Give Matt a Tip:
Lots of Notnilc stuff to make fun of this week. The Variety Show is becoming the most popular format for at the end of the week.
Give Matt a Tip:
Lots of Notnilc stuff to make fun of this week. The Variety Show is becoming the most popular format for at the end of the week.
What a strange world that indeed exists when the voice of reason and observable absurdity comes from some guy whom most would consider off the reservation and the few appreciate and love eternally. Thank you for your time and for all that you do Matt your efforts are very much appreciated. Blessings everyone and of course as always, armor on.
My wife is an npc. Can’t talk about anything other than the kids. She’s afraid of my opinions and thoughts. The whole convid nonsense made it much much worse. That was all by design. Thanks notnilc.
One position people on both sides of the coin will defend with their life, is the existence of the coin.
Grateful for all you do Matt. Keeping me sane in this unreal madness.
Totally agree with you!
Back in my day the neighbor called the cops when I disseminated in the backyard.
Another great video, thanks Matt. Great insight and humour!
ANYONE, ANYONE!? Matt some people are more submissive than others. So we were taught that the brits and whoever else dumped their criminals off on the giant island, my island Australia, so their ancestors were in cages. Maybe this is why these fools supposedly sold back their firearms at a fraction of what they paid for them. Imagine being that ZOMBIFIED that you’d give back your only chance to really protect yourself. SMFH!
Robby Bobby and the sloppy sniper are classics 😅
good one, spot on
I just love a good old fashioned variety show. Thanks, Matt!
I got to talk with a canadian trump supporter (my coworker) on the weekend. i asked him why he didn’t drain the swamp the first time. i got scripted answers- he put more money in the pockets of everyday people. best economy under trump. most secure border. blah blah blah. each point was refuted and he glitched. i told him that he needs to learn about money and where it comes from. the president has nothing to do with it. he said that trump is better than camala and asked me who id vote for. I said the whole thing is a circus and i wont vote for either clown. i dont even care what npcs think of me anymore. In other news Matt, I sent you a painting. i hope you get it soon
I am probably that ‘person’ that posts on the wrong board. Oh well! Flip phone owner here; still own all the retired devices.
So, recently saw magenta vid (you see it between wake < sleep); Also recently you talked of the Madela effect and a book you are wrighting…very cool (aka Kewl). Good Stuff!!!
That time between wake and sleep…and why we sleep was my intial passion before I sold out ~2yrs into college. had to pay the rent and not a Harvard inbread or asked to be indoctrinated anywhere else. I did get to work in pysiology…as a first step of understanding.
back to sleep. My initial passion for many years as a child to early adult…That twilight…even those poems are intense…. That time between dreams. The elements of pysiology I believe a small part of the foundation for sleep. I went to many libraries and the entire section was a variety of books was a theory. why do we even sleep!!!! save an apples worth of energy a night….just eat an apple.
slaves that do not sleep!! sleep is waste. why has notnicl (still learning this term btw) not solved….HMMMMM. this is what makes me excited and brings up the old theories. it’s an open field. When I a child I knew more then ‘interview with a vampire’ or going JCpenny. My theory…it will answer ‘enough’ ….nonlic (sp?) disrupts our sleep.
mapping the brain was a thing. BUT WHY we could not answer sleep was because the brain was not mapped. was it really mapped. NO sleep you die and no pill to prevent nonlics major fantasty. no sleep you will loose your mind and die.
how hot is this topic. LOL. so, had to post something, because I really enjoy this subject and cannot put it all here. Sleep reaserch…is too ‘scientific’ that it cannot break bariers in theories.
I listned to a few vids of you talkign about the madela effect and time. now the magenta that you see between wake and sleep. I have theories on this…where do I post?
Not a fan of the word Scientifc anymore and it is a Habbit. That does not mean some individuals (many have never heard of) work should be disqualified. When used above, I mean Body of evidence (limited) to backup a theory.