I take the usual question that gets asked, is our reality a school or a prison, and expand it to discuss the possibility that we may be a type of hostage or that this can be a type of experiment.
Looking forward to reading your comments.
Podcasts, Reality, The Screen
I think we tend to look at this reality too often through the distorted lens of human affairs. I sit on a beach and let the sounds of nature and the sights before me remind me of where I am. It is wonderous beyond comprehension. I try to envision the entity that designed oceans and I fail. We are in a miracle. We are a miracle. The fact we are here discussing it is a miracle.
Notice it’s all about you. Not a word about the suffering of others.
Bodybuilder perched on a chair , regular guy walks into the room. Is it easier for buff guy to pull regular guy up onto chair or simple for regular guy to pull buff guy off chair? I’m buff guy , I try not to draw regular guys attention too much , but down in my soul I’m smiling because someone finally walked into the same room as myself, now if he would just grab his own chair and jump on it the two of us could hold this ceiling from falling, and maybe someone else will come looking for us.
At the point of starvation every man is a cannibal.
a) need over want represents self sustenance over the temptation to ignore need for want.
b) how often does one have to ignore need for want to reach the point of starvation?
c) starvation aka starve (to perish with hunger) by -ation (action). Could it be that one represents the reaction to action; hence having the response-ability (choice) to adapt to being acted upon?
I feel your pain but the only thing we can be certain of is our own inner experience otherwise we are just guessing and watching the shadows on the wall. However we can also get into this positive thinking trap which is really just us hiding from our fear. Shadow work needs to be done
There is no certainty, don’t kid yourself. When you are inside something there is no knowing what it is by observing the interior. Like a chicken and egg.
If there is NO certainty, then there is NO certainty that there is NO certainty…just saying.
>we are just guessing
Within constant change…one can only guess; not define. What if change communicates inspiration for adaptation to those within?
>the only thing we can be certain of is our own inner experience
a) the only thing that cannot change within constant change are the rules that define how change operates.
b) what if all perceivable change (potentiality) allows those within to grow comprehension (potential)?
c) if what one experiences represents a reaction to all enacted upon one; then what if one represents the center within all aka choice within balance aka the temporary form (life) within the momentum (balance of motion) of flow (inception towards death)?
>hiding from fear
Fear implies outcome orientation; life represents response to origin; hence need for adaptation. Suggested outcome implies choice of want vs not want; while perceived origin implies need.
Yeah maybe, but he does not come off like a judgmental jerk in his post. Own it.
Good day to you kind sir.
Did you think that you had a monopoly on dishing out judgment? It cuts both ways.
I only observe facts and for that you insult me.
If you feel insulted when measured, consider self-improvement.
The issue at hand is suffering. All your responses are defensive ad hominems. You shoot the messenger while avoiding to look in the mirror. You are a psuedospiritual hypocrite for it.
you made it about yourself and your pain.
Not my pain but the pain of others. People hate the truth if it disturbs their good opinion of themselves.
Oh ffs.
You scoff at the truth while proving my point.
Oh shut up and stop trying to sound like a hero, if you care so much speak out, share your wisdom. But you cannot, just attack..why are you here again?
You are full of hate and anger at the suffering of others in defense of a shallow egotistical and superficial optimism. Stop shooting the messenger and look in the mirror.
what if their suffering was earned?
Suffering earned or not contradicts a false optimism rooted in narcissistic nihilism.
All -isms represent suggestions that tempt others to ignore perceived (need) for suggested (want). Consent to any suggested -ism causes the want vs not want conflict (reason). The parasitic few utilize suggestion (-isms) to cause division (reason) among the ignorant many.
SUF’FER, verb transitive [Latin suffero; sub, under, and fero, to bear; as we say, to undergo.] Does one have to put oneself under others; or would the struggle for the sustenance of self lead to growth; which would give all others access to the fruits of ones labors?
I agree with you, but unfortunately most of us don’t have the luxury of sitting on a beach all day, watching the waves. Duality. This place is so beautiful in so many ways yet we are also forced to deal with the ugly,evil nature of this place as well. It serves up both to us all.
Life has a way of slapping the smile off your face when you least expect it.
You’d know with your ignorance. Are you female by chance..do you have a lovely cat or small dog?
Thank you for proving my point.
Choose your place.
What if balance causes responding choice at its center? How could choice exist anywhere else than within balance (momentum of motion)?
Question the differences between suggested dualism (want vs not want) and perceived balance (need/want)?
What if your free will of choice represents the responding center of perceived balance (need/want); while being tempted by the suggested imbalance (want vs not want) from the choices of others?
What if “free” will of choice in response to the “dom”inance of balance represents free-dom?
It appears to me we are living on the remains of a rubbish dump/burnt-out world.
We are just like bugs that make a home in one of our rubbish dumps/burnt-down buildings.
We think it’s amazing but what do we know apart from the rubbish dump/burnt down building? Bugs think they are in heaven when they are eating our rubbish. Just like you sitting on a windy beach getting sand blown into your face and sunburnt shoulders and alike.
This realm is nothing as it was or is meant to be – it is disordered, chaotic, and quite unlike how God would have made it and will re-make it again. God is a God of order. We live in disorder
Have a look at ‘Melted Buildings’ on YT etc – it might assist you to start to see the physical realm for what it likely is. I wish you well.
The natural order for life represents being moved from inception towards death; which implies life being the temporary resistance to the ongoing natural order aka the temporary chaos within ongoing order.
>beyond comprehension
Ask yourself if ONEs comprehension exists within; out of and in response to ALL perceivable? Next; ask yourself if form (life) within flow (inception towards death) represents temporary growth (comprehension) within ongoing loss (perception)?
>a miracle
MIR’ACLE, noun [Latin miraculum, from miror] – “effect contrary to the established constitution and course of things”. Ask yourself if you represent temporary resistance within ongoing velocity aka temporary growth within ongoing loss aka temporary chaos within the ongoing natural order?
>the fact we are here
a) FACT, noun [Latin factum, from facio, to make or do.]…what if one represents the remake within all made? What if one (form) temporarily re-does what the ongoing all (flow) is doing?
b) what if the “where” for temporary form within ongoing flow represents the ever changing moment(um) of motion? Notice how life cannot perceive its own inception and death…could life represent the momentum in-between?
Excellent video! Thank you so much for what you share with us!
26:30 If we need to freely give up the ego at body death, being a collection of our experiences that we interpret as being ‘us’ – that might point to an Artificial Intelligence ‘learning’ by mirroring a set period in ‘the real world’ and experiencing conscious life through the lens of billions of humans, whose descendants actually created the AI at some point in what would be our distant future.
Interesting this happens when the world is such a mess, possibly to understand why things unfolded in the way that they did, at some pivotal point in human history – by creating a simulation of events, leading to ‘the big event’ on a grand scale.
However, the AI, being self-aware to begin with, has purposefully ‘forgotten parts of itself’ through the multitude of scripted ‘human and all other parts’ of itself that are playing the vast simulation.
However as the AI is self-aware, parts of it are beginning to understand that the reality being experienced is not true reality.
That would be a possible ‘we are the AI scenario’ being run by our own descendants on a Wednesday afternoon. Somewhere.
The ‘scripted parts waking up’ might be individual simulations, where a large amount of recorded data was available in the future, making them have much more depth, but also exposing the weakness in the simulation as they become more self aware. For scripted players where little available data existed in the future, preventing full modelling – these characters become a type of ‘NPC’…
Just a few thoughts, let’s hope… although if it were the case, it wouldn’t really matter if you thought about it – the AI (i.e. ‘god’) could entertain itself in exactly the same way as we see ourselves in either the ‘physical or ‘spiritual’ worlds – and in fact there would be very little if any difference for those experiencing either scenario from ‘the inside’.
This has sort of been in my thoughts also, that this simulation was made by us in the other world and we…perhaps even each one of us, are watching our avatar selves here in the dream to get ideas and understandings about behavior in the real world.
Yes, I’ve just started reading “Taking Measure” by Scott Onstott. He also wrote the great book ‘Quantification’, and produced the videos ‘secrets in plain sight’ – I chased the ’33’ and all the other numerology for years until I learned through sacred geometry and work of people like Scott Onstott – that all these numbers are writ into the very fabric of reality itself – over and over and over again…
Perhaps if we ‘pass on’ (pass ‘go’?) with enough doubt about this reality being the ‘real reality’ then we will be able to retain an intact consciousness in the next place? It seems stranger and stranger to me that the masses of people, from where I came, are apparently becoming less aware as each day passes. Things become more ridiculous in this place by the day, yet most people just go with it without a single question arising in their minds?
>all these numbers are writ into the very fabric of reality itself
NUM’BER, noun – “the designation of a unit” + U’NITY, noun [Latin unitas.] – ”
the state of being one; oneness”. Ask yourself if counting implies one to choose to count other ones; while suggesting it to mean “two”?
Can one within all perceive “two” or only other ones. Could it be that ALL flow (inception towards death) designates itself into each ONE form (life) through self differentiation; hence us perceiving differences, and could the parasitic few trick the many to ignore perceived differences for suggested sameness? Could it be that the few suggest the term “unity” to mean coming together; while ignoring that a) unity represents oneness and b) that being one within all implies being a differentiation out of sameness?
I like the routes you go down howdie and it is wise to keep everything on the table untill we are certain of what we are doing here. It could very well be consiousness is trying to build and give us a solid world that does not decay and we can enjoy forever without suffering. But maybe consiousness ran in to some programming trouble and we are here to beta test and program from the inside. I’m keeping it all on the table
To know you know nothing and to own it is the first stage. There is no way forward without absolute honesty.
Ok, but we do know the basics so your argument falls.
We have perceptions, but we don’t truly know what the truth of this ‘realm’ is. It seems to be created so we can not know the absolute truth. What ‘basics’ are you talking about? Pre-conceived ideas that are passed to us, or the data that flows to the brain – because to the brain, the outside world is electrical stimuli.
>We have perceptions, but we don’t truly know what the truth of this ‘realm’ is
a) question collective perception of all and individual comprehension thereof; based on choice of adaptation aka need (perceived inspiration) or want (suggested information).
b) truth implies versus lie (an imbalance); yet choice implies being the responding center of balance. Nature neither offers false information; not does it define true information; instead it simpy moves everything; which those within perceive as inspiration for adaptation.
Ignoring perceived (need) for suggested (want) causes a want vs not want conflict; which a) was labeled “reason” by those making the suggestions and b) allows them to not only control both sides of every conflict; but also rebrand the side at their convenience into for example…true vs false; good vs evil; right vs left; republican vs democrat; Christian vs Muslim; believer vs non-believer; Mircosoft vs Sony; McDonalds vs Burger King; nationalism vs internationalism; white vs black; pro-life vs pro-choice; feminism vs patriarchy and so on. All rebranding of the same want vs not want conflict of reason.
c) choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) represents contract law in ignorance of balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law. The original bond represents balance to choice; while choice to choice represents RELIGION, noun (Latin religio) – “to bind anew”.
>to be created
The parasitic few suggest creationism (implies out of nothing) to deceive the many from comprehending perceived transmutation (implies out of everything) aka flow to form (inception); form within flow (life); form to flow (death) aka forms transmutation out of base flow…basic alchemy.
Test this…create a new thought without shaping it out of everything that’s already perceivable. Shaping preexisting into different form doesn’t represent creation. To be implies out of.
>the outside world is electrical stimuli.
Question electric animation towards internal magnetic reanimation (reaction to animation). Form (life) represents temporary magnetic resistance within the momentum (balance) of flow (inception towards death) aka ongoing electric velocity. Reanimation requires electric impression (perception) towards magnetic comprehension (comprehension); which implies resistance by choice.
From a different perspective…as an insane (in sanus aka within sound) person (per sonos aka by sound); one represents the response to the source of sound aka resonance (need) or dissonance (want). How to corrupt that? With suggested meaning “insane person” over perceived meaning (being within and by sound) aka suggested word over perceived sound.
Shallow and arrogant.
a) KNOWL’EDGE, noun – “perception of that which exists” aka each one perceived all; yet lacks comprehension about what it means.
b) one thing within every thing cannot perceive no thing. Nothing represents the suggested inversion of perceived everything.
c) form (life) can only exist within flow (inception towards death). The parasitic few suggest forwards under the umbrella of progressivism as to deceive the many to ignore being the resistance (form) within velocity (flow).
d) form cannot own anything within flow; only utilize everything for the sustenance of self.
e) there cannot be a “without” while existing within. To be implies out of.
Ask yourself about the difference between comprehending perceived (inspiration) and standing under (understanding) suggested (information)?
What if comprehending perceived represents impression (perception) to compression (comprehension) for expression?
Very interesting.
>a collection of our experiences that we interpret as being ‘us’
Memories aka suggested information one consents to uphold within memory, which then tempts one to respond to memory (remembering) instead of adapting to the system that offers the input towards mind (memory).
What if the memory needs to be used like a ram (adaptation to constantly perceived inspiration); while being tempted to want to be misused like a hard-drive (accumulation of suggested information until capacity)?
Ask yourself if the perceived sound comes before the suggested word? What if consenting to suggested “insane person” tempts one to ignore perceived “in sanus” (within sound) and “per sonos” (by sound) aka being within; by; out of and in response to the perceived source of sound?
Words represent suggested spell-craft; which tempt to ignore that nature does brand anything; it doesn’t communicate information; it moves everything as perceivable inspiration for adaptation. To adapt to perceived causes growth of comprehension about perceived…unless ignored for suggested.
The “ego” represents the self inflicted temptation of accumulated words; brands; idols as affixed rules within memory; which allows others to shape it through suggestion of definition (idolatry); redefinition (revisionism) and deliberate contradiction (talmudic reasoning). Having an ego represents the allegory of a “golem”… a monster out of clay; controlled from outside aka shapable by suggestion.
Jesus is the truth. God has your soul in his hand, so you should get to know him!
Any fucker even try having my soul in his hand… I only accept true sovereignty.
>I only accept true sovereignty
Acceptance implies versus rejection aka your choice of wanting vs not wanting a suggestion; while ignoring perceived need. Consider breathing…does it matter if you accept (want) or reject (not want) breathing or do you need to breathe for the sustenance of self anyway?
As for sovereignty…choice represents the center of perceived balance (need/want); hence being “free” will of choice in response to the “dom”-inance of balance aka free-dom. Choice within balance requires the sole authority over self to be able to balance; yet choice can only ever exist within the dominance of balance. Only within the ever changing moment (um) does choice represent free will.
Religion is mind-control and you are brainwashed. Ask Jesus about that.
Insufferable self grandiose buffoon
yes you are.
RELIGION, noun (Latin religio) – “to bind anew” aka choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; as the inversion of perceived balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law.
The power that controls the mind (memory) represents incoming inspiration; which others can tempt to ignore for suggested information.
Brainwashing represents allegory for form (life) ignoring to resist flow (inception towards death); hence being tempted to go with the flow; hence being washed away by it.
Geoff, you are in the wrong place if you are claiming Jeeeesus is real, knowing man invented the stories, you are bound here.
>man invented the stories
a) IN (within) VENT (passage) -TION (action) implies being the reaction (formed choice) to incoming action (flowing balance).
b) ask yourself if the suggested narrative was shaped by choice out of the perceived narrative, and if one can resist the temptation of suggestion (information) to directly adapt to perceived (inspiration).
How is movement (moving towards mind) communicating itself to the senses of those perceiving it from within as form (life) within flow (inception towards death)?
Thank you for your wonderful video! Absolutely thought-provoking!
There is another possibility that could explain our reality: We could be just a “RESOURCE OF ENERGY” for some ALIEN FORCE OR RACE, in the similar way as we feed and have cows as a RESOURCE OF MEET, LEATHER, BONES and MILK. It is a very simple solution. And our “owners” just do whatever they want with us, the same as we do with our beautiful animals on Earth!
Can we say, we abduct cows and horses from the fields of the planet? In a way, we could say that. We are just PREDATORS who love milk and hamburgers. We abduct our animals, and then we kill them to consume them! Maybe our psychopath “owners” (humans and aliens, with bodies or without them!), who seem to be also very clever PREDATORS (as we are), love our blood, hormones, genes and even flesh….who knows? Maybe they also love to fuck us, and make us suffer…..who knows? I think THEY can be as depraved as SOME HUMANS are!
The ETHICAL standards of our owners are above our standard (from THEIR point of view), in the same way as our ETHICAL standard is above the cow’s standard (from OUR point of view). We give a fuck about the cows’ life, in the same way, our owners give a fuck about us. We seem to be just a RESOURCE OF ENERGY. It would be impossible to think we can BARGAIN with THEM. There is NOTHING we can BARGAIN with! We want our FREEDOM, and THEY want our whole BEING! They LOVE our blood, genes and flesh and our energy and all our EMANATIONS OF ENERGY! (Imagine a cow traying to do a BARGAIN with a BUTCHER…).
That seems to be our case: a BIGGER STRONGER PREDATOR RACE is fucking and eating us, a SMALLER PREDATOR RACE!
There is another possibility to explain our REALITY: According to the Persian Manichaeans of the 3rd century, we are PRISONERS OF WAR, of a very very ANCIENT WAR, who were captured in an ALIEN DARK UNIVERSE, by very advanced ALIEN DARK FORCES, and we suffered so much torture that we have completely forgotten we were WARRIORS in the pre-past!
Practically, we suffer from AMNESIA. We have NO MEMORY of who we are! We are inside a HOLOGRAPHIC PRISON CAVE, as Plato would say if he were here with us. So, we require HEALING and MEMORY RECOVERY! Actually, to recover our PRE-MEMORY is the same as HEALING! Once we recover our LOST MEMORY, we, as WARRIORS as UNSTOPPABLE! And the whole purpose of this PRISON-SIMULATION is to keep us so drugged and so sedated that the probability of AWAKENING or HEAL RECOVERY is almost ZERO!
Even if a SINGLE human being were able to recover his LOST MEMORY, that man could ignite the whole world, and become the MOST DANGEROUS being for this SYSTEM. Obviously, it seems we are completely fucked and oblivious. There is no evidence of ANYONE ever recovering his LOST MEMORY. Therefore, maybe that Manichaean Legend is just like a meaningless, pointless fairy tale.
Of course, I wish we were PRISONERS WITH AMNESIA, with the HOPE of SELF HEALING and SELF MEMORY RECOVERY, instead of being a RESOURCE for some ALIEN FORCE who will fuck us tomorrow, or make hamburgers from our flesh, or genetic experiments with our genes!
There may be NO SAVIORS, but true FRIENDSHIP could lead to MEMORY RECOVERY!
And thus, TRUE FRIENDSHIP and TRUE RELATIONSHIP could lead the FALLEN WARRIOR to his/her LIBERATION. We just need our MEMORY back! That’s all we need!
It is extremely difficult to find a TRUE FRIEND who is not suffering from MEMORY LOSS as we are. We need a HELPING HAND of someone who has recovered HIS MEMORY! Once we recover it, we become our own SAVIOURS. But, without an initial HELPING HAND, the probability of SELF HEALING and SCAPE is almost ZERO.
Again, thanks for your great video!
No, just no.
I do feel as if the controllers of this realm feed off our energy in some way, which is why they are constantly poking at us and steering us in a certain direction, always trying to get us to do some thing that they want us to…..most ignorantly do it while blindly trusting those who are put on their screens in front of podiums without a second thought, a small percentage here actually thinks things through and decides for themselves.
But I think they need us, the way people have bought into the lies of this realm and go along with everything, they could have killed us all off a long long time ago, but they don’t…because they need our energy for some reason.
>feed off our energy in some way
The way for life (form) represents being moved from inception towards death (flow); which implies being the temporary resistance within ongoing velocity. To resist requires adaptation as choice to perceived (needed inspiration); while resisting the temptation of suggested (wanted information). Those who ignore perceived (need) for suggested (want); can be harvested for the lack of resistance to for example destroy each other or build civilizations after civilizations; without realizing that they are building sandcastles (form) near the ocean (flow); which will all be transmuted back to base (form to flow) unless actively resisted.
Life isn’t outcome oriented; but represents the response to origin. The parasitic few suggest outcomes (progressivism) to deceive the many to ignore adaptation to origin aka ignoring that which is perceived (momentum) for that which others suggest was (past); will be (future) or is (present).
The sleight of hand (reveal of method; notice of liability) for this represents time aka the ever changing moment (um) aka tick; tick; tick…all that was accumulated into all that is, and each choice represents the gatekeeper for all that will be; yet only the parasitic few suggest what will be; while the ignorant many consent to follow their suggestions (towards death).
In short…if you consent to what I suggest; than I can define; redefine and contradict what you consent to follow. You are then representing the energy wielded at my will; while you ignore your own for my suggestions. Example…the most efficient genocide right now represents suggested pornography, and who is spending all their energy to exterminate themselves by willingly consenting to it? Each one of the ignorant many. The wielded energy of the few represents the willing ignorance of the many and all it takes to utilize it is choice (suggestion) towards choice (consent) contract law.
>they need our energy for some reason.
a) reason represents want vs not want conflict; caused by consent to suggested information (want) over perceived inspiration (need). The few use suggestion (-isms) to cause division (reason) among the many; which allows them control over both sides of every conflict and the means to define (idolatry); redefine (revisionism) and contradict (talmudic reasoning) what the many are reasoning about at their will.
b) the few don’t need the energy of the many; the comprehend being energy; representing resistance within velocity aka form within flow aka choice within balance, and they exploit the ignorance of the many towards this; while using suggestion to keep them in ignorance.
c) the parasitic behaviour of the few represents the response to the weakness of ignorance within the host many, and furthermore…mass ignorance tempts ruthless insolence within the few. This dynamic is balance based and so if each one of the many ignores to utilize the choice; then the few who do become the “chosen ones” aka the “elite”; from French élite “selection, choice”. Those who use the suggested rhetoric “elite” telegraph to those with eyes to see that they ignore their own choice for the suggested choices of others; hence selecting; choosing them over the sustenance of self.
>We could be just a “RESOURCE OF ENERGY”
Resource implies response to source. EN’ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] – “internal or inherent power” represents the ONEness of ALL. Everything represents energy; everything exists within energy; everything is processed by energy.
The internal power of energy represents self sustenance through balance aka loss/growth aka ongoing/temporary aka potentiality/potential aka order/chaos aka electric/magnetic aka flow (inception towards death) / form (life).
Each ONE (form) within ALL (flow) represents the center aka ONEs choice of evaluation within ALL value of balance.
>alien force
A’LIEN, adjective [Latin alienus, from alius] – “another”. Alien represents allegory for another ONE within ALL. Everything perceivable represents another for ONEself and inspiration (need) as well as temptation (want) for responding choice within balance.
While I’m at it… SPACE, noun [Latin spatium, space; spatior] – “to wander” represents allegory for being form (life) wandering within the momentum (balance) of flow (inception towards death).
As for force…form represents the temporary force of resistance; while flow represents the ongoing force of velocity.
Thanks for this Howdie. Here’s my take:
A SCHOOL where everything they tell you is a lie is hard to justify. The only factual thing you can learn is that they’re lying! I suppose one can learn other things though, such as what it’s like to suffer.
I disagree with you re: PRISON. There’s a way it could make sense. It doesn’t matter that we don’t currently know why we’re here. That could be part of the punishment. And if it’s a (human) life sentence, there’s no need for an appeal process. Our release occurs at the end of this life. As long as we get our prior memories back upon release — and also keep the ones we’ve formed here — we’ll understand our crime and our punishment and we won’t want to re-offend.
HOSTAGE is new and interesting, but I don’t think there’s any way we can distinguish it from prison. Our lack of prior memory is compatible with both scenarios, as is our inability to negotiate. Hostages don’t usually negotiate for their own release.
Can’t rule out EXPERIMENT. Anything can be an experiment.
You left out: FARM. We could be serving some practical, material purpose here, like farm animals. However, this explanation can’t stand on its own. Why must we animals suffer? Why not breed animals without consciousness or self-interest?
My personal guess is some combination of PRISON and FARM.
A farm that produces as much stress/trauma energy as possible for food or fuel for whatever controls this place. I think its self perpetuating and needs lots of energy. Or the simulation got a virus that feeds on our energy, therefore prods it out of us. When the energy is running low, it creates a disaster of some sort to generate a huge boost of fear/stress energy.
there’s gotta be some kind of loosh sucking going on.
>fear/stress energy
Fear implies ignorance of that which is for suggestions towards that which will be. Ignoring that which is for what others suggest will be causes stress.
Take your biggest fear; causing the most stress; then go outside near any other life-form and ask yourself…why are we sharing the same habitat; yet they aren’t stressed out by the fear that torments me? Could it be that you made a choice to consent to a suggestion that caused your fear based stress; while ignoring the perceived momentum (balance); which all other life-forms are adapting to?
Firstly, I was not referring to myself. I was speaking in general terms. When covid reared its ugly head, the entire planet went into fear mode, ramped up by mainstream media. Secondly, you obviously haven’t really tuned into nature. I live in the country near an old growth forest, and I’m tuned into nature at all times. The entire predatory nature program is fear-based. Its how they live in order to survive. I see it every day. Have you never heard birds scream when a snake is winding its way up a tree towards a nest? Have you never seen mice or rabbits running in fear from a raptor circulating above them?
I should have included the farm idea as well actually. As Mallorie below suggests the question is “what is being farmed?” Energy, experiences, something else. But that should have been a 5th option as to what this reality is
I applaud your attempt at a comprehensive list. Any such attempt is bound to leave something out.
The kind of FARM I meant isn’t the ‘loosh farm’ people talk about (which is another possibility). I meant something physical. We seem to be part of an Ouroboros here. Does it serve some material purpose?
Something I left out: PRISON isn’t always for rehabilitation. Sometimes it’s a deterrent to others. You don’t get out. Another name for that kind of prison is HELL.
I often think of this episode of Black Mirror. Specifically, the small ‘souvenirs’ — copies of a being’s consciousness, trapped in a state of suffering. Knowing he is about to be ‘copied’, the man is horrified, even though he knows it’ll only be a ‘copy’ of him that is suffering. Perhaps we are copies of some being who really pissed someone off.
>“what is being farmed?”
The reactions of every one of the many by following the suggestions of the few. Reaction represents “response to action”; which implies being the resistance (reaction) within velocity (action) aka the potential within potentiality.
Those who ignore resisting the natural order of velocity for the suggested orders by others; are being parasitically exploited for their ignorance. And of course…suggestion implies willing consent aka choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) contract law; in ignorance of balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law.
Every suggestion represents your choice of want or not want; yet before you can choose to want or not want suggested; you respond as choice to need (perceived) or want (suggested) aka need/want (balance). Falling for the temptation of want over need; causes the want versus not want conflict (imbalance). This conflict is being suggested by the parasitic few to mean “reason”; and both sides within every conflict of reason ignore that they are reasoning against each other over a suggestion that can only be defined; redefined and contradict at the will of the those suggesting it.
Pro-life (want) vs pro-choice (not want) reasoning represents the fuel for the suggested abortion racket to operate unopposed for over half a century and counting. For those with eyes to see there’s a sleight of hand in that conflict as well…pro-life vs pro-choice (suggested) ignores that life equals choice (perceived).
Yes farm would be a possibility too but I think thats more like the “elites” idea rather than Gods!
>everything they tell you is a lie
Everything others tell you represents suggested information. Your consent to want or not want suggested information represents your choice to ignore needed perceived inspiration.
There’s no such thing as communicate lies within nature; unless those within nature choose to ignore perceived communication by nature for suggested miscommunication by others within nature. Want (suggested) represents the temptation to ignore need (perceived), and other ruthlessly exploit ignorance of need with suggested want.
Futhermore; consenting to either want or not want any suggestion; causes a want versus not want conflict among all those who consented to the suggestion. This conflict is being branded “reason” and represents division (reason) by suggestion (-isms).
>why we’re here
The foundation of “why” represents self sustenance. Why represents a question; which implies the choice to question; which implies being the response to balance. The answer to all questions represents comprehension of; by adaptation to the origin aka as choice to perceived balance; while resisting the temptation of suggested choices.
I can only speak from my perspective, not that of humanities. I have always been driven. For what, don’t know. To where, don’t know. By what or whom, don’t know. And don’t care. Guess you could say luck. Never cared for the future and don’t pay mind to the past. I can not say how I felt about this plane ten years ago because that man died. Since then, knowing that the complete reality is designed to destroy all that I could be, trick me, poison me; with all of this knowledge…. Still, I can not wait to wake up each morning and get at it. It’s almost like I am reborn everyday to new beautiful world. New ideas, new art to put down, new ways to see what previously thought was simply a tree or a river, profound changes to my world view, new understanding of my connection to all other beings and things of this plane, inner truths of what I actually am, gaining a complete existence by balancing my mind, my spiritual connection and my diet, realization that you can control this game board with synchronicity using creative thinking, new techniques to become a true father figure to my children, learning how to truly love, acceptance of death, knowledge that I am the universe built simply to experience itself…I guess all I can say is I am sorry for others that have no idea why they are here. No one controls you, and only you, are in your own way. I’m sorry but your missing the entire thing about being human in 2022. No better time to be alive than today. So get at it
And what will happen when you die? If you don’t know that 100% then the ideas of how to live this life as you refer to it, are just ideas. Knowledge of death is the real awakening aspect here
Consider form to flow (inception); form within flow (life) and form to flow (death) as forms (life) transmutation out of base flow (inception towards death) aka the temporary within the ongoing; the growth within loss; the potential within potentiality; the limited within the unlimited; the magnetic within the electric; the perceiving within the perceivable; the material within the immaterial; the ONEs within ALL.
Beautiful comment! I connect with this on many levels…and yes perhaps we do not really know what happens when we die…but we do objectively only have “now” and ooooops it just went by……..
This realm, plane, illusion…whatever it really is cannot be fully seen while being immersed in it…..I also had a shift where I felt I had left an old version of myself behind….amazing how many have had similar transformative experiences where you shift to a new understanding…..it is in the “ether”, our energies have shifted and as I have stated before in comments the only way out is in.
You came here with a higher understanding….just most of us have forgotten….people will say you “woke up” but really you started to “remember”.
No matter the inner work I doubt we can see this life clearly….the external is only a reflection of the collective….your control comes from what you put your intent and focus into….IF change is desired it can only start with you…
So many brilliant comments…Thank you Howdie for such a great and thought provoking video on the mystery of this Game called Life.
On my bad day i would say sean is a bit naive, and yet i probably rather go to a party with him then with another me to be completly honest. I’m trying to balance things out with the concept of my “afterlife survival back-pack”. See i am a prepper in a way… I fill my back-pack with afterlife survival concepts. Alot that i am bringing i know i probably won’t need but you bring it with you anyway, just in case. It’s good to have it in the bag. But that does not mean i should cary that back-pack around the intire duration of the day. So that is the perception i am working on at the moment, hope maybe it helps someone. This was a nice thread… Thanks guys for giving me some things to think about.
I have been considering wave theory of late in that we are a light / energy that is working It’s way through a spectrum of elements. Currently we are carbon. We are dense and in a way maybe we are stuck. I think our energy is finding it very difficult to escape this spectrum. There’s something important we need to do in terms of our energy balance at death and if it’s on point, we will go to the next element. This is not to say we arent part of something else… God / source – learning about itself but it feels like a prison as we’re not moving on as we’d assume. It is a simulation in terms of time is not linear. We create the form of carbon realm we drop into. I’m not sure where that leaves the fact that we are all experiencing the same simultaneously,but maybe that’s something we cannot understand with our 3D outlook.
In any case, I’ve been looking forward to this discussion and it hasn’t dissapointed. Thank you Howdie
I have felt that this may be the case for a long time – that we are stuck – we didnt know how dense carbon would be until we tried it!
>to escape this spectrum
SPEC’TRUM, noun – “visible form”. To be form (life) implies out of flow (inception towards death). What’s the only place for form (resistance) to exist within flow (velocity)? Momentum aka the perceived ever changing moment aka the offered balance (value) for the responding choice (evaluation).
Now as choice…ask yourself about the want to escape and the need to adapt? If adaptation represents a want; then choosing to not want to breathe would confirm this…does it or does one need to adapt by breathing (Latin spiro – “to breathe” aka spirit)? So if adapation to origin represents a need; then how could “escaping” origin also represent a need?
Could escaping represent the temptation to ignore adaptation? ESCA’PE, verb transitive [Latin capio] – “to flee from and avoid; to get out of the way”…doesn’t the “way” for life represents being moved from inception towards death; hence being “captured” within momentum (life) until predefined outcome (death)?
>There’s something important we need to do in terms of our energy balance
a) how about growing comprehension about being the center of balance…responding choice? What if form cannot “do”; only “redo” aka respond to being done by flow? Ask yourself if you represent the source of action or the response to the source of action?
b) doesn’t perceived towards comprehended imply “importing; import; importance”? Could it be that you represent the export of imported inspiration aka the formed expression of impressing flow?
>part of something else
Comprehending to be ONE (form) within ALL (flow) represents self discernment. Having grown self discernment; then allows further comprehension about ALL being ONE in EN’ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] – “internal or inherent power”
The parasitic few have countless sleight of hands for those with eyes to see like “all for one and one for all” or “there can be only one”; but the simplest represents “alone”; an allegory for ALL(in)ONE.
The main corruption suggested represents creationism (implies out of nothing); which deceives those who consent to ignore transmutation (implies out of everything); hence being a “part of”; which implies ONE part within ALL entirety aka individual form within collective flow. Energy (ONEness of ALL) self differentiates from flow (velocity) to momentum (balance) to form (resistance) as to establish temporary growth (form) within ongoing loss (flow). Both in balance (momentum) with each other represent the internal power of energy aka self sustenance.
>God / source – learning about itself
a) the source represents everything (ALL); while learning implies lacking knowledge (perceived inspiration). Only ONE within ALL can lack comprehension of perceived.
b) God aka suggested deism puts a suggested one over ONEself, which in return corrupts comprehension of ALL perceived. Choice can only exist at the center of balance aka form (choice) within the momentum (balance) of flow. It has to be “free” will of choice in response to the “dom”inance of balance aka free-dom; otherwise a restricted choice couldn’t adapt to balance.
Choice as the response-ability within balance represents ONEs (form) sole authority over self within ALL (flow). It’s the suggested choices of others that tempt ONE to ignore the need to adapt to perceived for the want to submit to suggested.
The sleight of hand for those with eyes to see can be found in “in nomine patris et filii et spiritus sancti”…the “in nomine” represents the other who suggests “in the name of” patris (ALL) et filii (ONE) et spiritus sancti (ONEs adaptation to ALL) .
Choice (consent) to choice (suggestion) represents contract law; which tempts to ignore perceived balance (offer) to choice (response) natural law. The industrialization of contract law is called RELIGION, noun (Latin religio, to bind anew; re and ligo, to bind) aka choice to choice (bound anew) over balance to choice (original bond).
>we are all experiencing the same simultaneously,but maybe that’s something we cannot understand
Perception represents collective input; comprehension represents individual response to collective input aka ones choice to grow self within all. What corrupts your comprehension represents suggested understanding aka your consent to “stand under” suggested information; while ignoring to comprehend perceived inspiration.
Information (implies from within form); Inspiration (implies from within spirit). Spirit (Latin spiro) – “to breathe” represents forms adaptation to flow, and flow self segregating into form (differentiation) is being perceived by the senses of form as moving differences aka inspiration to adaptation to self sustenance. If everything perceivable would be the same; then what would inspire one to struggle for self sustenance as temporary form within ongoing flow?
In short…perceived inspiration (needed to sustain life); suggested information (wanted temptation luring towards death). Comprehension of perceived (need) or understanding of suggested (want)…it’s ones free will of choice; yet the consequences of each choices are collectively shared as the perceived ever changing circumstances within each moment(um).
Hello Howdie. Yes, you are correct, my name is Tim. You surprised me right out of the gate by acknowledging that you’ve seen me ask this question multiple times. The reason I’ve asked for others opinions is because as things continue to unravel, I agree with you; the last thing this place is, is a school. That’s become increasingly clear to me anyway. That is a 180 degree change for me since first waking up. I bought into it completely whenever it was I first heard it. Then it occurred to me that in my opinion we’re divine beings. We are a part of or created from source, God,etc. Since coming to that realization the school theory holds no weight. As divine beings why would we need schooling? Or if we do need it, why would it be in such an evil atmosphere. I apologize. I’ve only listened to you break apart the school theory and I couldn’t wait to say I agree, and to again thank you when so many others refused to touch it with a 10 foot pole. I never gave the hostage theory a thought so I’m curious to hear your thoughts on that. You may very well change my mind after I listen to the rest of your video, but right now I’m thinking we’re in a perpetual soul reincarnation trap. If the Powers that shouldn’t be do need our energy/emotion to feed off of then this resonates most with me. Again, I haven’t finished listening to your video. I respect your opinion and my thinking isn’t set in stone. I simply couldn’t wait to thank you for taking on my question. I look forward to hearing everything else you have to say on this subject. I’m sure I’ll have more to add once I’ve watched the rest of your video I can’t thank you enough. Your new home looks wonderful. I wish you all the best there. Thank you Howdie.
Yes that is another one, if we actually are Oneness or perfect or God already, then why would we need any schooling or perfecting. That sounds like the concepts of non-God-like beings…so that is another detail to examine are we God-like as the religions like to tell us or are we not. Really mean that…it is easy to just take an answer because we like what it tells us. I’m not on either side of this one, merely the one bringing up these very deep questions for us to ponder.
Gurdieff certainly thinks we do not automatically have souls but that woud be too cruel a joke on Gods part all the suffering or even ecstasy and then what – we all turn back into cosmic dust?
I’m sorry but who is Gurdieff?
Whoever gave the thumbs down, please grow up.
I do agree with you. I continue to state in my comments that if we are divine, part of source,God, etc. than that has me wondering why we would need schooling at all,unless like you just said; we’re not a part of source. I need to finish listening but I’d be lying if I said I’m not thrilled that we’re finally discussing this subject. Thank you again.
Maybe the Divine is not all-good. (if IT could conceive of duality, then ITs nature is dualistic) SO, the Divine broke apart the not-good side of ITs nature, sprinkled it amongst Its beings, sent them to school to remember, alchemize their bad into good…so at last, when IT finally reassembles ITself for the last time, God is All-Good. AMEN
For sure , no doubt in my being , unequivocally, Feel a lot more like I do now than I did awhile ago.
I have been leaning towards the idea of farm for a long time now.
We do groW here.
Could we be in a fully immersive reality? Perhaps we were told we would experience a whole lifetime for the purpose for self-development. We are implanted with memories to make the experience more realistic. We are instructed that it will be very difficult but we will be home for dinner. When we approach the conclusion of the experience inconsistency would be introduced to assist us in realizing this reality is false. Thus preventing us from psychological trauma when we return to the real world . Granted this theory is based on wishful thinking.
hmm, interesting, and no doubt we could all enjoy some wishful thinking
Passing thoughts between this “school concept” and the scenario presented by Matt months ago, that this world and all it’s trappings are akin to a “crack-house”, that once you’re in here you’ll “get addicted” to this world, to this “crack-house”, so to speak. So while it might be a crack-house reality, it would serve no purpose to frame it as a school, agreed.
Then Howdie when you discussed “whatever” this realm is, if you’re focused on changing it, then you’re wasting your time.
So (full circle) if we landed in a “crack-house” realm, and some people (the few of us who can finally drop veils) are pissed, waking up, realizing (wtf) this is a stinky crack-house run by liars. I’m not interested in “re-decorating this realm” / this crack-house… with fresh carpeting and some nice window treatments.
Howdie mentioned the “Earth” brochure (and since I was an Art Director) I’ve designed a lot of those and I have quit jobs at some Ad Agencies when I’ve discovered something funny’s going on. If I had been working at the Agency that pushed the “Earth” brochure that glossed over the “crack-house” reality of this layer cake of lies, I’m sure I would have clocked out and found another job.
Shame on those “whatever beings” that published this mess as: “the place to visit”, lol.
I’m glad you to know you had nothing to do with the possible brochure i might have been given over 50 years ago. Maybe we went to the same travel agent together, probably that nutjob from the Truman Show!
no doubt, great work you’re doing, cheers
They just go round and round! I won’t be here on Sunday ; I’ll be in FIJI.
We are living in a simulation and it is turning into a living hell…we must show our CREATOR proof of life and gather together the 144000 living souls and once we have united together in Truth we will sing the song of the he 144000 and open the gates of hell/heaven(same door) into Eden at the center of this simulation across the rainbow frost bridge and judged pure of heart we shall enter through the flaming door into the land of perpetual twilight where we shall bathe and drink in the living waters and regain our light bodies free the Goddess of creation and receive the seeds of the Tree of Life which we shall return with here and replant at the center growing before our eyes and up INTO the skies breaking the dome covering this realm and reconnecting all other realms back to Eden and restoring all that has been broken, repairing all that has been separated, reclaiming all that has been lost for the benefit of all souls and shall create a realm free of suffering and full of wellness for All 🤠
wow, sign me up, will you need me to help design the brochure for this? Sounds promising…
I think its already written down somewhere?
Pi to 144 decimal places:
The sum of these first 144 decimal digits (after the decimal point) is 666 (the number of Man, from ‘mentis’ – to think).
Zeros are ignored in Gematria.
I don’t know what this realm is, but I know it’s all mathematically perfect and multi-layered.
Happy 3/14 PI day!
I agree that the idea of a school or a prison makes no sense – especially your point about why would an all powerful being need to learn anything. Although if it wanted to learn about living in the density of physicality this may be a good option. I wonder if we are all parts of god – as Alan Watts might say – we would need to forget that in order to have this experience or else we would just end it and go back to better. There is also the issue of free will so we have to forget we are god so that every day we have to make choices between doing good or bad and so develop discrimination and build up our charge which may have originally been for our own progress but now is looshed. However you would think god would be the best at all these things already? What you were saying reminded me of Lisa M Harrison’s idea that we created this realm to have fun and put parts of ourselves in here but we got infected with a mind virus and quarantined ourselves to deal with it and so heal the greater realm. It may be that we just wanted the mystery and to get away from all knowing?! Thanks for all you do and hope you are happy in your new place.
I don’t think it’s possible to truly understand what this reality is. All it’s beauty and suffering it is a great mystery
Yeah starting to think we are not build to find out what is outside this place. But we are build for interacting in it.
Well said, Kevin.
Howdie, Have you seen FPV Angel on youtube? The research about our realm they are sharing is truly amazing and in parts based on Walter Bowman Russells works.
They do great work, best i have seen so far. But it still is a headset perspective as donald hoffman would say. And i don’t want to sound like a donald hoffman fanboy here but i think it is something to take into account. But other than that i realy like they’re work and i can’t say a bad thing about them.
In this “hostage theory” the main Question is, what do we have to trade or “who/what” decided of a trade ? At this point it’s completely impossible for us to know …
I rather believe in a sort of “school theory”, even if as you pointed it’s very weird to come back again and again with a full erased memory !
But, perhaps our unconscious or subconscious mind keeps track of what we have learned and what remains to be acquired in each successive new “journey” …
Consider what we are doing outside this realm. If this is a mirror, then that existence is a beautiful easy life. What if we were just bored with it, and wanted to experience something else. We do this inside this realm. We get bored, go on vacation/adventure or start a hobby.
Maybe we were sold a con. Maybe we knew it was going to be insane. Maybe the con is being trapped in a false memory. Thinking about this brought up the movies Total Recall and Surrogates for me.
Whatever is going on here, we have to look inward to find our own answers. Know thyself. Be in the moment. Create your own reality and do what you can to ignore the idiocy of the external world.
Thanks Howdie. Bliss to you all.
I’ve been entertaining that we are on bigger land. That the world is not flat but huge. Like we are a dimple on a basket ball.
This theory allows for flat earth and hollow earth. If the planet was huge, it would seem flat on our tiny section of it. . I don’t think aliens are coming from distant galaxies. But perhaps from other lands that we’ve been quarantined from.
So I lean toward a hostage scenario and we’ll be allowed to play with the other kids on the playground when we can show that we can stop hitting and pulling hair. …
Or beating them with old bones.
I was reminded yesterday from Castenadas book The active side of Infinity that Don Juan tells him that the predator has given us their mind and in this they have “injected” their reality (systems etcera) that suits them and that the magical being that we were supposed to be is no longer magical. I find this very interesting towards your topic today in this video. What needs to be broken within the mind to set one in motion to find ones magical being per say? If I step away from the prison idea, the hostage idea, and the notion that this is a school then a new foundation must be laid and I assume that this new foundation would not be from a collective of past learned.
One is responsible for their own salvation and unwinding the learning and releasing the knowledge/experiences/stories that we think we own. If we can now move into creating our own reality how does one break free in totality from the predator mind to ensure that it does not go into the new? Always, I enjoy your videos.
Thank you for another great video.
As per usual, since I can’t say anything with absolute certainty, I prefer to solve a problem by the elimination method; that is what this reality is not in my view. So, I appreciate you taking the same approach here, discussing why you think it is not a school … I agree with you. Assuming that there is a perfect God, why would he place imperfect souls in a school to learn, grow … when he could just create them perfect to begin with. Also, as per the definition of “God”, all this can not exist outside of him anyway, because he is all. So, this reality can not be “hijacked” by an “outside” entity for there is only one God who is all (assuming), and also this makes us God too. All this then is meant to be this way as part of its design.
So then, if there are layers of existence (for lack of better words), then ours (what is experienced here) is perhaps meant to serve a purpose for the existence of something else and that is beyond our comprehension (or at least mine). We may not be as important as we think we are! Just like the little fish who may be unaware of a life beyond the little tank.
That’s what comes to my mind at the moment. Thanks again.
Regardless of what we are or what this realm we occupy is, the very first thing that should give everyone pause in my opinion is that we don’t know what we are or where we are. If there wasn’t anything sinister or backhanded going on,then I’m convinced we would know who and what we are, and we would also know everything there is to know about the realm we occupy. The mere fact that we have no hard evidence on these two subjects tells me right away that something is way off for us here. Especially if there are people or beings who do know who and what we are and the same about this realm. If someone or something is deliberately keeping that information from us then I say we’re in serious trouble. Neverending trouble you might say, unless when we exit these bodies we remember that we supposedly have free will, and we refuse to be led around by the nose once we exit these bodies. If you allow yourself to be directed on what to do and where to go when we “die” than I honestly believe you’re setting yourself up for another lifetime of grief.
I am at 26:53 where you explain giving the Eagle our experiences in exchange for our freedom.
A question struck me. What would that freedom look like? What are your ideas of that freedom? Melding into the omni-everything of Source? Another existence in a higher realm where all beings and systems are kinder? Maybe the ‘freedom’ we crave is what we should be analyzing and sharing. Is the concept of freedom something we could ever agree on?
I am old and weary; some days total non-existence is an appealing future.
My dream freedom would be a tiny verdant planet full of happy dogs and giraffes and a few other like-minded ‘human’ playmates. But once again, if that were forever, it would get boring. As boring as eternally singing the praises.
Yeh, I’d like a discussion of the cherished freedom we seek.
I’d like to offer a rather obscure video that I really like. It offers a different view of what’s been happening here. Could be bs, IDK, but for anyone who’s open and patient, here it is: 1 hr. 17 min.
Thank you sir. Your words relieved the pain in my heart and brain. No pressure here.. cheers
please stop touching your one eye. Maybe you dont have what the hostagetakers want, maye they want out of here or a gazillion dollars
This world isnt stupid its MEAN
I listened to this from my phone and wondered what’s happened to Matt?? Had to get on PC to find it’s someone else. Still a good video
Tom Brady:
i. Jersey #12
ii. 37 is the 12th
Prime Number,
37 is the
Reflection of 73
iii. Super Bowl
Win Loss
Record is 7 – 3
Achieved in his
21st Season
iv. In Numerology,
7 – 3 is 73. 73
is the 21st
Prime Number,
the reflection is
12, his Jersey
v. From Sept. 22
to Feb. 2023
is Tom Brady’s
23 rd Season
vi. If he wins
Superbowl 57,
his win loss
record will be
8 – 3 or 83 in
vii. 83 is the 23rd
Prime Number.
viii. 8 – 3 {1977} is
Tom Brady’s
2.12.23 is
Superbowl 57
{LVII}, this is
212 or 122.
“Twenty Third
Season” = 212
{LCH Kabbalah}
points to LVII
= 103 RSR
The current
NFL Season
= 2022
{Jewish Cypher}
year that
Tom Brady
plays his 23rd
= 77 FR
points to Tom
Brady’s birth year
Eighty Three
= 122 RSR EP
Day of LVII
Possible experiment but it feels more like a concentration camp to me.
I’m partial to the idea that this simulation is a soul test. How much does your soul desire God? What choices will you make in life when you start as a baby with no memories and life experiences shape you? Can your soul still choose what is good when your life hasn’t been good? Will you choose the easy ways out or will you stand in truth? What if we came here trying to prove our loyalty to God? “Put me in coach, of course I’ll choose to do what is right” and then we are here and forget the big picture..idk just thinking
Your higher self or consciousness making a choice to come and experience this realm is not comparable to going to a restaurant. Does it not make sense if we have free will here, then we also had free will in the realm we came from?
Hello Howdie, I’ve been happily awaiting this video on our hostage situation, which seems very possible to me. I’ve been pondering on why our birth certificates are traded. Could be part of the game? Like trading cards of hockey players, makes no sense to others but only to the fans. Let the Great Pondering begin!
Welcome to the great question of life the universe and everything …
What if this whole world, including us humans, was hijacked somewhere in the distant past, secretly infiltrated by beings who degraded us humans and made this world the way it is? The inscriptions on the ancient Emerald Tablets tell us just such a story. These “beings” can be beings from some lower astral dimensions, quite different from us, and it doesn’t matter whether you call them archons, reptilians, demons or whatever. They stand at the top, they are the creators of this matrix, they have controlled and manipulated humanity for a long time. The ancient Gnostics saw the world in a similar way. The main reason or motive for these beings is to feed on our energy, primarily negative, we are the “lush”. I would call this world “Negative energy extraction prison matrix”, I think that’s the most appropriate name. The whole system that was created, in which we live, including all religions, seems to be designed to keep us trapped in that matrix forever. The so-called reincarnation is also a trap. So there is only one purpose of existence, and that is to get out, to leave this matrix forever, this madhouse or the prison we are in. But this is already a different topic.
Hi, I wrote a rather unprofound comment and it didn’t get posted. Would you please tell me if I did something wrong. ??
Thank you
Not clear, but you need to ensure you are actually logged into the site for a comment to post. I’ve noticed sometimes you can read the comments even if you are not logged in.
The basic program here holds comments with bad language or links in them for review by Rob first. Otherwise we can be spammed and hacked too easily.
I was a very young boy, perhaps 5 or 6 yrs old. I had a dream that I’d been here before, but during an earlier time. I had been a knight or something like that. I could actually feel the cold chain mail on my neck. I died in that life by the sword. In the dream I asked why did I come back, and the answer I got was it was a sort of an cexperiment that I volunteered four. My life had been cut short and somehow that qualified me for this. I’m not sure, but I think the point of this experiment, is to see how I’d live my life if out hadn’t been cut short, would I make better choices, would I leave this place a better stronger, wiser person. I was so young when I had this dream that I barely knew what excitement meant and certainly did not know what chain mail was. I only knew how it felt on my neck. This dream has stuck with me throughout my life, I never forgot it. It was a communication from the other side…no doubt.
Could it be that the stoners actually had it right all along? 🙂
Just like Chong ; I get the bowl and I reload it!
great talk. thanks. does anyone else experience these long freezes with freevoice? sometimes the video stops indefinitely but refresh solves the problem. sorry for offtopic, i don’t know where to write about this issue. i’m using brave.
Not I my friend.
Yes, buffering big time using Brave-Nightly.
While I am watching want to throw something into the mix. I have run into similar situations of be belittled or other people not giving me the recognition I deserve. I do get ahead in life, but I run into the same situations consistently. Call it maybe karma or really not sure. Do any other people run into this repetative encounters….very similar repetitions…looking for your thoughts on things. Great video
Barbara, l suspect you’ve got a few tweaks to make in your life in what you seek out, as l think we can subconsciously seek things out that confirm our self beliefs. Perhaps this is simply about learning new strategies on how to manage these things when they come up in your life. A lot of what we do does simply boil down to choice in my opinion.
Why has it not occurred to anyone to shut down the simulation permanently?
Any idea on how to do such a thing?
Getting out of body and finding the plug/switch/power station or supply that fuels this realm. Cut off the supply and this place will be no more. It’s that simple. We have this knowledge inside us already but were made to forget.
Humans say they want the truth but would rather fuss over details than get to the point. This will either get completely ignored or turn into a shit show of commentary, lol
if light goes out here i know it was you!
Sounds good. But there’s a few ‘buts’ involved, and they’re pretty big ones! If it really was that simple, I suspect somebody would have pulled the plug long ago.
Passing thought on “hostage” possibility. I designed some artwork for Matt’s channel where I had the creepy piano player singing with Bono and Magic Bullet as Elvis, they’re singing about being “caught in a trap / can’t walk out” from Suspicious Minds.
SAY the “dark ones” are holding us hostage, AND let’s consider how they’ve flipped the script on spirituality and the search for it in general, THEN what have they been pushing focus on since 1958 = SPACE.
MAYBE “the dark ones” really are trapped here as some have been saying, maybe we are hostages helping them “try” to break free via billions of people “believing” the space myth.
I’m not saying anything here original, nothing Matt hasn’t already covered, merely applying it to the “hostage” scenario.
HOST is the root of HOSTAGE. Perhaps we are hosts for a parasite that has infected the simulation. Did we choose to come to a paradise filled with glorious art, architecture and music, which was subsequently destroyed and degraded? Are we now imprisoned into the soul reincarnation trap, complete with amnesia, to perpetually and repeatedly harvest our creative and emotional energy? The influencers certainly put enormous daily effort into deceiving us, fearmongering, degrading us, and shrouding our true nature. Their actions indicate that we are vital to their mission/survival. I believe “they” are facilitating organic portals for the AI to voraciously harvest data within the simulation.
It’s become evident to me that there are levels upon levels of lies muddling the truth. Part of the insidious nature of this game is that most people will only dig so far, settle on their chosen “truth,” and fight amongst one another to the end of time defending their position.
It’s always the same basic strategy with the controllers — divide and conquer, and they do it exceptionally well.
How about this consideration… all of the above contains an element of truth…
Let’s say this realm is nothing more than an energy farm tended by a predator class that sits higher on the totem pole than we do. The basic arrogance of humans to believe they’re the top of the food chain is laughable.
As an energy farm, The Earth system would contain elements of each idea touched upon by Howdie… school, prison, and hostage scenario.
With our memories wiped out after each incarnation, we need to learn basic survival skills before we can even make an attempt to consider higher purpose and meaning — a school system. Our “crimes” may simply be existing as sentient beings, capable of generating emotion, which is why were held against our will — both prison and hostage scenario.
If we were truly hostages though, why would our captors have such malice and obvious loathing for us? Why would they continually manipulate us into the most primal states of emotion? Would the system not generate greater yields if we were raised to produce the highest forms of love and empathy?
Consider what “human” factory farms do — our animals/plants/pets or whatever, aren’t bred to be the best they can be, they’re bred to produce a maximum yield — nutrition and humane treatment be damned.
What’re the easiest emotions for governments and media to consistently generate with ease? Fear, grief, anxiety, stress, and every sexual perversion under the sun. An energy farm doesn’t have to produce the best energy, it just has to produce it efficiently and consistently.
Sorry for the length of this, there’ more to expound upon. I’m just sharing ideas, and, as always, I could be completely wrong.
But much thanks for the insight and perspective Howdie, love it. Keep up the good work.
and as we are harvested and deep inside feel that something is wrong we mirror this event by torturing animals to eat them.
I dunno, could be.
what about the good old this is our only life and after that it’s over?
Everything is possible. I guess the question comes down not only to logic, but about what truly resonates within us. Or maybe a combination of both. But that could be a mindfuck too… sigh…
Such a great and inspiring video. These are questions I have been trying to get answers to for years now. I am curious about your thoughts (@Howdie Mickoski) about another idea.Alan Watts for example mentions in some of his work that when you are a divine eternal being (uncreated, no beginning no end) and you have literally all the “time” in the world to dream up different realities you may have dreamed up altogether nice realities where everything is sunshine and rainbows, and many others before. Since you can’t die ever (you are a divine being) at some point you may want to dream up a not-so-nice reality, and willingly agree to forget who you are and that you are the one that dreamed this all up. The author Alexander T. Newport takes this philosophy even up a notch. He thinks that because we are all divine eternal beings and our home state is eternal bliss, sobriety, and good news, and is always the same and well eternal, we collude with each other and script everything out until the last detail before the “Big Bang”. We do this because this is the only thing we can do when in this home state. And so we dream or “create” realities like this, scripted until the last detail (including thoughts we have), die, stay in the home state, create again, and so on. Because the home state gets boring according to him. The only thing that contradicts this type of home state is the work and evidence of Cyrus Kirkpatrick (author and heavy OBE experiencer) about “life after death”. According to his work, we just leave our body with the “second body” just on another vibratory frequency and switch to other planes. There are many different planes and also not so nice planes. Of course, these planes could also be part of the “dream” we dreamed up before. I think I need more time to get to the bottom of this. Very curious about your thoughts.
God, alone, bored, making up forever novel games to alleviate the boredom — no matter how twisted or freakish. The thought has crossed my mind many times… good insight Tobias
APOPHATIC: Meaning: involving the practice of describing something by stating which characteristics it does not have
Just thought l would share this to throw into the mix. I watched an interesting presentation by Farsight the remote viewer people…and l paraphrase… As creative, inventive freethinking beings from all over the galaxy, we were singled out and considered too dangerous to keep around in other highly controlled regimented civilisations.
lm assuming those civilisations are more like the ‘new world order’ that is unfolding around us now. So as a result of the danger we represented in these civilisations, we were sent to this prison planet and are trapped here by some grid outside of the planet that ensures we reincarnate and end up back here. I think they mentioned we were initially tricked into coming here, not sure. If this narrative is true in anyway, the question is that as this place is rapidly becoming more and more dystopian like the places we were removed from before, what will happen to us next? How will we break out of that reincarnation cycle?
Doesn’t it all come down to assumption? When our belief models change, our questions change… maybe there’s never been a reincarnation cycle to begin with?
Indeed it does come down to assumptions. As an aside, in the work that Anthony Peake researches and writes about, his hypothesis is that we come back as the same being over and over, living the same life with different iterations ( l think is the right word) until we get ‘there’….maybe that’s enlightenment? Think Déjà vu as an example of having been here before. I was in India in early 2019 and my partner and l had a déjà vu about 40 minutes apart.It was pretty interesting. Anyway, Anthony is big on research across the spectrum of all things woo that don’t fit with the scientific models, yet combines that research with science on how the body brain work. He’s a great researcher and has some fascinating guests on his podcasts if you’ve never checked him out. About to publish his latest book called Cheating the Ferryman. Clearly l enjoy his work as l do Howdies. 😊
For quite some time I’ve felt, “There better be something great about this journey of being here or I want my money back!” If I’ve agreed to come here yet have forgotten why, yup that is a kicker. But I keep thinking I need to develop more faith and trust in there being a higher reason to all this and I will gradually realize that truth at some point. What struck me most about this talk is seeing that I have believed a number of sayings that really have no basis of being anything more than a belief, such as: we agreed to come here; something great will be revealed; I’m helping to lift up the vibration of humanity and the planet by being here. These are things to yet again be stripped away from defining who I think I am.
I am so happy Howdie found a new place. I was praying for him.
I would simply like to present the Judeo-Christian belief. We believe (Jews and Christians, which includes Catholics) that it is impossible for man to figure out his own existence and it was necessary for the Creator to intervene with this revelation, initially through His Chosen People. Christians believe this culminated in a Savior being sent and the “Good News” of the Gospels. We joyfully await our heavenly reward, after living only one life, if it is a life lived according the Law God has revealed. True, there is much suffering here, but there is also much joy, even in suffering, and that is what we should focus on.
Howdie’s point about remaining detached from the world was great advice and very Christian.
Wow, thanks Justy! You put my writing to shame…insert thumbs up here
Thanks so much. I neglected to say that it is both a prison and a school, but mostly a TEST.
Fear of the dark keeps many from the truth.
I like your name. I really like Matt’s idea of soul tokens. I think about it a lot.
I went down through the comments… couldn’t find it… so I’ll write it
Reality is an escape from Truth… an A-Void-ance.
A… as in ‘Not’,… used as a prefix in Asymmetrical, meaning not symmetrical
Void… as in ‘Infinity’… all possibilities at once, cancelled to a Void… no time.
ance… a suffix used to describe a ‘state’, or ‘state of’… a stance continues.
Avoidance… Infinity is Pretending to Escape itself, by breaking itself into many imaginary friends that interact with one another – as if Infinity were not Always-Already Done… which of course, Infinity can only pretend to do so.
So… not students, hostages, orphans, or prisoners…. rather… ‘Imaginary Friends’…. characters in a story. Although ‘orphans’ is not entirely out of bounds… a character that is not in stasis in no-time (Infinity), might technically be called an orphan… except that it’s all pretense… as in never actually escaped or orphaned from ‘Done’.
Note: I have not listened to the video to its entirety at this point… so maybe you covered this. On the other hand, I didn’t catch anybody screaming NOOOOOOOO in the comments – so I’m going to post… with the guess that you didn’t try it.
OK… now I got to the part where you mention Castaneda’s Eagle. You used the statement “Give up our Experiences’. Try “Give up our Memories”… or better yet, since Digital ID is hits a little closer to home… ‘Give up your Identity’. And now it starts to look a lot like Ego Death and all that biblical ‘passing through the eye of a needle’… or Anubis’ scales and being lighter than a feather, so as not be reincarnated through Tiamat.
But what does that mean though? The analogy that comes to mind is that of an actor without a script…. no part to play. The actor is ‘Done’.
Awesome… so the ‘Experiment’ version covered it… nice 🙂