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It dawned on me I had not made a dedicated video about “climate change” and “global warming” for years. I think their agenda on this is pretty clear at this point and most people are falling for it. The only variable we don’t fully understand is “chemtrails.” It’s about MORE THAN weather manipulation in my opinion. This is my understanding of why and how they make their latest global warming presentation.

Matt McKinley

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Joseph Antoinette
9 months ago

When they outlawed the incandescent light bulb citing climate change, well I could see the Notnilc clear as day.
Don’t know why I find it so surprising that so many will argue about how much longer LEDs lasting 100,000 million hours while I constantly see these expensive LED bulbs failing if not faster than the incandescent cheap bulbs.

Recynd 77
Recynd 77
9 months ago

Personally, I’m a fan of old-school incandescent bulb lighting. When CA outlawed them, we stocked up and limped along for decades. Sadly, when we remodeled, we were stuck with primarily recessed LEDs. We did keep the old halogen puck lights in our wall unit, but they don’t have much of an lifespan, and they get hot as hell. The upside, however, is that when they do go out, they go out hard, with a helluva bang…entertainment for the whole family! 💥💥

The new LED lighting sucks, but not nearly as much as our high-end, low-flow shower heads and valves: we get a “generous” 2.3 gallons of water per minute, much like you’d get from a handheld watering can or a camping shower. It now takes me 30+ minutes to shower and wash my hair, when before I could be in and out in 10 minutes or less.

Even with our energy-efficient LED lighting and appliances and our water-saving hardware, we still get monthly energy-shaming notices from the utility companies telling us what energy gluttons we are, and comparing our usage to our more frugal and thoughtful neighbors (who must enjoy sitting in the dark and dreaming up new ways to conserve). Our house is a modest 1900sf 1960s tract house in So CA: while we do have/use central a/c in the summer, there are only 3 of us here, and we let our lawn go years ago. We don’t have a pool—or even a bathtub—and we do maybe 1-2 loads of laundry per week. We enjoy eating and showering daily (such luxury!), and we occasionally turn the lights on. I’m not sure how much less water/electricity/gas we can possibly use.

Electricity costs a flipping FORTUNE here, what with climate initiatives and necessary grid upgrades, due to the wildfires and whatnot, ofc (/s). But at the same time, they now want us all to be in electric cars? They can fuck off—we’ll be keeping our ‘92 manual-transmission Ford Ranger and other ancient, gasoline-engined vehicles out of spite, thanks.


Thanks for enduring my rant.

Cheers to you, friend! 🍻

Karri-ann Flater
9 months ago

LED light bulbs hurt my eyes and brain as well. There is a “flicker” that makes me feel like a crazy person when I sit in LED light for too long. I intentionally seek out incandescent bulbs and buy them whenever I can. It’s like when I find plastic straws, I stock up and keep a stash in my vehicle and kitchen cupboard.

Anne Mulhare
Anne Mulhare
9 months ago

Same here regarding LEDs. Every new building/ refurbishment, every street light, new cars have the things in the UK. LED bicycle lights are the worst, speaking as a pedestrian here!

Stephen DeGalvez
Stephen DeGalvez
9 months ago

every now and then you can see a dark shadow above and ahead of the trail.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
9 months ago

One particularly chemy day when I lived on the Oregon Coast, we had an extra crazy chemtrail. This was the only time I had seen this…although recently I have seen something almost the same, but there was something moving through the chemtrail, moving toward the front of the chemtrail as it was being laid out. It looked like a black tube being laid out inside the white chemtrail. This wasn’t happening in any of the other ones. Things were so apocalyptic in the sky that day, that a normie neighbor stopped me while I was walking and asked me if I knew what was happening in the sky. I asked her if she knew about geoengineering. She said no. I gave her a brief description of it and told her to go google it.

Anne Mulhare
Anne Mulhare
9 months ago

I see tails of chemicals all the time over Cambridge, UK. About 2 years ago, April 2022 I also saw a grey, shadowy line extending out in front of a plane that was streaking the beautiful blue sky with those mystery streaks. In Autumn 2021 I emailed the Civil Aviation Authority here about these streaks – which soon turn the sky to a haze or thick covering. I received the standard reply citing altitude, temperature, water vapour, small quantities of gasses. Every day I look at the sky to see if it is a spray day… too often it is :/ I have yet to find any objective resources to learn more about what may be happening to our skies & WHY. Not a topic for speculative discussion with Normies. Even some who were wise to the scamdemic refuse to look up! This website & Matt’s YT channel has brought us open minded & independent questioners together – Hurrah! Thank you Matt & All here. Hope everyone had a fine St. Patrick’s Day – despite Notnilc’s machinations: it was lovely here once the rain stopped 😉

brent miller
brent miller
9 months ago

I just saw this happen the other day. I got a vid and some pictures of it. The chem trail was half and half so to speak. Started white then went black. There also appeared to be an ongoing “split in the sky” about a mile south of the other chemtrail that caught my eye while driving.Upon closer inspection it almost looked like the edges of two massive “cloud” blankets about to touch. It was very strange.

Topsy Kretz
9 months ago

Recently I’ve started digitizing 100’s of old family photo’s and slides, from the 1950’s -1990’s (lots of outdoor holiday pictures) and so far I have found only ONE photo with a ‘persistent trail’, from 1987.

Also, I regularly test my rainwater and it’s always below 10 ppm, usually between 2-5 so I doubt there’s any metal particles coming down.

Scan_20240114 (15).jpg
Joseph Antoinette
9 months ago
Reply to  Topsy Kretz

I would think the heavy metal particles would had already fallen before the rain? Not that I know how cloud seeding works.
I notice in recent years S Fl how my trees and grass is just not growing the same as my top soil is getting sugary like

Adrian Galactica
Adrian Galactica
9 months ago
Reply to  Topsy Kretz

There seems to be a parallel thicker streak to the right and a lot of white haze/fog/mist in the sky.

Ricky Bobo
9 months ago

Don’t want people producing meth? Make it a criminal offense.
Don’t want people producing cocaine? Make it a criminal offense.
Don’t want people producing explosives? Make it a criminal offense.
Don’t want people producing slaves? Make it a criminal offense.
Don’t want people producing marijuana? Make it a criminal offense.
Don’t want people producing counterfeit money? Make it a criminal offense.
Don’t want people producing opium? Make it a criminal offense.

Don’t want people producing excess CO2 that allegedly puts our planet into
a devastating crisis that threatens all humanity and nature? Allow it to
continue for tolerance fees.

What’s wrong with this picture? What is their real objective?

Adrian Galactica
Adrian Galactica
9 months ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobo

Don’t want people coming together? Make everyone afraid of each other. Give some privileges to some and less to others. And make them struggle and fight for them.

Ricky Bobo
9 months ago

The Global Warming models do NOT include solar intensity measurements (solar cycles) as factors. They disregard the behavior of the only local and quite major external heat source and still have the gall to call it science.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
9 months ago

The Dane Wiggington guy that brought all this to the forefront has a syndicated mainstream radio show, so he’s gotta be in on this. He always seemed a little slippery to me. Let’s hope that is not the case. I don’t remember any lines in the sky when I was a kid and we actually looked up into the sky instead of into a screen waaaay back then. Oh those were the days, my friends. I lived between three major airports when I was a kid, when San Jose was almost a one horse town. On an occasion we would have the pure joy of a “sky writer” airplane write something in the sky. That was just the coolest. Before watching this great video on climate change, I browsed the news headlines on youtube and I actually clicked on a story. It was about what experts fear is gonna be the next COVID, except this time it’s gonna be a fungus. I could only handle a minute or so of the presentation, but they are saying it could cause something akin to a zombie apocalypse. You’ll never believe what they said the cause would be. Never. 🙂 Those darn primates. 🙂 Thanks Matt for more sage observations yet again. Thanks Rob for Freevoice! Big hugs and love to all my Q of C Family. <3

Karri-ann Flater
9 months ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

It’s like that video game and tv show “The Last of Us” where humans turn into zombies because of a fungus. I told my kids if they want us to be afraid of mushrooms, I am going to start eating more mushrooms from now on, haha.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
9 months ago

I think they even mentioned that show in the mainstream news story. I’m with you totally on the “just do the opposite”.

Barbara Garland
Barbara Garland
9 months ago

 I grew up in Orange County in Southern California. I do not remember ever seeing chemtrails in the sky my entire youth and throughout my young adult years. The first time I remember seeing chemtrails was when I moved to Arizona in 1992 when I was in my mid-thirties. For decades I saw these trails in the clear blue skies of Phoenix, and they were always predominately focused in the area of the sky where the sun was located, though there were days when almost 2/3 of the entire sky would, eventually, be filled with them. They were never seen in the early morning but would start appearing around noon.  

Also, on a related note, I do believe there may be a Mandela Effect related to this phenomenon as I have seen chemtrails in some older movies and television series that I know were not in the skies over Southern California in my experience prior to the late 1980s. I agree with Matt on his fundamental premise that this entire reality is a Mandela Effect or a reality generation machine.  

My best to all at Q of C

Lynn Yvette
Lynn Yvette
9 months ago

It’s North west natural gas. They are huge Oregon and Washington
Pure theft but that’s what’s in the cards
Price you out of house and home

Adrian Galactica
Adrian Galactica
9 months ago

Do you think Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin believed they went to the moon and back? Or were they completely aware of their role?

What about all the artists at Woodstock one month later? Or the Beatles? Do you think they knew they were just there to corrupt the minds of the youth, disassociating them from family, community, and human values? Or did they think they were artistically expressing themselves freely as the new musical avant-garde?

Anne Mulhare
Anne Mulhare
9 months ago

I reckon most of these characters were flattered to be doing unprecedented things, they believed the hype. Cash & trappings of fame would have put any mental/spiritual wonderings to bed!

Adrian Galactica
Adrian Galactica
9 months ago

In Berlin, Germany, you only get about 2-3 clear days a year. Sometimes, the morning is almost clear, but the sky gets foggy throughout the day, EVERY DAY. With the naked eye, you can always see at least half to a dozen or more planes spraying all day long, following the path of the Sun. Sometimes, they also spray at night. Seeing a clear sunset is impossible.

Anne Mulhare
Anne Mulhare
9 months ago

Sounds like the East of England – but worse :/ >:/ Sun rises & sunsets are often covered. Spraying happens in mid morning & at night. After 20, 40, 60 minutes the haze thickens. If it’s been dry for days/ weeks beforehand, after the spraying there is often heavy & prolonged rain later that day, or the next day. I curse the traitor pilots & the govern-ment when I see this shit unfolding before my eyes.

Tyler Gorton
9 months ago

The #1 lesson I have learned since moving rural in ’21: never, EVER let something take root that you don’t want on your property. A plant that can be removed by a man in 1 second using two fingers will grow into a beast with a root system that takes half a day’s manual labor to fully remove. Just imagine what it would take at this stage to remove the roots of evil from this Earth. The task is so monumental at this stage that there is almost nothing left for it but what? That’s right. FIRE. Fire everywhere. It will have to be burned out of existence now. And we let that happen. One generation at a time across centuries, we allowed these roots to spread. It wasn’t our stupid leaders. It wasn’t Notnilc. It was US. We let it happen, and the harvest is just around the corner.

Meind Jawb
Meind Jawb
9 months ago

William- firstly, Thank you. Curious about your thoughts on people who live in aboriginal tribes or a similar situation around the world in remote locations that are largely disconnected from the notnilc? A place where they are taught traditions, respect for the land, spiritual guidance, etc. Are there lessons you might be able to learn in this earth realm that are outside of the insanity of the notnilc, or is every place corrupted at this point in your view? And, as one is transitioning in a moment of death, could you see anyone aware as in this group opting to come back again in another hertz rental to be a part of a tribe to learn those kinds of truths about this world that we have been largely denied to us, having to live in a society where the notnilc is almost everywhere? And finally, if one would possibly say yes to that opportunity if presented except for the fact that we are too far down the road now with technology and surrounding satellites etc, that there’s no point anymore, are you open to the idea that time may not be linear when reincarnating? That maybe one could come back in another time (as we know it) and learn lessons that were available outside of the corrosive influence of the notnilc? -thanks again for reading and keep on rockin’ in the not-nilc!

Anne Mulhare
Anne Mulhare
9 months ago
Reply to  Meind Jawb

Hi Meind,
Interesting thoughts there 🙂
I am of the mind that what we perceive as past,present,future linear time is not the full picture. I like the notion of everything existing / being experienced simultaneously!
Likewise, “Heaven” and “Hell” realms can be experienced in the same place, at the same time – human consciousness has a big part in it.
If we wish to turn away from the Notnilc, regain some natural mankind sense of wonder & rediscover true autonomy – I hope we can do it.
The Inner Work is there for each of us to try. With more of us becoming aware, I feel that tribes/groups will form, naturally.

randy desnoyers
randy desnoyers
9 months ago

I was having problems with my volume and thought they were introducing a video about A.I. Gore I had forgotten about our inconvenient Vice President and I had voted for him in Florida in ’00. My chad got hung. 🙂

Meind Jawb
Meind Jawb
9 months ago

As far as chemtrails, yes multi-purposed. But if you look into “fish drops” there have been quite a few around the world lately, where fish are seemingly dropped from the sky. If you look deeper you’ll find that the fish that dropped happened to be the exact kind with the characteristics to balance out an imbalance in the eco system of that area. Many people believe that when something is out of balance in nature, one of the options to restore that is for that which created this, to just portal it in through the sky. There is compelling evidence that the notnilc is spraying to try to eliminate the ability for the goodnilc to be able to ‘portal in’ what is needed to keep nature in balance around the world. I thought it was an interesting thought and worth sharing.

Karri-ann Flater
9 months ago
Reply to  Meind Jawb

Charles Fort has some interesting books about strange phenomenon happening in our world. I think the cover of one of his books is even a bunch of fish falling from the sky.

Victoria M.
9 months ago

I have his Book of the Damned and it’s great reading. It really makes you think we’re living in a construct.

Victoria M.
9 months ago

Hi Matt, is there a way to unsubscribe (temporarily)? I can’t figure it out on here. Thanks!

Victoria M.
9 months ago
Reply to  Victoria M.

Anyone know how to unsubscribe? As in, discontinue monthly payments?

Anne Mulhare
Anne Mulhare
9 months ago
Reply to  Victoria M.

It is free to subscribe!
Sorry, I don’t know unsubbing.

Victoria M.
9 months ago
Reply to  Anne Mulhare

Thanks Anne. I signed up for $5 a month but can’t undo that for some reason. Thanks though.

Hyrum Jones
Hyrum Jones
9 months ago

Interesting you should mention the town I escaped, Camas WA. In many ways it is a liberal hell hole, but it’s also beautiful and I miss it.
The notnilc’s tactics are so transparent to people with open eyes, as you mentioned: initiate new taxes, then get some conservative to decrease it by x% to legitimize the political process.
As far as chemtrails is concerned, I think you’re right. We don’t know what is going on.

Vince Long
Vince Long
9 months ago

I had this idea a few months ago. I don’t think it’s actual planes with men in them. I think the government sets up phony companies to push the facade. You ever see a video of a family member or friend either supporting the business or downing it like from a teenager that is rebelling against their parents. Even a divorced spouse telling it. Or even a service member telling it. It’s funny how a day after saying this I did see a “new” video of men in the back of a plane doing the spraying. The logistics alone would not be do-able even for the US.

Hyrum Jones
Hyrum Jones
9 months ago
Reply to  Vince Long

What exactly is your idea about the video’s about the business? Sorry, I don’t understand, but the concept about phony businesses are plausible.

Vince Long
Vince Long
9 months ago
Reply to  Hyrum Jones

Not one video of a wife praising her husband’s business of spraying for the gov., or bashing it out of shame or anger from a divorce. Not one from a rebellious teen., angry neighbor, etc. Think of the logistics, especially ex military. My portion of visible sky alone is what, 20 miles as the crow flyes. In a couple of hours there will be dozens of lines?? Now do this for the whole or partial eastern seaboard US. Factor in re- fueling, re-filling the chemicals, etc…. And all we have is a couple of vids?? Think about it. Give it some real life and it falls apart. Every vet know how much civilians overplay what the military can actually do. It is not planes of man doing this.

William Lodderhose
9 months ago
Reply to  Vince Long

Yeah, I must agree, it’s something “beyond” planes of man, same as in 2001, how twin towers in New York turned to ‘dust’ in mid-fucking-air, proof of something beyond man (or at least) what ‘men’ can do presently in this time period.

Hyrum Jones
Hyrum Jones
9 months ago
Reply to  Vince Long

Thanks for explaining. I thought you were talking about something completely different…Great points! I think they’re drones. They might not even be spraying anything, but could have a modified engine which supercondenses the water vapor.

Karri-ann Flater
9 months ago

I’m grateful you brought up the “chemtrails”. I think the jury is still out on what they really are, and just like all the other craziness in this realm, I can’t imagine we will ever know for sure. All I have is my own experiences and observations to go from. Anything else is an unknown factor to me.

In 2012-2013 when my son was very small I used to point at the sky and say, “look son, there is a trail of airplane poop!” And we would laugh. That was the first time I remember noticing them. I also know that my skin used to tan very easily, and very quickly, from childhood up until around 3 years ago. The last three summers I would spend hours and hours outside and hardly have any tan at all. I don’t remember the sky having these trails when I was a kid in the late 80’s/early 90’s, but I can’t say for sure. I don’t remember not seeing them either.

Other than that, at this point, that is all I have to go by. Is it a bad thing that I can’t tan anymore? I don’t know. Is it a bad thing the sky doesn’t seem as blue any more? I don’t know. What is “good” or “bad”? It’s all subjective. I do acknowledge the trails seems strange. And they have been very noticeable to me, especially in the last 2-3 years.

I have learned in the last couple years that many truther theories can pump just as much, or even more, fear porn into the already fear-driven notnilc society. Are these trails harmful? Why are they there? And how can we know for sure?

This may be a stretch – and an extremely unpopular opinion – but is it possible these trails in the sky are benefiting us in some way? (Considering how this realm works I can imagine this may not be the case, but how do we know for sure?) Until I have an experience that tells me otherwise, I am keeping my mind open to the possibility that the trails are there ONLY to create division, fear, and paranoia.

I choose to believe that NOTHING in this realm can truly harm me. When I see the trails in the sky I wave my hand back and forth to “clear” them away, and so far it seems to work for me. Sometimes I think the sky even gets a bit bluer over my house.

I could be completely off base but I am a weirdo, sometimes even to the weirdos, haha. I not only consider myself an outsider to the regular population, but I am often an outsider to the outsider-truthers. (My world is very, very small.) Cheers to all the weirdo-to-the-weirdos out there.

Eva Winchester
Eva Winchester
9 months ago

When I first started noticing the trails in 2012, I almost lost my mind. I was beyond freaked out that “they” could be spraying us with shit. Did tons of outreach and education in the Portland, Oregon area.,,which was crazy to do. Regarding you waving them away, I happened to be out on the beach with a friend who works with tuning forks. I had just schooled him about geoengineering and the sky was covered. We went out to the beach at his suggestion and used our forks on the chemtrail clouds above us. No shit…we opened up a perfect circle of blue sky above us with the forks. What’s going on there????

William Lodderhose
9 months ago
Reply to  Eva Winchester

Wait…what?….oh wow now that’s freaky…

Anne Mulhare
Anne Mulhare
9 months ago

Hi Karri-ann,
Interesting comment. Here in the East of England for the past 2-3 years when the skies are not covered in grey things, the sun when it comes through seems a lot stronger than previously – like 5, 10 years ago. Has some of the protective atmosphere been thinned – by the sky spraying I wonder?
Pale skin would burn in it – last May in Cambridge, UK there were 3 or 4 weekends in a row where the days were quite hot & sunny. But the actual Summer was cool & overcast, with a hot & sunny start to September.
Here’s another, bodily effect of aerial spraying activity: fine, fine white particles/foam collecting in the corners of my eyes. That’s ONLY since the last 5 years, before the Con-vid!
The sprayed stuff will be coating every surface, being breathed in. I’ve seen a video on YT about boiling vinegar to stop it! If tuning forks & conscious banishment work that sounds far easier & quicker! NO ONE WAS ASKED IF WE WANTED AERIAL SPRAYING.
OFFICIALLY IT’S NOT HAPPENING, but many have noticed!

Real Math
Real Math
9 months ago

Do you really want to know?
The LED bulbs are for the transition the cable companies are currently undergoing to full Passive Optical Network(s) PON.
The metamaterials in the chemspray transduce optical signals to terahertz
Terahertz are biological signals
The optical from the devices and lamps communicates w the internet of bio nano things the syn bio layer from the spraying
The synthetic biology layer then communicates with your bodies natural (but now metamaterial capacatively coupled) bio comm network.
All devices do it
Its how neurohacking is even a thing, not hidden and not questionalbe it all open source.

Anne Mulhare
Anne Mulhare
9 months ago
Reply to  Real Math

The World Economic Form, has been talking about “the internet of things and the internet of bodies” for several years.
Definitely harnessing the fear of fear (itself 😉 Matt!) for its evil ends.

I found Sabrina Wallace, ex University of Wisconson employee, on Odysee video platform talking about the same topics as Real Math.
The rise of tech is horrifically fascinating – it’s been happening for decades & is really accelerating, apparently.
There’s no denying the LEDs all over, the chemtrailing, the tech hype in the media.

I got fed up with watching Wallace – it was as much because of her angry presenting style as the distressing content!
There are horrible wars, economic meltdowns, sudden deaths etc happening across the world…
All I can do is say NO to wrongness in my little patch: standing up to bullies, not obeying stupid rules. Peace!

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