Smoke em if you got em. This is the video equivalent of the Old Fashioned Radio Show… Poking fun at what the world has devolved into. – Matt
Smoke em if you got em. This is the video equivalent of the Old Fashioned Radio Show… Poking fun at what the world has devolved into. – Matt
Hello Friends,
A few have questioned how comments work again…if things are erased etc.
Here is a previous link to what gets in the to be reviewed Que.
Finally on speed of comments reappearing. This is because I am only ONE person currently doing all tech and monitoring plus many tasks to run the site. IF it is slow it is only a reflection of “time” …NOTHING else!
I hope this clears it up. All the best
2:32 can someone identify this clip and give it a little context from when and where it first came from? What T.V. show is this? Who’s the kid? Ect. Ect. Ect.
It’s from an obscure children’s documentary called Kids on Kids on Kids it was produced in 1987. I was really hoping Matt was going to give his theory/take on this kid. I’ve yet to find a viable reason why a kid would say something like this.
Also, I have no clue who the kid is.
Sorry Guys, im not an american, can anybody tell me what that kid said?
He said “I wouldn’t want to be President because it’s a tough job, like deciding if we should tear down the world trade center, or put a super market on the block”
It’s insanity how many signs & pre programming was in place years & years & even decades prior to 2001…STYVUSTANT…PETER
It’s the emergency phone number that gets me . I mean who oked it being 911 all those years ago. It made no sense until that fateful day. It must be one powerful number to the system planers.
They wouldn’t!
“kid” means baby goat. better not in this horned-loving-world.
english is a magic language, something worth looking into.
“weekend” is really weak-end. disease is dis-easy[in stress]
good “morning” is mourning for the dead because we are all “dead” here “debt” slaves.
“justinian Deception” youtube channel and “the GLOSSAR channel” starts with our birth certificates.
anyway, was hart to hear that child. Matt should help us 😉
Also check out Alphonse Faggiolo if your into the law deception stuff.
And GOAT means sewer in Latin. Check out Justinian Deception on YT for info on grammatical deceptions.
My favorite is breakfast. We don’t need that much food. Fasting is a great tool in the toolbox for realizing your true self.
Good Friday evening all you wonderful people!
Welcome Jason. Full of wonder.
It’s not ‘wonderful’, it’s sick and disgusting. Learn to hate this world or you’ll have to come back.
Gambling was illegal for real when i wa a child . Today The casino will babysit while you gamble. 13 dollars an hour.. its not real folks. The world reality whatever you want to call it. Its not real.
I never knew about half of what you showed.
About 6 months ago I was talking about 9/11 with my sister. She said, “What are you talking about, the Pentagon was never attacked?”
I said damn, it’s been 20 years and you don’t know that? And no it wasn’t a plane! Clearly a missile IMO and I asked her, surely you know there should be plenty of footage!
She pivoted as always! Told her, she can look that up. Yeah it’s b.s. but proof something happened.
Thank you Matt, this was great! 🕊
Most Normies always forget about Building 7 on 9/11 at the WTC site. You know the third building to collapse at freefall speed that day even though that one wasn’t even hit by (I get it, could it be there were NO planes?) plane and collapsed due to fire making it 3 steel structures in one day collapsing due to fire even though in history it was unprecedented for that to ever happen before and hasn’t happened since in the last 20 years.
It isn’t courageous to change your biological sex. It’s crazy!
Yeah and Bruce Gender will be running for governor of CA can’t make that up!
I was wondering if anyone was gonna mention that. Of course Gender for the win just like the Olympics. LOL
Colonel Sanders lookin’ mofo representin’ that good ‘ol fried chicken. Thanks KFC. 🤣
Thank you Matt! Take care all!
Kaitlyn Gender to run to replace Newsom. As a republican. 🤣 What a script. Lol
Newsom is probably a tranny too.
Thanks Matt
I was the 911 viewer…
Whomever is playing the character of Bento Box gotta be a freakin Kennedy demon. These creatures are such WEIRDOS
Yes! I just wrote a comment about these actors, and them wearing masks and not existing… are you familiar with that? I also said why is Matt not talking about something so obvious, is he apart of it? And his YT channel having 70K subs, no regular person would ever ever have anywhere close to that many… and the fact Matt was ON THE ALEX JONES SHOW, I think we all need to be careful of “matt” and these are honest questions that need to be addressed. But no one seems to be talking bout this. I want to be wrong about Matt, but again= I feel these are honest questions.
I think we’ve all turned this over in our heads at some point. But of that 70k. Really only about 10-15k tune in regulatory. That’s not many of us.
Reasons to suspect that Matt is an agent:
1) Alliterative name
2) Red/black/white mask logo
3) References ‘quantum physics’, which is a pack of lies
4) Claims that there is a ‘creepy table’, when the controllers are demons, not humans
5) Never mentions the you-know-whos
6) Never proposes any solutions
7) Has cats
8) Never mentions race
oh im sorry stay
That’s it?🧐
These are not honest questions. They are emphatic innuendos. And I am of the opinion that you are not yang at all, but more closely resemble Yin. This then means your first name is entirely inappropriate.
Very nice presentation matt. Wonderfully all over the place. When it’s all a lie, there’s a Lot to cover. Thanks for the work.
Love this channel! Keep it up Matt! Thank you
That super-friends image – there are 9 distinct tall buildings to the right of the twin towers.
As always Matt you nailed it, very entertaining and educational.
My reality shows me that when the decision comes it will so much more easily taken as our lives are steered so far from our destiny.
I was given many roads to travel and I rejected the norm all my life. I always had a knot in my stomach whenever I tried to settle down in any form and could never be comfortable in my world, I had so many questions from within that the answers never came from outer so I became a little shit.
In my email (I’d forget too Matt) I explained that a phycological report that I ‘freedom of information’ requested only a year ago 5 I was diagnosed with having, a problem with anger and authority.
No, I was frustrated as no-one could answer my questions as to:
“Mum, why can some people be horrible and others get in trouble”, or “why is the sky blue”, or the one that got me in trouble…”are you my real family”.
Whatever has followed and influenced my decisions at the last moment evades me but I am thankful that the experiences I had to realise my weapons now was a journey I would take again even with the horror and pain I suffered as a child.
I believe I have been led away from the plan and why I covet little but love and blood.
I imagine to myself that every soul is guided to fit the changing reality so that nothing is a purposeful mistake and we must just flow with it.
My future is written and I feel that I have been fighting my whole life, from my first look out of new eyes, blinding, confusing and cruel, I screamed my defiance one last time before the picture replayed with a fresh pick of paint on the old sets.
All I see is papering over fresh mould and the more we negatively effect, attract or covet such degregation the harder the awakening becomes as the layers build and the self/connection to is left with two strike outs and no help whatsoever fielding to catch any dropped balls..and I dropped a few, AJ, DI, JR, JV etc, you know the Judas goats of the 😂truth community😂
How did I come to this conclusion?
Like you and our community I simply began to question the sayers, the all knowing, all wise who manage to live easily compared to me as I cannot publish bugger all on shitchute or BrandNewYouTube, (unopened)Minds, Liebry, and many more.
The message within our work seems to be hidden compared to the ‘Conspiracy’ so-called truth. Fascinating to me but not surprising as the obvious banning through means that lead us to frustration..1% uploaded…3hrs later..1% uploaded?
Or ‘cannot find page 404 error’ or my favourite,
File exceeds 1GB…but the actual size I upload is in actuality a 2 or 3 minute test vid.. curious.
Anyway, I waffle too much, I find emails and text do not help our communication as we have so much to express and the soul connection is robbed from us with our willingness to take the easier option, now we hardly talk and when we do the people refuse to step to one side and think on what clearly was said to them by blocking and avoiding,why, like you I have no definitive answers so I choose to save my/our healing words for the time when those once afraid and confused about us will search us out but we must be clear of Conspiracy Theory and our own egotistic beliefs.
I have thrown the bones on the table many times throughout my experiences and I always found the same answer, “figure your shit out yowself son”, so I try and I fail, I still play with the screen but act upon proof and will only leave to preserve what I have learned in live not the teachings of a reality that pulls me down.
Too much to express in a quick comment but hey, we have eternity Brother in True light.
The game is on, it’s rigged yes but hey, fcuk it…why not play and steal what we can use in the next experience..heck we remembered enough to snap out of it.
Most still cower in Conspiracy and fear addiction , I talk the here and now with lessons from history😂 to mostly the sleepwalking Truthers and like many of us it is hard when attacked but hey, “sticks n stones muddafudda!”.
Enough now Johnny, I shall never stop my quest to me and can never be fooled into turning off my souls GPS, if I did decide to I’d be lost once again.
Thank you for sharing your views, learnings, experience and soul with us all, without the smoke machines, you make more sense than the Muppet show on offer.
Gender confusion from the’s 🙄
Please forgive any mistakes, my phone is a brick…literally, I have rugby player ears and Popeye’s arm. (Ag..gag..gag..garr!)
Be well and steam on my friends.
Johnny. ConspiracyFreedom.
I’m with you. “Oppositional Defiance Disorder”. Well, yeah. We don’t do nonsense very well. The Emperor has no clothes. We’re the boy that had the cajones to say so.
Keep on with these great comments Johnny.
great video
I added it to my text dictionary!
Hmm.. what’s my username here in these parts?
Um, Matt? Lousy sue said all this a long time ago.
“When we renounce learning we have no troubles.
The (ready) ‘yes,’ and (flattering) ‘yea;’–
Small is the difference they display.
But mark their issues, good and ill;–
What space the gulf between shall fill?
What all men fear is indeed to be feared; but how wide and without end
is the range of questions (asking to be discussed)!
The multitude of men look satisfied and pleased; as if enjoying a
full banquet, as if mounted on a tower in spring. I alone seem
listless and still, my desires having as yet given no indication of
their presence. I am like an infant which has not yet smiled. I look
dejected and forlorn, as if I had no home to go to. The multitude of
men all have enough and to spare. I alone seem to have lost
everything. My mind is that of a stupid man; I am in a state of
Ordinary men look bright and intelligent, while I alone seem to be
benighted. They look full of discrimination, while I alone am dull
and confused. I seem to be carried about as on the sea, drifting as
if I had nowhere to rest. All men have their spheres of action, while
I alone seem dull and incapable, like a rude borderer. (Thus) I alone
am different from other men, but I value the nursing-mother (the Tao).”
Tao Te Chingby Lao-tzu
I’m not a Truther. I found Matt’s channel because I cannot deny overwhelming synchronicities and he was an interesting voice about the topic. While I like Matt and think he does present interesting ideas I just don’t think the case for Truthers is very strong.
I’ll offer a Normie perspective on what Matt’s saying as I watch the video. I’m at 12 minutes and have just decided to post my comments. My first criticism is that Matt said George Bush said that he’d witnessed the first plane hitting and Bush didn’t even say that. Bush said he saw *A* plane hitting and thought what a terrible pilot. I watched the second plane hitting live on TV as well. Maybe Bush has said first plane hitting in other speeches, but that’s not what Matt showed.
Bruce Jenner. I never watched the ridiculous Kardashian shows willingly but I’d seen enough of Bruce to think that there was something really weird about him. His wife held zero appeal to me and doesn’t look at all feminine or attractive, so I could accept he was a closet case trying to get by in straight society. I’m a Brit and we’ve got an even more ridiculous case than Bruce Jenner. Boxing promoter Frank Maloney became Kellie Maloney and that’s an even bigger clown show. But IMO people are free to be clowns if they want.
HG Wells wrote about Martians invading the earth and time machines. So he predicted we’d have WW2 6 years before it happened. Big effing deal. He probably made a hundred other predictions that were completely wrong. (Small bit of predictive dream history. I KNEW that Chelsea would beat Middlesbrough 2-0 in the 1997 FA Cup final months before it happened. Won a couple of hundred quid on it, but would have won far more if I hadn’t waited until just before the game. I freaking wish I could do that to order, but alas it was a one-time thing.)
I’m 33 minutes in and I’ve got other things to do. I’ll be watching the video later. Do other people want a normie outsider perspective or do you want it to be a Truther only community? I’ve watched a lot of Matt’s old YT content and he kind of says he only wants to go forward with people who are on board with his belief that Reality Isn’t Real and everyone else should leave.
33mins really? anyway bring what you have to the table.
fellow Brit here.
Why the hell would an actual normie invest such effort, writing a five-paragraph comment? It´s more likely you are a cop or someone recruited to monitor dissidents. It could be believable if someone close to you is part of us crazies and you are trying to understand. Either way, you can stay but think twice about having your oxygen restricted and lettinga a police state be set up because of the flu. “The case for Truthers” is very strong in that domain. 😉
Everyone is welcome….no one has to agree….this life is an individual journey….I suggest to not label yourself as Normie or any label. We choose this life and not everyone’s perception or purpose is the same.
Thanks for visiting and commenting.
rob I have had several comments erased is that you doing this??
No I do not erase comments…the one with fck fck…which I agreed with the sentiment…went into trash so try to abbreviate the F’s otherwise the whole comment section becomes a cesspool.
But to clarify…we do not censor opinions. This is a private platform. Matt is NOT infiltrated. The reason he gets many views on a new site is because many have given us an email address for notifications.
We notify our list on each video….plus Matt has been doing a Bumper on YouTube. So yes it IS being shared and this amount of views is smaller than our email list so thinking we somehow have been infiltrated is not accurate.
So we operate with good intent…if commenters have bad intent or are doing intentional agitation they will be banned for life. However, different opinions are fine and wanted….I do not agree with everything Matt says and this is no big deal.
It really seems like so many adults have regressed to childhood antics when behind the screen. We are real people and the whole shill accusation thing is comically childish. Matt is literally a guy in the suburbs with a few cats, a chair and a computer. I am also a guy in the burbs with a family, four kids and a dog that will sit next to my chair and computer. So far I have not been invited to the Illuminati meeting and in my many talks with Matt if he is having tea with his dwarf brother Joe Rogan then so far I have not been invited.
No one does this for power or money…if you doubt this give it a go and get back to me. Here is a previous link to what gets in the to be reviewed Que.
Finally on speed of comments reappearing. This is because I am only ONE person currently doing all tech and monitoring plus many tasks to run the site. IF it is slow it is only a reflection of “time” …NOTHING else!
I hope this clears it up.
All the best
If you consider yourself a normie, then you haven’t had the experiences that those of us in this community have had. Nevertheless, you are experiencing overwhelming synchronisities which puts you on the first floor of the tower of truth. Welcome.
Well said, what so many people (normies) can’t seem to do is use critical thinking skills, use their memory properly to recognize patter recognition and say to themselves how many dozens and dozens and even hundreds of coincidences can just keep happening? Like the Flu cases in winter 2020-21 dissapearing by over 90%, just coincidentally the same year flu season after they roll out Coodies19.
This bloody guy again talking over His own work lol
@ 9 mins notice the Crown in the background and the guy was wearing a pork pie hat. london rhyming slang pork pie-lie.
Cheers Matt and Hi everyone.
Peekay was my absolute favorite……his videos on LAX , Pulse and Sandy Hoax were very good.
French Marshal Ferdinand Foch said on the day the armistice was signed, “This is not peace. It is an armistice for 20 years”.
20 years and 65 days later WW2 began.
Anyone who had read Mien Kampf or Hitlers 2nd book from 1928 didn’t have to be a genius to work out WW2 would be on in 1940.
Of course what Ferdinand Foch said could be a product of retro causality, I love WW1 and WW2 history but only heard of him saying it about a year ago.
In this reality, energy comes from potential difference. If both poles of a battery are the close to the same potential, the battery has little power. If they can make women more masculine and men more feminine, they lower the energy. Hence, gender-fluidity.
So, what should we do to counteract this? Should we women dawn the “pink” super girly extremely feminine attitudes, behaviors and clothing and the men go around exuding as many male testosterone symptoms as possible?
No need to counteract anything. Just be honest with yourself, figure out what natural femininity is and behave accordingly. Same for men. Humans seems to have forgotten the basics and divorced themselves from nature and their own spirit. It’s a long way back but it’s possible and to my mind the most important work.
that’s what Voltage is. All voltage is is potential difference in charge between two places. The higher the difference in charge, the higher the voltage.
Matthew 4:9 (KJV) And saith unto him (Satan to Jesus), All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.
Matthew 4:10 (KJV) Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve.
This is how we are to respond to the creepy offer!
To your point at the 42 minute mark about politicians, the answer is 98% of the population cannot think of any other alternative.
This entire nonsense is “of God”. All is one. However, each entity is given autonomy. Some entities, although not much closer to God than we are, are powerful enough to create worlds. We have chosen to focus part of our attention on this particular clown show. Staying true to ourselves is our mandate. Lead by example, so to speak.
I was reading a few books by Marsha Keith Schuchard, her books are very relevant to our discussion here but remain mostly obscure in our circles, here is a quote that I think you will find interesting :”At the same time, Swedenborg became suspicious of the sincerity of Dr. Falk, whose apparent Christian sympathies clothed his private Sabbatean beliefs. Some initiates of Frank’s and Falk’s inner circles encouraged antinomian sexual practices in the name of holy sinning, while forbidden magical practices were undertaken to hasten the messianic reversal of reality.” -From Why Ms Blake cried, Marsha Keith Schuchard
I started my “conspiracy adventures” in the “stars”. From that vantage point, the things happening way down here on Earth are so inconsequential that I can’t even focus on them anymore. I don’t even care except for the humor factor. I’m going to zoom back out and watch the intergalactic shitshow from way out there. Whatever out there is. I’ll just call it very far from the surface of Earth.
G = Grapedrink
PG = Picked over Garbage
PG 13 = Particularly Gruesome
R = Rotten
NC17 = Nasty Clowns
M = Manure
X = X-ray Glasses
Vintage space
This clip is rated M for Manure.
Bruce Gender as future Governor of “Culifornia”? Maybe even our national Baphomet in the year 2028. The reporter’s question to H.G. Welles is very curious. “Can the world not obtain salvation without bloodshed?” It equates the sacrifice of Christ with war.
WHY ISNT MATT OR ANYONE INVOLVED in this channel taking about these actors wearing masks. Idk have many answers, but it is beyond obvious most if not all these people dont exist, and they are wearing masks!! Matt’s YT channel has like 70K subs. Way too many, regular people dont get anywhere near that. Is Matt even real, is he part of this, is he a gatekeeper? IF your like me, a regular person just in search of the truth [something we will never fully find] then this should be a concern and addressed.
I very much want to be wrong about Matt, but there are a few questions that deserve to be addressed…
Yes, you have uncovered us….Matt methodically spent ten years making over 700 videos to win the trust of this audience.
Originally he just made cat videos but that channel “cats gone wild” got over 3 million subs and his CIA handlers said look….Alex is upset with this big following….shave your head and act like some “normal” guy in the suburbs with a chair … but be sure to let the cats walk by every now and again to keep the ruse going.
Well as we know the rest is history….now we have all the power and can move the audience however we want.
This is why we can’t talk about the actors because when we attend the Illuminati meetings Joe Rogan who is Matt’s dwarf brother always wants to get in our “business” to tell us what to say.
Alas the life of a shill….it ain’t easy….but please don’t tell anyone or else the Spotify offer will never come.
Thank you for your support and insightful comments.
PS: The following message is approved by our leader Puss in Boots
Thank you Matt and Rob.
Thank you Dean for all messages )
Great Video Matt
The barrage of attempted anchor mechanisms for those that can’t see it is amazing.
Subtle ways work at every level.
I noticed, then asked myself, why the sudden and constant language signers for the hearing impaired at governors press conferences?
Then I saw it!
As we are being told to (anti)social distance, wash the hands and, most important, wear a mask to cover our face, the signor is showing the world how important it is to see the face when having direct communication with others. The signors flex and contort their face for emphasis, it’s important. But they are doing that while telling us to hide ours!
Very clever psychological anchor. I saw that and said to myself, OK got it, but not going to work on me.
Great observation!! I noticed this too now that you mention!!
Matt, the “9” in front of the sloping glass building is located at 9 W. 57th Street. It’s not downtown; the reflection isn’t the Twin Towers. Don’t feel bad. I lived in NYC for a long time and I thought it was the Grace Building on 42nd Street. Just FYI because I heard you reference it before as the Twin Towers reflecting next to the “9.” Best wishes. I doubt anything is truly real.
@32:18 watch HG Wells eyes you can see the reptilian pupils mostly in his left eye but it shows up in the right eye as well but directly after he blinks the pupils give it away. And the forest gump apple truth drop is stupid in your face, The movie comes out in 1994 so with the stock at just over a dollar a share with the coming splits ect 10k invested in 1994 would have gains of close to two million dollars. They have to tell the truth, I have my opinions as to why that is but not many people care for it because of the potential ramifications associated with it so I digress. Blessings everyone, and Matt it’s fun to listen to you speak openly
Approved this message
Thanks Matt. Really enjoyed this.
One of the thing you said in a video got me thinking Matt. I think the reality is a entity and maybe all the crazy shit we are seeing is it getting over loaded. Until it pops. Then jon levi reset shit
Allan watts predicted the future in the late 60s or early 70s re cell phones and the AI hive mind. He must have had insider info.
The sea spray of the waves in the SpaceX barge landing video is clearly disappearing, not appearing, showing that the footage is simply being played in reverse.
Dont wear the mask. It’s a form of consent. That’s become my line the sand. At the very least, make clear that you are doing so under duress. If we want others to stop, we gotta show the way.
There is no ‘wonder’ in this world and none of us know who we really are while we’re trapped in these flesh packs. Don’t fall into the Chiron Last trap — unless you HATE this world you will be recycled back in.
Thanks Matt, really enjoyed this one. I appreciate the reference at the end to God, big g or little g, works for most. What ever ‘it’ is, it has an amazing sense of humor. What a ride.
What was that “Keep Orlando Smiling” thing? Is that real? I’ve never seen that before. Bizarro. Reminds me of the dancing “healthcare workers.” What?
50 dead, blood, gore, grief, horrible human shock, yet Orlando Police upper mangement were laughing duping delight during news conference. Even better, the entire Orlando Police doubled down
And made a video with Whitney Houston song about keep dancing Orlando…. PEEKAY’ s commentary made this video famous in a comedy gold performance that was the zeitgeist of truthers’ need for a laugh @ this fake reality…
Go Hawks!!!
LOL hey guys it’s Josh….. Matt has always had the most amazing comment section of any channel ever and on this platform we should be taking it to that next level… create your own reality or someone else will create it for you…
Whatever that sheeit was before covid 1984, it was not normal. I was already having a hard time functioning in normieland. But then, I’ve always had a hard time functioning in normieland. There’s no going back for me, however, there’s no going forward either. As of this time last year, I’ve decided to move on. I don’t say much these days. Now, people “in my life” want to broach all these conspiratorial subjects. I blow them off. They can’t handle it, so they try to attack me. Now, I’m just doing my best to help family members who are suffering physically. If I’m going to be here, I want to at least be of service to others, even if they try to break me down.
The character on 9/11 who the media put on the air around/close to the WTC on Fox was also to early on (he was interviewed within a hour or less after the towers fell) establish the “mainstream narrative” of why the towers fell. The guy unprompted just says “I saw the towers collapse & fall, obviously due to all the jet fuel from the planes that set off fires that must have weakened the structures and that’s why they came down.” Such a plant/stooge.
Just like within a hour every MSM outlet was saying it was Osama Bin Laden’s AL QUADA Network who was responsible for all the terrorist acts that day.
Glad to be here.