This audio presentation has been created taking into account that you may want to pass it along to a few people who don’t see things the same way that you and I do. (The “conspiracy” has been kept to a minimum.) This is an exercise in common sense. It’s fascinating to watch how someone could even take a position against these simple facts, but as we know, the masses will always find a way to defend their masters.

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Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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Matt McKinley

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William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Wow, talk about how Headless Cab Drivers (might) wake people up. This issue of taking this disgusting insanity and dishing it up to serve – not just children, but (6 month olds, “babies” basically) should serve something………..(some pure and positive point)….

And that something…….. in my opinion is (hopefully) it will become “the Headless Cab Drive” that (does) shake & wake (up) some remaining real souls. That this bite out of their cosmic (sh*t) sandwich finally is the straw that breaks the zombie camel’s back.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Perhaps this issue will be akin to the Headless Cab Driver racing through everyone’s neighborhood honking his demonic horn, (which) would likely wake up entire neighborhoods whether they’re ready or not. (After writing that sentence) I’m thinking up a fresh take on the Cab Driver for (Halloween) a twist / blend of the Headless Horseman (perhaps)……….

HhCc Promo.jpg
2 years ago

Matt, I hope your friend gets well soon!

dag b
dag b
2 years ago

I look like a fing genius in this realm, lol, I think Im fing normal but you know. .. Some nurse explained to me that theyve never seen a virus under the microscope.. tf?

Caesar Best
Caesar Best
2 years ago
Reply to  dag b

Yeah sort of, viruses are apparently too small for normal microscopes, so they need an electron microscope to see that stuff.

dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  Caesar Best

she said that but they dont see it therein either, she said they get some representation, which sounded like- we get a picture in build they put in front of it, just like- when we look at the planet some robt computer inside the scope puts a little picture of a ball in front of your lens, our technologie is sophisticated you dont even notice lol

Didier FABRE
Didier FABRE
2 years ago

This totally absurd and unbelievable covid thing, made me realize how the overwhelming majority of people were so afraid of dying from a flu virus ! I would never have suspected this before !
And I also realized in the midst of all this madness, that I could be “strong” enough not to be afraid of all this shit !
A Kelt from Gaul,
Rock the Universe !!

Dan Ross
Dan Ross
2 years ago

Matt is a brilliant dude but he still doesn’t get it after 2 years…there is no scientifically validated test for “Covid” because it doesn’t exist. They rebranded cold and flu. The vaccine is now actual “Covid 19.” And it is causing an insane amount of morbidity and mortality. Matt doesn’t see that the vaccine IS “Covid.”

dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan Ross

I know somebody who had both covidstrains and never a vaccine and he aint lying

dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  dag b

It might be the food, and I dont know whats in the fing vaccine but Id never trust it

Brian Walendy
Brian Walendy
2 years ago
Reply to  dag b

Ok, work with me here, as the cognitive dissonance is strong with you.

How do you know they got “both strains”?

Let me guess; you found out from a PCR test that can’t differentiate between the two because the “virus” never been isolated?

I mean, cool story and all, but that’s all you have is a story. There’s zero basis in reality, and I can confidently and accurately state that without knowing that somebody.

Last edited 2 years ago by Brian Walendy
dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Walendy

no because they had c and then later they had it again and it was different, dopeface, Id never call you names but you start with ”cognitive dissonance bs ” as if you know. No no tests. No trust. And I dont want to convince you.

Jay Kvam
Jay Kvam
2 years ago
Reply to  dag b


dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Walendy

you dont have enough empirical evidence

dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  dag b

idiots go somewhere else

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
2 years ago
Reply to  Dan Ross

I think you’re wrong. I think Matt considers that a possibility but ultimately it doesn’t matter one way or the other. It’s all udder madness. Best not to pay too close attention or you might go mad.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Jon McIntyre

I agree. How many times have we seen someone comment that (maybe) Matt doesn’t see something (or) Hey Matt, Can’t you see this…….. (actually taking the stance that they see better than Matt). I usually take too much time going over my responses before posting. Some just spit the sh*t out and all I can say is (wow) looking forward to seeing your website someday (not).

Just to be fair to Dan Ross, if you were saying this a few years ago (maybe, just maybe) I’d give you more slack jack, but (seriously?) like….(really?) you think Matt hasn’t crunched those numbers, as detailed as his presentations are (really?) and when he’s thoughtful enough to remind the entire class that some of this is for the newbies (really?, you want to stand by your words? really?)

Last edited 2 years ago by William Lodderhose
Nyxin Stones
Nyxin Stones
2 years ago

Hi Matt,
Let me cavat this by saying I am truly, truly, truly grateful for you and your ability to say so authenticity what is a constant dialogue in my mind as well as so sooooo many others who just don’t know how to get it from brain to words as you do. Thank you.
The only comment I have is if China is truly in the flat line graph, why are millions of people locked in their homes wailing for help and the government drones flying around with a recorded message blasting throughout the night skyline repeating “IGNORE YOUR SOUL’S DESIRE TO BE FREE. COMPLY OR YOU WILL BE REMOVED FROM THIS EXISTENCE TO ANOTHER”
I am paraphrasing here, but that’s the general sentiment that’s been translated.
Are they truly COVID free and yet they are being locked up anyway? Are they still locked up? Were they ever?
Is Australia back on the map ? Did they let off there? What happened to the truckers? Did Monkey pox get shot in the face? Did Faucci?
I think what we have here is yet another splitting of the hair of the hare. The white rabbit. And it’s nonsense vortex. The Nontex. As you would say the Notnilc. Professor Plum, in the library with a candle stick…
You know the green color, I had said on your YouTube video that green represents WILL. I still stand by that but this nagging voice keeps saying, “what if it’s for the green screen.” You know, where all the image magic happens. The illusion…
You know the nursery rhyme
Row Row Row Your boat… gently down the stream… Merrily Merrily Merrily
Life is but a dream…

Look up what merrily actually means.
kaboooooooom… Mind blown

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

IF this insanity proves anything – it’s proved that almost (all) the Doctors (are) buying into this bulls*t. IF not, they would have quit their job (like I did in 2012), because they’ve woke up to the fact that this is a fraud. These (so-called medical experts) have proven the download exists, (it’s not a theory) because I don’t believe all these Doctors (are) in on it, they are on the download and enjoying drinks on the ShipOfFools.

How can these (Doctors) still advise patients (in real time) as graphs (as Matt pointed out) have mountain peaks and valleys proving CV is NOT NORMAL = New Normal = Insanity. Yes, I was saying this in Spring 2020 within the first week they launched this fraud (world-wide), attaching info and it fell on deaf ears.

Now after all the vaxes and boosters…. still the spikes keep coming (lol)……, if your friends or family are still going to the same Doctors who are saying the same thing, then (wow) what can you say????

sigh inara
2 years ago

Exactly…even all the chiropractors I know (who are traditionally ALWAYS anti-vax) & my naturopathic doctor-yoga teacher-herbalist cousin all got poked, recommended it to everyone & insisted on masks in their practices. Insane.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

Yeah, this time is off the charts, off the rails. I’ve been in these truth communities for over 10 years and (honestly) I never thought they could pull something off (this obvious to us) yet, to the masses it’s like….the dinner bell ringing on the ShipOfFools, (they come a runnin’).

You couldn’t make up stuff this silly in a script (just a few years ago) and expect your movie to get a green light (sorry) I used to work in Hollywood. I’m so grateful (everyday now) to have lived long enough to see this fraud play out and how it turned some friends and families into NPC Zombies overnight.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

I’m very fortunate (in NY) to have a chiropractor couple who are totally freedom-oriented and it is a pleasure to be their patient. Especially since I do not breathe well in the mask.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

See that’s the type of info that will (someday) be great to share on this platform (perhaps). Those people are rare and only by spreading the word (at some point) can others benefit by using their services, (plus) they’ll benefit by the business growing.

Also speaking of masks, I really – really think………… it’s time to pass a law (lol) that makes all masks have to look like Darth Vadar’s. Let’s have some fun with this end of the world nonsense.

Last edited 2 years ago by William Lodderhose
Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

Better to laugh than cry!

2 years ago

didja know you can order those Plague Doctor bird beak leather masks from US leathersmiths? BITCHEN cool and should be worn by us, seriously you can prolly breathe better in them … make a statement. I’m gonna get one …

Elaine Brock
Elaine Brock
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

My chiropractor makes the jabbed wear a mask.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elaine Brock

… should make ’em wear adult diapers also to filter out their GMO flatulence!

Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  Elaine Brock

Good one! I like that chiropractor

Elaine Brock
Elaine Brock
2 years ago

I agree totally that the download exists. My daughter and I talked almost daily for a year and a half about all the insanity. When it came time to send the kids to school last fall and the crazy government here was making them wear masks, I thought for sure she would look into homeschooling with other Moms she was talking with. Instead, she stopped talking to me and sent the kids to school in masks. Never even talked to me about it to explain why she was going against every thing she said in the previous months. This same daughter also just spent weeks watching that ridiculous Amber wants to be heard/Depp fiasco. So absolutely, the download is real.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Elaine Brock

My heart goes out to those like you that are losing love ones. I haven’t had any family since 2002 so I know what that’s like.

Tough as it is to deal with (in your case) the saying is still true: This is a gift for some of us to see (who here is not on the download, on the frequency) as all veils drop (eventually). May peace be with you.

2 years ago
Reply to  Elaine Brock

Elaine, I lost a friend who was totally against it … he ended up taking ALL THREE and told me to never call him again! It was literally deeply shocking, I say “they body-snatched him.” And guy is a Nam vet, going to VA for years, they coulda done anything to him there …. /sad face/

Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  TexAnna

Fear will ruin you especially if you run to a doctor for help

Elaine Dudzinski
2 years ago

My integrative doctors, naturopaths and all R0ckefeller modality doctors all ran to get the jabbadabbadoo.

Last edited 2 years ago by Elaine Dudzinski
Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
2 years ago

I hate doctors now, mine sicked a SWAT TEAM On me, because I was having a really bad day. They are complicate in this fraud and should be shunned and shamed everywhere they go

Wes Scherr
Wes Scherr
2 years ago

RE: our lessons /triggers ~

*It only repeats itself, so long as you still have something to learn from it….

**It ONLY repeats itself, so long as you STILL have something to learn from it.

so long as

…and apparently it also takes reading, or hearing something at least 3 times for it to sink in.

You’re Welcome. 😉

You can see how it’s all a fake, scripted show.

and you see how the hive minded, collective unconscious works…

How the reality uses the backdrop people who surround us all to manipulate our lives & create these emotional triggers…

Can you see how obvious it is that “they” are socially engineering the great awakening?

And how they are going to continue to escalate the level of ridiculousness until the mission objective is achieved?

(Were already at monkeypox/ Sudden Adult Death Syndrome / & Jabbing infants) lol

The constant stream of infinite breadcrumbs was designed to awaken us…

To awaken to who we truly are and what this reality is…

but clearly, it was NOT sufficient…

Idk why exactly, but “they” have effectively ((dumbed down the game of duality)) to awaken as many as possible, and to do it Now…

My #1. Go to, inside source (ToreSays) said the people WILL wake up.

And she said the turning point would be August, this year…
but the “ending” wont be until August 2023…

As for whom i believe she is, and what I believe the reality construct itself is…
Is a whole nother story.

kat rayne
kat rayne
2 years ago

Matt, are you open-minded/willing to listen to someone who originally thought this but my raised consciousness has evolved to know that what you are saying is a cold/flu is not (tho THEY are using those #s) even avirus, there is no such thing as a virus! you should know this FACT by now. C0¥id is a cover for the N@n0-pois0nin9 as is morge||ons, lupus, lyme, cancer, AIDS (which 10o% will have & 100% are affected, if you eat, drink, breathe, you have it) If you cant get this, you’re just as guilty as the NPCs you ridicule. also explains why it is not just about the waxxine. A lot of peeps got sick at same time bc fi¥e- geeeee was activated. Go to my channel (which screw toob is threatening now bc i am 🎯) to see the n@n0 cuts from me detoxing/fasting out the heavy metals almost 5 yrs
Ive avoided a lot of things like fluoride, margarine/fake food, certain fabrics/products, etc & been in the healing arts for over 50yrs, i aint your typical boomer, i am clairsentinent/observant/nonc0mpliant & i know some sheeeit! 😘
ps beAware the ‘n@tura|’ flavoring; its in 80%+ of everything!
S0yl€nt Gr€€n is here 🤢

Last edited 2 years ago by kat rayne
Brian Walendy
Brian Walendy
2 years ago
Reply to  kat rayne

I like Matt’s videos like I use a broken clock to tell time. He says enough words during any one presentation that there’s always something that hits home.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Walendy

I give your comments about as much consideration as a broken clock, but (hey) I figure you might be right (twice) a day (maybe????) well let’s be honest (probably not, yeah, most likely NOT). but, hey (you) special (as Matt says) you…..special……….

2 years ago
Reply to  kat rayne

kat what is your channel? I couldn’t find “kat rayne” … thank you~

Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  kat rayne

I like the way you think and see

Wes Scherr
Wes Scherr
2 years ago

“Trying to understand Madness with Logic…

Is not unlike searching for Darkness with a Torch”

Matt, I dig your witty solo banter.

You’re right, it isnt easy by any means to verbally work your way through such profound issues as consciousness & the true nature of reality…

I appreciate your ability to do so…

But seriously though….

I feel like you’re still beating around the bush, and still trying to belive any of this grand delusion is real? Lol

This can’t be real… this place is so insane…

What if all the lies, and deception & evil… are all just designed to keep you believing anything is real?

As long as it can trigger you into reacting emotionally, it can make you believe it, and will continue to create those lessons/triggers for you.

So what if the whole globe & space fairytale arent to hide more lands or aliens… but as long as one side is arguing about what they believe to be real, then they are still believing SOMETHING is still real…

Why didn’t the GOFAST rocket explode when it hit the firmament 73 miles up?

Why can’t you see stars from the edge of “space”?

What if the firmament/ bio-dome is really just the edge of the holographic field, projected by God consciousness, via what we call the luminaries?

And if us, the awake, God sparks/ are fractals of God consciousness…

Then we dont discover our world, we project it…

Idk… these are the current things that are still breaking my brain…

But I think Matt’s on the right path with the “just laugh at it” motto.

It absolutely, wants to trigger you emotionally, and I believe works like a negative feedback loop –

#1. See your triggers & the NPC/NPD’S used to evoke them.

#2. Laugh at them & the reality itself (versus reacting emotionally.)

#3. The reality upon observing the lack of an emotional response (loosh) will see there is nothing more to be gained from said trigger/lesson
(Not by you or the energy field) .

#4. The negative feedback loop is broken & the reality will stop creating that lesson/ trigger for you

#5 = **Spiritual Evolution…

**Theoretically speaking 😉

Adam Rahn
Adam Rahn
2 years ago

I typed all of this in response to a Danny Minely video but could not not foreword to you, Matt:
I became a Christian when I believed the narrative I was presented about Jesus. But, immediately I was set upon with subsets of narratives called denominations and each denomination says that if you don’t believe their narrative then you’re “lost” – usually meaning eternal punishment for not believing the narrative which seems strangely like how indoctrination works. 

Upon closer examination, it appears most everything is a narrative generated reality as there is very little people can prove first hand. I have even met spirits but I find myself drawing from the narratives I’d been given to define the spirits. 

Prior to becoming Christian, I’d first hand noticed the workings of positive and negative forces in the world. It became easy to define which is the positive and negative force from the Christian narrative. 

However, it’s been brought into my awareness that both sides of the “forces” are controlled by the “God of forces” – this is the black and white duality of most religions including Masonry. 

Again, drawing from experiential knowledge, I recently had the most lucid dream of my life where I’d met “Gnosis” in my dream and had much knowledge imparted to me; but, again, I end up drawing from narratives to find understanding as Gnosis would bring to mind again and again a bible verse that would seem to confirm what I was experiencing is in the scriptures. 

The glaring problem is that if my narratives are wrong then everything I’d believed is flawed also. From the Gnosis encounter, I’d looked closer at the biblical explanations of the “God of forces” (Daniel 11:38) and adjoined in that context is the “God of gods” (I seem to be discovering that our basis of understanding is far more Greek in origin than people would suspect) which would seem to correlate with one uber God (Zeus in Greek – strangely, there’s a movement today that believes changing the Greek names to Hebrew names resolves the matter) that is over all gods (even Gnosis) meaning the lesser gods emanate from the God of gods which would resemble the Greek pantheon or even the One God of Hermes. 

I still believe Jesus (yes, Greek name) is a benevolent “Son of God” but the narrative has been hijacked to create the overriding narrative we call Christianity. Anyway, I can appreciate where you are trying to unravel all of this as it is quite a web. I believe there is an ultimate truth but it is so hard to escape that we define everything from the narratives we’re given. 

I’ll probably, since I’ve typed more than my usual, share this to Matt at QoC as well as he’s helped me expand my understanding.

Adam Rahn
Adam Rahn
2 years ago
Reply to  Adam Rahn

I believe a crucial difference is the 2 types of people – the altruist and the narcissist.
The narcissistic type will use religion to gain over others even if it’s as simple as just feeling superior to others – beating down any that they see as coming short of their religion.

The altruist will look at religion from the point of view of understanding how they’re not measuring up in helping others and using religion as means of helping others – even if ignorant of the details.

Interestingly, the bible also says there are 2 types of people – sheep and goats (allegorically) 

2 years ago

Every US state had a clause in their executive order about masks that allowed for a vaguely-defined medical exemption, and some states even added that you don’t need to show proof of a medical condition. If Covid was real, there would be NO EXCEPTIONS.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  Eyesee

I do have a medical issue and no one cares, even though there is an exemption allowed. I’ve been thrown out of several places.

sigh inara
2 years ago


Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
2 years ago

Sue them

Johnny Seven
Johnny Seven
2 years ago

I empathise with you Matt in regards to having to repeat yourself over time and I personally have come to the conclusion that trying to do for others is slowing down our shared mantra that is, “Do for you”. At some point we will be forced to choose how our experience is continued to its inevitable end. We know enough to make the right choice for us, it is such a shame we seem to have little choice, the alternate does not interest me.
Whatever happens, as always, I feel I am fortunate to be a witness to it as a whole as now it is absolutely crackers. Cheers as always. Con******Free***.

William Frederick
William Frederick
2 years ago

The people who didn’t get the jab are a different kind of person. They threw every single lie at us,we got pressured by friends and family,they used shame,guilt,insults and fake science at us.
And we didn’t budge one bit.
Thanks for your work Matt.

Last edited 2 years ago by William Frederick
Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
2 years ago

This was also done by the flu shot believers!

James Hawke
James Hawke
2 years ago

What IS “Covid”? Anyone…anyone…?

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  James Hawke


William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  James Hawke

and the beat goes on……………

John P
John P
2 years ago
Reply to  James Hawke

Covid is the name of the disease and sars-cov 2 is the name of the virus that is said to cause it. Neither of course exist. No live virus
has ever been isolated and purified.They are all fiction, HIV, Ebola, zika, h1N1, swine flu and all the rest. No such thing as contagious
diseases period. What is called a virus are exosomes that bud out from toxic cells. A virus doesn’t cause disease it is the result of it.

303 Lauren
303 Lauren
2 years ago

I would pay good money to see what its like inside the minds of the masses and how they process things. its fascinating how they live life doing everything the wrong way but somehow are still convinced they are genius

this site is looking good, I can see more features are being added

Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  303 Lauren

I asked someone recently to help me understand what he meant by some ppl having no inner dialouge or running commentary in their head. I asked, “Are you saying some ppl actually don’t THINK?” In summary, he said yes that’s right! :O
I gotta say I find this concept hard to believe – & really, more like shocking & horrifying!

dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

Maybe thats the ultimate belief in God, you dont have to think youll be fine regardless.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

Shock and Awe (‘they’) laid their playbook down in plain site, you’re right it’s shocking and horrifying (no doubt).

Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  303 Lauren

The problem with the ignorant is that they think they are smart

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
2 years ago

Matt, the link below the podcast goes to a totally different podcast than this one. It’s not an mp3 of this podcast. Click on it and see.

Astro Kat
Astro Kat
2 years ago

The earth is flat, viruses don’t exist, vaccines are poison and never benefited mankind, only big pharma, corrupt Jesuits and Jews own and run this world and want to own your soul forever and ever and ever. Whatever you do, don’t come back to this hell hole after the “day of your life” (as Matt would say).

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
2 years ago

Moderna stands for Modified RNA.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago

Thank’s Matt, Good presentation as always!👍

Regina Roberts
Regina Roberts
2 years ago

I enjoy watching the Leo king astrology. He mentioned that Epstein commented once that he would like his dna injected into every human. Apparently before he “disappeared “ he was talking with pharmaceutical companies. That right there is as bad as sting singing.

Lewis Everett
Lewis Everett
2 years ago

Matt, great show. My great state of Mississippi health dept. Had on their web site a diagram for making your own mask out of a t-shirt

dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  Lewis Everett

this is just weird, does that work? sounds like a mockery for old ladies that would like to fing crochet masks or whatever

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
2 years ago

I was talking to an atheist friend on the phone yesterday. When I told him that Matt McKinley said that zero major celebrities died from Covid, he said it wasn’t true because Colin Powell and Larry King from Larry King Live died from Covid. Is that true?

2 years ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

The Birx woman confirmed several times that people who died of other diseases but tested positive for covid were being counted as a covid death. Dying OF covid and dying WITH covid are two very different situations that most people are not aware of.

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

The IMDB list of celebrity deaths for 2021 has half dozen or so with Covid mentioned in their cause(s) of death, though I remember both Hank Aaron & Larry King (who, granted, were both pretty old) publicly disclosing/promoting that they had received the vax & were dead a couple weeks later.

Jen Kupp
2 years ago

I’m only half-way through, but I’ve got 2 possible answers to this question, & quite possibly, it could be both.

  1. NPCs:

I noticed you referred to us as “real people” & although I guess I’m still on the fence about whether folks “on the download” who “won’t give us an inch” & “are sailing down the river of insanity on a ship of fools” truly are NPCs or lack a soul or spark, but I’ve heard quite a range of #s from various ppl re: the % of real vs not. The most recent # I heard presented was a good1: 33%!

  1. TWO 2. (I musta typed the #2 half a dozen times & some ‘bot kept switching it to a 1- so I just gave up.)
  2. (oh sure, NOW it wants to put a 2 in there, automatically, even, ballsy bastard, & I didn’t even want a damn # there at all! sheesh the struggle is real sometimes…)

Multi-Generational Trauma-based-Mind-Control-induced Stockholm Syndrome

ignorance is a choice.jpg
Chris Minor
Chris Minor
2 years ago

One thing I’ll add to the lack of sense making has been disturbing news continually coming in from an emt friend of mine out of Oklahoma. He worked on contract in NYC at the beginning of the nonsense and after refusing to take the jab was fired in Oklahoma but found a new private emt service that was hiring non jabbed workers. He said he has run more strokes, heart attacks, and seizures in children over the course of the last few months than he has in his entire 10+ year career. He added that no doctor at the hospitals will even consider the fact that all of the children coming in with these rare conditions had all been recently jabbed. It’s seems as if normal people have totally lost any ability to do proper risk assessment and stratification when it comes to the jabs and the so called virus. If the all cause mortality is 5% higher in those who have gotten mRna jabs than those who are unjabbed according to the only studies that have been done on this, and children have a higher chance of dying via lightning strike or car accident, then what the hell are the doctors thinking (or not thinking), let alone the parents.

I finally caught whatever this is from my jabbed gf (who got jabbed for work, as they were going to fire her) both of us recovered in 2 days of a bad headache and light fever with no assistance from anything but aspirin. I have no idea how she got sick because she had been home the week prior and I went over to take care of her on Friday and was sick by Sunday.
Whatever is going on seems to be primarily driven by the “Vaccines,” which we have data on that proves that not only do they not work (and in fact make people more susceptible to getting sick in the majority of cases), but that there is also a higher risk for anyone under the age of 70 and healthy who get the “vaccines” than those who do not get them and just allow whatever the illness is to take its course. It’s pure insanity.

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris Minor

The best reason I can come up with is vaccinate everyone and no one will be able to track the side effects, because you muddy the data pool and there will then be no way to tell why people are getting sick – and once the vaccine is approved for new-borns the companies are guaranteed to never be held liable for any future problems found with the vaccines due to one of the laws we have here in the US.

dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  Chris Minor

this is what we knew all along and would anybody listen? noooooooooo

Julie MacDonald
Julie MacDonald
2 years ago

The hysteria and pre-made slogans also defied logic. Imagine soldiers in trench warfare being updated on every death and repeatedly told how careful they needed to be so they wouldn’t die as well. I still feel my blood pressure rise if I even think of the phrase “We’re all in this together.”

Helene Legerton
Helene Legerton
2 years ago

“Staying apart, keeps us together”!

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

War is Peace, Hate is Love, the Ministry of Information gives the gift that keeps on giving………………

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

If you’ve ever seen the movie ‘Brazil’ you’ll remember Robert DeNiro and others in the cast repeating that slogan throughout the nightmare…………………

Erin Phelps
2 years ago

Yes I agree with the premade slogans! I smelled a rat the minute I saw the “15 days to flatten the curve” posters and slogan going around so early on! It was immediately suspect! I am in the medical field and so is my husband and both of us immediately knew something had had ripped in the continuum.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Erin Phelps

Oh boy, I’ll bet you two are talking about switching careers??? I know I’ve jumped around in mine once stuff went off the rails.

Jen Kupp
2 years ago

Never apologize for the Philly accent, Matt! Most of my family has it, too. It’s quite distinct & I dig it. 🙂

Melissa Dunn
Melissa Dunn
2 years ago

Please keep us updated about Pam, I’m really sorry she isn’t feeling well. My brother and his wife had it a few months ago, keep us updated if you can.

Randy Gordon
Randy Gordon
2 years ago

Matt et al:

I’ve lost my son and his new wife to the Covid Death Cult even after a near daily push towards logic. Vaxxed, boosted and won’t allow me to see his new baby girl because of my non-vaccinated status. I KNOW this fake pandemic crashes and burns in a spectacular fashion THIS YEAR. Then the cult members will learn the truth about the vaccine and how it was nothing but NEFARIOUS, and he, his wife and my new granddaughter will have a new perspective on everything.

I learned the pandemic was a hoax in March 2020. Every Friday night, I would download the latest VAERS data and crunch on it until 2:00 am. Every Friday night. It was at the end of March 2020 when I caught the CDC in its first major lie and called them out in a massive way (Twitter) and summarily banned (First ban of 8), but not until I had reached 500k engagements. That weekend, the CDC quietly revised the “Covid Deaths” number from 67,000 to 33,000 (+/-) – without explanation, without notice. Since then, I have called out 13 additional LIES and have been banned for spreading the truth each time. Over the target some call it. There never was a pandemic, there never was a test for “Covid-19” and people died, just like every other year, but the causes were all funneled into the covid bucket..

The reason I’m compelled to comment is this:

The ENTIRE SCAM is laid out, in tremendous detail, with receipts, on a website that has been up and running since the beginning . Whoever made and maintains that website is very close to the operation. The MAN MADE Toxin called SARS CoV-2 began in 2014 at the North Carolina University at Chapel Hill. After it was terminated for breaking US law (Gain of Function) it was moved to Wuhan. The rest is a history of lies, including redefining the term “Pandemic” in August 2021 to include “Cases” and avoid the customary definition of mortality. They just couldn’t keep pushing the lie because nobody was dying.

Sam Thought
Sam Thought
2 years ago

Hey Matt! Love your videos 😀 I’m hoping Lavette’s Wow Pow gets great minds together 😀 Or is it crazy to hope?

Lalonne Juliet
Lalonne Juliet
2 years ago

Matt the last lines in that video would make an excellent punk song! Excellent points!
The only guaranteed immunity given to the drug companies and not the one getting this experimental drug, one might think would be a huge red flag.
My grandma always said “just because they are going to jump off a cliff does that mean you should too?!”

Jay Bingham
Jay Bingham
2 years ago

Hi Matt and Happy Father’s Day to all of your Father’s and to all who ARE Father’s reading this post!!
One can Never WIN a debate when debating another of a different view point.
The only thing you’ll accomplish is either an argument or hurt feelings from those your debating.
It doesn’t matter if your on the side of fact, reason, logic or Truth.
It’s a matter of “Personal Perception or Perspective”.
In a debate you’ll appease and excite those watching of a similar mindset although Impossible to “Convince” the other side debating or watching of an opposing view.
The ONLY Way to “change a mind” or get others to see something differently other than a narrative is to first “Find common ground” with that person or persons.
1st in “True Love” just talk with that person about anything you can agree on.
2nd Sincerely share your positive and loving thoughts about that person and why. “Stay Off of any debated topic”.
3rd Share and find an agreed “Common threat” to talk about.
4th Weave the debated topic into the conversation over time as a “We need to, or We can, or We will be able to…..”.
It’s easy to persuade a friend or like minded people into action, It’s easy to convince the ignorant.
It’s impossible to persuade a worthy opponent to surrender or to convince the ignorant who “Believe” they are wise.
This is Winning through Love and persuading through tack.
Let’s stick together and find more like minded individuals and “Let the (brain) dead bury the (brain) dead”.
Love and Peace to Call. 😀

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

Let me tell you guys about my experience last week getting my ureter stent removed at a surgery center in New York. First of all, they did not like my face shield and forced me to put on a surgical mask that I do not breathe well in. Then they nose-raped me to do a rapid Covid test. I gave my customary polite statement of protest and the nurse got pissy and told me I didn’t have to get the surgery if I didn’t want the test. Right, just leave the stent in and die of sepsis!

After receiving a negative result, they STILL forced me to wear the mask until I got onto the operating table (they finally give you oxygen after depriving you for the past 2 hours), knowing that I was uncomfortable in it. I protested, explained that I was negative and they said “CDC regulations!” I was on a stretcher with an IV, cold, nervous and struggling to sneak breaths. I was exhausted from little sleep and unable to rest because I kept having to fuss with the mask so I could breathe. I was already very stressed physically and mentally and the deprivation of oxygen was making things worse.

Also, the anesthesiologist asked me if I was vaxed and acted weird and uncomfortable when I said No.

One more thing. There was an old lady next to me with dementia. 2 of her family members came in the prep area with her and advised the nurse that they were going to have a hard time with her if they didn’t let one of them stay with her. They explained she would be fearful and confused. Both had masks on. The nurse kicked them out. She could have Covid-tested one of them, but didn’t bother. The poor old lady was on her own and had a very hard time with having her IV inserted. She started screaming at one point. After much to-do, they finally got it in and she calmed down.

Welcome to the New Medical World Order.

Wes Scherr
Wes Scherr
2 years ago

I would rather remove my own stint…

theres gotta be a “DYI stint removal” vlog on YT, No? 🤷‍♂️👨‍⚕️

Wes Scherr
Wes Scherr
2 years ago

Oh yea, I checked… I’ll spare you the link, cuz i didn’t watch either.. but DIY stint removals are out there. 😬👌 lol

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Scherr

Yes you are actually right! And I have no comprehension of that. Some doctors leave a string that you can pull but my doc said I needed general anesthesia because it would be so painful. Go figure.

Anyway, the really frightening thing is that if I were Covid positive, they would have refused the surgery and who knows how long the thing would have stayed in. It would have made me batty with continued pain, possibly bleeding and infection risk. It should concern everyone that Covid positive people have no right to medical treatment. Maybe I would have had to go to the ER. I don’t know. And people’s mental health seems to be no concern at all, including the poor kids who have had to wear masks.

Caesar Best
Caesar Best
2 years ago

I’m sorry for you, that sound terrible.

dag b
dag b
2 years ago

Is that belief in c just an excuse to torture people?

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Hmmm, see this is the part that perplexes me as to how the Zombies don’t “see” that most (not all) but most Medical “so-called experts” are trying to kill us….kill us with each opportunity they’re given, so they pile on the craziness and scream the CDC (makes us do this cruel, crazy crap).

sigh inara
2 years ago

If I had no other option than a hospital, I would absolutely lie & say I’d been vaxxed & boostered with everything under the sun to keep them from “making sure” while I was under anesthesia…

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

Exactly. I mean (hey people) they’re not pulling out the Bible and threatening jail time for lying about this “joke” / Vax, so I hope I’m not stepping out of line by encouraging others to LIE. (In fact) if you’re out of practice prior to the process, then please rehearse your script.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

But we have to stand up for the truth. EVen if we suffer for it. I have a son and I am concerned about the world he will be living in.

sigh inara
2 years ago

I have 5 sons (one of whom I happily bought some card stock & made a vax card for last year so he could go to a concert)…they play dirty, so we have to play dirty back or they win.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

you sound like a solid mom who loves her kids, way2go

sigh inara
2 years ago

thank you <3 …i’m flying by the seat of my mom jeans for sure, but hopefully i’ve managed to teach them how to think & how to love

Caesar Best
Caesar Best
2 years ago

Saying no kids were dying from CV will just get you some emotional response about that one kid somewhere that supposedly did die from it and they’ll make you out to be a monster for not caring about him/her

Dain Cook
Dain Cook
2 years ago

Vax each sperm, just to be sure.

Patti Petko
Patti Petko
2 years ago

My roommate told me that disernment was a gift, like only special people have it and I’m not special enough to have it either, apperently I’m just crazy 🥸

2 years ago
Reply to  Patti Petko

What a prick. What a petty little deluded individual.
I hope you laughed in his face. Keep that fool around, it can make you laugh a few more times.

2 years ago

I don’t even know what “booster” means. That’s how detached I am from reality. 
I was the only person without the face diper back in the summer of 2020 in a big store full of people. I didn’t know what the fuck to think of it?
I have 1 unpopular opinion. I don’t think vaccines are as harmful as they want us to think. Keep in mind that all of those stories of negative side effects of vaccines were also distributed from the mainstream media. If that’s not giveaway I don’t know what is.
The people around us aren’t dropping dead like flies, like we thought in the beginning they would? SO? It’s NOTHING. Fuckin’ nothing as non existing virus. I knew it will end up like this. The fools are good, doing very good. Still alive and around.
I was the only person on the streets who looked like someone who is not doing good, not put together as the others. I had struggles to keep good care of myself and maintain positive mindset while all people around me were shining as usual.
The only people who have truly suffered and still are suffering are people like us, when all this is finish and done.
There’s no disease, and I doubt that there is real damage from the vaccines. Even if there is, for us it could be a free ticket to get the hell out from this place.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Spaghetti

Tell me more about the free ticket, to get the hell out from this place (lol).

Yeah, I hear ya. I was pissed two years ago, that so many just rolled over, now (everyday) I just am amazed how lucky I am to have lived long enough to see this silly circus play out.

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
2 years ago

I don’t think they’ll stop at birth. I predict they’ll go for in utero and beyond if possible. And the minions will go right along with it. What we are with witnessing is absolutely mind-boggling. That’s my opinion at least.

dag b
dag b
2 years ago

whomever stole my dreams
whomever betrayed me
I will never let you go
I got my teeth in you like a pitbull
I got my eye on you

Xoozie Kingdom
Xoozie Kingdom
2 years ago

In a weird wave synchronizations, Matt the surfer rides…..

Samantha purdy
Samantha purdy
2 years ago

4 weeks ago I ran into 2 of my fav guy friends at our local watering hole we all go to..They were talking about how they both just got the 3rd booster…Dave got his the week before Paulie,..who had gotten that morning…I walked in and just shook my head and said, yikes, Don’t u be shedding on me, and who wants to live past 60 anyway…Paulie is 50, Dave 56……(me in my head, being serious) ..them mocking and laughing calling me their fav lil conspiracy theorist…Paulie says ‘Sammi thinks they’re injecting us w ‘poison” and “tracking devices’..they had a great laugh….fast forward week and half later…’Did u hear , Dave had a heart attack and died..started w pqncreatitis, liver failing, heart attack within 3days….This GUY 6’3…fit, looks prob 50, NO MED ISSUES….everyone saying must be bad forward week and half after Dave died….I go into the watering hole, ad everyone is crying, in shock, PAULIE DIED THAT DAY….again, more fit and handsome than any 40yr old NO MED ISSUES….WELL u guessed it….EXACT SAME SCENERIO….EXACT!!! A lll the zombies are saying, we l he must have been some closet raging alcoholic..I SAID…’ARE U GUYS REALLY NOT PUTTING 2+2 TOGETHER, CAN U REEEALLLY NOT SEE THE FUCKING OBVIOUS????…I even went home started looking up (on duck duck go) liver failure leading to heart attack after jab….it was jaw dropping the amount of MALES dying that exact same way….athletes, healthy MEN….Ohhh, my grandpa just died…Ijust got into details w my grandma…and no surprise….liver , organ , to heart dead…..but. he was old AND my grandma JUST admitted grandpa had just gotten booster

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Samantha purdy

WOW, these are people you knew personally – sorry to say, (wow) it’s a shame they didn’t wake up sooner.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Samantha purdy

I’m going to run with the theme Matt mentions often and that’s how these guys might have believed the propaganda that “Oh, it’ll be worse if you don’t get the jab”.

So…….how could it be worse than (death?)

Well I’m glad you asked…How about IF submitting to this demonic stage-play beginning with the 2012 Olympic presentation, which looked like it was choreographed by Satan himself, buying into every crazy presentation from 2012 right up to the “big party” in Spring 2020…what IF that sealed the cement on their reverse Pinocchio (ing) themselves? Yeah….that (might) be worse than death.

Very sad news indeed. I’m amazed I don’t know anyone personally who’s died after their jab party, but then I’m no longer plugged into social media – I don’t check up on many of the masses I know personally once they had admitted to taking the jab. I (dove) off the ShipOfFools, many years ago.

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Samantha purdy

I’m so sorry…

A guy down the street from me went to bed & just didn’t wake up in the morning.

A friend of my dad did exactly the same.

My ex-husband just had to have open heart surgery.

A longtime friend was just hospitalized with pancreatitis & barely made it out.

NONE had prior health issues.

ALL were jabbed.

NOBODY thought there might be a connection & all were greatly offended that I suggested it.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

Wow, “offended” that you questioned the Pharaohs, the slave masters, amazing.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

Thanks for sharing this sensitive / personal post. It (helps me, I don’t know about others) to see more of these, since I don’t use social media anymore and really don’t communicate what we discuss here with my “old time normie friends” that aren’t too wacky to hang with yet.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

My cousin is a nurse and is seeing bad stuff especially with the booster. Meanwhile, I was just disinvited to my brother’s celebration of life (he passed recently from cancer) because I’m not Veed and my family members feel they are too vulnerable to be around me. We also think the V may have contributed to my father in law’s death last year. And he suffered a lot before he died. +++

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Tragic. This family fighting over fiction (CV), you can’t make this stuff up.

Keith Karlinski
Keith Karlinski
2 years ago

Once you realize everything (all the cooked up nonsense) is system generated to interfere with your thoughts, it gets easier to reject them.

My mind was running a little bit this morning, and this thought just popped into my head.

Courtney H
Courtney H
2 years ago

I’m trying everything to wake people up. Even first grade truth… it’s not working. Glad you are still trying too. MORE people need to make videos and call out that The Emporer is wearing no clothes. Flood the internet saying how ridiculous this all is. That, or we should all just jump ship together and leave the crazies be in their fantasy land of lies.

Last edited 2 years ago by Courtney H
Electric Tao
Electric Tao
2 years ago

The only answer I can come up with is that the masses have been mind wiped. I think I can speak for those in this community when I say this feels like a college graduate being sent back to kindergarten. We don’t belong here. Thanks Matt.

Dean Aldridge
Dean Aldridge
2 years ago

Thank you Matt, and Rob.

Pablo ID
Pablo ID
2 years ago

there is no “covid” just like there is no “coronavirus”. the tests are a scam that mark anybody with a flu, cold or digestive ailment or pneumonia as positive and are military grade tech and bioweapons. the jabs are a bunch of poisonous technologies and bioweapon stuff.

Tim Hogan
Tim Hogan
2 years ago

Yep. There are so many points being made by Matt that could expand to infinity. I’ll go a bit deeper into just one. A treatment (vax) that’s not a vaccine simply by its ineffectiveness, would not only be challenged as a narrative, but class action suits would be bludgeoning the false narrative immediately following the evidence. No the pharmaceutical co.’s immunity does not expand past fraud. In a real world, our beloved albeit greedy lawyers would functioning appropriately. However, part of the evil genius is the ABA is becoming “woke” at an alarming rate. Most attorneys are afraid of being disbarred, sanctioned or suspended. And they should fear that. I predict, the legal malpractice insurance carriers will be next refusing coverage for any narrative challenge. This undercurrent, which few can see, is setting the stage for ripping the civility of a civil society apart to degrees even the idiot Marxists won’t want as the end game.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Tim Hogan

Yeah, if that shoe drops (and why won’t it eventually?) the TV will have mountains of ambulance chasing creeps offering to “help you”, just like the Zantac and zillions of other ads playing now, in between the “are you peeing your pants” ads for women products and other stuff that shouldn’t be on “normal” – “TV” (lol) I enjoy putting those in quotes, what a joke this all is, has been and always will beeeeeee…………………………………once you SEEEEE.

Last edited 2 years ago by William Lodderhose
Lisa Jarv
2 years ago
Reply to  Tim Hogan

Let the lawfare begin! Will people own nothing and be happy, or will people fight it out in the courts against tryanny?

2 years ago

Shadow banned? Sure we have the tech to shadow ban you…NO, we use software we purchase…some links can make it go to review and then I have to manually approve.

So we are NOT robots. You have MANY valid points in your comment…but do not lose your rational and believe everyone is after you. There is the system and then there are many of us having this “life” experience…most not aware of the illusion…we are all jammed into the box when interacting on the Internet…”they” built.

Thank you for the feedback


Mandy Morris
2 years ago

My brother in Qld. Australia was refused entry into a shop without a mask so he grabbed an A4 sheet of paper held it over his nose and they let him in! Hilarious video on the internet with a woman in South America somewhere got so angry about being refused service so she pulled down her underpants and put them over her face!! My mother-in-law has just had her fourth stroke but we can’t stop her getting those boosters!! She claims, ‘We listen to science Mandy! Science!’ The insanity is horrendous!

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