Sharing the next step on the Spiritual Warfare journey, that is chapter 3 of A. Huxley’s book “Brave New World Revisited” which came out in 1957. In it 30+years after writing BNW he discusses just how much of what he was writing was already becoming true.

That is in 1957. What is says is quite relevant to where we are today.
We can use Huxley’s guidance here to understand that the “download” that has happened in our time might be, and how we might be able to get out of it. I called it a type of quicksand that everyone seems to think is beach sand. So those who “see” are leaving the quicksand while those who don’t are sinking- all the while thinking they are in the Caribbean on vacation. 

Howdie Mickoski

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Terry Grimes
Terry Grimes
3 years ago

Heh, this is very on-point, especially for me personally. I haven’t read this book, but I was basically explaining the same concepts to my wife just a few days ago. Human nature seems to lead to the development of systems of service that eventually we become slaves to, and technology is the tool that allows this to happen. We establish communities, to help us survive and procreate, but the larger they get, the more the emphasis shifts from protecting the people to protecting the system itself. It’s not a grand conspiracy of control (though obviously smaller conspiracies with specific agendas can benefit from it), it’s more of the logical consequence of organization. I too think that massive cities are one of the final symptoms of a sick civilization that has grown too large. The change from direct democracy to a representative one is a step which impact can’t be overstated. Once a person needs to join a group to have their opinions heard, their opinions adapt to fit the group and they’ve sacrificed a degree of personal sovereignty, which is a very slippery slope. Obviously, greed, ego, and the desire for power helps fuel the proliferation of these systems… Which is again, part of human nature. We are all responsible for the situation we find ourselves in and only personal accountability can get anyone out of the quicksand.

It seems pretty clear that this is a cycle that repeats… The only question is the extent of it. Even the mainstream historical narrative acknowledges a more technologically, organizationally advanced antiquity, with large population centers, and then a period where those systems collapsed, followed by a “dark age” where there were less centralized infrastructures, and more small communities with their own set of rules. How close the “fall of the Roman Empire” is to our current situation is very debatable, even down to the technology used. I can’t help but think about how many “rare earth minerals” that are fundamental to building computers and other related tech are found in very specific locations, but in large proportions. Then I think about what a people, a thousand years in the future, would be able to mine from the remains of a city like NYC, if it was destroyed and left to nature to reclaim… “all of this has happened before…”

jeanett bates
jeanett bates
3 years ago

I looked up at my job one time at the crowd of people standing in lines with that slaughterhouse cow look on all their faces. It was like a very real wave of our desperation and resignation washed over me. I was there just like in quicksand with them. None of us escaping the psychic pull, I was getting paid to be there, and they believed they needed what I was there to sell. I think standing in lines for any reason is the physical part of the mind control training. Remember the people standing on x’s and dots in the plandemic training last year? I saw muzzled people standing on dots in 90 degree weather to wait outside to go in stores. I’ve noticed this blank stare on people at banks, amusement parks, grocery stores, the department of Motor Vehicles, even at a Renaissance Festival. Not new. The world is organized (WHO?) as if our minds are parasitized by an insect intelligence. Find a video about parasitic wasps or processionary caterpillars, crabs in a bucket, lobster traps etc. to get the gist of it. To me, one physical defense is to refuse to stand in lines or on their stupid dots for any reason. Refuse to comply, adhere, obey or whatever word they make up. Think hard about any order or request they make before doing what I’m told.

3 years ago
Reply to  jeanett bates

Excellent observations and so accurate…..we are trained with repetition…this is all by design and just knowing in your mind you DO NOT comply is a lift of the spirit as I will not comply in 99% of situations…but in fact, recently I needed to register a vehicle and the aggression of the enforcement, the dots on the floor, the NOW armed guards at a USA motor vehicles…tells you everything. Yet, when protesting…you are the we are our own gatekeepers. But for some reason most do not see.

3 years ago

Hi everybody! I think you would appreciate and enjoy Karlyn Borysenko’s video “Unscrewed 3: How much sympathy is too much sympathy”, a dialogue with Truman (seriously!!!). They aren’t fully qoke yet but within physical normalcy are wide awake and their discussion is not unlike our own. 100% soul guarantee or your money back!

Jesus loves you!

Sarah Joshua
Sarah Joshua
3 years ago

Thanks for sharing! I always appreciate finding new people with good hearts!

Daniel Montoya
Daniel Montoya
3 years ago

Interesting presentation, thanks for posting. Look forward to future videos!

Pete Gray
Pete Gray
3 years ago

Thanks so much for this Howdie! And i love your mug 😉

Gregory West
Gregory West
3 years ago

I can totally see this playing out, especially with the unvaxxed. I think we’ll have a Hunger Games situation where people live in their smart cities, and the great unwashed are “forced” to live in squalor outside the “safety” of the city walls. Little do they know, we’ll be much happier out there. I think most people want to just be left alone, and the small communities will form just to make it a bit easier to live off the land. All these apocalyptic shows make it seem it will be a MadMax scenario making people afraid to actually life free like we are supposed to be doing.

Christy Ceraso
Christy Ceraso
3 years ago

The Huxley’s were Fabian Society They wanted what he was writing about. It was their plan for society.

Last edited 3 years ago by Christy Ceraso
Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago is the brave New World. Thanks Rob

Ashman Mann
Ashman Mann
3 years ago

Its …  National Disc Golf Day. Enjoy nature and the trees in your local park.

Will Youngblood
3 years ago

The Walton part with the ants is an epic story on exactly how programmed societies work!!!

3 years ago

what’s to be said of those who recognize they’re being “played” yet accept/allow themselves to be “played”, I think there’s an equal arrogance/ignorance involved with those who do recognize, you kind of blew by the subject in saying there are some who actually live on the fringe yet are reeled in OR think they are “detached” when they are at best on the fringe and would easily be reeled in if and when necessary

3 years ago

People don’t show any sympathy at all any more. An 18 year old in London left her 19 month old daughter alone for 6 days. The awful girl returned and wondered why her daughter was dead. She couldn’t understand why her daughter was dead or why the police were blaming her. The awful girl felt no empathy or understood that the baby needed to be cared for. I believe that we’ve already been genetically engineered to have no empathy. Or hypnotised. Every family on the street that I live has a child with some mental problem like ADHD or autism. I see it in my own daughter with the way she doesn’t have empathy for anyone but herself.

Well done to this man for taking the time to make this video and to all those that took the time to watch the video. When the west collapses, which it will, it will be those that watched this video and the rest on freevoice that will come out the other side.

mags trendkill
mags trendkill
3 years ago

thank you. that was very interesting. i listened 3 times.

David Ashcroft
David Ashcroft
3 years ago

Its this realisation that is the awakening itself. You have to see the ridiculous the crazy to move on. Leave it all behind.

dag b
dag b
3 years ago

i hope i get a reminder of u 2 when u post something new in mail.

Gavin S
Gavin S
3 years ago

Please upload this video too.

Judy Harrigan
Judy Harrigan
3 years ago

Hi Howdie, I can’t seem to play this video but I can play all of your other videos on this platform. Any idea why?

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago
Reply to  Judy Harrigan

I have the same problem.

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago

Was this video taken down? I missed it when it came out originally, and I was going to watch it now. Is it on YouTube now?

Shinso The great
Shinso The great
3 years ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

I’m also having the same issue . Was anyone able to find a solution ?

Rachel V K
Rachel V K
3 years ago
Reply to  Rachel V K

I’m glad that I kept checking back and found I was able to watch this video.
Thank you, Howdie. There is a lot to think about. I wrote down a few things. I hope that you will continue with this book.
Interesting, I re-read “Brave New World” very recently. Actually, I listened to the audio book.
I can relate very much to your story of living in Toronto and the people getting off the train. And I have always been adverse to being pigeonholed as a certain type or category. This had given me problems when taken the extreme, though. I realized that I did need to be part of something. I just haven’t found the right place yet. This online community is great, though.
Thank you for suggesting “Walden.” I started it years ago and I just never got back to it.
Thank you. I enjoy your videos here and on YouTube.

stephen spicker
stephen spicker
3 years ago

sorry – video will not play?

Jay Gray
Jay Gray
3 years ago

It may be that Huxley and Orwell could write books like this as they were already in on the plan being members of the Fabian Society and the Club of Rome. So I suppose they knew the game plan and there has been nothing which has happened to stop that plan unfolding.

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