It’s been over two years since we really started to ponder what “all this emerald green” is telling us. Today, we are very close to understanding it, but the exact interpretation isn’t that important. What’s important is seeing that “reality itself” is leaving behind even more clues for us, similar to the repeating numbers or gematria

Matt McKinley

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William Lodderhose
2 years ago

Hmm, if Green is a clue to something “fake” I can’t think of anything that beats fiat currency, it’s both green and “fake”, lol.
Hope everyone had a great weekend.

Last edited 2 years ago by William Lodderhose
Tremendous Lad
Tremendous Lad
2 years ago

So’s the green movement.
Fake as fuck!

Gabriel McLoughlin
Gabriel McLoughlin
2 years ago


Patricia pellegrin
2 years ago

& bk in 2019
in early Wuhan
it was pink 🐽

Kyle Huskey
Kyle Huskey
2 years ago

Wow, I knew Matt was in on it. The V in FreeVoice is emerald green.

Gay Robinson
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Huskey

To funny.

William Lawrence
William Lawrence
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Huskey

I was just about to jump out of the bathtub to comment on the exact same thing. I’m sure it’s a coincidence..?

Courtney H
Courtney H
2 years ago

People like you, mostly living in upper chakras. Focused on spirituality. Don’t care about this physical world matrix as much. Our clueless family members and friends. Very much rooted in the lower Chakras. Materialism, Ego, etc. We need to meet in the middle??? (The heart chakra). No idea. Just a thought. Seems like dorothy from oz is a big clue to this too somehow. Searching and searching for something more. Ends up wanting to be home. Home is where the heart is. Etc. The emerald city was “the screen”. Fake wizard on a screen behind the curtain. Glinda sends her on her truth journey OR her journey to fame/stardom etc. In the end, she says you could’ve gone home all along. Well, why the hell didn’t you tell me in the first place? Well, you wouldn’t have believed me…. kinda like the truth journey or the people that go to Hollywoodwanting to be stars. We search and search and come to the conclusion that it’s an endless rabbit hole of nonsense. We come back to ourselves and what we love etc. We realize what is important etc.

Lesley Vonderheide
Lesley Vonderheide
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

The heart chakra is emerald green

Wesley Scherr
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

We may not all have access to the same chakras, nor all posses an individuated eternal soul via the breath of God…

Imo I think it’s a DNA/Spiritual/frequency & chakra issue.
I think this plane is just a duality by design, we are just 2 different (& unequal) incarnations & Adamic man really just needs to stand up and take our power (and truth) back from the narcissistic, pre-adamic “Tares”

The following is a quote from >>>

“Pre-Adamics want equality, since they have an inferiority complex in comparison to the potential of Adamic Man, but as long as we Adamics do not embody our true power, they will never be our equals in the hierarchy of life; for it is through our own embodying of our Divinity, that they will be granted the opportunity of this esoteric evolutionary path.

They are an evolving creation that does not currently contain the breath of God (Source), but Adamics are aspects (God Sparks) of God coming to earth to merge with manifested reality. ​Each type of creation is unique and not equal, this does not make Adamics superior to Pre-Adamic Man, but we do have a greater capacity to be self-aware and knowledgeable in comparison to them.

Whereas Adamics have individuated higher selves, and are meant to experience our individuality in the manifested realm, Pre-Adamics are a part of a group over-soul, and will eventually have the opportunity to individualize along the esoteric path as they progress.

Interestingly enough, the Pre-Adamic’s have used Natural Law and the Hermetic Principles against Adamic Man, by hiding (occulting) it from us, since if we were to know the principles, we could access higher insights only available through the Divine. This is not their fault though, we have not remained responsible with our Divine connection, and only have ourselves to blame for our forgetfulness.

While they can study the same texts as us, their interpretations of esoteric texts are going to be skewed, since they lack the Divine perspective, so their perspective will remain limited when reading the exact same material compared to our interpretations and usage. They can only use the principles to control us, but we can use them to expand our consciousness.”

George McFly
George McFly
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

The Emerald City is the green-screen.

Last edited 2 years ago by George McFly
Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

This was my thought as well. Heart chakra represents as they say in Buddhism ‘the middle way’. Maybe it’s there to constantly remind us to not be caught up in the top three OR bottom three chakras. Kind of like how Matt always says to listen to what your spiritual center tells you. The heart is the spiritual center IMO.

free will of choice
free will of choice
2 years ago
Reply to  Courtney H

>We need to meet in the middle???

Choice represents the response to balance…at its center. Balance exists within motion (inception towards death) for the formed (life) response within. The “need” for form within flow implies adaptation (choice to balance); while the ongoing movement tempts (want over need) the temporary form to ignore adaptation; hence causing imbalance.

In short…each one of us exists in the middle (momentum of motion) as choice within perceived balance; yet needs to resist the temptation to ignore it for suggested imbalances.

In other words…each one needs to respond as choice to balance (need/want); not to the suggested imbalance (want vs not want) by others.

2 years ago

Green is the color for health in video games, life energy. It’s also the color for someone like Archangel Raphael, the angel of healing. G-R-E-E-N —> E-N-E-R-G – only the letter Y is missing and we can only ask Y?

Last edited 2 years ago by Poweraccount
Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Poweraccount

On a even more basic level, green beans go on traffic lights and red is stop, like the green of health in games. The red is the opposite in video games, meaning losing energy or in the danger zone.
In fact, these two colors are almost universal as green-go-energy-health-eat your vegetables-yes-right answers, opposed to red-stop-danger-no-wrong answer.
They are also opposite on the color wheel. If there is a significance to green, then it would have to do with its opposite, red, as well. Everything is always about, essentially, twos, as in AASB, the dualism of everything in this world, and the Notnilc reality’s and its minions’ obsessions with dualism.
It’s inescapable for us as well, since duality is part of our basic nature while here in this world. Such as: Body/spirit, male/female, past/future, and all the spacial dualities of up/down, right/left, forward/backward.
On a tangent: If this world is about duality, the next world will be about oneness. (Is oneness the opposite of duality? Hmm.) God/Source is Oneness, as I see it. We are reuniting with the Great Oneness after having been separated and cut off from it and each other. We are lonely or depressed here when we forget that we are not an isolated little thing. Only when we remember where we are from can we feel whole.
I’ve been thinking about the mind wipe we get when coming into this world. The “whys” mostly, plus related questions and making a list of the questions.
Thank you, Matt and Rob! 🙏🤗❤️

Lee Allen
Lee Allen
2 years ago

I think they like to use this specific green because it’s not natural in nature. Neon type colors. They want us to move away from nature and natural things. It’s all mind control programming.

Justhere Forthefood
2 years ago
Reply to  Lee Allen

It is found in nature.

Debbie Zerda
Debbie Zerda
2 years ago

What made you pick that color green for the “V” in Free Voice?

Peter Leyshan
2 years ago
Reply to  Debbie Zerda

The Tommyknockers 🙂

Deanna Swaney
Deanna Swaney
2 years ago

Please offer a ‘settings’ option so it’s possible to opt for lower resolution. We have VERY slow internet here and it’s impossible to watch the videos because they buffer constantly.

Tyler Gorton
2 years ago
Reply to  Deanna Swaney

I second this, but because I have limited usage per month. I play all youtube vids at 240p for this reason.

S. H.
S. H.
2 years ago

Watch Gretas hand shadow. It’s not the hand of a girl.

2 years ago

In the movie The Great Gatsby resp. the book the green light represents the past. To try to relive the past is an illusion or something impossible. Gatsby tries to get in contact with Daisy again to bring back the past, it’s said so in the movie. Maybe because that was the only good thing before Gatsby went to war. Gatsby was stuck in the past which got him killed although he was already dead mentally after the war. All his parties were illusions, because he didnt attend them to party but to attract Daisy, his image was false. There is also something interesting with the name, The Great Gatsby. The great gets by?

2 years ago

Revelation 6:8 — And I looked, and there was a pale green horse. Its rider was named death, and Hades was following after him. They were given authority over a fourth of the earth, to kill by the sword, by famine, by plague, and by the wild animals of the earth.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago

Hey Matt, Very Interesting, if I’m not mistaken the old Warner Brothers cartoons used that color a lot. Thank’s for all you’re Time & Thought provoking videos! I Definitely Appreciate ya!

2 years ago

The “matrix code” made me think of the green didgits on the first computers which was the introduction of the digital world to us.

Barbara Garland
Barbara Garland
2 years ago

In Star Trek Voyager the light emanating from and within a Borg Cube is emerald green.

Erik Jacobsen
Erik Jacobsen
2 years ago

Right to today in Picard the series.

Jen Kupp
2 years ago

Of late, as I find the yoo crane flag colors popping up all over the place, I’ve been paying attention when they do. Looking at your zoom-in of the chakras about half-way through, i see them there, flanking the green. And what’s that symbol there – I guess representing the green? Do we find the name-changing fakers who hide behind the hexagram at the heart of every heinous, made-up, upside-down, or otherwise F’d up scenario? They’re certainly in total control of both the MSM & Hollywood. Just a thought…

Also, in 2013, I started watching the series “The Amerikans” which quickly went from really cool to lame-ass soap opera. Happened again in 2015 when I binge-watched the entire series “Falling Skies.” They hook you w/ a good first season (sometimes only a couple of episodes) & then fffffffttt – soap opera.

Saaaaay… what’s the color of the “post comment” button, bell, & notifications alert – here on FV? lol

Last edited 2 years ago by Jen Kupp
Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
2 years ago
Reply to  Jen Kupp

I just watched a compilation of the colors yellow and blue being all over the corona presentation these past two years. Incredible.

Jen Kupp
2 years ago
Reply to  Claudia Ciao

ya me too – i hadn’t noticed & that video was like 12 minutes of image after image after image showing the U flag colors – whoa!

Paul Anderson
Paul Anderson
2 years ago

Also seen much work on Purple being one of these colors that indicates illusion & is frequently presented & in very odd / interesting situations. Is this common knowledge here? Has Matt talked about it?

Jeremy Wojtkiw
Jeremy Wojtkiw
2 years ago

Hi Matt
Could Astrotheology be at play in regards to moving from Pisces to Aquarius…I know Pisces is related to green (albeit a lighter green than emerald) but I first saw this connection after watching original Matrix (lots of green references) compared to most recent Matrix Resurrections where everything has a shade of blue to it signifying Aquarius maybe???
The blue theme was also throughout the movie Bliss that you broke down/reviewed last year – they even refer to the more Earthly simulation? as the Blue Algorithm in that movie.
Just food for thought, I suppose.

Joseph Maloy
2 years ago

Saturn is not real. You should not even be able to see it when it comes to the inverse square law.

Joseph Maloy
2 years ago

Saturn only receives 1% of the sun’s light.
Saturn is just an illusion.

Kyle Arnett
Kyle Arnett
2 years ago

Emerald green is my birthstone…. May is Emerald Green

Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
2 years ago
Reply to  Kyle Arnett


Kyle Arnett
Kyle Arnett
2 years ago

The money and all may be fake but the energy and blood and sweat and tears caused by it certainly is not…. Right?

2 years ago

The space-based-weapon which blinded most of the people on earth in the sci-fi film ‘Day of the Triffids’ was that colour of green as I remember.

Becky Hill
2 years ago


Becky Hill
2 years ago
Reply to  Becky Hill

I had a viewing and write the green lantern 🤷

Becky Hill
2 years ago
Reply to  Becky Hill


Mark Florey
Mark Florey
2 years ago

I stared at the Anorak image long enough (18:20-25:11) to notice the robe wearing, “Jesus” type image clearly embedded on the right side. Does anybody else see it?

Jay Kvam
Jay Kvam
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Florey

Yes, I saw that a just few seconds after looking at it, though I’d been a primed by your comment.

Everything Is Upside Down
Everything Is Upside Down
2 years ago
Reply to  Mark Florey

I see a woman in a burka just down and to the right of the K

Glenn Bourdot
Glenn Bourdot
2 years ago

Noticing that at minute 15:15 that the third and fifth chakra colors (yellow and blue) combine to make our favorite shade of green. Needless to say, we are surrounded by blue and yellow these days, not to mention the intense subliminal programming of blue and yellow these past two years… Blue masks/yellow safety tape etc. etc.

Zeljka Medic
Zeljka Medic
2 years ago

The first color that appears when strong light appears in the total dark is emerald green.

Paul Hogsten
Paul Hogsten
2 years ago

Matt, Just a single ‘Israel’ (‘Is real’) in Sunday’s broadcast! What gives?

Jay Kvam
Jay Kvam
2 years ago

At 6:14, Matt mentions “Romancing the Stone” and shows a frame from the movie of an emerald. Well, that jogged a memory:

In the game, “King’s Quest II: Romancing the Stones”, King Graham enters an enchanter’s lair and examines a book of enchantments that contains a section on “Causes and Cures” with the proviso that:

“Only the power of the emerald can properly dispel an enchantment…”

You can watch a short 6-minute vignette of the scene from the game from 2:10:49 to 2:16:49.

King Graham later uses the emerald to free a couple beings that had been transformed by the enchanter and a witch and to even protect himself from a spell cast upon him by the enchanter.

Peter Leyshan
2 years ago

I don’t remember Stephen King’s ‘The Tommyknockers’ TV Mini Series (1993) being shown or mentioned, which is about a mysterious green power that works its “magic” through people (without knowing what they’re doing) and technology:

The Tommyknockers Trailer 1993

Stephen King's The Tommyknockers TV Mini Series (1993).jpg
Everything Is Upside Down
Everything Is Upside Down
2 years ago
  1. Emerald green is the colour of all ‘on’ lights, all around the world.
  2. Traffic lights use the same green – all across the world
  3. ‘Board Schools in the UK’ often have these ‘copper’ green domes on them,-0.0630788,3a,75y,104.68h,107.39t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1sQjJS094cC7thO8_VfeqsvA!2e0!5s20200901T000000!7i16384!8i8192 Board Schools came about due to ‘compulsory schooling’ which is heralded as a great thing.

I only have green plants (I prefer dark green leaves but have plants of various shades of green) I avoid flowering plants for all their ‘colour’. I have always wondered why – any ideas as to why that might be?

The walls of my home are also painted in a very gentle green, a sage green heritage type. I avoid white wherever possible.

I still have never managed to finish The Matrix, such a boring movie, no? I always thought the cover was very very odd.


Anthony Peters
Anthony Peters
2 years ago

Superman’s Kryptonite happens to be the same emerald green. Great stream Matt!

Peter Leyshan
2 years ago

I remember in The Lego Ninjago Movie (2017), the Green Ninja means life and is the element that connects all the other ninjas (and family) together. And then while searching for more information on this, I found the following interesting video XD:

LEGO Ninjago decoded Episode 9 – Prophecy of the Green Ninja

George McFly
George McFly
2 years ago

‘Green’ is ‘Vert’ in French. And we live in-vert-ed.

Linda Matus
Linda Matus
2 years ago

I think you forgot the the “green screen” perhaps the ultimate drop. Also, the “green room” Backstage at a show which is where performers wait on deck before they come out to “entertain” us. Great video Matt, thank you!

2 years ago

See the 2015 album cover from metal band Raven titled “ExtermiNation”. Shows an evil scientist holding a globe earth and injecting a syringe into the US, and has the creepy green all over the picture.

Last edited 2 years ago by Eyesee
don wleklinski
don wleklinski
2 years ago

the color might also indicate another limited world,existence for ‘limited ‘ players…..’another green world’ by brian eno,1975.

Anthony Peters
Anthony Peters
2 years ago

Game of Thrones episode with the “Greek fire” is also emerald green

sigh inara
2 years ago

Ben 10
Slime (Ghostbusters & Nickelodeon)
Slytherin House
& of course the Infinity Stone that was green was…Time

Lillian Liber
Lillian Liber
2 years ago

Jacob Israel on YouTube just presented a video regarding Zelensky meaning “green” and pointing out the similarities to the biblical pale green horse. (He always seems to have a green T shirt on too) 🤔

Dean Aldridge
Dean Aldridge
2 years ago

Thank you Matt and Rob.

Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
2 years ago

Great vid. Although I REALLY wanted the title to be ‘How the screen presents the green’!

Gay Robinson
2 years ago

Watched an old movie yesterday called FX II or also listed as FX 2. They made a point in the first scene to show the emerald green and also in the last scene it shows a guy walking away with an emerald green jacket on! What’s interesting to me is that this movie is all about illusions. Had a couple of scenes with the WTC in it as well.

Jane Paterson
Jane Paterson
2 years ago

Hi Matt, the abstract painter Kandinsky, in his book Concerning the Spiritual in Art, says “ we mortals passing from earthly yellow to heavenly blue must pass through green”. Cheers Jane

Jennifer Spin
Jennifer Spin
2 years ago

From the story of the Ugly Duckling :
“ At length one shell cracked, and then another, and from each egg came a living creature that lifted its head and cried, “Peep, peep.” “Quack, quack,” said the mother, and then they all quacked as well as they could, and looked about them on every side at the large green leaves. Their mother allowed them to look as much as they liked, because green is good for the eyes. “How large the world is,” said the young ducks, when they found how much more room they now had than while they were inside the egg-shell. “Do you imagine this is the whole world?” asked the mother; “Wait till you have seen the garden; it stretches far beyond that to the parson’s field, but I have never ventured to such a distance.”

Patricia pellegrin
2 years ago

that went by
in a Green lantern flash 💚… 33

pnin nabokov
pnin nabokov
2 years ago

Probably this realm will be awash in this neon-y green during humanity destroying Plasma Event the parasites know is coming. Want some strange color arrangements: The early morning sky over here the other day was a huge wide band of candy pink sky going on for miles precisely delineated by an equally huge wide band of bright teal/turquoise sky. Now that was something!

pnin nabokov
pnin nabokov
2 years ago

“The Great Gatsby” is not an average work, Matt. You can be such an ignorant fool sometimes. You are what is not special, certainly not Fitzgerald’s novel! “The grass is always greener on the other side.” The green light was on the other side of the body of water separating Gatsby (parvenu) from his beloved (old money). There’s so much more to say, but I won’t waste my time on a literary troglodyte.

Gay Robinson
2 years ago
Reply to  pnin nabokov

Wow please go into more detail. I loved that movie when I saw it decades ago.

2 years ago

In 2019 there were two separate movies titled Green light. In 2018 one titled permanent green light. 1946 one titled behind green lights and in 1935 titled behind the green lights.

Paul Daly
Paul Daly
2 years ago

Watching at the moment, has that green “nothing is real” vibe in spades.

EthericBliss -EB
EthericBliss -EB
2 years ago

It’s not easy being green… it just simply is NOT!! You go Kermie!!

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