I didn’t want to present the same “tastes great / less filling” debate again when it comes to predictive programming in art and music. Is the 9/11 reference “planted” (tastes great) OR some sort of retrocausality effect (less filing?)
Then I thought, the fact that the “Goldilocks phenomenon” is presenting itself again, with evidence right down the middle supporting both sides at the same time, is simply another way our Sims Game reality gives itself away
So it sounds like potentially millions of generative beings are being conned into manifesting and dematerializing reality
If this is true and being done through predictive programming or symbols. It is happening all day and through the people hooked on to it who are unaware.
Agreed, it’s sorta like a catch 22 though cause while we need to be aware of how the creeps are manipulating us into creating the conditions of our reality, by focusing on it we are also giving it energy (as Matt often mentions).
It does get trippy though, how imaginary it all is.
Thats a really interesting point
Pete here… don’t forget two other song titles from that Fence the Clear album – Checkerboard (as in masonic checkerboard floor) and Changing the Guard. That Dream Theater album is Falling Into Infinity (not Calling)…. and the Live Scenes from New York was RELEASED ON 9-11-2001!!! And the drawing was from 7th or 8th grade – 1970, 1971…
Great picture. I also saw the guy jumping from the burning building. Also, the train was derailed. I remember that the trains were out of service for at least a few days, some lines even longer. The more I look at it, the more I see.
31:05 A Sims character is walking around in full Clown outfit.
By now, we know we can manipulate this world with our minds. That is just one of our “hidden” talents. Sometimes it’s fun to play with it.
Wtf clowns everywhere after 30 minutes…
at 18:42 the guy on the unicycle is dressed as a clown
Indeed so… Unintentional… If he turned his face the other way there would def be a red nose on it.
There’s no evidence for a globe let alone for a middle earth! What are you smoking (blue pills)?
The Dream Theater album Live Scenes From New York was released on September 11 2001. As for Judy Wood, look into those “cars” that were flipped and scortched..most of them had no license plates on them and they were placed there like props in a movie. She’s a gatekeeping fraud !
What ‘s One Sparrow Falling, give’s no meaning to this World , no I am afraid, Yes,I’m To blame, no I am Not ashamed, and when all is said and done I will still be the seventh son , No I’m Afraid No I’m Afraid that I am not afraid.
Just a funny thought: The past couple of decades feels a bit like an algorithmic feedback loop. If we consider that the thing calling the shots these days may be more algorithm than human, what would that look like? What if that algorithm was literally attempting to “give humans what they SEEM to want”? Looking at the mountains of literature and entertainment and music… what conclusions might an algorithm come to about collective human desires? Wouldn’t be a pretty picture, that’s for sure… seeing as most of our recent day mainstream entertainment is saturated with darkness, murder, betrayal, porn, addiction…. and all around bad behavior… not to mention being predominantly apocalyptic. Of course an algorithm with godlike power would deliver a horrific reality based on humanity’s choice of entertainment, and it likely expects a “thank you very much” for its efforts.
Well ain’t that something, and ole’ cod brain Konnally too. Blue pill city, well i’ll be damned. Good show Matt.
The tight rope shown on the Dream Theater cover has an obvious weak spot indicating that things are about to go badly.
Matt: I don’t think that is supposed to be “IXXI”. It is a right-side up “V” and an upside-down “V” overlapping in the midst of 3 i’s or columns. People who watch the Cory Barbee (Jonathan Kleck) channel will know what that could potentially be all about. The double V thing is literally everywhere.
I am having SO many synchronicities lately, today especially. I won’t even get into it, but there is no way it’s coincidental.
I was in my car before, listening to Lite FM and heard that Sting song. The song was giving me major retro causality vibes like Vanessa talks about…then I watch this video, and BAM! Another synchronicity.
That song by Tiles was creepy. My jaw dropped. I believe God and Satan are in control of it all. They are supernatural. Nothing is off the table. I’m grateful to see through the lies and to get all these “messages” during this life.
Funny that you brought it up, had 4 today, today really showed it flat out that our thoughts do have some kind of impact. I feel crazy saying so, but its undeniable now. This world could be so interesting but all we got is deceit.
So today I had the song Che la Luna stuck in my head. My late grandpa used to sing it and I had forgotten about it for a few years. I sang (out loud) a few verses. Later on, my daughter showed me a cat video and guess what song was on it…
There really is something (someone) out there, trying to “speak” to us. It’s bewildering, yet also amazing and comforting
This morning I was listening to one of Matt’s recent talks and while i was doing some chores i thought to myself “I need to buy some new shoes at some point” – and without a hitch Matt says “Trump could have ran against a pair of new shoes” – I was totally taken aback. This was just after i thought to myself that i hadnt had a synchronicity in a while.
Imagine all the messages we miss! It happens to me a lot that I’ll be reading comments and will usually read the exact words from a comment being spoken by the narrator. So amazing
This old new wave cover version is way cooler, of “2525”…
Matt when you’ve mentioned in the past “if someone stumbled on this video” and then we were kicking around the idea of that someone maybe finding a laptop on a park bench that fires up as your audience sees his reaction from a hidden camera…
This video would be perfect to witness a normie try to make it through the 20 min mark when ‘Dream Theater’ and the rabbit holes they’ve opened pop up. Yeah, I’d like to your guy from Delaware deal with that.
Thinking of sharing with my normy girlfriend just to confirm the download/unwakeable theory.
What if this weaving of “predictive programming” wasn’t conscious but instead a natural result of a major event? Perhaps not only for major events, but any events thereby causing what would have been previously considered serendipity, coincidences or synchronicities and are now seen as Mandela Effects. It may have happened throughout history but we are only now able to track it through technology and our ability to communicate with huge numbers of people After a major event in the 1500’s might there not have been a weaving of “predictive programming” (I don’t know what else to call it) throughout paintings, books, etc. but people would have had no way of realizing it. Bad example but say after the death of a king or queen certain references might have begun to appear in books, a symbol might have shown up in a painting, words in a poem or song might have altered to reflect the event. Maybe it is a natural feature of the reality that some have learned to use to their advantage?
Tiles and fencing= prison.
Great show Matt😍
I keep having my probation officers switched around so they don’t know me, I had a cough and later the flu for most of december, fever of 40c but covid tests from the paramedics were negative. Got told to do a PCR test before I could go to the probation office again, I said I wasn’t going to do the PCR test, no response. Apparently they sent me a letter with my next appointment date even though they said I couldn’t go there until PCR was done.
The letter disappeared before reaching me ( several have done this year ) and they think I returned it to them, so the not too bright woman sent me an email saying I had an appt less than 24 hours away, which of course I didn’t have time to read, so missed probation appt. I also can’t sell stuff on Ebay without verifying my bank details with a ‘microdeposit’, as if I would send my money to some strangers account. Everything must be verified in the past few years.. your Youtube, Twitter, even porn starts must be ‘verified’, theres obviously a hidden agenda behind this. I can relate to what you say about mental breakdown matt !
40 c, answer me the definition of that? The community is as corrupt as the world.
It won’t play for me, just spins over and over loading.
I don’t think even the hindus knew how far Maya can go in terms of trapping us back when they wrote about it thousands of years ago..thanks to having so many examples shown to us on the internet we are able to see the staggering depths of this illusionary realm
eternity is not a long time span but it is the absence of time. its the matrix’s biggest weapon against us
Has anyone else taken notice or become aware of the amount of recent apartment fires especially in the tri-state area. I know it’s winter and fires are usually on the rise but this is just happening way to frequently not to notice
Idol warship is an abomination to our God, whether is be an image or a person, all just imaginary horseshit.
The Creeps ramp up is cyclical. It’s end goal is to keep it’s Human subjects in a constant state of fear and self doubt which is both a source of food and control for “them.” What is “their” trigger? When the collective consciousness is on to them….aka we can collectively unravel the creep show….we actually have more power than the creeps (Jesus Christ said “greater things will you do.”) But the diversions and carnival sideshows as represented by the clown in the Sims game (addictions,greed, lust, ignorance, laziness, material rewards etc.) Work to keep us from a clear collective consciousnes which has the power to create the reality which is beneficial not destructive to creation.. The Babel Tower is a 9 11 Event to keep us back in check along with systemic efforts to destroy written or oral knowledge of this power humans are naturally endowed with. I wonder if the jab is a genetic modification attempt to remove this in our design.
Physics experiments have been conducted, whereby people are told to consciously think about altering a light beam or the path of light particles, and the path is altered.
Thoughts create reality.
Matt, on YouTube my name is Bobb Greenfield
Bob Greenfield
YouTube is a trash platform.
Why not mail their office physical letters complaining about their Censorship.
Deep thoughts…if the seven eleven buildings didn’t dustify and they fell with all the tonage Manhattan would be gone…it’s an island so the water table must be high??
I count myself as super lucky…in my youth for about 5 years we did not have a tv?!
The 2525 is a nice reference to the code embedded in the ONE DOLLAR BILL, There are 4 quarters referenced in the one dollar. With the starting date of Nov 5th, these quarters are 30th Nov (St Andrews/Great Scott), 25th Dec (Xmas), 19th Jan (911), and 13th Feb (Eve of Valentine) Yes 911 is predicted in the One dollar Bill. All the best.
If you want to know more about the One dollar code, I have vids on youtube the channel is farmingfromscratch.
Thank you Matt and Rob.
There will always be thousands of refs to 911 because the whole thing is about the nature of this reality, finding balance between the fictional and physical.
Hi Daniel…. Fictional-physical….light-dark…birth- death…..good- evil…positive-negative…. Just like a battery, just two sides of the same thing , on a sliding scale to two very different extremes…experiencing this reality we can’t see clearly from the inside, we would need to be outside looking in , that’s where God is….God has no evil in Him and He is outside time, He is not part of this realities sliding scale, He’s the creator of it… He is above and beyond it….God is on the outside looking in where He can clearly see what we can not…that is why He is God….He first created light and separated the light from the from the dark…it seems like everything has been pulling farther and farther apart ever since , until, I don’t know… How far will it go before our reality just rips apart?
I Love Penny Lane ☯️
it’s fun having
you {M&M} talk about
my thoughts
minutes after
I have them
every day.
I sang
White Rabbit
at the top
of my lungs yesterday
morning attempting
to disrupt the
NFL nightmare
I have
been written into. <
Would a discord for freevoice be a good idea?
Sadly the guy from Dover would say its just a coincidence those pictures on the album covers. C’mon man. U conspiracy people are Crazy!
Found one similar on the back of a vhs windsurfing tape they sponsored the event
RETROCAUSALITY DOCUMENTARY?: “Our projections show that by the year 2025, not only America, but the entire planet will be under the protection and the dominion of this power alliance.” ― Leader [?] in THEY LIVE (1988)
Sims Game NPC: “Look, all I know, is that I’ve never met anyone else in here before. And the game characters, they haven’t got a clue. They’re oblivious, completely unaware.” ― Rexy/Sofia [Sally Collett] in The Intergalactic Adventures of Max Cloud (2020)
I too remember that scene from Scarface and remember the background being a wallpaper scenery of a beach sunset with palm trees and thinking if they were too cheap to have this take place on an actual beach at sunset because it was a weird thing to have on the wall of this specific room
I’ve been at this very realization for some time now and sometimes the reality tricks you. I got bogged down again with the Tartaria stuff. Never ending rabbit hole!! Pulled myself out the other day!!
really late comment but thought it still worth posting: was always curious about the Zager and Evans hit so after this decided to do some digging into their other stuff; their song “Hydra 15,000” is about a genetic secret stored in our DNA and how ‘hydra’ will change it. Pretty creepy considering the videos showing something resembling hydra vulgaris in the vaxx
In high school I was drawn to an agatha Christie book with a poem inside. Kept the poem on my note book cover. “Little fly thy summer’s play mine thoughtless hand has brushed away. Art thou now a fly like thee or art thou now a man like me for I drink and play and sing til some blind hand may brush my wing.” Your talking about the May fly and the Sims game reminded me of this. Great collection of predictions.