The next of the series as we seem to be heading towards another level of the war, and possible a greater level of world chaos. This video is asking again for the best use of our time, what we would tell to someone in 1939 Poland, and laying out some of the ideas I shared with Cambell in a Spiral Up interview coming next week in which I talked about seeing the future and the past in completely different ways. Maybe that is how we should be best using our current allotment of time? I am curious as to what all of you suggest.
Some of the interviews below
Spiral Up (should be there by the 10 or 11 of Nov)
Veritas Radio
Sam Tripoli (some have asked again for the link)
…now I have to ponder…if in 30 days…what wou|d I do?…Thank you and take care 🙂
Thought provoking stuff, I agree with your thoughts on future and the past.
Thanks Howdie, plenty to ponder with the thoughts you’ve shared about time. Cheers, K
Maintenance of the Present in the realm requires the most energy/attention/focus: yet as you point out, we spend much of our time worrying/hoping about the Future and feeling guilty/nostalgic about the Past. Your discussion on Spiral up has stayed with me, so this “continuance” is appreciated. 🙂 I too, view time as flowing “backwards” and often “sideways”, yet have my garlic planted already. 🙂
Be well H.M.
Truth in literature?
George Orwell (1984) –
‘There is a Party slogan dealing with the control of the past,’ he said. ‘Repeat it, if you please.’
“Who controls the past controls the future: who controls the present controls the past,” repeated Winston obediently.
“Who controls the present controls the past,” said O’Brien, nodding his head with slow approval. ‘Is it your opinion, Winston, that the past has real existence?’ …
O’Brien smiled faintly. ‘You are no metaphysician, Winston,’ he said. ‘Until this moment you had never considered what is meant by existence. I will put it more precisely. Does the past exist concretely, in space? Is there somewhere or other a place, a world of solid objects, where the past is still happening?’
‘Then where does the past exist, if at all?’
‘In records. It is written down.’
‘In records. And- ?’
‘In the mind. In human memories.
‘In memory. Very well, then. We, the Party, control all records, and we control all memories. Then we control the past, do we not?’
Haruki Murakami (Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman: 24 Stories)
“Dreams come from the past, not from the future. Dreams shouldn’t control you–you should control them. ”
Shakespeare (The Tempest, Act 2 Scene 1)
“Whereof what’s past is prologue; what to come, in yours and my discharge.”
WOW!! Whats your channel brother?? Took me 3 or 4 times but the Shakespeare wtf!?lol
You mean Francis bacon and the spear-shakers 😉 – Shakespeare was likely not written by Shakespeare – seems like it was something produced by bacon and other members of his brand of writing bros – who were all heavily into mysticism and occult knowledge etc. – Shakespeare seemed to be a way to influence the language and somehow influence the created future reality.
Right this idea of the past and our memories are very clearly linked- how much of the past is simply a memory- or even an implanted “backstory” as for the robots of Westworld
You nailed it! They manipulate our future by getting enough minds to believe their narrative of the past. Collectively our consciousness creates reality. Perhaps it’s important for Howdie to continue to talk about the World Fairs and impossible architecture to expose the lies – that would change the fake past and consequently, the future they have tried to influence.
But it is also as Matt warns us: we don’t need to get distracted by the details of who done it and how. Just expose the lie and find the truth they meant to hide from us.
Do what you’re passionate about. Spend time building a life outside of the system obviously. Spending time with a warm woman can’t be a total waste if you’re lucky enough to find one not batshitty. Fires and food and friends if you’re the social type. Learn farming and how things work. Just because the system is dying doesn’t mean you have to with it. Disconnect, I’ll come show you how. Find like minded people and make your own community. Learn archery, go camping, dance around a fire in the woods. The world will go on long after the beast is gone.
A great list of instructions
Yep. Couldn’t have said it better.
I’ve been looking at old photo albums of my life recently. Mostly I wanted to see how real the old photos looked on the off-chance this is some sort of Westworld implanted memory situation — and perhaps I could spot an anomalous detail. Remember that scene in The Truman Show where they’re looking at old photos and Truman notices that Mount Rushmore looks like a set? Anyway, I think you’re on to something 100% here Howdie!
Have you bumped into anything odd in the photographs? Curious.
Hello Friends, At this moment I have to ponder who am I that I understand any of the concept you have just laid out. Or who are we I just wouldn’t want to cut down any geniuses that are here which I am certainly not. Your concept is mind blowing and my understanding what you are laying down is blowing my mind as well. I kind of don’t know my left from my right at times yet this concept as you diagram it I completely follow. Not only that it seems darn logical and possible to implement . AND would explain all kinds of Mandela effected things. -BORU
Matt at quantum of conscience mentioned something about the fact that these past events are just now popping up. World fairs, mud flood, tartaria, titans false history, etc It’s like we are creating the past which fits in with your idea. the more we look into these events, they are there when they were weren’t before.
Perhaps there is a causality link- however I knew about the fairs 30 years ago, i just never found any interesting reason to study them. As such I don’t think these events are “created” now, instead I see it more like a current zeitgeist where the prevailing energy of the times wants us to study deeply the recent past- it was always there to see, just no one was looking till now- and then of course the more you look, the more you find.
Very much my current experience, the inner voice is telling me to focus on present/past connections (inner work) and give up usual tendencies to think about the future….. thank you for this talk
Wow what a cool thought process. This really resonates. Often times in my life my experience is better when I have an “aww Fu*k it” attitude. Not in a giving up kind of way, but a a way where I don’t care about the future at all and the present is just fine the way it is. This experience is a roller coaster and we’ll all be at the end of the ride soon, laughing at the picture of our fearful faces caught on camera on one of the downhill slopes.
Really enjoyed this discussion, Howdie.
As for the hypothetical conversation with a friend in 1939 Poland – I’d tell them it’s time for a change and to leave Poland. I’d ask them to leave with me to somewhere else like Switzerland or North America. Interesting hypothetical as I imagine if my friend were all-in and invested in society, they’d think I’d sound like a crazy person or alarmist prepper of sorts.
I have found more and more over the past few months that the big themes I used to chase no longer catch my attention: shape of the realm, historical timelines, architecture, etc, etc. Looking forward to more discussions with yourself and Cambell as well.
Re: past, present, and future – there’s one quote attributed to The Hagakure that I keep in mind daily:
I like to think that somehow, somewhere, right now, the author Tsuramoto Tashiro is chatting with Yamamoto Tsunetomo and Tsunetomo is saying this and trying to explain the importance of the passage. I imagine that as I focus on the passage and live it, the passage hardens in importance for Tsuramoto, Yamamoto, and myself.
Thanks for this. My healing modality Holographic Kinetics Does this very thing asking à persons spirit to go back to a seminal event see how It impacted the past present and future and blow all that off the timeline then create à new event and integrate that past present and future into the new timeline. It is unique and powerful and It would not surprise me if its use was having à Major impact on the big picture. Coming from Australian original culture It might also explain the extreme measures being implimented there.
Jay, I’m so glad you mentioned this. I have had HK with Steve Richards, and had the energy of various traumatic events (and the ‘tag ons’ associated) removed from my timeline. I was too tired to write a comment here last night after watching Howdie, but was going to make a comment this morning about HK, but you beat me too it!! .
Jay thanks for passing along this info to me. I looked into Holgraphic Kinetics and of course I get curious about new things i have never heard of and of what is possible. IF you have my email please drop over a mail to me so I can have a bit more of a discussion on this point with you. Cheers
As long as we are able, in the future, to tell history in truth it will be learned otherwise we return to this and more.
I agree, back to basics, that’s my choice.
I want to enjoy all of my experience but I won’t let my guard down.
I think it would be beneficial to discuss spiritual, mental, and even physical fitness/resilience. These things are connected and affect our ability to stand up for what is right. This physical life may be a construct of our minds, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it is meaningless. I think there is a spiritual correspondence to this life we are living on earth and the moral decisions that we make affect this spiritual correspondence.
In this earthly life it seems that the greatest struggle is freedom versus slavery. At every turn the worldly powers are encouraging (and sometimes coercing) us to give up our freedoms. Many people fear freedom because it is scary, there is no insurance, there are no guarantees, and it can be very uncomfortable at times. The worldly powers offer comfort, convenience, and safety in place of our freedom.
Additionally we must live moral lives because this affects our spiritual body (and possibly many other things). As a starting point, the golden rule is undeniably true. if we don’t want our free will violated then we must not violate another person’s free will. And we have no obligation to allow anyone to violate our free will.
thnx howdie!! most worthwhile thing i’ve listened to in awhile. would be amazing to actually try a different approach and i too would rather do nothing else then make some attempts at alchemy excercise with you all thinking the same:)
exhausted from the endless looping and
does not feel much like things will change ahead here so we must get out!!!!!!
now with holidays coming round again and all people looking towards the party while in these times of great peril😳😳😳 jeeeeez it’s craaaazeeee brother,
will look forward to campbell talk.
Hi Howdie, I am definitely in agreement that the future may well be set and unchangeable so-to-speak. We cannot change the future when we don’t know the final outcome of what we see now, but we can go back and change the past where the outcomes are known. Change the outcomes of the past, and you change the present. I started work on this going off to sleep last night….and you confirmed my own thoughts with what you said about the Mandela thing. All very profound stuff. Looking forward to your spiral up talk with Cambell. Thanks Howdie!!
I’ve been stuck lately thinking exactly this. It’s tough to know how to make decisions about any future in the midst of a war. Certainly. Appreciate this discussion!
i would prob tell them the norm macdonald joke about a guy that walks into a store and asks for a polish sausage and the store owner says what are you pollish? no i’m not polish. then the store owner says well this is a hardware store.
When the reality started to really disintegrate end 2019, my first thought was I don’t want to be a distraction to others around me at this important juncture. So, I was going to radically alter how I lived (basically withdraw) so others could reflect, go within, and prepare to make these critically important choices soon to face us.
Didn’t take long looking around to see and feel nobody cared to do that. So I decided––not right action. Intuitively I was led to keep doing as I’ve always been doing, which was living conservatively but continuing to shine my light, and just keep showing to all who cared to look my love affair with Life (and, of course, its drinking buddy Death).
Nothing like civilization devolving into chaos, yet many who bask in the meaning-glow of this unstoppable, exciting and very anticipated shift in Epoch timelines.
Who gets harvested first from the wheat crop Bible parable?––the tares. In this upside-down/inside-out world like How-die? points out, we are those pesky, questioning-everything tares that get bundled up together and burned. The wheat heads for the gods’ do-over barn…
Thank you, Howdie. The way you described how the Mandela effect could work is very interesting. It’s similar to some thoughts that I had a long time ago, when I first learned what it was about. (Previously, I had chalked up everything to my memory being faulty.) It makes sense to me that these changes we notice are “side effects” of the more important changes. It’s a reverse of cause and effect, in a way. Changing these little
he things could be the way to get something big to change.
I guess I have to wait for the interview with Campbell to comment more on this topic. I find this discussion about time extremely fascinating. I have a few questions about how to change my past. How can I even begin to go about it? Why do I want to change my past? I have always been strong on being who I am because of my experiences leading up to where and who I am now. I may not like every choice I made and everything I experienced, but that was the point. My life was shaped by all of it. I had never had any desire to hop in a time machine and go “back to the future.” (Incidentally, that movie is an example of changing the past to effect the present.)
Perhaps, you are not talking so much about changes on a personal level, but as a society. To change our current condition in the world. If the influencers could do it, we could, too.
Neville Goddard had this idea that might be useful for some and that idea was to change your future you must change your past. To put it simply it was re-examining and reframing any events that had a negative or have continually had a negative impact on your every day life as well as your subconscious mind. Might be a way to dive deeper into this idea in the realm of retro causality. I believe Goddard believed that since time was internal that we could go in either direction to change the now. As Howdie suggested, perhaps going to the past and dealing with the known would be a better way to affect our collective future unknown.
“Revision, then, literally changes the past. It replaces what occurred in the outer world with the revised version. The revised scene then gives off its effect by going forth to change future events.”. – Neville Goddard
I am going to look into this person some, thanks for the pointer.
I understand re-examining and reframing. Shifting the perspective and asking what good also came from a difficult/sad/traumatic event could help you heal – and break out of the cycle of repeating the trauma. You would not be changing what happened rather how you understand it. However, that would change your future.
Revising sounds like what the Influencers do when they erase our history and replace it with one that suits them. That works for awhile but doesn’t change Truth. It just covers it up. It would affect the future for as long as the new narrative is upheld. But I am curious if using their method is appropriate. Does the ends justify the means? I’d like to understand this perspective better. Thanks
I had this spark of inspiration shortly after watching this – thanks Howdie!
Transhuman Code Discovered ~ Solution to ‘The Mystery of the Added 1000 Years’ ?
From Archaix we know that historical events occur in isometric patterns – like palindromes & like ripples on a pond. Similar events can be shown to occur both before & after a central date.
Most folks generally assume that causality flows from the past into the future & thus far we have been using past events to predict future ones.
What if future events can cause ripple events in the past?
What if the first digit of the century-dates on old maps, coins, documents, & buildings were originally drawn, stamped, & carved as 1’s & (consciously or unconsciously) we changed them?
Folks have been warning about a One World System encompassing & controlling all aspects of our lives for at least half a century. (One = 1)
The iMac was introduced in 1998. The iCloud was introduced in 2011. (i = IT)
IT is digital. (digit = 1)
IT is predatory & created a narcissistic ‘selfie’ generation, wooing them into ITs WebNet w/ a broad-spectrum, ego-boosting, validating iCampaign. (man = i)
Transhuman = transforming the natural man into the digital. (i à 1)
Notice the isometric pattern!
The 1’s of the past became i’s just as we became aware of The Singularity:
that point in time when i’s become 1’s.
This version of Retro-causality is familiar… very much recapitulation.
The perception of time can, however, shift again…. so that you might imagine a ‘horseshoe’ shape; whereby the past and the future are indistinguishable, and the apex of the ‘horseshoe’ is the present… the ‘will’.
I suppose one could also imagine a boat moving in water producing a wake that spreads across a triangular space at the rear of the boat… and looking forward on he boat would be futile, since there are no waves to watch there… (Stillness of No Time… already done as you said… nowhere to go).
And with this indistinguishable nature of past and future in hand, one could just as easily make the next shift… whereby changing the future is changing the past… since they are indistinguishable. In a sense, the difference between the words ‘present’ and ‘past’ become a false dichotomy… and what you are changing is the story you can see or remember.
…err correction… meant to say “the difference between the words ‘Past’ and ‘Future’ become a false dichotomy.”
…although, with that distinction in place (Present vs Past/Future), the next shift might actually be that the distinction between ‘Present’ and any time-bound distinction becomes a false dichotomy. Thus, not even the Present is a refuge.
…which might in turn be the equivalent of facing the the front of that hypothetical boat… at which point, futility might be such a bad thing… as we are often programmed to think.
Wow. I saw you talk with Sam tripoli. I felt compelled to track down you’re content. I’m completely fascinated.
so if time is working backwards why even contemplate the future? knowing our past may have bearing on what events are to happen, some things are certain during this happening one of which is consequences, although these are often not what we prefer they are usually fairly predictable (scripted) Maybe as the sun moves around it is projecting a script so when we move through the part we enter that is our experience or is it? when i was a child i feared this place! now i just witness it with attitude !
I really like how Howdie is phrasing this as a war and I also like that he is raising the issue of how we spend our time. This has been very much on my mind as well and I haven’t heard anyone else say this.
In terms of the past, I do think it is useful to come to terms with what we have done wrong and get right with God. In terms of the future, I personally am making plans to start an off-grid community. I don’t see how its productive to see the tsunami coming and do nothing. If not for yourself, for the vulnerable among us. But there has to be a balance of past, present and future. I am not saying we should be obsessed with the future or anxious about it. Slow and steady wins the race.
Great comment.
Thanks Howdie, first off. You said something that reminded me of something that I used to think about. It was that the present moment is the future self thinking back to it, I thought that intuition or gut feeling was just that. Your future self giving you a “nudge” in the right direction. We write off that occurrence as lucky or coincidence and pay it no more mind instead of strengthening that bond and developing it more. Thank you again my man.
I know some people post here who don’t have YT accounts, so I would like to share something after viewing Howdie’s video on Courage, where he talks about trusting yourself even if it doesn’t seem to make sense or benefit you in a worldly sense.
When masks are required, such as medical offices (in New York), I always wear a clear mask which I find more breathable and less dehumanizing. I also write something on it with a sharpie and put an intention that I am not part of the Satanic ritual. I went to see a new doctor and it started off bad when they wanted my email. I refused, there was a “to-do” and they finally said ok. Then the doctor saw me with the clear mask and said I had to put on a surgical one or leave. In other words, I was being refused important medical treatment unless I wore the mask she wanted me to. In that moment, my spontaneous response was to leave, which I did.
As soon as I got into my car, I was regretting it. I said to myself that I over-reacted and should have just put on the mask. But it was too late now, I wasn’t going back in. Now I had to find a whole new doctor. I wound up finding an amazing doctor who actually liked the clear mask and had a natural approach to medicine, which I prefer. He put me on some treatment which has worked great for me, rather than dangerous pills. I shudder to think what treatment I would have gotten with the other doctor, not knowing about the drug dangers that the new doctor told me about. I am glad I followed my gut and was true to myself in that moment.
Thanks Howdie for that great advice and like Matt always says, “Hold on to your humanity!”
My post might be in vain or go unread. But I’ll contribute something.
Normally would keep this to myself.
Was under spiritual attack some years ago. I was being beaten and for the first time was going to give up.
I had a vision next morning while I was in the most pitiful and lethargic state I had ever been in. Concise and skipping the drama, the vision was about what I could be in the future, interesting because I didn’t know if I had a future.
Next couple years I had teasing, real-time, vivid, measurable, experiences of fantastic things. Including experience of “future self”. I began to realize future self was helping me, in what I would think was backwards. But that’s just the perspective of the lens.
Later on, I learned how to do some of the same things. Some.
I went back to my younger self and saw that yes, this was possible. But I didn’t interfere with him/me.
I could say more but will keep it short.
Point is I know what you are saying is within possibility and, we may have no other choice but to figure it out.
But I also want to thank the poster, because there was some encouraging tidbits.
Let us heal the past.
Great post. Much love
Pretty soon after being released from prison in 2018, I became aware that most celebs are switched genders. I do not believe this was the case decades ago.
For example, when Friends was on tv in the 80’s & 90’s, Jennifer Aniston WAS female.
I believe the celeb gender switch happened in our lifetime.
I got 2 theories:
1. we switched timelines or popped into an alternate universe somehow, sometime, or
2. something happens in the future which causes them to switch genders, resulting in a retrocausality effect.
Hmmm, OR perhaps it’s both?
Perhaps in the future, we pop into an alternate timeline or universe which then causes the gender changes to reflect back retroactively!
Q: has anyone attempted to track The Simpson’s episodes as they are released so as to PROVE they are actually predicting future events OR do we only find those predictions AFTER events occur?
Theory: the “predictions” in Simpson’s episodes are not actually there BEFORE events happen, & can only be found AFTER events, which then CAUSE changes to certain Simpson’s episodes, retro-actively.
I was trying to find your email….. This feels safer than youtube though… Im recommending a movie its called ‘timeline’ and it seems like a movie i wouldve heard of but i dont remember ever hearing about it… it’s pretty bad to like the point of fishiness…anywho the synopsis is that an archaeologists son has to travel back in time to help save his dad who went through a wormhole … he travels back to 14th century france.. which I looked up and apparently their ficitional city is based on the dordogne valley area… seems like you’re the guy to take a look at this one… there’s definitely things that jump out to me. but for the sake of spoiler alerts I will wait and see what happens
I really appreciated your take on this via a spiritual nature. Thanks so much for addressing this. I was distracted by a few different things and your reminder to reflect on what’s happening within me re-directed me back to what’s important for this story we found ourselves in.