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Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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After Gregg mentioned the drones to me 4 days in a row, yesterday I told him I would now be open to “looking into it.” I started by (still on the phone with Gregg,) walking outside and looking up into the night sky. In under 10 seconds after I looked up, I saw a strange white “orb” that went completely dark after flying across the sky for a few seconds. It was very high up and did not blink. (There were no clouds in the sky and I know what a plane looks like!) I believed I had seen a drone, and promptly went back inside to watch a Christmas movie and drink a beer. Then, I became inspired to make fun of this absurd situation on FreeVoice, because it is just another aspect of the general reality breakdown that people like you and I can see, and others cannot see. For me, an alien invasion can’t get here soon enough because I am already living inside something that seems like an alien invasion, and more specifically, Invasion of the Body Snatchers! – Matt

Matt McKinley

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James Hawke
James Hawke
30 days ago

mainstream pushes aliens and ufos. always has been a mainstream preoccupation. and we all know what that means.

James Hawke
James Hawke
30 days ago

what planet are you on?

James Hawke
James Hawke
30 days ago
Reply to  James Hawke

okay took me till 14:20 to see your point. I’m with you on this now John. Matt goes a step too far with this. it’s obviously just some “drone psy-op” plot going on in the region to scare the hoomans as they do.

Craig Ralton
Craig Ralton
23 days ago
Reply to  James Hawke

Did Matt cross the line for you? Do you have a rule book handy that he can study to follow the rules on his own channel and shut up if he has witnessed something that not-everyone here has?

Me Here Now
Me Here Now
30 days ago
Reply to  James Hawke


Margriet Brandsma
Margriet Brandsma
30 days ago

Space force. Warp Speed. The grid is tightening. Drones and whatever else is up in our skies and on our GPScontrolled land. Trump Jr. on the Drone Board (no joke). Science Fiction caught up with consciousness, caught up with time. YouTopA.I. is here. No wonder.

Richard Nixon
Richard Nixon
30 days ago

If Niel the grass fed says keep looking up, I as a practice will do my best to look at whats beneath us. If they say left it’s probably right?

Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
28 days ago
Reply to  Richard Nixon

Exactly my thought! I was like… Damn it man! They took something else away from me that I thought i was doing right… ugh

Me Here Now
Me Here Now
30 days ago

So…I create my reality? I had no thought about or awareness of the whole CEO assassination theatre until I saw it in the media, so no.

Kemo Sabe
30 days ago
Reply to  Me Here Now

You do create your reality, but that “you” is 95% or more subconscious. When your 5% that’s conscious has an intention that clashes with this other 95% it’s drowned out and the reality you create mostly conforms to your subconscious programming, which itself largely conforms to the collective unconscious. That’s why yogis, shamans, Joe Dispenza groups etc use meditation. It sets the brain at Theta brain wave states and lower (sleep/dream states) while awake. This gives conscious access to the subconscious allowing programming there to be rewritten given enough focus. Then intentions including “impossible” ones happen because all or most of “you” is coherently aligned in what you intend. Hence all types of impossible spontaneous healings and other paranormal events documented by these types.

Me Here Now
Me Here Now
29 days ago
Reply to  Kemo Sabe

You sound pretty confident in your numbers lol. I think our personal direction taking is different than ‘manifesting’, which is essentially what Matt is talking about.

Graham Hayward
Graham Hayward
30 days ago

Yeah, these things are warm up for what all the other drones, er, people around the world “expect” to see. We see all the “real” alien ships in movies, those may be on the way, it depends on what the collective decides might be next, mother ships, bigger ships like “close encounters”? Who knows, only those scripting the show.

30 days ago

Just to clarify here… I really don’t think Matt BELIEVES they are “Consciousness Orbs”. Lol. No one knows what the 1 Phenomenon is that the Drones seem to be coinciding with. There are 2 phenomenon being witnessed. Maybe the drones are to get a close observation of the orbs? Who knows, but I know Matt doesn’t fully believe they are COs as the commenter below suggests. Matt’s commentary is always honest and interesting. Maybe there is an inevitable “upgrade” in route to “people like you and me” and maybe all of humanity? I could see “trying to control it” or getting ahead of the inevitable situation. Why Chemtrails consistently block out the sun, heavy at rise and set? Everything (theory) on the table for me… Certain things we know, most things we are clueless…

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
30 days ago

Dang. Some folks here don’t know how to play nice. That’s a shame. I too avoid all news like the plague. The algorithm on my YT feed really wanted me to see this story. It also wanted me to see that the state where I live on the left coast of madness, Oregon also had some funny things in the sky on December 6th or 7th depending on what news story I listened to. Similar to something that occurred up the I-5 corridor from Southern Cal, through Oregon and to Seattle about 6 years back, about four different pilots were reporting UFO’s in the Eugene area, Bend and out to the coast. Funny that it happened at the same time as the east coast “drones” were doing their thing. Seems to me it’s all tied in with the upcoming inauguration, but I’d prefer to lean toward consciousness and if I am indeed creating this, I hope it’s the good ET’s or interdimensionals here to take me away. I’ve really, truly had enough of this place. Thank God you’re here Matt. If I ever see you in person, I’m gonna greet you with a Karen Carpenter song. You pick!

Patrick O'Neal
Patrick O'Neal
30 days ago


Patrick O'Neal
Patrick O'Neal
30 days ago
Reply to  Patrick O'Neal

neworwelian laws coming and its new no civilian drones allowed. total air control.

victoria gale
victoria gale
30 days ago

I live less than 4 miles from a huge Border Patrol facility here in Harpers Ferry, WV. I have a nice deck with a gorgeous view of the Shenandoah River with the mountain right behind it. That BP facility is basically built into that mountain. I’ve lived here for over 12 years. Let me tell you. I have seen some really strange activity all over and around that mountain over the years. Do they have the technology to pull this horseshit on us? Absolutely!!! I’m actually happy this is happening because I was getting tired of the eye rolls whenever I tried to tell people the high strange going on that mountain. I have seen some crazy stuff up there.

victoria gale
victoria gale
30 days ago
Reply to  victoria gale

I appreciate your response but 1) I have no fear of these beings. 2) I give less than a shit about them or what happens to them. Thanks!

Me Here Now
Me Here Now
29 days ago
Reply to  victoria gale

Spot on!

Friedrich Nachtigal
Friedrich Nachtigal
30 days ago

hi matt,

concerning the psychic stuff…

1. if one occurrence is real => a bunch of it is real … so the mandela effect alone proofs the good ol’ all is mind at the very least even if we deny any involvement of us in the phenomena.

2. i literally blocked bluetooth first totally by chance then almost sometimes controlled xD and since i know how this claim must sound even to you… i will just leave it at that.

so since i have external proof of fk it lets just call it magic via the mandela effect alone since there are so many external consciousnesses also affected that proof it over and over again aaaaaaannnd i have literal proof experienced internally by literally doing something that can only be described as psychic/ magic in my bock xD im just kinda sitting there as a selfproclaimed old guard and im just like oh well guess it’s all as real as this fake ass reality gets … which is about as real as the money system soooo yea it’s so fukin fake and yet go buy a car without money and tell me how that works out 😀

may the worlds worst curses haunt me if im telling lies. anyways in the words of a wise waifu:

Let strength be granted, so the world might be mended – so the world might be mended.

33 greetings and well wishes to you matt aka the king of Prussia, Pennsylvania ^_^,
Friedrich Nachtigal


since im a leo and my birthday geeemmmaaaaatria lifepaththingy works out to 33 so dont @me i obviously have a permit by the big numbers guy also im gay so nobody is allowed anyway to tell me im wrong 😛 ⚜️🌹💜👻😶‍🌫️

Friedrich Nachtigal
Friedrich Nachtigal
30 days ago

that moment when the bison needed to qualify his statement of not knowing the motives of aliens by making sure to assert that he is only an earthling … peak comedy 😀 also kinda makes me think he’s not xD

randy desnoyers
randy desnoyers
30 days ago

These aren’t the drones we are looking for. Move along,

Ghost Diaz
Ghost Diaz
30 days ago

Great vid Uncle Matt,
They are turning up the loosh harvesters to 11. project blue beam is coming.
That being said i sent uncle Matt an email pic early this yr, we live in Oklahoma and one night we were out
On the back property we saw a low flying silver pyramid with a black hockey puck on top, streaking thru the air leaving white with red light streaks behind it,made no noise had no flashing lights and was moving extremely fast,
No idea what it was, but we already had our phones out to photo the moon
so we got a few blurry pics but we got.

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
30 days ago

Probably the good old trump will save the day, end the world war they are pushing us into. He’s going to bring the world together and touch finger with the et…

Stellar Shriner
Stellar Shriner
30 days ago

I think it’s time we “manifester/generator” beings, (such as many of us undoubtedly are stop taking our cues and suggestions from Netflix, Hollywood, or any other visual media egrogores, banking on our creative powers, hoping we bring it’s evil to life. I am not saying that’s this is happening because billions just watched the Three Body Problem. But wouldn’t it be nice to train our subconscious to bring forth realities and scenarios, with intention. More Unity, less division. The extinction of psychopaths who put profit over people. I for one am tired of this predator prey dynamic, where my basic human empathy lumps me into the ‘prey’ category. There’s just no more room for American Psychos and money worshiping sociopaths. Because that’s who brings oit the warrior in me, that level of true empty evil. bless your families and have great day

oengus oengus
oengus oengus
30 days ago

i can’t be the only one delighted to see sweet and innocent karen carpenter calling out to our interstellar neighbors
i don’t mind having her on my internal music track for a few days, so thanks, matt!

Stellar Shriner
Stellar Shriner
29 days ago

Another place our consciousness is more instantly manifested is in the astral or dream realm, also the etheric realm, Which always makes me think of particle accelerators that seem more like portals to elsewhere than what they say they are, I Don’t rule out that the plan has been to blend our realm w the astral per deals w malevolent forces.
I’m just thinking here, not making any hard claims, but we are here to think big right. Thanks Matt

Not My Reality
Not My Reality
29 days ago

The ‘They’re Out There’ mind-embedding was in full force with the 1950s Sci-Fi films. Followed by untold ‘Space’ programming on TV and the movies.

Matthew Cattell
Matthew Cattell
29 days ago

In a way the notnilc has shot itself in the foot with this one because much of the population has been trained to ridicule the idea of other worldly phenomena. But in inimitable notnilc fashion, it immediately began giving itself away when all of a sudden it started treating these things with some feigned credibility. The script was changed and apparently now it’s OK to “look up”. The predictable wheel-on of celebrity science buffs like Neil the Grass-fed completes the trick nicely for them. It will be interesting to see where this goes. My gut feeling is that it will be used as a way to introduce new tech (that’s been secretly hoarded for decades) and to credit “them” for it, so as to avoid the backlash of why it wasn’t released decades earlier. It also justifies more power-grabbing to “keep us safe”.

28 days ago

Agree with alot of this, just another year in the Circus Notnilc. Meh, I just get up every morning and drive my truck to deliver to NYC/NJ daily, then go to gym and eat then sleep, just a hamster in a wheel. It would be cool if Notnilc could cook up some cool project blue beam / hologram stuff so we can all be entertained, lol. Well at least we will, the ship of fools and all on download will freakout, I’ll just enjoy the show knowing it’s another fake event, but way cooler if it would be bluebeam type of event. Instead of all of the endless cake in lake stuff over the years on the shiny box. Its time for new entertainment Notnilc, your tel lie visions are not cutting it anymore lol.

randy desnoyers
randy desnoyers
29 days ago

I think if NORAD can track a guy in a sleigh being pulled by reindeer, they should be able to track some drones.

Brad Lacey
Brad Lacey
29 days ago

Would you say that mind entrainment isn’t a real observable phenomenon?

Brad Lacey
Brad Lacey
29 days ago
Reply to  Brad Lacey

I’m not trying to be obtuse. Like hypnosis, do you think it’s possible to hypnotize someone or not?

Brad Lacey
Brad Lacey
28 days ago
Reply to  Brad Lacey

I gather from your tone that you believe yourself above it, yet I’m suggesting none of us are. This entire reality is the result of a mass hypnosis that has been accelerated and perpetuated by the screens around us. If I were to ask you if airplanes can fly, you would undoubtedly respond in the affirmative, yet this reality wasn’t “possible” until people saw the moving image and only after they believed it could become manifest. Von Braun referenced the phenomenon expressing that people had to be mentally prepped before it would be possible to produce rockets. Meaning without seeding the minds of the masses with spaceships and aliens there would be no way to get it off the ground. Maybe I’m misinterpreting but I get the sense that you are of the proclivity that this is primarily a nuts and bolts reality. It is not.

Craig Ralton
Craig Ralton
23 days ago
Reply to  Brad Lacey

I have been around a lot during Edinburgh Festival particularly and was told “nah, can’t do you” and really wanted to ask how they know just by looking at you quickly. But yes, it is only certain people and I am not sure if it is IQ based, probably awareness based.

Rick Godley
29 days ago

Grover’s Mills, N.J. War of the Worlds anyone? Same script.

Rick Godley
29 days ago

Hey! Niel stole Jack Horkhiemer’s tag line! Keep lookin up!

Patice McGargin
29 days ago

The guy on New Nation is Ross Coulthart, an Australian investigative journalist and author. He has been looking into many things for years and years. He was also a Reporter on Australia’s 60 Minutes for a few years last decade. He has uncovered stuff before, will be interesting if he tells us more!

28 days ago

Lol, uncovered….it’s only if “they” let him speak on his opinion over the shiny box on the networks that “they” own

Patice McGargin
28 days ago
Reply to  Steve


Rachelle Robertson
Rachelle Robertson
28 days ago

Exactly, i always say..” if we are seeing it, they WANT US TO SEE IT”. now low grade truthers, you have to think about why do they want us to see it? They want us talking about it, sharing it, thinking about it, they need us to bring it to ” life”! It’s so Damn obvious to me.

Brad Lacey
Brad Lacey
28 days ago

Word. Sometimes it can take awhile for folks to realize that reality is generated from the inside out and to take responsibility for their own imagination particularly when it’s been subject to manipulation at the subconscious level.

Meg P
Meg P
27 days ago

I’m glad the experts on the “news” are looking into it for us!

Meg P
Meg P
27 days ago

Hi John! At least you arent attacking him personally…thats a step up! if you are interested in some WEIRD stuff, check out missing 411. Plenty of people see orbs, and no they arent drones.

Last edited 27 days ago by Meg P
Journey Man
Journey Man
26 days ago
Reply to  Meg P

I saw what I would describe as an orb back in 2020. It flew across the sky, changing direction and momentum faster than any object I’ve ever seen. It didn’t appear to be subject to inertia in the way any regular aircraft would be. Although predominantly white, it appeared to cycle through different colours. I later found out that the area it was flying over in the UK was the site of many sightings over the years,

Meg P
Meg P
9 days ago
Reply to  Journey Man

did you have missing time associated with the event? for example, you went outside at 2pm, saw it, and when you came back in, it was 5 pm but you swear you were only gone for 20 minutes? something like that? it’s pretty common when witnessing these aerial phenomena. A really interesting youtube channel regarding this stuff is called strange familiars. I listen to it because it’s entertaining, I find it fascinating, and what else am I gonna do with my time. I don’t think we will ever find out what is going on, though.

pedro lopez
pedro lopez
26 days ago

first of all i would like to say you are noit only smart but very courages for waking up to the relitynof things and thankyou for you effort for trying and doing your best to wake the rest of humanity to the reality they live in and the fake fantasy pretty world they live. the answer is the worf truth most poeple see the reality of things but choose to not wakem up because they they feared losing there netflix facebook their satanic holidays then loosing the 2 imporatnt an valuble things that make all they have possible and that the constituition and the billmoif right for it hs become to most nothing burt a piec of papers . and sadly how oyt of reality they are thanks your morning coffes of information you brew for us so we can wake uo one day to reality.

Craig Ralton
Craig Ralton
23 days ago

I have seen 4 unexplainable aerial phenomenon, and they were all totally different and all were with at least 1 to 4 other people. I have never once thought “aliens” even as a kid… I don’t know till I know.

First was 1986, picking our dad up in a remote place called Kishorn in Scotland’s west coast; bright white lights hanging in the sky in front of out car as close as 100M at times, but then flying away towards and left of us (we do have lots of military bases in the Highlands, and Harriers, but usually very noisy)

2nd was 1995, Mt Climie, upper Hutt, New Zealand when I was a student. 4 of us were pig hunting, 2 rifles with scopes and 2 pair of binoculars.It was full daytime. Far in the distance towards the city of Wellington, we estimate flying above Petone heading towards Eastbourne, the swoosh shaped mirror/silver boomerang kind of shape with shart tips either side hanging in the air at a listed angle so we could see it’s shape easily, slowly moving away from us, then it disappeared quicker than it’s speed would suggest normal to do so. Weally expected to hear about it in the news or papers because all the cars on the Motorway should have been able to see it, or people in houses around the cities of wellington harbour bay, but nothing.

3rd was 2016 omw to Atlanta on the i285 from East facing west. I had my fkn dash camera off because the fuse was blow which still pisses me off til this day as it was an HD one. Anyway, this was more like a meteor but the light was blindingly bright, like a asteroid made of magnesium. My girlfriend lives in Peachtree city and was with me and I said OMG, it looks like it will have crashed around Peach Tree city, check the news…..we kept checking for days and nothing. Searched forums and just thought…..6 to 7 lanes chocka block ram packed with rush hour traffic and this was directly in front of us an NO ONE reported seeing it? I wrote about it a few places like twitter at the time.

The most recent was in AUgust 2023. I was in North West Serbia on my motorbike in a place called Liberland Arc near the Croatian border. A Czech couple I had been driking with an exceptionally annoying, horrendously boring Norwegian guy all saw an odd looking plane flying low but slow with no noise and not showing up on FlightTRacker , No flashing lights but the whole thing was dimly illuminated with a soft tone yellow/white glow. The couple did take a video but it was shit.

I do have one my friend gave me that I uploaded to my channel about 6 years ago, His buddy Ivan is a helicopter pilot (but a tech ludite). He was filming with his camera phone (yes, camera phone, not smart phone) and filming his passengers and the view above Fox Glacier and inadvertently filmed a passing hypersonic craft, like a tic-tac. You can actually hear it to.o. Search for:
Red Pill Diaries – Supersonic UFO sighted in Fox Glacier, New Zealand 2019
It’s weird, it kind of looks like it has stopped and starts moving when the camera passes it. But the guy is just not savvy enough to make a fake video and it was still just on his phone where he filmed it on.

I am not proposing anything….like when I get asked about Chem Trails that you don’t get above most of Africa, Asia, some of South America, the Oceans far from shore or even one or two countries in Europe, such as Croatia (even though Slovenia has heaps). My friend in New Zealand got very disrespectful recently saying snide-sarcastically “so what do you think it is” I said “I have no idea, I just know that if you are in a country that speaks English first language (but not Barbados) and look up, the same Boeing and Airbus airliners will often have lingering vaportrails that bunch out and last for kms and up to 30 mins. People always want to to commit to saying what you saw else you didn’t see it even though you film it everywhere and its absence everywhere else (same planes)

Linda Matus
Linda Matus
22 days ago

We are the aliens here
22 days ago

Could we use “Calling Occupants” played over loudspeakers to protect our airspace ?

Jim Townsend
Jim Townsend
10 days ago

“We’ve lost control of our airspace!”

I’m sure the 600 billion dollars a year in defense budget could have maybe produced a capable attack helicopter or two. Or an anti-aircraft gun? Do we need to recommission the USS Missouri battleship from world war 2, like in the movie Battleship?

Or just call up Greg and his southern boys with their shotguns?

Last edited 10 days ago by Jim Townsend
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