the consistency with uploads, free voice is a great end of week gift. These men were tougher than coffin nails.i feel like every Gen has gotten weaker and weaker. Gen X was the last. With these kids now, world is doomed.

Troy Sampson
Troy Sampson
8 days ago

Then there was the one coal miner, 30+ years of toil, comes home to his wife saying ‘you know, I think there’s something off with this world we live in…’ The wife then berates him, screaming about how stupid he is, files for divorce and takes the few worthless tokens he had saved.

Edwin Tucker
Edwin Tucker
7 days ago

Sixteen Tons song says it all.

Not My Reality
Not My Reality
7 days ago

And to think all that black stuff (and plastic straws) is responsible for disrupting the weather.

Martin Nichols
Martin Nichols
7 days ago

CBDC = the company store. Not $, £.

Mellisa Wade
Mellisa Wade
7 days ago

My dad‘s grandfather and my dad‘s dad we’re from Kentucky, they worked the mines. My grandfather started when he was 12 my great grandmother took in odd jobs and with that money and the help of her uncle, they were able to move up to Indianapolis where they got jobs in factories, and then my grandfather went into the military. A couple of my dad‘s uncles never got out. I remember when I was a teenager we went to visit the old homestead. It was a shotgun house, and I couldn’t fathom how many people actually lived and grew up in that house.

Meg P
Meg P
7 days ago
Reply to  Mellisa Wade

I saw our old homestead in europe when we went back. it was a tiny wooden shack that had fallen over. it was humbling.

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
7 days ago

My grandpa died when my dad was very little due to : black lung from working in the coal mines in pennsylvania

7 days ago

I must give thanks, as I’m sitting on the Starbucks sofa on a break sipping a coffee, getting paid on my downtime as a local truck driver. Matt is right, for all the tech and convenience I’ll take this notnilc time frame and world vs the old world of the 1800s. Haha I loved Matt’s side by side at the end of video from the hell of working in the mines, the faces of the miners, then the faces of all the golf course people on TV with their tans. Summer is right around the corner baby, time to gas up the magenta speed boats, get tanned with some spf 4 banana boat, and smoke some peter Stuyvesants! I’m thankful for the modern hell, instead of the best the 1800s had to offer

Last edited 7 days ago by Steve
Raymond Warren
6 days ago

I thought I was watching the opening of Metropolis 🤖

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
6 days ago

this comment is for notnilC, if you are listening. You have just inspired me with a thought for 2 new clown world reality breakdown shows…..the woke-turd olympics and mediocre oscars. Audiences….behold!!! Watch 400Lb min-entry track and field events and 8 hour long over 4 weeks, prime time TV awards for movies that score below 2 on IMDB…..both tax payer over-funded with no expense spared…..aluminium plated, solid gold railings and people flown in from every country on G6’s. Hunger games wardrobe designers assisted by Vera Wang and Karl Lagerveld, paid $30M an hour. I can see it all now…..In fact, I bet notnilC are in a focus group right now, headed by Chelsea Clinton, Ray Gunnaway, and Oprah, all presented by former comedian Ellen DeGeneres and politicians daughter, Amy Schumer…. What-da-ya-say!?

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
6 days ago

Re: the coalmines…..harrowing to see just sone of the history of white privilege, thanks Matt.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
5 days ago

On our worst day, we still have it better than most people do around the world. We definitely take for granted how great we have it, it’s just human nature. I instantly thought of that SCUMBAG, Bartholomew Bogue from the magnificent 7.

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