Mayor De Blasio’s call for action, offering free Shake Shake as an incentive to get a vaccine, is both idiotic and insulting. In this case, the best way to fight back is to make that idiot look even more stupid!

Big city living has become a tragedy, so we may as well turn it into a comedy!

Matt McKinley

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Isaiah5417 Same
3 years ago

I hear the Mayor of L.A. is offering free dildos and a jar of Kentucky Butter

Carla Cassidy
Carla Cassidy
3 years ago

Now we’re talkin’ 🙂

Anthony Howard
Anthony Howard
3 years ago

Mattt Just want to say thank you. Not sure if you it was all you or some but you have helped me to start taking care of my self
My outlook has completely changed for the better.
One thing to come from this is that I have made one friend that i have never met in person but She has helped me through some bad times. We have only talked online but it really helps knowing your not alone in this.
So keep your chin up Bro. and greeting from across the pond.

3 years ago

In posting this I was amazed to see what comes with the free fries….I cannot be sure but it looks just like a weird spike ball I noticed at the Olympics back in the day.

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

Haha, uhh, think I’ll pass.

dag b
dag b
3 years ago
Reply to  Rob

its not healthy

Vehemently Flat
Vehemently Flat
3 years ago

how many people are getting the vax multiple times for multiple burgers

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago

That’s a good Question unfortunately people are probably thinking about that.

Liz Hoban
Liz Hoban
3 years ago

No people definitely will do that lmfao without a doubt

Lizzie Ball
Lizzie Ball
3 years ago

Well, if one vax is good….

Last edited 3 years ago by Lizzie Ball
Vehemently Flat
Vehemently Flat
3 years ago

these people are monsters

Donni C
Donni C
3 years ago

You got that right.

Justhere Forthefood
3 years ago

“In whose hands are iniquities, their right hand is filled with gifts”
 Psalms 25:10

Steven Essert
Steven Essert
3 years ago

San Francisco is offering free prostate exams…

William Bontrager
William Bontrager
3 years ago

A lifetime of potential auto-immune sickness and then death is so worth a free burger and fries today.

Carla Cassidy
Carla Cassidy
3 years ago

Make them wear collars so we can identify and stay away from them.

jared L
jared L
3 years ago

Matt cracks me up lol, hope everyone is doing alright, during these strange times we find ourselves navigating through!!!

Karin Kocel
Karin Kocel
3 years ago

I’m watching this, yet a 1980’s predictive programming advert jingle is playing in my head “You do the shake’ n’ vac and put the freshness back”

Anthony Howard
Anthony Howard
3 years ago
Reply to  Karin Kocel

wow thats a blast from the past.

Craig Anderson
Craig Anderson
3 years ago

I listen to Matt on an MP3 player. Is there a way to directly download the audio from

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
3 years ago

I agree it’s ridiculous. I hadn’t seen it until you presented it. I’m not letting it take one second of my time or energy.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago

This INSANITY is over the top UNBELIEVABLE, so sad!!🤯

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago

It would be STUPID to do it just for fries but a burger to, very tempting, a burger & Fries vrs being injected with some kind of hi tech poison? WTF? 🤔

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago

Cought me off guard with Strip Club,
Good one Matt I thought you were gonna say A NEW CAR!!🤣👍

Joshua Griffis
Joshua Griffis
3 years ago

Nothing has to be done. it’s just to reflect to us souls the cartoon. Reflection of taking back our creativity.. The A.I is dying in front of us . Short circuiting out👍😁💚

David Vincent
David Vincent
3 years ago

I burst out laughing when I saw that bulbous head in the first character, get your twin towers of fries not just devil horns. That’s the calmest I’ve ever heard that clown talk.

Alina Padilla
Alina Padilla
3 years ago

Mayor McCheese! Lol. They didn’t have to incentivize the vaxx in my state. Everyone happily got in line. Anything to feel like a heroic, sacrificial lamb. My state ranks highest in the nation for the most vaxxed. But it’s also highest in the nation for the most filthy rich, geriatric, retirees, so there you go. They move here to die, guess that might happen sooner than later. Or maybe we’ve all been duped and the vaxx really is just saline solution, with one random mode rna thrown in every 1,000. Wouldn’t surprise me.

VotexofDEW Fornander
VotexofDEW Fornander
3 years ago

Lovely ! I’m not even offended that you used my name Deb and I don’t have a brother this was hilarious!
And I just now learned how to cast it to my TV great day thanks Matt

Timothy Higgins
Timothy Higgins
3 years ago

I need to get him on TV now.

Timothy Higgins
Timothy Higgins
3 years ago

Humiliation ritual seems spot on. The energy it puts off is mocking everyone. If you have been vaxxed you don’t get any but if you haven’t been jabbed lunch is on us. Take in a ballgame too. The Padres are playing that shit here.

3 years ago

Oh God! The twisted heads comedy vids. This is gonna be FAF!

VotexofDEW Fornander
VotexofDEW Fornander
3 years ago

Just another note there’s word out to get in the pit at the new Dead tour you have to have the X in Jackson that is so against everything us old dead head stand for what the f***

danny lake
danny lake
3 years ago

lets hope the americans follow their gut- their real gut.

Rich Johnston
Rich Johnston
3 years ago

I’d rather get kicked in the nuts by Steve o from jack ass then eat those fries.

Iris Blake
Iris Blake
3 years ago

I was wondering what happened to Hamburgaller. After all these years he has emerged, ha ha. Mc D’s cast of characters still entertaining.

TG TheRobot
TG TheRobot
3 years ago

While talking to an elder, that I love dearly, he said “well if you dont get it you wont have any kind of social life”. I actually burst out laughing. There was no reasoning with him. I just said “you know how i feel about it, so lets just not bring it up.

Shanna Honea
Shanna Honea
3 years ago

They are all laughable to me these days the all gone bat shit crazy

Oregano Kat
Oregano Kat
3 years ago

OMG this is so funny thanks for the laugh.

jennifer katzen
jennifer katzen
3 years ago

Oh Matt this was fantastic. I’m a nurse and the only one in the clinic that refused the jab. I was kn my area watching this and was crying laughing 😂 I had to be careful not to be overheard by “The Others”. I know your right about laughter over trying to break down this clown show. The show at least is getting more fun to watch and you are always on point. You would have to run from me to loose me.
Thanks for everything you do! Lots of love from California.

Amy Pelino
Amy Pelino
3 years ago

That was funny Matt! Everything is so bizarre right now. It’s so stupid that they give away fast food and doughnuts, the worst stuff you can possibly put in your body but they proclaim they’re so concerned about everyone’s health. That alone should ring the alarm bells for people.

William Jeffreys
William Jeffreys
3 years ago

An actual vaccination that was not experimental, with successful long-term testing would be helpful.

Justhere Forthefood
3 years ago

It’s not experimental and it has been well-tested, probably for decades. They know exactly what the effects are. That story is just part of the ruse that the whole thing wasn’t planned. They know people are so stupid, they will still get it. Like Matt says, look around 10 corners.

Tom May
Tom May
3 years ago

Proletariat, you must remember, you’re not fully protected until you have received the 33rd vaccine shot. Have a productive day

Liz Hoban
Liz Hoban
3 years ago

Oh my god!!!! I just saw the actual video of DeBozo n his burger n fries now and I just laughed harder than I have in forever my abdomen hurts …. it’s even more ridiculous than I thought hahaha I heard about it and laughed but ..what …the …f
I CANT believe people take this shit seriously
Matt’s distorted-head-voice depicts it perfectly bc people are that far gone
Stuff like this makes it BETTER bc it’s SO crazy… it’s only gonna get wackier too
We are living in a Simpsons episode, it is that twisted n surreal …or South Park…reality is like a comic book …

I know I don’t have to Hobo it, but DeBozo is how I always refer to him lol

Pam Durocher
Pam Durocher
3 years ago

You are cracking me up tonight with those weird head shapes.

Tina Marie
Tina Marie
3 years ago

I’m in Maine and they’re giving out LL Bean gift cards here for getting the vax. 🤦‍♀️

I literally cannot believe that this is really on TV

Last edited 3 years ago by Tina Marie
Liz Hoban
Liz Hoban
3 years ago
Reply to  Tina Marie

That’s almost more hilarious than the DeBozo burger

Tina Marie
Tina Marie
3 years ago

I think this is the first time I have ever seen Matt without the headset on. 😁

Have a great weekend in clown world everyone. 🤣

Bad Wolf
Bad Wolf
3 years ago

Does anybody has any info on vaccinated people being harmful to non-vaccinated people? I have been searching about this, but not found a lot yet.
I suspect that there might be ways that a vaccinated person might transfer things they were vaccinated with or their altered mRNA, DNA body might do that.
I have been keeping my distance from vaccinated people as much as possible. Vaxxed? Keep a 6 km distance, please! 😛 Got Corona? You can hug me, no problem 😛 😀

The school shared the reason for their decision. It is because the adults ‘’may be transmitting something from their bodies.’’

Centner Academy announced that three women had menstrual cycle irregularities since they spent time with a vaccinated person.

Zeljka Medic
Zeljka Medic
3 years ago

You made me laugh. Omg
I think it’s a product of degradation. Most normies will be delighted with his presentation and will be completely normal to them. While your show would be like the mayor’s show to us.

Ryan M
3 years ago

lol. good stuff. When you think of Vaccination, think of ‘Dead Meat’ lol. Now ironically, the word Vaccine actually does come from word origin Vacca which is latin for Cow. Dead meat indeed. So when you think of vaccines, yeah.. burgers lol “herd” immunity hmm. herd something.

Ryan M
3 years ago

lol. good stuff. When you think of Vaccination, think of ‘Dead Meat’ lol. Now ironically, the word Vaccine actually does come from word origin Vacca which is latin for Cow. as in cowpox. Dead meat indeed. So when you think of vaccines, yeah.. burgers lol “herd” immunity hmm. herd something alright. you know what else moves in herds? zombies. at least in the walking dead they do.

john mcfarlane
john mcfarlane
3 years ago

Was already killing myself laughing,then I saw squashed Matt and lost the plot.

john mcfarlane
john mcfarlane
3 years ago

My three word incentive.Personal flying machine.The one I was promised by the Jetsons and cheated out of by the century stalling tactics of the last 20 years.

Amaranta Betta
Amaranta Betta
3 years ago

Omg I cant inscentivesis …I am right ny NYC I demand In and Out burger ..which we have been deprived of on the east coast…then I may reconsider…my incestivesis ….lmfaooo

garry clegg
garry clegg
3 years ago

I’m pissed of here in uk no incentive to have one , so until I’m given a offer not having it.

Robert Astleford
Robert Astleford
3 years ago

This looks to me like whatever plan is being pushed it’s behind schedule and the desperation is showing. In the mean time there’s a large group of doctors and lawyers that will be putting this to the test in a world court, people are having horrible side effects, and questions are finally being asked. Things are coming to a head. A Nobel prize winning virologist said these people will all be dead within 2 years. I’m not into religion but this looks like the wheat and tares scenario. Time might tell.

Dean Aldridge
Dean Aldridge
3 years ago

Thank you Matt and Rob.

Moon Seven
Moon Seven
3 years ago

The value of a life in NYC – The price of a small portion of fries.
Todays bargain – just play Russian Roulette and get your free portion of fries.
A one time offer only then its for eternity you have to play once, twice, three times a year but no more free fries just the bullet in the needle. . . . hmmm.

Liz Hoban
Liz Hoban
3 years ago
Reply to  Moon Seven

And as a native NYC-er, I can assure you…
People there absolutely will sell out for a free burger n fries

Moon Seven
Moon Seven
3 years ago

Is he trying to get people to audition for the 2020s remake of The Deer Hunter as Christopher Walken knows the script.

Earthling Carl
Earthling Carl
3 years ago

I’m in stitches here, well done Matt!

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