I know this example probably seems trivial to most people. I don’t see it that way, and the realization of what likely happened with this display hit me hard on Saturday night.

I believe the woman’s beach volleyball teams hugging AFTER EVERY POINT is a symptom of the general human-download we are all witnessing in people around us. Let me make my case.

Matt McKinley

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Dean Aldridge
Dean Aldridge
3 years ago

Thank you Matt and Rob.

Alex Waller
3 years ago

Thank you for the birthday present, Matt. I’m 36 now, so I can be happy to know about all the things you say people 35 and under won’t understand! Big hugz! ❤

Chad Giddens
Chad Giddens
3 years ago
Reply to  Alex Waller

Welcome aboard the Geezer Express. Chewed peas and applesauce will be served at our convenience. Bon voyage, Mgmt.

Chris Pavlis
Chris Pavlis
3 years ago
Reply to  Alex Waller

Don’t mind Chad… last week the applesauce was 5 minutes late… dinner is at 3pm of course

Diane Considder
Diane Considder
3 years ago

They have no business hugging during the pandemic and why aren’t they wearing masks?:)

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago

🤣 Good one!

Edwin Tucker
Edwin Tucker
3 years ago

I hope there is an opposite force to the dark force that will delete the download sent on behalf of the reality itself.

Christy Ceraso
Christy Ceraso
3 years ago
Reply to  Edwin Tucker

Equal and opposite!
Duality is the name of the game here.

Edwin Tucker
Edwin Tucker
3 years ago
Reply to  Christy Ceraso

ok but it seems one-sided now

Vernon Padilla
Vernon Padilla
3 years ago
Reply to  Christy Ceraso

Predictive Programming:

The 2012 London
Olympics Ceremony


Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago
Reply to  Vernon Padilla

Wow! If hadn’t seen this, I would not have realized how deeply disturbing that was. I literally feel like I’m going to vomit. Pure evil. I’d be surprised if those children didn’t have nightmares for the rest of their lives, especially the little girl who was offered up as a sacrifice to that giant monster. If the people watching this originally didn’t realize something was, at the very least, somewhat off, they would have to be blind. But, then again, things that seem obvious to me are surprisingly not obvious to the normies.

Jazen Valencia
Jazen Valencia
3 years ago
Reply to  Edwin Tucker

You gotta stop being afraid to use magic. Shit works.

303 Lauren
303 Lauren
3 years ago

have u guys ever seen the children movie The toaster goes to mars? this time its a water heater

Christy Ceraso
Christy Ceraso
3 years ago

I think these sorts of commands come into human minds from the spiritual world, and not the nice part. Possibly technology is itself infested with demons and changing peoples frequencies and thoughts without them knowing. I know I do better when I get away from it more.
And, I do think success/money is used to seduce and control a lot of people. So maybe someone higher up gets the download, and then they are pushing it to those down below, as in, you’ll get your fame and fortune, just do this. And its indirect, its implied, or maybe it’s even in their contracts, they just have to do what the person/people above them tell them to do, or they lose what they are coveting.
And, once someone is already invested like that, if they dont have too guilty a conscience, they’ll play along, cause they already sold their soul, and what else have they got to lose? Might as well keep going.

Last edited 3 years ago by Christy Ceraso
Merry Sholes
Merry Sholes
3 years ago

Matt, I always enjoy your broadcasts, and I agree that you give us different perspectives that make sense!
I just want to say that this whole hugging thing may lead to an entire new strain of the CV, which could flare up once all these Olympian athletes return home. You’ll note that the huggers are on the American team! We will be chastised highly for this, and it will lead to even more draconian measures, probably towards the Fall.
Also, many people today have accepted the ongoing degradation of morality and see nothing wrong with it. They are selfish and love themselves too much, that’s why they turn on anyone that doesn’t want to take the shots. They are totally brainwashed and are very happy taking as many boosters as they are told, and to permanently wear their masks, even more if that’s what they are told to do.
I don’t feel there is a download, but these creatures can use supernatural powers to sway those that are spiritually bankrupt. I know it may not sound logical, but I truly feel this is what we are up against. They are doing everything they can to make us comply, the end game is to kill as many as they can to bring the population of this realm down. I know you are aware of The Georgia Guidestones.

Christy Ceraso
Christy Ceraso
3 years ago

I listened to a bunch of Supertramp yesterday. Once in awhile I look up a band and start listening to and reading their lyrics to track the messaging. They got sucked in, and they told us, and looks like the main singer got out, too. I didnt finish the research on them. But wow the truth drops!

Last edited 3 years ago by Christy Ceraso
Ted Wyberanec
Ted Wyberanec
3 years ago
Reply to  Christy Ceraso

I’m big into Supertramp. Listen to there 4 big albums before Roger left the band. I often wonder about how the two writers, Roger Hodgson & Rick Davies were really brought together to write the most truth telling songs ever. Hodgson is a very spiritual guy. Not sure about Davies. I understand they were financed by some Dutch Freemason. Add in all the predictive stuff with the Breakfast in America album cover and you know this is a great example. I don’t think they were in on it, but like Matt says, the reality just flows that they made that music to get us to chase the breadcrumbs. Learning how this all works is a fun exercise. Never thought I’d get this deep when I was listening to them in my car with my girlfriend in 1978!

Vernon Padilla
Vernon Padilla
3 years ago
Reply to  Ted Wyberanec

SuperTramp is Sinister:

Supertramp album
cover reveals Freemasons
‘pre-knew about’

Dangerous Minds


Ted Wyberanec
Ted Wyberanec
3 years ago
Reply to  Vernon Padilla

I don’t think they were in on it. At least not Hodgson. He left the band in 1981 I think. Maybe he figured out the controlling system was using them. He allegedly wrote most all the really good songs and plays them at his concerts. The other guy, Rick Davies kept the name Supertramp and they aren’t the same without Hodgson. I’ve seen Hodgson twice and he just seems way too spiritual to be part of it. But then again, it’s all part of the show! Whatever, their music is good and tells the truth!

Vernon Padilla
Vernon Padilla
3 years ago
Reply to  Christy Ceraso

SuperTramp has 911 Predictive Programming from 1979!

Supertramp album
cover reveals Freemasons
‘pre-knew about’

Dangerous Minds


Paul Hogsten
Paul Hogsten
3 years ago

Matt, Your cousin was 100% correct regarding the nuclar/nuclear bomb energy equation on the twin towers, considering nuclear bombs DON’T EXIST!

Francis Murphy
Francis Murphy
3 years ago

I only watched for five minutes yesterday and it was totally noticeable and seemed weird.

Planetary Protector
Planetary Protector
3 years ago

I constantly see the subtle injections of bizzaro that are served up as normal behavior. It’s disturbing to see ppl defend or imitate any of it. All I know is that I don’t belong in this construct.

303 Lauren
303 Lauren
3 years ago

here’s my explanation of the download

everyone has an ego, mostly everyones is out of control. the ego is mind and the mind projects our thoughts or inner reality to create the outer. the outer is the collective of all of humans history and lets call that the outer mind. so the outer mind is just like the individual ego in that it never wants to die and will do anything to keep itself going. the ego leads to total destruction

randy desnoyers
randy desnoyers
3 years ago
Reply to  303 Lauren

Good job Lauren.. I like that explanation 🙂

Ted Wyberanec
Ted Wyberanec
3 years ago
Reply to  303 Lauren

I think you just sort of described consciousness? Been thinking how Vanessa VA likens our reality as God’s dream.

Alex Waller
3 years ago

I’ve done a lot of “research” into women’s beach volleyball myself. I always liked the hugging 😉 maybe it’s a feminist move to make a women’s sport more popular with viewers… Maybe it’s because they’ve all been just as damaged as the rest of us; social isolation, mask wearing, etc. Maybe now that the TV says it’s safer they’re embracing more because they’ve been starved for human contact…? 🤔 they should do like baseball and start ass slapping though

randy desnoyers
randy desnoyers
3 years ago

Yeah, Tustkin raiders with their Banta sticks honking in the crowd….. maybe some Jawas selling Elurian ale…we got CGI… I would watch

3 years ago

What a time-wasting showboat move … constant HUGGING? Yeah they have sucked up a download. “Quit touching me and face the net, g’dammit” …. I stopped watching wimminz tennis when the GRUNTING started … serve ball, UGGHNNN … backhand … uuHHHHnnn …. where’s the laff-ass-of emo-gee ??

3 years ago

The minions are having a loosh strike against the harvesters, emptying all the stadiums so they don’t get any loosh.

Brad Ley
Brad Ley
3 years ago
Reply to  M B

But then, perhaps the emptiness further establishes these “uniquely dire times” and then broadcasts that anxiety to the World, thereby upping the loosh harvest by zillions%?

3 years ago

They hug because Baal has died. The ball touched the earth.

jejjin jejjin
jejjin jejjin
3 years ago

I wonder how many other highschool kids have watched this lmao

Suzy B
Suzy B
3 years ago

Hilarious! You missed your calling at stand up. Keep em coming!

Tina Marie
Tina Marie
3 years ago

Yes! Beerfest is quite juvenile, but pretty good laughs! 🙂

Tee H
Tee H
3 years ago

Hi Matt. When I watched UH Womens Volleyball back in 2000’s almost every point whether win or lose they do a circle huddle by touching everyones back for a second then get back in spots. Its really nothing special. If the guys volleyball team did what you said then itd be much more suspect.

3 years ago


John Mcmullan
John Mcmullan
3 years ago

I was introduced someone today who I thought was open to to what is going on more so than your average Joe
So I decided to use one off off the hardest to explain reality breakdowns and that is of their only being 14 videos of the second tower being hit. This person simply kept repeating yes it was an inside job I kept telling him NO YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND THERE WERE ONLY 14 VIDEOS IN EXISTENCE OF THE SECOND TOWER BEING HIT DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND AND THAT THIS IS IMPOSSIBLE WHO BASICALLY KEPT REPEATING YES IT WAS AN INSIDE JOB AND THE USUAL RABBITHOLE NONSENSE WELL I’M GETTING OUT IS THERE IS A SPELL AND PEOPLE ARE UNDER IT

Alan Bull
Alan Bull
3 years ago

It is probably a download that is accepted by those anchored to earthly reality.
An example that screams the download process to me is the term “run”. Everywhere “run” has disappeared from the vocabulary of video creators as they constantly use the past tense of “ran” instead. For instance “He has “ran” his business for 15 years; Wrong!
Even people that obviously should know better do it, such as radio/TV presenters.
I noticed this phenomenon happened in an instant, not over time, but either way, the present tense word “run” has all but disappeared from our vocabulary.
There must be many other words out there that have gone the way of the Dodo bird as well, but I’ve noticed the misuse of this particular word most often.

Recynd 77
Recynd 77
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Bull

Here’s another: “A large *amount* of people gathered…” or “There were a small *amount* of diners at the restaurant.” No! If you can COUNT the subject, it’s “number” (“There was a small *number* of diners at the restaurant.”); “amount” is for anything that can’t be counted: “There was a large *amount* of water in the glass.” It’s seems silly, except it wasn’t always this way (I was born in ‘68).

I am increasingly hearing the word “women” pronounced exactly the same as “woman”. I suspect this has to do with non-English-speaking immigrants who were perhaps taught using Whole Language (sight-reading and not phonics), and didn’t learn that “women” SOUNDS like “wheh-men” and “woman” is more like “whoa-men” (the difference in sound comes from the first syllable, not the second, which IS confusing, granted). I also hear a lot more (young) people use a hard-g at the end of words ending in “g” (especially “-ing”).

I’m from So Cal, so we’ve always been pretty diverse with variations in pronunciation, but this is weird. I’m not criticizing, only observing.

Rabbi T
Rabbi T
3 years ago
Reply to  Recynd 77

Keep ma name outcha mouf!!!

Jeanna Dysart
Jeanna Dysart
3 years ago
Reply to  Recynd 77

Language is the spoken word. If a language is still being spoken, it is living, and will always change. There is no difference between the examples mentioned here and that a word in Chaucer’s time (when the long -e sound was pronounced at the ends of words — “home,” for instance, was pronounced with two syllables) and now (when the -e is silent — “home” is a one-syllable word). Travel, migration, isolation, imperialism, trade and commerce, etc. all contribute to language changes. . . . those things, and not teaching standard American English is schools anymore! Changes in language are not “downloads” or Mandelas, but rather natural and expected evolution. Unless we want to consider all of history as one big download, which, as Matt says, is not off the table. 🙂 Jeanna

Linda Matus
Linda Matus
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Bull

Everyone mispronounces “height” now. They say “hithe” instead of “hite”

Brad Ley
Brad Ley
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Bull

Quite a few. For example, back in the olden days I was taught “in-TEH-grahl, not in-TEG-ral for integral.. In-VES-ta-ga-tive, not in-ves-ta-GAY-tive for investigative. I can’t think of the four or five others now. But what bugs me most is that media and data are plural. It’s always “the media are” and “the data prove.” Whenever I get confused I substitute “chickens” for the word in question, e.g., we’d never say “the chickens thinks.” Therefore it’s “the media think,” etc.

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
3 years ago
Reply to  Alan Bull

I spent a some years living overseas and when I returned I heard a lot of similar odd-sounding expressions and slippery political-speak. One I hate is ‘unpack.’ For example: “Well, John, that’s a lot to unpack – let me think it over.” We unpack boxes and luggage – not arguments and requests. When did the Loc-Nar/WOP/Whatever slip this into our language?

Another one I call BS on is when reporters (tele-prompt readers) fail to make a distinction between the number of people polled and an entire population. For example: “60% of Americans believe…” vs. “60% of Americans polled believe…” It’s such a vile and slimy and evil manipulation of language.

There are so many more and I’m thinking it’s just another angle of attack from the consensus reality itself. My working theory of late is like many others, there is no ‘they’ in the sense of beings separate from ourselves. It’s both they and each of us as individuals. We as individuals invite ‘they’ in or perhaps more correctly, activate that part of our individuality that is common to the consensus reality. That part of us that wants the shiny things and 30 pieces of silver and fame and fortune, etc. Once we activate it, it plugs us into the consensus reality and it’s very, very difficult to unplug.

For some us though, the little truth drops are like red flags that most of this isn’t very real at all. It’s not so much a truth drop but rather like a web developer being able to look at a webpage and visualize the code that creates the page.

A good read on language manipulation from one of the OG minions is “Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell (Real name: Eric Arthur Blair.)

Last edited 3 years ago by Neil Barker
Robert Barlow
Robert Barlow
3 years ago

If you look back at the free throws in the NBA historically even if the player made a shot, sometimes only one player would give a little high five, sometimes two. If they missed? None. Nowadays no matter if the shot is missed, or made all four guys are looking to give the guy a high five now. You can see players who miss start to look around for the guys behind them to come and give them a high five. It’s just changed drastically, and quickly . This generation grew up with trophies just for showing up. Awards for everybody. Participation trophies for making it to practice. Everybody needs to be coddled, and encouraged; made to feel like they’re cared for

Last edited 3 years ago by Robert Barlow
Sean Beecher
Sean Beecher
3 years ago

Spot on Matt. But I still think the police line-up should be hung.

3 years ago

Love the old-school corded phone! Cordless phones put out a tremendous amount of harmful EMF!!

Robert Barlow
Robert Barlow
3 years ago

I think you’re usually on point but I think I it’s a very simple explanation from my point of view. If you look back at the free throws in the NBA historically even if the player made a shot, sometimes only one player would give a little high five, sometimes two. If they missed? None. If the player missed he was normally upset with himself and didn’t want to touch anybody anyway. Plus guys would be pissed at their players for missing. Nowadays no matter if the shot is missed, or made all four guys are looking to give the guy a high five now. You can see players who miss start to look around for the guys behind them to come and give them a high five. It’s just changed drastically, and quickly . This generation grew up with trophies just for showing up. Awards for everybody. Participation trophies for making it to practice. Everybody needs to be coddled, and encouraged; made to feel like they’re cared for. Now when they’re at the very top, they’re trying to “show” how encouraging the are to everybody. Best beliefs the don’t play like that in the backyard. It’s only on the stage and social media

EDIT: finished the video, you brought it up.. but I just added to why I believe it’s happened “organically”

Last edited 3 years ago by Robert Barlow
3 years ago

Maybe analagous to the celebrations in hockey as compared to 40 years ago? Now the five guys on the ice leap up against the goal scorer against the glass or sideboards. The scorer then skates the length of his bench giving a fist bump to all the guys seated on the bench. Plus other showboating by the goal scorer…

Charlese Incharge
3 years ago

Could it be, the reason why they are hugging after each point whether win or lose, is to tell each other the next play? This way no one is ““ stealing their signs.”
In volleyball they have set plays so I think they are just telling each other the next play before they line up; back in the day they used to show their fingers behind their back for the play call. Also, I would never dismiss the Edward Barnys angle of subliminal manipulation for moral subversion as pointed out in the video.

Chris Pavlis
Chris Pavlis
3 years ago

once you realize time travel is not only possible, but inevitable, “how it’s done” becomes obvious.

Brian Stahlman
Brian Stahlman
3 years ago

I havn’t watched sports period in a couple years but over at my brothers house and he had on the Mets game in NY today and was actually pleasently surprised to see what looked like almost all the fans you could see behind home plate were maskless and fans were sitting right next to each other…I’m just sadly waiting for once the summer ends if not before then they bullshit us all once again & talk about either this variant strain is infecting people again or worse because of us deplorable anti vaxxers the Corunka scamdemic has to force shutdowns again, either excuse will be BULLSHIT of course.

3 years ago

grow up, Matt, just at the mere suggestion of “gay” and you start giggling, grow up

what’s meow wrong with beerfest?

EVERYTIME women wish to start a trend, it comes out ridiculous, look at #metoo, the hashtag/# in MY TIMELINE means “pound”, so (hashtag)#metoo actually came across as (pound)#metoo, which made more sense because the “women” who were complaining probably havent seen d*ck in a real long time

3 years ago

NONE of these groups you speak of are women in the first place, they are all men pretending to be female to actually turn men against females and you are falling for it. The demons that rule this world love boys and despise the Divine female. Sports: ie: “BALLS”, volleyball, baseball, football, soccer ball, softball, etcc..They distract you people with your own balls get it? Wake up & Grow up Yo’self.

Steven Anderson
Steven Anderson
3 years ago

Could have been you Matt , I have noticed that my thoughts are turning quickly in to reality . I often have to be more aware of the thought,s I think with any kind of feeling attached to them . I had a little moment play out over the weekend and I had to laugh at myself as I knew what I had been thinking only moments before .

Brad Ley
Brad Ley
3 years ago

I agree, but I will devolve momentarily into woke world newspeak to make my simple point about the reality download’s intentionality. What you’re describing is “intersectionalism,” or a+b+c+d=I-wanna-hugism.

a. superstitious patterns (like wearing the “winning socks” for every game), so a slap and hug after every point, comrade

b. feminist-lesbian flat-chest pride on woke world display, swapping macho sweat

c. everybody’s a winnerism esprit de corps

d. proving vaxxxed minions don’t need to worry about viral shedding, etc.

e. or whatever, like the players wanting a huggy niche for themselves separate from the past.

But I think the basic intentionality is probably set in motion by dark magic casting spells which, I must admit, I know nothing about other than I know that setting goals with time limits works, oft times seemingly miraculously in the last half hour or less, even the last ten seconds if you give your all, your faithful 110%. So, perhaps that’s what all the current “get the vaxxx rush” is really about? There’s only so much “time” left to make the required indemnity goal or payment so the next step can devolve?

Recynd 77
Recynd 77
3 years ago

Poltergeist: the closet.

steven ison
steven ison
3 years ago

So crazy is the wally funk celebrations didn’t look like acting. Its a reality breakdown. They didn’t go anywhere. I don’t think doctor evil is in on it. I think he actually thinks he went up there.

Rufus Payne
Rufus Payne
3 years ago

I feel you Matt. There could be many examples of the download right under our nose. One that instantly came to me is how people run to crowd around and watch a fight. Hivemind behavior. I was always the one kid who didn’t go in school. I have always hated being around fights, as an empath it is stressful and overwhelming.

steven ison
steven ison
3 years ago

maybe the gay community call it, taking a foul shot these days?

don seymour
don seymour
3 years ago

A lot of folks in a highly suggestive state, people i had swore common sense.. yeah, nope… Thanks Matt and Rob 
Parliament Funkadelic Forever..

Last edited 3 years ago by don seymour
Tee H
Tee H
3 years ago

I put together a video that had to be cut into 3 parts per the 15 min upload on utube. I believe this will help most, if not all of us into understanding what is potentially going on. Its incredibly difficult to find what I put together so yea… look in the description for the pastebin for the script i wrote for the vids. Thanks.

Part 1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aMF4PRDVKM
Part 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfewbriQO-A
Part 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oRe0b9TtqYE

Darrell Border
Darrell Border
3 years ago

They’ve been doing the huggy thing in volleyball for 10 or more years that I can remember seeing. Not just at Olympics.

3 years ago

First and foremost I reckon that this hugging is the female equivalent of the Male volleyball ” Jumping chest bump” , which is synonymous with beach volleyball.
Female’s must be careful of harsh contact due to breast cancer .

I also believe your correct in that they will use this ” no hands hugging ” as a new NO NO..
In Fact i bet the ” whole Olympics ” is set to mark a new “w/wide example ” on human contact, human distancing and segregation!
Who better to educate the western countries than ” face mask wearing, socially obedient Japan”
Current action Jack is 4.2 million deceased which is 0.054% of 7.8 bn

Take care , we all have eyes to see and a soul to guide

Richard Clark
Richard Clark
3 years ago

“woooooooeeew” -Paul Romano

Thank you, Matt!

Mark Florey
Mark Florey
3 years ago

I noticed a couple decades ago, about 95% of all high-fives were unwarranted.

Raymond Warren
3 years ago

Hahahahahahaha!!! Love it! Big hugs all round. SHUTUP!!

Ted Wyberanec
Ted Wyberanec
3 years ago

Not having any fans in these enormous venues really gets me as well. The few people in the stands are all masked up! Why? They can’t be in the village if they test positive right? I assume everyone there is also vaxed, None of this makes any logical sense! I can’t watch this either. It’s terribly obvious that we are going to be back to lock down status right after summer is over. I think they wanted to give us a taste of what life was like before the scamdemic and rip it away to see how many will go back to masks, distancing, and shaming us non-vaxed. It’s an obvious reality breakdown because 99% are going in on all this horseshit!

Zeljka Medic
Zeljka Medic
3 years ago

It reminded me of Rafael Nadal who always has the same ritual when he serves (ass, ear …). But this (hugging) has an extra element to me because they do it even when they lose. They sting the eyes the most because they really emit some sick energy. In general, how much energy they spend on hugs, makes no sense.

Last edited 3 years ago by Zeljka Medic
Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago

The hugs seem like some kind of ritual. In addition to the download itself, they are being compelled to repeat this ritual. Is it to “strengthen the lbgtqrstuvwxyz’s energy?” Just an idea. Or, something else just as bizarre.
Unless, each of these women’s teams are actually in a relationships. 😂🤣😂🤣

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