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Quantum of Conscience

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In terms of all the things they have “pulled off” over the years, establishing North Korea as a fake bad-guy is actually one of the easier things they’ve done. All the “dear-leaders” are in the same (Kim) family for 50 years. Only about 100 people in each “regime” need to understand the true nature of their puppet state. Their handler is China, but in my opinion, it’s all inside a one world system. As usual, the presentation of it “gives itself away” like their use of the 21 gun salute, a Western tradition.

Matt McKinley

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1 year ago

yeh id like that hardline out of here now Morpheus…….. lmao………..
what do you mean we only have mobiles now?

1 year ago you seen this matt? blue and red… the arguing sides…….cept we see both sides ……blue and red make magneta?…….;) both sides only seeing one colour… the video………cept we see both sides…..maybe like some of them……..

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Hey didn’t I see a quick clip of Seth Rogan and James Franco approaching Kim, it looks like James is trying to “shake” Kim’s hand (yeah) look closely in the shadows and you’ll see what I mean.

303 Lauren
303 Lauren
1 year ago

I laughed so hard at that thumbnail I spilled the peppermint candy out of my mouth

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
1 year ago
Reply to  303 Lauren

So…I’m not the only one with this problem. 🙂

Linda Matus
Linda Matus
1 year ago

The beatlemania-esque histrionics is very looshy. It starts off fake or propagated then spreads like contagion. Thanks for this one Matt. I’d never seen such ridiculousness. How amusing!

David Garland
David Garland
1 year ago
Reply to  Linda Matus

I called out the Beatlemania in the US being fake at the time, I must have been about 5 yo 🙂

Sharon Bailey
Sharon Bailey
1 year ago

A few years ago I had a 98 dodge dakota. It was a rust bucket but was reliable as old faithful. I had a large TONKA sticker printed to put on the tailgate. So all I could picture is tonka stickers on their equipment. I got a good laugh out of this too! Thanks Matt!!

Robert Nichols
Robert Nichols
1 year ago

This video makes me think about poor Iran that has to play second fiddle to NK in being the world boogeyman. They’ve been trying to get the bomb since like the 70’s right? But still nothing. Theres videos all over YT describing what you need and the basic structure of a thermonuclear bomb, they even have physicist and universities but still nothing. NK got the bomb and increasingly better ICBMs (allegedly) over like 5-7 years. That’s unrealistically fast, that shows they were either given it, it’s all fake, or the technology and materials can be gotten through channels and any country with a few dollars can acquire it if they want. No I’m afraid that the whole business of Iran being continually on the cusp if getting the bomb is all horseshit. That narrative is probably meant to be pulled out again and again in the future.

Robert Dusenbery
Robert Dusenbery
1 year ago

The big banner at the North Korean parade says “2023”. That is the number of years following the birth of Christ (Anno Domini). When will Muslims and Buddhists and Hindus get tired of the Gregorian calendar which celebrates Christ perpetually?

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
1 year ago

Good point. Don’t they have their own calendar?

Nick Lotito
Nick Lotito
1 year ago

Off topic but can’t wait for Matt to see SB halftime colors, actually almost shouted out “Oh boy” in front of everyone! Thought she was wearing red at first like the Satan presentation (and she’s pregnant?) but then I was thinking of T-Mobile and it hit me. Unreal reality it’s comical.

Mike Nagy
Mike Nagy
1 year ago

In keeping with the theme of not seperating from western culture, the music played by the band doesn’t sound particularly unique to North Korea. It sounds western, like something we would hear at a college football game

Paul Hogsten
Paul Hogsten
1 year ago

Matt, You forgot to throw in an Israel (Is real)! Oh, I see why:In Israel the practice of gun salute has been eliminated due to the country having “suffered many terror attacks”.

Paul Hogsten
Paul Hogsten
1 year ago

You know it was certainly 9/11!
“Several famous incidents involving gun salutes took place during the American Revolution. On November 16, 1776, the Continental Navy brigantine Andrew Doria, Captain Isaiah Robinson, fired a salute of 13 guns upon entering the harbor of St. Eustatius in the West Indies (some accounts give 11 as the number). A few minutes later, the salute was returned by 9 (or 11) guns by order of the Dutch governor of the island.”

Jon Raimbach
Jon Raimbach
1 year ago

But at the end of the video, Kim and his young daughter were smiling showing disrespect !

Maureen Ellis
Maureen Ellis
1 year ago

This was pure comedy gold..LOL! Ship of high steppin´ fools

Ronald Layton
Ronald Layton
1 year ago

3:15 Brought his daughter and wife…… and there was 1 girl standing there lol

Ronald Layton
Ronald Layton
1 year ago

5:26 Space force interview. Cut, print, gay.

Ronald Layton
Ronald Layton
1 year ago

Hey Matt Get a load of this guy on YT

W Dforty
W Dforty
1 year ago

Very entertaining Matt . But Warm beer didn’t make the cut?

Nancy Pfannenstiel
Nancy Pfannenstiel
1 year ago

Can someone help me and provide Matt”s email address. Thanks. I tried commenting on a new youtube channel that says Matt is mk ultra and part of a cult etc etc….and now the channel is harassing me and made a video harassing me….

1 year ago

Go to his site.
I have so much respect for you for what you said to him. It was about time. Compared to other who stay silent (noticed how few comments he have on his vids?) you’ve put yourself on the line to be attacked by that lunatic. Knowing fully well that after what you wrote he will make a video to harass you.

Forget about him. An evil man he is, with many unchecked disorders and who knows what else. 

I’ve noticed how in our group, there are quite a few very deranged men, who are not ashamed to viciously insult and humiliate other people. A lot of insanity and unkindness… delusions of grandeur going on.

Nancy Pfannenstiel
Nancy Pfannenstiel
1 year ago
Reply to  Spaghetti

Thank you Spaghetti. I appreciate the validation more than you know. You are right indeed, that i set myself up for an attack. I will put it behind me and move on. 3 years ago I refused to wear a face diaper in sprouts (a grocery store) and the manager called the police! So, I guess I’m testing myself…and I am certain that while no good deed goes unpunished….standing up against this system is something I need to do. That guy is really possessed by something unkind.. thanks again….I genuinely appreciate you.

1 year ago

Thank you. 🌻🌻🌻
Everything you wrote is true about him. He has gathered a tiny group of supporters who are not ashamed to show their inner ugliness and sheer stupidity.
From my perspective, he’s a loud, rambunctious monkey. Who jumps all over youtube space… screams… bites people… He sure knows how to put on a circus show!

William Lodderhose
1 year ago

Wow, I’m not sure which channel you’re talking about, but I know what you mean about obsessed know it alls in our little community we bump into from time to time. I used to jump in and comment years ago, now I rarely visit many sites except Matt’s (of course) because we have so little time left.

Amy B
Amy B
1 year ago

Oh my goodness, I love the show MASH, it was the best thing about the Korean war ! Especially the old episodes with Colonel Blake. Wow, when you look at these propaganda films it makes me think
Amerikka rivals NKorea as land of the fake.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
1 year ago

Kim Curly Howard…Dictator and Family Man. How hot can a guy get?
If I had a dollar for all the times I have nearly spit out a sip of tea when Matt is talking, I’d have at least a few hundred bucks. Barely missed the gray recliner with the hibiscus tea today. Your show should come with a warning. 🙂 Thanks for the humor; It was really appreciated. BTW-what not on earth are they brewing up with all the UFO’s? Any guesses would be welcome. 🙂

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
1 year ago

The first person to stop crying gets shot.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago

Those kim jung ungs are some ugly mothafuckers! That dude has a daughter?! I thought he was like Ken!

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
1 year ago

Some of these so called people are so absolutely zombified, I thank the creator for the gifts and life I’ve been given. I may struggle throughout my life, but I am grateful for everything I have.

Mandy Morris
1 year ago

Oh my god I love your imitation at the end. I got huge belly laughs!! I hope we’ll hear more of them!

ken Hetherington
ken Hetherington
1 year ago

21 gun salute………………does that really mean 21 guns or just a # they use?? That photo shows likely over 25 people in a row and there is 4 rows like this, far over 21 guns. 24.42 time in video. Also snow in front and back looks mostly untouched, interesting how they all got there.

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