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Quantum of Conscience

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Can we trust any “new” 9/11 video that has been released in the last 10 years? No, I don’t think we can. I must assume most are fake as my default. The bigger issue is how, once again, the reality exposes itself as “conspiracy generation machine.” 

Matt McKinley

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William Lodderhose
1 year ago

No doubt, if something new surfaces we can only guess that the BOT created it or someone (not like you nor I), cheers everyone.

1 year ago

old mac be like………

Kendra Shelle
1 year ago
Reply to  BOD BNAIRD

My 1950’s International Harvester. In use. No repairs.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

OMG that Captain Hook commercial is sooooo (f’d) up. I don’t even have kids but I’d consider suing on behalf of any parents whose kids see that shit and suffer someday (later, much later) because of the impression of fear it produces.

I mean (wow) if shit is getting that ridiculous then why aren’t they constructing actual emergency shelters kids can activate like behind coat closets or where-ever…why…because most of this fear produced shit is just that a “production”.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
1 year ago

I thought it was for something like Target or Walmart. Well, I would have if it weren’t in Matt’s video. It still threw me for a loop.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
1 year ago

What pushes me over the edge more than anything else is what “they” have done to our kids since all of this bullshit went full force. I’ve almost lost my mind more than once ranting about this. There’s a special place in hell for all those monsters.

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
1 year ago

~@12:40 “…Oh, NO Moments!” Hahahahahah!! Matt definitely coined that puppy. Man, the number 33 goes back sooooo far… has been linked with Knight’s Templar and WAY before. Supposedly affirms “completion”… but with THIS?!? I didn’t even know there WAS “new” videos that were released. Wouldn’t trust ’em JUST like y’all can’t “trust” the “originals”… Insanity condensed!!

greg ross
greg ross
1 year ago

i look so forward to the oh , Noooo.

Comfortable Bear
Comfortable Bear
1 year ago

No one had masks in 2001?

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
1 year ago

I don’t remember so many people with masks. People had their shirts over their faces. The fire department gave out a few masks that they may have had in the trucks. That footage could have been from 2020. So much of the footage could be cut and pasted from other times and places.

William Lodderhose
1 year ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

right, those are my actual memories as well

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago

I remember seeing masks and people with shirts over their faces. Not masks to this degree. Google “spanish flu” – nothing but images of EVERYONE with masks. If that doesn’t give you chills when you realize how sick this gaslighting is then I dont know what will.

1 year ago

I’d love to try testing that theory…where you trigger Reality to feed you something…extend a breadcrumb trail on the fly.

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago
Reply to  Astro

I tested it a few days ago. I was driving home and I said “Show me a black cat” several times until I got home. Several hours went by and I forgot about it. I went to my daughter’s 5th grade ceremony and she had a black cat earring on, the other being a fishbone. Turns out they were a gift she received the day before.

And that’s just one example.

Lisa Jarv
1 year ago

We are the ghetto inmates(primates) living in their cities and occasionally our handlers scare us back into our cages.

The back to school commerical is brilliant.
It decipts schools as scary boogey man haunted places of hiding. Schools are cages, prisons, places of indoctrination. School supplies become objects of defense and preservation during war. That’s honest.

I saw, LIE KING 1776…the King was never defeated, only rebranded.

I saw Judge Clarence Thomas at 20:28, or was it ‘I needa hill’ to lay my long dong silver coke can on. Oh well, how can history make sense when most people cannot make sense of their present moment felt sense reality. That’s what notnilc wants. I just laugh at it all now. That’s the best news ever! Thanks again, Matt, for a great show.

Billy Alley
Billy Alley
1 year ago

Super interesting! Especially how it weaves and threads in the Titanic and the 1776. It is definitely fractiles or manifestations of the coding in the reality. A question that makes me always wonder is how much do we have control of it? Is it a static 3D we don’t have control over? And the only thing we can do is remain stoic? Or do we have some limited control within this program… Pretty interesting stuff. Giving us a clue into how the reality operates.

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago
Reply to  Billy Alley

Its a big hint but I also think its meant to be comical. Like the world is ran by clowns so the reality is going to present a clown show as a small hint.

Steven Wallace
Steven Wallace
1 year ago

The devil is in the details.

Chuck Pal
1 year ago
Reply to  Steven Wallace

God is in the details. The devil simply steals them.

Steven Wallace
Steven Wallace
1 year ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

I was thinking when you look close and start seeing the patterns like the numbers and how everything doesn’t make sense. It reveals the conspiracy but I guess you could look at it as also being God showing the truth. Revealing it’s nature so we know not to get caught up in it and get lost. I’m not really sure either way.

Douglas DuFaux
Douglas DuFaux
1 year ago

Matt comments on a guy filming himself that looks unnatural- very true with a camera of 2001 – it looks like a selfie mode with a modern phone. Totally fake and on-purpose trolling in my mind!

And the 1776 sign reads “lic king” which I believe is intentional notnilc or peon…

Last edited 1 year ago by Douglas DuFaux
Rachel V K
Rachel V K
1 year ago
Reply to  Douglas DuFaux

I was also thinking of the selfie not having been “a thing” yet. That guy could have been at some other location, at some other time, saying whatever he wanted to his camera. These days, we just ignore it. Like the people walking near him.

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago
Reply to  Douglas DuFaux

Yes. There is a very unnatural way he would had to have held his camcorder. Ridiculous.

Mary M
Mary M
1 year ago
Reply to  Douglas DuFaux

My thoughts exactly! He would have had to hold a 2001 video camera with 2 hands and it would be way too close. Cake in a lake for sure.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
1 year ago

I thought I had seen the plane, on TV, going into the second tower. But, is it because I was told that’s what happened? I’m coming around to there having been no planes.

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

When it happened the news played footage of the second plane hitting the building nonstop for around two weeks. Then when people questioned “wheres the rubble” they stopped. I was a senior in high school then I remember wondering why they were bombarding the media with this footage. I had nightmares for years because of it.

Chuck Pal
1 year ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

The airplane was inserted via CGI. The fiberglass nose cone of the plane was even shown coming out the other side of the building. That was using the tech available at the time. Now they can insert YOU into a “mass shooting” and it will look real. Your neighbors would wonder how such a nice person could commit such an atrocity.

greg ross
greg ross
1 year ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

i tend to agree. i’m now moving to the “a commercial plane will flatten itself as it hits basically a steel wall” theory.

Joseph Collini
Joseph Collini
1 year ago

Hi Matt, outstanding presentation as always. Accurate, concise, astute, entertaining, funny when it’s appropriate.

At around 24:20, you mentioned “carrying our cross”, and living in relative or (almost) absolute isolation. For some of us, this aloneness is, at times, debilitating and counterproductive.

I’m not a techie in any way, but why not create some sort of chat room, group connect, friends list, where interested individuals can mention their hometown, to create mini- meetup groups for coffee, cake, and conversation! Who knows, it just might save a life.

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph Collini

Just adding my two cents here: chat groups, like IRC or discord, tend to get very circle-jerky real quick and turn into miniature echo chambers. Its the fastest way to destroy free thought, because once you have to start picking moderaters, egos begin inflating and favorites are picked.

Its a disaster waiting to happen. I’ve been in chat rooms all my life and I learned recently that it’s the quickest way to destroy a free-thinking community.

Joseph Collini
Joseph Collini
1 year ago
Reply to  rudy moreno

You’re probably right, and I might not have used the correct term. I suppose that anything performed online, is essentially a proxy, an inadequate substitute for personal interaction.

I’m not on facebook, instagram, or twitter, because they all feel hollow to me. I guess what I’m suggesting is, a way to use technology initially, to enable folks in a small geographical area to find one another. We can then have the freedom and ability to arrange true, human events, like informal gatherings at a cafe, cookout / barbecue, day at the beach, movie night, restaurant, hiking or biking, etc.

You know, the things that humans did before the internet!

greg ross
greg ross
1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph Collini

amen brother

Dutch Crunch
Dutch Crunch
1 year ago
Reply to  Joseph Collini

Ive been saying this for 3 years now. No one ever wants to meet in person, or rather we are so spread out (purposefully , i think) to make it more difficult. im in Northern California, lake county. Ill meet any one of the real free thinkers anytime! Hmu

Chris Minor
Chris Minor
1 year ago

immediately saw the 1776 – absolutely cannot trust these videos – and if anyone wants another example why (if Matt’s mom starts watching and isn’t aware of what the unreal engine and other ai systems are capable of: – This is a very basic example of an entirely ai created fake city)

Jorge Gonzales
Jorge Gonzales
1 year ago

That guy pointing the camera at himself. Cameras didn’t yet have front facing screens at that time. Maybe some did, but they would have been rare.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
1 year ago
Reply to  Jorge Gonzales

I don’t remember videos from twenty plus years ago looking as clean as some of them did here. The Ghetto Inmates video looked like it was just shot.

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

Yes the footage in front of that building looked like modern 720p video. That was ridiculous.

A Ross
A Ross
1 year ago

Living in Las Vegas and filming enough building implosions in the 90’s; I can tell you a few things.

1)Spectators of implosions were given those masks, but only media and the first to arrive until they ran out.

2) those masks did not look pristine at all. Just one 30 stpry building would gas a 5 metro city block in blackish gray grime that coated everything. Everyone looked like a mechanic doing bad breaks all day.

Wow those masks, clothes and skin are so clean.

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
1 year ago

15 minute mark: all these babies yet no crying. Got a building full of infants? Really? This mask thing is just sick. Even in the so-called “old” footage there’s masks everywhere like they were just giving them out. I do remember seeing some masks back in 2001; but not to this extent.

I did a presentation on our reality being AI generated and this is even more proof. Sure the video may be faked but these numbers and breadcrumbs can only be artificially generated; either by the reality itself or our own inert ability to manifest.

Thanks again for the great presentation.

-Rudy (PostNostalgos)

1 year ago

The No-Debt brothers shot the first video. Ironic, eh? Since the 9/11 event was, on so many levels, all about debt cancellation (whether the debt of the building owners, or the national debt and the impending collapse of the currency, which thanks to 9/11 was able to be delayed by bringing in zero-percent interest rates under the guise of preventing a 9/11 caused economic downturn). It’s even the precursor to the Covid hoax and the current war which are both cover stories for the monetary system collapse.

1 year ago

That new ‘selfie’ video of the black guy walking along talking to the camera is just bizarre. Nobody made selfie videos back then, at least not like that, handheld without a tripod. It’s as if the kids tasked with making the new fake videos weren’t aware of that fact and simply assumed that everyone who had a video camera back then used it in the same way that people use their phones now. What would the guy even think that he was going to do with such a video back then? There was no YouTube or FaceBook to post it on and he couldn’t have been livestreaming as that was not possible. Who did he think was going to watch the video?

Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
1 year ago

Weird that I just happened to rewatch Titanic last night and here we are talking about titanic in this video.
Also, the masks totally give it away. I distinctly remember people holding their shirts over their faces and that’s it. This video is from present day for sure.
Anybody want to discuss? I made a Facebook group.

Chris Mann
1 year ago

Someone could make a video about the “manned Space launch” Space/X did in Cape Canaveral yesterday. What an absolute JOKE!
Strap on your astronot diaper and lets go to SPAAAAACE

Brian Simon
Brian Simon
1 year ago

With the way the post is in front of the sign I see lie king.

Michael Snodgrass
1 year ago

Yes this place is real, but the under belly of the mind is most wonderful and amazing… the jedi awaken, to carry our own cross… pure duality, and Matt is right to believe in a test or a filter system, that’s what this “place” is… there is a dark entity and a good one. AI BOTS are still only a program, we are the ones that are becoming like the bots, not the other way around. So do the work “”!!!!!! Here and now and “Woi bout yoiself”.

Tim McCall
Tim McCall
1 year ago

I thought the attacks were bollox from day 1 (Pentagon / Shanksville was the real giveaway for me initially, over and above the towers – magic vanishing plane parts… “oh, the engines just melted”. Suure.). Agree on all points Matt – even down to no planes. Back around 2007 or so, the September Clues site proposed that what was shown that day was a made-4-TV movie, complete with crappy 90’s era layering (remember the Verrazano bridge jumping around on one of the shots? Plus, the famous second plane ‘nose out’ clip… amateur hour). But… they know the general public is pretty stupid overall, so they get away with it.

Why the creeps are so unappealing (from BoJo and Billy G to Larry “pull it” Silverfish) is another weird part. Why not find more appealing characters to sell their b.s.? What I didn’t realize back in the 2000’s was that the numerology / gematria is so incredibly dense and complex (Enter the Stars, Decode Your Reality, Finis Temporis and reams of other channels) that yes, it’s not just a crowd of Sabbatian Frankist masons working their messianic inverted reality agendas – this place is a lot weirder and more simi than we probably care to admit (and I have studied in years past a lot of occult material; not so much now – I’m pretty much done with this place. Put a fork in it…).

Never thought that so few could actually see through the nonsense – and from 1995 onwards, it’s been an ever increasing crescendo (OK Murrah was just a warm up for 9/11). I think the ‘fear loosh’ potency should be noted – probably like fine wine to the creeps, over and above garden variety stress loosh. The true power of the media / Medea…

Mary M
Mary M
1 year ago

I’m not only a no planer. I’m a no people believer. No one died that day in those buildings. We were just all so traumatized listening to the same footage repeating the story.

Liz Hoban
Liz Hoban
1 year ago
Reply to  Mary M

Well, Mary not everyone was traumatized by “listening to footage”…a lot of people were traumatized by actually being there and witnessing it. I can assure you, many died that day.
When my mom called my school to give me the message that “a plane crashed into the WTC but that she is okay” (from a payphone, remember no cell phones), she didn’t see a plane nor did she get that account from the news, as she had just come up the stairs from the subway in downtown Manhattan because she worked at the WFC across the street. She didn’t see the plane as she came outta the station after the fact and she didn’t watch a news broadcast to tell her that narrative, I’m guessing now it was just the word of mouth through the streets that said “plane”…NYers are loud they’ll spread the word quick. But clearly, when Sister Barbara (“torpedo tits”) knocked on the door to my first period history class to say “your mom called the school to give you the message that she just got off the train, a plane hit the WTC but she’s okay,” this would’ve been after the first “crash” but before the second and before they fell…and I assure you they did fall
Now, could the word “plane” be some sort of reality trick or download? Absofuckinglutely. Meaning maybe there weren’t planes and maybe the people in the streets saying “a plane just crashed into the tower” maybe they were affected by some kinda reality trick, sure I wouldn’t take that off the table.
But, Mary, so many people died that day.
My moms young colleague whose hand my mom was trying to pull from running towards the WTC bc her sister worked up there. She got free of my mom and ran towards it anyway. She wound up being ok but her sister died that day.
My teacher (who was sweetheart unlike “torpedo tits”) was devastated and didn’t return to teach for a month or so, her son died.
My mom, amidst all the smokey dusty mayhem, ran into my friend who went to school down there, who was panicking trying to go back down in the subway and my mom pulled her back n said no, we are walking home. My friend still talks this day about the absolute chill and fear she felt when she WATCHED WITH HER OWN EYES people, real people, jumping to their deaths. That wasn’t a TV construct. That was real. My teachers son could have even been one of them. We’ll never know as we will never hear from those people to say what they went through.
There’s many many more, those are the two that stuck with me the most for some reason. And, yes, firemen did die that day. That wasn’t fake either. They are people who lost their lives trying to help, abd it irks me when people deny the reality that people experienced this.
My mom and my friend walked home to Queens that day. Walked. From Manhattan to Queens. Covered in dust and smoke and sheer horror.
Not everything is fake Mary. I toy with the idea tgat perhaps people who just write everything off as fake fake fake, maybe they are NPCs
Are you an NPC Mary? Do you have a soul?
If people in your life that you love died horrifically, could you imagine hearing someone say “oh that’s fake, Mary. That person didn’t die.”
Stop doing that.

Mary M
Mary M
1 year ago
Reply to  Liz Hoban

Yes Liz, I’m an a soulless NPC. Im actually an AI bot. That’s quite an elaborate story you describe. Yes, obviously the buildings fell.

greg ross
greg ross
1 year ago

i really don’t have much constructive to add at the moment but this video, Matt, just somehow is what i needed to hear today. it’s difficult! remember Stange Days the movie? i think that movie convinced me to pay attention to the millenial count down. and i’m pretty sure 45/47 in 2001 was the real turn of the millenium. this stuff is CRAZY! anyway, great vid.

m u
m u
1 year ago

Just watched. 👍🏼👍🏼This is what I saw on my phone screen after watching. 42 comments. 33 tabs open. 🙂Maybe it’s like the more you notice it, the more it shows up everywhere.

George McFly
George McFly
1 year ago

Why are all the videos washed out and overexposed? Cameras weren’t that bad in 2001. It’s as though they’ve deliberately reduced the quality to hide any obvious AI / CGI rendering artifacts. For example, in the video with the guy filming himself instead of the towers, the trees still look fake as f*k, even with the intentional overexposure added. I dread to think what they may have looked like without these degradations.
11 months ago

I wanna grab me a baaaby, just so I can get on that boat. I can see maybe an AI actively creating crazy coincidences, would that be part of or else an adjunct to our reality ? I don’t know…

Last edited 11 months ago by
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