Sorry, an “anniversary” is normally something to be celebrated. – Their created mantra for it is “never forget,” so in some way the creeps probably like this sort of video, but what are we supposed to do, hide our heads and pretend it never happened? This freak-show event taught us more about the nature of reality than anything EVER has. It got us looking at things in a totally different way, forever leaving the reality bookends and the “toy box” behind.
I’m over 50. I have a strong recollection of how things went down that day. For anyone younger or for those who don’t remember, I have made this video in such a way so you experience what the strange feel of the day was like. I think 9/11 is very important in understanding how the creeps do business and… understanding the creeps’ motivations tells us a lot about how powerful we are. Look how hard they worked to shape consciousness on that day, and they backed it up with 20 years of related B.S. on the news! – Matt
I’m hugging you…right now 🏹
Anyone familiar with the theories on the burnt vehicles?
Hi Mark,
I was there that day and saw those vehicles in person.
What was weird is that some were burnt with the metal roofs gone, melted and steering wheels and seat destroyed “gone” and the passenger side interior seat untouched, still had accordion folders and papers in tack.
Many cars and other anomalies like that were all around the area.
I was the “Supply Coordinator” there for almost 3 weeks thereafter.
I saw what I saw and it wasn’t normal or explainable. I didn’t realize for years until I was actually able to process things internally and cone to that realization that things weren’t quite right.
I have my theories although it’s too much to text in one paragraph.
Best Regards,
Incredible account, Jay. When you see something like that with your own eyes, it changes everything… and what a wonderful experience that is. Truly a gift. This place is like an unreal dream. Whatever “magic” the creeps have at their disposal, (I’m guessing) it’s only power is here in the unreal. Thank you for sharing.
That’s very nice of you Mark. Your welcome and Thank You.
Yes your right, Their power is here… And our Power is within. To quote scripture, “Greater is He who is in you, than he who is in the world”.
There are weapons and forces here that the masses are unaware. Most people of the earth are casual observers.
It is “Magic and Illusion” to those watching.
The art of Magicians need the “Gimmick and Patter”.
The Gimmick is the hidden “thing” that makes the trick “Happen”. The Patter is the story or deceptive movements giving the illusion or trick “Believability” it’s Magic.
#1 rule of becoming a Magician is “Never reveal the Secret”.
The “Trick or Illusion” Loses its Magic allure or spell when the secret is revealed.
That’s the starting point.
Maybe I’ll explain further if anyone’s interested.
Kindest Regards,
Hello Jay. I think this is very interesting. I somewhere heard this before and didn’t know what to make of it. I would like to hear more from you about it.
Hi Rob,
How and where do I begin?
It’ll be easier to start by answering your questions. You’d have to realize when asking that I saw things differently on the inside at the time. No outside contact except for relaying our needs on the ground to the outside and setting up and bringing them in while distributing amongst areas within.
I was there “In the moment” and didn’t see it from the outside or how others saw and heard it being portrayed.
The heat that couldn’t be seen under our feet. The 8-12 inches of ash we were walking through like snow. The burnt cars and other metal objects with crazy things like shrubs or paper along side those decentigrated objects. No desk, chairs, office file cabinets etc. Which you’d expect to see. Large steel beams seemingly cut from both sides.
I could go on and on.
Your looking at things that just didn’t make any sense of “how did that get like that”?
Thanks for your Interest and ask anything and I’ll answer the best I can. I’ll be checking this feed periodically.
Best Regards,
I’m interested in what you know and your theories. Thank you.
Hi Rachel,
Thank you for your comment and interest!
I’ll be glad to share. It’s late here, I’m EST in the US. It’ll take some time explaining theories and different things.
If you don’t mind checking in and clicking the “notify me” so you’ll see my responses later on in the day and afterwards.
In the mean time, If you can ask a little more specific questions it’ll be easier to give me a starting point for your answers.
Kindest Regards,
Jay how do you hit the notify me button, i’ll have to look for that, I didn’t know there was one here.
Hi William,
At the top, under the star ratings and to the left beside the subscribe button. Click that down arrow and you’ll see the notify bar.
To the right of that bar you can
Click That down arrow and you’ll have the option to click on the notify me of “new follow-up comments” or “New replies to my comments”.
Anyone can get these providing an email.
I found that by accident.
BTW, You’ll have to do that on each video you wanted to follow.
oh cool, I would have possibly never figured that out
Hi Bill,
Did it work for you? If so, Glad I could help!
I jumped on for a minute to say hi and looking forward to other interesting comments from the community.
BTW, share my info with Rob and let him know to share with Matt.
I’d really like to swap some theory’s and brainstorm some ideas on putting plans and actions in place for this community.
Matt and Rob are very talented and they’ve already laid the groundwork.
I’ll be back on later in the day and tonight.
Peace and Love to All,
Whoops I answered this on Jay’s feed.
FYI Rachel V K,
If you haven’t already I would recommend checking out Matt’s book / it’s all audio on Y T. It’s not only a great reference it might also help you with arranging your questions for instance.
(*you might want to disregard this idea) I just re-read you two talking and realized Rachel is most likely looking for Jay’s (personal) thoughts since he was there that day and many more. Take care.
Sounds like DEW’s (direct energy weapons)
Direct energy weapons fired from that white plane that was circling . Same tech they use on the “forest fires”
In the year leading up to the coof, Australia was put to the torch – many many people lived off-grid in the bush – they were the humans most affected – herded back with everyone else from their burned properties.
Hi Mark,
Dr. Judy Wood has done extensive work on this; a book and many presentations and podcasts.
If you are interested in ritual magic and images and the entrainment of people’s psyches, those burnt vehicles were a whole package of spells affecting our sense and possibilities for movement/change/growth.
Theories about who and how are interesting diversions, but… maybe it’s enough to have a functional internal bell to warn you about lies and traps.
Direct energy weapons.
There seems to have been a DEW on a vehicle, similar to the Ark of the Covenant, leaving a trail of destruction after said event.
Check out the following on the Check the Evidence YT channel;
*Doc Judy Wood PhD.
*The Ponns Fleischman effect on the cars .
*John Hutchinson
*Quasi crystals.
*John Lear (Lear jet) talking about the military having hologram tech since the 40s.
Doc Wood sued the US govt for their faulty physics on 9/11 and she won, a little known fact.
Once you have these effects pointed out to you, like a steel beam disintegrate in mid air for no good reason, you can never unsee it.
Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return. Genesis 3:19
We are in the end times. It only gets rougher from here on out. Love and strength to all my Christian and other truther brothers and sisters.
Hi Matt! Bikerbabe here….I finally got off my butt and got over here!! Love ya man!! 😀
Well poop, I went to give the video a 5 star rating and it came out as 4.4…It won’t let me correct it either. What the heck, I guess I better learn how to use this site.
When you add your rating, the number you see pop in is the new average based on your recent vote. 🙂
Can you see the 11:11 and the 11:11
not sure what you mean, could clarify what it means to “see the 11:11 and the 11:11”?
1’11 ask my 10 colleagues and get back to you.
ill be holding my breath..just as for mr. blue
I looked up David Bowie “Ashes to Ashes” official video from this, Bowie used ‘cut ups’ to make his lyrics. He cut up words from newspapers and magazines, then randomly took out words and put them together to make his songs. Connecting to the ‘ether’ / ‘collective consciousness’. The Ashes to Ashes video begins with two towers.
WOW that’s really interesting!
This is a masterpiece.
hi matt love your work , you may like this from richard d hall of ,
oof ,I had dreams like that I would fall, it takes such an agonzing long time till your down
I keep seeing 9/11 20 year anniversary never forget … but time i read it as if it is saying 2020 never forget..
well done
I was supposed to be there for weeks I doged my bosses first mantauk securities 89th floor south. I wanted to stay at home with my newborn. Finally it came to that Thursday. There was no Thursday .
Well done; powerful and sensitive… Matt, you managed to include a good mix of information, questions, banality, magic, elegy. The musical selections, perfect.
Thank you. ❤️
Matt this was an excellent presentation, very well edited and the music was fantastic, bravo sir.
The whole event is so mysterious that it keeps fascinating me and to be honest, without it I would’ve probably never studied so much about religion, secret societies, the occult and philosophy. In an cruel way it’s a gift that keeps on giving.
I would like to share again the art project Oculus at the metro station at the World Trade Center. The artwork they installed in 1999, not the Oculus metro station they build on the new plaza:
‘Oculus is a constellation of stone and glass mosaics in the underground labyrinth of interconnected subway stations of lower Manhattan. Over three hundred mosaic eyes, drawn from a photographic study of more than twelve hundred young New Yorkers, are set into the white tile walls of the World Trade Center/Park Place/Chamber Street Stations. The work’s centerpiece is a large exquisitely detailed, elliptical glass and stone mosaic floor (38’8” x 20’8”) at the heart of the Park Place Station. The continents of the earth, interwoven with the City of New York amidst an ultramarine pool, surround a large eye in the middle of the mosaic. The mosaic is at once a vision of the world, a reflecting pool of water and a representation New York City in its proper geographical orientation.
The work’s detailed renderings of the eye – the most telling, fragile and vulnerable human feature – offer a profound sense of intimacy within a public place. Together, the images create a sense of unity and flow: animating, orienting and humanizing the station. Oculus invites a dialogue between the site and those who move through it.
The former World Trade Center Station is situated at the northeast corner of the site. The station was flooded and closed to the public following the September 11, 2001 attack. The site was damaged but not destroyed, and it reopened eight months later with the work mostly intact. Oculus was recognized as “an unexpected monument” by the Wall Street Journal on September 11, 2003.’ (from the artist website)
Currently above ground the new metro station is in the shape of a huge eye and is called the Oculus as well, therefore I believe this was one of the most important art projects connected to the 9/11 event.
The ripples displayed on the mosaic world map seem to be disturbances, influences caused by the giant eye in the middle, rippling over every continent. Just like the 9/11 event rippled across the world those days ‘The mosaic is at once a vision of the world, a reflecting pool of water and a representation New York City in its proper geographical orientation‘.
This made me remember that story in Alan Moore’s Watchmen about a giant squid teleported above New York to firstly cause materialistic destruction, but also a mental wave of confusion and despair. The one who teleported the squid had implanted the mind of a psychic into it to accomplish that effect…
‘The Extra-Dimensional Biological Entity, usually shortened to E.D.B.E. and commonly referred to as the Alien Monster and the Alien Squid, was a giant, genetically enhanced, psychic monster that resembled a humongous, mutated squid. It was created by Adrian Veidt to prevent nuclear fallout from a potential third world war, by teleporting it into New York City, killing three million people, and traumatizing millions more. This event, known as the 11/2 Psychic Shockwave, successfully united the planet against a false alien threat and drew their attention away from each other, a lie believed even thirty-five years later by most of the population.’ (from Fandom)
Is it a psychic shockwave we see in the mosaic map? The mosaics were supposed to induce a feeling of unity and flow….
I find this truly fascinating no matter if it’s done through secretive groups or divine hands!
thanks for the share, if not I don’t know if I’d have ever heard of this before
This is great, Matt!
They really went the distance to make it seem as real as possible. If it weren’t for the handful of mistakes like the helicopter footage with the misplaced skids, incorrect digital renderings of the Manhattan skyline, and the fact 4 seperate and supposedly live camera feeds broadcasting that mornings events would periodically sync up to be showing the exact same video feed. (Something that would only be discovered when all four were played back simultaneously side-by-side)
This would’ve been an impossibility had they actually been four independent live camera feeds from four different news networks.
Can you elaborate on this? Where can I find more info about the TV cameras? And why so few camera angles?
Search up and watch the September Clues movie.
Man, this freakn day… What a crazy crazy crazy day…
Salut de la France chers Amis des Amériques !
Here below is just a short analysis of a simple man who spent 40 yrs + in the Construction industry.
The WTC was built in iron structure (columns and beams) and “collaborative floors”, it means, underside in steel sheets and top filled with concrete.
In case of a lateral violent choc on the structure as a plane could cause it, several columns would probably have broken, causing all the upper floors to collapse and fall by the edge into the void, but certainly not of the whole building, that is totally absurd !
Also, many people do not suspect that between, wood, concrete and iron, the first structure to collapse under a same extreme heat, is iron, because the poles twist and cause the structure to collapse, more rapidly than wood and concrete.
So, what could cause such an horrific and “clean” destruction ?
It’s called by profesionnals : Controlled Demolition …
But how “they” did that under everyone’s nose, I don’t know ??
After the 1993 truck bomb in the parking garage the towers had like a 30% occupancy. There was work being done on empty floors and in the elevator shafts. plenty of time to set up a controlled demolition.
How did the building material turn into dust in midair? That’s not standard of controlled demolition I’ve watched on many videos.
Thank you Matt and Rob.
Excellent. Just,…Wow, that was edited extremely well. The lack of commentary was freakin’ GENIUS! It didn’t need any! The way you put those clips together and the perfect volume and tone of the music is a testimony to years of production experience on the “platform”. I didn’t know how you were going to do this and not be just a repeat of past videos. This presentation blew me away, all the way to the end. I always expected to hear your voice. When it started to run “credits” and still no voice, the sheer power of the unspoken word became bright and clearer than ever before! This is just a great production! Credit when/where it is due! MUCH, MUCH CREDIT! Bravo! Bravo!!!
Thanks Matt.
(MATT: Please read. Have a new theory you might want to ponder.)
Great magic is achieved by putting more into the setup of a trick than any rational person would think possible.
The towers were built to be a magic trick—no high-tech weaponry required—they were simply built for “dustification” from day one.
We ought to think of this entire playground in the same way; it’s been built up all along as one massive series of magic tricks.
NEW THEORY: This occurred to me just yesterday, and it’s not a fun thought. When it comes to “programming” the masses, has any one thing been given as much time and effort as the nuclear bomb narrative?
Note: for the sake of presenting this theory, I’ll just assume most people here have concluded that nuclear bombs as presented by mainstream are a complete farce.
Yes, all that insane spending on nukes and testing could be pointed to as enough justification, but we all know at this point that it’s never really about money… not in terms of big picture/end goal. Since I was a kid, the nuke narrative has been ever present across all entertainment and “news” mediums… absolutely relentless.
I find it highly unlikely that so much would be invested into this narrative unless the plan was to harness all that programming at some point in the future.
With enough TNT (or other explosive), a nuke can be simulated…. mushroom cloud and all.
Are there megatons of TNT strategically placed beneath the ground of major cities across the world? All just waiting for that special 9/11 moment when the magic trick roars to life?
Will a “nuclear holocaust” be simulated for the grande finale?
It’s not a thought I wanted to have… but now that it’s entered my mind, it feels incredibly likely based on all that we have learned and experienced in this place. There are too many reasons to count to stay away from major cities these days, but I’d add this possibility to the list.
MICTECH. Tesla TECH. Dustification in such a fashion isnt from any building materials used to have structure into such effect without external cause. This is simply my opnion on the basis of what Telsa knew and what he demonstrated with his work with fields. We can never know with absolute certainty past it wasnt a bunch of mad arabs et al.
Trump family got TESLA papers and trunks of his stuff. That is a fact. 3 letter agencies arent as ”in on it” as people like to think. fwiw.
I’ve had some thoughts on this – one thing I can say is that there are some narratives that don’t quite make sense in regards to nuclear radiation/fallout in the way certain stories are presented. For example: Hiroshima. Even just reading the wikipedia – probably the shortest, simplest summary of events we see some things that don’t seem to really add up:
On Monday, August 6, 1945, at 8:15 a.m. (Hiroshima time), the nuclear weapon, “little boy,” was dropped on Hiroshima, directly killing at least 70,000 people, including thousands of Korean slave laborers. he population before the bombing was around 345,000. About 70% of the city’s buildings were destroyed, and another 7% severely damaged.By the end of the year, injury and radiation brought the total number of deaths to 90,000–166,000.
On September 17, 1945, Hiroshima was struck by the Makurazaki Typhoon (Typhoon Ida). Hiroshima Prefecture suffered more than 3,000 deaths and injuries, about half the national total. More than half the bridges in the city were destroyed, along with heavy damage to roads and railroads, further devastating the city.
Although institutions suffered a great deal of damage due to the atomic bomb that was dropped on Hiroshima on August 6, 1945, they were reconstructed and combined to become the new Hiroshima University which opened on June 1, 1949.
News of the terrible consequences of the atom bomb attacks on Japan was deliberately withheld from the Japanese public by US military censors during the Allied occupation.
So we have a nuclear bomb that destroys 70% of Hiroshima but then a month later a Typhoon (which oddly was named Ida), destroys half the bridges and roads (half of what 30 percent? or did the roads and bridges stand after the nuke?). It’s then said to have caused 3,000 deaths or half the national total – which is extremely confusing as to what they mean by that considering they stated 70,000 people died from the nuclear attack a month before. Now all of this can be sloppy presentation but one would think that after a nuke that destroyed 70% of a city there wouldn’t be anyone there a month later let alone 3,000 people to die from a typhoon.
I also think its odd that apparently the majority of Japan didn’t know about it and somehow an entire university which was comprised of many schools and buildings – I believe at least ten or eleven different universities in Hiroshima – was ready to open 3 years later when it was said that by the end of the 1945 they were still experiencing mortality from the nuclear radiation. So I guess 11-12 universities were rebuilt within a two year time span. This happens in both Nagasaki and Hiroshima where soon after there seems to be a very rapid rebuilding process that would honestly seem impossible to do even in 2021. So definitely some questionable things to the whole nuclear radiation/bomb narrative.
Maybe one of the first times using D.E.W.’s because same destruction happened in Paradise California when they burned up all those people in their cars. This video should be shown to every person under the age of 21, so they know what type of creatures are really in charge and losing control. Also, the army showed us frequency weapons back in the late 90’s and they were supposedly prototypes. But we all knew they already perfected them.
WTC Two towers’ achitect was Minoru Yamasaki, working at a Detroit company for all his life… Detroit is the center of the world.
How deep is your love elevator music is to much. WoW. If you belive the official story. Its hard to believe that anyone doesn’t know the truth. Its just like people glaze over or they just go no no it couldn’t be.THEY would never do that. They don’t even closely understand the THEY and their Evil.
I guess people have watched so many movies they believe anything on the Boob tube.
Great video…
Matt meetups :
Every Sunday at noon at your local pub.. October 3rd 2021
CO – Moes Original BBQ – Boulder
PA – Founding Farmers – King of Prussia
TX – Eureka! Burger bar – Austin
IL – Lou Mitchell’s – Chicago
OR – Screen Door Eastside – Portland
MS – Oby’s of – starkville
TN – Bain’s BBQ – Memphis
CA – The Kitchen – Sacremento
NV – Bricks – Reno
AZ – Restaurant Progress – Phoenix
NM – Iron Door BBQ – Silver city
ID – Bittercreek Alehouse – Boise
MN – P.S. Steak – Minneapolis
NY- Broadstone Bar – New York
VA – The Virgianian – Charlottesville
GA – Georgia Boy – Atlanta
FL – Bolay – Brandon
HI – Big Island Grill – Kailua-Kona
UT – Vito’s – Bountiful
NC – The Fiction Kitchen – Raleigh
WA – Jeffs texas style BBQ – Marysville
MT – The Montana culub – Billings
ME – Roberts Maine Grill – Kittery
AL – Pie Lab – Greensboro
AK – Wolf Run – Fairbanks
NH – Goody Good Donuts – Laconia
AR – Heidi’s Ugly Cakes – Norfork
NE – The keeping room – Nebraska City
NJ – Seasons 52 – Cherry Hill
CT – Flora – West Hartford
NC – Herons – Cary
DE – Kathy’s Crab House – Delaware City
ND – The Walrus Restaurant – Bismarck
OH – Momocho – Cleveland
OK – Trails End Barbecue & Grill – Owasso
RI – Los Andes – Providence
IN – The Overlook Restaurant – Leavenworth
SC – Good Eating Kitchen – Gaston
IA – The Oil Press – Zearing
SD – Desperados – Hill City
KS – Grünauer – Kansas City
TN – The Iron Horse – Wartrace
KY – East End Tap and Table – Lexington
LA – O’YAH’S – Rayne
VT – The Farmhouse Tap & Grill – Burlington
MA – Blue Heron Restaurant – Sunderland
MI – The Timbers Restaurant – Cadillac
WV – Kathy’s Diner – Buckhannon
MS – Ajax Diner – Oxford
WI – Stuff’s Restaurant – Wisconsin Dells
MO – The Glenn – Charleston
WY – Napoli’s – Cheyenne
MD – Stanford Grill – Rockville
PR – La Casita Blanca – San Juan, Puerto Rico
GM – Beachin’ Shrimp 2 – Flame Tree Plaza, Tumon GU
International list:
Please comment a local pub in your country near by you, and I will post it.
Note: I picked the lowest cost with the high rating local location.
comment if the location is unusuable or closed on Sunday at noon.
I will keep updating this list. Use a “Q of C” sign for others to see.
Comment if a state requires 2 or more locations.
Food or drink not important ; quiet spot for a good talk, centrally located.
Please be patient, quiet, friendly, and courteous.
We plan to talk forever, forever, so thank the staff and tip WELL.
What is this thing, the “Matt Meetup?” And why isn’t my town listed?
(j/k – i’d be sitting there by myself 🙁 – might as well stay home & hang w/ my cats per usual)
Where do you live and I will add it to the list
Coupla questions first if i may…
yes,meet every sunday from now on, sure, pick a location and I will update
Thanks, Jen
I check this video post daily
Awesome thank you! This place is the closest & pretty popular & affordable: Kelsey’s Bar, 219 Rodeo Road, North Platte, Nebraska.
updated. Thanks for commenting.
Kelsey’s Bar, 219 Rodeo Road, North Platte, Nebraska.
Thanks but all the pubs in Humboldt suck.
They are not Matt worthy.
Carste, I am doing states, you may need to drive a little to reach a central location in your state. Please post a pub you do like nearby.
pub not important, you are. pick a space to meet with a table and chairs and a roof.
Went today, no-one else, had the boudin balls and iced tea
Nyc is requiring the green card of life to dine or drink in restaurants.
pick a place or location outside if thats what you got. NW Corner of broadway and 4th street
they got their NWO & we got ours!
they got their NWO & we got ours
Thank you for another great video.
I was 36 years old on 09-11-2001 and for two weeks following this event I purchased any publication or periodical which contained any information related to this event.
When watching Matt’s video, I was almost shocked to see how many people wore masks that day. Other than numbers of official-type personnel such as police, healthcare workers or fireman, I remember average citizens being mask-less or using makeshift masks from shirts, towels or rags.
There are so many average citizens with masks in this video. Proper type masks. Where did all these people get all these masks from?
How is this even possible?
I’ve always wondered the same thing.
Thanks for this Matt. My internet was gone for most of the day due to a storm in my neck of the woods last night. Your site was the first I went to for something on “the event” when it came back on. Hello to all fellow truth searchers!
Can someone explain to me the inflated tire? And how many camera angles do we have again? And why so few?
Mat I always have trouble getting on. That having been say, now that I’m finally on thank you for freevoice.I.O
Rumsfeld Press Conference September 10 2001: “‘According to some estimates we cannot track $2.3 trillion in transactions,’ Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld himself admitted.
USA Today, September 1, 2021: The war in Afghanistan has cost $2.3 trillion so far, according to Wednesday’s release from Brown University’s Costs of War Project.
Okay then, if you say so.
The actual number was 2.3 to 7 TRILLION dollars missing from the Pentagon budget. The only people killed at the Pentagon was the forensic accounting team looking into the missing money and all the files of course were destroyed. I remember when they put those 5 edited frames of a white streak hitting the pentagon and an explosion. People were like the quality sucks and it’s edited. So the Pentagon and CNN/Fox whatever puppet was like ok here’s a better copy and it was literally the same 5 edited frames again. The 7/11 across the street that was for government employees had their camera footage taken, never seen again. The hotel down the street same thing. All FAA data was collected and destroyed the same day. So much destruction of evidence in a single day.
Yep, all of that. My point was only how the numbers used match – again and again. Start to end.
Matt your “9/11” video is NOT a thing cobbled together by a guy with old clips from his “Mac”. This is clearly a professionally edited piece with very carefully selected clips, mood music, and sound design. Are you seriously trying to lie to us all..? You keep outing yourself as an agent.
You’ve obviously never edited video to any great extent on modern computers with modern easy-to-use software. It doesn’t require a brain surgeon. It requires creativity and and a visual thinker.
Hi James,
Why would you automatically go to the “Agent” homonym? I’m seriously curious to why you’d post this here knowing this would get you a lot of dislikes and attacks.
Have you honestly gone through some research, checked him out and asked some questions?
Or is it really because you think it’s too good to be done by an “ordinary single individual”, therefore he MUST be an agent?
Just for a comparison sake…. My Son just turned 16 a few months ago. He has a Youtube channel with over 107k Subs with a Silver Play Button plaque to prove it. He is an amazing creator, editor, music and voice over wiz. (If I can say so; myself)
I can assure you he’s (My Son) NOT an Agent!
If that’s your “ONLY” proof and reasoning for this comment, I’d suggest you look elsewhere.
Otherwise if your actually here for and like the negative Drama, I see you got our attention! Glad I could Help. Lol 😀
“Let’s go out there and Kill’m with Kindness”
Jay, how are you doing? I read a few of your comments here on this feed and when I got to this one I couldn’t resist responding.
I too have been tempted to take on these (trolls), yet two seconds later I think “why bother”, will give you a ditto on your take though, totally agree on those points.
As for my (go to comic response to many of these clowns) I see (only one or two here) there were more at times on the Y T postings over time. A part of me laughs thinking either these losers (or confusers) are living in their Mom’s basement (or) they’re actually the low paid (agents) trying to get a leg up the ladder doing troll work from some basement inside the belly of the BEAST.
Maybe it’s my imagination, yet it seems like there’s less and less as time goes on.
Hope things are going well for you and your family in your neck of the woods Jay and have a great day bro.
I’m doing good and the Family is Happy and Healthy, Thank you for asking!
How are you and yours?
I was about to sign off for a bit and as you did, I couldn’t resist responding.
These types really need help.
They are either Lost in delusion and yes possibly seeking truth or just playing their role for purposes we won’t know unless we ask.
Now… Will they tell us? In Honesty?
That can’t be known without listening and analyzing their response.
Which you’ll typically get No response or speud hatred with verbal attacks.
I’m sincerely waiting for his, just in case he is truly seeking and we may be able to help.
Visitors and Lost people need tour guides.
BTW, Your right, Comedy is the best rope and light to “guide and find the lost”.
Thanks my new Brother and Friend,
The building shown at the 23:37 mark does not seem to even be a WTC building. Here’s a real picture (left) compared to the 9/11 movie (right). The real towers had lines that made a gradual curve up to their peaks while the “live footage” building simply forms small 45 degree triangle shapes at the top. Is this part of a longer clip, Matt? I’d like to see if they ever pan out far enough to show the rest of the pissed-on breadcrumbs in the skyline for comparison.
Sorry, here’s the pic
I knew it was BS day 1 because the 1993 truck bombing was BS done by the FBI. The Iraqi Colonel they hired to Flush out/recruit Jihadi’s in NYC recorded all his phone calls with the FBI including the one where he begs them not to make the terrorists a real bomb and the FBI forces him to do it. The Murrah Federal building was an inside job. 9th floor survivor Jane Graham’s interview would blow anyone away who was a skeptic. Officer Terrance Yeakey said he had solid proof of FBI responsibility before he was Suicided. Dragged a half mile with a rope around his neck his arms cut up and shot twice in the head with a gun of a different caliber then was found at the scene. Waco and Ruby ridge are also very damning of the Federal government. 9/11 was like the 5th straw that broke the camels back in making me wary of the Federal government and the deep state.
Everyone might want to check out It’s a great 911 resource. The twin towers had about 30% occupancy after the 1993 truck bombing incident and a couple hundred people died that day not 2300. A lot of the memorials are fake or duplicated.
Mushrooms and cats will keep u sane…. I have now inside ferals and a grow room!!! Life is good
Paused to open an IPA and comment: so many flashbacks: I seriously haven’t seen most of this footage and the news reports I haven’t seen since probably 2001/2002ish news coverage. On 9/11 I was 11 years old in 6th grade science class in Georgia. I remember my teacher wearing an olive green fitted t-shirt and khakis. I remember her turning on the classroom TV. I had no idea what the World Trade Center was and I didn’t understand what was so significant about it. However, by that time I was familiar with explosions, bombings, shootings, etc. on the news (like Columbine, the ATL Olympics, etc.) ; I didn’t understand why we were watching this at school and why we were all sent home from school for this particular building exploding on the news. Obviously I learned quickly and heard about it constantly through my teen’s. Also in my teens, I boycotted the news because I couldn’t stomach the war coverage. I would just play in my room while my parents watched it after dinner (luckily we had a big house). Later, during my freshman year at a small college in 2009; my Intro to Ethics professor asked us to share “how did you feel when you saw the first plane hit?”. We were all in middle school somewhere in the Southeastern US.
After everyone had answered he said “that’s not true; none of you saw the first plane hit, because there are no videos of the first plane.”
I just kept it out of my mind most of the years after that; I’ve always “questioned the system” but only recently became a full “truther” for lack of a better term. However, I am far too casual of a person to care about all the tricks and details; I’ve seen and heard enough to recognize patterns and methods of the “screens” as Matt says. Plus, Matt and other Gen Xers clearly did all the work before I was even old enough to care or understand; which I am extremely grateful for.
Man I was a young pup of 8 years old when this went down. I remember the day, but never thought much of it after and honestly never really cared until I woke up in 2015. It doesn’t take much research to see that things don’t add up. Good job on the creepy vibe though. Must have been crazy to have been there while it went down.
“Ashes to Ashes” is a song written and recorded by English singer-songwriter David Bowie. It was the lead single from the 1980 album Scary Monsters (and Super Creeps) and became Bowie’s second UK No. 1 single. It is also known for its innovative video (that began with two towers) directed by Bowie and David Mallet, which at the time was the most expensive music video ever made.
You should check out the symbolism in that video….
Drank alotta Oly that day.
My first thought was, controlled demolition…
Didn’t wake up for two years to find out I was right.
Champagne of beers for me that day!!!
Haha… Goin big!
I was just thinking about the Statue of Liberty over there pretty sure they had cameras
Like Matt said, the possibilities are endless.
It’s not like anything needs to be proven anymore.
A poignant remembrance – thank you Matt – well done. I was 30 & living on the west coast. Six months later, I bailed on the Oregon life I loved to move back home to upstate new york to be with my normie family. Regrets are dumb. We’re on the path we’re on. But sometimes I wish…
Please!, the cat would have lived, klawnWorld is going for the heart strings again
awww, li’l stinker. 🙂
and yeah, it’s a cat. probly woulda walked away & been like, “what? i’m a cat!” lol
Alex Grey painted “Gaia” in 1989. If you look at it, it has a man who looks like George Bush Jnr, next to an Evil ‘Dick” Cheyney, and a terrorist with a gun. Above the twin towers is an aeroplane.
You’ll find better images online.
Alex Grey, quote: “The day after our daughter, Zena was born (1989) I had a vision of Gaia, the World Soul. Gaia was the tree of life or web of life with her roots in the subatomic, atomic, molecular, and cellular levels of matter (mater/mother) reaching upward through the oceans, stones, soil, grass, forests, mountains, lakes, rivers, air, and atmosphere to nurture all plants and creatures. A natural cycle of birth, sustenance, and death was woven into the tapestry of Nature, Gaia continuously gave birth to life through the love energy in her heart. The future generations of humanity were symbolized by a human mother nursing in Gaia’s cave.
Gaia’s body was being ravaged and destroyed by man, reflecting the present crisis in the environment. A diseased and demonic phallus had erected structrues all over the earth to suck dry Gaia’s milk and turn it into power and money. The wasteland of a disposable culture was piled high and was seeping into the microgenetic pool causing diseases and defects in the Great Chain of Life.
Emerging also from that microgenetic level – but on the side of Nature – was an evolutionary alarm represented by a large “seeing” hand which catalyzed the collective will of the people, enabling them to see, with eyes of unobstructed vision, the actions necessary to stop the destruction of the world soul.”
11 minutes in no plane.
That was great work Matt. Thank you.
Is there something off with me… Or? A rhetorical question. I’m fine.
This is like some eulogy and a tribute to that day. It was Monday, I was half asleep going to school, after staying up till like 1 am, trying to get some legendary loot on Diablo 2. No, after 20 unsuccessful runs, I just turned on my bot and went to sleep.
Yes, Monday, I don’t care what it has always been and now is. It’s my anchor. I know it as I know my name.
I simply cannot feel a connection to the people in the video… The only thing I can describe it as, it’s the same numbness as I watched on the news the clown who got shot in the back 3 hours earlier, getting in the car being walked out by his wife… Or, hearing face to face being told that I’m going to be punched out for saying that “your mom died from xyz, not bullvid, for testing is fake”… But they insist they watched her die on their iPad…. Like wtf!?
It took me decades to come to terms with how I am and I’m just saying it out loud. These movie characters are way too subpar for their roles… Too many mistakes, odd comments and strange references made, as if off the camera to be real. They are not accidents nor mistakes, nor are they real people.
We only disagree in one point, the name of God, but all else we seem to agree on fabulously well. All that is missing is some remarks from the bits claiming to have their own kids, sons, daughters, husbands, wives lost up there…. Sure sure, they died of bullvid, just so happens the test is a joke… Did they die? Who died? Towers? Planes?
The buildings were “pulled”. People died.
There probably were no planes.
If there were, they were RC.
This is what I know, not what I believe.