Give Matt a Tip:
The YouTube Channel LXXXVIII finis temporis (88 finis temporis) has discovered what may be the greatest “predictive programming” find of all time. But, what is predictive programming? Are we sure we understand what is really going on? You know my opinion by now. I’m past pointing at secret societies and blaming men in black. We have to think bigger
Thanks Matt. 180 mill cases. 1 +8=9
Actually 47 cases. 4+7=11
Maybe coincidence
Nice catch. 911 is so important to the creeps, the number itself and what it means to them. I think it’s a mistake to always associate 911 with the WTC event on 9/11/01. That’s a big assumption. It’s more likely to me that the meaning of the number itself is why it is constantly used and encoded everywhere. The 9/11 WTC event glorifies the numbers… the numbers don’t glorify the event; that’s my opinion on it.
The letters don’t have to be in order for COVID on the CD101.9 sign. It shows CD “V” 10, just rearrange them. Just like Novak (No Vax) Djokovic … Covid Jok(e)
I LOVE this! Where did u find this?
You got William to guffaw!
magenta lol
Eww the toucan reminds me of toucans are fake that went around lately, but otherwise the jokes about a virus would go with Swine Flu or the Hong Kong in the news back then what we call “concurrent programming”.Keifer Sutherland starring in rabbit hole he was in some other dystopian tv show. I wonder if you are watching Penn State
I thought the same exact thing as soon as I saw the toucan. I honestly don’t know how I feel about the animal fakery thing. I was subbed to a YT channel that did a bunch of videos of all of these supposedly fake animals, ie sharks, toucans, zebras, gorillas, sloths…it gets to be overwhelming having to consider all the implications with the fakery. However, I’m open to it – how can we NOT be?
The people saying that animals are fake have no common sense and probably have never been to a zoo. Toucans exist, I have seen them in the wild in Costa Rica and of course in Zoos . Unless of course they were robotic or holograms. Common people Wtf ?!
1:09 (19): toucan = 88 (reverse)
1:16 (116 🔃 911): “Get a load of that beak.” = 64 (8 × 8)
The timestamps of Matt’s video is almost too much, yet his videos aren’t immune to the influence of gematria and we’ve seen it before.
The people saying that animals are fake have no common sense and probably have never been to a zoo. Toucans exist, I have seen them in the wild in Costa Rica and of course in Zoos . Unless of course they were robotic or holograms. Common people Wtf ?!
Now this movie is wild, I’m curious if ANYONE here at freeVoice has seen this movie before. I’m a film buff and don’t recognize it.
The moment I saw the name of the movie and considered the 2 stars George Peppard and Mary Tyler Moore, this instantly became yet another (ME) movie that never existed in my past. I grew up watching all of these movies from the 60s/early 70s with my parents & feel like this is one I should have seen on a Sunday evening at least a few times over the course of the 70s. My sister has a fixation on things from her birth year (1968) & I’ve already asked her about this & she never heard of this one, either!
Yes Danielle, me also. I was born in 61 and there wasn’t much on TV only a few channels so yeah, I would have totally watched something with George Peppard and Mary Tyler Moore (I watched all her TV shows) so I’m starting to think this never existed in my past either.
another possibility is the movie existed, but not with all the masks and extra baggage perhaps that’s the M-E creeping in…
THANKS! Me too, me too, me too Danielle! I put a comment at top before scrolling down the page.
Yes, NEVER saw this SOB flick on re-runs, how is that possible? Guarantee the freaky masks would have been seen + remembered by me.
I had a crush on George Peppard, thought he was cute … I woulda noticed.
No don’t recognize it. Just saw Gigi for the first time though. I’ve missed out on many many. Another absurd one is the bed sitting room with a young Dudley Moore.
OMG, I remember that movie, loved it, my mom & I went to the theater to see it. I was 19. Sure would like to see it again now. Thanks Matt.
okay, Madeline is it the same as you remember with masks and such, thanks for replying, I have no memory of this movie
Can’t have “Warm and Fuzzy” people… That’s for sure!! Nice find! : )
EDIT: After thinking about this for a good day or so now and watching again… Thought I’d add a little more “substance”. Here ya go:
@00:17:00 … It’s NOT just the CoSAXid But it’s freaking Covid19… It’s the danged… DANG-ED!! “19” behind the “Covid” that gives me the “Wows” and yeah, been doing this since the 90’s, since the “spraying” started and a RANDOM dude told me about the “Federal Reserve”… of COURSE, I didn’t “believe” him, at the time but you could find ANYTHING (quite literally) on the Internet back then and did some of my own looking… THAT was my “launch point” personally… yet I digress… but IF ya look it doesn’t JUST say “COVID”… the danged thing says “Covid19” with that bar/thing in front of the “9”… Sends “shivers”…!!
Here’s the Goocher though (and NOT of the “dog” variety either…) Y’all are NEVER going find the “answer”. We are simply seeing the cat, shaking itself, as it walks by Neo in the deja vous scene. There are numbers (not “running”) but SEEMS to be a “code” that “we” can ONLY see afterward and for some reason, NEVER “before”.
We get “glimpses” BEHIND the curtain every so often, every once-in-a-while… IF it hadn’t been “Silverstein” then it woulda been someone else with a “Levi” or “…stein” at the end of their surname, when they came crashing down… then had to “Pull It…!!” with the other. IT HAD to be “Them”… Now, what we SHOULD be asking is the “WHY” part… and NOT “follow the freaking money…” moronic statement. I mean… it DOES have “Truth” to it but that is simply a BYPRODUCT. PERIOD!!! The questions SHOULD be… do these cats KNOW about the “BYPRODUCT” that is coming and take ADVANTAGE of it… Heck, maybe even use you AND “I” to “fulfill” whatever it is, that CREATES the “Byproducts” (money, gold, land, etc.) Personally? I think that “They” do!! But that’s not the lane that “we” are in, here.
“We” get to SEE what’s what, yet ya ever notice that “we” don’t EVER see WHO or WHAT is pushing the buttons and levers??? (but THAT may be changing, too… another topic/another day…) One would THINK that a ball would be “dropped” at LEAST ONCE, in the last generations of recorded history. A FACT, a “PROOF”, a “RECEIPT” at some point BY now… Right?!? Yet the numbers and “incidences” KEEP coming and coming and coming… they simply DO NOT STOP. The “numbers” (numerology) and the “predictive programming” (that will HAVE to happen, regardless WHO made it, it WILL be made and WILL be found… for SOME reason, they HAVE to be “found”) they will ALWAYS be there whether it’s found a DAY after, or a CENTURY… It HAS (for SOME reason), HAS to be found. Yet they are BOTH (numerology and “predictive programming)… like the spacing between the ink, on a sheet of a news paper… The “letters”, “numbers”, etc. were IN the “spacing” of the ink ALL along yet took a DECADE to find…
They are enigmas and again, simply BYPRODUCTS of WHATever has happened, IS going to happen or is happening. They are NOT the “product” itself… “We” will NEVER see who or WHAT is writing the ink… just the spacing in between…
Thank you!!!! This is not predictive programming: In the 2022 movie MK Ultra – At the 39:59 mark – the Narrator is talking about LSD. As he says the sentence: “All together I am one of the most perplexing and powerful drugs conceivable – A train horn blares loudly. There is no train that goes by. The scene is a cotton field it looks like. The scene before that was psychodelic pictures of drugs, people taking them etc. The next scene after the cotton field, and as the train horn stops, is the doctor’s office. NO PP!!!!!!!!!
You can not perceive a thing if it does not already exist, these events were always coming because they exist within us . God will not stop until he empties the contents of his mind. Our outer reality is a projection of our inner reality, creation is finished. Our physical beings are experiencing the third dimension giving us the illusion of separation, the fourth dimension slowly passing over us is revealing to us our true self. Nothing is truly separate only the illusion of separation.
Actually, you stated that backwards. “To be is to be perceived”.
The creeps do not know what reality is. That gives them too much credit for intelligence. They know spells and human psychology. The end.
Yup. Best they can do is inject their little numbers and symbols and hope real spiritual beings cast the spell for them. They’re entirely incapable.
Yes, ‘signs’ everywhere!
OMG, I remember that movie, loved it, my mom & I went to the theater to see it. I was 19. Sure would like to see it again now. Thanks Matt.
nice – I and 19 – is this comment real or more of the same weirdness? 🙂
To me, this is one of the most profound and liberating segments I’ve heard since I first dared myself to listen in 2018. Thank you so very much for always pushing forward without clinging to the past. I believe even the uninitiated and the newest of the truthers can gain tremendous perspective from this video. This is a great one to share folks. ⚔️
Might be onto something. On 4chan they have a 2 weeks joke. It’s said on the forums all the time, well anyways I was watching Monsters VS Aliens a 2009 animated movie and a federal agent made the two weeks joke. I wasn’t to sure if it was this or I was being shown that people who say that phrase is a federal agent lol. Interesting stuff.
That’s wild. The joke refers to Qanon people saying Trump will be reinstated in two weeks. Then when he isn’t they move it to two more weeks and so on. You heard it used in a movie from 2009? Amazing. Good find by the way.
Ohh noo, my random screen background today, for the 1st time, is a toucan!
I agree, completely, that SOME to most of this is happening beyond the capabilities of the secret societies/etc.,
THIS, THIS! is “rubbing our faces in it”, I’m gonna say we are dealing with a potential event that never transpired, in that movie they talked about a blackout in NYC-maybe they wanted to use that for something else that this movie would relate with the times and that something never came to pass,
AI studied the “secret societies” failures in enacting their plan-recalculated those failures into successes and we went through what we went through,
I was born in ’69, this all came about in ’68, I’ll be 54 this year, a lot of things have come and gone in those 50plus years, where these secret societies failed-AI steps in and “takes over” WITHOUT FAIL,
YES, these/those who are in the elite positions ARE pretty much idiots and arrogant, conjuring all this evil with very little control only to have this fully developed AI step in and assert itself by demonstrating it will never fail-it wont be associated with “idiot/arrogance/secret societies”,
I would too remain open that this is ALL a big trick-what Temporis discovered in this movie, but if it’s legit-AND I THINK IT IS-this specific movie confesses to a lot of suspicions, it’s already being “leaked” that most of what this movie states is what we know, now this obscure 1968 romcom all but names one of the doctors Fauci,
you wanted that undeniable “nugget” to present to all those normies/family/friends that this was nonsense-HERE YOU GO, if they wish to deny you after this-then you’ve literally done all you can do,
I’m with ya 99.99999% of the time, I’m not being directed at all by your thoughts I’m just seeking a like mind, but this one where “the squirrels got a nut”, I think we let them know this isnt the standard but in this situation they got it right-even if the “predictive programming” angle was MANIFESTED-let them have this victory lap, this is up there with the Mandela Effects and The Bible……..THIS IS OBVIOUS
You are getting closer but you are not seeing an obvious truth and it all has to do with your aversion to the truth. The truth has been available and presented to the peanut gallery since before the time of the first colosseums. If you refuse to accept the obvious truth in defense of the importance of yourself you are prideful and guilty of the only sin.
Without being too cryptic the truth is that God is real and Jesus Christ is God. If that bothers you that is the exemplification of your aversion to the truth.
The idea that a vinyl record has all the information available upon the shape of the structure is only related to the properly advanced technology to decode the information is at play and properly aligned to decode the meaning of the 45 of Cutiepie.
Predictive programing may have started in 2008 but “behaviour placement” has been present since the late 60’s, and before that (even back into the old-time radio days) was the beginning of the era of media normalization of taboos and degeneracy.
Yes! I actually covered this in a video I made on YouTube. Its titled “Taking God out of Schools || Generation Decay” – Degenerate messaging and gradual moral decay has been going on since the early 1900s in the media. I make an assertion that it has been going on since the dawn of humanity, and has accelerated in the past 60 years.
My YouTube handle is “PostNostalgos.”
It’s funny when you say that everything happened in 1933. I always noticed that it seemed like everything happened and/or was built in 1888. And 88 is often code for Heil-H (you know who). Is 88 a turn of the century retrocausality announcing arrival of the “H” man in the Germany of the 1930’s? Even the YouTuber you started this presentation with uses “88” in his username.
8 is also used by some high level freemasons to mean 33, because if you write the first 3 flipped horizontally and push them together it makes an 8.
Love your work Matt, I listen as often as I can 🔥🤜💥🤛🔥
“Terra reflects what each man expects & each man receives whate’er he believes.” Square Peg
I enjoyed a hearty chuckle at the toocan sam spreader of the feel good contagion in the old/new movie – b/c of ALL the baffling BIRDS that kept flapping into my research last year, & as such, also appear in many of my YT videos. Robins seem to be associated with Democrats (Joseph ROBINette…) & then one day all of a sudden there were cardinals & I discovered the old Pope had died, & so on…
Another excellent video, Matt! I didn’t feel any need to comment until I went onto youtube after watching this on Freevoice (via my phone) and the video you featured here on Freevoice just happened to be in my feed via Roku. I have never even heard of that particular channel, much less gone to it. Then, I walked past my stove and you’ll never guess what the time was. Never. 🙂 WTF???????? Can I really be having flashbacks from hallucinagenics taken in my teens????? This reality shite is totally mind boggling. Big hugs and love to all real people here. <3
Is it predictive programming or are the creeps looking to the past for ideas?
Everything happened in 1933, it did for me, my mum was born in 1933. Lol.
I know others have said this too. Maybe there was something in the atmosphere that was empowering, that’s why they wanted us inside. I never stayed inside. I said from the beginning this would affect my life as minimally as possible. And I kept thinking about Matt saying “see what they want you to do and do the opposite.” They also really wanted people to get the shot. Does the shot negate the good effects? This ties in with the theme of that movie. When I say empowering, this might not be a physical thing, it can be looked at many ways, maybe something astronomical affecting the pineal gland. I don’t know.
Maybe they saw this empowering thing coming and planned the whole C thing around it.
A great take on all of this.
Thanks, it’s just big thinking. At the very least, they deprived people of sun (vit D) and oxygen with the mask. 2 of the most important things for health. I see these old people all the time in the store wearing the face diaper and looking half dead and very depressed. I just want to rip it off them and say don’t you see this is killing you?
I don’t know why I (and others) are already talking about the whole C agenda in the past tense. It is far from over. They still pushin the shot in New York. But even normies are ignoring it now.
Flashback with Dylan O’Brian.
The CD101.9 thing really reminds me of the way text and words look in AI graphic art; where it sort of looks like letters but you can tell its gibberish. Maybe that’s what we’re looking at when we see old video or photos. Its almost like the reality gaslits us when we look in an old photo album or a home movie. Since we really can’t remember what something looks like, IT can generate whatever reality it wants in order to serve needs in the present.
Very good presentation. Take it easy matt.
Matt I like that you invite everyone to the “table”.
The christian perspective as well. “Surely the Lord God will do nothing without revealing His plan to His servants the prophets”.
It seems the dark side as well has t play by this rule.
So much gratitude for all you do Matt.
The Wikipedia entry you post on Gavrilo Princip said his goal was not just independence for Bosnia, but the “unification of the South Slavs.” This actually happened after the war! Yugoslavia literally means “South Slav State (or Land).”
“reality is always perfect”
neem karoli baba
An interest I had in ww2 history, eastern front mainly.My late father in law in the German army in the east during that period spurred my interest.For years I read many books and watched countless hours of film footage of the war and various campaigns etc.but about 18 months ago began noticing in what was supposed to be original footage strange before their time modern type weapons and uniform discrepancies, never saw before appearing.Have they used cgi on a lot of the old film or did the past change or is it just me.Watched Mary Tyler Moore shows and movies in the 70s and I do not remember this movie.Only remember Peppard in the A team series.
Nigel, do you recall George Peppard in the war flick, The Blue Max?? Came out in 1966, it got played on TV and I saw it there.
Snipped from WikiPeedia:
The Blue Max is a 1966 British war film directed by John Guillermin and starring George Peppard, James Mason, Ursula Andress, Karl Michael Vogler, and Jeremy Kemp. The film was made in DeLuxe Color and filmed in CinemaScope. The plot is about a German fighter pilot on the Western Front during World War I.
Yes TexAnna I saw it once when young around mid 1970s although only remember snippets of the movie.We had mainly imported American shows and movies like F troop,Gilligans island and Get Smart etc all good memories from a different era.No awareness at the time of how simple life was back then but would definately not go back having come this far.
Nigel, do you recall George Peppard in the 1966 war movie THE BLUE MAX?
Yeah, 2 years before this movie that many of us do not recall!! I smell a rat.
I was in elementary school in 1968, and have zero memory of this movie, “What’s So Bad About Feeling Good?” Which I think is pretty weird. These were big stars at the time, and I recall a lot of major movies, especially the freaky ones, like the Planet of the Apes franchise. I feel I’d have noticed this, even at that age ….
Anyone else from “back then” have ZERO recall of this flick?
As I noted in a comment below, I have a very clear memory of the George Peppard flick, The Blue Max (1966), and it got played on TV afterwards. This one? Nevah heard of it or saw it, never saw it on TV, while The Blue Max was certainly played on TV.
Dear Matt, Have you ever heard a saying “if you want to recognize a fraud, don’t study the counterfeit, study the real thing.”? There are people gathering together who are devoting their entire lives to studying the real thing. One day the fraud and the truth will be so close it will be almost impossible to tell the difference. Love,
I think my comment was automatically erased somehow. So I will re-submit it.
If you want to detect a fraud, do not study the counterfeit, but study the real thing. Keliyah @ twelvetribes
I tend to do the opposite. If I seek truth, I find horseshit. If I seek horseshit, I find truth.
Jeroen, I wonder if it’s because your initial/pre- assumptions/judgements/expectations are always incorrect? Perhaps it’s a matter of finding what is in the Now, rather than assuming things have been/will be one thing or the other. I know, it’s a loooooong way till some of us get to that point, but by not putting your pre-judgement on things, before you “find” them, maybe that will cause you less disappointment? I hope life has not caused you much disappointment and instead has brought you surprises which you have gained wisdom from. Best of luck to you, my friend!
To start finding anything thats real, that is an issue.
Mimicry. That’s the thing that keeps popping up in my mind. It’s as though the reality is attempting to repeat themes and events for purposes we can only speculate on. There are a few things that really stand out to me when it comes to repetitive themes:
Experiencing the often absurd quality of life on this Earth, it’s as though the whole thing isn’t authentic, as though it is attempting to emulate something that IS real, but it can never get it right. Like a poorly executed simulation. A bad mimic. It touches on the right themes, it hits the same beats, but it all comes off as contrived. Forced.
Is it possible that whatever is holding the reins to this reality believes that if it can cause a certain series of events to happen, that it will lead to some grand result? So it just keeps trying over and over again to implement them with slight variations. Perhaps the reality believes that the correct series of events will trigger a specific response in humanity?
MASK WEARING: This one is fascinating. I’m sure most here know that there was supposedly another big mask wearing event back around 1918 during what we are told was an influenza “pandemic”. For us looking back, we have the tendency to think people knew less and were more superstitious, so the majority putting on cloth masks is made believable in this way. But HOW was the mask wearing achieved during covid? The “science” was already settled on it. Masks—especially the most common type handed out and used—are of zero help. This was already known and even spoken about at the beginning of the charade. Yet, billions of people still put those masks on themselves and their children day after day, month after month. The reality needed those masks to be worn, as though it is part of some grand script that must be emulated.
The concepts we are wrestling with may be impossible for us to comprehend. As others have brought up, a 3 dimensional being cannot make sense of dimensions above itself. This is because we can NEVER perceive all of the components… most of them are literally invisible to us from our vantage point (the same way a 2 dimensional being would only be able to perceive slivers of the 3D world). Is there value in attempting to make sense of it? I’d guess there is some value in pushing our minds beyond the typical reality bookends… the same way it is good to exercise the body, so long as it does not become an unhealthy obsession.
@00:17:00 … It’s NOT just the CoSAXid But it’s freaking Covid 19… It’s the danged… DANG-ED!! “19” behind the “Covid” that gives me the “Wows” and yeah, been doing this since the 90’s. Y’all are NEVER going find the “answer”. We are simply seeing the cat, shaking itself, as it walks by Neo in the deja vous scene. There are numbers (not “running”) but SEEMS to be a “code” that “we” can ONLY see afterward and for some reason, NEVER “before”.
We get “glimpses” BEHIND the curtain every so often, every once-in-a-while… IF it hadn’t been “Silverstein”(sp?) then it woulda been someone else with a “Levi” or “…stein” at the end of their surname, when they came crashing down… then had to “Pull It…!!” with the other. IT HAD to be “Them”… Now, what we SHOULD be asking is the “WHY” part… and NOT “follow the freaking money…” moronic statement. I mean… it DOES have “Truth” to it but that is simply a BYPRODUCT. PERIOD!!! The questions SHOULD be… do these cats KNOW about the “BYPRODUCT” that is coming and take ADVANTAGE of it… Heck, maybe even use you AND “I” to “fulfill” whatever it is, that CREATES the “Byproducts” (money, gold, land, etc.) Personally? I think that “They” do!! But that’s not the lane that “we” are in, here.
“We” get to SEE what’s what, yet ya ever notice that “we” don’t EVER see WHO or WHAT is pushing the buttons and levers??? (but THAT may be changing, too… another topic/another day…) One would THINK that a ball would be “dropped” at LEAST ONCE, in the last generations of recorded history. A FACT, a “PROOF”, a “RECEIPT” at some point BY now… Right?!? Yet the numbers and “incidences” KEEP coming and coming and coming… they simply DO NOT STOP. The “numbers” (numerology) and the “predictive programming” (that will HAVE to happen, regardless WHO made it, it WILL be made and WILL be found… for SOME reason, they HAVE to be “found”) they will ALWAYS be there whether it’s found a DAY after, or a CENTURY… It HAS (for SOME reason), HAS to be found. Yet they are BOTH (numerology and “predictive programming) like the spacing between the ink, on a sheet of a news paper… The “letters”, “numbers”, etc. were IN the “spacing” of the ink ALL along yet took a DECADE to find…
They are enigmas and again, simply BYPRODUCTS of WHATever has happened, IS going to happen or is happening. They are NOT the “product” itself…
So only 1 person in the comments (Madeline Shockley) says they saw this “virus” flick (What’s So Bad About Feeling Good?) when it came out back in 1968. This is definitely worthy of further examination. The reality generation machine pulling some hinky moves ….
I looked up movie posters; they exist. The French version of this flick is called L‘intrus magnifique.
From “The Numbers” website:
… so that is “not available” yeah that makes sense.
2021??? hahahah
Good day Matt, this is my first time commenting, I absolutely appreciate you and all of the hours of big thinking topics that you have researched over the years and I have been a student in the “Amish” classroom for I have to say about 6+ years. But really I have an easy tip for moist, tender, succulent pork chops…Shake and Bake original for pork chops. Thank you Matt!!! You’re the Best!!!
Another great extemporaneous discussion!
I’ll explain my point briefly so you don’t have to wade in the bog but I think you understand what I mean by ‘truth is easier to say than lies’.
It is hard to refute the reality breakdown of Edgar Cayce whos seemingly ‘impossible to have come from him’ words manifested a cottage industry of similar channeled information providers (Seth. Kryon, RA, Bashar etc) – (you will throw a rubber duckie or two if you research who also channeled RA haha but don’t bother).
What appears to be real is that a human meat suit avatar, even one with bacon grease coming out of his pores, can work as some kind of bridge between this pit-stop reality and whatever ‘greater’ if not infinite reality to provide wisdom without even trying to when the listener is open to receive it. Matt is co-creating this bridge with us by simply chatting ‘off the cuff’ in a post ‘new age’ method.
Luckily for us listeners to we do not need leaders, gurus or celebrities anymore – we definitely do not need to be ‘saved’ or even ‘woken up’ as we are at the center of the problems and the solutions that the physical world is capable of.
Did we manifest that movie into existence to support our beliefs of retro-causality vs predictive programming? The artwork of the movie poster seems so derivative and stereotypical for a movie that is more like a Twilight Zone episode or A Clockwork Orange than a romantic drama/comedy?
Bashar, the affable channeled ‘alien’ has stated that each NOW moment comes with it’s own unique past that doesn’t have to have any connection to the past of the next NOW moment so it’s not just ‘us’ who believes this kind of thing! I am very excited to see what else we can be surprised about that we co-create!!!
youtube has taken it down because of a copyright strike now….. he still has the full video on odyssey tho………
me watching a magenta youtube video by you matt your latest and the drybar on the right hand side is trying to compete (they dont always use that colour for name placement)
CD101, what a massively connected system that was! “Smooth Jazz” hit multiple bullseyes in the big cities, TV,
a, irpane flights, elevators.
Modt ‘every’ type of musician was trying to get hits including Clint Eastwood’s son and Journey’s Neil Schön. there But ya had to somehow be connected to get airplay as there never was( now blatantly) anything close to a shortage of talent.
So, is it…’a spirit’? ‘cuz no, this ‘stuff’ not ‘planned’ by Wile E Coyote n constituants, nope.
And the magenda, OUTTA HAND, in the most unlikely, detatched agenda places!
Well, “The graveyard has a lot of knoeledge” to ludacrousely unferstate honesty.
And yup, you got some talents as well, “Mr Burga Wid”!
cheers Gabriel ☀️ 👣 ⏳
Again, the Sade video was filmed on the roof of 101 Park Avenue, located 3.3 miles away from the WTC. The owner of 101 Park Avenue is owned and built by Kalikow Company which also owned and built the Millennium Hotel next to the WTC…….
And check this out. Sade in gematria is 19 1 4 5, if you add from left to right 1+9+1=11 and 4 + 5 = 9 Her name is 9/11. In other countries the date is written with the month first so 9/11 is also 11/9. The song in the video has the chorus lyric: Cherish the Day. Sa = 19 1 rearranged can be 9/11 the last two letters of her name is de which can be pronounced as Day in some languages.
Matt, the dancing men bow down not just to the Statue of Liberty but there are Military commanders standing there on the ship right in front of them as well. And on the CD 101.9 you missed it. It’s even better than you thought. It’s C, the D looks like an O, the Sax looks like a V, the 1 looks like an I, the 0 looks like a D and the last two numbers are 19.
By the way, I just checked and all radio station call letters in the US are supposed to begin with a W or a K. Why this station’s call letters are CD is a mystery. If they were not this “coincidence” wouldn’t work. The fact that they sponsored these events literally right in front of the twin towers, which is an odd place for such an event which should be in a park somewhere, is yet another coincidence esp considering that the North Tower looked like a syringe.
What if this is an AI made movie pushed back in that time period. Meaning the creator falsely made the date up and just inserted it a viewers observations
Helicopter Gunner scene in Full Metal Jacket has changed dialogs. JOKER asks if he finds it hard to shoot women and children.. .. The question asked is similar but different none the less.
19:54 CDsax1919…..COVID19 lol.
…I doubt there is a “common reality”. wouldnt be surprised if some people lived on a globe earth where loads of their friends died from covid and the vaccines worked. Its probably a seek and ye shall find …- we create our world as we go along (winston churchill quote?)
who knows.
I just go with My World….which is a bit Zen .lol
Its a game – no one really died – no one got rich – its advanced Monopoly (maybe lol).
Enjoy the ride!
Don’t bother to try to understand everything, we’re in game – you cant swim out of the swimming pool but you can look if you know there is an outside and so long as you leave the idea of swimming behind!
The people saying that animals are fake have no common sense and probably have never been to a zoo. Toucans exist, I have seen them in the wild in Costa Rica and of course in Zoos . Unless of course they were robotic or holograms. Common people Wtf ?!
Check out the book “Number Games: 9/11 to Coronavirus” by Zachary Hubbard. Just started reading it so I don’t know what to think or if recommending it is apt here. Honestly, I used to think that this gematria stuff was interesting but a little ridiculous, but now I take it more seriously. Some of the gematria stuff is a stretch, but I keep an open mind. If nothing, it tells me to be more alert when seeing these numbers everywhere. Interesting video, Matt! Peace, guys!