Most of America has been brainwashed to call my video “homophobic.” It is not. It is simply a REACTION to LGBTQA that has “pushed too hard and gone too far.” People are not homophobic for the most part. People just want to be left alone, and they are tried of having rainbows pushed in their faces every time they turn around.

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Jared Wood
Jared Wood
2 years ago

Blue balls forever. Turn the 8 on its side, infinity.

Brad Holden
Brad Holden
2 years ago

Rainbows are lit and I’m not prejudice or homophobic either but my bday is 6/6. Gays hijacking the rainbow and month of June is wack. Enlightened ppl are great but most gays like to be ignorant about their own spirituality sexuality and experiences.

Wes Scherr
Wes Scherr
2 years ago
Reply to  Brad Holden

6/12 ♊🙋‍♂️✌

Mark Cooper
Mark Cooper
2 years ago

They geys are the Jews. They are using gay people to push their agenda to destroy society.

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Cooper

They use the gays yes, but isn’t that one of many groups they infiltrate, co-opt and then use to their advantage?

Wes Scherr
Wes Scherr
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Cooper

Yes but the Jews are the khazarians/ bolsheviks/ illuminati/ romans/ babylonians/ phoenicians/ all eventually leading to the descendants of Cain.
And the duality here is the descendants of Cain vs the Adamic bloodline… blah blah blah…

But what if all the lies, and evil satanic shit isnt to enslave us, or depopulate us, or hide more lands or hide aliens or advanced technology….

What if its all just duality paradigms that are designed to keep you triggered (emotionally attached) enough to believing that any of this is really real?

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Scherr

That’s it right there…ALL of it is designed to make you ‘pick a side’ & keep you at the edges of the seesaw…when freedom is in the center.

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

The center of ALL perceivable represents each perceiving ONEs “free” will of choice within the “dom”inance of balance aka free-dom.

The center of an enacting system (dying) represents reaction (living) aka form (life with choice) within the momentum (balance) of flow (inception towards death).

“picking a side” represents choice consenting (want or not want) to suggested information by the choice of others; which a) causes the want vs not want conflict of reason b) gives the few making the suggestions the power of the consenting many to be able to define, redefine and contradict everything suggested for them; hence keeping them divided within reasoning and c) allows the few to control every conflict the many consent to have with each other over the suggestions of the few.

In short…choice at the center of perceivable balance (need/want) can be tempted to ignore this for suggested imbalance (want vs not want).

Tim McCall
Tim McCall
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Scherr

Lavette and others have observed that the Babylonian priesthood / Phoenician navy types are aware that they stand to lose ALL control when the sky clock switches round to Aquarius (we are likely in the transition phase right now). Thus, they are trying to meddle with the “time” we are in and rotate back 90 degrees to the end of the age of Gemini, so that they can continue to rule with the “law” as if it were Taurus and Aries (their fav period, Moloch, “jealous” god etc., rule by the Law – cardinal fire sign ruled by Mars, so violence is supreme).

Gemini was the age of hermeticism – and hermaphroditic traits; hence they want to gender-blend everything, invert everything, make the fringe into the mainstream – and LGBTQRST is just an aspect of that. Likely they feel they have nothing to lose at this stage, and my intuition senses the desperation they have. All in all, you don’t roll the dice against “Nature” and expect to win – ultimate hubris; Aquarius arrives and their control ends. Oh, and as an added benefit, we regain our fully conscious selves, third eye reopens and this reality will recede and vanish like the bad dream it was.

Sux to be the Khazarian mafia at this stage!

Wes Scherr
Wes Scherr
2 years ago
Reply to  Tim McCall

I cant wait for the “harvest” 😀 unfortunately I had difficulty trying to nail down exactly when the end of the age is :/

Did you have any better luck by chance? 🙏 Lol

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Scherr

>What if its all just duality paradigms that are designed to keep you triggered (emotionally attached) enough to believing that any of this is really real?

a) Ignoring perceivable inspiration (need) for suggested information (want) causes a want vs not want conflict called “reason”. Reasoning about what others are suggesting represents the dualism of every conflict.

b) being the ONE perceiving within ALL perceivable implies being ONE within ONEness. The suggested “two” cannot be perceived; since perception implies sensing moving differences. Perceivable sameness cannot exist within moving differences.

Look at any “two” things and notice that each “one” has to exist in a different place for you to be able to perceive them.

c) the parasitic few suggest the many dualism (two); while also suggesting that unity (unitas; the state of being one; oneness) represents togetherness instead of differentiation; which plays into their “e pluribus unum” agenda (out of many one); hence mixing the perceivable differences back together aka browning under the disguise of rainbow symbolism.

d) the temporary living within the ongoing process of dying are being moved; hence representing resistance (growth) within velocity (loss). Meanwhile; EMO’TION, noun [Latin emotio; emoveo, to move from.] tempts the living to ignore resisting being moved towards death. Emotions tempt the living to attach mind (ment; mens) to dying.

e) the parasitic few tempt the many to consent to suggested information (fiction); while ignoring perceivable inspiration (reality); which they brand “realism”.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Cooper

You might be on to something there?

Courtney H
Courtney H
2 years ago

Rush Limbaugh director 🤣

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

Are you saying Rush was gay? I haven’t watched the video yet.

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
2 years ago

“I’m a gay man Jerry. I’m very, very gay. I’m steeped in gayness.”

George Costanza- Seinfeld.

Ricky Bobo
2 years ago


Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobo

That’s spot on, Good Job!

D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobo

I’m bisexual and non-binary and this is true for me too. You’d be surprised at how many queer people feel this way. Not in an anti-our own people way. In an, ok, cool. They/this reality system figured out how to profit off us/use us (after treating us horribly forever) so now we’re apparently cool!? kind of way. Don’t get me wrong I enjoy seeing my people represented accurately and visible but that’s not what any of us here have a beef with I hope. Can we please just be left alone to live as we want to? Like, all of us?

George Kastonius
George Kastonius
2 years ago
Reply to  D Jones

There is no such thing as bisexual or non-binary. You’ve been conditioned to accept a mental problem. You STILL had to announce your sexuality to the world in THIS comment section, after the main point is that we have been bombarded by this nonsense. Grow up Darrah, you are a female and you have mental issues.

D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago

What I see in your comment there is a great example of how this reality system is effective at dividing us and distracting us. I’m sharing my perspective and listening to others in hopes that we can find common ground or learn from one another’s varying voices. Sure, you can argue I’m conditioned. I could argue you are too. Ultimately, it is up to me to decide for myself who and what I am and the truth about myself and I encourage everyone to do the same, and whatever people come up with, I’ll respect. No reality system nor any person in the comments discussing a reality system can determine who and what I am. That’s up to me, just like it’s up to you to decide for yourself. I respect that process for you.

sigh inara
2 years ago

Darrah mentioned her orientation because it was relevant to the discussion & so we could better understand her perspective…& she has far more poise & maturity than you apparently do.

Linda Matus
Linda Matus
2 years ago
Reply to  D Jones

I think we ALL are feeling like we just want to be left alone. The amount of outright grooming of little kids is now off the charts. You can bristle at that word because now its on the “list” of words supposed haters use, but you gotta admit LGBTQIA is now dominated by the most degenerate fringe end of the spectrum. Many of the parades in June were the most disgusting displays I’ve ever seen. Now before you take issue with the word degenerate, let me assure you I don’t mean because they are LGBTQIA people doing it. I don’t want to see that from ANYONE. Why does it necessarily follow that “pride” devolves into lascivious, naked displays of (whatever) sexuality??? Have you seen state senator Tiara Mack’s campaign video? I don’t want my kids seeing that kind of behavior as acceptable. I know you can’t be responsible for what everyone else does, but as a rock-solid OVER-CATERED-TO demographic it is up to the classier contingent to hold the attention whores accountable.
This is not going good places.

D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Linda Matus

I hear you, Linda. One thing I have given a lot of thought to is how sexuality has been used by this reality system in general, and the impacts of that on everyone, regardless of their orientation. I think sexuality (in general, not just “straight” or “queer” sexualities) is very interesting as it has been both suppressed and commodified, and we’re seeing how that combination plays out. If sexuality had never been either suppressed or commodified, I wonder whether we would all have a much healthier relationship with it culturally. Thank you for your thought-provoking comment.

Scott Bourne
Scott Bourne
2 years ago

That’s something that’s been pissing me off in recent years – they are *so* focused on where they like to stick their dicks, and insist that all of us not only know where they like to put it, but that we also actively acknowledge and approve of it. I wonder why that is? Why is it *so* important to them that everyone know about what they like to do to get their rocks off and have us all approve of it?

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago
Reply to  Scott Bourne

That’s a Damn good question, if I never seen any of that crap again it would be to soon!👍

D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Scott Bourne

I can provide some context to this from my perspective and experience as a queer person. This reality system has tried to divide and distract us through creating homophobia and transphobia in the first place, creating an issue or “wrongness” with us simply being our true selves. Then we had to fight for our rights to be ourselves.

Pride was originally a protest. Now it’s a corporate virtue signaling parade, it’s hard to see the same companies who have discriminated against us distort pride’s original meaning and profit off of our fight for freedom. It makes me very upset. The over emphasis on our sexuality is because the reality system over emphasized our sexuality in the first place.

The reality system now is simply using us and our sexuality in the opposite way now. The dark side of reality will always use us in whatever way benefits it. Whether that’s demonizing us or putting us on a pedestal, it’s trying to accomplish the same goal of divide and distract. I just want to be left alone to be myself. I think at the core of all this, that’s what most people want. This is my perspective I hope it’s helpful.

Jeff Kunz
Jeff Kunz
2 years ago

Hey Matt, I read a book that’s a printout of an online interview in October 2008 from one of the high level creeps. It’s done because, as you say, they are required, to do it. Anyway it’s only a one day read. I was wondering if you or one of your buddy’s, that are smarter than me, could do a review on it? It’s called “The Hidden Hand” Tells All, and it’s written by Wes Penre. Available on Amazon. A lot seems to ring true for me and was curious what others, who think like us, would think about it. No one seem to talk about it. Thanks for any help.

Wes Scherr
Wes Scherr
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Kunz

I havent read the hidden hand… but as someone who’s name is also Wes, and who came across the “Wes Penre papers” when researching narcissism…

I can say he had a lot of legitimate information, and alot that didn’t resonate…

Personally I’ve come to realize that NO MAN and no narrative can be trusted 100%

Especially not the types who claim to be the authority & create the narratives. IMO 🤷🏻‍♂️

2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Scherr

I agree with what you write about Wes Penre. I came across his 5 “levels of learning” papers years ago, the first (the Anunnaki line up) was still doable but the rest… He might well be the guy who pisses on all the breadcrumbs.
Anyhow, they’re available for free in pdf format on his site wespenre (dot) com, for anyone interested.

Last edited 2 years ago by purrroudbeauty
sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Kunz

‘Hidden Hand’ is very similar to ‘Revelations of an Elite Family Insider’, which was also a compilation from an online forum, in 2005. Both take some discernment to sort through, but I think they each have some important clues that reality seemed to want to remind us of.

Don’t focus on the more ‘worldly’ information, but instead on the ‘how to live your life’ insights.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Kunz

@Jeff Kunz
I found it on Amazon, the real title is “”Hidden-Hand” Tells All:Secrets to the Universe From Beyond This Realm!” I am always on my guard when there is an exclamation point in the title…lol
The book might be worth a read, though, thanks.

Jeff Kunz
Jeff Kunz
2 years ago
Reply to  Drum

Your right, I just got lazy on the typing and figured that was enough to find the correct book.

David 611
David 611
2 years ago

Every movie now days has some kind of political message or virtue signaling for lgbtlmnopqrs. I’m tired of it. Life here just sucks now in sodom and Gomorrah 2.0

Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  David 611

Wow I could not agree more

James Hawke
James Hawke
2 years ago

Chuck Wendigo, author of Star Wars: Bullshit said, “I don’t think his penis needs to be this giant plot point. At the same time it’s part of who he is.”

sigh inara
2 years ago

My 17 year old son just came in from working on his car & commented how nice it is that the alphabet police haven’t gotten to the mechanical & trades industries yet, “you can still go to AutoZone & say you need fluid for your tranny, or go to Lowes & say you need a female end for a pipe connection, we even still have master & slave cylinders for brakes…” His theory is that the demographic that uses the terminology & the demographic that would care don’t overlap on a Venn diagram LOL

Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

he’s a bright one!

Kyle Arnett
Kyle Arnett
2 years ago


sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Arnett

breathe, good sir…Rob doesn’t delete comments, did you put a link in? sometimes that snags the system & he has to manually let it through (& he’s a busy guy so not always around to do so)

2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Arnett


Inara is right I do NOT delete comments but sometimes I have to approve if it has links or lots of Vulgarity. Your message you reference I am Not approving because it is beyond over the top Vulgar, capitalized hatred…I mean give me a break that you even want that published!!!!!? Would you speak to your mother like this?

I will not approve that one because just stating Vulgar things about “penis’s” is not exactly the high road. Go post that comment on social media and get back to me how that goes.

I have to be honest with you and others that may read…I am growing tired of some of the morons that have found they’re way here. It is super disappointing and so if you are one of them writing comments about Penis’s in peoples asses please do not be surprised when you come back to login and your deleted.

You have been warned. Thanks


Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Oops too late! I made a comment like that, pardon me but I don’t support the not that there’s anything wrong with that system language. I thought you and Matt support free speech.

flat man
flat man
2 years ago

last few shows boring even the cats said turn it oof boring

Last edited 2 years ago by flat man
flat man
flat man
2 years ago
Reply to  flat man

do the live aid aids bit .. Lincoln /Kennedy ,

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago
Reply to  flat man

Seey ya later BY!

Gay Robinson
2 years ago
Reply to  flat man

Someone who thinks outside the box, putting that much energy out, with great material is definately not boring.

Mickey Mack
Mickey Mack
2 years ago
Reply to  Gay Robinson

Even if Matt tried real hard I doubt he would come across as boring. And those cats add a pleasurable interesting touch every single time Matt shares video of those precious little critters.

2 years ago
Reply to  flat man

@flat man
Made some interesting videos yourself, lately?
I bet you’re a flatearther with that username :-p

Lee Johnson
Lee Johnson
2 years ago
Reply to  Drum

So you believe the root of all lies? Globe earth. 🌎

Mark Tracey
Mark Tracey
2 years ago

The Fonz was gay in real life, wasn’t he? Henry Winkler lol

2 years ago

I know kids brainwashed by the system and changed their sex, tho (they think they have), , these people are not the ones shoved in your face… they are just pushing divide and conquer 101 to every single thing they can divide….its just another BLM for trans…. keep us all fighting amongst ourselves… if you do not join a camp you cannot be divided <3 love to all.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago
Reply to  BOD BNAIRD

Very well put & I Agree!

Mary M
Mary M
2 years ago

Ugh! Really Matt? I haven’t watched it yet but couldn’t you have done this last week? I have so much been waiting for the month of June to be over. I was so sick and tired of all the alphabet soup gang rainbows being crammed down our throats. Everyone’s damn logos were changed into rainbows. So frustrating. You are correct when you mentioned a few videos ago that it seems like every other month is “pride” month. I swear it seems like it just was in March. Anyway, “not that there’s anything wrong with it,” but seriously….make it stop.

Last edited 2 years ago by Mary M
Jack Gallant
Jack Gallant
2 years ago
Reply to  Mary M

There is something wrong with it, it is literally degenerate. It should not be condoned, and certainly not lauded. God judges all that is done in the open and in secret, and our job is to stand up courageously to sin, indulgence and wickedness and call it out for what it is. That’s it. It doesn’t mean hate your brother or sister, but it is more hateful to condone their behavior in silence than it is to attempt to set them back on the path of righteousness.

Wes Scherr
Wes Scherr
2 years ago

Speaking of the deep fake CGI technology, and other tactics “they” are using, check this video out >>>>

Of course we may not be thinking of the same “They”

The “They” I’m referring to, could possibly be using these technologies, to make it appear as if a whole bunch of evil, treasonous people are still free to implement their blatantly obvious NWO agenda…

They could even be using the above technology to create entire characters that everyone loves to hate, (like Jen Psaki, and how she looks oddly like mark Zuckerberg)

Lol jen psaki isnt a real person, shes part of this psyops.

And they could possibly be running this elaborate psyops to socially engineering THE GREAT AWAKENING….

Why exactly, I dunno 🤷🏻‍♂️
I’d assume it has something to do with the overall reality script… the one where “God Wins”

(Manufacturing the “Heros Journey” perhaps 😉

I mean look where were at…
we got S.A.D.S. / Monkeypox and were jabbing infants now apparently…

None of this stupid shit is the deep state cabal… clearly, these things and everything else over the last 2.5 years that pissed us off…

Was scripted to do exactly that…

It’s not so much that reality is “breaking down” persay, as them dumbing down the game of duality to awaken as many as possible…

There’s no going back now, so the only thing I guarantee, is they are going to continue to escalate the ridiculousness until the mission objective (awakening) is achieved.

On the bright side, all this ridiculousness should provide quite a few more comical talking points & “reality breakdowns” for you to ponder Infront of a camera 👌

As long as you know it is all designed to piss people off into waking TF up, hilarity shall ensue 😃

2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Scherr

Interesting video, but the effect-music is horrible.

2 years ago
Reply to  Wes Scherr

That is a great video way way too long but a good compilation to show us that the only real is inside of you. At least that is my vantage. To listen to the Screen when you cannot tell real or fake can only be solved by stopping the addictive pull to an endless stream of dribble that will make your mind a confused mess. Life starts within and so when we rely on the external for who we are, what we are and what to think you have already lost.

Please people stop the hate it will only loop it back.

Wes Scherr
Wes Scherr
2 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Lol… I agree, it was way too long.
But is also the best compilation of why we can’t trust ANYTHING we see online anymore, that I’ve found yet…

And it does feel like this reality construct is pushing us to silence all the lies, and noise & thr Ego mind & go within…

Esteban Colon
Esteban Colon
2 years ago

is this a video about sword fighters and broads the scissor????

James Hawke
James Hawke
2 years ago
2 years ago
Reply to  James Hawke

they always have to do the dress ritual

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago

Hey Matt, Have ya noticed how gay commercials are now, not to mention the interracial couples they push really hard as well. It really has gotten sickening a while ago!

Mickey Mack
Mickey Mack
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

Jeff Hall: Yes, ‘sickening’, pathetic, desperate. When I first saw the ‘gay’ commercial put out by the bank I had dealt with for about 50 years I closed my account and opened one at another bank. Seemed pointless after the fact — this crap is everywhere. I have not had a TV for almost 15 years but every so often one of those commercials slips through on the internet. Something’s gotta give, imo.

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

Do you have an issue with interracial couples/families, or are you just commenting on how they can’t seem to show homogeneous couples anymore? (You can be honest, it’s safe here).

William Hale
William Hale
2 years ago

Gday Matt I laughed and cried if you get the chance watch the new tv show first bite
Also the new BBC show Sherwood presents the murderer as a truther
It’s so bad now they are throwing it right in your face
Question the are unhinged

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago

Thank’s Matt! Thank’s Rob I Appreciate ya!👍

Jay Holewinski
Jay Holewinski
2 years ago

At :47 seconds “…and Im just the guy to do it…” Yes you are brother. This is gonna be funny…

Doug Mhambi
Doug Mhambi
2 years ago

Hey Matt, I’m Doug.

What is your email, I need to send you something

Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  Doug Mhambi

go to nohobocode dot com

Gerald Turner
Gerald Turner
2 years ago

One would think that it is a set up for some kind of violent culture war, same as Europe bringing in millions of African people to set up a massive race war. But for me, being Mandela Effected, and finding myself in this entirely new world shard, with it’s strange history, I don’t think anything is going to come of any of this.
Nothing ever seems to really happen in this reality. Yes there is a war in Ukraine, but that area throughout history seems to have been set up as some kind of war and violence reservation.
The place to go for tax free cigarettes and AK-47s.

Gabriel McLoughlin
Gabriel McLoughlin
2 years ago

I hear Darth Vader is transitioning into a Fat blue haired SJW female that like to wear Short shorts and big glasses, cheers Gabriel ☀️

Gay Robinson
2 years ago

I think I need to change my name. Lol.

Mickey Mack
Mickey Mack
2 years ago

Well said, and spot on, Matt.

Jack Jason
Jack Jason
2 years ago

Darth Gaydor? Not funny? Ok…

Christopher Guzek
Christopher Guzek
2 years ago

I think most people dislike gay people. Especially the ones who are openly disgusting about it. The screen only makes it seem like it’s the greatest thing ever and if they keep pressing it on the next generations it will be. Personally I think morality will take a huge swing in the opposite direction soon and all these people will have to scurry back underground.

Elaine Dudzinski
2 years ago

Yeah, I can’t see why lesbians and gays should have to fight at all. You are so “not judging” their lifestyle with this comment. Morality? You have the morality code measurement tape? Who is behind this Morality? A Bible/Bibel/Babel/Babylon book? Seems like you are being spoon fed by your religion about what morality is. Or did you get the secret morality email message of how living a lifestyle that isn’t heterosexual a sin? That’s the biggest PSYOPS book of all…religion. Herding masses of the stupid since the beginning of linear time. This game was rigged since inception. The gamer’s book of religion, the one you base your moral “high horse” on, was mistranslated by the germans to mean no man should bed with another man is incorrect. It’s no man should bed down with a child.But we don’t need a Man-Made text to know this. Yet Wars are fine, and treating people of color and women as property is completely fine. Hmm, seems like a Psyops, except for those who this book benefits most. How nice. Well, We, the Hu-mans who live in frequency know this book is a way to control the masses, through going to MASS to deliver the messages. A Word is a spell, and the words in the Babel are ripe with hate. An individual, who has no name (refusing corporate all capital letters name given in a birth certificate) and is not Stock in the stock exchange, knows all of this is a trick to get people to play the duality game whole being enslaved in a system. But while we are playing, folks, we should “Do No Harm”, but this is a place where Wars on everything repeat, repeat, repeat. It needs your vibrational frequency LOOSH of judgmental hate, emotion, etc to play this duality in the Toroidal game.

Recynd 77
Recynd 77
2 years ago

My 24 yr old, gay, twinkie kid is TIRED of it.

AND: he says it’s a CHOICE. So suck on THAT. (I say to no one here, just generally.)

William Burns
William Burns
2 years ago

Now that we live in a world where “men have periods” – can women be kicked in the balls? Is it really so suprising that a character has “sin” in their name? Their parade is named for one of the Seven Deadly Sins. Shouldn’t they change it from Pride to Gluttony at least one year to help promote Restaurants trying to recover from the pandemic?

Jamie Willis
Jamie Willis
2 years ago

I don’t want to see any of it guess that makes me homophic and idgaf

Stardust Nicole
Stardust Nicole
2 years ago


2 years ago

Some gay people do think it is over the top now, and they know straight people are annoyed with the oversaturation.

Recynd 77
Recynd 77
2 years ago

FWIW: My 24 yr old, gay, twinkie kid is TIRED of it.

AND: he says it’s a CHOICE. So suck on THAT. (I say to no one here, just generally.)


Florian Schaumkessel
Florian Schaumkessel
2 years ago

it’s the weimar playbook, they want the reaction. the activists are pawns, useful idiots and canon fodder.

Jen Kupp
2 years ago

big loosh to harvest in strong emotional reactions to anything

Jen Kupp
2 years ago

There’s more loosh to harvest in strong emotional reactions to anything.

dag b
dag b
2 years ago

thank you. They really know how to turn people off dont they, theyre really capable at grossing me out

Dqve B
Dqve B
2 years ago

Andy I just heard your interview w Sam tripoli.
I’d like to talk to you about experiencing similar telepathy esp symptoms post NDE. I also experienced knowing someone was close by thru the boundaries of walls. I knew about 3 miles out and I was absolutely certain of there presence when they got within that range. I knew they were parking and coming thru the door. I also experienced the “download”. In a. Artist so I have detailed art of these experiences

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
2 years ago
Reply to  Dqve B

Who are you referring to when you speak of Andy? Has he left a comment here because I can’t find it. Just curious. Thanks.

W Dforty
W Dforty
2 years ago

I transitioned from a man to a women to write steamy lesbian sex novels. Hopefully after a few bestsellers, i’ll head on back with some pills…. No biggie

Vladimir Saric
2 years ago

Check the flag of Jewish Autonomous Oblast

First meme.jpg
303 Lauren
303 Lauren
2 years ago

its not brave to be homo in the usa. in the Middle East it would be brave and courageous

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  303 Lauren

which is interesting, because it wasn’t until the Europeans arrived in the Muslim countries in the mid-1800’s that homosexuality became illegal…prior to that, they were much more aligned with the ancient Greeks

steven john
steven john
2 years ago

Lol, “ Sinjer the imperial turncoat” just happens to be a sexual turncoat, or is he a genderal turncoat 😂😂 Sinjer, 😂😂😂
What an absolute piss take
-To take the piss out of someone –
(the jokes on you) Australian slang-

Adam Rahn
Adam Rahn
2 years ago

C3PO was always the “gay character”

Yarden Shwartz
Yarden Shwartz
2 years ago

Maybe I’m thinking too small but them ruining Star Wars is more about brainwashing the new generation. I was seven when the Phantom Menace came out, and I didn’t care how horrible of a movie it was compared to the first three. I loved the cool lightsaber fights, the special effects, the pod racing, and the fact that the good guys won in the end. I was hooked after that. I bought Star Wars video games, Star Wars toys, ate at Pizza Hut even though I hated it just so I could get the free Star Wars toy that came with the meal. Back then it was more about business and getting the new generation to be customers for life. I imagine kids today don’t care much that these new Star Wars are somehow even worse than the prequels and are attracted to these movies for the same reasons that I was. Disney realized that if George Lucas can get people to buy dumb Star Wars merch from the cradle to the grave, then they get these kids to believe all sorts of evil shit and change their perception of reality in order to facilitate the end of our society and ulitmately what it means to be a person.

Dean Aldridge
Dean Aldridge
2 years ago

Thank you Matt, and Rob.

D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago

*edited for typos* Hi Matt! I want to start by saying I’m one of the LGBT people who’ve found your video. (I’ve found tons of your videos in fact and love them.)

I hear your perspective and appreciate it and understand where you’re coming from. My counterpoints are these: 1) we (I guess I’ll speak for myself and *most* other queers I know) never wanted to be defined by what we do in the bedroom. This reality made what we do in the bedroom a problem which is why our focus shifted to fighting our personal freedoms to do so. We never chose this to begin with. We always have just wanted to be left alone to be ourselves. Over identification with what we do in the bedroom feels like a response to being ostracized by this reality in the first place for trying to just live and go about our business.

2) We (I’ll speak again for me and many queers I know and love) are grossed out by seeing our fight for our rights used to sell things and smeared all over the place. I hear what you’re saying but when you say it’s our fault, I disagree because this ain’t what I ever wanted. It feels like our fight to legitimately be left alone to be ourselves has turned into a virtue signaling circus, turned into something different entirely. I love pride and have attended “before it was cool” as the hipsters would say, but I’ve seen it all warp into a weird corporate dystopia and while I do think representation is cool and it’s good to have gay and trans characters and visibility, representation, etc., I see what this reality is doing to us and how it’s using us and it sucks. It’s pushing the importance of identifying with this reality, down the left side of the reality spectrum as you’ve described in many videos. As well as fostering more divides on seemingly every level of reality.

Please don’t blame us LGBT folks. Please don’t blame or fear everyday queer folks. We legit have been just trying to do our best for us and future generations of people like us. The vast majority of us just want to be left alone to live in peace. And seeing ourselves in media represented accurately would be nice. Not defined by our queerness, but just existing.

Another point to make is many of us felt that straightness or gender roles or straight sexual preferences have been shoved down our throats forever. I know that may be a difficult perspective to access but I urge anyone reading this to imagine what it’s like to be gay or trans and live in the world prior to how queerness is presented now. I am still young but as a queer person I remember it was very tough back in the 90s and 2000s especially as a Mormon, the religion I was raised in. I thought my genuine self defied the only way there was to be.

I hope this comment is helpful to some. We really didn’t ask for this. Like I said I am what I guess this reality deems to be an LGBT queer person or whatever and I am still seeing hardship in my community once you get one degree removed from the “elites” and/or “creeps” or what have you. Many of us do still experience immense hardship although you’d never know that based on how pride is being presented. I would argue part of what reality is doing is presenting queerness as so positive that people are blinded to how bad the reality system still treats many of us. I am seeing things get better for rich queer folks and not change for poor queer folks. We legit just want to be able to be left alone and be ourselves. Please don’t blame us for the current presentation of pride. At the end of the day we all have much more in common than this reality system would ever like us to think.

Anyways. I really appreciate your perspective and even though I had my piece to say today, and I hope someone benefits from reading this, I enjoyed and got a lot out of this as well as all of your videos. Hope someone found this comment interesting. I love Free Voice and Quantum of Conscience and everyone I see commenting and engaging in these discussions. 🙂 wishing everyone well.

Last edited 2 years ago by D Jones
Fred Jackson
Fred Jackson
2 years ago
Reply to  D Jones

The way you capitalize lgbt every time tells me that not only do you venerate and idolize this branch. It seems to be the cornerstone of your personality. You grew up mormon and so did I, you rebelled probably due to the religious pressure and the music you saturated yourself with, probably some kind of artificially created punk band constructed to pull you away from your family. You call this lgbt identity your true self. How can that be? How can your true self be non-binary exactly? Is it your true self that tells you to go to lovers lane and buy toys? Is it your true self that directs you to chase the same sex for fruitless pleasure? Is it your true self that tell you to commit these indignities or is it the false self? You are impressionable and probably narcissistic in some way. You are here because sub consciously you want a way out or to a more insidious angle to recruit people to “discover their true selves”. Take a step back for a moment. When a boy tells his father I identify as lgbt, what is he truly saying. This is what Hes saying” dad i despise you and I am going to choose to end this bloodline and pursue fruitless hedonistic desires that society and all its influence directed me to do. Dad I dont want to bring grandchildren into your life but thank you for raising me and feeding me for 18+ years but I will be a fruitless tree and watch the village starve. You yourself will probably not have children out of some sick form of compassion that you believe is virtuous but is quite the opposite. Even if you did you would raise them to believe in whatever giant corporation tells you to believe in. You only move to what society deems morally acceptable. You are in a prison so total you dont even realize your locked up.

Last edited 2 years ago by Fred Jackson
sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Jackson

you sir, are WAY out of line…

Fred Jackson
Fred Jackson
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

What is the line exactly? is it what you deem acceptable?

D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Jackson

You should say whatever you feel, so long as you aren’t breaking any laws. That’s what this platform is all about. However, that means that you’re also subjected to the responses, opinions, and voices of those who disagree with you. You shared your thoughts, emotions, and opinions, and sigh shared their response. If you’re going to dish it out on this platform, I think it’s reasonable to expect that you’ll also have to take it, Fred.

Last edited 2 years ago by D Jones
Fred Jackson
Fred Jackson
2 years ago
Reply to  D Jones

and no question was answered

sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Jackson

The point of Matt’s post was not to discuss the right or wrongness of non-straight sexuality, it was to comment on how the System has co-opted what should be a private affair & made it very public (in order to trigger strong emotions on both sides, which clearly it has done with you since you felt the need to attack someone who was doing nothing but sharing her thoughts, knowing she was addressing an audience heavily loaded with the opposing perspective).

Your long list of sarcastic accusations against her could just as easily be applied to a straight person, by the way.

Also, LGBT is an acronym…so it is correctly written in all caps…without implying any “idolization” whatsoever.

Fred Jackson
Fred Jackson
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

Seems her applause towards your savior complex really kicked in the dopamine response. She is the very embodiment of matt was saying and you also point out it should be a private matter and yet here she is wanting the world to know that she is “bisexual and non-binary”. Look at how she states, “please don’t blame us LGBT folks. Please don’t blame or fear everyday queer folks. We legit have been just trying to do our best for us and future generations of people like us.” Let’s analyze the hubris it would take to write something so arrogant. She genuinely believes this non-sense. How exactly do you suppose the future generation of gay people is achieved exactly? Only through the act of recruitment/indoctrination. The very system that twisted her thoughts is not something she wants to fight against. If this system creates a wave of lgbt people, then the system is beneficial to her campaign of recruitment. Do you understand? Also have you ever heard a heterosexual person refer to their sexuality as their true self. No, no you haven’t because we all intrinsically know that the true self is achieved through discipline and hard work. This person believes the true self is achieved through degeneracy and indignities, a bastardization of what is true. If you cannot see this than you are as much the problem as she is.

Last edited 2 years ago by Fred Jackson
D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Jackson

Having a part of who I am, my sexuality, (which everyone who has a brain and sex organs has), become so emphasized by our reality system (negatively or positively) forces me to have to name it in order to address the over emphasis. You yourself hyper sexualized the conversation to start with by bringing up specific acts in the assumptions you named in your first comment. Naming that I’m bi is as benign as people naming that they’re straight. Notice that you sexualized this conversation in your first comment and brought the focus to me personally, now I have to address it (or I guess I’m choosing to). This is the exact desired outcome of the reality system over emphasizing gay people negatively. (There are also consequences to it over emphasizing us in an idealizing way, which was what I interpreted Matt’s video to be about.) You’re playing right into it. And honestly at this point if I keep arguing with you knowing you are committed to misunderstanding me, I probably am too.

Last edited 2 years ago by D Jones
Fred Jackson
Fred Jackson
2 years ago
Reply to  D Jones

All your comments and replies here is an emphasis on your sexuality. If bi was as benign then why bring it up at all? is anyone else here stating their sexuality? No. This is an attempt by you to blanket over your foolishness with a veneer of innocence. You are simply hiding your hand.

Elaine Dudzinski
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Jackson

…and by the same token your responses are too, Fred, but YOU don’t have to emphasis your heterosexuality because it is accepted as the norm. You are by design accepted in this society. You don’t have to fight for anything. And this is exactly what Darrah is talking about. She is agreeing with Matt about the overexposure of this, but you are actually overexposing it as well by your horrible response to her. Who people go out with is no one’s business. And your disdain for her, guised under the fact that she “labeled” herself is your defense. And who made you the moral high ground expert on what is a valid point or answer?

Last edited 2 years ago by Elaine Dudzinski
Elaine Dudzinski
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Jackson

You are the problem, Fred. She is agreeing with Matt. But you can’t get past your hate of who she is. She put LGBTQ in capital letters, so she is the problem? Just wow. You are the male narrative who pushes his agenda on everyone else in how they should live. Indoctrination? Really? OMG, you really are delusional. Get out of the barn once in a while. She is who she is and doesn’t want corporate media putting it on display and yes, anyone but white is usually treated as a lesser being. History shows that women and people of color are treated like garbage. The people in power have had the reins and used it against those who are disenfranchised. This is just more of the same. She doesn’t owe you any response for her lifestyle.

Last edited 2 years ago by Elaine Dudzinski
Elaine Dudzinski
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Jackson

The line where you stop judging her lifestyle by your religious ruler. You do you, and everyone else can do their own thing.

D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

Thank you for your compassion towards me, sigh.

D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Jackson

Your comment is a profound example of how effective this reality system has been at utilizing identity (straight, gay, man, woman, trans, queer, whatever the identity, you name it) to foster distraction from the true self and division between people of all different kinds.

Fred Jackson
Fred Jackson
2 years ago
Reply to  D Jones

You answered nothing. Notice how you do not capitalize true self but every lgbt is. I wonder what you value more.

D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Jackson

What is your question for me, exactly?

Elaine Dudzinski
2 years ago
Reply to  D Jones

Don’t worry. Next Fred will be saying “you’re too pretty to be gay”.

Elaine Dudzinski
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Jackson

…and Fred, you just keep on blathering on about what she means to say, like you have some sort of personal gateway into her mind…trying to invalidate her every response, pushing your will upon her instead of understanding her. You are part of the problem. Who are you to translate her responses into your belief system? You completely dismissed her based on YOUR belief. Her true self…she prefers to be with a woman. Now go rant on how wrong I am. Leave the woman, who loves other women…alone.

Elaine Dudzinski
2 years ago
Reply to  Fred Jackson

Way to invalidate her comment, dude. How about you do you, and she can live the way she wants. that’s her point. She doesn’t want to be the PSYOPS poster girl.

D Jones
D Jones
2 years ago

Thank you Elaine for your passion and compassion, and thoughts. Really the reason I wanted to comment was to try to agree with Matt, which I do, just from a different lens and perspective. I see Matt’s point about the LGBT being a way to get us to tie further to this reality system, I also see how it’s being used to further corporate interests and I see how it’s being used to further the “creeps” (as Matt would say) agenda. This is why I will commonly say, “I guess I’m what this world would call bisexual and non-binary” (which have been some of my conclusions in my own process of understanding myself) Ultimately these labels and words are the yin and the yang, they have helped me understand myself and for that I’m grateful, but I see the dark side of them and how they’re being used, and ya know, so do a LOT of other people who would be considered “queer/LGBT”.

I like these platforms because they give us an opportunity to really express ourselves and our perspectives without the INSANE censorship that the usual platforms are enacting. As much as I did feel some hurt from some of the comments directed at me on this video, I also first came out in rural Utah and it is nothing new to me, and I’m okay with that being a part of my experience. I will defend the right of the Freds of the world to say such things to me no matter what. I chose to engage in this conversation, and I’m okay with the consequences of that, including hearing and accepting Fred’s opinions.

I have learned so much from freevoice, and from Matt, even on this very topic, it has been very eye-opening. I also offer my own perspective as a healthy challenge that both agrees with and brings (hopefully) a new light to the conversation that some may benefit from.

I also know that many people on this platform share Fred’s views, and I go into these conversations with awareness of that and acceptance of it. I think that’s the goal of my engagement with this platform, to share my perspective and hear others, even when the other’s really doesn’t feel kind to hear. Again, I’ve been living authentically (“out” as they would say) for eleven years, much of it in rural Utah, so his perspective, nor the way he expresses it is nothing new to me. * shrug * I also think this very comment thread does very well to highlight Matt’s points about distraction. Because, all of a sudden, the conversation really got focused on whether I “have a mental disorder and am evil, or misguided” or whatever Fred’s point is… rather than the point Matt was trying to make. The sexuality thing has been SUCH a weaponized tool of this reality system, and this comment thread is a fantastic example of Matt’s point, and I’m glad of that, and hope some others can see it. I DEFINITELY learned a lot from this, and for that I thank Fred, and Sigh, and you, Elaine, and anyone who read and got something out of this conversation. 🙂

Again I appreciate your comments and your addition to this conversation.

Last edited 2 years ago by D Jones
William Bontrager
William Bontrager
2 years ago

I’ve pointed out that the pride flag features the chakra color order inverted. So that the root chakra (red) is featured on top and the crown chakra (violet) is on bottom… is that not the hanging man / woman?

sigh inara
2 years ago

yes (that’s why, in the traditional deck, the Hanged Man is wearing red pants ~ symbolizing the passions/lower chakras)…this card isn’t as ominous as many make it out to be, though ~ it typically means you are stuck in a rut or situation that is blocking your progress & you should take advantage of being “hung up” for awhile by looking at things from a new perspective.

Sean Beecher
Sean Beecher
2 years ago

Gaslit Libtards…

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