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Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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In the old days of being first grade truthers, we would have poured over “how fake or how real” the event associated with Malala was.

The graduate level truthers sees this activity for what it is, a waste of time. Only the “greater trick” is important to understand.

Matt McKinley

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Esteban >>"I"
Esteban >>"I"
2 years ago

do it

Earthling Carl
Earthling Carl
2 years ago

I got here without YouTube! 🙂

Rufus Payne
Rufus Payne
2 years ago

Screw it I’ll take a D on this one. Lol that is a dude for sure.

Matthew Rohde
Matthew Rohde
2 years ago
Reply to  Rufus Payne

Thank you. and yes, i don’t know but my guess is it might be a Hijra belonging to the Brahim class. I don’t really care that it’s an MTF. Its just goes back to the Bible, and this group of small g Gods mentioned in Genesis 1 that wanted to create man in their own image and is doing what it said in the Bible, I mean it’s literally happening right now word for word. It’s the Wonder Woman that rides the beast in Revelations. I mean I’m not trying to be mean; I have no hatred for them, I just wish they were honest, and came out and where like yeah, we’re the small g gods from Genesis 1, the fallen angels, the cosmic Serpent androgyne divine hermaphrodite that caused the fall of the white man in the Garden of Eden, sorry for going along with the plot to transform humanity into us. And they all just shut down when you want to talk about the truth, so then my minds start playing scenarios, like do they like the deception, do they think they would lose power if they told the truth, do they hate us, did they inject some stuff to sterilize women to make the 2 become 1 ritual which is all tied into 9/11. So, this is not about MTF or FTM to me, it’s about thousands of other things related to this group. Like why you would be standing in front of a Temple of Satan? So, I don’t hate them, it’s just like why are you doing this? You know what I’m trying to say

Air Head
Air Head
2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Rohde

They are no gods. They wish to be perceived as such, as powerful and omnipotent but they are not. All the lies and deception indicate their true nature. Only one type of creature uses such tactics. Parasite. Predator does not need to hide and fabricate false realities, surely nor does god. Smart, yes, but not divine.

Matthew Rohde
Matthew Rohde
2 years ago
Reply to  Air Head

Jesus Christ in John 10 Quotes Psalms 82. Saying does it not say in your scripture, does it not say in your scripture, I have said ye are gods/elohim (of God, in the plural sense angels, judges, magistrates). Yeah, these small g gods are idols, don’t worship them. Look you already know. But people are of God. You are of God. Sorry, but you are of God.

2 years ago

Greta Thunberg Overdrive.

Robert Nichols
Robert Nichols
2 years ago

It’s a big club and YOU MIGHT be in it.

Allen Laux
Allen Laux
2 years ago

I’m starting to see the script, it’s odd most people don’t see or maybe they do and refuse to acknowledge it? I agree all this pushing is causing a greater divide if we would all ignore it I believe it would all disappear..I have to start not getting so caught up in it it’s hard not to.

Ricky Bobo
2 years ago


Henry Bono
Henry Bono
2 years ago

Yes, that you described her as starring in The Truman Show as well, hit me pretty strongly. It’s true! Because I also believe that she is being extremely genuine, and she has swallowed the worldview completely and lives inside of it completely, but she herself is very REAL and true. She is the only real part of it, the conscious person in there! That is profound and opens a huge avenue for compassion in the middle of the retardville that we live in now.

chris kruse
chris kruse
2 years ago

Actually the picture looks better cropped….just sayin’

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

Do I see magenda???

Dear Freevoice Friends,

The symptoms of traumatic brain injury I suffered several months ago have gotten much worse. The docs say it is probably because I am on electronics too much. I have no choice but to get off of it as much as possible. I can no longer engage in conversations with you, but I may occasionally post a brief comment. Thanks so much for treating me with respect, even though I sometimes post unpopular ideas. I do believe this will be good for me as I will be tending more to my prepper stuff and other important things in my life.

Best Regards,


William Lodderhose
2 years ago

I’ve always enjoyed your thoughts and comments, I wish you all the best. Kiara.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
2 years ago

Red and near infrared light has been shown to really help head injuries and are good for a myriad of other things…great for general health. I use one regularly. Ari Whitten has videos and a book on it. Big blessings and May you heal up quickly. ❤️

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

Thanks will look into it!

Sue Newsome
Sue Newsome
2 years ago

Take care Kiara ❤️

Last edited 2 years ago by Sue Newsome
2 years ago

I hope you get better. 🤗💚💚💫

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago

I hope you will feel better, Kiara. I’ve always thought your handle, “Justhere Forthefood,” is pretty funny. Maybe in the future you can listen with the computer or phone on the other side of the room. I’ve heard about other people doing similar things.
Much love and blessings of health, happiness and all good things. 😊💕💕💕🙏

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

Yes I am listening to all the videos. I can get a very limited amount of computer time per day, which I have to use carefully. I think this will be my new normal for a while.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

Thanks everyone!

TC Cummins
TC Cummins
2 years ago

Oh those Normies do love their drama!

Keith Karlinski
Keith Karlinski
2 years ago

Malala is very high on the creep factor.

Keith Karlinski
Keith Karlinski
2 years ago

Of course she walked out to the stage with a mask on.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
2 years ago

Could it be Larry, Curly & Mo in the three seats behind the podium? The ookie spookie creeps need to crawl off somewhere far far away. Gratefully, many of us are nicely tempered and ready and able to deal with the final descent.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

The three big chairs, or “thrones” as we may be meant to perceive them, make their point while empty far better than if they were occupied. As we watch the day’s speaker dwarfed by the giant podium, our eyes fix on those seats and wonder about their purported occupants.

Last edited 2 years ago by Rachel V K
Winston Wu
Winston Wu
2 years ago

How every Chinese and Taiwanese person I know thinks that fictional movies are 100 percent false and contain zero truth? And therefore all fiction is equally false? Their super practical thinking seems to narrow them and limit their beliefs. Do any of you notice that? Not trying to sound racist, but it’s true. I’m Asian myself so I wonder why I am not like the others. In fact, you never even see Asians in the Truth movement, any of you notice that? Are there any other Asians in Matt’s community besides me? The reason is because they always follow what’s practical and see no practical benefit in being a freethinker, only in conformity and obeying authority, because they are 100 percent practical and pragmatic by nature. That’s why you never see Asians in the Truth movement. I’m a rare exception of course. Have you noticed this Matt?

Kirk Oliveri
Kirk Oliveri
2 years ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

A few months ago I was having an interesting conversation with a British dude that had been living in Japan for like 10+ years, initially having gone there as requested by the company he was working for.

I’m American so I have fairly little knowledge of cultures outside of this part of the world, so it was very interesting to hear from another perspective, especially on that had come from a non-asian culture and decided to live as an outsider in an asian country such as Japan.

But I did ask about if there was any sort of “truth” movements that he knew about in that particular culture, and he did say there was, atleast ones that are in the sort of “conspiracy” part where they don’t trust the news and the government and staged events and such like terror attacks on train stations and such.

But overall from what I gleaned when we were talking, and as well as some of my own reading into the Japanese culture atleast, it seems like many Asian cultures, atleast Japanese in this case are much more “hive-mind” and conformist compared to the more “white” western cultures and such.

And not to go overly long with this comment, I can honestly see the downsides and upsides that come with each culture being the way they are. The more “hive-mind” mentality leads to a much more “organized & clean” look from the outside, but is just as dysfunctional when you see from the inside and behind the closed doors, but stuff such as services are much more reliable and assured to be of quality like getting something repaired or food prepared etc.

But with the somewhat less “hive-mind” supposed more “freethinking” cultures comes many dissimilar things when looked at from the outside, but generally the same end results, all have their dysfunction and hypocrisy when viewed at from the inside or behind the proverbial closed doors.

Coming from a bias perspective, I definitely would rather live in the culture I currently do, I would most certainly not want to be apart of the very regulated hive-mind sort of culture that the Japanese children grow up in, but not like the American school system is that much different in the end, all the same sort of brain-washing and end result.

A rabbit hole that I found very interesting to look into was the differences and similarities between the English language and other Asian languages. There are some very weird (but not surprising) “coincidences” to be found when you start reading more into it. I especially find how the use of the term “love” is so different between English and Japanese atleast, English generally having not many ways to describe this thing, but Japanese having a surprising amount of ways to express it in words, similar for other languages as well like Greek. But that’s another topic entirely, just something of similar note I found interesting in my little stint of “research” involving this rabbit hole months back.

Robert Nichols
Robert Nichols
2 years ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

Frank from the NPC show is a Chinese American. He’s on the MAGA side of things though.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

Interesting. I’ve never thought about that before.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
2 years ago

Hey everyone, don’t forget to give Matt a well deserved Christmas gift this season in the form of a donation or tip (whatever you can afford from your heart). He’s provided us tons of insight, wisdom, entertainment, and comic relief this past year to help keep us sane, so he deserves some help from all of his fans. Hope you all will consider it. Thanks.

Last edited 2 years ago by Winston Wu
Sue Newsome
Sue Newsome
2 years ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

I can’t at the mo – as my narc ex will see my bank statement’s- long story – but I do plan on it as soon as my current ‘problems’ are over 👍🏻

2 years ago

Tomorrow another 2 Tons of Coal get delivered, for mothers Oven. Need to create some Space here in the backyard. Thats important now.

Last edited 2 years ago by thorsten
Sue Newsome
Sue Newsome
2 years ago

So she got shot in the head – but no scars or all! and she can speak perfectly normal! 😆 🤡

Sue Newsome
Sue Newsome
2 years ago

Can anyone else see the clown face & Chucky face on the tiles behind her! 😳

TG TheRobot
TG TheRobot
2 years ago

Matt, the marble is from Sweden. One if the hardest marbles in the world. Instead of one nice whole slab, they got the UN Special. Problably leftovers from a tile job in the Sopranos bathroom.

Aruzuru Sama
Aruzuru Sama
2 years ago

The trans army are supposedly obsessed with observing and pointing out all of the m to f quote on quote “hoaxes”, it’s funny Matt when discusses racism he in my opinion is being forced to point it out in his observations because it is present always however he treats it as though this racism as the same “hoax”, I just find that funny, try being black and see what it’s like I am. Racism is very real and I’m not just talking about how I am treated by other groups of people because I am black I’m also talking about due to racism how black people have treated each other regardless of black representation in the notnilc black people in general do not force feed white people these lies and tell their kids what schools they can go to and jobs they can occupy it’s all b******* but that’s not something that’s talked about. Quote on quote ”white people’s” overwhelming representation in the notnilc and In public discourse.

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
2 years ago

So obviously fake. Sometimes I have a 40,000 ft perspective of my 40,000 ft perspective and realize how strange it is to be in the position of seeing how fake everything is.

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
2 years ago

Worse is actually better. Bingo. Exactly.

Tyler Gorton
2 years ago

I recently attempted to engage someone who was hardcore on THE SCIENCE download. I haven’t done an old school social media platform back-and-forth with someone in a long time and I was curious what the result would be. My genuine hope was that the absurdity of the simultaneous, irrational worldwide response to covid would have greased the wheels of cognition just a little bit, perhaps creating a narrow ledge for some much needed leverage. But no. Nothing at all has changed. You can patiently and consistently offer up the most bullet proof examples of the reality breakdown, ask the perfect questions that would—if the other person would only engage sincerely—give them that powerful glimpse through the veil; it’s all for nothing. They just go around in circles, avoiding all the important bits, and pointing out what an uneducated, lazy, ignorant piece of dog turd you are.

The download is palpable. It holds people in a mental cocoon. It would be easy to dismiss them as being some kind of NPC. I don’t think this is the right answer, though. For one thing, that would be putting myself on a pedestal. Even if I’m only a few rungs above someone in terms of “what I can see”, labeling someone who is fully on the download an NPC is claiming superiority. That feels like EXACTLY the kind of thing this reality would want me to do. The concept of the NPC is actually pushed fairly hard by the reality itself. I’m thinking the reality would be quite pleased if we dismissed everyone on the download us sub-creatures… as vacated NPCs who exist here only to make the “real boys and girls” more lost and confused.

I think people on the download are real people with real souls. There is no other way for me to view them because in my youth, I was on the download too. I’m not saying I never get fooled anymore, that nothing in this false reality has it’s hooks in me… I’m just pointing out that if I was fully on the download, if there was a time when I essentially looked out at the world construct and took it at face value… then all these other people could potentially have their breakthrough moment. Just like anything, there are likely levels to being on the download. There could be some so deep down in that web of deception that nothing in this lifetime can ever break them free of it. That still doesn’t make them an NPC… it makes them a lost soul. For me, at least, it is important to remember that.

2 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Gorton

Brilliant comment. I love humor.
You see through the deceptions that are dangerous for us, it’s sad that half of our people fall for it.
I also prefer to think of people outside of our circle as real. For the same reason as you. That state of mind keeps me more grounded. More in life, more connected to life.
I still struggle with it on a practical level, but I have a clearer understanding of myself and everything else in general.
With that understanding, I would say to anyone who has hit rock bottom:

Don’t accept belief systems of other people that make you feel hopeless and detached from life. That cannot be your life path. Also your own wrong belief sets make you suffer.
Take a really good, close look at the belief systems you hold onto. 

I had to let go of my own foolishness and weakness to be in a stronger place in which I am now. 
It takes time to gain a higher point of view and grow. So be gentle with yourself. 
We always suffer because of the weak and underdeveloped parts of ourselves.
Most people are like flies without a head, buzzing around and causing far more trouble than good.

Tyler Gorton
2 years ago
Reply to  Spaghetti

Good stuff.
I’m slowly but surely realizing I don’t do myself any favors by expecting to overcome a lifetime of nonsense instantly. I know where I ultamitley should be in terms of self-reliance and removing myself from the nonsense machine. I know the things I should be deleting from my days and the things I should be dedicating more time to. It’s about moving the right direction rather than achieving everything all at once.

Gary Lewis
Gary Lewis
2 years ago

Just a general question for anyone who feels like answering:
What percentage of the population is truly on the path of awakening? The path of course is never ending (from my perspective).
I’d like to think maybe 2 or 3 % but I’m leaning more toward 1%.

Tyler Gorton
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary Lewis

This is actually a rural vs. urban equation. Most people continuing to live in a big city after recent events are fully “on the download” with little chance of an awakening. Currently, about 20% of people on Earth live in rural areas. The bald truth is, those living rural make up the vast majority of those who have escaped the download (for obvious reasons).

So… I’m going to completely disagree with your 1% assessment. I’d say, worldwide, we’re looking at something like 15% of people who are “awake” or at least flirting with an awakening.

That’s still a crazy low number, but 1%? Come on. that’s a bit much.

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
2 years ago
Reply to  Gary Lewis

A small percentage but increasing exponentially at the subconscious level. The fun starts with the massive emergence into the conscious when things previously hidden or forbidden are perceived as common knowledge. That’s when the dam breaks.

Mark Wigler
2 years ago

Donald J. Trump isn’t a big fan of that green marble tile either…

“Nearly a decade later he still appeared unsatisfied with the building’s appearance, scoffing at the iconic emerald marble on the speaker’s rostrum inside the General Assembly hall.
“The cheap 12 inch sq. marble tiles behind speaker at UN always bothered me,” he tweeted in 2012. “I will replace with beautiful large marble slabs if they ask me.””

jamie ower
jamie ower
2 years ago

I agree with you 100% about the marble background; that shit definitely has some occult importance to them.

Lizzie Ball
Lizzie Ball
2 years ago

Malaaalas voice. I’m confirms that this reality is ridiculous. And s of fake. Notnilcs sense of humour.

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