I was looking at the files on the old iMac, and there’s a lot I wanted to talk about that I never could mention again on YouTube. (Gotta love that First Amendment!)

Matt McKinley

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Bryan Godwin
Bryan Godwin
3 years ago

The Green to Blue on the light spectrum says a lot. Not saying this is it, but blue photons can be devastating. I have a green laser and a blue laser. It’s just interesting that the green can go either way in its power. It’s not weak like red, yet not as brutal as blue. It is all encompassing!…Oh crap, It is a GOLDILOCKS Color! Oh $#!+, I just saw it for the first time! It’s “just right”! Accepted by everyone! Encompassing everyone! Putting its different shades into our lives,…but, why?

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago
Reply to  Bryan Godwin

Good point. I always liked emerald green, though, since I was born in May and it’s my birthstone.

Matt Brahim
Matt Brahim
3 years ago

Utah! Gimme two!

Matt Brahim
Matt Brahim
3 years ago

I never understood why the guy said “snitches get rewards” instead of “snitches get riches.” Are they that evacuated that they can’t rhyme?

TG TheRobot
TG TheRobot
3 years ago
Reply to  Matt Brahim

I thought snitches get stitches

3 years ago
Reply to  Matt Brahim

“snitches are little bitches”

Johnny Seven
Johnny Seven
3 years ago

I like to look at my window on a sunny day, close my eyes and experience the white light turn a similar shade of green.
I feel we may need to push back at some point but only because of the persistence of foolish evil doers. I know eff all but my intuition tells me to awaken the warrior, if only to prolong my time and learn as much as I can..before I pop my clogs and face the inevitable.
Thanks Matt, very interesting as usual.

Last edited 3 years ago by Johnny Seven
3 years ago


Dylan Krol
3 years ago
Reply to  HARLEQUIN .

Osirian souls escaping the Earth’s magnetosphere at the cusp.

3 years ago
Reply to  Dylan Krol

Escape being a key thing for the system controllers. Who or whatever they are is a big big question.

Solid Rock
Solid Rock
3 years ago

Good job again Matt

dag b
dag b
3 years ago

1111 33 at tire pauzed time ad I have emerald green walls since 7 years

Thomas Stricklin
Thomas Stricklin
3 years ago

them Hankooks are the sh*t!

Neil Barker
Neil Barker
3 years ago

The Hive Mind (Screen?) seems to be working at maximum power these days. And like you said, all we can really do is laugh. It’s amazing the absurdity that is not spoken of by the people at the end of the cul-de-sac. I like to think that there’s a glimmer or spark of real soul still in some and the absurdity is registering sub-consciously. It’s like you mention often, why would They/Screen work so hard if it was so easy?

I’m leaning more and more these days that the Hive Mind/Screen ceases to exist without attention. Perhaps we are all collectively dreaming and the Dream (Our Hive Mind) doesn’t want us to wake up knowing full well that waking up kills the Dream/Hive Mind.

Maybe, in order for the Hive Mind to keep us sleeping, it needs to continually up the power (absurdity) of our collective dream. Some of us have begun to stir and suspect most of what’s presented isn’t real as we remember (early part of the Dream?)

Just brainstorming and spitballing here – smoke ’em if you got ’em!

3 years ago
Reply to  Neil Barker

To me it is a bit strange that on one hand there are those who say we are all a part of a single consciousness and hence that is a good thing but on the other hand there is the idea of a “borg” like consciousness which imprisons your mind which is most definitely a bad thing.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago
Reply to  worgel

I think it depends on the type of consciousness of which you are a part. As part of the ultimate spiritual consciousness, the Source from which our souls have come to this realm? Or a cog in a machine which drains you of everything you are until finally throwing you away like an empty can of soda? (“I have no further use for this one.”)

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
3 years ago

Maybe you have pointed this out before on earlier discussions of Dylan Roof, but that white guard behind Dylan might as well have been his big brother Slate Roof (made that name up). Or, am I the only one who kept on glancing back and forth between the two and thinking how odd to choose a guard who looks uncannily similar to the accused?

Anyway, I can’t help but continually think back to the 80’s, 90’s, early, 2000’s and consider the nice, neat way things were devolving and building on each other in a way that could bring about this 24/7 clown show we are living today. Was it as absurd back then as now? I don’t think so, because of how differently day-to-day life feels today versus back then.

There was a specific and aggressive war on the nuclear family, spirituality, and the pleasant activities that seemed to bring people together. TV, movies, innovation, employment, college, the military, religion……seemed to take small steps in unison towards darkness while the world became more distracted and discord grew.

‘Father Knows Best’ becomes the blended family of the Brady’s becomes a bunch of single dads, little girls, and rotating girlfriends in ‘Full House’, which becomes the mocking of the family with escalating digs and the overt sex appeal of youth in ‘Married with Children’…..And life was displayed as pointless, hopeless, and those who once had aspirations and dreams for their future became a severely disappointed and mean-spirited ladies shoe salesman in Al Bundy……and we devolved further with escalating speed as shown in many of Matt’s clips just viewed.

It is up to us, the individual, more than ever to build our own foundations and then to help our family and friends understand what we are up against. Righteousness amidst this chaos is the only path to peace and happiness.

3 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

I hear ya but as the song goes “the road is long, with a many a winding turn, that leads us to who knows where who knows when”.

Maria Maybe
Maria Maybe
3 years ago

ha ha look at the guards behind Dylan strait out of central casting

Nigel OSullivan
Nigel OSullivan
3 years ago

When your cat was singing my dog went crazy and needed to go out to check what cat was around lol

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago

My earphones were in, but my cat started singing along with Matt’s cat. I don’t know if she heard or she just had something to say, as she can be very talkative.

Uncanny Deduction
Uncanny Deduction
3 years ago

Time between 911 and when Osama Bin Laden died (2 May 2011) is 6 years, 166 weeks and 166 days exactly. That’s perfectly normal.

John Senior
John Senior
3 years ago

The Qtards are dumb, but Matt claiming that there’s no difference between Obama and Trump is just as dumb. Hillary Clinton had classified information hacked, the Clinton Foundation was as clear a money laundering op as you can imagine, Bill Clinton is an accused rapist. Hunter Biden leaves a bunch of laptops which prove that he’s raking in cash from Ukraine and China and Dementia Joe is taking his cut, and the FBI and the worldwide media just ignore it, until this week when Politico admit that the CIA were wrong about it being Russian disinfo and it was Hunter’s laptop.

Trump’s presidency is pretty much a blatant admission that every other Pres was a puppet but when one does get in that’s not a puppet the system will attack him so hard to show what happens if you don’t run to their tune.

I’m willing to listen to Matt on his out-there theories, he has actually opened my eyes about the Mandela Effect when previously I just wrote it off and ignored it. So I’m choosing to stay and listen to what he says, but he’s admitted he pays almost no attention to the news now so he doesn’t have an informed view at all. He mocked Kavanaugh as being unlikeable at the confirmation hearings, but he’d just been accused of being an attempted rapist and the leader of a rape gang in front of the whole world. Matt was upset about people looking into his history and talking about him working in insurance, just think how angry you were about that intrusion and multiply it by a million and that’s what Kavanaugh was going through.

Mary M
Mary M
3 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

Wow! You think Trump “got in”. They put him there. He is just as much of a puppet as the rest. As Matt said, if you think that anything about politics is real, this may not be the channel for you.

John Senior
John Senior
3 years ago
Reply to  Mary M

Yes, I think he “got in”. Part of the reason Trump was so promoted by Morning Joe Meltedface was because Hillary wanted him as her opponent because she knew she had the Billy Bush tape. She thought that would end his campaign and she’d be first female POTUS. Trump managed to survive that blow and get in. And because he assumed the position when he shouldn’t the CIA and FBI attacked him and tried to bring him down.

Trump’s October Surprise would have sunk Biden. Biden has no answers to his documented corruption so the media just refused to cover it with the weak excuse that it was hacked by the Russians.

Trump was impeached twice for complete and utter nonsense. Biden has just droned an innocent family and killed 7 kids and the system ignores it. How can any “Truth” channel argue that presidents are simply interchangeable when the systems reaction to them is so different?

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
3 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

I believe Matt’s assertion that these elitist multi-millionaires who ascend to the office of the presidency are all working for the same ‘overlord’ and are not much different from on another.

I simply point to the entirety of his life’s focus pre-presidency. He focused on one thing…..amassing wealth in the spotlight. And, through all of his real estate and business ventures many, many little guys, usually laborers and sometimes even business owners were financial victims of Trump’s cut-throat tactics and ended up not getting paid, or were shorted significant amounts. He killed many businesses through non-payments or excessive delays in order to avoid paying.

Trump reveled in fame in a manner seldom seen among the conceited elite. He spent decade after decade wrapped up in his lifestyle of excess and greed. Trump is a narcissistic driven elitist who, instead of using wealth and connections to do good for his fellow man, simply sought more and more. No man of strong conviction and moral fiber would ever point to Trump as someone to emulate. Trump is, of this world and for this world.

My point is this. Logic would dictate that a life of such indulgences does not a moral leader make. In fact, Trump’s seemingly most proud achievement he enjoyed bragging about was his hit TV show. He is an actor. And he is very adept at these acting skills. This is one of his strengths and he no trouble convincing the little guy that he actually cares for them and is working on their behalf. Never before in his life did he do anything that didn’t further himself or his family. Never. Character does not change the instant of being sworn in as president. In fact, it allows the greedy actor to focus more on his financial pursuits.

What happened to the wall he promised? Why did he never order troops to quell the riots and looting that raged on and on throughout the country when the little guy needed help that their cities and states refused? Trump would not step up and do the right thing for the US and small business owners, because he doesn’t care. And to do so was a battle his character was unwilling to undergo. He hurt the foundation of the country through his childish divisiveness. Admittedly, the opposition to Trump behaved at many times even much worse than he. And, their constant battling one another on the country’s stage set the tone for every citizen and people become angrier and allowed their enmity to grow. His four years served the reality quite nicely.

I wouldn’t be surprised if Trump and his enemies met up at times in secrecy amidst lavish meals and servants while they laughed hysterically at the show they were putting on. While their wealth soared.

I am not claiming that he never did anything of value or had his moments where he shined. Quite the contrary. Trump was successful in many things and he showed a determination with foreign leaders we haven’t seen in a long time. His moment in North Korea was incredible, but again I believe it was all a stage. And every dance he danced on that stage was to further himself so his believers would “ooooh and aaaaah” at how amazingly he could perform. Trump was utilizing the strengths of his vast business experience and his drive to get over on the opposition and to ‘win’ did serve him well at times, especially his ego.

I recall when Trump held a bible as if it were near and dear to him. And as if he were intimately familiar with its words and lessons…..Then he recites a passages in SECOND Corinthians and refers to the chapter and book as, “Two Corinthians….”. And I think that moment alone sums up nicely the charade he played and reveals his time as president another ‘Reality TV’ acting gig.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

I agree, what’s troubling is people I know (you know) heck someone above here just posted as if he believes Trump actually did this and that, clearly he’s trying to lecture Matt to turn his TV back on, so Matt can have an informed (sorry I just threw up in my mouth typing that nonsense).

John Senior clearly this channel is not for you. In fact there’s a decent chance this channel could seriously twist you up with say – writer’s cramp typing all the ways (we here) don’t understand modern politics or don’t watch enough TV anymore to “stay informed”, (sorry I just threw up AGAIN, I’m still amazed when people believe stuff like you typed). Not being mean, just think (maybe) you might need to try that 10,000 ft snow globe view..

William Lodderhose
3 years ago

John Senior, I guess what I’m trying to say is, your example about “being informed” with all I know about the lies NASA has promoted, produced, etc., it’s like someone (like you) might say, (I shouldn’t comment) about some new thing NASA is doing because I’m not up to speed, informed about their latest lie.

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

if you dont keep up with the lies, they try to be truths, this is one way that it works its magic

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
3 years ago

The very fact that I didn’t belong to the right or the left is one of the reasons I sought out and found channels like Matt’s. I thought it was apparent how awful they all are (Trump, Biden, Clinton, O’bama, Bush, etc.) And how they sell us the same thing, just under different names.

John Senior
John Senior
3 years ago

 “clearly he’s trying to lecture Matt to turn his TV back on, so Matt can have an informed (sorry I just threw up in my mouth typing that nonsense).
John Senior clearly this channel is not for you.”

I’m not arguing that Matt should turn the news back on. I’m arguing that Matt should display a little empathy for someone, rather than treating him as an NPC and he doesn’t matter.

Drew Murray
3 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

He’s a 70 year old who shits on a gold toilet and cheats on his wife with porn stars. He’s a hyper material reductionist minion. He is cemented to this material world and therefore won’t sacrifice a thing for the greater good and that’s what allows him to be president as opposed to a spiritual Cinncinatus who would never be given the keys. You must know this. If you think a non-NPC would shit on a gold toilet in his senior years then you yourself must be an NPC. You getting the vax like he told you too? If so I have empathy for you.

John Senior
John Senior
3 years ago
Reply to  Drew Murray

People who believe in Q are pretty dumb. But believing there’s no difference between Clinton and Trump and Biden and Trump is 50 levels dumber than QAnon. The worldwide media supports Biden, even though he’s threatening to fire people who don’t take the jab.

No, I’m not vaxxed, I have no intentions on getting it and don’t care that Trump promotes it.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

I’m going to assume John Senior that you’re here to gain some knowledge, that perhaps you’re still on the fence, otherwise why would you agree with (anything Matt mentions, which you said you do at times).

Hey man, I get it. Most of us here do, we’ve all been lied to, tricked by not only the politicians but also some of the very channels out there that still pretend they’re reporting / researching the truth. I was never a fan of Alex Jones, his style being so over the top, yet even I tuned in occasionally because Alex “was allowed” to deliver “some truth”.

You’re clearly not an NPC, given that you’re not only still here you care enough to put your thoughts into words, to share and for that I say – way2goBRO.

AND…thank you for not wanting any of us to turn the TV back on, whoa I was a little worried that was the direction you were heading in.

SO…if I leave you with any advice, it would be (hang in there as long as it takes). It’s a process, tearing down our indoctrination, not only the 24/7/365 the screen pushes, but also the vast amounts of money many of us spent “thinking” we were getting an advanced education – post high school, that is.

If you haven’t already, I would recommend you binge listen to Matt’s entire book ‘A Reality Few Can See’. I did and I believe by binge listening, taking in at least a chapter (or two) a day you may come out on the other side of this with a fresh perspective.

John Senior
John Senior
3 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

“Why did he never order troops to quell the riots and looting that raged on and on throughout the country when the little guy needed help that their cities and states refused? Trump would not step up and do the right thing for the US and small business owners, because he doesn’t care.”

When Trump made the announcement that he was going to bring the NG in there was an ambush murder in San Diego of a black cop called David Patrick Underwood. A serving soldier murdered him with the hopes of creating national race riots, and if he’d used his brain and simply shot into the BLM march then he’d have got his wish. But he stupidly murdered a cop so the incident was never anything beyond a local news item.

Sadly, the National Guard aren’t equipped to quell riots, especially when they are faced with Govs and Mayors who are deliberately letting the riots go on.

IMO if Trump did order the NG in then that situation would have escalated so that it became even worse than the shit show that it was.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
3 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

Smoke and mirrors to keep the performance exciting.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
3 years ago
Reply to  John Senior

When I was a kid there were Punch & Judy perfrormances on the Dam Square
in Amsterdam. Lots of fun.

The gangster-with-a-good-heart Trump versus sold-his-soul-long-ago Biden:
definately Punch & Judy, definately put there.

“In a world…”

Gina Andolfi
Gina Andolfi
3 years ago

At my daughters college there was a shooting in the middle of campus, one killed, one in critical condition, and not a peep on the national news…funny how the really ones never get any attention

Will Youngblood
3 years ago

This site sucks I’ve loged in 3 times but this site cant remember what google does fukn BS Im out!!!! Auto fill still doesnt remember me WHTF

Tyler Hansen
Tyler Hansen
3 years ago

Grandpa…is that you?

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Tyler Hansen

lol, yeah grandpa Munster must wanna sum truth, right???

Will Youngblood
3 years ago

Fuk this site!!!!

William Lodderhose
3 years ago

Oh yeah Ayman Mohammed Rabie al-Zawahiri, (wowie, whoopie dooo) my neighbor saw him ordering two Big Macs the other day at McKiee Dees but the Spy vs Spys still can’t find him, lol.

W Dforty
W Dforty
3 years ago

Keep Dancing Orlando!!!

Ben Federici
Ben Federici
3 years ago

In the movie Romancing the Stone, the gem Michael Douglas and Kathleen Turner are seeking is a mammoth, green emerald called “The Heart“. The movie was directed by Robert Zemeckis who also directed Back to the Future, which we all know is famous for predicting the 7-11 job application in many forms.

This is my first time posting on a QoC video just because I always had a weird feeling about that emerald. As a child watching RtS, I was fascinated over that jewel. Anyways, love the content.

3 years ago
Reply to  Ben Federici

Don’t forget the bad guy’s obsession with green eyes in ‘Big Trouble in Little China’.

TG TheRobot
TG TheRobot
3 years ago

I used to live next door to a Paulie. After a hurricane type event he came out in a tee shirt and boxers(leak port open) to inspect the damage to his proparty. When i think back I just laugh.

Gay Robinson
3 years ago

Laughing is difficult, I cry.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Gay Robinson

hang in there, eventually you’ll start laughing, I did / still do

eric crowder
eric crowder
3 years ago

Loved the video. I think if you checked out Iamtruthor on YouTube or Aaron proof.com ( his website) you would possibly find some useful info. He talks about t.v. literally sucking energy out of you, it’s pretty interesting

Stardust Nicole
Stardust Nicole
3 years ago


TG TheRobot
TG TheRobot
3 years ago

I was to go to a friends memorial service and after celebration. It was all canceled because someone in the family(alive but not living) came in contact with a person who had the spike protein. A year later and this beautiful person cannot be memorialized because of shite. I love you B but will not be going to anything in the future because of the lunacy and lunatics.

TG TheRobot
TG TheRobot
3 years ago
Reply to  TG TheRobot

I live close to a big lib city and the crazy is off the hook. It is sad. Unrelated, but I feel back in the 60/70 the adults were making decisions based upon the times. We look back now and think wtf. Ie. smoking good for you., helps keep you thin, ignoring what children say( complain about pervs and bad goings on) corruption unchecked. What will this current gen feel about our decisions? Although I wholeheartedly disagree with it all, but most agree with the shite. Where is sensibility?

Jared Kinney
Jared Kinney
3 years ago

I was listening to Owen Benjamin the other day & Owen gave Matt a huge shoutout with his last video about music & how are there one-hit wonders? This channel has been phenomenal since launch. Thanks for the content

Dylan Krol
3 years ago

The Green Man
The Green Knight
The skin of Osiris is Green
Aurora Borealis

3 years ago
Reply to  Dylan Krol

The Green Mile
The Green Lantern

Barbara Garland
Barbara Garland
3 years ago
Reply to  Dylan Krol

Not to mention, the interior of 
‘The Borg Cubes’ in Star Trek: TNG and Voyager are a fluorescent green…

rudy moreno
rudy moreno
3 years ago

We’re being presented something akin to a Simpsons episode. It hit me while watching matts presentation. Everything we’re witnessing, all the characters from ellen degenerate to donald trump; we’re witnessing a big show with all those recognizable faces and whacky one-dimentional personaities. All from the imagination of matt greoning and seth macfarlane.

It all hit me like a mack truck when i saw stevie wonder playing a harmonica while Obama is walking in the background. this is all a whacky cartoon show. I seriously thought i was watching the Simpsons.

3 years ago
Reply to  rudy moreno

Yes agree it is akin to the simpsons for sure.

as above so below
as above so below
3 years ago


William Burns
William Burns
3 years ago

Is there anything this community should be paying attention to in that Gabby Petito story? Even the “normies” are falling all over themselves trying to figure out if it means anything that she was SO obsessed with BUTTERFLIES… She had them in her van, on the van, most posts of her Instagram. Isn’t “Laundry” a phony sounding name? The funeral home is “Maloney” which rhymes with baloney. Laundery is mostly clothing – and Gabby’s clothing in most images of her the media shows clearly reveal her bra-less breasts – and she has “tit” in her last name…

Claudia Ciao
Claudia Ciao
3 years ago
Reply to  William Burns

I saw this the other day so take it for what it’s worth. Brian Laundrie right? Brian is an anagram of brain. Laundry is washing.

John Senior
John Senior
3 years ago
Reply to  William Burns

Pissed. On. Breadcrumb.

randy desnoyers
randy desnoyers
3 years ago
Reply to  William Burns


Last edited 3 years ago by randy desnoyers
William Burns
William Burns
3 years ago
Reply to  William Burns

Looks like her family has elevated her to full Goddess status. They don’t want “her name taken in vain”: https://westchester.news12.com/gabby-petito-s-family-to-address-the-public-as-search-for-brian-laundrie-intensifies

Sharon McHugh
Sharon McHugh
3 years ago

Matt, I’m curious about the Australia concentration camp train… is there something different about this video that makes you think it’s real? I think all of the Mexican immigrant border videos are fake, what with the new target backpacks et all, and this one had the same feel. I’d sure like to put the Covid concentrate camp trains in the fake news category. Thanks.

William Lodderhose
3 years ago
Reply to  Sharon McHugh

good question

Charlese Incharge
3 years ago

I’m 40 y/o (anyone under 40 Matt’s voice) and recently watched Bladerunner w/ Ford. I can better image how some living among us are not as they seem whether inorganic, other worldly, technological different, or otherwise synthetic beings, posing as human beings, running the script of their creator.

3 years ago

The worlds leaders in politics, industry and media are certainly acting like androids of a sort.

Joseph Carioggia
Joseph Carioggia
3 years ago

I had a friend in jail then prison. You can’t video, touch, NOTHING! in jail I had to see her on a video. No phones where allowed in visitor room. So no fucking way that guy was able to be videoed in jail.

randy desnoyers
randy desnoyers
3 years ago

I was trying to respond to the Brain Laundry comment. Then on yahoo I saw that the bounty dog hound dude was brought on the case. Cause that makes sense

Shawn Harp
Shawn Harp
3 years ago

Thanks Matt

Skep Tikos
Skep Tikos
3 years ago

Hey Matt, so I have been programming for 1.5 years now (but watched you for 3x that time), and I could work for free on this page in my spare time. A few rookie touches can probably improve it considerably, and either way I can try any changes in a cloned repository first, so there is no screw-up. Contact me via my account email, if you want. I don’t know your email.

Didier FABRE
Didier FABRE
3 years ago

Bonsoir Matt,
As I said before in my previous comments under your videos, to me Death in itself isn’t the big deal, I have reached the point where I don’t give a F… leaving this realm of nonsense and Madness, and I don’t mind whoever could be waiting for me on the other side “River Styx” …
But my big concern is SUFFERING while I cross the river, that’s the big deal for me !
A Kelt from the south,
Rock the Universe !!

3 years ago
Reply to  Didier FABRE

Indeed suffering really really sucks!!! But alas it may be the inescapable part in how we make the crossing.

Bronwyn Janes
Bronwyn Janes
3 years ago

Hi Matt love you I gave up politics last election when the boss of Twitter right before our election flew in on his jet and all he did was have a private meeting Coffee outside cafe with the labor candidate red Iwhen it was time to vote went to vote in local council office voted blue in a secure ballot then told by staff to put my vote in the blue box literally marked blue next to the red box. Since a child I have always see stuff that other people don’t see am a loner because of this but it’s strange that others seek my opinion for some of their decisions. Someone in comments said it was a brain workout being one of your listeners it sure is love you Matt thanks.

Valentine Kosyak
Valentine Kosyak
3 years ago

Has anyone else wondered about the teenagers (18 years old MAX) riding, dressed as guards, with Dillion?

3 years ago

Always interesting Matt! Regarding the green I remember the end of the movie Gattaca when Ethan Hawks character was about to board the “space” ship and the light in the corridor leading to the ship was green. Still not sure why they choose green but figured I would mention it anyway. Also there was the green crystal in superman. Perhaps there is also a connection to the northern lights. And again superman also had his fortress in the far north.

john postma
john postma
3 years ago

BTW; something that occurred to me the other evening; there’s a theory in quantum physics that things will not change while being watched, is this why there are cameras everywhere these days? they’re always watching, that way things cannot change. just a thought

john postma
john postma
3 years ago
Reply to  john postma

or, more to the point, change when and how, ‘they’ want/need?

alec russo
alec russo
3 years ago

Bill Nye is so evil i bet he kicks puppies for fun. Just the sight of that piece of sub human garbage makes me want to puke. The guy is a total fraud that would be BURIED by the media if he told the truth about anything, but because he is a modern Joseph Goebbels for the elite, he continues to show up with his phony “science” credibility, which is based off memorizing a Saturday morning, kids show script.

Its repugnant.

The same media monsters destroy honest people, if they dare think for themselves on a single issue, but this fecal marionette is allowed to get rich from repeating straight propaganda.

Im sorry for the rant, Nye is just one of those soulless fiends who exemplifies the upside down nature of the world, and he is a nasty, gutless, coward who wouldnt defend his mother unless there was a paycheck in it.

He is everything wrong with society in a slimy prop bow tie.

Raymond Warren
3 years ago

Bill Nye is truly degenerate.

3 years ago

my uninformed theory worth 2 1/2 cents >>> green is the color of nature as well as envy. they have obviously already hacked into our reality and seem to be attempting to associate this color spectrum with technology in these movies instead of organic life. it is also symbolic of their envious desire to takeover our world and the natural organic man/woman in the process.

3 years ago

Dude, that foooking Hillary laugh you did was perfect

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
3 years ago

Mr. Terror is allegedly a member of the Moslim Brotherhood.
In the clip he is clearly on display.
The Moslim Brotherhood was organised by MI6 the British secret service.
Terrorism and biological warfare are wonderfool tools, they provide
arguments and excuses for taking away everything from anyone.

Democracy is nonsense, laughable, a sad joke.
Nobody voted for any of this.

… the homeless illegal immigrants here in Amsterdam also organised
and chanted “We are here! We are here! We are here!”
Got them housing, food and money.
Totally organic ofcourse, nothing political, no Soros. (winkwink)

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
3 years ago

It was a long time ago, but I remember somebody calling young activists/
influencers/actors “Quantico Kids”.

Like the many young and succesful YouTubers for instance.
These could very well be Quantico Kids. Just a thought.

Mishko from Amsterdam
Mishko from Amsterdam
3 years ago

Q-related: the Dronebama era brought with it the word hopium.
Recently another word was coined by someone called Academic Agent
on YouTube: copium.

As I have seen a commenter on the Aanirfan blog state: peace to the humans.

S Frog
S Frog
3 years ago

I still vividly remember the best parts of the Dylan Roof “story.” The sheriff’s nonchalantly going up to his car without any guns drawn, giving each other high fives after getting him in handcuffs, and then driving him to a Burger King to get him a burger because he was hungry.

Brian Gawaski
Brian Gawaski
3 years ago

@ 10:00 into the video- My 15 year old tuxedo cat does that too! He usually makes that exact sound when he is about to poop. It’s really loud and I can always hear it no matter where I am in the house. Is it a territorial thing? No idea.

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