Give Matt a Tip:
Per the Agenda 2030 stuff, sure, they want large population centers and they don’t want anyone but themselves owing any significant land. However, it seems clear they won’t use the EXISTING big cities as these future population centers, because they are obviously working to turn the big cities of the West into hell-holes!
Isn’t that cheesesteak place the one where the owner gave cheese whiz to non-english speaking customers? You could order any type of cheese you want in English, no english, you get the whiz.
Ok now. whatever happened to white people? I mean isn’t it the United States?
No, as the “United States” is a corporation. The people that live in America here have no affiliation whatsoever with that corporation.
There are none. If you are white, you’re a supremacist, a white bread lame-ass vanilla flavored supremacists, bleach boy. You wanna know how I know? Well the physically manifested visual characteristics that this meat suit exhibits are: hairy, light colored complexion with blue eyes, male pattern baldness (so I shave it) topped off with a face that E! or Vanity Fair Magazines would consider to be very unfortunate looking, and speak with a vocabulary that is barely beyond “modern” day 12th grade. Well, those are all my own personal conjecture of what I surmise is the opinion of those external to myself. What is not conjecture is that I have been asked/called a white supremacist due to that. So, there are no white people. There are Everyone or, you’re a white supremacist. Sounds crazy but…. Well, you are here. Here we are. ROFL!
cheese steak to die for!
Escape from St. Louis – a lot of Escape from New York was shot in my hometown STL when I was 20yrs old.
Bernardi (production designer, Escape from New York) suggested East St. Louis because it was filled with old buildings “that exist in New York now, and [that] have that seedy run-down quality” that the team was looking for. East St. Louis, sitting across the Mississippi River from the more prosperous St. Louis Mo., had entire neighborhoods burned out in 1976 during a massive urban fire. Hill said in an interview, “block after block was burnt-out rubble. In some places, there was absolutely nothing, so that you could see three and four blocks away.” Also, Alves found an old bridge to serve as the “69th St. Bridge”. The filmmaker purchased the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge for one dollar from the government and then gave it back to them, for the same amount, once production was completed, “so that they wouldn’t have any liability,” Hill remembers. Locations across the river in St. Louis were used, including Union Station and the Fox Theatre, both of which have since been renovated, Schlafly Tap Room microbrewery.
I wonder if these guys know the commodores?
I’m from St. Louis too, basically there is no reason to go down there unless for a sporting event, but even then you park go to the event and then get straight back in the car and go home or hang out somewhere outside the city
Hey Joseph, I moved back here (across the river this time) almost 10 years ago. Before that, I tried to make a difference, opened a couple business’ in downtown back in the early 90s and so forth. You’re right it’s gotta a little weird there now.
Another great poster from ya William… funny my band as played a gig or two at the Tap room brewery, back when we were touring cross country. Look us up people’s, even use clips of our songs and videos if you want. Band = Robot Jurassic YouTube channel = The Gutterlung Collective.
thanks, Tap Room that takes me back to the 90s when I had created a business (we were neighbors) I was just around the corner on Washington Ave., about a block from City Museum.
Do you think ‘The Revelation of the Method’ is at play in all this?
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy, all play and no work make Jack a delusional asshole.
Lemme git a cheesesteak wit an AR-15 homie.
Living in S Florida down town areas are discussing and it’s all luxury apartments that I have no idea how any locals can afford to live in or want to live in. Decent working man’s small suburb house cost $700K again no idea how anyone local can buy that.
Notnilc wants separation so I see they are only building town homes/condos with HOA boards. What does that do? Those boards make a million silly by-law rules and when you park you car wrong or have a garden plant on your front porch, you will find a violation letter in your mail box, email, and taped to your door threatening fines etc. Also you might have someone chasing you down to let you know you violated something silly. Everyone is scared of everyone in those communities because no one knows who the trouble making by-law code enforcers are. They breed ugly non sociable communities. They way of the future
If I had to guess I’d say about 90% are snitches. I was blown away working a corporate advertising job in a massive sky-scraper, amazed how many of my co-workers were snitches. It took me a few years but when the dust settled – yep about 90% sold their souls.
The “dystopian future” has been a primary trope of science fiction throughout the twentieth century. Just like “outer space”, “asteroid collisions” with Earth (a “globe”), and “aliens” (from outer space). I suspect an evil plot. I haven’t even got to “cop/law” shows, “medical dramas”, or the horror genre yet. No wonder people are messed up.
I used to get a little bummed out by this, however, lately (last few years) I’m really getting a kick out of just how twisted it’s all become. As a truther, this place is dripping with NOTnilc conspiracy and snitches who used to be family, friends, neighbors. I’m really getting my money’s worth now, thanks NOTnilc.
Just remember… when you actually thank the Notnilc… you are actually thanking the lesser half of You… that you bare supposedly to try to drop or filter the better half out of.
I was being sarcastic – I forgot to add my standard “lol” at the end, my bad.
I am not retiring in the States. This palce is crazy.
Hi Matt, I’m sticking it out in LA for the time being. Melrose Place looks like a ghost town now too. Never would have imagined it.
I worked out there for years, can’t believe how fast it’s all gone down the toilet, Calgon take them away…..
Maybe the “S.M.A.R.T. ” cities are not being constructed on the surface. With much ado about underground installations, it may be possible they are being prepared to serve the purpose. For the herds would be easy to corral into an underground facility when it’s no longer safe on the surface. Just release the space aliens with DEW weapons narrative and it’s a done deal for the Aunt Ginneys of the world. Just more “horse-shiiit” I know. Let’s not forget, “Truth is stranger than fiction.” Have fun everyone. Cheers Matt.
See movie: A Boy and His Dog…
The real movie stars Don Johnson
Sooooo, you may still get killed while in the long that wraps around the block, but not on the restaurant. Perfect 🙄
Here’s what’s happening in the cities: (20997) Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (1972) Official Trailer # 1 – Roddy McDowall – YouTube
I used to walk down Telegraph Avenue in the late 90s just to look at the freak show, and it was LIVE. Now you can’t even see THAT. Bo-RING.
All the armed guards – reminds me of the Philippines. Most stores there have guards. Lol – Cheese Wiz is considered a staple of life there.
Fetterman has gotten more coherent and stronger looking. They say it’s his recovery, but I’ve never seen a recovery from a stroke that erases the tatoos from arms like his recovery has erased his…
Has anyone ever received a comment from Matt McKinley on any of his videos since he started posting these on free voice? I commented 2 years ago and now I’m commenting now but I can look back and don’t think he ever responds to anyone’s comments has anyone ever received a response? And if no one has received any responses from Matt, does this bother anyone else? How do we know that Matt is not part of the propaganda if this isn’t real? The only responses ever come from Rob and now I remember Rob is the creator of this platform I think? Well,, I was going to respond to Matt’s comment about people that are perpetrating such events not being like us not being the same kind of people that we are. I had it thought that possibly it is just the same human race that we are only when we used to be extremely advanced in the past people still had this huge ego system problem and they split and the people with the most advancements made it impossible for the people with the least advancements to have the same DNA profiles and use their brains properly we were limited in our advancements taken away so that they could dominate us and rule over us as Lords and gods leave books lying around everywhere that tell us what to do so that we can read them and Obey them so I’m thinking you know there’s definitely a different way out of here then just death and recycle
There’s a software situation that prevents “instant” monitoring / responses, etc., That plus Matt works so many hours a week producing this much material, if you really want more back and forth I would say go to his YT. However, this FV gives so much more freedom for content, that’s why I like it.
Unless you’ve worked in the field, it’s tough to tell how difficult it is to produce so much work. I think some people think because a vid is an hour long, then Matt has so much free time, etc. I produce a lot of art, more than most ad agencies going back decades (that is), yet the final product doesn’t always seem so time consuming to the viewer, take care Keri.
Matt stopped replying to comments on real voice over 2 years ago. Unless it’s a comment that is so profound that invokes a response from him he doesn’t reply. He still replies on Youtube though
No excused for this comment… go back and watch amd listen to his stuff, …. ive been with QOC since 2014… the end of the Texas Shrugged… take others, our !!! Tge communities”” “Word for it””… , if you can’t even trust the presentation from the original owner and the one expressing himself as just a True Man !!!. …. no Jedi ring for you yet.
Wow Texas Shrugged so you’ve been here awhile, cool.
And another pure reason… he don’t have the time!!! Period hahahahahaha. For reals, we email eachother all the time… he does give certain people the time, the long haul folks. The ones that actually listened and can contribute.
remember hurricane Katrina…”looters will be shot on sight!”
The Notnilc programmed outcome is a federal police force. The looting and wild wild west atmosphere is to bring in a federal police force to ‘keep us safe’. Of course all federal police forces are to protect the govt from the people.
Can anybody guess who is going to usher in the era of the American gestapo?
“The best way to control the opposition is to lead the opposition.”
Hell ya Matt, I like me a philly cheesesteak after 5 beers too!
Hey Matt, it’s Jeremy. Whenever you talk about “them” coming back into another body I think about the movie called “Being John Malkovich”. You ever seen it? It’s a mind bender. Even more so if an individual knows it’s a truth drop. Soul transfer “technology” or technique… IDK man. I reckon after this iteration… We’re done. Thanks Matt!
I’d like to share something I recently wrote, hope you guys like it…
Truther Rabbit
One shot makes you larger
And one shot makes you small
And the ones Pfizer gives its employees
Don’t do anything at all
Go ask Fauci
‘Cause he has no soul
And if you go chasing the crowd
Mass formation psychosis
Tell ‘em a hookah-smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
His name is Klaus Schwab
And he’s in for a fall
When the men on the chessboard
Roll out their CBDCs
And you’ve just had your account frozen
And your family needs to eat
Go ask Yellen
I think she’ll know
When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And Biden is talking backwards
And Trudeau says “Off with your head”
Remember what the tribe has said
Keep your head
Keep your head
Keep your head
For all you young folks, this is based on Grace Slick’s “White Rabbit,” a classic of the 60’s…sorry about all the spaces, it’s hard to get things to copy the way you want. BTW, Pfizer admitted they gave their employees a special batch of the V but of course didn’t explain why. I actually wrote this for Chris Martenson and the members of Peak Prosperity-we call ourselves the “tribe.” I personally handed it to him the weekend before last, at his annual conference at his farm in Massachusetts. He’s a great guy, gave me a hug. Oh…they killed a rabbit, you guys shoulda been there!
Feel free to share if you wish. Oh yeah, New York is going to the dogs too, I’m tryna get my mother in law outta there….and myself out of dodge too.
Just found out O’Hare airport in Chicago has a large area partitioned off for illegals who are sleeping on the floor. Look up Ghetto News Network on YouTube to see it for yourself. Of couse, the guy taking the video was thrown out. We’re not supposed to know this stuff.
Where are they getting all those spray cans from with all the stores closed?