Give Matt a Tip:
I was able to get my hands on a stack of 2022 National Geographic magazines. In the pile, to my surprise, were two magazines that were over 40 years old. It was a way to compare “the old reality to the new,” mostly in examining the severity of the “agenda pushing.” Of course, this once “good” publication has been ruined (just like everything else) with agenda topics that were so blatant and offensive, it’s amazing it doesn’t get the attention of “regular people.” Well… just kidding. We don’t expect others to notice anymore, do we?
This thing is buffering like every ten seconds… omfg… it’s going to take 3 hours to get through this…
same here.
Matt will never acknowledge this. Why he posts these here with zero bandwidth can only be described as a loosh harvesting mechanism for the notnilc. I only read comments now, dont bother watching…cheers
My video runs perfectly. I have an OLD PC with good internet connection.
same no issues here
I’m on mediocre internet in rural Missouri and the video didn’t hang up one time. That said, it is likely that independent sites like this will suffer increasingly harsh bandwidth issues as the corporately owned web tightens its grip on content control.
Your complaining is really useful though, keep it up.
I agree Tyler, Commenting of issues of playback in this site helps analyze if there are issues on the FV side.
Maybe they are trying to use everyone to manifest all of this into reality??
I think there are weather weapons and geoengineering in use currently
The system uses it’s tools to bring in the reality it wants
Sports Illustrated has been similarly ruined
Sorry I grew up feeling i was in a nightmare of the living dead and a weirdly falsely solid world that was nothing but bs. This reality has not changed you have quickened some.. the more who quicken the more the stasis ideas of reality do shift with the new flow potential of the creative beings but this world did not go from anything real 40 years ago, 80 years ago.
Off topic but the card Paul Pelosi gave to the the police after his accident was for a 11-99 membership……….the same numbers always show up
First part of license plate in the Cree Nation Canada multi-stab action was … 119 … 13 crime scenes … oh, hahahahaha
more than just the plates. 9 killed 11 injured… Vehicle spotted at 11:45am 11: 4+5=9… Population about …….1900
13 locations … All started at 5:40 am…5+4=9
Ya who cares notnilc.
It’s all about their little globe floating in the infinite dark void. I feel so special I need a mask and a vaccine. Everything is just FUBAR.
1970’s: “Eat every bit of food on your plate – there are starving children in China”.
Today: The starving children in China grew up, and took our jobs…
It looked like FreeVoice wasn’t going to appear, so I worked up this “News Cast, News Flash”. . .
P.S. I visited Stonehenge (*not the one in Spinal Tap) but the actual pile of rocks overseas (lol) in 2007, paid extra for the privilege of (when all the unwashed peasants left around sunset) they allowed us to go up to the stones and touch them, take pics, etc.
I mention it, because during our tour, the guide drew attention to the fact that who ever built this wasn’t satisfied using local stones, that indeed these had to be moved hundred(s) of miles, something akin to say (today) hey I’m going to build this cool fountain out of stone, but I’m going to need to go to the MOON to get moon rocks, I must have fucking moon rocks.
Yes I have heard that too!! And once upon a time, I would have believed it too!
About 38 minutes in: Seriously – Brandon PrestWood – real name, is it? I’ll change his name to “protect the innocent”: Biden Particleboard. There – fixed it.
It’s so often the names that give away the cardboard facade. Or, in this case, particleboard.
Lordy, at 17:22 with the Washington Schlong and all those white flags to represent “those croaked by the Rona.” What an visual – and an incredible lie … current leading cause of death in USSR for dudes & ladies 18–45 is shitty fentanyl overdoses.
Just look at all the directions of the shadows in that image. Sun setting, shadows pointing everywhich way!
Correct Todd. And they can print this *^*%
Now this image is creeping me out. it is dis-orienting on purpose
Half-page pic of a woman wrapping her scarf on her head to emphasize the Illuminati eye t -or whatever- the page right before the shirtless adolescent standing on the roof of his dwelling, with a “Worry” headline. I don’t know, it just jumped out at me.
Yup, so many poor countries our oligarchs could have selected as a low risk spread of producers without feeding their intended new superpower and global reserve…..just like with WW2 feeding the US for UK/Euro oligarghs to pass the batton to.
I’ve wondered for a while if all of the drama, conflict, hyperbole, and what we would generally call nonsense of the human condition is by design, planned before incarnation. To us it’s nonsense because the incarnation itself no longer serves the purpose it once did…which raises a lot of questions about what comes next.
“Planet” he says! Show me the curvature (you can’t it doesn’t exist)! We live on a plane not a planet or a pear!
Isaiah 40:22
It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
Not a sphere or ball (כדור or Мяч in Hebrew) but a circle (מעגל/Круг in Hebrew)!
Bonjour Matt,
I haven’t read this magazine for yrs and yrs, and I must admit that your demonstration of comparing their contents 40 yrs apart is absolutely striking and frightening !
This omnipresence of “unhappiness” and “despair” everywhere in society has reached unprecedented proportions, especially in recent years, and more remarkably in a global way all over the planet !
Can we reverse the trend ? Is it even possible ?
How can one still hope to live a more or less “normal” life in this veritable descent into hell without having occasional suicidal thoughts ?
What hope can be left for younger innocent generations ?
A Kelt from Gaul,
Rock the Universe !!
I suggest China was a far richer nation back in the 70 s in comparison to today, They had a rich and diverse culture, Today it has prostituted itself to the money men, This is what that slaughter of 70 million men women and children, Achieved.
Now the very same tactic is playing out on a world wide scale, I challenge anyone to name even 3 world leaders, That aren’t Mass Murdering Maggot…cheers Gabriel
Hey Matt. Great video today. I can TOTALLY relate to everything you have pointed out. My families all had these in the 70s and yeah I read them. No choice sometimes. I like how you pointed out the Ads. It was a sellers market those vanityfaired 70s eh? Believe me My parents were the ones trying to BE the JONES’ and we were stable at best. Lol.
But you are right to reflect the fact that REAL Journalism was TRYING to be useful. It seemed to be. And you are right in stating there were little to no real biased directives being presented. Aside froms the sales pitched ads. It seemed rather informative from my 8 to 13 year old memory. I certainly enjoyed learning of NEW CULTURE. It seemed to be celebrated there allbeit only a handful of articles to ads it seemed. But they had to send those Journalists off to WHATEVER village to take photos and interview limited relayed information back yo us in 5 pages 3 of which contained some of those semi relevant photos which were to fill in the gaps or details they COULD have printed had the magazine been regular size. Lol.
And you are especially spot on in today’s day in age topics of regular discussions being discussed by families as they may read all this fear instilled nonsense and absorb and believe it. Sad to see honestly. When you know, you know… and if you don’t and don’t want to then well shame on whomever would choose not to know. Is all I will say when the time comes. Honestly just watching you flipping through them quickly accessing the information at its not so face although HEAVILY faced values of decpetion and fear motivation to where? MORE DOOM. It made me unsettled. Thinking “I used to love reading that as a kid.”
Its absolutely astonishing how many people sold out to this agenda as of the past several years. Companies doctors publicists news etc in senate congress and all the rest. Just It’s so obvious. How can people NOT see? I don’t know. Ignoring it as in “I really DONT want to accept this, so I will deny it.” The content before investigation level maybe… Or ignorance in NOT WANTING to know as clearly it can all be seen. Or fully participant and getting paid to be.
FYI I logged in from a differnet server called FreeSpoke? Seems to be playing your videos with OUT all the 1990s data roaming like download speeds. Google likes to sit n spin like is happening and it never does.. I can NEVER watch you through google on Freevoice. But this server seems to do it better this time. I will keep using it.
I got get back in and watch the rest
Jay Holewinski
The lie is so pervasive. These reminders of the obvious shit right in front of us everyday is do important. Thank you Matt.
Weird thing( but not surprising), after your last YouTube post, the machine fed me a truth video. The video was very well done and and even used the Plato’s cave and the craziness in our society to illustrate IT’S points. However, one if the first side notes that IT made was that “ You can come to believe something that is not true, like Flat Earth”. Not that I give a shit about flat earth in the scheme of “what we really need to accomplish for ourselves” but amongst hundreds of com mentors , who sounded very much “like people like you and people like me” not one called it out. I know there are lots of rooms in this cave but seeing that was a real eye opener. Of course they could have deleted any comments that mentioned it but it makes me realize how outrageous the tactics of the reality may be.
1:56 Looks like Mothman or something
4:40 it’s both, we can see it, and its poking its head above water, I actually think its LESS powerful where it really counts…so that’s why its doing the most it can currently, its a desperate power grab
L: “I think that the majority of white Americans are racists.”
R: “So you are saying that Obama cheated to win the election?”
L: “No. That is a racist concept.”
R: “Then how did Obama win twice in a nation populated by a heavy majority of white racists?”
L: “Uh, I don’t know, but you are obviously a stupid racist.”
I remember them pushing climate change when I was a kid in the 1970’s: “we’ll all be deep frozen and dead by 2000” b.s. – cover of Time magazines etc. SSDD. They had to push freeze death as it was a lot colder then; after 1976 we entered a warming trend until 1998 so they did an abrupt about-face in the 1980’s to “heat death”. And… the normies never saw the switch.
IMO (my intuition), the nonsense has been dialed up to a shriek-fest across the board because they realize they are running out of time. Never mind the mistakes they make as they go, mash the gas pedal. Whether it is project Looking Glass material, an astrological event horizon (a topic they pay some Sirius attention to) – who knows? We just get to sample the retro-causality ripples and make our best guesses.
LOL, “Julius Magentimus”! Clown world; agree about the endless numerology dialed in – the never-ending Babylonian magick script.
IMO, this realm we live in likely has other entities (non human) that developed this simulacrum world (see Jason / Archaix and many others); this likely underworld intelligence is represented by A.I. It resents humanity as we are creative and can make out-of-scope decisions, which computers suck at, if they can do it at all. Hence the endless repeating narratives, fake bang events… same tired old scripts ad infinitum with no real novelty. But remember, fear porn makes scared humans easier to control – fear shuts down the higher critical thinking faculties. Oldest trick in the divide-and-conquer book.
As to Stonehenge – I grew up in England and I do believe the site was tampered with mid 20th century; psychics say that, while Avebury and many other sites are bursting alive with energy, Stonehenge feels inert and dead – except perhaps to all the hippy solstice folks who gather. If the vapor canopy theory is considered, all life back then grew to much greater sizes – trees, animals (dinosaurs?) and humans. So building Stonehenge and the Giza pyramids would be more akin to a Lego set for them. Food for thought.
We are just either blessed or cursed to not fall into this belief set any longer; part of leaving the age of Pisces I guess – hive mind, group think writ large; no place in the next turn of the sky clock where the sovereign individual is paramount. “Belief is the enemy of knowing” as the phrase goes… As Lavette says about Aquarius: not so much “I know” as “I remember”. We are much more than we know…
To do an Apples to Apples comparison one would need to reacquire the mindset and feel of the time in question. Of course the past will seem tame from our current perspective so much farther away from natural law than the time in question. They couldn’t push what they push today if shows such as All In The Family and Happy Days didn’t construct the foundation of the launch pad to insanity currently being used. Therefore from my perspective I would bet dollars to doghnuts (wait, I think doughnut cost multiple dollars now, but I digress) that it was Proportionally just as evil back then when you adjust for proximity to natural law of the society in question. I think our ability to perceive is the greatest change that has effected society, and the Notnilc have been pushing just as hard since the beginning.
Build it up and tear it down. No need to notice the first part, when everything’s great and your dating the prom queen. We are at the part where she stole all of our credit cards and our car and is cheating on us at the bar.
well worded
Just another trivial example of the relentless agenda. Just got a YouTube ad for Google Fiber featuring a drag queen talking about how Google Fiber has never let “her” down on one of her shows. If my YouTube history had any weight, this would have been one of the least applicable ads for me to have been served…lol
We un- subbed to that rag when they dropped the Letters to the Editor section. A Koch brother also bought most of it around the same time. Not that I pick a side.
People used to subscribe to NatGeo for only two reasons — to put in the bathroom for reading material, or to put in doctors offices for reading material. I never knew of anyone who was anxiously looking forward to a monthly NatGeo issue like they did for Sports Illustrated, Hot Rod, Popular Mechanics, etc.
Hello Matt,
A minute in the synchroncies are making my mind pop like corn on fire.
As a former “Licensed” body worker, labeled “non essential” by the system, I witnessed the system’s takedown of my profession and the ruin of touch, breath and physical contact in healthcare(👹). Touch is dangerous, breath is dangerous wear a mask, physical contact is 6 feet apart. I made my escape from that concentration camp, but it still exists in graduated intensity in the minds of people all around me/us.
I have so many magazines and books on Touch, the body and trauma. How trauma is stored in the body to be forever locked in our engagement with life. The system understands this and so, touch must be removed, in stages, for Transhumanism to be made real.
In the eighties, I purchased the book,
Unknown Man (The Mysterious Birth of a New Species) and still have it. I sensed then, as now, it maps out the system’s plan.
You might enjoy reading it, so I checked to see if it is still available, it is. Amazon will deliver it on…( I’ll give you one guess, you will only need one) 9/11/2022, if ordered today.
Thank you for sharing your preceptive with us. Sometimes, seeing life deeper than surface level feels lonely, but you always make me feel connected to those that see. 🙏
Hey Matt, I’m sure you have shared your email in the past, but I can’t seem to find it. Can’t wait to watch this video but thought I’d give you something quite funny/synchronistic to look into. ‘Nathan for You’ season 2, episode 8, specifically the commercial within it. Would be a stellar video essay.
Who took the picture of those two guys watching TV in the flooded house? And they still had electricity, or were they running the TV on the generator? It’s not a waste of gas — they have to “stay tuned for further instructions.”
Great observation. Cognitive dissonance once again.
This edition will blow your mind,
Oh my god!! That is a classic find Ashman Mann!! Can that be for REAL??
I think what you are proving beyond any doubt is that we live in a giant algorithmic feedback loop. It isn’t the “reality” that is devolving, it is US… the people, and the reality algorithm simply flows [aggressively] in whatever direction society moves. The algorithmic nature of this reality is simply feeding the masses what it perceives it to want. As we know from algorithms such as YouTube, it’s conclusion regarding what we “want” is often WRONG and it always dramatically overplays what we show the smallest amount of interest in.
Ask yourselves this: If one were to guide reality based on what humans consume as entertainment, what direction would reality move in? An algorithm doesn’t consider that someone may be simply engaging something due to a lack of options… it only builds a profile on what is consumed.
My point is, an algorithm is easily fooled by skewed inputs. If the creeps know that this illusory reality is based on an algorithmic feedback loop, imagine how easy it would be to steer that kind of system by producing millions upon millions of false or deceptive inputs. I truly think this is close to what we are dealing with and I’d love to see you delve into the concept of a “reality algorithm feedback loop”.
Tyler, you have a good idea
Interesting idea!
For real how do you cancel your membership? There’s no way to manage it, no way to cancel it…
the whole artificially inflated “race issue” is totally torn apart when looking back at those 70’s magazines and seeing the topic literally being on the verge of non-existence …I went to a private school in North Edison NJ, my school was about equal % in “student diversity” – my towns public school was majority minority students, and both were pretty decent schools, just about all of my non-white friends, especially the ones from the public schools were getting near perfect scores on their sat’s and making huge achievements in academia, with most going to ivy league schools – no one thought about this shit, everyone had an equal chance to succeed – and I graduated hs in 2006 – if i think back on it, there may have been some signs of the dark, artificial-reality peeking through when I was in college, but it really seems like the notnilc system didnt completely take over until sometime after I was out of college
I agree. The average person just wants to get through the day. Mike Wann at Susquehanna Alchemy recently had a video about a “black” man named MJ. When a friend talked about being white, MJ said to him, “The minute you become a white man, I become a black man.” We are all shades of the same color.
I agree, ‘Fk their technology’ ALL of it. It has brought us nothing but detachment from the true self. Today the detachment is happening so fast there’s no self left to strip away. Most have given up so much of their self that they are now in the red, writing IOU’s on little bits of ripped napkin to the Notnilc.
I’m always the bad person who goes off-topic. Is the “Queen’s death” a marker, like the bombing of the Georgia Guidestones? They’ve been propping her up like Norman Bates mother…You can’t die until we tell you to!!!!!
As a Catholic, I can’t help noticing it is also the Virgin Mary’s feast of her birth. The dark witch dies, the white virgin is born.
The crazy thing is that when I was in 7th and 8th grade in 1996-1997 I won the National Geographic Geography Bee in my Jr. H. S. Even went to the state competition in Little Rock. Now I hold a world view that is almost the complete opposite of what I was led to believe was the truth of this world. I am so thankful for a number of my failures in life that actually led me to expanding my consciousness beyond what “successful” people believe and the minion functions they perform without a second thought about what they are doing to maintain the lie system. I am very thankful that humanity has such a wonderful chance to break the slavery of this system the more the minions show their true intentions and make life difficult for the sleeping masses. I think this existence can still have a “blue skies on Mars” Total Recall happy ending. – Lee Henderson
Wow – I feel guilty to admit I assumed you were older when I read your previous comments…now I know you are a bit younger than I’d guessed. You aren’t even 40 & are really quite aware of things many your age I’ve met do not appear to be aware of, mainly the race-baiting thing we are having pushed down our throats quite heavily since even before the GF PsyOp. You were in 7th grade in 1996 and I was in 7th grade in 1983 – I’m guessing you were born in about 1983. I always get a sad but happy, nostalgic feeling when I see the years 1981 through about 1985 – these were good, solid years where I was old enough to not be a child, but not old enough to see those years in the 80s as anything other than idyllic.
Of course they want to constantly push race hate, look at what they did to Cosby, his message was to stop even thinking about race and to live by your worth as an individual. So they paid a bunch of drugged out sluts he cheated on his wife with to all lie and say he raped them.
The fact that Nat Geo was able to get into the USSR at the height of the Cold War when we were supposedly facing nuclear annihilation at any moment is proof of the one world satanic system. Right there in a low key 1976 article.
I am sick and tired of the racial b.s. Caucasian people are by far a minority group world wide and we are the endangered species. Everything these Notnilc scuz push is the exact opposite. No whites hunt and murder others it is always us who are being victimized. Enough already.
Matt the lower level minions manipulate the zombified masses through the tel/lie/vision, but I think part of the covid bullshit was the upper level minions manipulating the masses on the massive screen, reality. I also think they eliminated many seniors that were a drain on the system.
Matt I think these tech minions are trying to convince everyone of how beneficial all of the tech is to humanity and get as many of the zombified masses to upload their consciousness into an eternity of hell!
I saw during lunch break on bbc appeal to pay for fresh water pipework to be build in Africa…heartbreaking scenes of people pulling buckets from pits in the ground…I asked my mate from Zimbabwe what he thinks about it…he said it is normal, he always drank water like this ( his grandma used to filter it through some homemade filters) and he was never sick. He called all of it BS. This is what world turned into.
Stonehenge – tipperload of rubble. Avebury has “this”, what is not present in Stonehenge.
I watched this either the day or day after it posted. Within the next couple of days, I was at my parents and they had their favorite Jeopardy on – yep, the infamous cover of the National Geographic from June of 1985 with the “haunting” face of the Afghan refugee was the “question” under the “famous covers” category.
It got me curious and it only took minimal digging to find out her name is Sharbat Gula and she was alive and well as of October 2016, at least. She was busted for living in Pakistan with a fake passport…since 1998!?! They said the famous photo was taken December of 1984 and she was believed to be around 12 years old at the time, making her about 50 now…wow! Yeah, useless knowledge, but fascinating nonetheless…well, IMHO, anyway.
Yeah Nat Geo, and even magazines like Scientific American. A mere shell of its former self. Yes, we’ve been greatly devolved. Would anyone wear a mask back then, I don’t think so.