The subject of the video is the most polarizing news story of all-time and has ended relationships. The event was created to be that way and to cause those problems. It’s about a hooker who lived on a Sandy beach in Connecticut ten years ago.

This is testing the platform to the limit. Someday, maybe we’ll have our own servers and not have to worry about it. In addition, what is said needs to be said in a certain way to avoid a “James Fetzer” lawsuit. He now owes $450,000.

Matt McKinley

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Michael Mittag
Michael Mittag
2 years ago

Sandy Hook is for Americans what is the Holocaust to Germans.

Red Pill Diaries
Red Pill Diaries
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Mittag

Or more recently in countries like New Zealand, where everyone is accepting that people like my close friend are not allowed to get an autopsy post-vaccination for their deceased loved ones. They believe so strongly that it is not the death-jabs, so strongly that they don’t want to see any autopsy. We are all crazy for wanting to unpick the variables, and the obvious.
My friend made a lot of money in crypto and was offering a near blank cheque to any pathologist willing to do a port-mortem on his dad whom he warned 2 weeks before his death, not to give into coercion by hospitals pushing the high-profit death-jab… takers except for overseas, and even Kiwi passport holders like me were not allowed to enter the country. Open genocide, corporate collusion (fascism) and fraud.

Last edited 2 years ago by Red Pill Diaries
Michaela Williams
Michaela Williams
2 years ago

I dont believe the medias numbers when it comes to the vaxxed. Im proud that so many people saw through the psyop & stood up to all the pressure & coercion. Knowledge is power.

Isaac Sauceda
Isaac Sauceda
2 years ago
Reply to  Michael Mittag

Big fax no printer. 😀

Chrystal Blu
Chrystal Blu
2 years ago
Reply to  Isaac Sauceda

I need a reason to use this saying somewhere sometime! 😃

Earthling Carl
Earthling Carl
2 years ago

Got here again without YouTube!

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
2 years ago
Reply to  Earthling Carl

Welcome, Earthling.

Ed Schwarz
Ed Schwarz
2 years ago

It was Ryan Lanza that was supposed to be the patsy fall guy. They were going to tie some bad relationship excuse between him and the young teacher Vicky when they were both dead and could not testify contrary. But BIG mistake they mistook Ryan’s brother for Ryan and blew the whole cover story. Right away “they” tracked down Ryan, and on national television took him away in handcuffs never to be seen or heard from again. Suspected shooter’s brother brought in – YouTube – The reason for the whole affair was to get rid of a Christian school (and accompanying village) that would not go along with the regressive left’s scholastic agenda.

Michaela Williams
Michaela Williams
2 years ago
Reply to  Ed Schwarz

These “Lone Wolf” scenarios r so hard to swallow! Any critical thinking at all & these fake events fall apart. Way too sloppy! I, like many, never used to question the tv media. I assumed there was a Law. Well there was before Obama changed it. Of course the Public was not made aware.

sigh inara
2 years ago

I agree with you, Matt, there is something more to this phenomenon than just everyone being “in on it.”

There was a shooting at my son’s university on Valentine’s Day 2008 (the semester before he began attending) & I remember there being odd things aplenty in the details that came out afterward. Even looking at the Wiki just now I found:

“The first 9-1-1 call of an active shooter was reported at 3:06 p.m. Seven seconds later, NIU police officers were notified by the dispatcher”…

“At 3:06:33 p.m., NIU police officers Ayala and Zimberoff responded”… (oh that’s why they needed to switch to stopwatch-accuracy time stamps…so they could stick a 33 in there)

& then (within 7 minutes of the first call, not even of the first officers arriving on the scene) we have confirmed fatalities: “At 3:13 p.m., Sergeant Ellington advised that there were at least two deaths.”

Gay Robinson
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara


2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara

I started NIU the same exact semester as your son. Small world! I had a class in the auditorium it allegedly happened in. Had no idea about the timing of the police calls.

Last edited 2 years ago by N FIORESI
sigh inara
2 years ago
Reply to  N FIORESI

Wow! are you still in the area? If you’re ever in Algonquin, he’s the manager at Organic Rootz & would love to whip you up a tasty treat & talk about reality…he’s the local philosophical smoothie bartender LOL

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  sigh inara


Anthony Guerra
Anthony Guerra
2 years ago

I was kind of disowned by family members over the Pulse night club one, no blood and greenscreen reporting immediately did it for me .

Gabriel McLoughlin
Gabriel McLoughlin
2 years ago

Like most, All these big events,
There is a lot more than appears,
Or who is in on it.
These Are occult , esoteric rituals,
Regardless of your or my spiritual beliefs, There is a priest class using the dark arts . In fact I will go as far to say it is Now running this entire realm, Was Adam Lanza a Golem? I think So, I am not sure how long this Darkness has manifested.
My Guess is about 1947.
Cheers Gabriel ☀️

Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
2 years ago

Agreed. But why 1947? I’m soaking up as much info as I can and have never come across that year.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago

Why 1947 specifically? I can understand that after two world wars, disease, death, rage, violence, hatred, and loss, on such a scale that was never seen before in known history, the darkest of dark energy would be off the charts for those evildoers to harness it and cast their spells to rule the world.

Truth Seeker
Truth Seeker
2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

That’s when Israel was created.

2 years ago

Adam Lanza wasn’t a golem or even a human. He was cooked up using the clone brush and various other tools in Photoshop.

2 years ago

Anyone remember the photo of two burly “nuns” (i.e. men dressed as nuns) with name tag lanyards, just standing around?

Dennis Scalpa
Dennis Scalpa
2 years ago

The item in the timeline that cemented fakery is the call to ban weapons. Supposedly… a partially mentally disabled youth esentially STOLE a weapon and acted out on innocent schoolers. If this were true the remedy would be to monitor mentally disabled people and gun cabinet lock awareness during registration.

W Dforty
W Dforty
2 years ago

Dr. Carver did autopsies. captain Sum Ting Wong right there.

Bizzaro then, laughable now.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  W Dforty

Sum Ting Wong? Really? I’m not surprised, though. Strange names often are a clue that Sum Ting is Wong with the picture.

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
2 years ago

9-11 Was the event that started me on my truth journey and that I suspected our U.S. Government was not what we were led to believe it was. Sandy Hook just confirmed it all for me. All these years later and wiser, you realize it’s even more absurd and that none of Sandy Hook ever happened.

Yo Momma Was Good
Yo Momma Was Good
2 years ago

Here is the biggest clue, with these fake shootings. When they interview “loved ones” or friends that died and the first thind they talk about is gun control. I bust out laughing every time it has happened and the people around me think I’m some psychotic maniac laughing at the deaths. But they have no idea how fake it is, AND you can’t convince them otherwise.

Gay Robinson
2 years ago

Been there. So damn true. Unbelievable.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago

There are times that I think something is so obvious, and it actually surprises me when others don’t see it.

Ricky Bobo
2 years ago


Ricky Bobo
2 years ago

The kids also gave it away when they were being led out of the school. They had ZERO tears, no anxiety. and some were even smiling.

2 years ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobo

That and the fact that there were only five or six of them instead of hundreds.

2 years ago

And don’t forget the guy in kevlar helmet as well as several other “actors” (girl screaming into cellphone, woman being interviewed) appeared as characters in OTHER fake events!

Brian Stahlman
Brian Stahlman
2 years ago

As said Matt these “conspiracies” are set up in advance certain ways (Goldie Locks reality) in order to cause friction with us truthers and the normies in our lives we try and have basic, reasonable conversations with. Whether its “9/11 truthers” or “Sandy Hook Hoax” or the biggest most obvious one “Flat Earthers”. They’re loaded words that when NPC sheeple hear them they tune out before even hearing 1 bit of a alternative narrative to the mainstream story.

Ricky Bobo
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Stahlman

I have wondered whether they tune out because they are NPC sheeple or are they NPC sheeple because they tune out?

Gay Robinson
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Stahlman

I can astral, step out of the avatar consciously. Go wherever u want to. One time I went so far I turned around and saw the big blue marble. Yes people who have mastered this like my friend Vicky , can go anywhere. She can do this easily, me, not so much. I laugh when I listen to FE’s try to justify their belief in a flat earth. Trust me it’s a sphere. Might I add it took my breath away like when I saw the Grand Canyon the first time. Awesome stuff. Scarey for most. I look at everyone who is unable to do this as kindergartners. Lol. Matt’s right there is definitely something beyond death.

Esteban Colon
Esteban Colon
2 years ago
Reply to  Gay Robinson

too bad nasa cant give us a picture of this ball you speak of.. you are full of shit.. not denying you can obe.. i can to .. . talking about your nut ass globe

Esteban Colon
Esteban Colon
2 years ago
Reply to  Esteban Colon

spinning at ridicoulus speeds.. come man… just the speed alone that the are going to leave orbit is nonsense.. you are as entry level as they come .

Brian Stahlman
Brian Stahlman
2 years ago
Reply to  Esteban Colon

A reply that fast and to a comment just made. Hmmmm, looks like someone has a lot of time on his hands trying (and failing) to troll

Esteban Colon
Esteban Colon
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Stahlman

i have your troll right here between my legs you chump..

Esteban Colon
Esteban Colon
2 years ago
Reply to  Gay Robinson

as for your somehting beyond death.. no shit…. did you not notice the enities and people that we around when you went out of body??? surely you were able to see that being you went out of body, yet you dont mention any of that..

Ricky Bobo
2 years ago

I have the file, if anyone wants a copy of James Fetzer’s PDF book.

Chase Jandernoa
Chase Jandernoa
2 years ago
Reply to  Ricky Bobo

That would be much appreciated if you could send the link my way.
Thank you kindly.

Jeanna Dysart
Jeanna Dysart
2 years ago

Matt, every time I’ve been asked about my reasoning for “truth,” I’ve only needed ONE argument: as a mom, I would have said, “You will have to shoot me in the back to keep me out of that school!” And yes, literally, EVERY PARENT in the world would say that . . . so to believe that not a single ONE demanded to hold his/her child one last time, process in their minds that it was really true, is the ONLY evidence anyone should need. That part of the screen presentation, by itself, should seal the deal for any parent.

Gay Robinson
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeanna Dysart

My dear friend died, he was jumped and stabbed many times, he was in the hospital and the nurses and docs said to his family, “you can’t see him and they knocked those people over literally, basically telling them you aren’t getting between me and my loved one. I remember them telling me that a couple of them fell down on the floor. Wow.

2 years ago

Why do you think that there isn’t hundreds of thousands maybe and probably billions of soulless humanoids involved in this deception? There are levels of soullessness and that is what HR departments and computer tracking is all about. The majority are easily downloaded the proper understanding, think of Pink Floyd when they said “we told you what to think” then there are the rebels. The rebels either are just to erratic or they feel that they have a cause. This is the beginning of mutiny and will be dealt with according to Martial law. These people we be cast off of the ship of state and be forced to survive in the modern world without access to the higher functions of the state. They then become a resource for the state in a different way than that of an obedient crew member. Homeless or prisoner, either way they still serve their master, the state. Then there is the Mutineers, these people have standing and they comprehend the facts accurately. Mutineers are the ultimate warriors for truth, and morality for the sake of humanity. Mutineers know mutiny is a one chance operation and if we fail we will be viciously murdered by the vile and evil forces that we with the blessing of the Most High God stand in unity against.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago

The biggest employer in the USA is the government.

Jeff Hall
Jeff Hall
2 years ago

Thank’s Matt! IDK, I Think there has to be several things going on, not only that we can’t understand or maybe thing’s going on in an unseen reality all around us? IDK. I Remember on 911 that day I was with my Sister & Brother in law I said to them I’ll bet there’s more to it than they’re saying followed up by I’ll bet our own government has a big hand in it. They’ve labeled me a nut job ever since we hardly ever speak anymore. Fascinating! WTF?

Gay Robinson
2 years ago
Reply to  Jeff Hall

I think most of us here have been through the pains of sharing with loved ones etc…only to be hurt when they look at us as nutcases. Toughest thing when it’s family, friends not so much. Lol

Jeanna Dysart
Jeanna Dysart
2 years ago

Excellent, again, Matt. Thank you.

Samara Tardif
Samara Tardif
2 years ago

I would not want to see ANYONE’S face if that were my child. I would be SICK to my stomach, DEMANDING and CHARGING in to see my deceased child. You bet your ass I would. I would be put in a rubber room because there is no way I could EVER function after that. Words cannot explain the pain. These “parents”, I am sorry, did not seem like ANYONE who lost a child in the way these children “did”. I am sorry, I am not buying it! This was ABSOLUTELY not real. Not in my world, anyway!!

Samara Tardif
Samara Tardif
2 years ago

Oh, meant to mention. This IS a reality breakdown. I do not buy “paid and threatened” either. Noway! This is work beyond human capacity and I don’t know if we will ever know how they do it.

Esteban Colon
Esteban Colon
2 years ago

why would you make this video and not put video of the actual things you are talking about??? no normie is going to listen to this. It would have been much better if there was video to go along with what you are explaining… what are you crrow 777 now….. 🙂

Brian Stahlman
Brian Stahlman
2 years ago
Reply to  Esteban Colon

How do you know he didn’t try? Finding anything anymore of substance on these topics is getting harder & harder.

Esteban Colon
Esteban Colon
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Stahlman

what he is talking about has video evidence.. i like sharing matts work but he falls short all the time…. harley was the same guy at lax, yet he left that out… it would have been simple for him to put video to his dialouge here.. i can source the video to what he is talklign about in a nano second….. 🙂

Esteban Colon
Esteban Colon
2 years ago
Reply to  Brian Stahlman

stoplookthink . com has everythign on sandy hook..

2 years ago
Reply to  Esteban Colon

This isn’t for normies, it’s for us. It’s too late for them anyway.

Gay Robinson
2 years ago

The strangest thing about Sandy Hook for me is my friend and I saw it on Fox News live in June of 2009. I just found out recently that it happened in Dec. 2012 . My husband died on June 4th 2009. My dear friend Roger came over to try to console me. He and I are both Vets. He is a Vietnam Vet and I am a Desert Storm Vet. My friend doesn’t drink, smoke, or do any drugs. He was at my home for hours and it was getting late and the news came on and bam there it was. We both saw the event unfold in June 09. The good thing is I have a witness. Wow. Incredible. How did we see this event in 09 when it didn’t happen until 2012? I remember in all my grief I saw Robbie come out to the podium and immediately I knew he was faking it because no parent would do that when their child was killed. My brother was killed when he was 27 years old, motorcycle accident and there is no way in hell my Mother or Father would be on TV. Absolutely no effing way!!!

2 years ago

Green is envy

2 years ago

The statement “the first amendment no longer exists” shows that the teacher is not learning anything from his students.

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
2 years ago

I don’t follow……..

Jack Sutherlin
Jack Sutherlin
2 years ago

Matt, Jim Fetzer doesn’t owe anyone anything -he’s controlled opposition.
The fake lawsuit and settlement only served to dissuade any truthers from pursuing an independent investigation of their own.

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
2 years ago
Reply to  Jack Sutherlin

That’s an excellent observation.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  Jack Sutherlin

Absolutely. You can find him on which is another “made for TV” conspiracy forum.

2 years ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

Oh heck, are they “one of them” too?? Can you give me some thought here? Yeah I am on there but not active during this freak show. Thot they were REAL ….

2 years ago
Reply to  Jack Sutherlin

Wow, we are in deep kim-chee for sure. This whole place is a booby trap ….

Deanna Swaney
Deanna Swaney
2 years ago

I kept waiting to hear about ‘Shut up, Creepy Gene’ Rosen. Everyone must check in.

2 years ago

The concept of discussion with non existent strangers is the apitomy of deception and evil design.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago

Please explain.

Jack Sutherlin
Jack Sutherlin
2 years ago

I remember how emotionally charged this fake event was. The normie bought it hook, line, and sinker – as usual. And any talk of it possibly being fake would illicit a sometimes violent response.
I remember me and my father got into it over that event.

So much evidence exists to prove it was a hoax where no children actually died, yet the normie still believes it to this day.

Last edited 2 years ago by Jack Sutherlin
2 years ago

So I am correct there are no actual people on this site?

Timothy Laudeman
Timothy Laudeman
2 years ago

I’m here brother. I’ve read every comment of yours. I’m interested but a but confused. Not a fan of movie Matt?

Brenton Netz
Brenton Netz
2 years ago

This is the event that woke me up. Remember the bad actor who gave all the kids cookies on his lawn? How about all the house mortgages being paid off in full around Newtown? Remember the poor female dispatcher who kept blasting in on the operation “they say it’s a hoax! It’s a drill!” and a voice would reply “get off this channel (her name I can’t remember) she was later beaten to death on her front porch. How about the lesser known parent who supposedly committed suicide at Newtown city hall just a few years ago. Or the pictures taken the day before the “shooting” with all the feds standing around with ther hands up, rehearsing their scenes (with the front door glass already broken out)…it goes on and on and on….

2 years ago
Reply to  Brenton Netz

… didja see the interior shots of the “Lanza house?” Cheap mass-bought particle board 1980s office furniture! Black cloth hanging over the window, not drapery or mini-blinds! Aahahah, and a pic of a rifle on the floor!

Sandy Hoax is a CIA Village of the Damned, whole place = film set, suburban prop village, and the horrific CT State Hospital (where bad actor Gene Rosen had been the director??) is so, so close by … it is closed of course.

Rockey Brouse
Rockey Brouse
2 years ago

Years ago two Aussies were on Caravan to Midnight and the fakery that they exposed was unreal. Even with the blatant evidence proving that no such school even existed, dumb fucks are going to believe everything the news tells them to.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago

It was just two months later the Superbowl had the SH singers singing the touching song “America the Beautiful”. Jennifer Hudson & Sandy Hook Perform “America The …
That was followed by the Satanic witch, Beyonce, who became the demon possessed “Sasha” live on stage…which was followed by the lights going out for 33 minutes that delayed the game and is said to be the most bazaar thing that ever happened in a Superbowl game. But let’s not forget the Aurora “Batman” “mass shooting” connection which involved Lanza’s “dad” and the greatest banking scandal. And the map in the Batman movie 2012 was a turnkey year. Obama is the antichrist and he and Big Mike have been running this shit show ever since. And also remember the Superstorm Sandy which flooded Sandy Hook School earlier that year. The school was built in 1958 and those schools had a 50 year shelf life. My school was built the same year and it was torn down in 2013-14 too. Then in April we had the Boston Marathon fake bombing. It’s all fake folks.

beyonce shitshow.jpg
Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

Any connection between Hurricane Sandy and Sandy Hook?
I remember that hurricane. I didn’t evacuate and watched my street turn into a rushing river. I’m in Far Rockaway, NY.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

I believe it’s no coincidence they just happened to call it “Superstorm Sandy”. That hurricane flooded out the Sandy Hook Elementary School and that’s the main reason it was closed and the new 2012-2013 school year started 7 miles away at the Chalk Hill School in Monroe which is now a Private Junior High School. Here’s the map used in the Batman movie that year… 

sandy hook map batman.jpg
2 years ago
Reply to  Chuck Pal

… you mean that pic is not photo-chopped?? holy cow Beyonce lookin’ like Big Mike’s younger bro, what a stud!

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  TexAnna
Chuck Pal
2 years ago

Newtown is a “company town”. The local lodge is right next door…still. The school was closed due to being flooded earlier that year. Hardly any police officers are in on these events. They are stationed in places to block traffic due to the fake event and most have no idea what’s going on. Wakey wakey.

Jen Kupp
2 years ago

wow id forgotten some of these deets another great presentation matt thx

sandy hook comparison.jpg
AllDeception WillBeDefeated
AllDeception WillBeDefeated
2 years ago

Enjoyed. The only thing anyone can be sure of is what’s in front of their nose. Just talk about that. And if one comes to you with a long bullshit story that can’t be verified, run!

Ps, saw it on TV won’t hold up in a truth court.

Last edited 2 years ago by AllDeception WillBeDefeated
Chris Mann
2 years ago

Wonder how Gene’s Trusty Pet Service is doing

Erin Phelps
2 years ago

I’m beginning to think that everything around us is a digital matrix of some sort. It can amplify or collapse down onto whatever AI thought process it wants to lead us through. That would explain that real people would not understand or see many of the inconsistencies as none of it really exist except for what exist in the matrix. Nor would any of the real people be able to grasp and hang onto something that is an absolute truth, As there is no absolute truth. It ebbs and flows and changes according to the beliefs of the mass consciousness of the few real people that exist here.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
2 years ago

Wait a minute, you’re telling me that that retarded Gilligan mothafucker killed all of those children and had about 99% accuracy!?

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago
Reply to  Greg Morrone

Good point.

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
2 years ago
Reply to  Greg Morrone

Why is it that when there’s a “mass shooting” the gunman is always an expert marksman? Supposedly the 20 something year old at sandy hook was a bonofied Rambo. He probably just wanted a hot meal and a place to stay for the night but got antagonized by the local cops. Then he went on a rampage. 😂

2 years ago
Reply to  Greg Morrone

I read that he tied his shoes 60 times a day, or was it 60 times an hour, yet he ran that AR15 like a boss! And yeah, what about the hearing loss suffered by survivors (ha) with that loud-ass rifle fired repeatedly in same room with them.

Chuck Pal
2 years ago
Reply to  TexAnna

Newtown 911 operator, Jen, overheard on 911 call: There’s a rumor it’s fake
Newtown 911 another operator: Jen, I’m gonna need you to get off that phone.
6 months later Jen is dead.

Yotam DarkStar
Yotam DarkStar
2 years ago

I’ve started my “truth journey” very recently with the covid nonsense and I appreciate Matt taking us newbie’s into consideration. Great stuff and love the humour as always 👍

Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
2 years ago

This is the one event that still has me completely baffled as to what it really is. Maybe because there’s kids involved and if it were staged even partially, kids are simply going to give it away. I was hoping this video would help but I’m still confounded. The only conclusion I can come to anymore is that the world is simply not real.

Chrystal Blu
Chrystal Blu
2 years ago
Reply to  Claudia Ciao

They weren’t told anything and were just led out of building in a line. What’s for them to give away. Some were actors. I could get my kids to lie if I needed them too even at 3. Not hard to do. Tell them to never speak of it. They won’t.

Greg Morrone
Greg Morrone
2 years ago

I’m not sure if anyone else is having this problem, but the video stops @1:09:13 everytime I try to listen.

Kurt Wagner
Kurt Wagner
2 years ago

Not to mention the vegas or Orlando night club shootings. Im pretty sure john wick didnt even kill that many people 😂. I think some people have the ability to wake up and smell the coffee but it comes down to them being so afraid and scared. “People are gonna judge me and label me as such n such if i buy into this (conspiracy) stuff”. Thats a big difference between us and them. We dont give a fly F what people think of us, where as some of the bots worry about their reputation. And im not saying thats everyone. Some of em are straight up bots that can barely put there socks on in the morning. But I digress
Thanks for the video Matt.🙏

William Boiani
William Boiani
2 years ago

Wasn’t sandy hook mentioned in one of the batman movies?

Jay Steele
2 years ago

Yeah I posted some stuff on facebook on sloppy sniper next thing i get a dear john letter from a life ling “friend” thats when I knew these people are not like us..

Tim Hogan
Tim Hogan
2 years ago

I listened to this and as a 3rd grade truther newbie I was rocketed into 12 grade, thx. And right afterward I listened to this on 4/3/22 there was another mass shooting reported in Sacramento around night clubs and many citizens claimed the cops wouldn’t let the family members of potential victims identify the bodies a day later :/
WTF? too strange.

Last edited 2 years ago by Tim Hogan
Rachel V K
Rachel V K
2 years ago

Thank you, Matt, for going over the details of Sandy Hook. I heard you refer to a lot of this, but I never knew the details, at least not from your point of view. I think the last time I really paid attention to a school shooting in detail was Columbine, which I came to see as the first one of these student shooter incidents. I would guess that you have the same opinion of Columbine as you do of Sandy Hook.

For me, Columbine was a kind of template for all of the school shootings that came later. Maybe for all of the shootings that you have included in this category. They all follow a basic formula, set down by Columbine. When I saw that, I realized that it was more than just “copycats.” There was something else strange about these incidents. It’s like you could make a chart with boxes, like a spreadsheet, details all lining up. The five W’s and How, check them off in a row. What I trying to say is that it’s more than a script, it’s a formula that has to be followed.

I like the idea of reality breakdown because I can just throw away the bookends. I can speculate on what is going on without having to wonder if it’s possible. When you ask what reality could pull this off, the answer is this one! Here in bizarro world, logic is not a problem. Things don’t have to make sense to the normies way of thinking. Reality breakdown _is_ the norm.

Don’t catch me saying “new normal,” though.😫🙄Lol.😅 That and social distancing are right there with ground zero and grassy knoll. All of which conveniently come up on Google as I type this.

Thank you, Matt and thank you, Rob. ❤️❤️❤️

Daniel Devereaux
Daniel Devereaux
2 years ago

I have a decode on the Will Smith Slap Ritual, on my youtube channel: farmingfromscratch

Bobby Cotton
Bobby Cotton
2 years ago

At the start of the pandemic the biggest mass shooting in Canadian history happened not far from me. 6 hour drive. 21 dead or something.
Soo.. they were reporting all over the news that the guy was in custody after a few hours of panic. Then the next day they reported he shot himself.
Then week a week afterwards Macleans magazine. The canadian version of time magazine i guess. Mainstream.
Reports the shooter was undercover informant that got paid half a million dollar payment the day before the shooting. Then they report he has connections to mex cartel and a big bike gang.
The only person i seen to mention was this Dan Dicks channel and he got his channel nuked within a day or so.
Also. Our government had a massive act to take back a bunch of our certain types of guns. It was put into motion the day AFTER the shooting.
Quite the coincidence.
The other ridiculous part is how he killed 20 some people was by driving around hillbilly nowhere, Cape Breton a drug filled community not ur typical picture of polite canadian stereotypes. He just drove around and shot people at their homes.
Remind you. During the pandemic, everyone glued to the TV. This was plastered ALL over the news during. In a very small community. Seems fishy.
Anyway God Bless Love the work Matt.

Would love your thoughts, please comment.x