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Quantum of Conscience

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They had the nerve yesterday to break into my football game with news about a war! (And just when the game was getting good.) In the video I made this morning, I think I struck a nice balance between wanting to make fun of its absurd presentation, while respecting those in Palestine ghettos who the Israelis will certainly make suffer.

Matt McKinley

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Jeremy Lester
Jeremy Lester
1 year ago

The Notnilc is controlled by the wej. I call them wedges. Since they drive a Wedge between people’s. Wedge= wej = wejjies.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
1 year ago
Reply to  Jeremy Lester

I am not a shaman, just think it an interesting concept –

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Hmmm, (potential headline, in the very, very near future)…OMG how could the Israel forces have “failed us”? How could they have “been asleep” at the wheel? After trillions and trillions spent over 66 years, now it ends again “in tears”, how, oh my, how, Oy Vey!

Maybe…(and I’m just floating this idea)…maybe it’s time to replace the military with BOTS.

Yeah, that sounds like NOTnilc nonsense and yet your family and friends don’t see it, lol.

Last edited 1 year ago by William Lodderhose
Joseph Antoinette
1 year ago

Making Israel seem more like victim, the weak needing help and support

Anne Parkinson
Anne Parkinson
1 year ago

That’s thinking ahead

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Anne Parkinson


Jordan Keil
Jordan Keil
1 year ago

This is important and needs talked about but I don’t have it in me to watch these atrocities today. I suppose that makes me weak but I’m glad you shared for those who can stomache this. I hope there’s some justice somewhere for those hurt by this.

J.L. Supriano
J.L. Supriano
1 year ago

Isr. was probly out on training exercises just like on 2-tower day.

J Rome
J Rome
1 year ago

I guess the Writer’s Strike really is over!

Russ Gary
1 year ago
Reply to  J Rome

That’s awesome. I’m using that.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  J Rome


Asana Bahrami
Asana Bahrami
1 year ago

I’m in Iran. The Notnilc tentacle is celebrating the attacks here. Mind you, not the people, just the minions. A few hundreds that are shown on Notnilc news as the representative of 80 something million. Sure lots are NPCs just like any where else, but still not what Notnilc uses to scare the Americans, or the west in general.
It’s surreal even when I’m seeing it with my own eyes.

Joseph Antoinette
1 year ago
Reply to  Asana Bahrami

Here in the U.S. I am waiting to see all the “I stand with Israel” social media stuff because somehow if you don’t support Israel then your a bad person.

Thanks for reporting what your seeing over there as a real human

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Asana Bahrami

wow thanks for sharing

Jeeze Jeeze×2
Jeeze Jeeze×2
1 year ago
Reply to  Asana Bahrami

Finally someone from where I live lol

Mandy Morris
8 months ago
Reply to  Asana Bahrami

Wow. Such BS you have to deal with all the time.

Asana Bahrami
Asana Bahrami
1 year ago

Govern=control + ment = mind
I’m not joking

1 year ago

The Israeli 911 is what they’re calling this, Never Forget

Troy Sampson
Troy Sampson
1 year ago

That dude on the paraglider, that’s so ridiculous, is it a type of ‘mistakes on purpose’, but a different category like ‘ridiculousness on display’. Is there some sort of terms and conditions in this realm that the insanity must be ramped up the closer we get to some reset? In doing so it would be a great benefit in a final push to separate the wheat from the chaff. Idk, not saying I’m a firm believer in an upcoming reset, but signs are certainly pointing that direction.

Troy Sampson
Troy Sampson
1 year ago
Reply to  Troy Sampson

I guess the term reset could mean a whole lot of different things, including the shit we have no clue about.

James Hawke
James Hawke
1 year ago

Looks staged, like everything else. Reporter and camera crew on site knowing where to point the camera and what to say on cue. They realised nobody cared about Ukraine anymore. They’re getting more desperate for attention and it’s obvious to more every time.

Tim McCall
Tim McCall
1 year ago
Reply to  James Hawke

Funny isn’t it – how those high rise Gaza buildings all fall down freefall when hit with a missile; kinda reminds me of something in NYC years ago… wait, it’s coming back to me… involving boxcutters, 757’s executing 6G turns, concrete turning to dust, Larry Silverfish yelling “pull it”…

And remember, one of the main justifications for the existence of Israel is that it must play the oppressed victim card – they orchestrate the opposition as needed. As for “being surprised by Hamas”… any IDF member will tell you the borders are monitored so tightly, they can tell when an earthworm farts in the sand across the wire. All scripted; they need a distraction from months of Israeli protests, failed Ukraine project, collapsing Western economies. And MSM all spouting the same script… Wag The Dog much??

I’m really so over this stupid place; the term “clown world” is now an insult to circus entertainers.

Alexander Leeb
Alexander Leeb
1 year ago

It’s all about making their fake “prophecies” become reality. This was to be expected. They now have 5 heifers ready to slaughter. The next milestone is going to be the destruction of the Dome of the Rock. What are the chances, that it gets damaged now in this “War”?In the Ukraine they are almost done with the genocide, it is now ready for the J3ws to move in. Thousands of them already celebrated their stupid New Year there. The migration streams in Europe and the US are now slowly getting the attention of the dumbest sheep. Many politicians of the wrecking group have resigned and crawled back into their holes. Looks like they got all their ducks lined up in a row and we are moving into the next stage. Looking at the looming pole shift on Earth (and on the SUN) they seem to be very well within their schedule.
BTW, if I was a Palestinian, I might do exactly the same. They have nothing to lose, they will get slaughtered either way, might as well fight back, even if you have only feces to throw at the creeps.

Russ Gary
1 year ago

“staged” is different than “fake”.
I think this is “staged” or allowed to happen, like Pearl Harbor

Joseph Antoinette
1 year ago
Reply to  Russ Gary

Produced seems more fitting

Alexander Leeb
Alexander Leeb
1 year ago

One thought off topic:
As the current covid genocide shows, it is absolutely possible to execute a large scale conspiracy which potentially harms BILLIONS with only very few players in key positions. All that is needed is knowledge of the human psyche and predictable behavior, disinformation and compartmentalization. Stupidity, conformity, greed do most of the heavy lifting. There are only a few people with brain, heart and spine that need to be killed or silenced through censorship, the rest goes along easily as ignorant politicians, doctors and nurses worldwide can proof. Most of them still believe they did the “right thing”. As we can clearly see, the lies don’t even have to be that good, even the dumbest arguments are being gobbled up by the goyim. As Leonard Cohen said: The game was rigged, the good guys lost.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Alexander Leeb

No doubt about it. I worked corporate for (too long) and thousands of my co-workers (there were about 10,000 in our 42 story sky-scraper) of those most (over 90%) would snitch on their parents if they thought they’d get a freaking cookie. I’m serious, I was blown away just how corrupt most people are at their core.

And…(here’s the cherry on their cake) most of these were staunch Christians (and) most by the time I started in 91′ were on some type of mind-control medication, which again amazed me, since most were very against (street drugs) or anything “natural”.

Lisa Jarv
1 year ago
Reply to  Alexander Leeb

You don’t lose if you don’t play, but first you must see how you are being played.
Until every Pinocchio sees their potential for good and evil they will never truly see/know this realm. Most minions have no clue as to how they are manipulated by evil doers and so, they fail to truly know themselves, or this realm.

Joseph Antoinette
1 year ago

For whatever reason last week, I was thinking about this Truth Stream Media video made some years back…
They went to to turn on a utility bill within some middle of the country city they recently moved to. They decided to read the fine print of the terms of agreement and it had something about if they supported Israel. It made no sense to them other than there must be a nefarious reason for such a term to be added and it would not be possible to figure out.
Notnilc Spirit doing Notnilc sh!t. I just find it very unique that video would had pop into my head then all this breaks a day later or so.
Seeing that Notnilc spirit somehow helps me not to be so angry or get to depressed in this world and I certainly don’t like it but I do appreciate seeing it (opposed to what ship of fools people see, mass confusion)
Never Feed it or take it’s bate was advise from one of Matt’s earlier videos on seeing the Notnilc Spirit in Radio, Press and Films or with your friends and Family

Jacqueline Jacobsohn
Jacqueline Jacobsohn
1 year ago

I am from Israel. I left at age 19 after idf kicked me out.( thank goodness). You know ? Your words comfort me because I ask these same questions myself. I believe the Dowland in Israel is the strongest download I ever witnessed. Real people that join idf often come out as mpc. It is alarming. I lost most of my childhood friends to the download. I met so many beautiful people in Gaza and west bank. Real beautiful inspiring humans… sometimes I wonder if Israel is killing them because they are so real.
The biggest threat to Israel is peace. There is no profit in peace. It is very important to have war while Israel has more child hunger than Mexico. Israeli media will remind us of the holocaust everyday to keep the Israeli in a state of fear and paranoia. The Palestinians fighting back…? Well… I think a bit different than you about it… It is like me fighting off a huge ganf of Rapists…and I would…but I was told I am crazy so… thank you so much for the best presentation I have heard in the subject so far.

Joseph Antoinette
1 year ago

“Killing them because they are real” is a very real truth statement. It’s done all over the world anywhere civilized well mannered good morale people are found. Then some story about what bad people they where or something bad they did and very well possible the authors of the story are the ones who did what was said to have been done.
Your post was awesome

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

thanks for sharing

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

When I worked in Hollywood I knew quite a few who left Israel over the years, some in St. Louis who had the tattoos from “camps” during WWII. Since you were 19, you seen some stuff, wow.

Last edited 1 year ago by William Lodderhose
Yarden Shwartz
Yarden Shwartz
1 year ago

As someone with Israeli heritage (if you couldn’t already tell by the name lol) your comment really resonates with me. No too long ago I came to the realization that Judaism is just a cult based off of trauma and fear. I think that without events like the holocaust the Jews wouldn’t exist as a people because they need those traumatic events to bring them together. Even our holy book is just the most traumatic part of the bible (the first five books aka the Torah). If you notice the past few years in Israel have been relatively peaceful and the country has been falling apart. People there couldn’t just live in peace and they created petty political disagreements that meant nothing. Half of the country was protesting to impeach a prime minister and send him to jail, that prime minister was only holding office so he wouldn’t go to jail, and the other half of the country was protesting so that he wouldn’t go to jail. What a fucking waste of time on an obviously fake script. The download there is so strong that they can’t see that the same few creepy old men have been running the country since the beginning. An event like the one this weekend is exactly what that country needed and events like this past weekend will keep happening every few years to keep Israel going until the Notnilc has no use for it anymore. I think even the Jews that got involved with usury and banking knew on some subconscious level that this was going to cause them and their lineage a lot hatred down the road, and that hatred would keep them going as a people.
Anyway sorry for my half-baked rant. I just don’t see many Jews/Israelis with the insight that you have, so I felt like I had to respond. I don’t really understand too much of what Matt says about the download, but every time that I’ve been to Israel, even as a young child, I always recognized that the people there were of one sort of hive mind that is as materialistic as you can get, which is the total opposite of the impressions that I’ve gotten from the Palestinians/Israeli Arabs that I’ve met.

William Boyce
William Boyce
1 year ago
Reply to  Yarden Shwartz

This is a very interesting comment. Thank you

Mandy Morris
8 months ago

That is such an interesting idea- Killing them because they are real’
A little scary perhaps for all of us here who identify as ‘real’
Great comment thanks for sharing.

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
1 year ago

My conclusion is ‘Jane, you ignorant slut’. Seriously, that was my first thought after Matt’s Notnilc world report.

Thanks Matt! You were right, I would not be able to go looking for bus information. I appreciate you watching it for us! 🥰

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Shelly Perrini

lol, classic image of weekend update…

Mallorie Ryan
Mallorie Ryan
1 year ago

Just another false flag created by the ‘global’ uniparty. You know how it goes, you have to kill a few of your own (seemingly) to get the ball rolling, then you can start killing in earnest those you planned to kill all along.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Mallorie Ryan

Yeah, I can hear the NOTnilc NOW singing ‘roll out the barrel, we’ll have a barrel of fun’….

Lynn Yvette
Lynn Yvette
1 year ago

Yep just another stage show like the scaling of bucking ham palace or storming of the White House
No security, no advance warnings
Box cutters probably used somewhere lol
And another trillion dollars to send to Israel
I’ll stick to my walk on part in a war. They can have their notnilc lead roles in a cage.
We are the illuminated. That lot are oh so very dull
Excellent points Matt and thanks for watching for us

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Lynn Yvette

I like the way you slipped P. Floyd into your comment.

Stephen DeGalvez
Stephen DeGalvez
1 year ago

313 Palestinian dead? Who keeps gnats ass counts when your primitive encampment is attacking a nuclear power?

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Knowing NOTnilc, their high kicking boots on the ground are likely just assassinating them (I mean giving them a “sporting chance”) out back at the Deer Hunter (like in the movie) Russian roulette matches.

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
1 year ago

I think they’re playing their cards the way they should, the simulation will not allow them to alter. But I feel that we as organic human beings are here for a reason, and I don’t think it’s to slow down in the car and watch the ambulance.
I think that is playing along with the simulation.

Or possibly this mayhem is a gift. and we are here to just go inside and touch ourselves. And this garbage won’t matter. It is a rope not a snake. And I think we all realize that.

William west
William west
1 year ago

He definitely went to my high school this reality is so strange

Last edited 1 year ago by William west
1 year ago

Another convenient breach of intelligence just like 911.

John Dezso
John Dezso
1 year ago


Did you happen to notice the suit jacket of the reporter from the very first clip you played? Is it just me, or does it look a bit tattered and worn? Am I the only one who finds this to be very strange? I feel like “on-camera” talent is usually presented in a much cleaner way…no?

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  John Dezso

good catch

Jeremy Wojtkiw
Jeremy Wojtkiw
1 year ago

Netanyahu is a Level 33 Archon, Reptilian Demonic Entity…he has Champagne Room Access with the likes of Kissinger, Fauci, Tony Blair & George Bush et al.

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
1 year ago

Rainbow flag on that parachute…refugee camp footage was 100 percent cgi – Most likely facial remapping and overlaying of weapons and background on an old piece of footage/propaganda (or its entirely ai generated – its very obvious in that clip). (Also worth noting this scenario was I simulated in a video I had seen back in 2020 using “grand theft auto” in an “anonymous”/ai created alternate reality game. Can’t remember the name of the project but air land and sea – the parachutes, taking over of local police etc etc all was there.)

1 year ago

I live in Israel, near Kiryat Gat. I was up drinking coffee when I started hearing more than the usual sirens in other nearby regions.Our planned holiday prayers and festivities for later that morning first broken up into smaller perfunctory gatherings where there were shelter rooms to accommodate everyone, then dispersed altogether while being told to go home and lock our doors. I had not known that already reservists were being called up, or anything else. It was the Sabbath as well as the holiday of Simchat Torah. Among other things, I don’t use my weekday devices for the duration.

Matt, you are right. The Gaza border is one of the most surveilled on earth.One young Israeli woman described it by saying a bird, even a cockroach, couldn’t penetrate the net without being detected and repelled far in advance.

The same with the area where my sons grew up, in the Gush Etzion area south of Jerusalem, with several nearby Arab villages. I have a friend who saw what goes on. They have cameras everywhere. monitored 24/7.

I have sons who were deployed to the Gaza border in 2017-8. Sure, there was some ineptness among the combat troops, but only some, and not the ones doing the surveillance.

This was not a failure. There are motivations all around. And not just at the top in the guise of Bibi. Who and how we can only speculate. But it was allowed to happen.

Regarding the Arabs, despite what we are shown, they are far from a unified block. One of the nearby Arab villages where I lived in Gush Etzion had three distinct clans. They didn’t marry each other. They also had divergent feelings about each other and about the Jews.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Shimshon

Fascinating, thanks for sharing, it’s so amazing to hear from “boots on the ground” / real time reporting like this.

Chris Fernandez
Chris Fernandez
1 year ago

Hammas is controlled opposition . They “attack” when Israel wants to push the genocide closer to fruition.

John Hooie
John Hooie
1 year ago

I specifically remember when Obama was going through a stretch of bad press ( I believe it was his first term) and rockets began being launched from Gaza. It turned into like a 3 day war that consumed the news cycle for about a week and all of Obamas troubles disappeared. This is nothing more than a distraction. Gaza rockets hit southern Israel town cited by Obama. Reuters March 21 2013. This is all to distract from our current walking corpse of a president. Yes, I get it. Biden is not in control of anything, but explain it to the 300,000,000 that think he is.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
1 year ago
Reply to  John Hooie

Have you perhaps also heard about the gay people murdered in his church parish after Dronebama took to the Oval office? 3 persons among whom the leader of the choir.

Divona Kushnir
Divona Kushnir
1 year ago

hello from Israel, Peres is not his real name he changed it to hebrew (was Perski, he is another motherfucker),. the narrative of air,land and sea is to reinforce the “astonishment” of the fact that NOBODY is noticing it in the borders at all,it is a shit show guys,the people in the ship of fools are shocked- they cannot count on the army anymore and that something strange is happening but i doubt they will come to same conclusions as here,they will defend their masters,we all have somebody that know somebody who was murdered or disappeared,they do not want to listen to bibi or the military chief commander on tv, people were calling the tv stations for 30 hours begging for help and the army did not send anybody or even an helicopter, they did not collected bodies from the fields for 3 days of civilians that has NEVER happened before, and it is not fake,no actors.maybe the people here will wake up, now it is all about revenge….again both will never end. i do not care but i have to pretend i do at work for my sake,also they are in shock they are still hunting terrorists from inside the country after 3 days..

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Divona Kushnir

Thanks for this insight, it’s helpful hearing from someone actually there.

on a related note about how people act on the “download”…

I worked corporate for (too long) and thousands of my co-workers (there were about 10,000 in our 42 story sky-scraper) of those most (over 90%) would snitch on their parents if they thought they’d get a freaking cookie. I’m serious, I was blown away just how corrupt most people are at their core. 

And…(here’s the cherry on their cake) most of these were staunch Christians (and) most by the time I started in 91′ were on some type of mind-control medication, which again amazed me, since most were very against (street drugs) or anything “natural”.

Rick Godley
1 year ago

‘It’s a NotNilc Life’ sung to the tune ‘It’s a Hard Knock Life’ song from Annie. (you
‘re welcome, for getting that song stuck between your ears today)

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Rick Godley

Hey Rick, I’m Bill the artist who does a lot of the posters for Matt. About a year ago I designed a series in which I used that exact tune, from Annie. I dressed Bill Gates up like Annie and he and Jeff Bezos were singing “its a NOTnilc life…”

Chuck Pal
1 year ago

Countries who went along with the 2020 charade: Iran, Lebanon, Russia, Ukraine, USA, France, Germany, England, Italy, China, India, Pakistan, Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Sweden, etc, etc, etc…. (ALL countries).
Countries who are going along with the Hamas/Israel/Iran “terror attacks”: Same as above.

1 year ago

As you were describing the Hamas attacking with gliders it reminded me of one of the Escape From New York or LA movies. Snake Plisskin and the others floating down using the gliders.
I just looked up Snake Plisskin and noticed that PlisskIn is actually spelled PlisskEn?
Maybe this is just a memory issue but I remember PlisskIn.
Probaly not a Mandela Effect?

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
1 year ago

Phonetically sounds close to “Please can I” to me.
And slithery / snake like as well.

Anne Parkinson
Anne Parkinson
1 year ago

Stalled century STILL Netanyahu.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
1 year ago
Reply to  Anne Parkinson

I call him Nutty Yoohoo. Dangerous thug with a funny name.

Anne Parkinson
Anne Parkinson
1 year ago

The marketing phrases arggh

Anne Parkinson
Anne Parkinson
1 year ago

Libya & Lebanon both lost ports in last few years. What a nice port Gaza could be

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
1 year ago
Reply to  Anne Parkinson

Basically you are pointing out why Gaza has to be destroyed. Just saying.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
1 year ago

Two questions, both relatively off topic.

  • Would it be okay for me to post the collages / Photoshop creations on

Telegram and/or Twitter if I name the artist?

  • Is there a website or repository (like Imgur) where all the images are gathered?

Greetings, Mishko –

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

you can post my work

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
1 year ago

Timing: after Sukkot, which is a harvest festival.
The Las Vegas shooting (harvest music festival) in 2017 took place
just before Sukkot.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
1 year ago

The images are by mr. William Lodderhose I found.
Will only post them elsewhere if mr. Lodderhose permits.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Hey, I just saw this, what’s up? btw, I enjoyed my trip to Amsterdam back in 2006, beautiful country outside the city and such

Arthur Clark
Arthur Clark
1 year ago

Has any other old gaurd noticed that the narrators/ news people talk with maximum drama l in their voice? It sounds more like someone narrating a fiction novel or comic book..past few years almost all news people really seem to lay on the ‘ its very seriouse..dark..deppressing’ tones when explaining these ridiculouse news events.its not subtle anymore to me,yet it works on everyone around me and im one of those people..

Lisa Jarv
1 year ago
Reply to  Arthur Clark

Fear and anxiety resonate out into the ether for the downloaded to be activated with fear and anxiety …people are addicted to it …it’s a drug.

Tyler Gorton
1 year ago

Watched Cruise’s ‘War of the Worlds’ recently (released 2005). It feature an out of place news clip on a TV news program pertaining to Ukraine. Then a bit later, Cruise eats some hummus that his daughter had ordered, and is disgusted by it. Ukraine. Then “Hummus”. Don’t tell me most people’s brains don’t reflexively think “hummus” when they see or hear Hamas… or maybe it’s just me.

I’m almost ready to graduate. For real. The desire to cut out ALL Notnilc sources of information is growing by the day. Of course I’m an addict, like most people. I listen to YouTube and other podcasts while I work all day. But what value is it? I’m just about ready to live my life in total ignorance about the goings on of this dumb-ass place. I have to admit, I really can’t fathom what it would be like, not having a clue what is going on in the Notnilc’s iteration of the world. But it is sounding more and more like bliss.

Joel Sain
Joel Sain
1 year ago

We don’t dive, we never dove, we Divine
1 year ago

You guys probably know this already but I found it funny so I’m bringing it up…
Fun fact: The guy that led the charge was born in a refuge camp ran by the CIA. Here is the funny part, his previous interest was acting. Conclusion another actor led people into battle.

Here is the clip: @ frame 1:41

James Mc Neice
James Mc Neice
1 year ago
Last edited 1 year ago by James Mc Neice
Josh Scandlen
Josh Scandlen
1 year ago

Man, if you ever need even MORE confirmation that Notnilc has humor, check this story out .

It’s about the leader of the UVA group Students for Justice in Palestine. His name? Joshua Rosenberg who is obviously a twink, probably even trans too.

That a Jew trans-Twink would be leading the group Students for Justice in Palestine cracks me up. Good job Notnilc. You brought the house down with this one.

Even funnier though is how this stuff used to so piss me off. Now I’m onto ’em and laugh. Laughter does one good.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
1 year ago

To Matt & All: IMPORTANT! I got a disturbing question for you about the false light trap that I’ve been pondering. Wouldn’t the Notnilc hear by now that we are preparing to avoid the false light trap and try to escape the matrix and thus prepare accordingly? If I were the Notnilc I would prepare a special simulation for the tricked by the light crowd where they would think that they dodged the false light tunnel and think they’ve escaped the matrix, but still in fact be inside the matrix. A simulation can be made to show anything right? So how would you really know whether you’ve escaped the matrix or not? You and Howdie have never addressed this.

The thing is, the Notnilc is a lot more clever than we are and is probably playing 5D chess at a level far beyond our comprehension. So wouldn’t it prepare a special simulation for us where we think we’ve left the matrix but still be inside it? Furthermore, in such a simulation it could show us that there’s nothing outside the matrix but darkness and void, or that there’s nothing but horrible monsters out there, like HP Lovecraft wrote in his cosmic horror tales. At that point, we would appreciate our lives on Earth and realize how good we had it and beg the Notnilc to let us back into the matrix, right?

Have you given any thought to this? I’m surprised no one else here has brought this up except me. Wouldn’t the Notnilc devise such a special simulation for us and sneer and tell itself: “So… Matt and his cronies thought they could outwit me, but it is I who will outwit them! I will prepare a special simulation afterlife for them where they will think they’ve avoided the false light trap but still be in the matrix and will see a reality outside that is even worse. Then they will beg me to let them come back to the Earth simulation. Mwwwahahahahahahaha. (evil laugh)”

Sorry if this is disturbing, but we have to consider that possibility and we can’t take it off the table right? Have you thought about this Matt and all here?

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
1 year ago

Matt, you should check out the 1985 movie “Invasion USA” starring Chuck Norris. In it, an entire terrorist army lands in Florida by landing craft on the beach in the middle of the night, so easily. You will laugh. It’s hilarious.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
1 year ago

Matt, maybe none of this is real but if we fly to Israel the Notnilc will prepare a simulation to show us that it’s real. But unless a real soul goes there, then it’s all a background simulation there that doesn’t exist in real time unless a real soul looks at it? Just a thought.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x