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Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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Most of us remember the movie “Network” and have seen these famous scenes covered “in our community” in the past. Rob suggested I re-watch the movie and I didn’t expect to get too much more out of it. I was wrong. With “2023 eyes,” many news perspectives were revealed.

Matt McKinley

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David O'Neil
David O'Neil
1 year ago

So glad to be the first to view this today. Knew it was coming so didn’t wait for the notification e-mail and just decided to check Freevoice. Glad I did. Thank you for all your hard entertaining work Matt! -Doc

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

One of the “great” movies of my teenage years, have enjoyed watching this many times, yet…now that I think about it, it has been quite a few years (maybe over 10) since I’ve seen it again, so…looks like I’ll be checking it out again. After I enjoy the rest of FV.

Joshua Griffis
Joshua Griffis
1 year ago

Idk how , but I’m glad I missed the movie

Joshua Griffis
Joshua Griffis
1 year ago

Nothing’s off the table in this experience. However nothing is organic either so whatever happens is supposed to happen

Chuck Pal
1 year ago
Reply to  Joshua Griffis

Matt took Satan off the table. Replaced Satan with some nebulous, meaningless “notnilc” entity. Very strange.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

IMO what’s strange is people like you hanging out here if you don’t approve. Notnilc is simply a title, with NO RELIGIOUS context, if you can understand such stuff, it’s hardly meaningless since Matt constantly relates to Christians – saying we’re in the same fox-hole and he understands why they’ve named such an advisory Satan. But people like you ignore all the rest of these details and simply toss out “strange” sound-bites I’m guessing to get others roused up and following you up some strange hill you’re charging.

That to me is: meaningless.

Last edited 1 year ago by William Lodderhose
William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

Speaking of “strange” I (as a former Christian who questioned a lot back then even) find it strange so many Christians don’t question (among their own family and friends) why it’s okay to honor sooooo many pagan traditions, that morphed into the Christmas (myth). IF you’re really interested in strange then perhaps you’d enjoy researching that stuff, because oh boy it’ll knock your socks off with strange.

Even down to the songs like 12 days of Christmas – an over the top clue to how they simply replaced the 12 days of Saturnalia (hello) with “their Christmas” holiday going forward. Of course Santa’s name being soooo close to your “Satan” is another rabbitHole that will keep you busy… well, the list goes on and on.

Usually this is where one hears the sweet sound of cognitive dissonance kicking in, because at the end of the day, it does make anyone using logic as their baseline question: Hey, what’s going on here? Why, if this Christ story is supposedly real and organic did “they” choose to drag all the previous pagan pageantry into the future with him? Hmmm….

Last edited 1 year ago by William Lodderhose
Elaine Dudzinski
1 year ago

10 months ago

Merry Satan Claws, you can’t break through to them. “Don’t cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet and turn and rend you.”

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

I had no heads up Matt was going to cover Network (a fav film from my past), yet yesterday at 3:30 I sent Matt some art I’d just completed titled “NOTnilc NETWORK”, both us being busy, we haven’t even communicated since Friday. I don’t usually post such fresh art (yet) since this happened (and thanks Rob for suggesting such a classic) here’s the Notnilc Network (1st day on the job) art I finished up yesterday. Cheers everyone.

Joseph Antoinette
1 year ago

Like I said before, you can see things the eyes cannot see. Not the first time you demonstrated such

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
1 year ago

Love how tuned in you are William. 💖

Paul Schoenmann
Paul Schoenmann
1 year ago

I’m watching Arthur C. Clarke’s 1953 “Childhood’s End” remade in 2015 and given to the public for free in December of that year; yeah, for Christmas lol. A four hour film split in three parts disseminated over three days. Insane story 👀

We have “Network,” too, so I’ll definitely be watching that next.

And regarding the ‘Juice’ ruling the world (lol,) it certainly seems like a trap to go hunting for the bad guys–they’re just actors like everyone else as you said. So its a trap to go hunting, that’s not the point.

“You become what you fight” so if you fight monsters you become a monster, yes?
Seek to understand, not to fight.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Well worded, btw I’ve seen the 2015 “C.E.” now after reading your post I just might go looking for the 1953 one, maybe I’ll watch it “this Christmas” for a laugh… as I have quite a sick sense of humor…

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

btw I’m not dissing Christmas, I haven’t seen family in 22yrs, so many holidays are spent quietly (at times) watching a movie, occasionally I’ll visit a friend, yet there’s so few who see the world as we, so there’s that…

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
1 year ago

Matt really kinda gave me permission to celebrate it again. They can take Saturnalia and shove it up their asses. It’s been fun to participate in some lighthearted Christmas activites and I’m even making Christmas crafts to sell at some fairs this year…even a fair that I have organized. I don’t have any family either. I do have good neighbors who make Clark Griswold’s house look amateur. 🙂 Big hugs Bill. I have full faith we will transcend all this insanity.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

“Baby it’s cold outside…”

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
1 year ago

Wise conclusion Paul 🦉

echo charlie
echo charlie
1 year ago

I know this is tangential but in my close-in world we have been dealing with radial tires this month. Also I don’t have a toaster but I grew up with one and my surviving parent is breaking up housekeeping and I was wondering just this week if I should just take the 5 dollar toaster since my dollar won’t buy what a nickel used to(I have a nice fancy toaster oven /air fryer thing and it does not comfort me like a toaster would). Thanks Rob for sending this Matt’s way! Truly Is there nothing new under the sun?

Brian Simon
Brian Simon
1 year ago

So interestingly on the topic of movies I came across a Youtuber who does reviews and some truther type content called Armoured Skeptic ( I imagine some here have seen him before) say out right in his last 2 videos that they are being made bad on purpose. His reasons are kind of in the bookends as to by who but his why is basically Notnilc, obviously not put that way but clearly and repeatedly saying on purpose and with dark intent. I just thought it was interesting since Matt has often pointed out that no one says it. Thanks for the video and peace and positivity to everyone.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Brian Simon


James Hawke
James Hawke
1 year ago

I am old enough to remember when “weather forecasts” became a big deal in the 1970’s. In primary school our teachers asked us to bring a cut-out news report from a newspaper for morning talk. We were being indoctrinated in “man’s god-like abilities” to know and anticipate the mysteries of nature. It helped set the scene for the ruthless technocracy that was emerging.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  James Hawke

You’re right, now that you’ve rang that bell (in my head) I remember in the 60s they had us watch “weather films” with planes in the clouds (voiceover) describing how they can predict this and that, like it was some major development and parents should take pride their tax-funded school / social engineering machine was well oiled and working 24/7.

Victoria M.
1 year ago

Hi Matt, I just had company, and when they all left, I yelled Freevoice IO! and ran to my computer. I’m not joking!

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Victoria M.


Linda Matus
Linda Matus
1 year ago

This was really well done Matt and I very much enjoyed it. I have to admit although I am 61 and should have seen this at some point in my past I never have. I will definitely have to get on that.
You really distilled your explanation on the futility of hunting down “who” is responsible here in a way I don’t think you have before. Revisiting the premise of this movie proved a very useful vehicle in that regard.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Matus

We’re the same age, I was 14 when I first saw Network and I enjoyed it then, and many times over the years, yet, it’s been over 10yrs since the last time. Maybe much more, so I’m over due for a re-watch.

john postma
john postma
1 year ago

another great presentation.
By the way; the first time I heard this “I’m not gonna take it” {being yelled out a window) was on a welcome back kotter episode in the late ’70s

A Ross
A Ross
1 year ago
Reply to  john postma

Yeah, his rant was in another movie as well. It became a media anthem in a lot of ways for a few years, even refrenced a few times in the 80’s. I swear I hear id used in one of the cable seial TV shows from the 90’s as well.

Stellar Shriner
Stellar Shriner
1 year ago

I like to listen to the Tao audiobook. One of the lines you reminded me of at the beginning of this presentation is when it says in the Tao ” Do you want to change the world?, I don’t think it can be done”.

Landed Zentry
Landed Zentry
1 year ago

Yeah, My experience :-
it’s when The Awareness looks at the mind. The thoughts once considered important etc suddenly are meaningless…then crazy….then funny.
“Reality” (whatever that is) , as seen, becomes something …cleaner , as it is, a tree, a desk, a rroom as the thought adds-ons fall away.

Going forward I’d say. Don’t be too keen to create setinstone beliefs. Hold opinions lightly. I like to call my beliefs “useful models” – like say in Science : there are no _molecules_ …its a hologram , things don’t really exist (Quantum Physics).

Things we say like “this world is for personal growth” and so forth are not *absolutely true* for me. What is it that needs personal growth? – if you can see it let me know!


Last edited 1 year ago by Landed Zentry
Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
1 year ago
Reply to  Landed Zentry

Love this! When awareness looks at the mind’. That has a sweet punch right off the top of what you shared. It perfectly describes the Observer stance. I’ve also heard that space described as ‘when you’re aware of your awareness’. To me, that space is my true self. Everyday I strive to be there 100% all of the time. It’s just a click away 🌼

Joel Sain
Joel Sain
1 year ago

I was two years old when this came out. I never knew the origins of that quote. It explains a lot about my world view. I skipped the laughing and went right to the tears when I watched the first scene. I too am mad.

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
1 year ago

Seeing this movie again through 2023 eyes solidifies my feeling that life is a skipping record. Isn’t that the definition of retrocausality? Same thing over and over with subtle changes to the life screen as we move through time?

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Shelly Perrini

skipping record, that brings back memories

Shelly Perrini
Shelly Perrini
1 year ago

Lol, good times. Anytime The subject of records comes up, I always think of what I did to my little brother to get even when we were little. I took the needle of the record player and scraped it across the record a few times. You wanna talk about a skipped record? 😂

When I was older, I fessed up and apologized. It was his favorite Kiss album. I know, I know. That was very shitty thing to do but know that I did my time and all is even playing ground once more.

PS: He still to this day he does not know that I put soap on his toothbrush. I figured let bygones be bygones with that one. 😆

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
1 year ago

The freedom that comes with the knowledge that the reality doesn’t have to change defies words. Knowing that we are incredible creators and can change our own reality turns this tired old game right on its head. You were thrice great, Matt. What an uplifting presentation. Sending love and wishing pure joy for all here.

Jay Leeberg
Jay Leeberg
1 year ago

WHY DOES FREEVOICE BUFFER SO MUCH! This is the only site that does this! So irritating

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
1 year ago
Reply to  Jay Leeberg

Mine hasn’t buffered once🤷

A Ross
A Ross
1 year ago

So, this is funny to me for a few reasons.

I swear I saw a bit of this movie when I was kid (during the beta-max rental days) and my parents ushered me out of the room. But I could watch Alien and Jaws.

Much later after becoming a father and trying to use my talents as a small clubnight owner and resident DJ, I would spin ‘There is a War Going On for Your Mind’ by Flobots.

When we incorporated video with our DJ’ing and looking for a good video for that song, the ‘I Am Mad As Hell’ monologue kept coming up. Natrually I played it right before the Flobots song, to rave reviews.

Because, most people in our audience felt displaced and were hoping the world would end in 2012.

So, one night I played another Flobots song ‘Handlebars’ which is about someone who starts riding their bike with no hands on the handlebars and ends up controlling people through fear and power, but also just innocently trying something new.

It is a good song for how the system works on people who want to innovate and are not checking themselves with community and morality.

The Ned Beatty scene is hilarious to me just like the King of the Hill episode of Hank tampering in the ‘woman’s world’.

They believe it so much that they will use their will to shift anyone’s soul they can to conform to their ideaology that they themselves do not understand.

A revelation is not a revolution.
Most people are caught in a spiral of ‘It’s coming around again’, with most true revelation obscured and attacked.

Elaine Dudzinski
1 year ago
Reply to  A Ross

It’s also not a resolution.

Jon McIntyre
Jon McIntyre
1 year ago

If we pick a random number, say half a million dead from the needle, that wouldn’t be enough to be considered a genocide? Is that number not big enough to be considered a genocide? How many dead would it take to be a genocide? A million dead? Two million?

Last edited 1 year ago by Jon McIntyre
Tyler Gorton
1 year ago

Nice. My lady and I are going to revisit Network tonight.

We have been getting plenty of folks that “break through” the mold in recent years. The question, of course, is whether we believe them or not. Owen Benjamin comes to mind. He wasn’t a top tier Hollywood star, but he was high up in the ranks of comedians. Like him or not, he most definitely jumped OFF the ship of fools and very publicly did so. Most recently, there is Russel Brand. Do I ‘trust” the guy or listen to him? Nope. But I have seen clips of him calling out some hardcore, pipe hittin’ Notnilc shenanigans and I can’t disagree with what he has said. He did it on mainstream in front of a crowd that should have been pissed at him, but they cheered. We’ve got professional athletes like the tennis player Novak Djokovic who very publicly refused the vaccine. There are many more examples of “celebrity” types seeming to speak out and stand in opposition to the Notnilc. Scripted or not, trustworthy or not, all I am saying is that we have many folks seeming to “break the mold” these days. It’s just that they barely register amidst all the noise.

There is the possibility that people “breaking the mold” is just another layer of the whole Notnilc playbook. This would explain why ‘Network’ appeared on the timeline where it did… serving as a preview for things to come, a Notnilc favorite. When Network hit, there was still almost universal trust in new anchors in America.

All of this feeds directly into Biblical prophecy, of course, as that book speaks about how “all things will be revealed” in the end times.

Whether Biblical prophecy is accurate or not, it seems certain that the Notnilc leverages this prophecy to further control and confuse. Constantly making people believe that we are in “end times” has concrete benefits… it alters behaviors in predictable ways. The Notnilc thrives on making accurate predictions about group behavior, in large part because the Notnilc controls most of the inputs. When you control inputs, you also control most of the outputs.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyler Gorton

Yep, it’s like the ole’ saying goes about religion: (from the Notnilc’s perspective) It doesn’t matter which one they believe in, as they as they believe in something. As long as they’re playing the game. Notnilc wants you in their game, those of us here took ourselves out of the “game”.

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
1 year ago
Reply to  Tyler Gorton

Does Matt ” approve” the comments? Mine says waiting for approval and I can’t remember if it said that for the last comment I made or not🤔

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
1 year ago

This one didn’t have to wait🤔

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
1 year ago

It’s truly like you know what I’m thinking… It’s so weird! I’ve been doing this exact thing lately, I watch movies and laugh and laugh especially in the serious dramatic parts! They seem so RIDICULOUS to me! I say out loud ” how could they even act this out seriously even for a sentence!? Or even a couple of words!? Don’t they feel ridiculously stupid!???? If y’all really want one to laugh at watch ” Texas chainsaw massacre the next generation ” with Matthew McConaughey, you won’t even believe it . They can’t be real people they just can’t be .

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
1 year ago

Oh and yay! I figured out how to contribute😂💕

Caesar Best
Caesar Best
1 year ago

Had a similar breakdown recently brought on by something completely different. Cried like a baby for 10 minutes straight and after that I almost literally died laughing for 30 minutes after that. No idea what that was all about, I’m not an overly emotional man.

Caesar Best
Caesar Best
1 year ago

The shots have killed over 20 million worldwide in just two years with a tenfold more injured and it’ll just get worse the coming years, especially since they keep giving out ‘boosters’. All these dead and dying people will continue to affect our society, economy and infrastructure causing even more dead and dying. When all is said and done I estimate we’ll be looking at 2 billion deaths at least.

Shawn Deats
Shawn Deats
1 year ago

Hey Matt, there is an episode of Black Mirror that is extremely similar to this. It’s called 15 Million Merits (season 1, episode 2). About a dystopian world where people have to perform mindless tasks in a kind of human hamster cage to earn “merits” (like a social credit score). Enough merits and you can perform on their TV talent show. I won’t give away the spoiler but the truth drop is how the Notnilc takes even a bold public revolutionary act and completely co-opts it to its own advantage. It’s REALLY interesting if you’ve not seen it yet.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
1 year ago

Thanks for the movie recommendation. I never actually saw this before. I’m looking forward to it. Now I know where that famous line came from. 😎🤗❤️

1 year ago

What I find really interesting is that the big boss guy when he says “You have to atone” right after that calms down at once. Like all the rage before that in his sermon was just a show. I think it was a show. He uses fear but actually he is just very calm because as a Psychopath he doesnt have those big emotional outbursts anyway, only to pretend. But the anchor man is amazed by everything big boss guy says nonetheless. I think anchor man got those messages when he was sleeping resp. dreaming. There was always a light burning in his bedroom. I think that was big boss guy talking to him or someone else. It’s like something divine or satanic speaking.

Matthew Eggleston
Matthew Eggleston
1 year ago

pissen me off Matt… pissen me off

By the by, there’s mandela effect in this movie. In the speech in the second clip you showed, Ned Beatty in my recollection asked “What do think the Chinese do?” and now he says Russians instead. I know this because I recall thinking it was mildly odd every time I saw the film, since at the time the film was made we were in the cold war with Russia and I thought to myself that I was surprised they didn’t say Russia, and now they always did.

He also said slide rules when he lists the things they get out to do the math on their economy. Now he never says slide rules at all in the speech.

Last edited 1 year ago by Matthew Eggleston
Elaine Dudzinski
1 year ago

I remember when that movie came out. I just rewatched it. There are no wins. He described 2020 perfectly. It’s a freaking loop of the same old sh!t.

Elaine Dudzinski
1 year ago

We live in a world of business and we are the stock in the market; being used, abused and cast aside. But we already know that to the core. There is no winning here.

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
1 year ago

Matt, you forget that Kathleen Kennedy made a lot of good films in the 80s and 90s, so she’s not as incompetent as she looks. Check her filmography credit list and you will see what I mean.

Last edited 1 year ago by Winston Wu
Winston Wu
Winston Wu
1 year ago

Matt, you say that no one is paid and threatened or in on it. However, if the moon landing was faked, then wouldn’t the 12 Apollo astronauts have to be in on it? How do you get around that? And the director of NASA too? They would have to be in on it right? Or paid and threatened?

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
1 year ago

Matt, you said that Kathleen Kennedy is incompetent. However, if you look at her film credits from the 80s and 90s you will see that she made a lot of good movies in the past. So she cannot be that incompetent if you think about it. Didn’t you consider that? Btw, check out the new fan made Star Wars movie “Heir to the Empire”. It’s free to watch. It’s VERY good and intelligently written and far better than any of the Disney Star Wars movies.
10 months ago

I’m as mad as hell, and chemtrails are not natural !

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