I only do about one big video a year on the Mandela Effect. I did many more in 2016 and 2017 when it “showed up.” I think we will continue to learn about it, but it’s coming at a slower pace these days.

The M.E.’s keep happening, but our understanding has plateaued a bit. If you’re triggered by the topic, I’ll catch you next time!

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Josh Akins
Josh Akins
2 years ago

I am curious to see if there are a whole new set of Mandela Effects coming soon. CERN just fired up the LHC again yesterday.
Anyways, just started the video – looking forward to it. I love these long-form videos.

Sam New
Sam New
2 years ago
Reply to  Josh Akins

Interesting, I am keen to see if there is any change

2 years ago
Reply to  Josh Akins

CERN is nothing more, than a Simulation, as EVERYTHING here is simulated (rendered), so CERN can do nothing, is just a Part og this Video-Game.
There is no “Matter”, nor “Waves”, everything is data, information.

dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  thorsten

thank you

M Christine
M Christine
2 years ago
Reply to  dag b

From 1998 up to a few years ago, my profile name on the internet, was daggy b

Brady Curtis
Brady Curtis
2 years ago
Reply to  Josh Akins

sorry I wrote mine before I hadn’t Read any Comments.

Janet Supriano
Janet Supriano
2 years ago
Reply to  Josh Akins

Is CERN re-digitizing the overlay? Scribes have always made a lot of errors. And I imaging when somebody is reading a manuscript for an audio book, errors and mispronunciations or slurrings are made.
A mispronunciation of Berenstein, could come out in the new script as Berenstain. Interview WITH-A vampire is another easy misprint.
Just thinking and wondering…..

Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  Josh Akins

how’d you get a profile pic?

Dain Cook
Dain Cook
2 years ago

Field Of Dreams = Bible, in that there are several overlays. The 3 I understand in the Bible are the literal, the micro, and the macro. The literal is self explanatory. The micro is the physiology of the body and its relation to connecting to your true self. The macro is the sky clock.

Field Of Dreams, to me, is that same kind of message, in that it carries the micro, “he will come”, and the macro, “they will come. ” I clearly remember both sayings used in different parts of the film.

Shon Titus Runyon
Shon Titus Runyon
2 years ago

Thank you Matt and Greg! I largely agree with your filter concept. It’s exciting to consider the source code or creator is right here with us experiencing this too in hopes to purify itself at the end. I think of the bible story of Job where in the face of doom and loss Job (creator in 3d, ie matter) resists the temptation to forsake creator or source code. I find no matter what my most powerful force is gratitude and creativity. Thank you again I very much enjoy your commentary Matt. Please keep it up. Btw how dare you assume I watch tractor pulls haha laughed at that one!

sigh inara
2 years ago

Has anyone else had ME’s on an interpersonal level? I’ve had multiple experiences of attending a memorable event, having a heated argument, or coming to a major decision with another person (always someone different) & later that person having no recollection at all that it happened or having a completely opposite memory. The earliest one I can recall was in 5th grade & I can still feel the shock of it.

Josh Akins
Josh Akins
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

Yeah, absolutely. My first car. Isn’t that something pretty much every one remembers, especially if they had to work hard and save up for it? It was a black 79 Supra Fastback. Apparently now, it was a Ford LTD. Not even close to similar style of car.

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
2 years ago
Reply to  Josh Akins

Damn, as a car guy I feel that one. You remember every car. That is like being told your mother’s name is not Audrey, but Susan, and it always was.
(Actually, one of mine is similar to that, my mum’s maiden name now ends with a Y instead of a J on all her official docs….like none of us noticed over the past 4.5 to 5.5 decades my bros and cousins have been alive for…..however, my eldest brother and my cousin have the same name as one of their middle names, and all of us have it in our birth certs with a J…..caused me a 9 month delay so far in my application for Polish citizenship as the system there is so particular)

Last edited 2 years ago by Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

I have had a couple that I wrote about and did vids on at the time, but I also have vague recollections of other situations that gave me those shivers/shock/fear (that I am sure I would no longer get due to what I have seen now) that I cannot remember the detail of, just that I witnessed something at the time that was supernatural and profound enough that I thought at the time I would never forget, but now have.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

My phone number changed from started with 204 after the area code to 206. It took me a whole day to accept it and it still seems weird sometimes. My husband corroborated the change. I thought I was in a parallel universe at first. I was not aware of ME’s yet at that time. This was about eight to ten years ago.

John Ryder
John Ryder
2 years ago

The mandela effect is real and Jesus is the realest.
Consider your soul before it’s too late!

Bella R
Bella R
2 years ago

Sync- I feel the same way about animals I just recently became a vegetarian 2 months ago. Anyway I am just sitting idle waiting to GTFO of here. Any thoughts of the firing up of cern?

Elaine K
Elaine K
2 years ago

woah on those holographic eclipses showing thru the trees!!! what IS that? i mean you’re right, the hologram doesn’t show except with the eclipse???
honestly, i think maybe the mandela effect could be a sign to us personally… man fuck the great pyramid!! and why doesn’t anybody else know that his name was JASON gordon levitt … sp?

dag b
dag b
2 years ago

So when its inferior every time ,that means spiritual (positive) energy has been substracted from it!

dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  dag b

someones sucking louche right
or WE dont support it anymore, we need our own energy

Last edited 2 years ago by dag b
dag b
dag b
2 years ago
Reply to  dag b

Or it was always as it is now, but the veil dropped

Sam New
Sam New
2 years ago

I am Australian and my name is Samantha. I was named after the character on the TV show bewitched because she was my Dads favourite. I grew up watching the show and spent hours and hours practising twitching/wiggling my nose to be like Samantha on the show. I was horrified to discover she no longer does the nose wiggle but some weird lip wriggle 😰.
I was also flawed to see the maps change. Australia was most definitely further down, I spent a lot of time looking at the map growing up. Also new Zealand has moved 100%. It hit me really hard to see all the maps are changed. I thought at first it was a mistake online until I realised they all looked the same. So then I was looking through every book I had in a panic to discover they all had changed maps. It freaked me out badly, I felt just a weird feeling of everything being wrong. I thought I was going crazy until I found out about ME.
I love when you do ME videos Matt, it has impacted me so hard it always feels relief to listen to you discuss it.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Sam New

Wow, Bewitched? I’m curious since massive continents seem to float 1,000 miles (ME) from their original position near you…(that ME freaked me out) do you think it’s only Bewitched changes where you live? I’ll turn on the TV (something I only use to watch movies if anything these daze) and check if her nose wiggles in St. Louis (wow), I was a kid when that show aired in the 60s so I’m with you on that anchor effect, take care.

Sam New
Sam New
2 years ago

I am assuming bewitched had changed for everyone. It just doesn’t look the same with her whole mouth moving like that. I am only in my 30s so I grew up with the reruns 😊. I asked my normie dad about if he remembers her nose or mouth moving and he said nose. Then I showed him and he took the download and said looks the same as he remembered 😒

Diane Considder
Diane Considder
2 years ago
Reply to  Sam New

Samantha doesn’t wiggle her nose anymore! I know she always did whenever I watched the show, I never heard of this change before. Australia was called “The land down-under” for as long as I can remember so the new map makes no sense.

Lillian Liber
Lillian Liber
2 years ago
Reply to  Sam New

I grew up watching Bewitched and remember watching a program about the making of it years later. They said they got the nose wiggle by holding a clear glass plate in front of her face and moving it back and forth. Elizabeth Montgomery said she hated it. Very strange indeed how things change.

AllDeception WillBeDefeated
AllDeception WillBeDefeated
2 years ago

I tried. Respectfully, would your ME even exist if there was no such thing as TV or movies or news about far off things written (they are a fiction). If all you’ve done is watched the 10 Commandments movie you aint worth anything. I enjoy your other stuff, though.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Hmm, Matt’s mentioned continents moving over a 1,000 miles as an anchor so give him a little credit (lol), guess you haven’t been here long if you “think” all he’s done is watch movies. take care.

Craig Ralton
Craig Ralton
2 years ago

Good point, most but I am sure, not all MEs are based on movies, books or other publications…even Mandela’s death on perceived newspapers. I have to say, I don’t follow the Mandela one itself as I was living in South Africa before he came to power, when he was first released so the current reality aligns to life. But as a kid, my best buddy did have the Moonraker VHS and we did watch it over and over, and laughed at the now-absent joke.

Last edited 2 years ago by Craig Ralton
Lillian Liber
Lillian Liber
2 years ago

There are many Biblical effects and many people have personal effects so I would suggest that there are other areas where it happens but because we are saturated in media and it is such a shared experience it is the most logical place to notice the majority of anomalies. I suspect they exist everywhere all around us, like a flowing river. Some are too insignificant so they just pass us by and others grab our attention.

Dean Aldridge
Dean Aldridge
2 years ago

Thank you Matt and Rob.

Didier FABRE
Didier FABRE
2 years ago

Bonjour Matt,

I am reacting to your last video on YT. I have been overwhelmed by what you said with honesty and sincerity, I feel exactly the same !
A big and profound respect for all sorts of lifes, even when I walk the Woods (everyday !) I try not to step on the beautiful tiny flowers yellow, blue, purple … emerging now with the spring. 
I don’t break the brambles I just push them aside, and I speak to the Trees everytime !
Sometimes I discover a tick or two planted on my arm or on my chest, but I don’t kill them, I detach them and release them in the grass, back to Mother Nature !

I see lots of repeating numbers since more than 5 yrs now, somedays it’s just Crazy, I see them everywhere I look randomly !

I also often find feathers in the Woods (all sorts !), either hanging in a branch just before my eyes, or on the ground right where I was going to put my foot, and NO other one nowhere else around !

4 yrs ago, a very clear thought popped twice in my mind and it said : “do not put into your body any food obtained by violence or bloodshed”, so I followed that “advice”, no more food that required killing an animal !
We have 7 hens but no rooster, I eat their eggs because there’s no ambrion of life in an egg unless the hen has been mounted by a rooster aha !

But strangely enough I’m not “Mendela affected” I guess, because I don’t see awkward signs in movies or in other stuff.
Voilà !

Un Celte des Gaules,
Rock the Universe !!

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
2 years ago

It makes you wonder if this is what the Islamic world went through when the Moroccan Scribes changed the Qu’ran to read Mecca, instead of Petra. Gaslighting to a whole nother level.

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
2 years ago

what I mean is, most people could not read or write, so had to learn the Tora/Bible/Quoran/etc by memory. So they would have 10s of thousands of words verbatim…..except for the things the scribes changed, then read aloud by religious leaders to gaslight the people, then show them the written evidence that they were mistaken afterall.

Courtney H
Courtney H
2 years ago

One of the weirdest ones for me is “dilemna”. I have memories of learning this incorrect spelling in elementary school. Even memories of classmates and I saying the spelling made no sense. I asked my mom. She says, I have NEVER heard of that spelling. I have no idea what you are talking about. Ha!

From the internet….

Do you have trouble spelling the word “dilemma”?

I’m nearly certain I was taught the wrong spelling in school, and when I got older and checked a dictionary, I was shocked to find that the word is spelled “dilemma.” Further, the only correct spelling is “dilemma.” I thought it was spelled “dilemna.” It’s not as if “dilemna” is a substandard variant or regional spelling. Dictionaries often note alternative spellings and sometimes even nonstandard spellings, but “dilemna” doesn’t even show up that way.

Last edited 2 years ago by Courtney H
Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

Hmmmm, must be spells in them-thar spellin ; -)

But yes, I get this a lot. I was always near perfect with spelling in school, and often feel I am losing my marbles or going senile because I get stuck on multiple forms of a word which look wrong, so I search on the laptop to shut my internal confusion up…..and take it’s word as gospel

2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

This is one of my core MEs. My wife, mother, sister-in -law (valedictorian a few years ago), and mother-in-law AGREE! We are all solid spellers and all remember this nuance like Wednesday or February – the N makes no sense but it is there. A spelling bee word we all knew. Both my mother and mother-in-law looked it up in their respective hard-copy dictionaries. Proof positive that we each experience a different/shifting world somehow.

Lillian Liber
Lillian Liber
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

I was born in the early 60’s and was reading from a very young age. I loved words and especially strange sounding or meaning ones. I kept a little notebook where I would write my favorite words. I said I was going to use them all when I became a famous writer, lol. That was one of the words and it was most certainly DILEMNA! None of my other words were changed; anathema, macadam, minutiae, nemesis etc. I would have had no reason to write dilemma down, it had nothing unusual to recommend it.

Tyler Gorton
2 years ago

The so-called Mandela Effect is showing us that pop-culture has become more influential on people’s awareness than reality itself. And there IS a core reality here. There is always an explanation. As Owen has pointed out, something like “Lion with the lamb” is due to the pop songs and hymns that people remember, not the Bible. “Going viral” has always existed in some form or another (long before the internet)… and it is the viral thing people remember most, even beyond the actual tangible thing that viral thing references.

Planetary Protector
Planetary Protector
2 years ago

My friend back in 86 told me he heard there was a pistol in the movie. We had to see for ourselves. We watched the VHS tape that I had and there it was. Even my mother was shocked to see it. The wrench is brand new to me as of today. It was always an ax. Strangely, I’m unsure about the net. Perhaps I’ve seen it too many times since then and I have a double memory.

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
2 years ago

I remember an axe as well. I remember the Tin Man had been chopping down trees and was stuck in the position because it had rained and he’d become stuck. So, Dorothy had to apply oil to his joints to loosen him up.

Also, don’t remember a pistol or any gun being used by the Scarecrow.

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
2 years ago

Really interesting presentation – especially re: the Red King.

One thing that has stuck with me for quite a while is something that Jay Weidner mentioned in one of his podcasts. He was having a discussion/interview with the guest and Jay brought up esoteric books. Jay mentioned how some time ago he was talking to this old rich guy that had this massive book collection of esoteric books. They were discussing different things and the old rich guy asked Jay: “You know the difference between you and me? I know I’m lucid dreaming.”

Maybe this old rich guy had a glimpse of what this place is: a collective lucid dream. Sort of an Inception-like playground.

Thanks for a great presentation and much appreciated: Matt, Greg, and Rob.

Darin McClure
Darin McClure
2 years ago

Growing up my mom got remarried, and got a new last name, HENNESSY, she liked to tell people that it was just like the cognac minus an E, ie; HENNESSEY.
In this timeline HENNESSY COGNAC HAS

Talk about hitting home with the old moms name quote you started with Matt.

Courtney H
Courtney H
2 years ago

There’s an interview with Jordan Maxwell where he tells about how he is really an “alien” of some sort. He is saying how he had an alien UFO encounter in the desert and then he was later in his room and he said outloud, “do whatever but DONT scare me.” He goes on to say that he went to a psychic-type lady who told him these “aliens” or whatever were laughing at him when he said that because what he REALLY looked on his own “planet” would shock him. Like he would find himself scary looking.
My son went to the dentist once and had to get sedated. He was staring at me SO strangely. He kept saying to the dentist, you need to help my mother! She has eyes all over her body! Mom! You have like 100 eyes! I just laughed at him at the time but now I think about that Jordan Maxwell interview. 😆 Maybe I do have 100 eyes in my “true” form. I’m not ruling it out at this point!

Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
2 years ago

I’m downloading the videos every time from freevoice (probably not alone), this time it’s 1.7 GB file and I’m getting it from your server (I’m probably slowing it down). Maybe having some compression script running that compress the incoming videos so that I don’t slow down the server too much. Just an idea. A script like this could help maybe…

ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vcodec libx265 -crf 28 result.mp4

Last edited 2 years ago by Uncanny Deduction
Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
2 years ago

Yea, this is why I stopped using Odysee, you can’t change the Quality as you sometimes could before they created the app, so I chew through my monthly 200BG data (I won’t do contracts so it is the best I can get in the country I am in). No point running anything over 480 unless there is fine detail to read.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Wow, the Red King piece explains quite a bit about NPC (like) behavior to prevent = waking up. Nice.

2 years ago

I wonder if anyone here has ever experienced a white flash, where for a single moment everything is white. No shadows like from a camera flash. I experienced a few of these flashes some years ago but they seemed to be completely irregular and I just thought it was a trick of my mind or something. One day a flash occurred while I was with some people and I casually mentioned if anyone saw a flash… and one girl said ‘yes I just did’.

So it wasn’t a trick of the mind… it’s so strange and I just imagine it is something like dark city where reality is easily paused and altered, or perhaps we are transferred to similar parallel worlds.

Has anyone else experienced this flash?

加 文
加 文
2 years ago
Reply to  Jack

I just signed up so I could reply to you 🙂 A few years ago I was obsessively listening to and reading various “out there” stories and experiences from many many many different people. Many different topics. I did come across one or two people mentioning this. Except in the case that I recall, it was someone leaving a comment on a video somewhere, who said that one time he/she was standing on a beach, and all of a sudden everything went dark. As if someone “switched off all the lights”. As if the sun didn’t exist, as if there was no such thing as “light”, like it didn’t exist. Just for a second or a split second. Then everything went back to normal. He or she managed to ask the family member or friend who was standing right there in the same spot, and that person was freaked out and said “yes, I saw it too, I thought it was just me” or something to that effect. So basically an identical story to yours except that in their case it was darkness instead of light.

2 years ago
Reply to  加 文

Thank you for sharing this, I got chills reading it. I’ve never mentioned it before so it’s pretty cool that you replied with this, and it’s my first comment too 🙂

Zeljka Medic
Zeljka Medic
2 years ago

Every morning for 20 years I go to work and look at the hill 10 km away and 800 m high. A month ago I look and the hill is 1/4 to 1/3 higher. Every morning I am surprised to see him so high and steep.

Last edited 2 years ago by Zeljka Medic
Mihaela Schneiders
2 years ago

We should freak out, even biology is changing. Our freaking body is different now. You studied your whole life and you know where the kidney or the heart is located, and suddenly, these organs are not there anymore.
It is important to further trying to find out why ME is happening. We don’t have to wait for the sky one day turning red, to freak out. Every change should ‘scare’ us, every Kit-Kat dash for example, cause that means someone or something is screwing up with our reality. So, if I am not sure anymore where my kidney is, or where Australia is, that means I have no reality foundation anymore.
I think ME is underrated in the truth community; I am not advocating for doing Kit-Kat dash research, but for investigating the causes of this freaking weird phenomena.

Skep Tikos
Skep Tikos
2 years ago

LMAO but I did the Kit-Kat research in 2016, believe it or not! I made a video about it. Sadly I raquitted the channel so it’s lost but basically the dash existed in the 20th century and the foundational ‘Kit-Cat’ club (England) had masonic members in it.

Sam New
Sam New
2 years ago

I was sure that our heart was always on the left but apparently now it’s not? I remember learning about it in school etc. I also thought that eye sockets had no backing to them but now they kind of do, I am not 100% on that one tho.

加 文
加 文
2 years ago

What are your thoughts on US causing effects? What if it’s ME causing the ME? Someone once said if you get in the right mindset you can make a cloud disappear, I tried it and it seemed to work for me. The location of the heart in the center is hugely beneficial for me and I feel it is probably beneficial for everybody, even if they think it’s weird. Not saying I definitely caused that but yeah, maybe I did 🙂 Not consciously-intentionally though. Maybe subconsiously intentionally.

Anthony Guerra
Anthony Guerra
2 years ago

Lion shall lie down with the wolf is quoted in the 70s move Thunderbolt and Lightfoot with Clint Eastwood and Jeff Bridges. I
believe it was a 1974 movie.

Virginia Murray
Virginia Murray
2 years ago

Ed McMahon and Publisher’s Clearing House just makes me want to slap the devil. Because I LIVED (devil spelled backwards) through that shit! I was into cartoons and Ed would interrupt my programming with his big fat check. Where are all the families who got the big fat checks? I’m pretty sure they could help clarify the situation, unless their minds have been overwritten as well.

Bjørn Nørsterud
Bjørn Nørsterud
2 years ago

The ME shook me one night in 2018, and I have been consumed about it ever since. I even have my own web site, and I have 75 000 views so far. I am Norwegian. It’s easy to translate: Bevis II – http://www.mandelaeffektnorge.com

Cuauhtemoc Roldan
Cuauhtemoc Roldan
2 years ago

It is a HUGE synchronicity that you have included Ian Moore’s video here. I frequently go back to his early videos, and I still post his videos wherever they might be relevant. I think the most important one is this one…https://youtu.be/hMM5eg6Ov30

Brady Curtis
Brady Curtis
2 years ago

Ive read Articles from Several Places including CERN themselves. CERN said they were FIRING up the Large Hadron Collider this last week, Its been down for repairs. I think for like 2 yrs. I could be Wrong about how long its been Down.

Bjørn Nørsterud
Bjørn Nørsterud
2 years ago

I have even been in touch with several companies that were involved in this, and they were baffled as well. I have tried to keep my findings about norwegian themes, since the rest of the world does a fine job in the other findings.They dont know what to say still.

Bjørn Nørsterud
Bjørn Nørsterud
2 years ago

By the way, I have my own web site, and I have 75000 hits by now. Few comments, I think they are scared of it. Bevis II – http://www.mandelaeffektnorge.com

Janet Supriano
Janet Supriano
2 years ago

I am affected by nearly all of the MEs. In my mind, most of them concern the time period in which my children were in their late teens-early 20s. I remember the *stein bears; life is LIke a box; Luke, I am; Interview w/A V;…and many more.
The most painful for me is the Lion & the Lamb. I always loved that symbolism; bought many holiday cards with the L&L on them. It was so hopeful. For me it symbolized the day when Mankind thruout the world finally achieved peace among themselves, Nature, Itself, would follow suit. No more documentaries of animals tearing each other to shreds AND no more mass graves for murdered peoples.
Yeh, I’ve rambled. But that single change just breaks my heart.
Thanks, Matt, for finding that picture of the statue.
BTW, I have a few of my Dad’s bibles. They say Wolf. Ugh. (and hey, I love wolves, too. But…)

Brady Curtis
Brady Curtis
2 years ago


Janet Supriano
Janet Supriano
2 years ago

Great work, Matt, Ian, and Greg. Matt, you’re getting better and better.

Brad Holden
Brad Holden
2 years ago

I found Mandela affect articles online before 2012 or 11 while researching chi gong and quantum physics information. Didn’t pay it much attention until recently when I started noticing more personal experiences w a full body of understanding. I read up on it for hours then. I didn’t have anywhere near the understanding of reality but the concept of Mandela effect was always reasonable and noticeable to me.

Bjørn Nørsterud
Bjørn Nørsterud
2 years ago

If you have kids, or in my case, grandkids, you must have seen Peppa Pig, right? I have. A lot. So much that I noticed that both the british and the american flag is wrong in the show. Just watch this episode, and you’ll soon see what I mean. It’s even better in other places, but I couldn’t find it now. 786) We Love Peppa Pig International Day #8 – YouTube

加 文
加 文
2 years ago

In that video, even the Australian flag is doing it (same as UK flag).

Bjørn Nørsterud
Bjørn Nørsterud
2 years ago

Just like Julianna Moore now is Julianne Moore.

Brad Holden
Brad Holden
2 years ago

Synchronities, Mandela affect, quantum entanglement are different terms of the same concept. Quantum entanglement of events and objects projected and reflected through time. ⚡☀️⚡☀️

Diane Considder
Diane Considder
2 years ago
Reply to  Brad Holden

I saw a lecture where they referred to the ME as quantum pollution

Skep Tikos
Skep Tikos
2 years ago

DUDE!!! I remember the old, ‘legitimate’ guy and his decades-old comments written on the margins of the Bible pages! Only Mandela Effects Veterans will remember! YES! One of the strongest ‘evidences’ I ever saw!

But if you Google ‘Mandela Effect Baloo, he remembers the bra’ you should find a thread I made on Reddit that had even more compelling evidence… Had. The cartoonist of the Book of the Jungle seemingly took down the page after my thread made it big on that subreddit where 300 thumbs up were always followed by 250 thumbs down by ‘skeptics’.

Last edited 2 years ago by Skep Tikos
Brad Holden
Brad Holden
2 years ago

Mirror mirror being magic mirror is OD synchronities. The real magic mirror of this reality changed its own name in its most infamous movie reference? It said na I’m the magic mirror on the wall not the mirror mirror lol. So it shall be written. So it shall be done. ✔

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Brad Holden

That’s a very interesting point of view. I was just thinking about mirror symbolism earlier when Matt was talking about it. But, it was an incomplete and unformed thought. Thank you.

303 Lauren
303 Lauren
2 years ago

not to be paranoid or too out there but when you asked Tony all those questions and then he got the download and changed his answers to the new reality..I think thats what the reality wanted you to see. the reality wants you to think that Tony got a download

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加 文
2 years ago
Reply to  303 Lauren

I buzzed someone and made his brain tick a little, along similar lines, but I did it extremely gently, as gently as I could. Showed him something until he eventually saw what I was seeing. He laughed a bit and was confused a bit and then laughed a bit and then was confused a bit. Reality decided the easiest solution was an interruption —- he got called away and left. About 15 minutes later I was leaving to go home and I looked at my phone, opened up Youtube, and a short clip of the matrix (first movie) appeared and it was in my face like watch this, for some reason I watched it. It was that scene where Smith is like “As you can see Mr Anderson, we’ve had our eye on you for some time now” and then puts the “bug” into him. So anyway, a few days later, that same scene played out in my reality, I ended up in a silly situation where I had to listed to a real estate AGENT talk blah blah blah (face to face) and he gave me a bug, like I started to feel unwell very soon after and for the next few days or more I actually half lost my voice, I couldn’t talk all that well, similar to Neo in that same scene where his mouth stops working and he is “unable to speak”. So here’s the big question, was that whole experience some 5D police coming in and dealing with problems? Dealing with me for breaking rules? Or, was the whole lot, from beginning to end, coming from my consciousness and just me myself playing a game in the 3D world with myself, from a higher perspective? Or both?

Jane Paterson
Jane Paterson
2 years ago

I live on the coast and can see about 20 miles out to sea, and I’ve watched the mainland and islands shift regularly over the course of the last seven years or so. I find it awe inspiring.
I was lucky enough to be able to discuss it with my mother, as she was Mandela affected, as well as being a sci fi geek and an octogenarian. She took it all in her stride, (I got obsessed), and just said no human could come up with a story as interesting as this.
I found the Mandela effect brought about a profound shift in how I saw the world and my understanding of spirituality, maybe that is one of the purposes of it, still as mystified as ever, but privileged to see such amazing things. Thanks Matt.

Bruce Rogers
2 years ago

My anchor is Dolly with braces when that ME came to my attention I knew that ME was legit. At the time the movie came out I was a preteen with braces and I was insecure about them so that scene in the movie resonated with me.

Diane Considder
Diane Considder
2 years ago
Reply to  Bruce Rogers

It makes absolutely no sense with her without braces.

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
2 years ago

Agreed. That sly satire was found in most of those Roger Moore as James Bond movies. The Dolly braces/no braces is one of my biggest ME’s.

Nina Fletcher
Nina Fletcher
2 years ago

How annoying, I really wanted to hear this. It keeps breaking up like it’s buffering. Same thing happens on bed shoot. YouTube works fine.

Ronnie Priest
Ronnie Priest
2 years ago

Thanks Matt

Joseph Carioggia
Joseph Carioggia
2 years ago

I think my first ME was the peace sign. I remember asking my late brother in the 70s when they flipped it over.
Is anyone else having issues playing video?

Gregg B
Gregg B
2 years ago

Hello Folks, This is Gregg. I wish that I could have expressed the emotion of how bad the incident with the Wizard of Oz was when it happened. It’s been close to 5 years ago now and I am nowhere nearly as emotionally charged today as I was when that happened. There are more ME’s in the Wizard of Oz that I didnt mention, however those came later on in time. Such as ” Fly my little pretties, fly , fly ” That one isn’t something that was created by the collective consciousness , or even Pop Culture. I remember that we used that same phrase back in the 8th grade as we would ignite the miniature rockets that we built in class.

Most every one of the major ME’s are anchors for me. I ‘ve told Matt more times than I can remember that it seems like anyone that is affected is basically marked in some way Meaning that the affected are subjected to basically all the changes, at least the ones people would personally recognize based on their personal experiences and knowledge.

I have had so many weird things happen to me, things that are on-going, for the past 5 years it’s ridiculous. NOTHING surprises me anymore. Because I’m outside every night of the year If the sky is clear and not raining I see “shooting stars” almost every night. I’ve witnessed, recorded, and documented a selenium eclipse. I had no idea when I went to watch and record that eclipse that it would be flipped and in the wrong location. I have way too many synchronicities almost daily. These are just a very small percentage of what I deal with daily in my life now.

The way I explained it to Mat is that it’s almost like we are car radios and everyone has a personal frequency. Most of us that see the ME”s and reality changes or shifts are on a particular frequency, for example 99.5. There’s always radio waves being broadcast on many frequencies and what we see as our reality is everything we receive on our personal frequencies. Where as Matt’s friend Tony might be on 98.4 and that frequency has a different reality.

Just a few thoughts, and I wanted to try and express that initial change which happened right in front of me had me emotionally terrified, as well as my world view changed. I was raised in church, so I’ve always believed in a Supernatural realm. I’ve always believed that Miracles could and did happen. However, what happened to me was the opposite of a miracle, it was a very negative experience and at that moment I actually had affirmation that there’s also a dark and negative side to the supernatural realm as well. Having that happen really upset me, it had me paranoid that something I wasn’t able to see was watching me and that something had the power to change reality and not in a good way, at any moment. Something like that is actually terrifying. I’ve since learned to deal with it and just take it in stride.

Take care folks,

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Gregg B

Thank you, Gregg, for sharing your personal experience and your thoughts. And I’ve just learned what a selenion is, too. That in itself sounds very disturbing, to say the least.

John Thompson
John Thompson
2 years ago
Reply to  Gregg B

Hi Gregg, I just wanted to thank you. I was watching you before I watched Matt. You referenced Matt and now I have watched him for likely around 10 years. Hope you are doing well. Later John

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  Gregg B

Thank you Gregg! We know God is in control and it will all be rectified in the end. Stay at peace.

Gabriel McLoughlin
Gabriel McLoughlin
2 years ago

I have never even read the Bible,
I was never a religious type of guy,
HOWEVER, The one Mandela effect I am 100% sure of was the Lion lay down with the Lamb,
The are many others, but some I may have a tiny doubt about, and question my memory,
BUT that verse I know ,
Because I can remember as a child I asking myself should it not be a wolf and a lamb instead of a LION,
cheers Gabriel. ☀️

Todd Burgess
Todd Burgess
2 years ago

Is it a coincidence that at 1/3 the way through, as Matt is explaining his experience at the bar, of his friend who got the download to adjust his reality, the presentation stops.
Now, I’ll never know what I was going to hear, it may now, be completely different!
I’d love some sort of notification as to when the adjusted version will be ready. 🙂

Kevin Tabler
Kevin Tabler
2 years ago

Hey guys is it just me having a buffering problem over here or is the video buffering for all? I had to give up on the vids past few weeks bc of this…

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Kevin Tabler

I get it, too. In the comment above, I wrote how I get it to work for me:
“I have to drag the video forward at the bottom, press play over there, and if it works, I go back to where I had been. It’s only annoying if I have to do it repeatedly, which I had to with this video, at least four or five times.”

I hope this helps. It’s not great, but I can watch the video.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x