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Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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I didn’t plan to make a video about this when I sat down to watch the first half of the Chief’s game last night. (The “negative” cold temperature was intriguing to me.) However, after Taylor Swift appeared at the glass, and all the other Notnilc presentations started… I thought we could look at this absurdity today! 

Matt McKinley

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Ooom Yoga
Ooom Yoga
1 year ago

I couldn’t get in, so I created a new account. Sorry about that. It was most certainly my mistake. I will comment on this comment to share some thoughts about this “ridiculously not rational reality”. And many of us have the same experience, but always still subjective. You don’t need to believe in anything. Beliefs are dangerous. Either you know, or you don’t. No beliefs necessary. 🙏

But how can our reality be this funny? And each and everyone of us, have our very personal, subjective experience. In the center of it …. I am. Ok, I’ll continue in my comment to comment. About something you said 10 mins in … “Solipsism”. Requires absolutely no “beliefs”. I don’t believe in it. When do you need to believe in something? When you don’t know. “solipsism”, if you want to call it that, is the most simple and logical answer. I don’t believe. If I’m wrong, no problem. Most of my life I thought that nothing exploded and then this monkey came here….. Because of……. Gravity. That was silly. Now I don’t have to prove that nothing exists. I want proof that something exists. It is as simple as that. It is also very logical. It requires no beliefs. All other theories require belief. Believe that nothing exploded. Believe that God created it in six days. I don’t need to believe anything. Beliefs are stories in a guestbook. That’s it. That is the book I will write. “Stories in a guestbook.” . If anyone has done it already, cool. I won’t then. 😊

Ooom Yoga
Ooom Yoga
1 year ago
Reply to  Ooom Yoga

So… The logical conclusion is that your reality is your projection. Mine is mine. You are I am, I am I am. That makes our “collective experience”. It is not really, but we experience it like that. Solipsism is logical. There is no random, almost infinite, chaotic universe. With these complex stories. It is just that… Stories.

john postma
john postma
1 year ago
Reply to  Ooom Yoga

seems to me like some kind of shared ‘lucid dream’ at times….some more lucid than others….

Recynd 77
Recynd 77
1 year ago

I’m not much interested in pop culture anymore, and I’ve never watched sports, but I will dance to my grave never having watched even a single episode of The Kardashians. Hell, I’m 55, and I’ve never watched an episode of Friends, Sex in the City, or Modern Family. Hell, I haven’t seen more than a clip of SNL since Bill Murray left. (Speaking of SNL: I thought that Steve Martin was a regular cast member of SNL…am I remembering wrong?)

I don’t care if Matt talks about celebrities, geography, Russian stoves, politics, or nose-picking: I’m just glad to be along for the ride. I love you, Matt (I really do), and I love all my fellow classmates in this very peculiar Special Ed classroom, even the freshmen and the idiots throwing spitballs. We need a class anthem, motto, mascot, or SOMETHING; anyone have any ideas? Maybe we could be “The NOTnilcs”? Dumb idea, but…?

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Wow Matt, those clips of “pro football” and celebrity “support for it” (lol) are both the most horrifying and yet the most hilarious b.s. I’ve seen in some time.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
1 year ago

=D I did not know Owen Benjamin watched NFL! (@5min32sec)
On a slightly more serious note: I don’t watch sports but I do not like
how Swift is interfering, being made and allowed to interfere with the game.
I am all for letting people enjoy a game without getting annoyed by BS nonsense.
It is invasive IMO: invading onto people’s Mindspace.

Sideways related –

Chris Brennan
Chris Brennan
1 year ago

I watched the first 15-20 minutes & I felt much of what you presented & couldn’t continue. It made me ill. I’m in Buffalo & we’re getting drilled with non stop snow & they’re offering fans only $20 an hour to shovel out the stadium & it’s brutal out. It’s just insane that all these millionaires who never do anything about the homeless can’t offer up even $30-40 an hour for fans to dig out their stadium. These creeps are annoying, ridiculous & disgusting.
On a side note, if you want a couple free links to watch sports let me know. I refuse to pay for that HORSESHIT & can’t watch commercials. Many Blessings Matt.

Anne Mulhare
Anne Mulhare
1 year ago

NBC Sports. The way it’s pronounced here it sounds like NPC Sports! XD Lol

joanne doyle
joanne doyle
1 year ago

hiya Matt, I look forward to your posts/videos every day here in northwest england. Think i need to have a word with myself though as i get a little sad face when you have a day off and today…25 minutes!!! Ooh No! Too short Matt, too short haha I need at least 45 mins of Matt medicine a day or i don’t function well at all.
: ) thank you Matt for all your posts and special thank you for all with Violet, two beautiful souls we all experienced there x

Ricky Bobo
1 year ago

Normal is now considered to be abnormal and vice versa.

echo charlie
echo charlie
1 year ago

Wa da tay! We drove up to Bill Lodderhouse’s neck of the woods to see family over the long weekend. It is biting cold. I have gloves on indoors. Driving up today we saw so many con or chem tails and now a dense snowless(!) overcast sky here ! It is snowing though where we saw the lovely white and blue tic tac toe in Tennessee this am. Will be patient for the Russian Stove how-tos, I think there are some chairs we can burn( joke). Appreciate you and the freevoice platform host and the artists and the no commercials and all the community!

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  echo charlie

This is what my neck of the woods looked like in the 1970s, none of us ever thought they’d waste millions on ‘heating’ some of the grass inside a stadium so Gladiators could play (bounce) their balls…….50yrs in the future (now, for instance)

john postma
john postma
1 year ago

that bit, the heating, a surprise for me. though I live in ‘alpine’ region…normal winter’s day around 5degrees, falling below zero over night

Draper McBride
Draper McBride
1 year ago

Been with you for awhile.
Since change from atlas.
Who cares get in with it.
Mike Dickca and the Bears didn’t need a heat field.
Any way we brothers from another mother as we would say in the navy
Side bar enlisted before the dice role. Sat in dive school class room and watched a orcastra.
I really appreciate your videos it’s one-sided conversation. Perfect practice for a Sat Yogi.
Use the info from your tim the tool man stove builder,
“Am I a clown do I amuse you.

john postma
john postma
1 year ago

I understand the ‘tribalism’ bit….played rugby league when young….grew out of that by 14 or so….some just don’t it seems

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
1 year ago

I don’t enjoy watching sports: but I honestly find the takes on sports as given
by our (to me he is THE guy, the truth guy) mr. Matt McKinley interesting
as well as lots of fun and entertaining.
Likewise with the takes on sports by Paul Romano from the
Pockets Of The Future & the Apocalaughs YT channel.

Let’s face it: men are better at bitching and kvetching than women.
And funnier while at it (haha no about the same while different).
… I watch & listen way too much YT currently.

Brad Lacey
Brad Lacey
1 year ago

K.C.: don’t worry guys, we have a billion dollar heating system under the field
Buffalo: uh, guys, can y’all show up early and help us shovel off the field?
Whoever wrote this script is freaking brilliant lol

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Brad Lacey


William Hale
William Hale
1 year ago

G’day Matt another great observation of the notlic
As an Aussie to figure out centigrade to fahrenheit just double the centigrade number and add 30
So 10 Celsius is 50 fahrenheit
Cheers mate

Loz Hey
Loz Hey
1 year ago

Stop. Start listening to looooong presentations. Richard Groves, forensic historian… Podcast 166 current reality. Me not like deaths of innocents being orchestrated for “somethings” with agendas. Thats just me…but me just a being having a human experience. ps…watch out for disease “X” from Davos…lol!

Loz Hey
Loz Hey
1 year ago

I like to laugh…the lighter side of genocide! Vinny Eastwood phrase from way back.

Alicia Unger
1 year ago

This cat meme immediately came to mind earlier in the week and well….
Ok, don’t judge.
It made me laugh and I thought of people with pet cats….. and… so ..

Here you go

Alicia Unger
1 year ago
Reply to  Alicia Unger


Alicia Unger
1 year ago


Winston Wu
Winston Wu
11 months ago

Matt. When you say that the Earth is a snow globe, doesn’t that imply that the world is flat, since a snow globe has a flat bottom? Also, what would happen if you tried to go across Antarctica? Wouldn’t that settle the true shape of the Earth? Also if Earth was really a globe, then NASA would have a real photo of it from space right?

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
11 months ago

Matt, a few key questions for you:

1) You keep saying that the matrix gives you what you expect. Does that mean if you expect paradise then you will get it? Does that mean that Muslims get 72 virgins in heaven because they believe they will? Also, why does disappointment exist in life and why is life full of surprises if we always get what we expect? I don’t get it. We all have experienced many times where something turns out better than expected and times when things turned out worse than expected. You too right? In fact, most things in life seem to turn out to be disappointments. So how do you explain that? I’m confused. New Agers never explain this obvious question. Am I the only one in the community that can think and see obvious problems with these New Age “thoughts create reality” dogmas? It makes me wonder if I’m the only real person here, hence solipsism.

2) You keep saying that the solution to everything is to “worry about yourself”. However, we all know that humans need love, social connection, human companionship, quality friendships, etc. We aren’t meant to be hermits. So how does your solution solve that problem? I don’t get it. Also Americans are already super narcissistic, so how is it going to help things if they become even more narcissistic and self-centered? Aren’t Americans already overly self-absorbed? They definitely are way more self-absored than they were in the 70s and 80s, that’s for sure. What is your solution for those of us who are alienated and isolated and need love, connection, and companionship? We can’t be satisfied just being hermits who “worry about themselves” only right? You’re human right Matt, not an NPC right? If so, then this should be obvious to you right Matt? I don’t get it. Am I missing something? Are we not on the same page? How come you act like you don’t need anyone? Like you don’t need love or connection or companionship? Isn’t that inhuman? I could never be like that. How do you do it? You are human right? What am I missing? Are we just very different in that regard? You do know that humans aren’t meant to be hermits right? Sorry if this is a taboo question, but I think about it all the time so it’s important to me. I’m not cut out to be a hermit or single or isolated or ignored. How can you tolerate that?

Anyone else here feel the same? My solution of course is to go abroad to countries where there’s still old world culture left, because there the women are still interested in men and meeting new men, and aren’t super picky off the charts like they are in the US, as we all know if we are honest.

Last edited 11 months ago by Winston Wu
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