Give Matt a Tip:
I suggest we pass The Jones Planation Movie to as many people as we can. This is about our “last chance” to get people to see the world a little bit more like we do.
Give Matt a Tip:
I suggest we pass The Jones Planation Movie to as many people as we can. This is about our “last chance” to get people to see the world a little bit more like we do.
Hello Friends,
As Matt states in video neither of us are tied to Larkin Rose or his work in any financial way.
Here is a link to buy the movie:
Great seeing such support for “J.P.” and reading the comments from yesterday, I’ve really felt at home with the people who’ve msg me from QofC. So much support I hadn’t felt from 99 percent of my family nor friends for years, decades actually, it’s funny how such tough times have become truth times.
Final note: When Matt mentioned how wars (world-wide) might be designed to keep ‘us’ people in the ‘west world’ happy, feeling “safe”…well I too have thought this to be true for about 20 something years.
When I traveled across some parts of Europe and even when I lived almost two years in South America I kept meeting so many people that still strive to live in the U.S. (‘our’ plantation) these people still “dream” this dream, I’m verifying Matt’s theory here and now and I know quite a few of you have mentioned traveling the world, what do you think when you think of it from this perspective?
FYI, I owned a business in Medellin Colombia 10 years ago. So, all of you know the stories and myths about Medellin, our Government / Plantation spun a whole lot of propaganda sprinkled with some facts.
My point is this – at the bar / nightclub I owned I joked back then (how) back home in the U.S. they paint this city as the most dangerous city on Earth, well I come from St. Louis MO the most dangerous city in the U.S. (according to some FBI stats and such) and they all laughed.
Then in 2014 my staff and I were watching TV in Medellin when the riots kicked off in Ferguson MO (blended within) the edge of St. Louis, live in real time on TV and I said to them: That’s my hometown, and they all gasped like (wow that’s some serious shit Bill you weren’t joking after all).
b.t.w. if there’s any trojan truthers testing (whatever) like Matt mentioned this Jones’ production is listed on IMDB (Oh No, then…it’s gotta be Notnilc) well, I have some small mentions on IMDB going 20 years back and I can assure you I’m NOT NOTnilc, NOlonger, NOway Jose’.
Yeah, sure I was a Matrix baby born in 61, I was like all of you, Notnilc long ago, but no more.
Love hearing from you, William. A sincerity shines through your words.
Thanks so much, I really appreciate that.
Interesting…this film stemmed from support from an old friend of mine who I haven’t seen in some time…Jeff Berwick and his friend / the writer Larken Rose. I’m glad Matt’s covering this, it’s been a few years in the making as I remember updates around 2020, though I haven’t followed Berwick’s work these last few years.
I really like the movie poster artwork, an obvious nod to the 60s psychedelic PsyOp style social engineering. Which (according to Notnilc history) was when “they” declared WAR on “us” / Society back then to shifting their vision of Hell into high gear, coincidentally concurring with the 100 year anniversary of the Notnilc’s Civil War Celebrations / Blood Sacrifice. I’m sure this was just a coincidence, not notnilc planned (lol, not…Wayne’sWarWorld, party on, excellent)
(clearing throat) sorry to jump in again, but…I figured you folks would get a kick out of this. Jeff Berwick had been featuring Larken Rose (and his wife at times) on Jeff’s D.V. series for a variety of reasons while they also promoted the pre-production of “Jones Plantation”.
Back then (2020) they also mentioned their dream project is to raise enough money after making “Jones” to re-make the 80s classic “THEY LIVE”. So, I’m sure my ole’ friend Jeff Berwick and Larken and everyone we know here at QofC watching the Notnilc Ship of Fools sail would be really jazzed to see ‘THEY LIVE’ …live again!
This ONE can SEE.
Same here, but you haven’t missed much with Jeff. He is the same as he always was. Cheers to Larken, he was always a solid guy
3:57 is that Matt? Kidding aside, looks like a great movie.
357 for real! Matt in make up looking good lol
That’s Alex Jones from the Jones Plantation. lol
Looking forward to buying the DVD and playing it for those under the notnilc spell…
Definitely getting this! Thanks gents!
I bought it and watched it. Tremendous ! And anyone not aware of the system would enjoy it as a movie in its own right. I’m not very Internet savvy so don’t know how to share my movie link . Any advice appreciated ! I guess I’d give the code?
Just a quick FYI kinda thing… You can UL to a site like MegaUL (free) and yes, you can “Share” it with those you want to and you can either issue a link person by person or just post a link with the password and any/everyone can DL your copy…
Or does this need to be Screen Captured first?? If so, then obvi, SC first and then UL your copy (.mp4 x264 best format/container) to a site (again) like Mega… Any?? Please ask. : ) Hope that helps!
Please keep in mind this movie is not a Notnilc production, these are private people they raised a very small amount and produced something world class. So really its more like a donation versus Netflix hitting you up. If you are going to share it should be done direct to your friend or relative via their gift card or if you share credentials do not post those on any public forum because you would really be cheating the Creators. I know no one has that intent.
Ahh thx for this the thort of actually buying and shipping a DVD 📀 to Australia sounds silly .in a stream it world
Mind you ..passing a DVD around to sleeper Cell friends n family is probably more efficient
But then the thort arises .do ppl still have a DVD player sitting under the NotNilc Box 📺 🤣
Yeah I would much prefer a DVD. It’s amazing to see, even with something like this, just offer the option because then you’re also making a statement about doing a portion of business outside the BOT, all this download and streaming is still playing on their turf, their game, every time you don’t pick up your cell and actually call Grandma, instead of texting you’re playing Notnilc’s game.
That said, I’m friends with at least one of the investors of this film and it’s an amazing production, so I have to stream too.
Ps. I love your work Matt. I appreciate free voice more now than ever!
My dad predicted this 2009. Some black man shot somewhere…
The separation began shortly after 0bama took office and the Trayvon Marteen shooting happened in FL. Obama made some statement about having a son like Trayvon.
Somehow from that statement if you thought the shooting was justified, you were against Obama and the first B President and racist.
The lines were drawn and it had never been the same since. Race relations destroyed and constantly fueled for power/polarization
Hi Matt, my friends and relatives are too dumb to even get this movie. But I’ll still recommend it cuz you just never know. Remember “there are starving kids in Africa” when you didn’t eat something as a kid? I even say it to my cat when he won’t eat “there are starving cats in Africa”…little did I know…
Thanks Matt for all you do, keeping me somewhat sane😋 and somewhat stable
Nice touch with the banister / jail/ dominance first thing🔥
Mr. Jones is played by Legalman, who has a good podcast pointing out all the absurdities in the law, justice system and the constitution. Good stuff. The Tiny Dot cartoon is still on YouTube by Larken Rose, a liberty classic. (He appears in the film as the guy handing out the plantation credits)
Honestly tho, I still don’t think some sheeple would get it and make the connection. But still we should share it for sure. They put so much work into this film. Thanks, Matt.
Oh wow! Yes. I used to follow him on Twitter until I got kicked off.
I just finished watching the movie ‘Jones Plantation’. I’m used to watching movies that maybe have a couple of truth drops but this movie is an obvious truth bomb.
Admittedly, I don’t have anyone to share it with except for maybe my two adult daughters. I say maybe because I had difficulty with the thought of sharing the glaring truth. My mama bear instinct wants to protect them from how deep and nasty this realm is. Further, I’m feeling a tremendous guilt that I birthed them into this chaos with naïveté that the world could change. ‘Classic’, if I knew then what I know now, I definitely wouldn’t have brought children here.
I could make up a story for myself and say that they chose to be here but that falls flat. What I can say about my daughters is that they’re not on the ship of fools but not on the shore, either. Somewhere in between. They are aware of people being “weird“ and as far as I can tell, they noticed the systems that are in place here are not good.
I’ve never been one to shove my viewpoint or opinions in their face, and anything I’ve ever given them as far as the notnilC goes, I gave unconditionally. Meaning, I never discussed it with them as a topic of conversation that went very deep. I wanted them to see for themselves what life is with a little poke from mom instead of it being my beliefs passed down to the next generation.
Like I said before, they are pretty levelheaded and I share unconditionally but I feel if I was to give them this movie, it would just possibly depress them more than help them? Or, maybe it’s my own sense of sadness that I felt watching the movie?
Either way, it was a well put together movie, and I can see the potential of it helping others understand. In the meantime, I’m going to go back to any work that I have left so I can get outta here. I’m done! 💖
Thanks Matt and everyone here!
PS: I did chuckle with the part where Nathanial Jones and a little girl were outside by a tree and he sniffed her hair. I did not see that coming. 😂
Your daughters are so lucky to have such a cool mom…and (wow) I was married twice and didn’t have kids (well) because the family I was raised in (I’m adopted) well, let’s just say they were unique and dangerous and anyway twice divorced, no kids.
Now, reading what you wrote, I’m glad I didn’t (I also had that thought) beginning in 2001 big time and again in 2020, I kept thinking, man I’m glad I don’t have to explain this insanity to kids.
Thank you William 💖
Never in a million years did I ever think that I would feel that way about my children. I was fortunate to be able to raise them without the distractions of outside work for money jobs. BEST time of my whole life which is what creates the angst.
On one hand there’s awesomeness bringing up children and notnilc on the other. Full on contrast, duality and tricky to reconcile.
Peace ☮️
Duality in plain sight
Symbol of war heads alongside Peace
Thanks for your comments Shelly. I have 3 adult children. I struggle as you do with how much to push on them. I did pour it on thick to try to get them to not take the jab, but the system overwhelmed them sadly (except for the one who was still in high school at the time). Before I woke up from the Matrix, I was convinced that being a traditional conservative was the way to go. I know it’s all a ruse now, but at least my kids aren’t knee deep in woke culture. Although I feel so badly that they live in this mess of a world, I have hope that they can have a positive impact
Wow it must be intense, I wish your kids the best.
I hate it when people say “First World Problems.” Just imagine Matt’s “stay safe” voice and someone picking their nose.
Hey, this really is a small community.. I started out my system-wide journey back in 2009 with Larken Rose.. who I found via John Taylor Gatto who I found via a random sound bite on a website by a guy Inteued to help get a teaching job in italy..he had walked from Argentina to Alaska in 1981 and was invited to the Whitehouse to meet Jimmy Carter (wtf), I met this dude because I had ridden a bike to “the fertile crescent” looking for the source of the notnilC. I laterlly – lattlerly – laterly – dammit! After that at a non-specific point I bought his book “the most dangerous superstition”..I’ve listened to him speak a lot, he ‘rings true’ as a real one…t’was pretty mad to truvert some big inversions.. such as ..”well I’ll be darned.. I be an Anarchist” and “I ain’t no a.d.d, depressed, dyslexic, rebellionist, lazy, oversensitve, overcurious, loser” – “I be on a spiritual journey” – that’s my Matt impression..
I’m new to your work Matt and wanted to write an email but couldn’t find your address, I wanted to share what a joy it was after many years of bitter realisations and matrix gruel to actually have a laugh! Laugh at the whole thing… So thank you, I really needed / need that.
Welcome Jim Bob, yeah I’ve had Larken’s ‘most dangerous superstition’ for some years, he’s a friend of my ole’ friend Jeff Berwick who invested in helping make Jones Plantation and I’m glad to see it coming along.
Back before about 1990, there were so many corporations and individuals who owned the various news organizations that it would have been impossible to compel them all to say the same lies, like they do today. There has been a consolidations of VERY few owners of news (or even the broader media) organizations – and they are all far left… (even, i hope obviously, FOX).
Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9…nobody seems to notice and nobody seems to care(Carlin)
cheers Gabriel ☀️
igor schafarewitsch has traced the “notnilc-system”, vulgo Socialism approximately 6000 years back, and has written an awesome Book, Facts after Facts, named: “The deathdrive in History. About the various manifestations of Socialism”. Titel in German: “Der Todestrieb in der Geschichte: Erscheinungsformen des Sozialismus”Maybe it’s available in english ?
On Amazon you can check also some very insightful comments about the Book, and, as you’d name it, the “Notnilc-System”.
One of a part of the Comments there, translated via deepl:
“The Inca state system can be clearly described as socialist, since many socialist principles are clearly pronounced: the almost complete absence of private property and, in particular, the complete absence of land ownership; the nonexistence of money and commerce, the complete elimination of personal initiative from all economic activity, the detailed regimentation of all personal life, marriage by order of officials, the state distribution of wives and concubines. According to Shafarevich, the Inca state was one of the most perfect embodiments of the socialist ideal ever achieved. The vast empire of twelve million inhabitants and a territory of present-day Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, the northern half of Chile and the northwestern part of Argentina proved powerless against 200 Spaniards. Neither the firearms nor the horses of the Spaniards, unknown to the Indians, can explain this amazing phenomenon. The cause of the downfall of the Inca Empire lay in the complete atrophy of initiative, in the habit of carrying out only the orders of superiors, in the spirit of inertia and apathy.”
Translated with (free version)
An other Comment of this Book from schafarewitsch (at Amazon), translated from German via deepl:
“Are you a person who has always been a little critical of socialism?
Or are you on the verge of deciding to join socialism because you like it and want to become its enthusiastic supporter, because you are looking for the “good” and want to find it politically?
Are you inspired by the desire that socialism will eliminate all social injustice and allow more freedom for everyone?
Then you are wrong, because this book will show you that socialism will destroy your family, communize your property, eliminate your individuality and dissolve your ego.
You should buy this book, read it, study it and draw your own conclusions. Because one thing it will definitely achieve: Clarity about the subject matter, substantiated and backed up by historical evidence and comparisons (Inca Empire, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China)!, that is, enumerate those countries and describe their characteristics that have implemented socialism in reality, with the Inca Empire achieving its final perfection! The book is an enlightening execution of the truth, intended for the critical spirit, created for everyone who seeks truth and will find it here, so that he does not follow the sense or nonsense of misguided ideologists without contradiction.
Without being clear, what is that now, what they all call “the socialism”! Resumee: On a level with the politics of Aristotle, Carol Quigley’s “Tragedy and Hope” or Franz Oppenheimer’s “The State”, parallel reading which I would like to recommend to everyone.”
thanks for your insight, sounds like a book to read
Holy crap. I almost can’t watch this. Plain as day.
Here’s the original ‘The Jones Plantation’ Matt mentioned…
Hi Matt. Thanks for the review. I paid for the film a few weeks ago when it premiered on the web. The guy who plays Nathaniel Jones isn’t an actor by trade but is actually an ex lawyer. He runs a podcast now and twitter account called Legalman. I’ve been a big admirer of his and followed him on Twitter for a few years now – that is how I found out about the film. He is completely awake to the joke reality and left Vs right con etc. I think that may be partially how he got the gig. This film is the real deal 100% and so is Legalman and the makers of this film. A genuine cult classic everyone should see. Vote Jones!!
I originally found out about this movie from the actor that plays Mr Jones in Jones Plantation (2023), when he mentioned it near the end of his recent podcast called; ‘Con/cons conned the economist too‘, where he goes by the name Legalman. And then I saw that Matt had done a review on the movie which I decided to hold off from listening to until I had first watched the film . And after watching both now, I have to agree with Matt how clearly this movie shows what is really going on right in front of our faces. And so how can anyone NOT see what we can see when it’s so obvious and amazingly presented in this movie, unless THEY are an NPC (which Legalman also has an excellent podcast on about NPCs with no inner monologue)?
I like how Matt shared many scenes from the movie that have great quotes. And some of my favourite quotes from Jones Plantation are posted below:
“Other than some food, and half a days work from your slaves. What else do you think happened today? […] I said words. I changed their perception of their situation. Other than that, nothing else happened.” — Tobias Smith [Maurice Johnson] in Jones Plantation (2023)
“Give a man power over another, and you’ll see his darker side come out. […] They think the managers are there to protect and serve them.” — Tobias Smith [Maurice Johnson] in Jones Plantation (2023)
“Man is a complicated beast. To master him, you must use sophisticated methods. […] Regardless of scale, the game Mr Jones, is still the same. The game is still the same.” — Tobias Smith [Maurice Johnson] in Jones Plantation (2023)
Here’s another brilliant quote from the film that I noted down, which also reminded me of The Matrix (1999) – [corrections welcome]:
“I was excited when this all started. When he, first arrived. Don’t you see what… what’s going on? We’re no better off than we were before. They let us complain and―and make suggestions but, they never really change anything. They let us choose between Master Jones and Mr Johnson. What’s the difference? They still make all the rules. Punish us if we disobey. We… we still do all the work. They come and take as much as they want. And they give us just enough. Just enough, that we don’t rise up, or run away. Slave. To work. The way I see it is, they just change the words they use. Nothing is really changed, we are all still slaves. They use words like free, and equal. We are not. They say we can leave whenever. All that really means is that, we’re free to be someone else’s slaves. Why should we obey their rules? We didn’t agree to this. They forced this upon us. They have tricked you into thinking that choosing your own master, is the same as being free. They have the power that they have, because we treat them as if they are our rightful masters. Like they own us. They are men. Mortal men. And so are we. Their pretty words have fooled you. If you do not free your minds from their lies, you can never free your bodies. Freedom, is ours, the moment we claim it. We can change things. Their… […] If we were really free. If we are really free, how can they control when we can speak?” ― Samuel [J.J. Green] in Jones Plantation (2023)
“…you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage. Into a prison that you cannot taste or see or touch. A prison for your mind.” ― Morpheus [Laurence Fishburne] in The Matrix (1999)
Oh boy
Is it at least a comedy?🫣
Just posting this higher res art for anyone who caught Matt’s vid on QofC today, cheers.
more detail
Notnilc board of directors, Christmas party photo
“but you can never truly OWN a man” – above the video, OWN in capital letters, OWN = NWO = New World Order
Hello non-Notnilc,
I remember seeing Jones Plantation as well as the Tiny Dot and If You Were King back in the glory days of the anarcho-interwebs and having had so much respect for his efforts that I wanted to name my firstborn Larken. So much has changed since then. The 2020 madness definitely expanded my friend group, which now includes many of the speakers featured at Music & Sky festival here in Southern California; Larken gave the event’s keynote last year.
SOOO if any of you still suffer from Rational Friend Deficiency, this is one gathering I can wholeheartedly recommend. When it gets lonely in the matrix, it can be lovely to connect–in “real” life–with likeminded souls who have jumped ship and to watch the fools as they sail away. Also, he certainly wouldn’t want to, but Matt should totally be a presenter, all of his cats in tow. A girl can dream! Hugs to all you fine thinkers <3
Cool message, I used to work in L.A. and loved Southern California, though in 2020 I gotta say, wow – did your Governor drop the ball or what? I’m a fan of Larken’s work and he’s a friend of my friend Jeff Berwick, so since their next proposed project (or dream project) is to remake “They Live” here’s a little something along those lines…
Ball dropped for sure. Been a gross 3 years over here in Commiefornia.
Love this idea! “They Live” would be amazing!! Nice hearing from you, William!
Just saw the film. It was great. Very true allegory and microcosm of American democracy. But I disagree that moving abroad or moving off the plantation is pointless, because I’ve been to 14 countries and can tell you that all countries are NOT the same as truthers assume and claim. Many other countries feel a lot FREER and more FUN and have more SOCIAL CONNECTION and LOWER cost living too! So moving abroad is definitely a SOLUTION to the tyranny and lies and oppression in America!
I lived in South America for almost two years and so I know what you mean. America spends a lot of time and a lot of money (NOTnilc that it matters, money that is) but they spend it making citizens believe in their Truman (Stay on your Island) Show b.s.
Watched Jones Plantation eventually, you’re right what a dope movie! That might be the best way to wake up deep asleep people, an entertaining fiction that blatantly breaks down how our entire species gets played in the dark game of life on Earth. The messages are so cristal clear!
Thank you for the recommandation Matt!