Give Matt a Tip

Quantum of Conscience

For those who can see what most cannot

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Well… we should have learned our lesson five years ago about how real (or not) this screen reality is. For some reason, we keep testing our own conclusions because it’s so hard to fathom how fake it really is. What happened in the last few days after I, once again, started investigating what was on TV the morning of 2001, is yet another impossible set of “coincidences.”

Matt McKinley

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William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Now I know I never get tired of the BOZO clip, it’s pure insanity and on this New Year’s Day I’m now sure I still enjoy seeing that train wreck for a minute or two.

Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant
2 years ago

Now I know it too!!!

Joshua Griffis
Joshua Griffis
2 years ago

“We shouldn’t be looking at this stuff” Matt.. also Matt, I loaded a new video 😁😁teazin bro.. always enjoy ya

Joshua Griffis
Joshua Griffis
2 years ago

The goddess, Aka Sophia, aka Shiva,Kali, Isis……… Is in control. Of everything and everyone

Suzy Vick
Suzy Vick
2 years ago
Reply to  Joshua Griffis

Kali who take the form of an ALL BLACK GODDESS charging towards you with her tongue out dripping blood! I teach all my yoga students that when you embark on the hero’s journey you are about to get SHREDDED BY CALI I’ve had a few students who ran for the door

Mark Liddell
Mark Liddell
2 years ago

I tried a few reboots without any luck, the lag on this video (or interruptions) were endless. Screens have stunned everyone for sure.

Suzy Vick
Suzy Vick
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Liddell


Oshi Nightbird
2 years ago

We NEED the boogie man, don’t we Matt. We NEED the creeps and the theys and the thems. I mean, what’s the point of suffering without someone or something to blame?

Reality never matches expectations especially when there’s ONLY smoke and mirrors.

Suzy Vick
Suzy Vick
2 years ago
Reply to  Oshi Nightbird

All Abrahamic religions and Ancient philosophy proposed that GOD created GOOD AND EVIL
I just think that the Evil is off it’s Chain
But I just finished reading Gulag Archepelo

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Suzy Vick

a) creationism (implies out of nothing) is being suggested to tempt one to ignore perceivable transmutation (implies out of everything).

b) as form (life) within flow (inception towards death)…flow to form (inception); form within flow (life), and form to flow (death) represents the transmutation of temporary ingredient (living) out of ongoing base (process of dying)…simple alchemy.

c) consenting to want or not want suggested (information), tempts one to ignore the need to adapt to perceivable (inspiration).

d) either choice of consent towards suggested puts one against the opposite (want versus not want)…these conflicts are called “reasoning”, and the few utilize suggestion to divide the many into reason.

e) consenting to reason (want vs not want) over suggested information, gives those suggesting the power to redefine the meaning, hence rebranding want vs not want into for example…good vs evil; true vs false; truth vs lies; rich vs poor; on vs off; belief vs disbelief; agreement vs disagreement; Christian vs Muslim; us vs them; Big Mac vs Whooper; Coke vs Pepsi; Trump vs Hillary; left-wing vs right-wing; nationalism vs internationalism; soccer vs football; vaxxed vs unvaxxed; Ukraine vs Russia; Sony vs Nintendo; black vs white; jew vs gentile; feminism vs patriarchy; upvote vs downvote and so on.

f) to resist reasoning (want vs not want) utilize implication (if/then)…this way one doesn’t consent to a suggested conflict.

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Oshi Nightbird

>We NEED the creeps and the theys and the thems.

a) nature communicates need as perceivable inspiration; those who ignore it are being tempted to want or not want suggested information by others.

Example…suggested appetite tempts want vs not want, perceivable hunger defines need.

b) nature sets itself apart from whole (process of dying) into each partial (living), hence each “one” partial within the whole “oneness”.

Others suggest one to count numbers, which tempts one to ignore perceivable NUMBER – “the designation of a unit”; from Latin unitas; unity; unus – “one”. Look at anything you believe to represent “two” (sameness), and notice that for you to be able to perceive each “one” (difference), each one has to exist within a different position.

c) suggested “we” (plural) tempts the perceiving “one” (partial) to ignore perceivable “oneness” (whole).

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Occam’s razor is a distraction from the truth of our reality. IMO it’s more like Mandelbrot set – just generating NOTNILC insanity to the power of infinity.

Lizzie Ball
Lizzie Ball
2 years ago

If our reality is fractals, what does that mean? Does that confirm that we exist in a computer simulation?

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
2 years ago
Reply to  Lizzie Ball

Perhaps we should shift our perspective. Computers attempt to duplicate how matter is created. In other words, they are like us, not vice versa – and the Mandelbrot replication is one aspect. However, computers copy and replicate only. They don’t create. We supply intention through consciousness which is needed for creation. That’s why we are so manipulated into focusing our energy and end up creating what the would be controllers want.

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Marie

When Matt says”The world isn’t real,” this is what that means for me: The synchronicities are too statistically impossible to be random AND no group of people are giving orders to implant each synchronicity. These coincidences are reverberations of important events that permeate reality – like Vanessa’s idea of retro causality or a stone thrown into a lake shifting the matter in all directions. I like the idea of “predictive effects” more than “predictive programming,” because it is a natural consequence more than manipulation. These big rituals may be shifting energies backwards and forwards.

Perhaps we can block that wave of energy manifesting into our future with our will/intention. Just say, No! And get off the ship of fools.

Best wishes for a happy, healthy and prosperous new year.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Marie

Right, but so many huge channels and social media personalities are saying this. Why are they doing that? What’s about to be unveiled?

Ann Marie
Ann Marie
2 years ago
Reply to  Robin

I cannot predict what’s coming or when. Together we co-create reality. So, if the majority believe the script, that’s likely what will manifest to some degree. But individually we can have an effect on our experience and may be able to shield ourselves from much of the suffering.

Become less reliant on the system if you want the system to have less effect on you. Reduce debt, boost your immune system, learn to garden, own some tools and imagine positive outcomes for yourself. Fear is their greatest weapon but your courage and self assurance will defeat it.

Example: When I first heard about the Corona Virus, I knew it was bullshit. I immediately had an earache and then it moved to the other ear. Within a couple days it was over. I let CV go in one ear and out the other.

Who knows what is coming. Know you will be able to handle it. So be it, and so it is.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Marie

I do believe to a great extent that we co-create reality. . Robert Lanza’s theory of all sentient lifeforms’ consciousness manifesting reality makes sense. Then again, so do a lot of other theories. I think you are giving good advice; thanks. I’m not really scared of these people. I just want out of here at this point. What I failed to communicate is that the “nothing is real/matrix” idea is now being heavily promoted. I have to wonder why. I suspect that most people will be in one of two camps: the NWO camp and the spiritual awakening camp. I also suspect that behind the facade, they both have the same goal – whatever that ultimately is. Anyway, thank you for the advice.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Marie

Good advice, I did that in 2012, left the Hollywood work (artwork I created) left the Fortune 500 Corporate job and have lived simply ever-since. I encourage anywhere here who hasn’t made the shift to begin working towards that goal I can’t tell you how much better you’ll feel.

I was an over the top workaholic Art Director who worked hard and played hard (sky-diving, surfing, water-skiing), constantly on the move (not moving from place to place like some people seem addicted to) though I have lived in South America a couple years, worked in L.A. (though never lived there, only flew back and forth) owned a couple restaurant / bars and much more.

Twice divorced and in 01 began a deep suspicion that something was not right with the script everyone around was swallowing. By 2012 I knew it was time to pack up and walk away from that lifestyle (probably should have done it sooner).

Last edited 2 years ago by William Lodderhose
Suzy Vick
Suzy Vick
2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Marie


Suzy Vick
Suzy Vick
2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Marie

I say OUTLOUD everyday I DO NOT COMPLY all the DARK ENERGY ARE contract crazy/ that’s why there was not one country that made the vac compulsory by LAW. THEY NEED YOUR CONCENT

Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant
2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Marie

Instead of saying “I dropped a deuce” I say “I dropped a MANDELBROT.” Usually no one gets it, and I come off looking like an asshole.

Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant
2 years ago
Reply to  Ann Marie

Instead of saying “I dropped a deuce,” I say “I dropped a Mandelbrot.” Usually no one gets it and I end up looking like an a-hole.

Suzy Vick
Suzy Vick
2 years ago
Reply to  Lizzie Ball

Fractals / Computer Simulation/ all too existential for me. I like the Mystics. Meaning I have to go back to the renaissance to find someone I agree with. See Pico

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Lizzie Ball

>If our reality is fractals

To be (partial) implies within (whole), hence as temporary (living) within ongoing (process of dying) aka form (life) within flow (inception towards death) aka growth within loss aka reaction within enacting aka reactor within generator aka potential within potentiality aka perceiving within perceivable aka resistance within velocity aka choice within balance aka magnetic within electric aka ones within oneness etc.

Both whole and partial together represents EN’ERGY, noun [Gr. work.] – “internal or inherent power” for all represents one in energy.

Sleight of hand…”all for one and one for all” + “there can be only one” + “alone” aka ALL(in)ONE.

>we exist in a computer

Others suggest one to COMPUTE, verb – “to number; to count; to reckon; to cast together several sums or particulars”, as to tempt one to ignore the need to sustain apartheid (living) within wholeness (process of dying) by resisting.

Nature sets itself apart (from whole into each partial), the few suggest the many to come together, hence e pluribus unum (out of many; one); tikkun olam (healing the world by bringing together); equality (sameness) through diversity (togetherness); unites states; united nations; european union; uniformity etc.

>does that confirm

Confirming (want) vs denying (not want) suggested tempts one to ignore adaptation (need) to perceivable origin. Neither does one need to confirm nature, nor can those within nature deny it.

If one resists the temptation to seek confirmation from others, then one can comprehend that everything (perceivable) is already offered to everyone (perceiving).

Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant
2 years ago

I find the single edge of Occam’s razor inferior to the twin blade technology.

Anthony Broad
Anthony Broad
2 years ago

Thermolyte explosive, oh sure..

Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant
2 years ago
Reply to  Anthony Broad


Kerry Schmidt
Kerry Schmidt
2 years ago

Sang = blood. Rea = Royal. Did you know that real estate is just that, the estate of the ruling royals. The deed documents that are signed when You purchase a home make it clear that, even though You may have paid thousands or millions for a piece of “real” estate, You are STILL ONLY a tenant. Get happy cuz You own NOTHING! hahaha.
If You hold the land patent THEN You are its owner.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kerry Schmidt
William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Kerry Schmidt

Yeah, that’s a good litmus test to try on a normie, I’ve mentioned stuff like that to friends, which might be why I have only a few real ones left, lol, seriously…….

Gregg Thib
2 years ago
Reply to  Kerry Schmidt

Just did a search for ‘land patent’ and seems one of the first on North America was given to John Mason by a King James 1st in 1622.
Called it Mason’s Patent.
Of course they did!

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
2 years ago

Many things in this vid hit home, but the classic was they know not what they do, our friends and family on this type of download✅

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

Thanks friends, for all your kind comments 2 videos back! I said I could make a brief comment occasionally, but I cannot read other comments for the time being, due to very limited computer time. I am extremely light sensitive. Right now I have the brightness down to zero and I am wearing sunglasses and it’s still difficult. I assume it will be like this for a while, have no idea.

For those looking for Stephers, please see link below (may take time to appear).

2 years ago

JHFTF ~ When you are able to read comments . . . Super kind of you to drop the link to my work. Very much appreciated! If you would like any assistance (for free, of course) in healing, feel free to reach out: stephbewell at icloud dot com. Have you tried hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) and/or gingko biloba supplementation? All my best . . . ~ Stephers

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Stephers

You two are just a couple of the reasons I still come here, for the comments mostly.

Maria Maybe
Maria Maybe
2 years ago

there is a show on netflix called white noise- the symbolism and predictive programming is off the charts- lots of magenta and the collision scene pay attention to the plates read it slowly

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria Maybe

MM ~ Synchronously, I came upon this article just a few days ago: . . . via the following tweet:

I was intrigued by your comment, so I just watched the film, ‘White Noise,’ on Netflix. It is extremely quirky, to say the least.

Magenta (and emerald green) is overwhelmingly apparent (in nearly every scene) ~ with a touch of teal for added effect. As you implied, the color programming, the predictive elements, and the embedded symbolism are ever-present.

The toxic plume cloud in the film just happens to be magenta (following its initial black presentation).

Synchromystically speaking . . . it just so happens that the name of the young girl (seen throughout the film adorned in magenta) is ‘Steffie.’ Go figure. I checked the (Kindle-version) book (on which the film is based), and sure enough, her name is Steffie, and she does not like to be called her full name, Stephanie (which is, of course, my name). Her name is mentioned 91 times in the book, and is recited very frequently in the film. Uncanny (given the magenta-laden presentation). I never read the book (prior to skimming tonight), but my daughter told me tonight that we have the book in our home library.

In any case, I was blown away by numerous additional elements in the film that overlap with my research and writing: the occult, spirituality, waves and radiation, electrical and magnetic fields, toxic air, the notion of deciphering letters/sounds/numbers/words, and even an image of skerries depicted in wall art — an obscure symbolic reference I have previously mentioned.

Strangely enough, the mom/step-mom in the film is named Babette. My mom’s name was Barbara, and her nickname was ‘Babs’ (kinda similar). She was from a town named Germantown (in Philly), and the motel featured in the film (where Babette goes) was in a town (in Ohio) called Germantown.

Lastly, there is one more synchy coinkidink in the film (which is also in the book) . . . the curious repeated reference to ‘Panasonic’ ~ When I worked in public relations many many years ago, my main client was Panasonic. Suffice to say, the film is probably quite surreal for any viewer, but exceptionally so for me.

2 years ago
Reply to  Maria Maybe

MM ~ The director/producer/screenwriter of ‘White Noise’ is Noah Baumbach. This is what I wrote in August 2022 about Baumbach (and his paternal grandfather) and color programming:

August 4, 2022 at 8:54 pm
It should be noted that Noah Baumbach’s film, Barbie, is slated to launch next summer (July 21, 2023). This Barbiecore push seems a bit premature (?). I find it curious.
Meanwhile, on Baumbachs and color (including magenta, and green) . . . Noah Baumbach’s ( paternal grandfather was artist (and academic) Harold Baumbach – who explored color and space
Harold Baumbach, a New York painter of dissonant color and irascible temperament whose career began before most Americans had ever heard of his friend Mark Rothko, died on Saturday in San Francisco, where he lived since the mid- 1990’s. He was 98.
At first, I found the mention of Mark Rothko in Baumbach’s 2002 obituary to be obscure . . . But then I read this:
Mark Rothko was one of the painters that Greenberg referred to as a color field painter exemplified by Magenta, Black, Green on Orange, although Rothko himself refused to adhere to any label. For Rothko, color was “merely an instrument”. In a sense, his best known works – the “multiforms” and his other signature paintings – are, in essence, the same expression, albeit one of purer (or less concrete or definable, depending on the interpretation) means, which is that of the same “basic human emotions”, as his earlier surrealistic mythological paintings. What is common among these stylistic innovations is a concern for “tragedy, ecstasy and doom”. By 1958, whatever spiritual expression Rothko meant to portray on canvas, it was growing increasingly darker. His bright reds, yellows and oranges of the early 1950s subtly transformed into dark blues, greens, grays and blacks. His final series of paintings from the mid-1960s were gray, and black with white borders, seemingly abstract landscapes of an endless bleak, tundra-like, unknown country. (my emphasis)
Artists like Barnett Newman, Mark Rothko, Clyfford Still, Adolph Gottlieb, Morris Louis, Jules Olitski, Kenneth Noland, Friedel Dzubas, and Frank Stella, and others often used greatly reduced formats, with drawing essentially simplified to repetitive and regulated systems, basic references to nature, and a highly articulated and psychological use of color. (my emphasis)
Denying connection to abstract expressionism or any other Art Movement Mark Rothko spoke clearly about his paintings in 1956:
I am not an abstractionist … I am not interested in the relationship of color or form or anything else. … I’m interested only in expressing basic human emotions — tragedy, ecstasy, doom and so on — and the fact that a lot of people break down and cry when confronted with my pictures show that I communicate those basic human emotions … The people who weep before my pictures are having the same religious experience I had when I painted them. And if you, as you say, are moved only by their color relationships, then you miss the point![36] (my emphasis)

I found it highly revealing in the film, ‘White Noise,’ in the supermarket scene near the end . . . when it is mentioned that supermarkets are permeated with waves and radiation, as well as all the letters and numbers . . . and all the colors of the spectrum . . . and all the voices and sounds . . . and all the code words and ceremonial phrases. In light of COVID — and how people have acted and reacted in supermarkets over the past 3 years – I consider this to be quite revelatory — especially one key preceding sentence in the film: “Look how bright. Look how full of psychic data . . .”

Lizzie Ball
Lizzie Ball
2 years ago

What if your personal reality bubble is a lot worse than the outer reality bubble LOL

Lizzie Ball
Lizzie Ball
2 years ago

It’s exasperating, when everyone else can’t see,” the strange reality”. It’s just such an unbelievable thing to have happened, that it makes me wonder what other unbelievable thing might happen.

2 years ago

matt, your Concept, your creation of the Sentence “reality Breakdown” will probably remain throught the coming virtual Centuries.
Means, this Innvoation from now on is Part of the “database” of not only this virtual reality.

Anthony Sorrells
Anthony Sorrells
2 years ago

Look as this,how many time do I have to tell you to quit wasting your energy looking into them, I mean look at this lobster, look at the French revolution, this is not possible, it’s not real, just look at this it proves you shouldn’t look?
Are you laughing Matt
Is the King nude?
Hope I’m not Banned~just asking…

Matthew Cattell
Matthew Cattell
2 years ago

Now I know what Walter White looked like in the 60s

Mihaela Schneiders
2 years ago

“Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens.” Karl Jung

Last edited 2 years ago by Mihaela Schneiders
SunreaL Clothing
2 years ago

What a trip! People aren’t real.

Angel 777 web.jpg
Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant
2 years ago

this is REAL SPAM

SunreaL Clothing
2 years ago

We`ar whats reaL!

Boa Nerges
Boa Nerges
2 years ago

John Todd and Russ Dizdar are the missing pieces for you all. For those of us actually fighting this enemy, I can tell you, you all have been beating on bread crumbs to divert you from the true enemy. If you don’t wake up, you will be canon fodder. Billions of empty vessels running around doing the bidding of their master, completely unaware they are doing it. Devil’s, demons, fallen angels, and spirits are very real and they run it all. You are dealing with something other dimensional. They are smarter, more powerful, and faster than all of us put together.

2 years ago

Now that so many people on Twitter and other social media sites are saying the same thing as you, what does this mean? The current narrative matches exactly what you say. Many “famous” people are pushing this narrative. Furthermore, many people are also buying it. It’s gone completely mainstream. Many people would call it the lifting of the veil, but why? That’s the question. I did not choose to come here. No way. Trauma after trauma only makes you weaker, not stronger. This place is a prison. Gnosticism may have some answers, but just realizing this place is fake doesn’t do anything. We may have to be perfect, as Jesus said. Either that, or the real Father will mercifully pardon us.

Wayne Zerman
Wayne Zerman
2 years ago

Whomever or whatever is in charge here has already checked off boxes for every single person on this planet/planned net. Yes, even those who think they can see. What exactly are we seeing? No one really knows… except the few who do. Perhaps the key is just to remain neutral and be the best people we can, which means helping others, including animals.

Peter Stuyvesant
Peter Stuyvesant
2 years ago

No Real World Could Pull This Off.
It Takes A Nation Of Notnilc To Hold Us Back.

Last edited 2 years ago by Peter Stuyvesant
Paul Hogsten
Paul Hogsten
2 years ago

Matt, Did you have Kevin Alexander Boon as an English Professor while at Penn State? “The sister (Amanda Kohberger appeared as “Lori” in the 2011 flick ‘Two Days Back’) of accused Idaho college killer Bryan Kohberger starred in a gory low-budget slasher movie where characters are brutally stabbed, slashed and hacked to death with knives and hatchets (MontAltoFilmProject

was headed up by Kevin Alexander Boon).”

2 years ago

lool love this….

Suzy Vick
Suzy Vick
2 years ago

If anyone is into astrology: the BIG EVENT is in March 2023 When Pluto the WREAKING Ball planet
Moves into Aquarius. Pluto destroys whatever the sign rules. (Stay with me) AQUARIUS rules FRIENDSHIP and right on time the destruction of making new friends.
11 months ago

I’m 50/50 on your view that reality itself caused all these 911 synchros. Since these people have planned this for decades (or longer), I’m sure they had plenty of stooges to come up with the extra stuff.

That thermidor info is just crazy. I guess they’re just rubbing it in our faces. I could see them (everyone in on it) sitting back and having a big laugh about these things in the future (when they’ve finished enslaving the world).

Last edited 11 months ago by
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