This long presentation explores the characteristics of reality that lead me to the conclusion that the world itself, is not very real. (I understand how crazy that may sound!)
The sheer number of “conspiracy topics” put in front of researchers gives the nature of reality away. No “normal world” could float this many breadcrumbs in front of people to pursue.
Not only is the amount of conspiracy in this world unnatural, the fact that each group believes they are getting to the truth (over other groups,) means the tactics on how it tricks human beings is supernatural and outside the bookends of our understanding, employing techniques we can’t comprehend.
I again ask people to see that its schemes are beyond what regular men and women could pull off.
Bigfoot designed all the ancient architecture
Helped by Transgender Elvis Presley, of course.
Kamala H as well
Hey man Big foot is real I seen it , more of a spirit though
Maybe there are portals or some type of doorways different creatures or whatever can pop in & out of?
maybe…yet the yeti seems to leave its form of scat….some say that if you use it for fertilizer…it will by eat what you grew with it.. massive amounts of thick hair will begin to grow
Hi, Tom. As a child I was terrified pf bigfoot. lol
There has been a surge in new Bigfoot/Sasquatch info coming out lately. Similar to mud flood
Spot on @Tom May – He caused the mudfloods using his active plasma weaponry, built all of the ancient marvels of the Earth and then sat down and smoked a joint with tranny Elvis. The Transpacalypse is real lol. I’m not one of those nuts, but when you really go looking into the anatomical characteristics of Hollywood personalities, you can find some weird stuff that begs the question; are there any biological male actors left in Hellyweird or is the Gay Mafia just running the world like they have since the days of Phoenicia when they invented commerce and CURSive and SPELLing? Queer as a three dollar bill. Gay as a pink handgun. Not that there’s anything wrong with that lol. I’m from Seattle. I don’t like the weaponized transexualization and the homosexual culture is pretty much appalling to me, but what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes is none of my business. I just don’t want the government paying for doctors to turn children’s genitals inside out. And I don’t want to turn on my television only to see a bunch of men dressed up as women acting out their favorite stereotypes of females. Only an actor based reality this fake could be THIS full of trannies lol. “Caitlyn” Jenner is about to run for governor if they do a recount or revote in California, and they’ll probably elect her. Politrix is one of the gayest things in this clown show. A bunch of closet homos left and right on Capitol Hill. Jus’ sayin’… Bigfoot man, BIG… FOOT…
So ready to listen to this. I appreciate your work Matt!
Hi, Lindsey, I am busy these days and it can take me a week to listen to it (twice usually).
Matt, what if 1.25 is the only speed that feels right for the processor speed in a particular person’s head? You know that ALL variations of both intellect and empathy exist. Some people are high in one, low in the other, but, rare people do exist that are both. Don’t be upset if a conehead eats a whole sub sandwich in five seconds. We come from france.
What if if was a fifth? We’d all be taking shots. What if wishes were fishes? We’d all be eating dinner. What if your brother was your sister? We’d all be hitting on her.
I wouldn’t get irked at Matt’s suggestion that you actually listen to this at normal speed. If I disagreed I’d simply disregard it, listen as I wanted to, and move on. The man has done a great deal of work for and with us and asks very little from his audience. I’m more than happy to listen in real time at his suggestion. I think you might be able to get the same insight from listening at 1.25: but it’s also very possible that you may not. Not worth it in order to save 35 minutes. Not for me at least.
Thanks, Matt and much appreciated! Looking forward to listening.
Been listening to you for about 3yrs. now and have learned alot keep up the great work
Many Thanks
Matt, the game is constantly changed intentionally so that there are NO masters that ruin the game for everyone else. This IS a holidec.
But why do you think some of us are being let in on the absurdity? And why now? Why did they up to know do such a good job at presenting this reality as real, or at least a good job at having us believe it to be completely real; only to now very wrecklessly, like with complete abandon, show us how utterly fake it is. And as if that weren’t enough, to show us that it has a warped sense of humour about how it presents this covfefe we refer to as our reality ?
Perhaps it’s what we choose to see and self reinforce. Maybe it’s us waking up that’s breaking the dream down (like Inception) I’ve thought from being about 5 that something wasn’t right about this place, perhaps this is our ultimate test to rise above it. Maybe we see the coding in the matrix others don’t, but perhaps reality is a dream shattering illusion or maybe just works in its own best interests regardless of what we wish for/see?
I believe it may have something to do with facing fear or overcoming fear, and maybe also forgiving things that seem unforgiveable.
I think it’s some kind of simulation because the images thru my binoculars are two dimensional and artificial
Simon,, I’ve also felt this way since early childhood.
I’ve asked myself this – why have I been allowed to see through the veil? And i really did – i left my reality and went into another dimension while on my way to make a coffee – no drugs nothing, just out of body for several minutes in this other place. There was more to this, but why? Well, speaking for myself and a general feeling i get from TC, many of us have lived extremely difficult lives, and my life got so difficult i don’t think i could have kept going, were i not to know what i know now. I’m not saying this is for everyone, but for me, that’s why i think i was allowed to see – there is a point to all this, not just pointless suffering.
There has to be. Otherwise there’s depravity beyond comprehension.
Yes, I was on the verge many times and developed new perspectives and insights. I was ready when I fell down my first rabbit hole four years ago. I was ready to listen and learn. It scared off my bf who said I might never come back if I kept going with the stuff! I was getting answers to existential and even practical questions so I didn’t stop. I took a break for a year, but with COVID I knew where I could turn for some real answers. Now, like Matt, I’m realizing that it’s the “why” that matters most. My spiritual life is very fulfilling. And my life is good. I can accept that now. Not looking or needing drama…the former mainstay of this reality. Happy to have real community. Not usually a joiner or member of any club.
The same reason God spoke to Noah before the flood in the Bible. Did God speak to Noah in a literal sense or through his inner knowing or spirit?
It’s also possible that there was a Bible of sorts in those days that had spoken of a flood and destruction of mankind even if only in a cryptic way. I would imagine he spotted plenty of truth drops and prepared to the best of his ability. Noah might have had 10, 20 or 30 years studying before he made the decision to build that ark. Churches and followers of religion like to keep things simple, if people think for themselves they don’t need to pay for church leaders to tell them what to do.
Thank you!
umm…isn’t it funny the monolithic religions are all based on a cannibalistic blood ritual model of reality?
And very few ever question…
“Drink my blood… eat my flesh….”
It works though. Cast out a demon in the name of Bob Dobbs and it’s not really gonna go anywhere. Cast it out in the name of Jesus Christ and it will kick rocks immediately. You can attempt to explain that away but I’ve found that people who doubt this claim typically lack personal experience to verify the veracity of my claim. I don’t know if God sacrificed himself to himself to save us from himself. That being said, if he did I am gonna make damn sure that I read the book that he wrote and somehow a bunch of Satanists translated and added to / subtracted from, but somehow when I pray to the God of the bible I reach a being of unimaginable love. Not a blood sucking evil deity out to eat my fear, but a loving father watching his son struggle through life and just wanting to help. IDK, that’s just what I think and what I’ve experienced.
I had a seriously hard time with the blood sacrifice thing. God gave me the inner knowing that this was either a metaphor, or if he actually did it that I would have absolutely no frame of reference for his reasons why. I realized that it’s not really my business if God killed his kid, his concern is that I would have a relationship with him and live the way that he’d like us to. Not that I do some ritual with wine and crackers. That is symbolic of all types of stuff as is much of the Bible. Say what you want about the God of the Bible but I’ve thought gnostically, Atheistically, Hindu, Buddhist, you name it, and the Y#WH / Jehovah / God of the Bible is the realest and most effective presence / being that I’ve ever communicated with. It says in there that God simply wants us to accept the sacrifice he made, it doesn’t say that we should keep doing blood sacrifices, it says that Jesus paid that debt so if it was a true sacrifice, then luckily we don’t have to worry about it anymore lol.
Amen, what’s not to agree with, although brief and but a crumb of a thought, the premise accepts, The Inherent reality of Our situation, and in the face of most often insanity still calls for reason kindness, and Spiritual minded ness, we all live together on /in a Spiritual, Electrical, Plain, eternally, their for perfection and forgiveness must be accepted or the friction within the member will ignite the realm alight again. ( Day, Night The Endless Torment spoken of in what is to be Truth which is ultimate authority written down. But I die Jest LOL!🎺👑🧙♂️⚡🧔⚔😈🔑⚡😈🔥⚡🌠💎☄🧙♂️👼⏳⚡🌹🙈🙉🙊⚰☠🏴🤴🤴✌☯☮🦨💨😂
The Bible is the greatest story ever told. I love that book, and I love God. I know the whole thing sounds kooky but there is honestly something to the grace salvation and the holy name of Jesus Christ. I’m not holding him up as some blood sacrifice / egregore. I don’t know what happened way back then, I wasn’t there and the metaphor of divinity living in a sinless fashion and sacrificing itself to itself to save us from itself is somehow a totally real thing as far as I can tell. LoL that’s the name of my youtube channel. As far as I can tell. That’s all this conspiracy game is. Me saying what I think, and people look at me like I’m absolutely insane for doing so. I’m not shutting up though. It’s too late. I’m prolly on every list of open minded thinkers that they’d like to STFU or keep an eye on. I know that my Father is in heaven and so I don’t worry too much about this place and the dirty sleazy tranny Satanists that run it. I like what you said about Noah. Probably inner knowing. That’s how God usually communicates with me. I haven’t had a burning bush, not yet at least.
Maybe some of us, our perception changed because the planet’s have changed kinda along the line’s of the age of Aquarius? I really know very little about that stuff, just a thought. But the planet’s & stars Sun & Moon seem to have been extremely important to ancient cultures of the past, I’ve noticed looking into Antiquity it always seems to be a running theme in everything? Once again I don’t know, just a thought?
That’s an interesting point! I never occurred to me to research what Age of Aquarius actually is about
I think that there is some type of administrator / creator who created this place / system that we live in / on and I do believe it to have supernatural and quite possibly omnipotent power. I haven’t seen it pick up a mountain and plant it in the sea, but I have had serious dialogs and conversations with God and it’s my innerstanding that there is a God, it’s not me, and it is by far more powerful and masterful than I am in this state. Perhaps it’s different in the ether, perhaps this is a holodeck. I’ll take the grace salvation offered by the bible in the meantime and I’ll interrogate Jesus before entering the tunnel. I have been lied to so much, I honestly think that they had to put the bible out and basically put the entire truth of the resets / ancient civilizations / esoteric knowledge for those of us who are discerning enough to actually read it to spiritually evolve.
Others in this community tell me that I shouldn’t fear God. I beg to differ. I live in awe of the grace and power of the creator of me and everything around me, I would be silly to not be afraid of a “master” or “creator”. You can play the game however you want, but Occam’s razor would lead you to believe that the Bible is somehow almost entirely true and we’re living in the thousand years of deception mentioned in revelation. I went down the path of thinking gnostically, thinking I was a God, etc, etc, etc, and in my experience; there is only one God. He came to Earth, possibly as a man, or maybe a metaphor named Jesus Christ or Yeshua and sacrifice himself to himself to save us from himself. I know it sounds messed up and insane, but look around you. We basically live in hell. These are not the end of the days, these are the last days. I recommend you take Fox’s Bet and you accept the grace salvation offered in the Bible, or at least read it. If you’re on to the fact that they don’t let us evolve to mastery, you must realize that there’s something to the idea that we once could, and did. I think the Bible, proper diet, spiritual maintenance, etc allowed people like Jesus, the early Hebrews, Christians etc to live supernaturally long lives. I know you’re talking about the “they” changing the game constantly and you’re correct. I just got lost in a rant about God. I’m not trying to be evangelistic. I’m simply sharing my own personal experience. I think there is an administrator or master of this place, it’s just not a human. It’s probably a psychic autonomous entity. It may have a body, it may have trillions of bodies, it’s probably beyond matter. IDK if that helped or confused you but I hope it was the former lol. 🙂
Wanna understand the pandemic? Look up, Johns Hopkins University Spars 2025 Pandemic. Then, Season 4 and 5 of Z Nation, horrible show for normies, but I found it to be funny.
Wow I have totally thought the same thing about the Einstein picture!
No no, not Tom and Jerry causing the Bolshevic revolution, it was Ben and Jerry bringing about the Spinsters’ solution. Matt truth drop at the very end about “us” and not “them!” Sadly lead singer had an “untimely death.”
Thoughts are faster then light
Excellent point! If there is no separation, perhaps there is no speed, merely just the illusion of moving through the matrix.
Maybe the speed of light is a Trick as well? A light is either on or off just a thought, Alot of people say light is a Frequency so faster than the speed of a frequency what if some frequencies are way faster than others?
quantum sensing
Hey Matt, I’m right there with you. Nothing is real and I’m having fun with it.. 🙂
Hi Marie,
Do you live in Jupiter Florida? I lived there and miss living there.
In “World on a Wire”(spoiler) the poor character Einstein knew he was in a simulation. He begged the programmer to take him into the real world and the programmer said it wasn’t possible. Out of desperation he refused to believe and somehow found a way.
I wonder if that’s a clue for us? There’s a lot of information on yt, fb about manifestation, and the media seems to have a lot invested in making everyone believe their narrative, probably in order to continue reality continued to be manifested according to their narrative. Without our collective belief; it ceases to exist.
The information about Law of Attraction manifestation says that belief manifests reality. Maybe not able to escape the simulation but we may have the ability to manifest a different reality. A parallel but far removed, universe. The multiverse theory makes sense to me.
Alright guys here we go ☺️
it is funny when you say getting the download/ for myself I was unaware of covid until someone called to cancel a birthday party weeks well into / i really dont remember anyone calling me about it-probably because i would have rightly dismissed it (i dont watch nor read the news) wondering if this could be a commonality
I found out when a friend texted me and couldn’t believe I didn’t know. LOL I completely dismissed it and pretty much still do.
I went into almost catatonic panic because I felt reality just went off the rails.
Awsom Matty thx
It’s time to share tricks and tips we all have to use reality’s absurdity for our benefit
Well one thing I started a year ago is a Covid Chronicles journal. Just in case history is magically overwritten….I would hope a handwritten book in my room doesn’t get Mandela’d the fukk off the reality spectrum and I’ll have it to look back upon in years to come
It tells the main highlights all this past year from when toilet paper sold out to school closings to everyone was zooming masked up and staying in….. My tiny town was scarcely affected at all and for that blessing I got the opposite when my hubby’s mom passed away n they marked her down as a Covid death of course which was a damned lie. Just think a moment and imagine how illegal that is! Falsified documents that’ll go into our family bible for generations…..all a lie. Great grandkids will one day believe their ancestor died of the great worldwide pandemic of 2020-21.
And she didn’t. She was 89. Alzheimer’s for 12 yrs and her pacemaker battery ran out in 2018. Plus what I think rushed her the rest of the way to the grave was the nursing home having isolated the patients for her ten months. Alone all day in a room in her wheelchair parked in front of CNN. No calls cause she was nonverbal. No visitors after she was accustomed to regular friends and family popping in. No dayroom. No dining room to even hang out with other patients. I won’t even tell you the disgust I felt at what we were Allowed to have , as a “funeral”– when this FINE LADY I loved with all my heart paid ten thousand in advance for a proper funeral n burial, years ago when her kids were grown.
Anyway that’s my main gripe, over this past year. Feel free to share what’s going on with you.
Hey, feel free to share a pdf of that historic document/testimony that you are creating.
That treatment is evil
If the reality has the ability to produce the things I experience in the sky and elsewhere, then it operates at an even higher level than we could imagine. It would seem to be more of a lucid dream than any reality.
That’s what howdie mckoski calls it — the Dream and I am just dead sure I misspelled the man’s name. Check out his channel if you haven’t Thus far. I’m learning a ton from his work as well.
Howdie is brilliant, I’ve learned a great deal about myself from his wonderful videos. A really interesting thing is practising gratitude, which has had some amazing results. I think at times the universe gives us exactly what we need, no more, no less.
I feed a number of stray cats in my area, I feel closer to them than most people. Been using the food my little fuss pot turned her nose up at a while back but it was running low. I’m unemployed and about 2 weeks away from my next payment and been worrying about it. I was talking to the cats and saying we’d have to stretch it out or need a miracle. Low and behold my neighbour turns up today with a big bag of kitty food and I nearly sobbed with gratitude to the universe.
My life is one string of such synchronicities at the moment and I’m working hard on creating a place of beauty and tranquility around me. Think it’s telling me I’m on the right path 😊
Yes when you’re doing God’s work as in taking care of God’s creations, God will help you with that when you need it. I’ve even experienced this when dire healing was necessary to keep an animal alive. I just let the healing come right through my hands, it was right before my eyes. So cool.
Someone on Matt’s yt video wrote something I believe profound:
We have learned or heard by different about law of attraction,manifestation is possible, because our subconscious can’t tell the difference between an imagined fantasy/i.e. using our imagination, dream, and reality.
The comment I read on Matt’s yt video,a couple of days ago, stated,that it’s because subconscious knows that Imagined reality, dream reality, and actual reality….THEY ARE ONE IN THE SAME.
I forgot the exact phrasing, it was either subconscious knows that dream and reality are the same thing or that imagined reality and actual reality are the same thing.
And remember Einstein quote?
Reality is an illusion; although (or, al be it)a persistent one.
Something Jay Weidner recalled a little while back re: the lucid dream…Jay was recalling a conversation he had years ago with someone who had a large library of esoteric books and materials. Jay said this gentleman asked Jay: (I’m paraphrasing) “You know the difference between you and me? I’m lucid dreaming all of this reality.”
Hi Matt you’re the only youtuber I literally can’t wait for new videos. Not sure what it is about u. Thinking outside the box, sense of humor, just a super soothing voice, cat lover to boot. Love you Matt.
This reality went from bad to worse.
What are your disagreements? Let’s discuss
As regards globe earth. Keep in mind NASA created outta numerology their assumed measurements for the globe model which makes their math in some cases come out perfectly. But it’s always based on formulas that assume at least one of the variables and take it as fact.
But beyond that. … Just like with Covid I can tell the globe model is not correct as presented to us by science because I can walk out my doorway and see now , just since Christmas of 2018 for me (can’t swear it’s anyone else’s experience) that the three stars of orion’s belt were directly above my head and 20° north- northwest of True north in the night sky at 8 pm over Iowa in December. Now ALLLL my life those three stars were in that position only around 11pm in August of the summer night sky over Iowa. When I saw it I was stunned and have paid close attention ever since, to all things sky and stars, sun, moon related and I can give you at 3 years subsequent of that event probably sixty fucked up examples. Stuff that is not accounted for and could Never happen if our solar system is as it’s presented to us via science.
So kinda like when you see Mandela Effect right before your eyes on something physical that you’re looking at awake Alive with your own eyes you now Know, the system is incorrect.
Flat earth models have all had a million things just as wrong and I don’t think the main flat earth YouTube cast of characters are anything more than paid performers at this point even if they started out as honest truth searchers.
It’s all so crazy and my big question is always why now? I too have a family tree book matt. Actually my uncle wrote two books in the 80s tracing our ancestral genealogy right back to england and czechoslovakia …. Back past plymouth rock and roanoke and the iroquois nation and all this….. Novels. Not just who was born and who married whom. But my point is those books do not mention a major “reset” other than immigration from all over the world coming to america for freedom , and to flee an oppressive or poverty stricken land. Nothing about ancient building’s and how they got built or whether incoming european ppl even wondered ….nothing about Reality breaking down… Nothing about nothing except interesting little family stories, some quite dramatic and heart wrenching.
Why us and why NOW? The simple answer is something cyclical is taking place and our species is evolving spiritually or the universe is changing therefore truth is spilling out right when some of we humans are awakening enough to percieve parts of it all.
Thanks so much matt. I hope bootsy recovers quickly and with ease after the dental appointment. Blessings from Brooklyn. You’re a great Soul Matt.
If I was on the bubble for a reality to be able to show both sides of an argument, I am no longer on the bubble. I am in the FE camp, but retrograde does fit perfectly in a globe model.
Hey Matt i had mentioned on your page it’s like office space damn it feels good to be a gangster…I said that should be your opening theme…the youtube video from rogue is perfect too …someone who hit nail on head with a comment …when you realize the only thing holding you back from freedom is your mind… He comes in like with the drill and he’s like taking apart his cube/prison, or when the guy from downstairs yells he’s like don’t worry I won’t tell anybody and his friends are like who is that he’s like oh he’s cool don’t worry about him I think that’s kind of representative of the devil lol, and then the last one he said what would you do to his neighbor if you won ten million dollars and he’s like you know whatever do two chicks and then he goes I would do nothing… and the neighbor is like you don’t need 10 million dollars to do nothing…that like just says it all..
Another example it’s always sunny when Charlie is looking for pepe silvia in the mailroom and it’s philadelphia but he can’t read lol… but he’s got this entire chart on the whiteboard…he’s convinced that carole human resources and everyone knows pepe silvia…lol……and he’s talking to a columbo type detective and macks like who are you talking to…he created an entire reality I’m this small mailroom, and in the meantime nobody got their mail.
It’s symbolic kind of of the time we waste exploring these conspiracies and in the meantime the importance of what really matters falls to the wayside .
I hardly watch any tv or movies…attention span won’t allow it lol… And I don’t like any from today lol…but always sunny/office space is the best …kitten mittens you’ll be smitten lol one day I’d like to analyze momento another great movie….
Spot on, and I love how you’ve parabled it into the ice cream shop that only has everyone’s favorite flavor. It’s not a holodeck though, it’s a time war, the extra evidence is easily accounted for when considering we have multiple pasts intertwining…. some of our children are coming back and telling us about flat earth which we misunderstand to be 3d not 4d, some are coming back and warning about their various perceived enemies… some are returning and being the perceived enemies of others…. some appear to be ET simply because of genetical engineering… all are trying to help, but we’ve only just left the eye and are well within the temporal storm…. batten down the hatches, is the message I receive.
I have been studying truth for a really long time & I also had a moment when I believed
every source of conventional truth was a lie/truth duality.
So, Jesus Christ, is so hidden in plain sight that the sophisticated truther would write him
write off as apart of the screen quickly. So, lets zoom in… I went deep on this. The evangelical movement was a CIA operation, to create a standardized lessor copy of God.
Satanist are very real, worship, and believe in Satan.Satanist stay away from geographies with too many Christians (Two whistle blowers exposed this; John Tod& John Ramirez). The
reason was that they can’t operate for what I consider, miraculous reasons.
The Catholic Church changed scripture at the council of Nicea, but the 47 or so translators encrypted hardcore hidden teachings in plain sight and the Jesuits and Zionist along with King James didn’t catch the encryption and very few people have done so.
Jesus name is Yeshua which is Hebrew for salvation. Jesus translates to Le Zeus+Hail Zeus, but Jesus was am actual person who walked the earth, and this is undisputable amongst Atheist Historians. Also the papacy got some Dutch Nobel named, Cesar Borgia, to be the fake face of Jesus who most people are familiar with.
This reality seems to be anti-christ in many ways and Christ warned against the Rulers, and supernatural evils. The authorities rejected Jesus.
So, the super hidden teaching in the bible is that every living being on earth is like a pot and inside the pot there exist a hidden life. You are dead until you come alive. If you come alive from within you are no longer dead. You came to life in the spirit through a free gift that was paid for with a martyrs death, so now when your flesh dies, your good.
The pharisees really wanted to block this teaching and you will not be hearing this from the Pagan Catholic mother worshiping church. So the bible, if you read it on one or multiple levels you’ll realize it’s a message wiith instructions on how to survive earth and come to life because even if your alive your dead if you don’t come to life in the spirit. Jesus also shows how the mases pick good over evil and kill good, and Jesus shows that you can’t kill the spirit and eternal life not in a duality matrix is a real thing. So, I haven’t heard this actual message which doesn’t include rapture, catholic forgiveness, a being with 3 heads, I’m split on the virgin birth, and it actually shows how humans always get it wrong and always mess up and that’s because your a slave while in the flesh.
So, if you see a one world leader pop up in the UN, then you can’t buy or sell without a vax or some sort of mark, a one world united all religions, peace in the middle east, and etc… Then you have confirmation that Revelations are jumping out of the book into space time.
So real Jesus Christ actually makes things very nice and clear.
*I forgot to add one world currency (SDR, VISA’s central crypto, or ???)= revelations
<&> the mob biblicaly chooses evil over good( I wrote that vice versa prior)
Fuggedaboudit! Drop it and relax, you’re right that we are being screwed. Now WOI bout YOself! All conspiracies are fractal Mandelbrot sets. The closer you focus in the more similar detail you’ll find, endlessly. Drop it, go eat 3 grams of shrooms alone in nature and call me in the morning!🌳🌲🍄🍄🌊☀
Lmao, I’ve been told to do those all week long. Not kidding.
ServantKing .info , God gave you one face you make another… Billy S , law breakers all . What does it mean? Who is your daddy?
I typed a huge long comment after fourteen tries to get signed up in order To comment, and it looks as if the comment did not post. Great. Excellent. Anyway I’m hoping that means Matt just needs to approve it first (?) Or something? A glitch. I ain’t typing it over. The presentation rocked !
Exceptional as always and I agree with so damned much of where matt has his mind these days.
In other news, the tail end came and the part where matt says hey anyone who wouldn’t mind signing up for 5 bucks a month etc etc regarding the vet bills hitting the dome this month…. I looked at my phone and it’s 11:11. That’s my “sign” to take action. I won’t sign up for monthly withdraw yet but I would like to simply send some help for the vet bills. I’ll email you privately Matt n see if you’ve got a PO Box or PayPal I can drop some money in.
I already have your book so I NEED to render something in return for that even though you sent it to me free last year ;
You’re helping us all so much here and I as a cat lover know how it goes. … You should be getting monthly donations just FOR the pet protection and fostering you do. Anyway I’ll hit you up via email and this presentation was beyond exceptional. Bless you.
Since write-ups often don’t post regardless of which website I’m on, if it’s going to be a long one I always write it in a word processor program and then copy & paste it to the comments section when I’m done.
It’s also a handy way to have the comment ready for the next time that it’s needed.
Excellent point Matt; the reality is alive. It is a polymorphic intelligence that knows exactly what it is doing. It is energetic inertia that is impossible to understand. Thanks! Scotto
Tell us what’s making it hard right now. Are ya new to truthiness? New to Reality not being Real? Share if you’re comfortable. I’m trying to get used to this comment section n how it all works.
The “Tao” for lack of a better term, has a sense of humor & that could be part of the absurdity ramp up. Maybe we just need to think big with our sense of humor
Hello Matt, I think you’re totally right. I arrived at a similar conclusion about 6 months ago, which can always be further amended with new information, that the world is not very real. And I stopped watching movies for the most part a 10+ years ago, because I just wasn’t finding them interesting anymore, even though I’d been a movie buff when I was younger. But Pleasantville was one of the last movies I saw when I was still a movie watcher. And the thing that always stuck with me was the map that was only Pleasantville. And when the students asked what’s beyond Pleasantville the teacher looked confused and I think said “there nothing outside of Pleasantville”. I’m only halfway through your presentation, but to build on your theory thus far, I think it’s a bit like Napoleon Hill’s “think and grow rich”. Or the biblical reference to speaking things into being. I think everybody creates their own world. And if you believe in flat earth, hollow earth aliens, mud fossils, whatever, you definitely can find proof of that. And all of this proof is obviously impossible to all be true simultaneously and yet, it seems to be. I think the world has the ability to actually be all things to each individual, when they discover “proof”, they are creating another iteration of so-called reality. It’s like they thought about it and the universe has backfilled the history. They are bringing it into being and the research is just confirmation of what they have brought about. I think I had another point, but I can’t now remember what it was. Anyway, I really enjoy your work. Thank you.
Not my second point, but another thing that occurs to me, is for things that are very emotionally charged like racism, slavery, etc. Innocent people are being penalized by people who have a preferred worldview that is very negative and demonizes groups of people unfairly. Or does it? Maybe the universe is just matching those people with people who want to persecuted 😂 The last year really has made me question everything. Again.
Each of us that experiment have learned ways to bend this fake ass reality to serve us, in mundane but still satisfying ways. Let’s share big thought tactics regarding how to use the ever increasingly available absurd within mundane parameters to enjoy work-arounds in this fake ass show.
I was lit like a light bulb on shrooms at a penthouse poker game, and
a portal I guess is the best description opened up above me (didn’t look anything like stargate), and I literally started speaking hands into reality. Full house, four of a kind (before receiving first two holdem cards). I then said some stoner kung fu master ish; “this is no longer a fair game and I’m bored, so I’m going to the balcony to smoke a blunt, and they’re was a guy yanking it in his car, double parked who you could clearly see from the balcony.
Moral of the story. Vertical portals from above get you paid for all you players and weirs stuff happens when you go outside in Hollywood.
That is definitely an absurd situation thanks for sharing that weirdness! That dude in the car was a cosmic joke for you to enjoy as part of the humor of GOD(?). That is interesting, was that a one time trip situation or has this been reproducible? Try eating them alone next time
I’ve experienced a portal from above once on shrooms,
and a portal in front of me on DMT & now that I think about
it, both situations were extremely luck thereafter. I guess
there’s portols where abstract thought forms roam and
sometimes you can tap into luck, joy, trip bad, or whatever else.
I’ve only seen one portal on shrooms and one portal on DMT out of many experiences so I never really thought of this that deep. This is an interesting thing to share. Good question Hugh
I can feel you on the “portal” feeling. On a great Syd trip as a kid I danced the cosmic spiral of myself – up and down. I don’t know what that means tho
Spirals correlate to the female goddess Ishtar.
So, they call Ayuwasca the mother and peyote the stepfather
because there’s masculine and feminine realms. If you look at the book
of Enoch though it looks like fallen angels introduced man to hallucinogens, weapons, jewelry, perfume & cologne, money, and these entities dwell in higher realms as it says in Ephesians 6:12.
So, the fallen angels were ultimately attempting to corrupt man for various reasons. Various reasons because a lot of them fell into this reality. That’s most likely how all this tech evolved so fast, & it took over peoples like body snatchers in front of our eyes. Just from a guy who did a lot of hallicinigiens this is a summary of the conclusion I came to.
Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Peter 5:8
I enjoyed this comment.
have you tried Shrooms as a Holy sacrament to communicate with the divine?
I would Comment but Matt takes a day or so to mull over whether or not to “Approve” my comment so why the fuck bother?? Worse than YouTube AI-BotFuckers. I’ve been commenting on Matts Video’s on YouTube since Texas Shrugged Days you FUCKS. “Approve” this you Merde Substantielle Fuckwads. Goddamn, you become what you complain about…..
Wow great observations – it is not Matt approving these it is Matt’s cats.
One of them is very old and cannot see well so sometimes stuff takes a while – one of his cats is a total SJW and gets offended at things so it can take up to one cat day to approve the fuck, fuck, duck comments oops even my phone is in on it.
SO you caught us the cats just sit at his desk and read every comment just like YouTube.
They mull it over – cross reference our policies on curse equality and other extreme content censoring policies that oddly now include the word “pussy” because our leader Puss in boots feels that it is insensitive to our staff to use the word “pussy” without the “cat”.
Also Sometimes their paws make a mistake and something goes in for review.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
7 minutes in, my inner knowing tells me that your hypothesis is correct here Matt.
Matt!!! You are awesome & your website rocks. Love your work. Keep it coming:)
I meant to tell you too idk if you know chiron last…but I find him to be genius the work he did on his channel is amazing and concrete …..he takes the etymology/anagrams of words across all languages present and past so you learn that our words and alphabet are like a curse …the amount of research this dude dude did I can’t imagine how long it took…and hkj you should know…as well as I …. I have 3 useless degrees…I left a high paying educational.diagnotician job…i was a high school teacher first …then child study…high school teachers cool..
But testing in elementary teacher …let’s put it this way …I didn’t leave because of kids or parents…i can’t stand teachers lol…he also address neutrality as being the key…and choice whether right or wrong meaning you think you’re right…just keeps this duality…and they trick you because they want you to resist …he talks about how to resist is to assist…he talks about how truth is in silence and the big test will be when whatever goes down how you walk in solidarity with whatever you believe God to be…it’s like electricity…the light can be the turned ff …it’s external and artificial…they always tell you to look outside for your answers…but that isn’t right…the light within yourself is eternal and true….it’s like enjoy the silence says…words of violence …break the silence…come crashing in into my little world…funny the video too he has on a crown and is walking around with a lawn chair..trying to find a place to sit…you really should listen to him the comments show how many people lives he’s changed…the newer the videos the more he goes away from etymology and more towards what you’re saying he gave us the formula same.and started moving towards what you’re talking About….he also says why he does this…I feel he’s genuine and hands down a genius …there are only a few channels that can really get my attention chiron , you, and eyes wide open …eyes wide is just excellentediting movies and really hit home …but chiron last is an entire level …I havent found anything quite similar formation he has shared…and I like your channel because sometimes you wanna just discuss things someone just he like wtf dude lol…I don’t need to see pictures…youre right about mud flood all of a sudden all these pictures …I’m not judging either but it’s true lol…anyway I’m gonna put one of chiron last video here …no conspiracies just facts and I’ll tell you one thing he predicted what was gonna happen in 2020back in 2015 …someone said what I was thinking sometimes I feel like he’s supernatural
Lol…but no alien theories here my whiteboard is empty..people ask me what I wanna do I go nothing I just don’t wanna work…only douche bags do well in systems lol…my friend does stand up.comedy she says I should.
My first joke would be don’t clap you’re not special you guys were my last resort lmfaooo.
Anyway chiron gives a great perspective silence I’m gonna Put that one here….don’t be fooled by first little paragraph …he doesn’t go into gematria ever …so it’s just a reference…the rest will make total sense to what you’re getting at
I stumbled onto his stuff recently and its blowing my mind. The spell casting though language. He connects a lot of dots.
There are a lot of questions left, though. What does he think the actually moon is? What does he think the unhijacked reality is? Is it still us existing harmoniously as creatures, on an Earth, who are uncorruptedby duality (prior to “eating the fruit tree of the knowledge of good and evil”)? Is the goal to get back to some original creatureness, or to totally transcend the qualitative illusion of duality/time/separation that God created?
How exactly are the archons hijacking us via the spine? Are we also existing somewhere else, like in the Matrix movie, with our minds experiencing an illusory world while our bodies are being drained of golden plasma?
If they are using our energy as a resource, why have they relentlessly degraded us?
Anyone here ever listen to Roxanne swainhart on YouTube? She channels different beings in our universe and talks about this same stuff in her videos. The beings she channels talked about the reality being a holodeck and a mirror. He is actually saying so much of the same stuff that it’s incredible. Does anyone know if he’s into channeling videos?
hello Matt… I know you once asked about Christianity, but i can’t recommend that you go and ‘RESEARCH ME’ the way i have… but coming to the end of it, walking away, not from Jesus but from the system of ‘christianity’… the clues are hidden in plain sight in the Bible… we are trapped in the tree of knowledge of good and evil, in that duality, there is another option, which leaves behind good and evil, and it’s the tree of life… CHOOSE LIFE, find out what that means, the rest is a matrix, an error, and we have the power to create this false reality, but what i wanted to say is Jesus doesn’t want you to work at this, He said ‘if you are going to work, work to enter into rest’… Jesus died at ‘the place of the skull’… this is a thought problem, and thoughts become things… the biggest error is mistaken identity, you are an eternal being ‘be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect’… the rest is fake.
For the record all that mushroom and DMT stuff. I’m not here to judge obviously, but for the record, ever since I started following Jesus’s instructions I haven’t done any hallucinogens. I’m in no way perfect and it’s a walk with Christ. He’s the Master Instructor.
I personally have gotten more understanding of truth through the New Testament then with hallucinogens.
Am i the only one who did not want this to end. Matt thank you for being that dude that i know is out there and feels and thinks like me. You are the voice of this intricate movement for many. Im 36 from nyc and from a young age i knew nothing added up. I have nothing in common with family. My high school friends are past the download. But i feel it . I graduated along with the rest of us. This is my family.
Great presentation, Matt. When the bell sounded I made a cup of tea and settled in. You are a genuine voice and a welcome refuge from the insanity that surrounds us. Thank you for all your hard work.
Brilliant just got back from a shit day with fools now I can feed my mind thanks Matt you r a dead set legend mate
As a child(age 4) I had this supernatural experience during the night. After I had fallen out of bed I called out for my mom to tuck me in again. Slowly the door of my room opened and a black robed figure, somewhat like a dementor/death, with a bright light glowing under the hood entered my room, floating towards me in a creepy fashion.
Quickly I took my blanket up from the ground and jumped in bed again. Covering myself from top to toe with my blanket, while shaking and crying. Despair filled me, since I knew there was no escape.
After being in total panic for some minutes I decided to put my hand out from under the blanket. If the scary figure was still there it would grab me, if nothing grabbed me it perhaps left and I could get the fuck out of there! When I put my hand out I felt a very cold breeze go over my hand. I panicked again and cried myself to sleep.
For years after this experience I had sleep paralysis dreams, where I wouldn’t be able to move or talk in my dream, while the figure approached me again. Even opening my eyes to wake up would be hard, but when I was able to, all the nerves in my body would be tingly and my ears would be ringing with these strange frequencies(which I still experience during meditations). In those dreams I would strongly feel the figure approaching before seeing him, filling me with fear and despair, I felt it was coming for me, to take me away or something. After waking up I would feel its presence in the room.
Interesting fact is that from my 14th year I started smoking, making me have these dreams more often, but also granting me other spiritual experiences. I believe this has something to do with the nicotine relaxing influencing the nerves and probably the reason why shamans often smoke during ceremonies and declare that tobacco has spiritual powers.
However at about age 16 I became interested in lucid dreaming and researched it a lot. I read a piece of text about how Buddhist use lucid dreams to conquer fears. It said that Buddhists even enjoy having nightmares, because it grants them the opportunity to deal with unresolved fears. It gave an example how nightmares in which we flee from something are easily dealt with, by in the dream consciously turning around and without fear move toward what is following you. The same theme as Matt is referring to in this video! You would give whatever was creepily chasing you a big hug and these specific nightmares would stop.
I took this advice and at one point when the dark figure approached me again I remembered the Buddhist teaching and decided that it was time to face it. Quickly I gained the ability to move again in the dream, became able to talk and I felt this great power flow through me. I ran at the black robed figure, took a jump with my arms spread to cuddle it big time.
Now I didn’t get the resolving hug I was expecting. Instead I fell inside this creepy figure and I tumbled down some kind of endless pit and its walls had moving eyes and mouths with sharp teeth. Terrifying. And after falling down for some time I woke up. Never did the robed figure chase me again and sleep paralysis is now something I experience once or twice a year.
After all of this I started a great spiritual journey and it’s now about ten years later and I’m still working on myself. That experience was a lift off for me and although it was scary and traumatic (especially since no modern adults can help you out with these things), it has become an important part of me. Not to long ago I learned about the concept of Abaddon/Appolyon, the gatekeeper, who we all need to face before we can cross the land of the dead in search of rebirth.
I am pretty sure what people know as the entity Abaddon is what my mind projected. Projected? Yes, in the end we are what we fear. We play this game with ourselves, to teach ourselves, personally in our own minds, socially in our combined minds. So I would say, not only ‘worry about yourself’ but also ‘fear yourself not’.
There are several reddit videos addressing strange experiences, paranormal,etc. They are also I know they’re real, they have the same degree of bizarreness as the things I have had to deal with, and what you have described about your experience. So I think it’s going on to some degree of frequency but people are terrrified of the experiences but also terrified of being suspected of mental illness.
Thanks for your comment Lizzie.
Yes I truly believe these experiences are real as well. I’ve come to the conclusion that it doesn’t matter really if others believe it and what the exact workings behind it are… Like Matt tells us, the explanations outside ourselves are endless and often of an illusory nature.
When we realize everything is ‘mental/mind’ at its core we have to face the fact that we are the creators of what we manifest around us, that we ourselves are responsible for the conditions we live in and the experiences we encounter.
Somehow we’ve chosen to be within all this wickedness, probably to learn about ourselves or perhaps just for entertainment.
The experience I had has granted me an enthusiasm for religion and spirituality, self exploration, the nerve to experiment with psychedelics and some weirder meditation practices, even dip my toes into the pool of Magick and a strong feeling to follow my own path to someday discover who I am and why I am here. Even though everyone around me thinks of it as totally insane and childish, haha!
So my question for you would be, what kind of bizarre experiences did you have? And what do those experiences tell you about yourself? What did you learn, why did you manifest them?
So the other day I was walking down Main Street with a canoe on my head , all of the sudden like a wheels fell off , my dog looked at me and says “ so how many pancakes do it take to cover a doghouse ? “
I respond “ 37 ? “ , he just shakes his head and laughs sayn “ 10 you idiot , you know Ice Cream ain’t got no bones, duh “
I don’t understand but that may be a good thing🤔
I want to delete but the icon has disappeared🧐😳
i took a walk with my dog to see if he could communicate with me. i asked, “what’s on that house?” he said, “Roof.” after a while i asked, “what’s on that tree?” he said, ” Bark.” Then i asked,”what kind of pie is that on the window sill?” than after while he said, “how the fcuk should i know.”
Elaborinth (Or That Which Is)
By low street light
On moonless night
I went to find what
has been hidden.
Because the world
said “Use a word!”
I made the word
From kamikaze bars
where smokers cough
To dawn aborted streets
when automatic lights go off
Down the alley past the church
Through silent movie cemetery
where the ghost of a woman
is waiting by an open grave
And on through wastelands
full of empty factories I went
“…looking for the face I had
before the world was made.”
Up through winding forest
and whispering trees until
half dead I lay down by the
mudstraw banks of a river
and said: How can others still
not see this Orwellian culture
of deceit, divide and conquer?
This quantum sleep.
These Trojan wars.
There’s something
moving in the sand…
It’s hidden in the large print.
It’s written all around them.
It’s Nineteen Eighty Four.
But it’s more…
More than this.
And in the city everything is
a screen it comes through.
Spirit I’m listening… I don’t
know what else to do.
Spirit said “Be that which you
desire. When you burn you will
not turn to ashes and dirt. That
Which Is you will become fire.”
Then half alive I stood up
beside the river and said:
Why have I come here?
Spirit I’m lost.
Just what is the soul purpose?
And who are these vampirates?
Are they Us? Are they not?
And if you are Spirit…
tell me what will happen
on this night and what will
happen on the next one?
Spirit said “That Which Is
all answers is a question.
When the ocean began to
pretend it was the wave
the wave began to forget
it is the ocean.”
Spirit I’m listening…
Is there a love that loves
through loveless time when
all this searching ends in a realm
where strangers become friends
become strangers like the unseen
becomes seen and unseen again.
Do I feel it because I believe it.
Do I believe it because I feel it
now and then.
Spirit said “That Which Is all
times is no time. That Which
Is all names has no name.”
Spirit I’m tired.
So I’m down again
In the basement room
Where this fear of static
meets the fear of change
And daylight weaves
a prison of shadows
I must go through.
I can’t go through.
Spirit said “That Which Is
all answers is a question.”
I will wake to a dream of white birds
rising in the child blue ceiling of an
Indian sky. I’ll throw wide every door
that was locked in this life. I will be
the love that loves through loveless
time. I will. Will I?
I’ll go through.
By low street light
On starless night
I’ll go to find what
has been hidden.
Because the world
said “Use a word!”
I made the word
Or That Which Is.
Spirit I’m listening…
Words: DM
Thanks for doin “yoi thing” Matt.
i’m going back to nature in my own way… I want to travel back in time, tired of all the rapid urbanization and city npcs ( most zoomer generation and some of the millenials ). Also interested in trying past life regression, never met anyone that is into that sort of thing though, people have been taught to laugh at anything non athiest in the UK.
I’ve noticed the same trend, seen signs on country estates saying that a lot more people are going out there during convid, so you reckon it could be another hundred monkey type thing ? how about Synchronicity or the idea of Fate, that a persons life happens in a logical order, can you tie these concepts into your proposal ?
I experience these synchronicites and they are obviously paranormal e.g. never heard of a Horseshoe crab or its special properties then I see 2 things about it on the same day on separate websites. I’m relatively highly mandela effected but not as much as some who see their local environment or family members completely change. I just wonder, how does a reality that can personalize itself to each individual maintain a baseline of logical consistency ? I think we are really cutting at something here. Another channel I like is sage of quay which I know you have been on.
Agreed on Nature – there is something to Nature that is as real as can be – for me anyways. Something that stuck with me from another podcaster (Crrow777) is that “Nature never lies and Nature never forgets.” I go out for a walk in Nature for at least 30 minutes a day, rain, snow, hot, and cold. I find it a great way to clear out the mind junk from the Screen. There’s something about watching a bird or a tree or anything Natural that I find very real.
A few other things I like to keep in mind daily are:
“Seek nothing outside of yourself.” (Miyamato Musashi…if he existed)
“It’s Geico (The Screen), it’s what it does.” (Hat-tip to Matt for that one!)
“You woi ’bout yo’self! (Another good one from Matt!)
I think we are being “held” here and there is much more world beyond the pole, just like Admiral Byrd said. The governments all decided a long time ago to keep everyone out of Antarctica and the reason is they don’t want us to figure out that leads to another place.
If Einstein ever existed
Scientist exposes why your reality is all a lie | Donald Hoffman on Conversationns with Tom Bilyeu
April 2, 2021
check out Robert Lanza as well. q scientific way we create the universe.
Yep, the good ship Shawshank is most definitely like the Event Horizon, think you’ve hit the nail on the head there Matt. Perhaps it’s a self reinforcing holographic synchronicity? Maybe this is just a sub level though, I watched Defending Your Life and thought what if our lives are the sternest possible trials of examination and self reflexive learning in order to progress to higher realms. Get it wrong and focus on all that is maya and you’re asked to repeat it, but perhaps if we learn what is most important (understanding who we are) then we might progress to a higher realm.
Awesome presentation Matt, I really enjoyed it. The hobo code names you use have me pissing myself! My friend just texted me about his boss requesting that he got the vaccination in order to return to work but mis-spelled it as vacation. Perhaps he’d be better off taking a holiday, think auto-correct got this one right!
As a side note, I remember questioning if my thoughts were my own when I was at university. I used to get seriously stoned and then go into a creative flow, I’d read it back the day after and think ‘was that me?’ I’ve always been socially anxious and in rare moments of confidence I also used to reflect and think ‘was it even me that said that?’