Coming here early to share with you some of the work going into the new book Exit the Cave. This concept of reincarnation being a trap for our soul is an important one, so I wanted to share a small piece of that work with you as well as the challenge with writing about Plato’s Cave at all. As for me, doing fine, still not much sun, writing 6 hours a day, in the garden the rest of the time. See you all in a couple of weeks.

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Howdie Mickoski

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Troy Andre
Troy Andre
2 years ago

If you enjoyed the vaygis show root 91
Check out the original video of Scott Weiland “Barbarella” 2003

Joseph Thomann
Joseph Thomann
2 years ago

Thanks for the update! I am looking forward to reading the first five chapters of your book. This subject is fascinating and synchronistic for me, you are the second source of information to pop up in just a few days.

2 years ago

Great to hear from you Howdie! I would agree, there is definitely a “disturbance” that has many of us now turning our attention to this/these concepts of endless mind wiped returns to life… I am certainly looking forward to reading your intro chapters… Great work and thank you!

Gay Robinson
2 years ago

Do you give out your email address? Ty.

Bob Kaleita
Bob Kaleita
2 years ago

This place tries over and over again to get us to act badly, or just not care. We’re also encouraged to be as dumb as possible and to react emotionally to whatever happens around us. We’re taught to be obedient to our “authority’ figures and do whatever they tell us. What better way to prepare the “cattle” so they voluntarily agree to come back for some more abuse.

Philip McAdam
Philip McAdam
2 years ago

Hi Howdie. I have been following you off and on for a while now. I was wondering would you comment or broach this subject for a while now. I too look forward to you book. This subject is the most important there is. It is one that the powers that should not be have been distracting people away from it with either distractions or some form of a belief system. When the majority of people out there find out that everything is a total con job. Which it is from start to finish, things will change for the better. But it is never likely to happen as there are far too many distractions in front of most people now. We. I feel are the lucky ones that have latched on and have looked into this. I feel “Forever Conscious” is super channel as he takes a critical look at ever aspect to this subject, which is needed. I also agree with you that no one has come up with or has talked about avoiding this “Reincarnation Soul Trap” But most just give us the love and light nonsense, which is purely a “toe the line” set up. Again look forward to your book.

Gay Robinson
2 years ago
Reply to  Philip McAdam

What I get out of it and what is being said is that there are some type of alien beings doing this. He recommended Wayne Bush’s website which also discusses this possibility. Saying they use us as loosch not to mention using us as a food source. We are the experiment. I have been down the UFO/alien rabbit hole for decades and a lot of what is being presented by Bush points to a higher alien being or beings. In fact, that seems to be what the thinking is regarding the light in the tunnel. If it’s a trick then they are saying it’s aliens that are doing it. What or who else would want to trick us into being recycled. It may just be reincarnation without any trickery. I guess we won’t know til we go.

colin crisp
colin crisp
2 years ago

i would love to hear every thing you put out I have been down every rabbit hole Been with many gurus etc now this is my focus THANK YOU

Winston Wu
Winston Wu
2 years ago

Howdie, did you watch the Twilight Zone episode I emailed you from the 1985 series? It was about the burden of past life memories and why it’s better not to remember your past lives. Did you watch the episode? If so, what did you think?

Also, did you know that the Matrix movies and also the 1992 matrix movie “Mindwarp” say that the world outside the matrix is chaotic and worse than the matrix? Is that a truth drop? If so, how do you know the world outside this matrix is better? What if it’s worse? Isn’t it foolish for you and Matt to assume that the world outside this matrix is a paradise? What if it’s worse? Don’t you consider that? American optimism is often unrealistic, as you know. Furthermore, in the Westworld series in the 1st or 2nd episode, Anthony Hopkins tells a boy that the world outside Westworld is more chaotic and less orderly than in Westworld. Remember? Is that a truth drop or deception? How would you know?


Carol Thompson
Carol Thompson
2 years ago
Reply to  Winston Wu

I thought about this while watching the video. It reminds me of Jesus using the parable of being cast into outer darkness. Honestly, I don’t want to remember this life. It’s been very difficult and I made too many mistakes. I’m not sure I would want to remember any past lives either. I have this image in my mind of just existing with nothing to do after this life. While I am not a mainstream Christian, I do believe in Christ. He said that in his fathers house are many rooms. King James changed rooms to mansions to pacify the peasants. I interpret rooms as being realms. If it’s a choice between outer darkness and a realm, I’ll take the realm. I guess we won’t know until we know.

Last edited 2 years ago by Carol Thompson
Niva Goldberg
Niva Goldberg
2 years ago

So good to hear your turns n invstigations. Interesting how this subject of being trapped in the reincarnation cycle is hot now.
Reminds me of flat earth yes/no….
It being so hot as a subject.
What is the truth we se still do not know. But its good to know not to go towards the light n loved ones (even my cat?? That will be difficult…) wgen dying.
Re plato’s cave. I never got it. It never seemed to make sense to me…

Really inthreshing talk Howdie It takes wisdom n courage to change one’s view on things. Especially after writting books.
Im very very interested in whats to come here on your channel.
Thank you

Michelle Mancini
2 years ago

If our soul (or fragment thereof) can move on, how do we prevent genetic engineers creating clones of us? Given that humans are multi-dimensional, having our DNA reused could be a chain of sorts to this realm. Some of us already feel like (bad) copies of ourselves. Glen Kealey said his DNA had been used 700 times, and his wife’s 37 times. MSM reports how, uncoiled, human DNA could reach from Earth to the moon and back thousands of times. I wonder if this is code for the number of times Evilutionists can reuse human DNA. I also wonder if the soul (as opposed to spirit) is a form of technology or AI. Is the soul our DNA, or is it more like a black box recorder (e.g., pineal gland)?

Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
2 years ago

If you really want to find the exit, maybe it can be compared with a blind man trying to figure out how to get out of a house… Simply get thrown out by the owner by crapping on the floor, haha… If nothing throws you out you know for sure it’s your own house. And if that’s the case, maybe you are where you’re supposed to be.

Last edited 2 years ago by Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
2 years ago

Refreshing rational thoughts…

Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
2 years ago
Servant Of Manifestation
Servant Of Manifestation
2 years ago

I like that ‘How to Make Plato’s Cave Better” …. The image that comes to mind is that of those a large hardback paper-covered book… with pictures of a cherry pie on the front… and the title reads “HOW TO MAKE YOURSELF AT HOME IN PLATO’S CAVE”

(To be read with a note of irony).

Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
2 years ago

Why the mitochondria is inside the cell might also indicate why we are here (inside Plato’s cave)?

Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
2 years ago

Hello Howdie, interesting subject. I made a response to this video, see link:

John Mcmullan
John Mcmullan
2 years ago

When you spoke about the loose feeding of us humans I had to tell you that a friend of a friend of mine had a vision that was so profound that he had to track me down and tell me about it in the vision I had what look like a dead carcass on my back dripping with blood I was running around a kitchen plugging in new appliances when a woman turned up with yellow kettle and plugged it in what significance this part is I don’t know but it is interesting that you said we could have something called a loose feeling from us is that what was on my back in this vision that my friend of a friend had I would be interested in other people’s views on this vision

John Mcmullan
John Mcmullan
2 years ago

This is my last will and testament my soul spiritual essence spirit belongs to me and myself only no other person or creature made a claim with other than myself I say this into the ether and reality we live in and that we passed into next no one can they claim to my soul other than myself

Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
2 years ago

Hello again Howdie!
Please email me regarding Plato’s cave. I would like to discuss over email, but since I don’t know your email address I’ll give you mine:
uncannydeduction at protonmail d0tcoom

2 years ago

your words echo my thoughts exactly my friend. funny it is and yet remarkable beyond words..we are of one mind it would seem, those of us who see and know this truth of truths. this is the only subject of any relevance anymore to those of us who know the terrifying facts of this hyper-high-tech-fuck-ewe-factory-farm. like a razor this gnosis cuts off all other erroneous notions with ruthless and exacting precision. after all, when you realize your little more then lunch for some parasitic predatory hive-minded a.i-insect-bots because youve been mind-fucked by “demons” disguised as “angels” of light at our most vulnerable moment after natural death, you cant help but see everything now through this lens. we now wear the real THEY LIVE glasses my friends only unlike the movie we cant take ours off. nor should we. we’re here to chew bubblegum and kick ass..and we’re all out of bubble gum..

2 years ago

my post disappeared

2 years ago

now my comment that my comment was deleted was deleted..

2 years ago
Reply to  K C

that seems to be a thing they do here..

2 years ago
Reply to  K C

seems odd to censor like minded comments

2 years ago
Reply to  K C

im sure these will get deleted too so it was nice while it lasted, gnight guys

Michelle Mancini
2 years ago
Reply to  K C

I’m curious as to what you wrote, must have been on point. If you care to share,, although I’ve experienced email interception / censorship as well.

2 years ago

We can play virtual reality games with a headset here on Earth. How many of you here would play such a game if you could physically die during such a game? And yet we are all here today playing a virtual reality game in this holographic realm with death guaranteed. So my question is: Did you willingly enter this game knowing that death was guaranteed?

Justin Welch
Justin Welch
2 years ago

Song I wrote earlier this year.
Called Soul Trap.

Carrie Desmond
Carrie Desmond
2 years ago

Could the push for depopulation be to recycle souls back in that will not know the time before the metaverse (brain wipe upon birth) therefore be more accepting of the move towards it? And from our perspective it looks like the folks running depopulation are psychopaths but what if their perspective is “you’re coming back so stop freaking out!”

Michelle Mancini
2 years ago
Reply to  Carrie Desmond

Andrenochrome + black market for fetal body parts + organ harvesting + baby placenta harvesting + electronic fencing + pedophilia + abductions for genetic material + theft of biometric data + DNA grabs + MK Ultra programs + who knows what goes on in the funeral industry + unmarked, sleek jets regularly flying over my property since the pandemic started + biolabs + REPOPULATION and INFILTRATION in conjunction with the slaughter….one can draw their own conclusions regarding what the Earth brokers consider this place to be.

Suzy Vick
Suzy Vick
2 years ago

Reincarnation a 5000 year old Ancient Hindu concept. FunnyI picture myself, age 6, in the pew at my Congragational Church and thinking, how can this stuff be true if Jesus didn’t write the book? And WHY IS IT THAT RELIGION WANTS YOU TO KNOW YOU WERE BORN
A FITHY, Dirty, SINFUL Karmic, mess!
Funny that’s usually not my first though when I see new born anything and how Perverse to project SINFUL KARMIC FLITH UPON ( picture in your mind) a new born bunny with his pink shiny eyes, a new born puppy full of joy , a new born human…? Why is it that religion has to make the soul perverse? A simple analogy is a slick salesman from the fifties who knock on your door and you let him in ( yes this happened)
And he spends the next hour showyyou house fires, devastated families, destined for life long poverty. BUT BOY DO I HAVE A DEAL FOR YOU!!! As long as you accept that
you have sustained DAMAGE, you are now primed for the “ one time offer” for Salvation/Reincarnation!!

Suzy Vick
Suzy Vick
2 years ago


Tina Cranston
Tina Cranston
2 years ago

I am a child of reality
I am not part of this matrix
I denounce all contracts
My soul was forced into plays to
survive this Matrix

I am a free spirit that demands
an exit from this frequency
I do not acknowledge any ties
forged without full consent

I am a free spirit that decides where I go when I die.

You are not allowed to trap my soul. My soul is free to fly,

Terence Lamar
Terence Lamar
2 years ago

I just listened to your interview on THC. I have spent my whole life searching for meaning in this life. Your conclusions are the most similar to my own. Nothing made sense until I realized our history was fraudulently forced upon us. The truth, only recently becoming clear thanks to philosophers and historians like you who are brave enough to share their insights with the rest of us.
This reset is underway. It becomes clearer with every nonsensical and destructive act by the self proclaimed elite. I am on board with attempts to stop it however I am not holding my breath. The real victory is simply being aware of the fight. However it works out, we will meet it with open eyes.
I look forward to reading your books and learning more about your research. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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