In this video (not a podcast) I ponder how “all men are not created equal,” and the different type of people, or different types of incarnations that may be here on Earth with us.

(This is NOT an alien video, although that may be the best description for Jeff Bezos!) You and I know how real we are, but it’s probably wrong to assume everyone is the same as we are. There is much evidence there are different types “of people” here with us.

Matt McKinley

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jejjin jejjin
jejjin jejjin
3 years ago

message to matt: hey bloodsport with jaun claude van guy is a massive truth movie at least for me i highly recommend watching it, not just for truthy type themes but its also an amazing movie very entertaining.

William Lawrence
William Lawrence
3 years ago
Reply to  jejjin jejjin

Jain Claude van guy lol. Love it !

Last edited 3 years ago by William Lawrence
reina christie
reina christie
3 years ago

there is a tran investigation video on him…. born a girl ???!!!! males to females are harder to see…. look at your favorites now 2021… mens skulls keep growing – thats why these huge skull women movie stars keeps growing and gives them away… as they age.

jejjin jejjin
jejjin jejjin
3 years ago

would love to hear your take on its main ideas like connecting your mind spirit and body to be your own escape from the matrix ( i know i sound retarded just look into it cmon im real)

Egyirba High
Egyirba High
3 years ago

Ok, now I’ma need you to review that Pinocchio and sieve the truth drops vis a vis the etymology of the name.

Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago
Reply to  Egyirba High

Perhaps the nose grows longer from the face as you lie (are false) and the entities feed off that, which is to say, they are sucking the life force of the Pineal Gland ISIS EYE. We become wooden eventually the longer we buy into the realm of PlaneE.T Garden of Eaten’ Matrix.

Last edited 3 years ago by Harold Andmaude
Erik Thompson
Erik Thompson
3 years ago

They are those of which we do not speak. Some, like the teenage boy in the second clip, suffer from liberal fish mouth syndrome discovered by a Dr Anita Hanchob in 2016.

alec russo
alec russo
3 years ago

Bezo’s Blue Origin could not be more perfectly penis shaped. There is no way they didnt look at it and know instantly it looked like a giant dick.

Rumor has it, Bezo began to drool and said….”i love it – dont change a thing.”

Justhere Forthefood
3 years ago
Reply to  alec russo

It absolutely was deliberate. Full-on clown show.

Justhere Forthefood
3 years ago

Probably some kind of fertility ritual. Who cares.

Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago
Reply to  alec russo

Same as his Amaz)n Logo, a big dick…kind of like him; A big, limp, Pud.

Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago
Reply to  alec russo

His Amaz)n logo is literally a penis as well.

3 years ago

All people have potentiality. Not all have quality of signal. People change per signal/soul reception. Water is the conductor..we are mostly water. can be dangerous out there.
Here..take this for protection

199630432_114284120869668_5030120419517532379_nsc rem.jpg
Bad Wolf
Bad Wolf
3 years ago
Reply to  HARLEQUIN .

Hmm.. interesting thing about the water. Since I am of the opinion that a raw vegan diet is the optimal diet for the human species in this world of duality, for many reasons, among them being health and spiritual development. It is full of perfectly structured water which our body can absorb much easier than drinking water.
Most people are (severely) dehydrated because of their diet, their lifestyle.
Eat your water by eating a fruit and leafy green based raw vegan diet 🙂

Wuhauhauha xD Only use the potato as a defense! Don’t eat it 😛

Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago
Reply to  Bad Wolf

Also water is losing its memory via chemicals, fluoride, and recycling of poo water. We get recycled water. The rich drink spring water from primary water aquifers.

3 years ago

Alan Dershowitz is a pedophile….fuck him.

3 years ago

Free voice censors comments?

3 years ago
Reply to  Grace


So no we are not censoring. In this case you stated “Fuck Alan Dershowitz as he is a Pedophile” and the F got you in the que.

Sometimes we cannot go far enough….this is a great example!!!!! I would love to see him strapped to a gurney and injected with the real Vaxx versus the fake Jabs all the actors on the screen get too lure the blind in.

But we can be assured the ones suggesting the Vaxx that are in the creepy Alan club do not get Vaxxed….they already have the mark of the beast!!!


Brad Ley
Brad Ley
3 years ago

I’ve been asking myself for years, “What ARE these creatures? I think the Human spirits can be broadly categorized as careerists, people who will do whatever it takes “to win,” who after years of sacrifice playing the game become too invested and devolve even more into wooden automatons. In a sense they cannot say “no sir” anymore. Not taking the entire download threatens their sense of self and value, both personal and communal, unlike the freedoms enjoyed by hermits. Thus, pack mentality?

Then there are their minions, e.g., all the “sophisticated” loyal secretaries, etc., or the Trump cult at large, as an obvious example, who have apparently become mesmerized, their critical thinking turned off. They’re not making sense anymore in light of new facts. Wooden automatons. Their minds are made up. Turned off. Period. They already know all they need to know. It’s True Religion!

I also think mind control spells have been cast but our bs detectors are more refined. We see more that they just cannot begin to imagine. So they’re “not all there” when you discuss something like the possibility that malevolent spiritual entities are incarnating in Human bodies. They cannot go there, so they consign you to the loony bin instead – and you’re talking to a brick wall with a blank, knowing smile.

So, careerism + egoism + mediocre intellects who always color inside the lines but know they’re very smart outliers? They’re operating on a different, “more acceptable” Fox News frequency?

I cannot discuss woke, but it’s generally the same only much more drunk on stoopid.

Brad Ley
Brad Ley
3 years ago
Reply to  Brad Ley

I forgot to mention that hereinabove I’m only discussing the mainstream, friends neighbors, etc., not the satanic elites who are extremely intelligent and know exactly what they’re doing.

sharon napier-bulone
sharon napier-bulone
3 years ago

“And you give yourself away, and you give yourself away…” U2

Jennie Ward
Jennie Ward
3 years ago

popped into my head too like a mind virus

Jennifer Mills
Jennifer Mills
3 years ago

Politicians and celebs are merely characters. They never stop acting ans now that I think of, it all of their national addresses state “actors ” instead of their name or position now. Uts also wrote into agenda 2030 to invert the language, and I quote “by the time the public figured it out it will be too late…” It’s funny you mention Pinocchio. Lately when I pray I ask God to make me a real girl because I’m definitely not one of these minions because they hate me to the point of harming me and even the local police won’t assist and are in dereliction of duty.
I believe one can “sell”thwir soul but by bit but also, many of us fell into some lower dimension maybe Quantum immortality is real but many of us real people have had multiple NDEs and are targeted for our views, faith and verbiage. They hate us on sight but it seems their souls degrade the more material they get. As with the action Jackson now, they’re bringing people in every paradigm with thwir chosen material vice; beer, carryout drinks, gift cards etc
I can attest to people degrading in my own personal life to the pijtnof different memories. I do recall around 2011 my spouse watching a lot of YouTube and interrogating me, basically, about clones, Action Jackson’s and more so it’s very possible they made an agreement with lower level demons for material gain while here on earth. It’s very micro managed and organized, he even kept notes. So on that, I disagree with you on that. It very well can be one group all over working with the fallen ones. Demons and fallen angels and nephilim etc etc etc. .
I pray for you often many and I hope you’re not as isolated as myself and fellow TIs. You offer us a lovely community and I thank you for your company, so to speak, and efforts.
Many prayers,

Last edited 3 years ago by Jennifer Mills
Matthew Porter
Matthew Porter
3 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer Mills

“and I hope you’re not as isolated as myself and fellow TIs”. This seems to be either a consequence of something (a genetic trait for example) or we are an intentionally separated class. Whatever causes it, separation sure seems to be a prerequisite for seeing things differently then most. Maybe we are the equivalent of the video gaming ‘big boss’ character which are typically spread out in a game. If so, and this is a game, we may be the antagonist. Now, typically in a game the antagonist is the bad character. Fitting that everything in this realm is backwards. Bless you Jenn.

Heather M
Heather M
3 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Porter

I tend to think TIs (I’m not one myself, not exactly) are high level angels who volunteered to help down here and the isolation is a layer of protection.from absorbing others dark energy. Bc angels are usually more empathic in the way of transmuting such energy. Just a theory.

Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago
Reply to  Jennifer Mills

Actors are professional liars, after all.

Brian Simon
Brian Simon
3 years ago

I don’t think that you need to keep making the comment about not offending, like the wanting to be a real boy . If the example had been the little mermaid wanting to be a real girl it wouldn’t have even crossed my mind. If people are here for what you offer I’d say it’s a non issue ( I realize that I’m speaking for others, but I don’t think it’s a stretch) . If that’s something that would turn them off the presentation they’d probably be gone long before that.

Cable Salad
Cable Salad
3 years ago

11:05 Matt, I live in Germany. All of Europe is like your blue states. Zhe mäsk is basically glued to zhe faces of zhe Chermänz by now. The whole country’s like one giant asylum. You at least have bastions of sanity you can go to like Idaho. I’d move there in a heartbeat. There’s nothing similar in Germany. It’s like being stuck on the ship of fools in the middle of an ocean.

Stian Bogevik
Stian Bogevik
3 years ago

After the last year or so… I truly don’t know anymore. Only with my wife I can truly talk to without a filter. With my family I only need a bit filtering, but they’re still in the we’re being saved by whoever is convenient atm, trump, white dragon, whatever.

I used to think this was a rather newer occurrence in my life, that that I needed a filter, and cannot talk about anything real with people.
But the deeper I’ve pondered on this, I’ve realized it’s always been like this, I just applied a filter to what I said and how I interacted with other humans from my early days in school. Real conversations are very very scarce.

I’ve concluded that we very quickly, early in life, learn to not disturb/scare the truly far out people that are playing the “I’m normal game”.

reina christie
reina christie
3 years ago
Reply to  Stian Bogevik

you are lucky to have even just one to talk to… lucky its your spouse. VERY few of us will make it. Did your truth searching bring you to the ultimate truth yet? Few are choosen ……….. don’t be you’re own god like “they” want you to belive. All of us who feel like you are the “real family” of humans…. don’t give up.

Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago
Reply to  Stian Bogevik

Since man came into being, it’s been this way. One big cluster fuck.

Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago
Reply to  Stian Bogevik

Since man came into being it’s always been this way. One big cluster f*ck.

Victoria Pandora
3 years ago

I knew it was destined to happen one day.
I actually was in the tub, and I was saying; ‘Yeah, but Matt’;)

Alina Padilla
Alina Padilla
3 years ago

Ha, ha! “Crying out to me in the night from your bathtub in Skokie.”

Elaine K
Elaine K
3 years ago

i don’t think that knowing this stuff makes one safe from becoming wooden, too much of anything can lead to a nervous breakdown, it seems

Slow Burn
Slow Burn
3 years ago
Reply to  Elaine K

How do I paste my image? Can’t seem to make the usual procedure happen

3 years ago
Reply to  Slow Burn

far right bottom gives this option

clown nose.PNG
Janet Supriano
Janet Supriano
3 years ago
Reply to  Elaine K

Agree. I think knowing this stuff probably indicates a certain type of intelligence and curiosity, and a good BS meter. But it doesn’t necessarily mean we’re progressing spiritually.
What rages on the outside is what rages on the inside.
I think we should be careful of feeling spiritually superior.

Most of my sheeple friends and family members are solidly good people. They are not wood; they are naive, trusting and ‘cooperative.’.
Blind to the tricks, sadly. And we are all going to pay a heavy price for that.

Not speaking about the creatures behind the curtain, but about those we love and care about.

John Carpenter
John Carpenter
3 years ago
Reply to  Janet Supriano

The wicked shall be reserved for the day of the Lord. Meaning they will get theirs in the end. And they will get it 10 fold.

Ryan Duarte
Ryan Duarte
3 years ago

Classic, it’s The billionaire Space Cowboys Baby!!!

Alan Bull
Alan Bull
3 years ago

I made the comment yesterday on your Neo’s manipulation video that I have never felt I was a good fit for this realm, and become disappointed with acquaintances more often than not.
This past year has shown me how right I was to go with my gut feeling. Now the masses wear their ignorent, slavish badge on their face, and the numbers are frightening.
Matt, the abundance of upright malleable jellyfish moving amongst us now gives a lot of credence to your talk today.
BTW Matt, I would be up 24/7 to produce the amount of quality, food for thought videos you do.

William Lawrence
William Lawrence
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Bull

I have always felt like a loner or lone wolf on this planet myself. I’m most comfortable when I’m alone and not around other people. Probably why I currently live alone.👍

John Carpenter
John Carpenter
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Bull

Yeah! I walked into the store the other day and everybody in the store that was standing in line had on their masks. I looked to the cashier and said. ‘I thought Gavin Newsom removed the mask policies. She countered. “Hey, I still wear mine because I have to. They probably feel safe with their masks on. What a luney world we live in.

I think I’m more nauseous now seeing people still wear their masks after almost 2 years. And some of these fools will tell you they like wearing a mask.

My neighbor tried to deliver me an insult the other day and said. “Did you hear that guys with no teeth are getting dates today, because they are wearing masks. Haha! I just laughed at him. He looked at me odd. Like dude! I just insulted you. He don’t know what’s coming for Him.

Maria Maybe
Maria Maybe
3 years ago

i do believe there are NPC (s) Here is how to see it- Go to the grocery store during peak hours shop your list and observe the behavior of these people who will come stand near you they dont really seem to be shopping at all- they kind of just block the way or get in personal space wayyyyyyy more than non npc(s) (i am not kidding)

steven ison
steven ison
3 years ago

hey matt, incredible how you continue to produce content of such a high standard. peace brother.

Drew Murray
3 years ago

My idea of innocent celebrity NPC’s through the Rimworld template.

NPC template.png
Dean Aldridge
Dean Aldridge
3 years ago

I think CGI is the new modern Cartoon. Do real people go into space, or do they become the Cartoon? Thank you Matt and Rob.

Todd Burgess
Todd Burgess
3 years ago

The Crossroads myth of Robert Johnson has been told more times than Carter has little liver pills.
I think you’re on to something.
A gradual degradation of one’s soul is entirely within the realm of possibility. You can sell-out on a time delayed program so as not to scare anybody.
Legend has it that Robert Johnson’s acquaintances were much taken aback when he returned from his meeting and actually did play guitar like he had not before.
The reality is quaking, what with Bezos riding an obvious pecker into the sky!!

Shanna Honea
Shanna Honea
3 years ago

Thanks Matt

Bill Billards
Bill Billards
3 years ago

So they are harvesting our energy by making us angry and frightened to power the matrix? This sounds like Monsters Inc! Can we trade Melvin P and Elon for Mike the one eyed green monster and Sully.

Justhere Forthefood
3 years ago
Reply to  Bill Billards

I’m glad someone else mentioned Monsters Inc. Total truth drop. Also rather disturbing that a kids movie shows the torture of a child.

3 years ago

a soothing swathe of sanity in this insane world. thanks. many npc’s and background players, imo.

Keet Biscuit
Keet Biscuit
3 years ago

According to the Bhagavad Gita there are different “modes of material nature.”

When you pass on to the next life, your next life incarnation is dependent on which dominant mode you were operating in.

There is a mode of ignorance, passion, and goodness.

Justhere Forthefood
3 years ago
Reply to  Keet Biscuit

That’s interesting. Ignorance might be the normie, passion (worldliness) might be the minions and goodness…us? But are all truthers good? As a Catholic, we believe it is sin that degrades a soul and mortal sin carries a condemnation to Hell, unless confessed. Now I will expect some Catholic bashing, so I will not re-visit this topic. We should all be treated with respect. And no, I’m not a big fan of Francis or the creepy artwork behind him.

Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago

Sin is SINE Wave. We are born into SIN/Sine Wave in this linear plane of time. Since we are born into SIN/Sine Waves, we are manifested magnetism that has a beginning and an end; Life and death in this created 3D matrix PlanE.T. Garden of Eaten’ realm. Catholic Church worships Saturn.Satin/Saturnalia.

Monica Bennett
Monica Bennett
3 years ago

Could you PLEASE add captioning for the deaf-hard of hearing!!

Keet Biscuit
Keet Biscuit
3 years ago

Alan Doucheawitz is in the transhumanist documentary, “the singularity is near.” You can’t make this stuff up!

Alina Padilla
Alina Padilla
3 years ago

Twitter ceo Jack Dorsey is a “dead” giveaway for minions that don’t get to play with their own money. He always strikes me as someone that was plucked straight out of skid row and given his role. He always looks dazed and confused. I’m not making fun of skid row and the poor souls that haunt it.

Roberta Starr
3 years ago
Reply to  Alina Padilla

Some you can spot by the horns they hide

Linda Matus
Linda Matus
3 years ago

Jeff Bezos- ahhh hahaha penis head in his penis suit travels in his penis capsule. You can’t be SIRIUS😂

Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago
Reply to  Linda Matus

He should put a condom on all of it. LOL!

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
3 years ago

I remember watching the Dan Brown special that was on Netflix years back – where he was able to convince someone who had gotten a job offer at some big company (I believe – might be slightly different they may have been hired as a free lance artist then offered more as the ruse went on), but by the end of it his goal was to see if he could convince someone to murder someone by pushing them off a building to save and expand their career – and it was to be done by pushing a stunt guy off a building who was acting like he was a drunk employee who saw something they shouldn’t have seen and was sitting on the ledge (but we’re unbeknownst to the participants – as far as we’re told)- anchored by a bungie rig so that it would be safe etc etc.. It was kind of crazy watching because I believe out of the small group of people they did this two like one person decided to say no and not push the guy off the building. Truly a demonstration, in my opinion, of the reverse-Pinocchio notion of giving away of ones spiritual self for material gain and would recommend if anyone’s interested. (It’s been a while since I’ve seen this show, but I believe it at least seemed genuine to me at the time – in the same way the clip, Matt presented, appears to be a very genuine example of this herd or hive-minded, NPC-personality.)

I’d also like to add regarding matters earlier video – San Francisco had more deaths by suicide or overdose, which they call “deaths of despair,” than c deaths, in 2020. We were told San Fran was one of the worst places out here in California so I’m willing to bet this is the case in many states. Also, I personally know someone who got the jab because their employer had told them they wouldn’t be able to continue traveling or working as much at the office,(dentist, 30 years of age), who was in perfect health, and then developed shingles a week or so later. I also personally know a paramedic who has seen more deaths by seizure/stroke, anaphylaxis and adverse reactions that in some cases permanently affect the central nervous system and cause things like Gillian barre syndrome or severe auto immune disorders, than he can even tell me about without becoming extremely emotional. He is currently an out of state paramedic who took a temporary position in Nyc to help with things going on. He has stated no one is dying from c anymore and people are coming in with these types of symptoms (also blood clots as Matt had mentioned in his earlier post) and no one in the hospitals he is working at is even considering the possibility of it being jab related. It’s pretty crazy and very sad. I believe I’ve recommended this video once before, but would again recommend people to watch the dark horse podcast clips with the inventor of mrna vaccine technology (who has 0 to gain by speaking out, but does so anyways) and Bret Weinstein, discuss why this is happening and how this is basically madness. Theres a lot I don’t agree with in regards to conventional science, but sometimes it’s good to know the conventional understanding to debate a normie who’s pushing propaganda – and especially when the conventional understanding of the science and the date they are using, doesn’t even come close to supporting the actions that are being taken on a mass scale by these scientific institutions. (So not only are they pushing new and unproven scientific-ideologies that lack comm sense, wisdom and reason, but they can’t even support their actions with the data they have collected.)
3 years ago

Keshe space institute. Research.
Gans and Magrav energy

If you want to work with real gnosis I of the Soul.
Cv= core voltage
“What’s your frequency Kenneth.”

Nobody goes anywhere in this body but machines are avail.

Last edited 3 years ago by
Jennie Ward
Jennie Ward
3 years ago

“I hear you crying out at me from your bathtub” *is literally in the bathtub*

Victoria Pandora
3 years ago
Reply to  Jennie Ward

Well, that makes at least two of us.
Matt must be wondering just what percentage of his female audience is in the bathtub for his videos;)

Alex AZ
Alex AZ
3 years ago

There exists three levels of soul, according to three levels of temple of Solomon, Nefesh, Ruach, Nechama, Nefesh is base consciousness, animal instinct, the outside court, Ruach is understanding right and wrong, the middle layer, the levites, Nechama is supersoul, unification and understanding of the world of God, the high priest, The path of the truther is to enter the temple of Solomon, the journey of the high priest from outside court to the holy of the holies, hence the word for truth in Hebrew is Emet, the word that brings a piece of clay or a Golem to life according to Kabbalah.

Maria Maybe
Maria Maybe
3 years ago

i once took my sister along on a zombie run about 30 min into it after she had 2 flags captured (we were running together) she stopped running and let her third flag get taken- then she yelled to me stop just stop running its so much better.

Larry Beck
Larry Beck
3 years ago

I would love to be at an (anti-social) function with Matt, drinking a Beck’s and hearing his take on the normies in attendance. I bet I would spit my beer across the room laughing. As good as he is here, he’s just tapping the gas. He’s got more gears guaranteed. Thanks, Matt.

George Kastonius
George Kastonius
3 years ago

Hey Matt, it’s Kastonius. You keep me sanely insane. Much love.

Roberta Starr
3 years ago

Has anyone else watched the show ‘Dispatches From Elsewhere”? I am in the middle of episode 1 and it is .. well.. I don’t know yet. and I have no idea where it is going. “What if it’s real.. conspiracy.. prank.. ?”

Last edited 3 years ago by Roberta Starr
Isaiah5417 Same
3 years ago
Truth drop alert . . . . . Eve was impregnated with non-parental twins Lue first then Adam , Genesis chapter 3 , so you have two types of people. . . . Seed of Satin and Seed of Adam.  
Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago

Truth drop; Adam was the father and Eve was the daughter. A cataclysmic event they survived prompted Adam to continue the species through incest. Read Adam and Eve Story by Chan Thomas. Released by the CIA (though missing some pages) a few years ago.

Wayne Zerman
Wayne Zerman
3 years ago

George Carlin said it’s a big club and we aren’t in it. People are always correcting him and saying he should have said it’s a tiny club. He said BIG club, and that may be more accurate than we know. The New Testament talks about separating the wheat from the tares. Even if you only believe there are partial truth drops in that book, there would have to be many tares or they would easily be discarded. I don’t really wonder if people are real. The Dead See Scrolls talk about the sons of light against the sons of darkness. If there’s truth in those scrolls, you can’t have a war without an army, so there would have to be a significant number. This could be how all these events are pulled off…there are many more sons (and daughters) of darkness than we think, hidden in plain sight. They wouldn’t have to be “rich.” We assume only the elite are involved, but that could be just another trick of the system.

Wayne Zerman
Wayne Zerman
3 years ago
Reply to  Wayne Zerman

Sea, not See.

reina christie
reina christie
3 years ago

Matt I have been listing to you for awhle …. thank you for yor commitment to share information and keep us thinking. I’m just listening now and see the pic of the hollyweirdos….. well they arent waht they say… in addition to fake humans… that group in the pic…. they pretty much all are the opposite GENDER they portray. too scary a subject??

reina christie
reina christie
3 years ago
Reply to  reina christie

there are males to females and vice versa… but also I see some that twist it twice…
so many DECIEVERS… barbra stri-sand is a good one to look at…. boy to girl to playing boys who are girls in movies… but just to the punch line….. why ??? Check out what Eunichs were praised for? when castrated… thier VOICE is AMAZING… no one can compete with a castrated singer… done from birth… i am curious if some may not even know… it elevates their stature as they represent thier satan adrognyne demon gogg

Barry Wood
Barry Wood
3 years ago

I wish truthers would stop using Derren Brown footage to show subliminal messaging and other mind control techniques. He’s a magician. He uses these concepts as a presentational framework. It’s not how he’s actually pulling these stunts off. Derren uses these “explanations” because they seem plausible and are intriguing to the viewer. So your listeners don’t have to “lose hope”, at least, not in this case.

reina christie
reina christie
3 years ago
Reply to  Barry Wood

“THEY” are all magicians… they got the satan witchcraft and army of demons …. every record ever produced is loaded with curses ……. all masons…. all pledge to deceive us…. time to chooose which master you serve … two forces… who are. you

Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago
Reply to  Barry Wood

A magician is just another liar, only he uses illusion. Actors are professional liars, as are celebrities and politicians and sport figures. All liars. All false idols.

Earthling Carl
Earthling Carl
3 years ago

Your videos keep me sane in this mad world, thank you Matt.

3 years ago

“this is extremely dangerous to our democracy” montage was discovered/created by who?, this goes to that premise that something of this example would have to be given(fed) to us for who is scouring the numerous news affiliates to “investigate” this information, I am in the “sit back and watch it play out” boat for it’s being done and will be done for a purpose, it wont be stopped by us, calling it out will be met with more ridicule than acknowledgement, I dont want to sound like “oh well, what can you do?”, but this has been happening even before 7/11, I’m here because I’m not as articulate but I have seen this being played out for awhile now, even as long as to say to myself that I need to mature from the imagination yet this hasnt presented itself as being my imagination, this is “adult” reality-for what it is and for as long as it is

Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago

Exactly. Don’t become attached to ANY of it…good or bad.

John Carpenter
John Carpenter
3 years ago

Matt, there is so much value I could share about this topic Pinocchio. Perfect example devolving into wood. Do you suppose this is why the call white boys in jail. Woods?

John Carpenter
John Carpenter
3 years ago

What? the 66th comment! No!

John Carpenter
John Carpenter
3 years ago

Pinocchio, and I have written in length on this subject before. The whole story of Pinocchio wanted to be what? Alive. He wants to live, but it’s truly a metaphor for those that are of the dead. Literally the Gentile race. The subhuman. Those that lack the Spirit of God.

If you only acknowledge that you are not a human. Matt! Honestly, you are not a human being. You are a Gentile. A Gentile is a djinn tiled with flesh. We are not Human bro. Swallow that pill. Anything that is not a Jew, the true Hebrew Israelite’s, the true black man, is a Gentile.

Governments and everything that exist on this realm here was already Created by God. God Created evil first. God Created Governments, and the building structures like the Philadelphia City Hall. All of it was Created by God in an image. It’s always been here. We have been lied to a such a level of interpretation you can almost look at what they tell you as the opposite and that’s the real story.

What makes up this realm here is what we can’t see. The invisible. The Lord.

John Carpenter
John Carpenter
3 years ago

Pinocchio is also a Metaphor for the Pineal Gland because He, Pinocchio wants to be a live boy. Something as well I have went into great lengths about. The Pineal Gland and the Petituary Gland are the wire mechanism that exists in our brains. It is the Ark of the Covenant. This is where a fluid is produced. A chrism, Christos, Christ. The Spinal fluids, or DMT. Dymethlintreptinine. If you look up this word. It is a drug. A hallucinating chemical produced in our brain which allows us to see things as we perceive them in this reality construct.

We perceive things through the Pineal Occular. (The all seeing eye!) That is what Pinocchio is really about. A sea of dead Christians wanting to be alive. If you want to be alive. Drop Jesus Christ as your personal saviour and ask the Lord to put His Spirit on you. He may answer quickly or He may take years to answers. God answers question on His time. And time for the Christian is running short.

We were born in an “IMAGE” and Imagination, a fragment of God’s thoughts, imagery. Not real. None of us!

The way you escape this realm Matt. You hit you knees in private and call on the Lord. You plead with your Creator to put His Spirit on you. It’s the only way for salvation. You Matt, even though you believe you have the Spirit of God on you. If you are not praying to God alone and asking Him for all you have done wrong to be covered, then you are not. If you have not asked him to forgive you and wash you of your sins, you are not.

The baptismal in water and being of new Spirit is bullshit!!!! You must ask the Lord to put His spirit on you. This is how you get saved. Period.

If you do not ask the Lord to put His Spirit on you, then you will remain without the Spirit, even when you teach such truth. The only Truth is GOD!

Isaiah 42:8 I am the Lord; that is my name! What’s God’s name? The Lord! And I give my glory to no other, or my praise to graven images.

Why can’t a Christian understand that? Because they have scales over their eyes. Reptiles clothed in the same skin as those molded from the dust.

We are the devils. Swallow it, then ask God alone for salvation.


Harold Andmaude
Harold Andmaude
3 years ago
Reply to  John Carpenter

We are saved. Saved to what? Saved to program, to come back, to reincarnate? We are born into SIN/Sine waves. Were are manifested Magnetism into this Whirled/World. I would worship our creator and not a god or Jesus. Both are man-made idols. Worship the aether. It’s the creator. The God/Jesus is of this realm. Beyond that is the creator of all. Religions are man made cults. Anything outside ourselves is an illusion, which is why we go within ourselves to find truths.

John Carpenter
John Carpenter
3 years ago

Great presentation! Notnilc is getting ready to be destroyed and all those that engage in the machine will be destroyed.

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