Well, for a week or two now, I’ve tried to ignore Robbie-Bibbie-Bobbie being back in his Parker. I couldn’t do it any longer. I had to make him the first segment of the variety hour. (Alex Jones now owes over a billion dollars of fake appeasements!) There are many more topics and subject that follow after that segment, and if you’re eating, I don’t show very much of Robbie.

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Barbara Garland
Barbara Garland
2 years ago

Thank you again Matt and Rob for this platform. The Sandy Hook event was so obviously fake. Exposing the fraud is powerful, and necessary. Just as you have stated so many times this is a realm of some sort and we are profoundly powerful spiritual beings that are fundamentally connected to the one source of all existence. I like to consider the ultimate nature of the creative source of this universe to be Ever New Joy. If this is true and the essence of our Higher Selves is connected to this Joy then we must have at some level chosen this experience to gain some kind of incite about our nature and our worth even as the screen is full of absolute deception. What a paradoxical situation we find ourselves in.  

Janet Supriano
Janet Supriano
2 years ago

Most days, the paradox appears to border on cruelty. IMO

Barbara Garland
Barbara Garland
2 years ago
Reply to  Janet Supriano

I don’t disagree at all. The nature of the screen, the notnilc if you will, is cruelty.  

Jeremiah Shine
Jeremiah Shine
2 years ago
Reply to  Janet Supriano

I agree. Very cruel, judgemental, sadistic, and violent. It’s as if billions of violent men and women truly believed that whenever two or more gather then it’s true… and the individual has to agree, suffer them, and die, or leave them to burn.

Barbara Garland
Barbara Garland
2 years ago

Correction of above comment. The correct word in the second to the last sentence should have been “insight”, not “incite”.

kat rayne
kat rayne
2 years ago

There is a gear/wheel symbol to lower right of your comment that has an edit option. Tap on your comment, then tap on it.
Have a blessde day! 🧚🏼

Last edited 2 years ago by kat rayne
Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago

“Late have I loved you, O beauty ever ancient, ever new, late have I loved you! You were within me, but I was outside, and it was there that I searched for you.” -Saint Augustine

Barbara Garland
Barbara Garland
2 years ago

Thank you for this beautiful quote by one of the great mystics who have lived through the ages. Our inner knowing can attest to the truth of this ultimate goodness and love behind all that is.  

Dylan Krol
2 years ago

Why do they want more money from Alex Jones then from the school system or the people responsible?

Morgan trollinger
Morgan trollinger
2 years ago
Reply to  Dylan Krol

Alex Jones has more followers…gets the word out quickly that this questioning the fakeness will not be tolerated

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Dylan Krol

Just more proof that Bill Hicks is just a scape goat.

Stardust Nicole
Stardust Nicole
2 years ago


Chuck Pal
2 years ago

Sandy Hook was such a horrific event. An autistic gentleman, off his meds, gets up in the morning and decides to shoot his mom. He gets in her car and drives past all of the houses people got for free to the Sandy Hook Elementary School. He parks next to the school, throws his hoodie on the ground and shoots his way into the school with the shotgun he left in the trunk. Once inside he’s confronted by the principal and the librarian. He shoots them dead. Then he goes room to room in search of six year old children to kill. He is so full of anger and rage due to the video games he played. So horrifying.

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

I think some people need better reading comprehension, I saw that sarcasm and I guess the others missed it.

Matthew Rohde
Matthew Rohde
2 years ago

In The Cases Of Sandy Hook And The Orlando Night Club There Was No Evidence Given That Suggest Death’s Occurred Relating To Those Events That Reportedly Happened.

However, In The Cases Of The Las Vegas Shooting And 9/11 Evidence Was Provided That Suggest People Did Die In Those Events. So, Real Death Did Occur In 9/11 And The Las Vegas Shooting From What I Know. Its Just The Way They Use The False Narrative And Images Can Lead To Something 1,000 Times Worse Than The Actual Event That Occurred.

And Once One Thing Is Faked It Will Naturally Create A Boy Who Cried Wolf Effect But Screaming Fake All The Time Might Make It Appear Like We Are The Boy Crying Wolf, However, The Everything Fake Crowd Does Serve A Big Purpose Similar To The Kid From The Emperor Has No Clothes And Makes Everyone Question. So, I’m Not Against The Everything Is Fake Crowd If That Makes Any Sense.   

Side Note: Jenifer Aniston Does Look Like A Woman To Me. And Unless Your Sleeping With Someone It Shouldn’t Really Matter.

Other Side Note: To The LGBTQ Community Its Possible Some People Might View You Less Favorably In The Same Way People View Nazi’s Less Favorably Like For Example, Both The Nazi And The LGBTQ Community, Perverted Heavenly Symbol’s. The Nazi’s Perverted The Heavenly Symbol Of The Swatika For War, And The LGBTQ Community Perverted The Heavenly Symbol Of The Rainbow For Sexual Degeneracy.  Two Main Things Pushed By The System Are Probably War And Sexual Degeneracy. Also, The Heterosexual Created The Homosexual, So, The Anger Has To Stem From Doing Something Provoking Or Flamboyant In Nature, Also The Hate Might Also Be Coming From Within Yourself. I Don’t Know Just Something To Consider

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Rohde

Nobody was shot in the Las Fakeass play. It was a military exercise (HSEEP/FEMA Active Shooter Drill)…just like all of these phony baloney “mass shooting events”.

Matthew Rohde
Matthew Rohde
2 years ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

I Think Real People Died In That One. I Wasn’t There When It Happened And The Way The Media Covered It Looked Fake And Something Is Very Sketchy About It. But From My Understanding Real People Died In That One. I Mean About 10 Years Ago I Witnessed A Shooting In A Gated Community Near FAMU This Almost All Black College Near Florida St. University. I Think When They’re Responding To A Shooting Especially When They’re Is A Large Crowd Of People, They Bring In More Than Just The Police. Like The Police Don’t Usually Just Go In Guns Blazing Into A Situation Or Act In A Wreckless Manner They Only Go In There Once They Feel Fairly Confident, They’re Not Going To Die Themselves. But, Even That Shooting Near FAMU Might Of Been A Psyop. I Don’t Know I Just Am Telling You What I Saw With My Eyes And Heard From People. I’m Pro 2nd Amendment. I Don’t Like Make Money Off Lying To People On The Internet. So Maybe Your Right Maybe Your Not. I Don’t Know

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Rohde

excellent observations regarding the LGBTQ community stealing a symbol . . .

Matthew Rohde
Matthew Rohde
2 years ago

Thanks. It’s So Pervasive That Its Maddening. And People Are Like Oh It’s Just A Rainbow. But, The Rainbow Is Something Way More Than Just A Rainbow, And Everybody Knows They’re Trying To Defile It. And It’s The Same Exact Thing The Nazi’s Did With The Swastika, They’ve Used Something That Doesn’t Belong To Them And They’re Trying To Make It Ugly For Humanity. Its What They Do. 

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Rohde

“I will establish my covenant with you, and all flesh shall be no more destroyed with the waters of a flood, neither shall there be from henceforth a flood to waste the earth. And God said: This is the sign of the covenant which I give between me and you, and to every living soul that is with you, for perpetual generations. I will set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be the sign of a covenant between me, and between the earth. And when I shall cover the sky with clouds, my bow shall appear in the clouds…And the bow shall be in the clouds, and I shall see it, and shall remember the everlasting covenant, that was made between God and every living soul of all flesh which is upon the earth.” Genesis 9:11 (I ain’t no pooty tanger. Anyway, makes this passage easy to remember!)

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Matthew Rohde

The fact of the matter is that the vast majority of the events they show in the media are fake, I think that very rarely are things real unless they are caused by weather or earthquakes or something like that.

William Lodderhose
2 years ago

News Update: DC has announced a special show they’re developing surrounding Batman’s proctologist. It’s true and you heard it here first.

Last edited 2 years ago by William Lodderhose
Valente Zapata
Valente Zapata
2 years ago

Title: Enter The Bat

William Lodderhose
2 years ago
Reply to  Valente Zapata

exactly, bravo, you can work in Hollywood (I did).

Susan Ravella
Susan Ravella
2 years ago

The football kids are Tareyton smokers, Matt. They have meetings under the bleachers. Definitely. Lol. (My ducky told me so.)

Thanks for the video, and love to the kitties!

Ducks Nsuch
Ducks Nsuch
2 years ago

I am here to claim my Pootie Tang Award.
Mr. Jones was fined $965 Million in the most popular headline
9(6+5) = 9 (11)
Thanks Matt, keep up the great work!

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
2 years ago

The name of Sandy Hook is a tell in itself. By design, it is meant to obfuscate the truth, just as something covered by ‘sand’ does in reality. The ‘hook’ after the confusion can be interpreted two-fold. First, it is the ‘hook’ as in the phrase ‘hook line and sinker’. The second hook is the pain inflicted on any of those who oppose the clown show. Just like Matt who dares to peer through the silt (sandy) and is brave enough to state the obvious, as opposed to swallowing it……hook line and sinker.

As to the duration of time referred to in a video…11:19. The 9/11 is quite obvious. 33 is also easy to obtain from that. 1+1+1=3 and 3×3=9. Or even better, 3+3+3=9. That break down leaves us with double 33’s.

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

Scamdy Hoax

Tyler Gorton
2 years ago

Sandy Hook is the most phenomenal of creatures… a beast far above other beasts in a reality script filled with beasts. The goof-O-meter on Sandy Hook was at such a fever pitch, it became comedic… but the comedy itself was horrific because the people around you somehow took it seriously. It’s was truly capable of breaking a human mind, and I’m sure it broke a few.

To this day, I really don’t like looking at this one. It generates an odd vibration for me, puts me in a strange head space. There’s something categorically GROSS about it’s naked, gaudy fakery. It makes me feel dirty for some reason, just for having to be here, to be part of it… even if it’s on the side of total rejection of the deception.

Yeah, it’s just gross. This latest installment of the Sandy Hook comedy/horror show feels like it’s about bringing it back in front of all those millions of us who saw through it, bragging, saying, “SEE! All that work you did, all the people you tried to show… it didn’t matter. It’s still here. It’s still accepted as real by the world around you, and we can wheel it out any time we feel like it.”

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Gorton

Yeah, the amount of gaslighting is meant to really remind you that the reality it’s self simply isn’t real or this shit couldn’t happen.

Jeremiah Shine
Jeremiah Shine
2 years ago

My phone’s so smart it suggests obscure search terms for the exact obscure knowledge that I seek yet for all the times I’ve typed “Freevoice.io” it suggests dozens and dozens…different batches of time saving search terms for each letter I add.

Katherine Wood
Katherine Wood
2 years ago

I would think he wouldve worked on his acting skills, this performance was worse than the 1st one. Why dont we ever see pictures of Robbie at Starbucks, at the airport, anywhere at all? So weird.

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Katherine Wood

Look how fat he is now, he obviously isn’t getting out for very many jogs these days 🤣😂

Esteban >>"I"
Esteban >>"I"
2 years ago

perhaps your best work yet.. you sounded like you were all jacked up on mountain dew….

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
2 years ago

Blues traveler’s “Hook” has a whole new meaning, now.

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  rudy moreno

“Because the hoax brings you back…”

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
2 years ago

Seriously though… “They” are just pushing the “Reality” Overton Window ALL of the way OPEN. They aren’t sliding it bit-by-bit, inch-by-inch or row-by-row… It’s slammed ALL of the way that “They” want… and the “Normies” are going to believe freaking EVERYTHING!!! Going to suck a $$$ vacuum and it will ALL be forgotten in a MONTH, if that!! But it WILL sit in the back of everyone’s subconscious though. That “better not hit that Delete button… ya never know…” kinda thing. It’s to set a DEEP seated FEAR, that if ANYone talks about ANYTHING that goes against the narrative. It’s IN-FREAKING-SANE!!! Thanks for sharing!! Cheers.

EDIT: “Gematria” = Hebrew and “Numerology” = English (or “New English”). There’s a LOT of people flip-flopping these names around and they are TOTALLY different, yet work the same. “Gematria” has “words” and “numbers” that are OPENLY known and used. Whereas “Numerology” SEEMS to be “Built-in”, intentionally. HIDDEN, really. HOW “They” made that “happen”, it’d take generations and generations of “Top-Level Scholars” to make it “work” the way that it does. A fascinating yet an almost impossible “creation”…?!? Numerology DOES point out mathematically yet it did not come into existence, until “New English” was “CREATED”!!!

JUST an FYI kinda thing. So that “people” do not get confused between the two. And yes!! IGNORE any others. People seem to be creating their OWN “Numerology Equations”… Those are “FAKE!!!” Walk away, walk awaaaayyy…!!!

Last edited 2 years ago by EthericBliss -EB
Lee Henderson
2 years ago

All the Borg pulling crap like this is accomplishing is showing us all just how weak they really are when they pull such half assed transparently fake stuff.

Shawn Jameson
Shawn Jameson
2 years ago

Lol , the Alex Jones trial is about as real as my third testicle

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Shawn Jameson

Obviously it wasn’t considering that not only was he not given a chance to speak or have an attorney speak on his behalf and in his defense to a jury of his peers…a jury of his own peers didn’t even convict him, Bill Hicks was just acting out a little teleplay meant to scar people from exposing Capstone Events.

Earthling Carl
Earthling Carl
2 years ago

Wow, the real Robby Bobby has returned! lol

Didier FABRE
Didier FABRE
2 years ago

Bonjour Matt,

Ok, Earth is a completely absurd, depressing and violent “reality”, but I’m still wondering which of these 2 options could be the good one, between “mission” and “soul trap” ?

1 – We came here completely aware and of our own free will, like a sort of “test/training” in which we accepted that we could eventually get lost, just CRAZY !!
Like a high level commando mission (first class mad bad ass !), only reserved for unconscious hotheads bastaerds of the Universe I guess !

2 – We were abused and trapped here for an unknown reason ?
But in this case, what seems illogical to me is how an eternal soul supposed to be “pure consciousness” could be so easily tricked and trapped here ?

A Kelt from Gaul,
Rock the Universe !!

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
2 years ago

Matt these ZOMBIES are participants of the milgram experiment, the ones that are used for these events are the ones that fried the individuals without any hesitation, next now what do you need me to do!?

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
2 years ago

Matt I cry laughing every time you do the robbie Bobby breathing, FUCKING hilarious!

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
2 years ago

How about the pathetic David wheeler sandy hoax parent or the fake upside down rifle holding fbi/tac team guy, the real FBI guy sued for 30 million WTF!

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Greg Morrone

I think that the nerve of those people to say for one second that it wasn’t David Wheeler dressed as that FBI agent is astounding, it’s like the reality must be awefully damn fake when you have to grin and bear it when there are so many blatant red flags that people like Wolfgang and Sophia have put out there and anyone can still deny those facts and say it was real. Sort of like that supposed gas chambers that had a wooden door that 2000 people could definitely push open, that were killed by pellets that only work when they are exposed to heat and we’re dumped through he ceiling on to a concrete floor and the lack of Prussian blue staining on the concrete walls which is what happens when cyanide is released in a concrete room…just like it did in the other de-lousing buildings on the same camp where they didn’t say anyone died in….of course why would you bother to pay to ship a few million people to multiple different places if you were just going to kill them the instant they got there…much less having a football field, swimming pool, music hall and a theater for said people…of course the explanation for the lack of bodies led them down a ridiculous road of lies that of course couldn’t have happened for the easiest reason of all, they didn’t have enough fuel to burn 3 million people completely to ash in stand alone ovens that didn’t have their heat diverted to accomplish any other tasks like generating heat or energy or powering the defense factories they were brought there to be slave labor in…Scamdy Hoax lies are exactly the same, right up there with the endless fountain of B.S. that are the JFK ass in a nation and 7-11 job application….it just never ends and the gaslighting is simply stupifying on the behalf of the reality. That’s what’s so truly inhuman about it

Jeff Kunz
Jeff Kunz
2 years ago

Liked & agreed with most everything you said, but need to say “Pennyworth” was very good. It’s a comic book show so the last episode was kind of stupid but the 90% leading up to it was done very well.

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Kunz

It looks like an excuse to push gay issues using DC comic characters as a shoe box.

Michael Eyer
Michael Eyer
2 years ago

Thanks Matt for giving us the sanity that you do. 🙂

Michael Ciupka
Michael Ciupka
2 years ago

Alfred’s favourite brand of lube, lol

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
2 years ago

Matt I have friends that are gay, male and female, they want nothing to do with this over the top overly flamboyant nonsense, they know there’s a strange agenda, they just want to live their lives like somewhat normal people like the rest of us, no announcements about who they’re FUCKING!

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Greg Morrone

It would be really objectionable to anyone I subjected to my personal Hetero sexual interests…why can’t the alphabet army shut their mouths the same way that everyone else does as part of the social contract 🤦

Last edited 2 years ago by Lee Henderson
Allen Laux
Allen Laux
2 years ago

I use to watch Alex Jones back in the day, something always bothered me about his presentations “seemed scripted.” He’s never really been on our side.

Lee Henderson
2 years ago
Reply to  Allen Laux

Obviously not, he has been a character played by the guy who played Bill Hicks since the beginning. Just like how Mark Dice is River Phoenix and Jason Bermas is Adam Walsh.

Keith Karlinski
Keith Karlinski
2 years ago

Man, that creepy clip of Mark Cuban during Matt’s intro gets me every time, uggghh

Tomi Bon Tomi
Tomi Bon Tomi
2 years ago

Haha, what just crossed my mind: Trans Alpaca Lips 🙂

Lee Henderson
2 years ago

I really wish there was a was to choose a lower bit rate or lower quality version of the video to stream. I live in what is commonly referred too as Butt Fuck Egypt, I have no cell reception in my house and the only internet…even though I don’t believe in satellites or space…is Hughes Satellite internet. I have to stream YT at 240 or 360p or it won’t work. Sometimes I can get these to stream without too much trouble, however right now I can only manage to download it at a pithy rate.

James Kaplin
James Kaplin
2 years ago
  • You also have to consider the college kid has been reincarnated without the mind wipe and they are signaling and carry memories from past lives hence the Omega Theta Pi’s are reincarnates named Gregory Marmalard, Douglas C. Neidermeyer & Chip Diller but the regular legacies like Kent Dorfman’s and Storks from Delta house have to suffer the Notnilc….What am i supposed to do you Moron!!!!!
Daniel Wylie
Daniel Wylie
2 years ago

Loved it Matt. Sometimes to lessen my rage and disgust with these people, I try to bear in mind that many of them may have been horribly raped and abused while they were tiny children, shattering their psyches’ to the level that their primary motivation becomes always keeping themselves safe. They keep themselves safe by always doing what’s expected of them; whenever they’re asked to play a specific role. It’s for people like Robbie Parker that we are fighting for as well. Take Care, -Dan

Daniel Wylie
Daniel Wylie
2 years ago

Hi Matt. Great show. You asked why the necessary association with the Drag Queens. I think it has to do with the longtime tradition of the Court Jester. I listened to a man give a lecture about old types of Royal Courts. He said that frequently the Court Jester was the most respected role throughout the entire proceedings. -Dan

Peter Leyshan
2 years ago

Yes, I agree Matt! It’s all just a SHOW“We know now, it’s all a show. They don’t care…” ― Matthew McKinley, (A Message to Canadian Truck Convoy Protestors)

EXIT MOVIE“They’re ghosts. They’re cardboard cutouts. […] This is just a sitcom. … This is just a set. If you listen hard, you can hear the laugh track. Can you hear it? […] I swear. These are the exact same f***ing shows.” ― Tom [David Whiteley] in Exit (2011)

Peter Leyshan
2 years ago
Reply to  Peter Leyshan

“REALITY” (THE SCREEN) IS JUST A MOVIE – DIRECTED BY A SCRIPT / TRUTH-DROP“You know, they’re not really dead. They’re just actors. So, why the f*** are you crying?” ― Alice [Kylie Trounson] in Exit (2011)

Brando Zellars
Brando Zellars
2 years ago

“As fake as a phone call from the moon”

kat rayne
kat rayne
2 years ago

Matt, the gay men & women are NOT supporting the tr@ns movement or the pædophelia! They are however supporting woman’s rights to safe spaces and the many abuses they are suffering. I know some stories is could tell you. But you didn’t seem to want to hear them, sadly. 😪

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