This is the final video of my Southern France Mystery series…the blockbuster ending to it all. As such I am posting this to both youtube and freevoice to reach people on both platforms.
The premise comes from the base what if Jesus of Galilee/Nazareth is really Jesus of Gaulia/Narbonne…it would change everything of history and might just explain Rennes-Le-Chateau, The Cathars, Nights Templar, Jean Olier, Poussin and a lot more.
PS I forgot to add, that Raphael’s final painting in 1520, the Transfiguration of Christ (now in the Vatican Museum) was made for the Narbonne cathedral. The second painting, the Raising of Lazarus was almost made my Michaelangelo.
The Stolen History thread with similar ideas
Likely original source of that thread, Hungarian researcher A. Hrustaljov
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Any time I get an either/or, I always go for ‘both’ in simultaneity… with translation. It gives a layered, or Mirror Effect (or one could consider mechanical resonance… like giggling fields on a wire simultaneously moving the compressor in your fridge, and the computer fan a few houses over). So in the case of a mirror light is like giggling fields on a wire… just for the fun of it.
So consider the possibility that Paris is one layer or image… and Jerusalem is another layer. Both are operating simultaneously on the same current… and can tell the same story with subtle or vast variation in pattern… but you will find similarities in the story because they are resonant.
The Bible can then become a map of various layers. In the case of Jerusalem or Paris, neither is the True Story… but both are extensions of the same field of possibility… each can be expressed as a probability to an observer… and each can render the other improbable.
Just a consideration… speaking about magic and Castaneda… remember the Art of Dreaming and the little story with Carol Tiggs in the hotel room.. and waking up some other town.
I have forgotten about Art of Dreaming, I have not read that book for at least 15 years and I have no good answer as to why not…you have given me the push, so off to get it and look it over one more time
Chapter 10… Stalking the Stalkers
No wonder France was always called “The Eldest Daughter of the Church” 🙂
Your interpretation of the Pharisees as “those from P(h)aris” was fascinating. That word never looked/sounded like it fit linguistically in the middle east, but makes total sense with a French twist (like the Champs-Elysees…Elysian Fields). I immediately thought of the other two main sects at the time, the Sadducees & Essenes (which Jesus was rumored to be a member of) & went hunting for towns named “Sadoux” or “Esse”…I did find Esse in west-central France, but no luck with the other (though Sadou/Seydou/Sadoux did come up as a fairly common surname, so maybe the members of that group were followers of someone with that name?)
I never knew about the “eldest daughter of the church” idea…let me just say that I really wish travel was like normal again, Paris would become a deep detailed 2-3 week study right now. I might have to locate a friend researcher in Paris right now to do it for me.
Great presentation. This would explain why so many European kings had the title “King of Jerusalem”, including French kings. It makes more sense to me that Jerusalem would have been a big city like Paris, a lot closer to these kings, rather than farther away in Palestine.
I had been wondering if Paris had been an ancient capital of Europe given its size and the massive amount of infrastructure around the city. The number of starforts surrounding Paris is massive, way more than another other city I’ve seen, so clearly Paris had huge importance in the old days.
Just as you did with the New Testament Jerusalem here, there have been Arab scholars like Kamal Salibi (who wrote ‘The Bible Came from Arabia’) who have placed the Old Testament Jerusalem in Southern Arabia, near or in Yemen. Salibi matched the place names in the OT to many ancient towns in Arabia showing a definite connection.
Could this also be why Britain has always been trying to conquer France? It always seemed to be something more than just financial gain, in fact they seemed to spend more in going to war with the French than they would recoup in winning it.
Jerusalem is also the name of the “other” British national anthem, supposedly written in 1804 by Blake. This is the first of your presentations on this subject I have listened to and am finding it fascinating, thank you! I had always wondered about all the biblical people supposedly wandering around Britain and about all the Holy relics written about in history. The crusades never made sense to me either but as a child when you ask questions you are brushed aside and as an adult you become preoccupied with other things. Now I am retired I find I am questioning thing again….
As a devout Roman Catholic, of course, I must disagree with much of this, however I think there may be some truths here. We are speaking of very large issues. Judeo-Christianity claims to be nothing less than the revelation of our Creator to His creation, a seamless story. It is important that we get it right. I would simply ask those seeking truth to pray on it. As an educational exercise, I would also recommend attending a Tridentine Latin Catholic Mass in your area (the Mass which goes back centuries, rather than the “Novus Ordo,” started in the 60’s). I write this with respect for all and thanks to Howdie for all your good work and encouragement through these insane times. I thank this community for treating me also with respect.
Just another word or 2: The Novus Ordo is fine, but you will get more authentic Catholicism typically at a traditional Mass. It is disappointing when I see many remarks about Catholicism which betray ignorance of what is really taught and lived by true Catholics. For more info, if you wish to better inform yourself, I would recommend the following websites: (a Catholic truther blog)
Thank you very much for this series. Most grateful.
I have lived in France and visited often in the last 10 years. I returned to the UK.
The main issue I have with the thesis is the distinct coldness to all things in France. Does not feel Godly at all to me, at least.
Pick any random town or city in France and do a ‘for sale’ search. The way the French live is very very very basic. Not in a minimalist type of way but poor quality, poor vision, poor design >> lack of self-respect kind of way. Try Lourdes or Tarbes and take a look inside the homes, look at the streets.
There is something soulless about France which makes it difficult to grasp it as the Holy Land. It feels dead to me, the people feel dead to me. Italy on the other hand has SOUL. Switzerland has SOUL – either of those nations I could see being Holy Land.
The French do not respect themselves. As strange as that hear but they just don’t.
Again, thank you. I am very grateful.
I just want to point out a couple of things about the Gospels. Only Matthew and Luke give birth narratives. Read the first 2 chapters of Matthew then compare it to the the first 2 chapters of Luke, they are irreconcilably different. Matthew says that Herod ordered the killing of the boys 2 years old and younger. Luke says Jesus was born after the death of Herod. There are a number of biographies of Herod the great, none of them mention this slaughter and history has him dying in about 4 BCE. Matthew says the three of them fled southeast to Egypt because Joseph was warned in a dream. Luke has them going north to the temple in Jerusalem to offer the required sacrifice and while there 2 prophets brought much attention to them. Also Herod was in Jerusalem. The genealogies are completely different, even the number of generations is massively different! The only mention of a virgin birth is found in these two narratives, nowhere else in the Bible. There’s more. I’m not sure if Jesus existed at all but I am sure that I don’t trust the Bible as we have it as reliable history. Read Jason Kerrigan’s Jesus Was Not Born Of A Virgin and Bart Ehrman’s Jesus Interrupted and his book Forged.