This is a video I made specially so you can present it to your spouse or best friend and try to reach them… one last time.

We all agree, it’s impossible to wake most people up to how the world works, but this event is SO ABSURD, SO IMPOSSIBLE to believe, we should use it to try one final time. The Santa Fe High School presentation by Rome Shubert is the most idiotic thing anyone has ever seen. (It makes Robby Parker look legitimate.)

Matt McKinley

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Brian Simon
Brian Simon
3 years ago

This kid definitely should be seriously shook up. When I was 21 I hit a patch of ice on an empty highway, lost control and my old Ford van ended up on its side. I wasn’t hurt, no one else was involved and the van had little damage, a tow truck pulled it upright and I drove away, very lucky I’d say. For a good half week if I told the story or even though about it my adrenaline would start rushing.

Red Pill Suppository
Red Pill Suppository
3 years ago
Reply to  Brian Simon

I live out in China and about six weeks ago I was arrested for refusing to put a mask on inside a conference center. The police called an ambulance and when it arrived the crew were in full hazmat suits. I had a choice to take the test or be sent off to Chinese quarantine. So no choice. Oh forgot to mention I was not allowed inside the hospital and the test was conducted outside. No anal swab lol I think that is a media myth. She just rubbed it on my tongue for a nanosecond and left. I got the results back in less than five minutes. Negative of course even though I had a cold and bronchitis at the time. The test is BS and it was all about looking like they were doing something, but finally getting to the point the experience messed with my head for weeks. A bullet to the head vs a swab on the tongue.

Brian Simon
Brian Simon
3 years ago

Wow that’s hard for me to imagine, you have a lot of courage stay safe.

Planetary Protector
Planetary Protector
3 years ago

A nanosecond of nanobots may prove to be more damaging than a bullet. We’ll find out soon enough.

Lele Gross
Lele Gross
3 years ago

Cool share. Thanks

Tom Santo
Tom Santo
3 years ago

Anal swab are only for airports…..

Quentin Roote
Quentin Roote
3 years ago

New here , love listening to you

Simon Trangmar
Simon Trangmar
3 years ago
Reply to  Quentin Roote

Dear Quentin – welcome. You join an awesome bunch of subscibers – hold onto your hat 🙂

Out of interest, what brought you here?

Regards Simon / Adelaide – Australia

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Quentin Roote


Charlie OpenEyes
Charlie OpenEyes
3 years ago

AWESOME Matt!!!👍👍
Like you said, if someone can’t see THIS is fake – they can’t see, period…

3 years ago

I’m listening as I am typing. Is this one of those Ed Chiarini scenarios where a crisis event is staged and the person who was shot reemerges as another persona. The family member reappears as another fraught parent grieving the loss of another child who has been murdered, but hasn’t really. I say this because I managed to download a rar file with Ed’s video’s.

I have to agree with both of you. Fake events to keep the people watching and believing the idiot box, leaving them in a dumbed down state of ignorance.

Justin Freeman
Justin Freeman
3 years ago

They would of shaved a large part of his head to examine the wounds.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago
Reply to  Justin Freeman

I was wondering about that to, That in and of itself is a giant red flag for loss of a better way to put it.

Diane Considder
Diane Considder
3 years ago
Reply to  Justin Freeman

They would have to so they could keep the areas around the wounds sterile

Richard Clark
Richard Clark
3 years ago

“But wait, Matt!” ,I am screaming from my bathtub, “He ate his wheaties.” 😁

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago
Reply to  Richard Clark

That always cracks me up to.👍

3 years ago

I’m listening as I am typing. Is this one of those Ed Chiarini scenarios where a crisis event is staged and the person who was shot reemerges as another persona. The family member reappears as another fraught parent grieving the loss of another child who has been murdered, but hasn’t really. I say this because I managed to download a rar file with Ed’s video’s.
I have to agree with both of you. Fake events to keep the people watching and believing the idiot box, leaving them in a dumbed down state of ignorance.

It’s definitely a faked crisis event, then.

Last edited 3 years ago by Trev
Rudi Rosales
Rudi Rosales
3 years ago


john ingrum
john ingrum
3 years ago

It appears he was shot thru the neck, not his head. Maybe he just was very lucky that it didn’t hit any vitals going thru. What I think is weird, is why would the school not postpone any extra-curricular activities after such a tragedy? That’s the head scratcher for me.

3 years ago
Reply to  john ingrum

that was the exit wound. i think it depends on how well he pitched the next day.

3 years ago
Reply to  john ingrum

that’s the “coming to Jesus moment”, that school would have been shut down for a week just to regroup/crime scene/grief counseling, the liability alone would have forbade this kid from playing with an unhealed bullet wound to his head, I cant imagine the hospital allowing him to leave without a mountain of waivers to be signed outside of a stay for observation, I never heard of this event until now and the instant questions that would have come to front had to be the reason it wasnt publicized over and over, you dont have to “buy into” everything else to queston the validity of this story, regular Joes would not believe this story on it’s face

Dave Scott
Dave Scott
3 years ago
Reply to  john ingrum

John, put your hand on the back of your head, where his handler/mom showed where the round entered, do you think there’s anything vital there? Autonomic nervous system perhaps? Do you really think a .38 round will just pass on by, no shock wave of impact? How about the Dr clearing him for sports the next day? The only holes in this story, aren’t in the kid, they’re in his story. Watch out for him to pitch in the majors in a few years. He’ll get his rewards.

cold steel
cold steel
3 years ago
Reply to  Dave Scott

We’re discussing it like it’s not a crazy cartoon story.

cold steel
cold steel
3 years ago
Reply to  john ingrum

Obviously you have never fired a gun in your life.

Jeanna Dysart
Jeanna Dysart
3 years ago
Reply to  john ingrum

YES! That is a great point! Any school would postpone school events, for an undetermined time, as would surrounding schools . . . TOTALLY ABSURD. Two teachers killed, as well? NO BASEBALL GAME.

Ash Sharpe
3 years ago

doubt they would leave it uncovered like that if he has a tunnel hole through his neck, wouldn’t that cause an infection ? let alone show it on TV. do they even show shootouts on tv ?

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago
Reply to  Ash Sharpe

Not real ones. But yes.

Paul Platt
Paul Platt
3 years ago

Matt discernment is a burden! Haven’t you heard ‘ignorance is bliss’? It’s not bliss, but your average ‘normy’ goes through their day completely, purposefully, oblivious to what’s really happening right on the other side of their eyelids, and they still continue to squeeze them ever more tightly closed! All that means is this, that our plane of existence is FILLED with cowards! Filled with yellow bellied backstabbing COWARDS! WE are the elect, and it is up to us to grasp the cowards and by any means necessary drag them into the bright sunshine of reality! For that’s the only way they will survive! We must learn to live out ‘love thy neighbor as you love yourself’ because that’s the only way to gather the necessary will to try and bring your fellow traveler into the light. Otherwise to hell with them all! But this is the problem…. if they burn, so do I….

Jason Macnutt
Jason Macnutt
3 years ago
Reply to  Paul Platt

Wow! You and I share a word to describe a major part of the lies. From virtue signalling mask wearers only masking their COWARDICE by pretending they are complying to give a shit about others, to the epidemic of men not acting masculine and people “going along to get along”, it comes down to being cowards.

Gina Andolfi
Gina Andolfi
3 years ago

Since when do they not shave your head when u suffer a major head trauma?? Not only that a doctor would never let a patient play baseball a day after being shot….my Bro had two head injuries, one major one minor, and both times they shaved half his head….and He wasn’t allowed to play any sports for years

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago
Reply to  Gina Andolfi

I Agree wouldn’t they have kept him for observation for a couple of day’s if for no other reason than Liability & Legal issues?

3 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

And there’s the insurance angle – what school is going to risk getting sued for complications if they allow him to play?

Josh R
Josh R
3 years ago

I have a friend who has beef cattle. You wanna know how he slaughters them? Ok, I’ll tell ya.He takes his .22 rimfire, and loads it with shorts. He puts feed out, and when they lower their heads he traces an x between the ears and eyes and shoots them in the head at the center of the imaginary x. It penetrates the skull but not the brain, drops the 1000 to 2000+ lb. animal in its tracks and stuns them long enough for him to safely(for him,anyway) move in and cut the throat for a good bleed out. So that’s an approximately 30 grain bullet producing approximately 70 feet lbs. of energy and it drops a giant beast to the ground. A .38 special of any load produces 3 to 4 times as much energy, with a bullet diameter 1.7 times that of a .22. Just saying.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago
Reply to  Josh R

OK there’s That!👍

Angela Stacy
Angela Stacy
3 years ago
Reply to  Josh R

I’m thinking about your comment and I am wondering about other people, just everyday people with working knowledge of guns and ammo. When those people watched this report, how did they not immediately know or did they and they just kept their suspicion to themselves. Or maybe they thought that is was a work of God or a guardian angel. Which I’m sure is the narrative they will exploit at times which makes this even more insidious. I have so many questions for that normal with gun knowledge who watched this and didn’t say a word to anyone about it.

3 years ago
Reply to  Angela Stacy

Angela, I believe it’s because of the trance state that TV induces that causes medical personnel and people familiar with guns to not immediately see through this.

real name
real name
3 years ago

to me it looked like an infection that was full of gauze like ringworm or some shit. i never knew this event occurred. funny coincidence Necros DIE! album was released on May18th. different year but still it conjured up memories of videos where Kid Joe acts as a idfk “DIE! cop it! in store May18th ahhh DIE!” i really see a hole where gauze was packed

Tracy Gallagher
Tracy Gallagher
3 years ago

Looks like Rome (the beast) survived the deadly wound.

Daniel Devereaux
Daniel Devereaux
3 years ago

I suspect if one were to look, he would resemble one of the Emperors!!!!

Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
3 years ago

He does have that emperor-sequel curly hair!

Christopher Guzek
Christopher Guzek
3 years ago

Only way this is legit is if the shooters were the only real people in this school and these creatures needed to be put down. These ghouls probably would keep coming after they’ve been blown to bits. These fucking things aren’t human.

Todd Burgess
Todd Burgess
3 years ago

Aside from an arterial wound, nothing bleeds like a head wound.
I hooked my head on a metal point while loading a truck, not thinking anything about it. Within a couple minutes, my t-shirt was soaked with blood. My boss almost passed out when he saw me, there was so much blood!
After getting one stitch, went back to work and was so sleepy from the trauma it was frustrating. I could not function and had to fake it the rest of the shift. Lucky for me it was a Friday and I could sleep. From this teeny scratch.

Sean Beecher
Sean Beecher
3 years ago

Great job Matt, but normies are incapable of escaping screen driven indoctrination.

Carlos Castro
Carlos Castro
3 years ago

This kid will be rewarded with a multi-million dollar MLB contract in less than 10 years.

Gene Adaway
Gene Adaway
3 years ago

Yeah, you can’t wake anyone up. All you can do is just put the information out there. Like when that coroner said he hoped it didn’t come down on their head.

Solid Rock
Solid Rock
3 years ago

Good ok memory we cant find on You Know where Thank Matt Probably a heavy weight off your shoulders?

Isaiah5417 Same
3 years ago

Hey I made it to the 9 minute mark , my bath water is gettin cold , I’m outa here.

Jill Kelly
Jill Kelly
3 years ago

Nice 33 nod to the Freemasons on the Jersey 🤣

303 Lauren
303 Lauren
3 years ago

…no real world can pull this off… realizing the illusion (movie screen of the mind) is the last step before exiting the game (enlightenment) or self realization

Last edited 3 years ago by 303 Lauren
George Grezik
George Grezik
3 years ago

Come on Matt you know baby Jesus saved him!!🙂

George Grezik
George Grezik
3 years ago

“He” …looks a lot like my cousin Emily… she’s a strong girl.. maybe it’s just a specific genetic trait where your flesh doesn’t blow out and there’s no spiritual or mental trauma involved ..when you’re shot in the back of your freaking head with a high caliber bullet.

Alicia Unger
3 years ago

Here’s two links to some of the best material to help wake someone up.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
3 years ago

Hey Matt, You got me buddy IDK, Just the name Rome? Semi unrelated, about 6 or 8 months ago I watching a News video at my Neighbor’s about a Young man getting the vax & the news guy asked him why since he had a very LOW chance of getting CV because he was very young & healthy, his response was just doing his part, The kids name was
Jack Morning star, I’m not making this up I caught it right away told my Neighbor & I actually think he kinda believed me when I explained the Ridiculousness of what was being presented to us
Constantly, but he still try’s to explain thing’s away. Now that over a 2 year period of pointing out absurdities to him, he’s doing a lot less explaining thing’s away but he was a tuff nut to crack.
So it’s not impossible for some to wake up to all the Complete & udder nonsense constantly being spewed at us daily.
Anyway Thanks for all the Time & work you put into making these video’s for the small group that we are, always look forward to your uploads. I Appreciate ya!

3 years ago

The hydraulic shock alone would most likely have killed that boy. NO WAY was he hit by a bullet. That wound is fake as hell.

303 Lauren
303 Lauren
3 years ago

the Strahan interview must have been on the same week because he said “you pitched on Saturday”…people only mention the name of the day rather than a specific date if its the same week or else he would have said “last” Saturday or “two” Saturdays ago

Christopher Hyde
Christopher Hyde
3 years ago

They would have called the game after a shooting

Jeff G
Jeff G
3 years ago

So no stitches on “exit wound “ ….he said he was gushing blood, didn’t need transfusion, or fluids? What a joke

Bobby Cotton
Bobby Cotton
3 years ago

What are they doing? All this money spent on nonsense propaganda. It’s like an AI just throwing shit out there to figure out our reactions.

Jen Kupp
3 years ago
Reply to  Bobby Cotton

that is absolutely part of everything that’s presented via The Screen. each event presentation contains a data collection & analytics aspect in addition to the overall social engineering taking place.
IT gave us the internet & in return we hand IT the keys to our own destruction. IT knows us better than we know ourselves. #stayRandom
IT is what IT is, the opposite of & counterpoint to I AM.

Alex AZ
Alex AZ
3 years ago

I found this movie that I didn’t know existed, “American Satan”, it is a much better version of under the silver lake, the Satan character is much more described than the creepy guy in under the silver lake. The way a movie this good is buried is weird.

3 years ago

Hey Matt, great news… according to this article there’s a documentary slated for release this year:

3 years ago

50cent was shot 9 times, also in his head and mouth, and he is rapping about bitches and p.i.m.p.

Drey Franzman
Drey Franzman
3 years ago
Reply to  OQ isFREE

He also talked about how Floyd Mayweather can’t read.

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
3 years ago

I need to address a few things I saw that add to the absurdity of this nonsensical story. First of all, I was a medic in the US Army and I understand the point Matt was making regarding the kinetic energy of a bullet. I recall an incident where a very small framed woman was shot by .556 (rifle bullet) in the upper shoulder. Upon initial assessment of the young woman and preparing to provide first aid, we realized that she was dead. She was dead likely before she hit the ground even though the bullet had not hit anything near a vital organ nor had it destroyed a major artery or blood vessel. We figured her death was simply due to the massive shock that her small body sustained by this bullet hitting her and transferring its destructive energy. There are normally massive physical consequences of absorbing a bullet shot to the skull. What Matt failed to mention is how the ICU nurse mom is pointing towards the back of his skull as the supposed entry point of the bullet. She wasn’t trying to sell this wound as a soft tissue entry/exit. She had to increase the level of absolute absurdity by suggesting the bullet blew through his skull and then traveled out his neck. From my experience, that wound does not resemble an exit. Usually, the exit wound would include more damage. And least of all there would be no way that someone who has suffered a bullet wound shattering their skull would be sitting calmly and discussing how they didn’t even know they were shot the same day. Nope. Beyond silliness and ridiculous. Like how he had to describe the shooter as wearing a trench coat. And, even though he didn’t get a good look at the shooter’s face he just somehow knew that he had never seen him before. What??
Next point…….I will often see the names of the actors in these stories and immediately see the hidden or subliminal mocking that is intended for our subconscious. ‘Rome Shubert’ is supposedly this kid’s name. That name didn’t fit this kid and was certainly created as part of this story embedded with its own messages. Using the letters within his name and rearranging them, I immediately read “More Hubres (Hubris)”. Then, “More True BSH” jumped out. And after I saw “Or Me B Shuter ?(Shooter)”……… I had to stop. Since Matt mentioned the name ‘Mike Cronk’ I have to finally add what I saw with his name. ‘Krank’ (pronounced same as Cronk) means ‘sick’ in German. His name is literally ‘Sickness on the Mic’.

Drey Franzman
Drey Franzman
3 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

I was in the Marines from 88-92. Although I’ve never seen any of my buddies shot, common sense SHOULD tell you, there would be A LOT more damage. Especially, the exit wound. When I was 18, back in 87, I was playing a game of softball. I was on 1st base running to 2nd. The 2nd baseman was throwing the ball to 1st and I was in its path. The ball hit me in the left eye. I had a hairline fracture on my cheek bone, my eye instantly was swollen shut. It appears a softball can do more damage than a 38. ARM UP WITH SOFTBALLS!!!! One more thing and I’m gone, promise. “They” are trying to tell this kid, was popped in the head, ran for his life, had friends die, spent time (not enough) in the hospital and made it home in time for the spotlight. All of that and his adrenaline dump and he’s not tired? At all? PAAAALEEEAAASE.
BTW, thanks for being a Medic! We loved our Corpsman like he was one of us, because he was! After 30+ years I’m still in contact with my bros AND our Doc!!

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Drey Franzman

Drey.. Having some real world sense is what we Thanks.

Jen Kupp
3 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

Good point re: kinetic energy. Even if for whatever reason the bullet DID go through as indicated, doing little to no tissue damage itself, “Rome” ought to have shown evidence of pain & stiffness simply from the impact force.
Re: trench coat. i missed that one but i did catch this curiously specific detail: the pistol was apparently “charcoal grey.”
And nice work decoding the name! Very cool.

Baconfingers Mc Shortstack
Baconfingers Mc Shortstack
3 years ago

The dirty bandage is the best part lol.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

It keeps flapping to get your attention

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
3 years ago
Reply to  Ashman Mann

Haha, like the guy with the flare in front of Matt’s T-Rex in Jurassic Park! “Look at me! Over here! Look at me!” I love that reference because it’s so true.

Alex AZ
Alex AZ
3 years ago

Bill from Occult Science 101 (OCS101) believed that most of these things are non-human entities that come into this world through a ritual or a ritual sacrifice, hence they show no emotion, no soul, as if a computer program is pretending to be a human being. he has many videos on these bang bang events.

Heather M
Heather M
3 years ago
Reply to  Alex AZ

Bill taught me SO MUCH. I have a lotta love for that man.

Gary Tugan
3 years ago

Ok, so i am Far from being a “Normie”, and i am quite aware of “the cabals” efforts to take away the guns from Americans so that they can more easily control the population and get far less resistance to what they want. I get it. And I am VERY aware of all the false flag events they’ve produced to aim toward that result (of taking our guns). But THIS situation… too many holes (pun intended). I KNOW kids growing up that could handle a TON of holy shit in their lives and mentally take it. Think about how many kids play these damn vid games and are normalized to violence. Plus some people are literally tough as hell mentally. So to me that could explain how this kid does not seem that phased by what has just happened. And actually some forms of PTSD don’t show up right away…this kid could still be in shock and denial and not really processing that real people he knew were just killed. Just saying that THIS is a possible scenario for his manner of handling the situation. 2nd, the hole was thru his high neck and not bone… and not “head”. Wondering why the news program kept saying that even tho what they showed was the entry point being in the neck just below the skull. Not sure WHY they did NOT shave his head like you said…that is bizarre to not shave a little bit around the points where the wound is. But something to consider: wounds like that (i’ve had them) they WANT to leave open so the wound can heal from the inside out. That could explain why no sutures. BUT yeah, does NOT explain why they would not have shaved the area around the wound to help keep it clean. As far as Rome not feeling the pain at first and not knowing he was injured i will say this: in my 56 years on this planet i’ve heard MANY cases (including friends) where they’ve sustained serious injuries in a situation where they were hyped up, and they did NOT feel any pain for awhile. This is a perfectly normal situation and backed by actual medical reality. So to me, it cannot be used as a “bring my friend to truth” point. People do incredible things when under duress. so scaling a 7 ft wall, lifting a car off of a loved one, running a distance in a short period of time… incredible physical acts in general are not only possible but documented. Regarding the “after pain”. I’ve sustained pretty intense injuries before and been able to press on and “live life”. I seem to have a pretty high pain tolerance but also I’m able to just ignore pain when its there. I noticed the kid did move his whole body when he went to show the reporter part of the injury. He turned his neck a little bit but not really a lot. Also, in the past when listening to false flag event “participators” in the past, I’ve watched them talk and I KNOW they are lying. so many tell tale signs. This kid was very believable – so he’s either a REALLY REALLY good actor, or telling the truth. Sorry, but not enough here to convince me to use this event to share with my non-awake friends. If I can poke this many holes in it, I would not use it with my professional, observant, discerning friends. I, personally, KNOW they are using events LIKE THIS to aim towards gun control and it has ticked me off in the past. But, it is what it is, and I’m not worried about americans losing their 2nd amendment rights. There are too many people awake to what’s really going on, and they’re not gonna sell us their BS for too much longer.

George Kastonius
George Kastonius
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary Tugan


Jeanna Dysart
Jeanna Dysart
3 years ago
Reply to  Gary Tugan

All I could do was shake my head as I read your one rationalization after another . . . But you demonstrated a sad truth: The illusion of normies who think they are awake is harder to penetrate… . No bruising, dude. No hospital observation? . . . . never mind . . .

W Dforty
W Dforty
3 years ago

Wait 2 months… Covid what? Mask? Vacc,??, never heard of it what are u talking about?

Earthling Carl
Earthling Carl
3 years ago

Yeah, they even shave animals when doing operations but this guy gets to keep his locks, so stupid lol

Raymond Warren
3 years ago

I don’t think it would of mattered if he was shot or not. Looks like the dudes got no brain activity anyway. Same with the degenerate news reporters as well.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Raymond Warren

lol Raymond

Free Thought
Free Thought
3 years ago

That trajectory would go straight through the cerebellum, he would be dead instantly.

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
3 years ago
Reply to  Free Thought

Anagram Funtime:

Rome Shubert (Let’s use the traditional spelling for fun: Schubert)

Rome Schubert = Cerebrum Shot

WOPR is getting good with these low-effort troll attempts.

Christine Farina
Christine Farina
3 years ago

He’s got the “liar’s smile”

Red Pill Suppository
Red Pill Suppository
3 years ago

I have a theory that at these events like Sandy Hook real kids were probably raped murdered and sacrificed, just not the kids that were put forward to us through the media. I have no idea how they leverage these people like this kid shot in the head. Perhaps he and his single mum ( I am assuming as no father present), are anti-gun and went along for that, and of course, cash, and perhaps all the kids that were shot were offered huge sums of cash and new identities. One thing that puzzles me is how did the Men in Black start these conversations? Once said it is like a Mafia’s, “an offer you can not refuse”. If no one died and the head kid knew this, that goes a long way to explaining his lack of emotion to classmates being killed. Finally, the kid might be a psychopath and again that is why he was selected.

cold steel
cold steel
3 years ago

read nobody died at sandy hook. It’s a free pdf download. It’s a book full of proof it never happened.

Besides that , there are way more people than this kid and his mom to completely trust to never say one word ever to anyone.

Ricky Bobo
3 years ago
Reply to  cold steel

I might not get around to reading this soon, but I will download it today just to piss “them” off.

Jen Kupp
3 years ago

it was what now? a “charcoal grey” pistol? pretty specific little unnecessary detail, imo.

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
3 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

Haha, at this point, I’m thinking that phrase probably activates some Treadstone Bourne zombie to tie up loose ends and create more breadcrumbs for us to chase.

3 years ago

TV is trance-inducing, even more so now that it went digital around 2009. Think of all the medical personnel watching this news at home in real time who should have leapt off the couch, screaming that it was fake.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago
Reply to  Eyesee

trance is a very good explanation

3 years ago

So the school doesn’t cancel all extracurricular activities THE DAY AFTER a shooting?! They don’t have a counseling program for traumatized students? “Nah, 10 of your classmates died, go out and play ball tomorrow kids…”

Jimmy Jenkinson
Jimmy Jenkinson
3 years ago

16:22 Played baseball the next day in a number 33 baseball shirt?
The duping delight on the demons face says it all.

Last edited 3 years ago by Jimmy Jenkinson
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