For two years I have stated “Worry About Your Self.” I still believe we are on our own, individual spiritual journey here in life and we are not here to save the world.

The truther notion of fixing the system and “putting people like Hillary in jail” is a false breadcrumb and exactly what the system wants us focusing on. However, as powerful generator beings WHO ARE NEEDED by this matrix, we may have more influence than we know if our intention is focused properly on bringing this system down… but… is that really what we should be doing?

I’m been thinking about this recently, but I think it’s motivated by anger and revenge. If you had the ability to destroy the support columns of this system, would mass chaos and death help our personal spiritual journey?

Matt McKinley

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Lori Sugai
Lori Sugai
3 years ago

I just got here for the first time from yt
i much enjoy your diatribes.

Eileen Dudash
Eileen Dudash
3 years ago
Reply to  Lori Sugai


3 years ago
Reply to  Lori Sugai

You are not so committed to the truth if you are here for the first time just now. 😁🦢

303 Lauren
303 Lauren
3 years ago

the matrix cant be reformed because the matrix is an illusion

dag b
dag b
3 years ago

I want comfort…and keep it.. I havent had enough in my life.. If the ppl wannasleep let them .. I hope I dont have to help , Im doing already what I can and sadness isnt necessary. Idk Matt ppl ALWAYS have a change, dont you believe God is always present to connect with? Come on

Last edited 3 years ago by dag b
Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago
Reply to  dag b

I try with people but I also think that if we contribute within our own being, meaning stay optimistic and appreciate our lives then we fulfil our ”obligation” anyway but I also acknowledge that we work on things in the dream state, thus affecting other aspects of existence too. So long as we don’t add to the negative then it’s a case of ‘boy (or girl) done good,’ -to my mind. Having said that, sometimes I get attacked by entities in my dreams and in that instance I feel ‘obliged’ to take the offenders apart. That’s where my martial arts training comes in really handy!

Last edited 3 years ago by Luke Anonymous
dag b
dag b
3 years ago
Reply to  Luke Anonymous

Cool, I love the fighting. Im mentioning here; i didnt get any notification of this reply and I always assumed nobody ever replied .

Jerry Marshall
Jerry Marshall
3 years ago

I’m of the opinion that no one here wants to destroy this construct out of revenge driven by anger. People may die, but death is an illusion. People put too much stock in these banana wraps that bruise and spoil. I’m not afraid to peel out of here.

dag b
dag b
3 years ago

I was thinking about the Wutang clan today / Wuhan inspired, they were popular, they had a program.

Zeljka Medic
Zeljka Medic
3 years ago

My first opinion was, I wouldn’t. First of all, I believe, we would be shocked by the revelation of all the curtains. We saw behind 20% maximum. Total chaos would ensue and no one would be aware at all. On second thought, I would throw down at least those veils we looked behind, and we do that, we pull those curtains and it will fall. Why not, when it’s a ball, let it be a masquerade ball. We ar all an all is one, so yes.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zeljka Medic
Zeljka Medic
Zeljka Medic
3 years ago
Reply to  Zeljka Medic

We already have “that T-shirt”, #novinarativ (new narrative)

sigh inara
3 years ago

I have fallen off the fence solidly into the “woi bout yoself” side…much less stressful over here (though these Master Level Detachment finals are a bitch).

It seems to me the NPC’s (which outnumber us) have been infected with a pathological fear of death so that we might catch it as well. Religion reinforces this, in the sense that it teaches that you only have ONE chance & if you can’t manage to “be perfect” then torture of varying degrees awaits you.

I believe there will always be a chance for real divine beings to wake up, no matter how challenging the levels get cranked up to be…after all, the system is ultimately manifested for our benefit. We can’t know who we are unless we can experience who/what we are not.

You weren’t taking a vote, but I am in favor of your doing away with the “anticipating sarcastic objections” remarks…we all love you here, Matt, just say what you gotta say…no need to conjure up negativity that isn’t there.

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
3 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

Thank you for expressing that to him.

Ricky A
Ricky A
3 years ago

Go Ask Alice! When she is feeling 300 hundred foot tall. Feed your head.
And if you go chasing rabbits
And you know you’re going to fall
Tell them a hookah-Smoking caterpillar
Has given you the call
Call Alice when she was just small
When the men on the chess board get up and tell you where to go

3 years ago
Reply to  Ricky A

Go ask Alice
I think she’ll know

When logic and proportion
Have fallen sloppy dead
And the White Knight is talking backwards
And the Red Queen’s off with her head
Remember what the dormouse said
Feed your head
Feed your head

Ricky A
Ricky A
3 years ago

But! Do not chant for reason or else you are dead. I think you’ll know.

Ellie Wilson
Ellie Wilson
3 years ago
Reply to  Ricky A

That is one of my favorite songs ever

Ricky A
Ricky A
3 years ago

(I said, what’s your problem? They Live (1988))

Lillian Liber
Lillian Liber
3 years ago

Regarding clowns, I have not been searching for them, but keep coming across videos like The Nephilim Look Like Clowns and several others. I think change can be enacted but am not sure if it comes from ourselves or the reality itself. I have always had the “knack” of when I want to find and purchase an odd item (I love antiques, records, books etc) it shows up. I can walk into a thrift shop with an intent to find something and there it is. My family and friends have commented on this all my life. I don’t think I have any particular edge or power over anything, but someone seems to be listening to me! I also feel attracted to odd little “found things”. Objects that cross my path while out and about that aren’t worth anything, a little keyring trinket, feather, coin or a plastic toy etc. I pick them up and keep them in a little treasure box. Huge amounts of serendipity in my life. As with everyone my life has been far from perfect, but I do always feel grateful and blessed, Perhaps our various energies and “abilities” if that’s what they are can be harnessed and used.

Teresa Munsell
Teresa Munsell
3 years ago
Reply to  Lillian Liber

My friend ,Terry, has this same skill. It’s interesting how we can be powerful manifestors in an aspect of our life but don’t realize it’s full potential

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago
Reply to  Lillian Liber

I have little syncs almost on the daily.


About an hour ago I was shaving while listening to the moody blues and thinking about when I went to a Kula Shaker gig in 2007. After the gig I met Crispian Mills (lead singer) in the car park, had a chat with him and then he got into his car. Just as he was pulling off I knocked on his window and he rolled it down so I was able to ask him a question I forgot to raise. I said ‘do you like the Moodies?’ He laughed and said ‘of course I do’ then drove away. So where am I going with this?

Well, I came down stairs after I shaved and put the computer on and then loaded my radio paradise tab -which is my go-to radio station first thing in the morning.

My wife made my breakfast and I sat down in a chair. The next song to play was ‘Narayana’ by Kula Shaker. Not only that but the song was from the ‘Strangefolk’ album which (in 2007) was the actual name of the Kula Shaker tour as they were kinda promoting the album. This was the song the radio station played this morning:

As I said, this kind of thing happens to me almost on a daily basis. I don’t know what it is about radio paradise but it also has the knack of reflecting my mood with its music.

I told my wife about this most recent episode and I said ‘see we do create our reality.’

What I notice about these things is that they tend to manifest when we’re not consciously trying to manifest anything. We just seem to have these internal dialog s with ourselves and the -as if by magic- the manifestations occur!

That’s my two cents on this subject today but I have about a thousand dollars (or pounds as in my case) in my memory banks. Pun not intended!

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago
Reply to  Lillian Liber

I have little syncs almost on the daily.


About an hour ago I was shaving while listening to the moody blues and thinking about when I went to a Kula Shaker gig in 2007. After the gig I met Crispian Mills (lead singer) in the car park, had a chat with him and then he got into his car. Just as he was pulling off I knocked on his window and he rolled it down so I was able to ask him a question I forgot to raise. I said ‘do you like the Moodies?’ He laughed and said ‘of course I do’ then drove away. So where am I going with this?

Well, I came down stairs after I shaved and put the computer on and then loaded my radio paradise tab -which is my go-to radio station first thing in the morning.

My wife made my breakfast and I sat down in a chair. The next song to play was ‘Narayana’ by Kula Shaker. Not only that but the song was from the ‘Strangefolk’ album which (in 2007) was the actual name of the Kula Shaker tour as they were kinda promoting the album.

As I said, this kind of thing happens to me almost on a daily basis. I don’t know what it is about radio paradise but it also has the knack of reflecting my mood with its music.

I told my wife about this most recent episode and I said ‘see we do create our reality.’

What I notice about these things is that they tend to manifest when we’re not consciously trying to manifest anything. We just seem to have these internal dialog s with ourselves and the -as if by magic- the manifestations occur!

That’s my two cents on this subject today but I have about a thousand dollars (or pounds as in my case) in my memory banks. Pun not intended!

PS. I made this comment but it disappeared. Maybe it was because I added a weblink to the ‘Narayana’ song so I re-posted without the link. If it does get through then please delete this comment Matt or Mr or Mrs Admin.

I always copy messages before I post because there’s been so many occasions where I’ve lost long messages in the past.

Linda Matus
Linda Matus
3 years ago

Have you ever read “The Secret”? It is exactly what you are talking about. Manifesting physical change with your thoughts. I have been on many spiritual Paths throughout my adult life. I read the secret and watched the movie a long time ago. I knew many people who were of course trying to manifest “abundance“. I don’t think any of them ever did. Anyone surprised? I do remember thinking at the time I was reading it if its such a big secret why are they letting us have it? I still think that. However, I have heard of the power of group meditation/intention affecting the physical. One incidence in particular was an effect on crime in Washington DC with directed intention/meditation for peace in that area. I think the difference is the power is in the numbers. The secret doesn’t seem to work so well for people as individuals especially when they are just trying to manifest something for their own benefit. I think the counterculture in the 60s had a lot of the right ideas but the minions inserted drugs and lots of divisive mechanisms into the movement.

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
3 years ago
Reply to  Linda Matus

The Government inserted the drugs in the 60’s.

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago
Reply to  Linda Matus

I consider myself a student of the law of attraction. I read ‘The Secret’ in 2011 and ‘The Power’ in 2012. I also read and authored faithful PDF versions of ‘The Science Of Getting Rich, Being Well and Being Great’ books. I studied ‘The Master Key System’ by Charles Haanel and I immersed myself in the Abraham Hicks teachings, bought some Seth Material books etc.. I really played around with these philosophies and in a sense I think I still am playing with it, although I kinda let the teachings go, At the beginning I manifested a visit no New York (from UK) very fast by bringing in pictures and ornaments of NYC into my home. Of course my ‘intention’ is to explode the teachings in a big way and there are times I ‘feel’ on the verge of something very significant. Throughout this process there have been certain numbers which continue (to this day) to ”ping” me. I’ve shown a relative how these numbers keep manifesting around me and on Christmas day I pointed out to my future son-in-law how a certain number appeared on my log book and tax receipt when I bought my current vehicle. It was also on the log book of my previous car and it goes back as far as my New York visit where I was stood in front of a building -number 777, 6th Avenue. The number was the last three digits on a phone number in the background of the photo. Just a couple of days ago I got a £10 with the number on the last three digits of the serial. This has happened countless times on bank notes, it’s like it never goes away despite my trying to forget about it all.

Before going to NYC I was also getting inundated by the number 777.

I went to Florida in 2014 and in my change I received a $1 bill and the last digits of the serial number were 7774U !

As I mentioned in another comment, my memory banks are full of these events.

Last edited 3 years ago by Luke Anonymous
Kirk Mcquest
Kirk Mcquest
3 years ago
Reply to  Linda Matus

‘The Master Key System’ is the real ‘secret’ within The Secret.

Ricky A
Ricky A
3 years ago

Thank you Gymkata master. I shall remember you. They Live – The Sellout – John Carpenter (<this don’t mean you Matt).

Maria Bekropoulos
Maria Bekropoulos
3 years ago

I like the idea of visually bitch slapping them in the head when they lie to us on the screen or through the air waves and imagining their reaction. That’s funny!

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago

Funny for sure but that would just add to their negative appetite so you would be feeding the beast with that.

John Smith
John Smith
3 years ago

Greatings Great One(s)

I only comment to inform thy self.. (all aspects of the one reading)

We have already made that decision…

Many of us… Live outside the system .

We roam via foot and unregistered vehicles across the land..

The dream is revealing it’s self more every day…

Live true to ur spirit..

Set ones possessions free.. including ones prison house/apartments with which you have locked thy self away…

Live like you are in a dream.. Interacting with aspects of the One , who essentially know not what they do…. They just know there programming…all will be revealed .

Then its time to step out into life and finally live… I know 80 yrs old to 8 mths olds out here ridding the system via there will and focus..
Living off grid and out of the system will show you the reality very fast and esp who/ we truly are.. God.. All is One

Focus is everything.. if you truly choose to want the true natural life . One must act on it.. and bring thy self closer to Mother(Nature)

The system runs on fear.. once fear is ridden…
It lives no more..
Fear is only purged by Knowing thy self..

And when one knows thy self. We truly can traVerse this realm/plane in the face of opposition (polarity ) and no be scathed by it..

Miracle Eye/ We Are.

I have been waiting to comment for along time… Long time. .

Today it is in alignment…

Why do we fear…

Programs have implemented during childhood trauma experienced events..

When. I feel fear..

Instinctively Eye Infinity Creator Within
Speak into my living vessel… Why are you afraid. Response is irrelevant..
Although the gentle great spirit listens anyways.
Eye then Inform the living vessel you are afraid because a cloud of forgetfulness runs thru your mind which with we focus sometimes to much on.. I encourage my living vessels mind to ponder and think of the infinite amounts of times we have been in a no way it’s a coincidence magical experience. I live in my van with my dogs off grid all cross the land. We have been living like this over 5 yrs now.. I know many others like wise with more yrs. I know who we are. Cause of these no way could play out that wAy experiences.. and infinite amount as well..

At least 20 synchronicities a day . Powers are increasing.. I have morphed vehicle parts to work over time with thy will.. I have magically manipulated tech and other things..
Mandela effects galore

We are God.. Some Remember ing

Man is God subject to death
God is Man in life eternal

Think of your magical not explained moments that lead one closer to thy self..
I love you.. all reading this. Fear well

Last edited 3 years ago by John Smith
Anna Christian
Anna Christian
3 years ago
Reply to  John Smith

To desire to be like God was why 1/3 of the angels were banished from. Heaven. The desire to be as God was why Eve ate of the forbidden fruit and caused ALL of creation to be banished from Paradise. We are not Gods, we are created beings. There is only ONE true God who is above all others. To believe otherwise is an affront to your maker. You are not and never will be all powerful – please rethink your understanding. To believe you are anything other than what God made you to be, a human on this plane with a an eternal spirit, is to believe the ultimate lie from Lucifer.

Last edited 3 years ago by Anna Christian
Ricky A
Ricky A
3 years ago
Reply to  Anna Christian

Whom recorded the tale? The scribes. Be wiser than a serpent and peaceful as a dove.

John Smith
John Smith
3 years ago
Reply to  Anna Christian

Look within Great one and all will be revealed

Last edited 3 years ago by John Smith
Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago
Reply to  Anna Christian

You don’t know any more than the OP knows who or what we are. You have not met your ‘God’ because if you’re holding to a Christian teaching or similar then nobody sees God and lives so you’re no more in the light on this matter than anyone else. True you no doubt have intuition but then so do many who still don’t know and then there’s that saying about the person who thinks he knows actually knows nothing!

Last edited 3 years ago by Luke Anonymous
Ricky A
Ricky A
3 years ago

This one is for you Matt and your friend(whom I can not name-the cyber man friend of yours). And, to you Matt & Company learn the myth of magic(aka spelling).- Peter Gabriel – Don’t Give Up (ft. Kate Bush)

Didier FABRE
Didier FABRE
3 years ago

Je n’attends qu’une seule chose, et depuis longtemps déja !! C’est que cette Putain de “réalité” de monde pourri s’écroule et si cela conduit à un CHAOS monstreux et sanglant, et ben tant pis, j’en ai plus rien à foutre ! “Chacun pour soi et dieu” pour tous comme on dit !
Je n’ai plus peur de mourrir, même dans la violence, mais avant que l’on me perce le flanc je prendrai un immense Plaisir à percer le flanc d’un bon nombre avant de rester sur le carreau !
Trop de souffrance depuis trop longtemps dans cette existence, certain d’entre “nous” ont versé définitivement dans la Rage, la Haine et la Violence, et c’est TROP TARD !
Un Guerrier Celte des Gaules !
Fuck the Universe !!

Maciej Zajac
Maciej Zajac
3 years ago

surfin’ on the tides worrying about my self; let the system exist as so many are trapped in it and colapse will cause unwanted things. I let the screen be there, dance and jump around me, but on the other side of my fence. No fear.

Robert Nichols
Robert Nichols
3 years ago

Careful what you wish.
Careful what you say.
Careful what you wish you may regret it.
Careful what you wish you just might get it.

Then it all crashes down…

john ingrum
john ingrum
3 years ago

Waking the sleeping sheeple is impossible. They can only awaken if Yahweh removes the veils from their eyes to see the truth. Getting upset or mad at family and/or friends is wasted energy. Be helpful when you can, but realize it is not our role to save the blind as they stumble towards the ditch. There’s a reason Yahweh stated that the road to destruction is wide and the path to everlasting life is narrow.

Tim Hogan
Tim Hogan
3 years ago

Hmmm. No I don’t want it all to be revealed to others or even more to myself on my timeline (now), because that would be just my fear cloaked in compassion stroking my ego.
I love the statement about normalizing absurdity. I’ve been saying for years there’s an increasing tendency for all of the crazies to “validate” each other’s absurdities making them all feel secure in this (train station) physical plane of existence. Most seem scared to death of dying.
I’ve used “The Secret” to obtain physical possessions to imprison and suffocate myself. So now, I’m in process of my own devolution of possessions. Because I’m a provider to many (family, clients, customers, employees, etc.) , it’s far easier said than done, but the slow, quiet ride out of Dodge doesn’t attract the attention of others and I’m fading back to my freedom.
Thank you for this platform.

Maciej Zajac
Maciej Zajac
3 years ago

about 20 years ago I had a discussion with somebody about how this place is F-ed up. I remember what “came out of my mouth” : if you want to repair the world, you should start with yourself first. Since I followed my own words, it took time, I was lost hundreds of times, but proved working after so many years. Reject fear, know your self – you are all in one and part of everything

Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
3 years ago
Reply to  Maciej Zajac

Michael Jackson said it best. I’m Starting with the man in the mirror.

Diane Considder
Diane Considder
3 years ago

“This guy is so intelligent but he’s a conspiracy theorist, I finally had to stop his nonsense and tell him to stop sending me proof of all the lies in this world, lol, and told him that I’ve never read anything he’s sent. Do you believe that he even thinks that the Sandy Hook shooting never happened?” This was just one of the many conversations at the Christmas gathering. Nobody could come unless they took a covid test first. I was shamed, belittled, made to feel guilty and accused of being stupid and ignorant. I didn’t even bother to respond because it’s useless, it was seven against me anyway. I will never attend or do this to myself again. I left that place, went home, and just felt like crying. Not a very merry Christmas.

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago

Don’t worry about it. There’s a Tarot card which is the six of wands, It’s my card too but remember that those others down there are at your feet and you’re just playing a ‘whack em all’ game.

Last edited 3 years ago by Luke Anonymous
Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden
3 years ago

Where is the proof that anyone is a “great creator being” that is needed by the system? Talk about over inflated ego’s. This community has never even discovered any truths. Everything they have was fed to them.

This is no different than thinking the CIA is stalking everyone. Even if anyone knew the truth about a particular subject they couldn’t do anything with it anyway.

You think spiritual enlightenment is a journey where you isolate yourself from everyone and do nothing to try to effect change to the world? That’s highly unlikely to be the case. Sounds like you are trying to return to a foetal state. This entire community is losing their collective minds.

Good luck with ascension, starseeds and diamond indigo children.

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter Biden

The truth hurts brother, and you just laid down some serious trust. I applaud you for it.

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter Biden

Who stubbed their to on the bedpost this morning?

Kirk Mcquest
Kirk Mcquest
3 years ago
Reply to  Hunter Biden

We’re trying to effect change in ourselves. If you cant do that, what chance do you have in changing the whole world? Start with the basic unit that you have the most control over….change THAT and youve done more to change the world than all of the people who think like you COMBINED.

Michael Brinkerhoff
Michael Brinkerhoff
3 years ago


Diane Considder
Diane Considder
3 years ago

My comment is waiting for approval? Isn’t this freevoice?

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

If it has a link or other hypertext, it needs to be checked for problems before others could click on a harmful link.

Diane Considder
Diane Considder
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

It had no link, I used an event that I thought was safe to talk about here though. I didn’t realize this was censored.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

It could also be a curse word. I did a test on day 1.

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
3 years ago

Your comment posted. All can see and read it.

Pa Ca
Pa Ca
3 years ago

I have a test idea…this “3 year old” that was just “abducted” in San Antonio was …get this… 55 lbs and near 4 feet tall. We should call this out and see what comes of it.

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago

Hi Matt. I’m glad you’re leaving the beast platform. I only really go there for you and John Levi.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Luke Anonymous

And old videos of dads army

3 years ago

Well…were do we start? Actually, it is pretty simple; we are all placed on this earth for a purpose. The most complex part is finding your purpose. Once you find your purpose, the reality opens up and it all becomes open in plain sight on what the reality really is/not. The first part of your quest for your purpose, is knowing that you are not part of the collective, but a true individual with unique thoughts and a purposefulness soul. Getting away from the collective is not easy; the collective pulls you in like a magnet to steel. Break the bond is letting go of all your fears that have been indoctrinated into our person since we first opened our eyes. The fear of being alone, not included, not loved, not seen, and so on. Your purpose may take several lifetimes to understand, but once you find it, it will seem so simple and peaceful always right there in front of you. I believe it all starts in our thought process and frequency. In order to find your purpose, you most be on the correct frequency. I believe we all see and harness reality differently. That is how the reality gets away with the craziness and disbelief all around us. The lower the frequency, the more engrained you are with the collective, and the further away from your purpose and getting out of this reality for good. We are all on this journey together, but individually.

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago
Reply to  Janet

Choice words Janet!

Ricky A
Ricky A
3 years ago

My name is not important. The meaning in this life. Is who are you? Space Above and Beyond 1×16 The Angriest Angel

Anna Christian
Anna Christian
3 years ago

I am a non-vaxed God fearing non-traditional Christian. I believe God is in control of all things and I believe in the power of prayer. I agree we are in this “dream” just momentarily and those of us who are “real humans” are spiritually connected to our higher self on another plane of reality. I also belive overcoming fear is an impotant lesson (faith) to learn here, as well as overcoming hate, pride and the love of this world (materialism). Love for our Creator and love (kindness/forgiveness) towards others are the important lessons we are required to learn in this life test to “graduate”. If we individually or collectively want to change things here it will be through our prayers (collective conciousness). However, God is ultimately in control and all things happen according to His will and in His time. If we collectively want to change this earthly reality the collective prayer should be “Come quickly, Yahusha Ha’Mashiac” (Lord Jesus). None of us will ever know the Truth of this reality until we are on the “other side”. I am quite sure what I experience at this time is NOT what most people around me understand/experience (some others are on the same wavelenght). You openned my understanding to that fact. I really don’t NEED to know how this reality works – and that is where my faith is so important – I TRUST that everything concerning my earthly life is controlled by my Savior/God. I believe, for now anyway, I only need to worry about myself but, I do still need to have a kind and generous attitude towards others and not to judge others. I have reached this attitude only within the last few years – so surely there is hope others can/will wake-up!

Paul Owen
Paul Owen
3 years ago

Hi Matt CONSIPRAC R US did a video of the CLOWNS that worship Mary in Mexico

Bianca L.
Bianca L.
3 years ago

Excellent presentation Matt! I’m sorry to hear about your dad’s fear to death, for 2 years almost people we love and use to respect are acting like dicks because of this beer bug virus !
I can’t get over the simple minds of the NPCs and their lack of common sense. I Lost one of my precious treasures couple of months ago my beloved cat that was with me for 18 years! I don’t care about anything anymore I think this world is over and there is no turning back! Thanks for this wonderful platform of alike souls.

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago

Four years ago, after looking into flat Earth for a period of about two years, I had a moment of uncertainty that lasted for about half an hour. I was sat in my living room staring at the long curtains on my window and I thought ‘Oh my God, where the F@ck are we? We could be anywhere!

The I came up with a phrase that goes like this:

I don’t know, You don’t know, We don’t know and ”THEY” don’t know. Let’s ask Mr Nobody, because ”NOBODY KNOWS” what this ”Dimensional Existence” REALLY IS!

3 years ago

It is clear to me this middle ground from garden of edan to tartaria to the world today. From your best day ever to your worst day ever. All a “matrix”, maybe different matrix’s but we are always in a matrix. The point of this place is to create your own matrix aka family or support one that supports your spirit or your interest or your mission you feel drawn to. Thats it. Theres a beauty in simplicity. If you wish for there to be more make your fiction or matrix more. That’s it. The Sound of one hand clapping. The smallest one thing can get is two things. Imagine cutting a magnet in half always a north and a south always no matter how times you cut it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Brennon

Slso to add this is not the really real world there is no really real world. This middle place or experince will always be a fiction and thats ok. I feel well eventually find we always choose to be here, Fractions of one mind, and if we want to beat the game we come to term with the quantity or the things around us we cannot change. The sun the sky the earth its seasons, our gender etc. and focus those to a point that focusing creates a quality experince. Fix yo world fix the world. Simple. Not hard. Fix your life. Whatever that means to YOU. No more rabbit holes. Learn skill build family be aware of nature. Wam bam thank you mam. Easy peasy lemon squeezey.

Allen Laux
Allen Laux
3 years ago

I was waiting for you to go full on “FreeVoice” I don’t like figuring out hobo code even though they’re funny. I love this Freevoice website that’s why I bought a Sub for a friend as a Christmas present. I need some tech help for her account, need to separate our accounts so she can log in herself.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Allen Laux

Thanks Allen

John Senior
John Senior
3 years ago

Matt’s misremembering that the Washington Compost had the tagline Democracy Dies in the Dark. They’ve always had it as Democracy Dies in Darkness but Matt his constantly just said it wrong. I have been brought into accepting some of the Mandella Effect because of what Matt has said, especially when it comes to Winds of Change by the Scorpions but Matt has just always been wrong about the WaPo since I’ve been listening to him.

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

Even if you are affected by ‘The Time Shift Effect’ (wrongly named the mandela effect) you can still have a different recollection to things that other shift-affected people recall.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago

Matt’s message mirrors my journey through so many “truth channels”, through over 10 plus years.

Often after watching any other channel (you name it) that “made sense” (sometimes for months or years) they’d drift off into a “pick-up truck army / let’s take down the machine” mode and that’s when I’d step back and say (really?).

These Angel Heart monsters turned buildings into dust in 2001, they can weave their magic through (everything), they serve some type of role here in this spiritual soul test . . . and we’re going to take them down (without advanced provable word from our creator? really?) then what, play with your crypto (without power, without tech anymore, whatever).

IF a pick-up truck army actually won, I have no doubt none of them would have complex plans to deal with the after-math they’ve just created. . . at all.

3 years ago


3 years ago

Let’s envision all Zionists dead in a second.

Rocky Brewer
Rocky Brewer
3 years ago


Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Rocky Brewer

Thanks Rocky. We need some help in the kitchen and setting up chairs….

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago

I had a telegram channel (now deleted) called ‘Conscious Awareness’ where we were performing intention experiments to create red sun-blasts from the sky to disable the 5G infrastructure but people stopped replying so I deleted it.

Joseph Carioggia
Joseph Carioggia
3 years ago

I’m kinda embarrassed to admit, but I was watching an old season episode of Grey’s Anatomy this morning, and there was an injured clown that came in hospital…

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago

No log out option or profile edit? Goodnight all……out

Last edited 3 years ago by Luke Anonymous
Ricky A
Ricky A
3 years ago

excelsior! Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’ (Official Audio)

frank ebert
frank ebert
3 years ago

You better have your personal security/survivability for worst case scenario before you “pull the plug” on the System. I think the “separation of the wheat and the tares” energy construct is doing this by default.

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
3 years ago

I think you point out one of the MOST important things and ideals that needs be addressed. People are afraid. Afraid to die!! It seems to be contained to the more “Western Societies” yet there it is. I’d personally LOVE to see this whole thing crash-down. Now, it also depends on how it were to happen. It would SEEM that there ARE “resets” that happen “naturally” and “we” have no control over it… or maybe SOME do… WHO knows??? But this DOES need to happen and NOT be afraid of dying. The Pharaohs of old, spent their ENTIRE life, learning how to “navigate” the “afterlife”. There’s something there and I’m absolutely NOT “afraid” of seeing it. Now… the thing that I think that have people “scared” of death, is the “HOW” one “goes”. I’ve my rather-NOT’S as I’m sure most people have. And these Hollywood/Entertainment Industry has “PLAYED” us with the process of dying. We have it backward here. Oh DANG!!! Y’all JUST said it… “Afraid of death… terrified of death”. (talking about “dad”) so yeah… Y’all got it!!! There it is…

Luke Anonymous
Luke Anonymous
3 years ago

I’ve convinced myself that my transition will be conscious, quick and easy.

Last edited 3 years ago by Luke Anonymous
Nieman Steve
Nieman Steve
3 years ago

Like everything in the vastness of Cosmic creation, the current situation we find ourselves in was created by someone somewhere. Earth has its place.  Maybe as a dream; maybe as a game of sorts.

I would never presume to wade into the middle of whatever this is to “fix” it.  It will take future twists and turns on its own as humans and other entities both physically and non-physically co-create going forward (backward; sideways?).

I don’t want to experience what appears to be coming.  And I believe (know) I won’t.  In all our hacked and occulted history, it appears humans on Earth never experienced phase locking consciousness into machines.  Ditching bodies and individuality; the whole hive mind, borg idea.  I could be wrong, but what I’ve read about disasters at Lemuria and Atlantis (so long ago who really knows?) weren’t exactly what humanity is on the precipice of now.
Never been done before; let’s do it!

Apparently, there are lots of humans who want this experience––and using their creative powers they will.  Creative Source doesn’t pivot on creations that only look positive (judged by whom?)

Many people would literally go insane if the matric collapsed suddenly.  They aren’t ready.  This current reality buys them more time to gain awareness, say, to know that we have lived multiple lives before this one.  And if the phenomenon of reincarnation stays active, will live many more.  That death is an illusion.  Verifiable things like that.

Immortality seems like such a crazy idea to die for.  Obviously, our soul or essence is immortal.  That’s why longing to never die proves ignorance to the uninitiated––or evidence of a last, desperate stand because all other options have been lost.

This is the situation of the ones who have currently seized power of this place.  Stakes are always high in real life, a must to eliminate all distraction.  We’re all they got. We really are their gods.  They lose us they die.  Forever.

The Dark, Shadow, the Poles––a real potential in a “free” you-niverse.  It butchers love and joy, as we have witnessed.  But somewhere, like right here right now–this rendition has to play out.  As a testimonial to an utterly destructive force always lurking in any reality.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Nieman Steve

well worded

Bill Billards
Bill Billards
3 years ago

In the last matrix this website was freevoice.zion

3 years ago

I don’t speak for all Intentional Communities.. I don’t speak for all AnCap’s, NAP types or any other “wackos” like myself, however… I and many like myself have left this “Matrix” as much as we can and will continue to do so.. LEAVE US BE.. or suffer the consciences, be it the GubMents or any other outside entity, we will take effective and immediate action by any and all means necessary. We have children, we have lives and plans for OUR CHILDREN, to provide them with the best that can be hoped for in the years to come. To wish, to hope.. that this can be done without any violence, to “try a new approach” while noble, is equally naïve. I will not and IMO, many like myself will not, engage in this.. farcical, circus called “reality” .. we will not protest, will will not comply and we did not consent. This is a Zero Sum Game and the only winning move.. is not to play. I can only wish ((They)) will leave us out of The Game… but like the old and true saying goes … “$@%+ in one hand and wish in the other … see which one fills up first.” If enough of us walked away from this idiocy, it would be over tomorrow. The power the Tyrant has, is in the millions of morons who do ((Their)) bidding… and ladies and gents.. what has history, current and past shown us.. time and time again? Sic Semper Tyrannis

Brady Curtis
Brady Curtis
3 years ago

What do you mean All “RESISTANCE IS Violence in Media. i could List a Million that arent, THE MATRIX for one. The Force in Star Wars, WARGAMES. THERES 3 THAT YOU Always talk about

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